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Anonymous 11/11/2023 (Sat) 09:33:13 No.7178 [Reply]
I miss the old prerendered look.
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>>7355 FF7 certainly is special because it was Square's very first 3D game so it caries a very particular atmosphere about it.
>>7178 lost artform
>>7178 Am I a schizo or did Kamui or whatever - the game where you play as Yoshitsune - also had prerendered backgrounds?
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>>7481 Genji? No, it's fully 3D.
>>7178 The best Fixed camera and pre-rendered backgrounds It was like being personally pampered Someone took time out of their life to ensure a perfect shot and beautiful vista Games which suddenly move the camera to a more efficient point of view to better understand puzzles or platforming sections are cool too We dropped all of that for waypoints, yellow paint and detective vision Life is fucking sour

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Shitch 2 Anonymous 02/28/2023 (Tue) 21:04:42 No.1017 [Reply] [Last]
Will it just be a hardware update or will they actually go with a new gimmick? I assume the former since it's presented as a new shitch and not a new console. With that in mind, will Soytendo ever make a new console or are they content with selling glorified ram updates at full price every 5 years? The money certainly flow, why bother trying.
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>>9118 Such tragedy, now I won't be able to buy Soyda DLC #3 for $70 for whole another year!
>>9120 Nintendo peaked at GBA. Back when Zelda was dungeons and not twinkbait soyshit sandbox that the cat shit in. And back when Nintendo cared about other franchises that weren’t bingbing wahoo or Pokeslop.
>>9121 Gamecube broke them.
>>9123 Physically or mentally?
>>9135 Both. Literally.

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Post about a game that you recently finished Anonymous 01/25/2023 (Wed) 18:12:38 No.265 [Reply] [Last]
Bonus points if you can elaborate on why you liked or disliked it.
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i love video games.
>>7631 The two I knew about for GG were "Defenders of Oasis" and "Royal Stone" there was also a Gundam game I played to completion (either untranslated or I don't think story driven) and I also enjoyed briefly I think was called "Gamble Panic" There was just not a lot on the Game Gear that came out in the West that I could sample, without romhacking translation efforts that've since come to pass
>>8393 Game Gear was pretty cool in the day, but they didn't make enough unique games for it, and the ones they did are kinda stuck in that intermediate zone of not being as good as full-on 16 bit games.
>>8390 Yes.
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Eternal Ring – I haven’t played the King’s Field series yet but from what I can tell this is basically King’s Field lite. This was a PS2 launch title and I don’t know whether FromSoftware wanted to or were asked to coincide the game with the launch, or whether they were testing 6th gen waters before the next mainline installment. Either way it’s pretty bare bones. The game’s main gimmick is a ring crafting system which is probably its best aspect; it’s pretty in-depth and satisfying: making rings, finding rings; rings with offensive spells, rings with defensive spells, status rings, there’s a lot to experiment with. The rings all also have very nice image renders. Other than that there’s really not much else to do, the game is pretty short and not particularly well designed; yeah it’s tough but also very primitive and easily exploitable - nothing can stand up to your circle strafing. The visuals are pretty weak and in fact the game kinda looks worse than King’s Field 3 on PS1, both in terms of art direction as well as actual tech. The game just has no mood or style to it at all. There’s also a plethora of bugs, with my favorite being projectiles hitting you through walls and ceilings. It’s so unfair I almost kinda like it, it completely changes the conventional vidya dynamics – “you thought you were safe behind that wall, faggot? Wanted to heal and regroup? Think again!” I did however like the HUD and UI, they are well designed and crisp. Despite the instruction manual and the game itself lying to you that the analog controls are supported, they are in fact not so you have to play with a d-pad and with PS2’s pressure sensitive buttons you have to jam hard the directional button for hours; my thumb needs an extensive therapy now. The music is pretty weak, it’s completely inappropriate 90% of the time with the same limp loop playing ad nauseam. Even no music at all would be a better choice. The story is barely present and sadly is also not very interesting, there’s just nothing to work with here. No good lore™ or anything either. You might be thinking I hated the game but despite all that I still enjoyed it, there’s a certain charm to playing something so hardcore and archaic, I just wish there was some incentive to play it other than meta. King’s Field 3 and 4 look much better in that aspect so maybe they are what I'm looking for.

