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Anonymous 03/08/2023 (Wed) 17:01:58 No.1241 [Reply] [Last]
Why are coomlectors so eager to line their shelves with mediocre games or complete crap? Why waste the money? A small collection of games you actually like is way more pleasing to own and says more about you as a person than a wall of horseshit sports and movie games etc. ever could.
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So, are these assholes the reason so many old games have their prices jewed-up?
>>9037 Yes. Demand generates supply.
>>9020 You just know this faggot haven't played a video game in his life.
>>9038 I figured. It's not like these soydrinkers will ever even play them.
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Anonymous 06/05/2023 (Mon) 19:34:09 No.3474 [Reply]
Remember VR?
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>>8076 I mean, it was. For a year.
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>>9380 I don't even remember the last time anyone mentioned VR. Another dead gimmick.
>>9380 Wasn't even aware soyny was doing VR shit.
>>9406 You just weren't around for late 2019 and early 2020!

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Tomb Raider thread Anonymous 03/11/2023 (Sat) 12:10:36 No.1312 [Reply] [Last]
Which had the best puzzle design?
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>>9109 Anyone who helps to fund this deserves all the soy they can swallop.
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>>9147 Now that's sexo
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>remaster of PS fucking 1 games >full of bugs and glitches

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Elder Scrolls Thread Anonymous 02/11/2023 (Sat) 15:51:57 No.536 [Reply] [Last]
Todd is lying about ES6 again but what is your favorite Elder Scrolls game? Mine is Oblivion. Now I know what yo be sayun, and I know all about its shortcomings but to me it's also the comfiest in the series with the art direction and the atmosphere it's going for. Also it's pre-NuBethesda so it's still more related to the previous games rather than trying to streamline and simplify everything to appeal to normalcattle.
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>>8377 Kek. The absolute state of Airstrip One. BTW, lest we get too haughty... the UK is simply a testbed for the kikes as a dry-run for the Great Replacement. Make no mistake, they mean to do far worse to you & yours, Anon. >But... jokes on them in the end, heh. :D*
>>8377 >>8378 >roastie reports "friend" thotwife to the state for werewolves being more attractive than niggers >state sends PC kiddyfiddler to spend hours playing dud casualgames on her laptop instead of doing any policing >meanwhile redditgey makes use of expert tumblr-kin legal assistance, accuses the popo of bullying super special rainbow protected buttstretched poofder >"Uh sorry, while charges are not currently being considered, laptop needs to be retained in case of further evidence coming to light" What did we fight two world wars for?
>>8385 >What did we fight two world wars for? So kikes can steal, rape and murder with impunity.
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You. I've seen you. Let me see your face. You are the one from the wanted posters. STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM

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Comfy edition Anonymous 04/05/2023 (Wed) 06:39:04 No.2117 [Reply] [Last]
Games that always had that comfy feeling. What is your go-to comfy game?
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>>8511 What is the first pic from?
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>>9362 c'mon anon

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Fumito Ueda's next game Anonymous 12/09/2023 (Sat) 06:00:09 No.7768 [Reply]
So a few people speculated that gen design was going to announce it's next project in 2023 based off some twitter post, but nothing was shown at TGS and 2023 is almost over. I know Ueda is working on something but do you think we will get any news in 2024? I just hope whatever it is it's similar to Ico.
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>>8196 >ico numake complete with cluttered ui Careful with your jokes, anon. It wouldn't be the first time image board shitposts about that sort of thing turned real. You forgot the prompts to spend money on microtransactions.
>>8196 Needs an achievements pop-up for every mundane thing.
>>8196 kek
>Fumito Ueda taps into full power autism >Creates a massive, connected, logical and "lived in" map >Plans to fill it with giant monsters but has to cut back to 16 >Leave some parts of the map empty(er) >Traumatizes millenials for life searching for some meaning or purpose to all the empty space
>>8913 >shitty gaijin demake ruins it by creating the "purpose"