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Splinter Cell remake will update the story for a modern-day audience Anonymous 07/09/2023 (Sun) 14:08:19 No.4248 [Reply]
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is it still happening?
No such thing as a modern audience. There's only modern political agendas.
>>9051 There's something extra cynical about a Splinter Cell demake with a political agenda since the games were all about uncovering political agendas.
>>4267 True, no one can complain about the game being a pile of shit when the developers are already advertising the game as a pile of shit
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>>9068 I can.

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Which is the most Aethestic Tekken? Anonymous 02/14/2023 (Tue) 23:30:08 No.608 [Reply] [Last]
Also fightan vidya thread. Why are fightan vidya dead anons?
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>>8598 very problematic
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Tekken won.
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Coomers BTFO
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GTA and GTA accessories Anonymous 03/24/2023 (Fri) 10:14:22 No.1678 [Reply] [Last]
>GTA6 to have 12 towns But it's gonna be woke on the other hand. Since GTA games are so modable maybe people will unwoke it in a year.
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>>8053 >Skyrim made by NuRockstar
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Translation: the game is a hot mess
>>8972 > 'optimized creatively' So, is this something similar to the j*ws they do a little 'creative accounting'?
>>8972 They can add even more negroes.
>>8972 >errs on the side of perfection Except when it comes to gameplay, character design, world design, sound track, every aspect of writing. I'm sure it'll be well optimized slop. >>8973 >jews are the biggest reason for anti-semitism Yeah, no shit.

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Anonymous 06/04/2023 (Sun) 18:59:55 No.3458 [Reply]
I find it strange that this absolute clunker of a game, and there is literally not a single thing in it that works right, still somehow manages to be this comfy unforgettable experience I keep coming back to. What is it about it? Also, dinosaur vidya thread.
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>>7738 >>7765 $20 says one of the lead writers looks a lot like this creatura ```for some reason```.
>>7839 Yeah for sure this is the lead diversity consultant on the game.
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>finally, a new Jurassic Park (not World) game >it's this
comy dino time
>>7738 >>7765 Is that Mia Klalifa? A game with Sasha when?

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Souls Slop: another one's comin' Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 17:19:32 No.4287 [Reply] [Last]
Doesn't this man want to do something else?
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>>8925 >made by the only race that can rival jews in soulless greed Japs are the jews of the orient.
>>8925 >>8927 I disagree personally. The based Nipponese have, until quite recently, been rather open about access to many forms of IP, and rather lax about things like copyright enforcements. During the last 10 years or so, the globohomo kikes have gone into overdrive focusing on corrupting Japan, now that they (think) they have the Western Tradition in the bag, so to speak. No doubt, the US$Bn's of Kikerock ESGbuxx are in fact corrupting the shite out of asian vidya studios now, there are still some holdouts. Now, if you'd said the based CHINESE, OTOH... heh. :^) Still, better than the kikes after all.
>>8927 an extreme understatement for jews, the yapanese are an inferior but tolerable race that is what makes them so dangerous
>>8929 > Item A < -will absolutely kill both you and everone nearby, if you push the big button > Item B < -could potentially kill you and one or two others, if you push the big button (and are unlucky) > ITEM B IS CLEARLY MORE DANGEROUS! ???
>>8930 where does it say more the jew feigns loyalty but the slant eye feigns meekness

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Anonymous 05/13/2023 (Sat) 10:17:07 No.2936 [Reply]
More games should have this concept.
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I love elfus anons.
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>>4170 Who doesn't.
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>>3084 Repulsive creatures

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Anonymous 12/09/2023 (Sat) 15:08:26 No.7778 [Reply]
>modern game has a "minimalistic" UI with stock white font and black/white opaque rectangles Instant into the trash. Man, what the fuck happened to game UIs? They used to be elaborate, cool and fun. Having as much iconic gusto to them as the game itself, adding to the atmosphere and the overallexperience. Nowadays it seems they're trying to make games as forgettable as possible even down to most basic minute features.
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>>8843 Believe it or not, each costs $70.
>>8842 You can tell these old fucks that all day but they think every zoomer was born in like 2008
>>8847 >doesn't know what a zoomer is
>>8848 I think i would nigger considering I was born in 2002 and played shit tons of classic games growing up, seethe old man
>>8845 Coincidence? I think (((not)))

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