Cancelled Games Thread Anonymous 02/08/2023 (Wed) 17:38:17 No.439 [Reply] [Last]
What cancelled games are you pissed off never came out? So unbelievably pissed off this got canned. It had a story approved by Russel and Carpenter and it would have been hilarious to see Solid Snake compete with the franchise he was cloned from. Curious why this game would get so far only to be shitcanned. Surviving footage implies it was pretty far along (and it looked fun). https://youtu.be/o-vp_8s7--Q It was planned by Namco to be a big series with multiple games, then poof, it was gone. I suspect licensing issues. The Thing game was pretty good, and clever. It probably wouldn’t have been some 9/10 experience but I loved 6th gen games based on 80s movies. There is a timeline where this came out along with a Big Trouble In Little China open world beat-em-up game and we don’t live in it. Every few years I remember this existed and then get pissed off we will never play it unless a developer build leaks.
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>>7242 Kamiya just trying to one up DMC in an open world is a game changer, if it was good. >>7244 Square Enix pay you, if you are a hired studio. if you are within the square enix family as one of the main studios, then you are fucked if you don't bring a seller and they've used more money than the game was worth. Forspoken team learned that the hard way.
>>7264 >Kamiya just trying to one up DMC in an open world is a game changer Not really. It's a step back if anything.
I often wonder about the many casualties of the 64DD's failure. The Earthbound 64 prototype and Ura Zelda are probably the most well known DD projects, but I really want to know about Fire Emblem: Maiden of Darkness. It eventually became the GBA game Fire Emblem: the Binding Blade, but I still would love to know how different the game was going to be. That, and the cancelled Fire Emblem Wii game we know nothing about.
>>8470 It's not hard to imagine a Nintendo 64 version of any game. Probably would not have been too dissimilar from the Tear Ring Saga.
>>7227 All kino btw.

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Anonymous 08/16/2023 (Wed) 23:47:41 No.4998 [Reply]
Now that the dust has settled, what do you think of Wii?
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>>6105 even though I don't even care, this still feels like the end of the last remnant of the pre-CY era of gaming. RIP.
Come on now, the Wii? Wii don't got games! Nobody wants to play with them dildo controllers. I ain't playing games with no DEEL-DO.
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>>9255 Kino.
>>9255 i miss comfy games like that

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Concept Art Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 15:40:53 No.9031 [Reply]
Why is video game concept art always more interesting than the final version? No matter how good the game is, whenever you look at its initial concept art it's always way more fascinating. Is it just the technical limitation that forces to scale down on all the free-flowing idea spitballing or is it the inevitability of having to scale it down for a consistent, believable world? I always wanted a game where all the 'out there' concepts are actually implemented and not finalized into something more conventional.
Simple explanation: money. That is, much more money 'per frame' as it were, is poured into crafting the prototypical concept art, than can be done for the runtime environment.
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>>9033 >money I don't think so. They pour countless millions on poorly optimized garbage with 6 trillion polygons on a single sandwich. You can use half that effort to realize the wildest ideas in your game.
there are a few but ultimately a game must sell so making it too abstract and artsy is detrimental with normalfags
it's hard to pull off
>>9031 This is something they would only make in the late 90s/early 00s aka the golden age. Now everything is photorealism slop.

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Assassin's Creed Anonymous 10/15/2023 (Sun) 08:06:52 No.6312 [Reply]
So what was the original plan for Assassin's Creed before Ubisoft corporate interfered with Patrice Desilet? AC was supposedly a trilogy but Ubisoft wanted more games after AC2. It feels like Assassin's Creed III should have been: >Desmond was the main character after learning how to be an assassin by the bleeding effect >set in modern day totally rather than having any segments played in the past with the Animus so no Connor >Lucy would still have been alive >story would have concluded with Desmond activating the defense against the solar flare and destroying the Templar order I would've been happier with AC3 concluding Desmond's story much more conclusively. It does feel like the later games feel like they've been dragging the premise too much.
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I raffed.
>>9174 looks like a joke poster, but it's real
>>9185 It is a joke poster. Just not the kind of joke you mean. Everything is a joke in clownworld.
>>9187 true

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