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Anonymous 04/26/2023 (Wed) 17:54:26 No.2623 [Reply]
Why did the 3d platformer genre lose popularity in the 00's? Afterwards it was mostly licensed games chasing trends and then it all stopped entirely.
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>>5029 Numake incoming.
What was the last good 3D platformer?
>>7697 Gravity Rush?
>>7697 Ratchet and Clank 2.
>>3807 Kino.

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Sweet Baby Inc. CEO Kim Belair Speech Urged Employees To “Terrify” Video Game Companies If they don’t give them what they want Anonymous 03/07/2024 (Thu) 02:34:50 No.9592 [Reply]
Sweet Baby Inc. CEO Kim Belair Speech Urged Employees To “Terrify” Video Game Companies If they don’t give them what they want. https://archive.md/g60ji >Sweet Baby Inc. CEO Kim Belair makes it clear the purpose is to forget about gamers entirely and terrorize video game companies in a statement found on Twitter / X. It highlights their entire philosophy in a way which shows they shouldn’t be involved in any productions. >Sweet Baby Inc. garnered attention due to its involvement with the latest Rocksteady game, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. Much of the game’s content was criticized for its lack of respect towards the source material. The company has been associated with several other controversial games, including Starfield, Forspoken, Gotham Knights, Spiderman 2, and the reboot of Saints Row, which led to the closure of its development studio, Volition. A Steam user, Kabrutus, created a Steam Curator list titled “Sweet Baby Inc detected” which list tracks the games that Sweet Baby Inc is involved in and does not recommend them to followers. >Subsequently, an employee of Sweet Baby Inc, Chris Kindred, made attempts to have Kabrutus and his Steam Curator list, titled “Sweet Baby Inc detected,” removed. Kindred took to X to voice his concerns, stating, “The Steam curator harassment group, Sweet Baby Inc detected, is led by this person, kabrutusrambo. Here’s them trying to be slick so they don’t get reported. Even with the discriminatory language filed off, the group itself still fails the code of conduct.” Kindred then urged others to report the group, saying, “Anyway, report the group,” and concluded with, “And report the creator since he loves his account so much.” >Now people have found video clips of the CEO of Sweet Baby Inc, Kim Belair showing that bullying and terrorising tactics is nothing new to Sweet Baby Inc. Posting a clip from a game developers conference, X user GamesNosh exposed Kim Belair: “The Co-Founder of Sweet Baby Inc Kim Belair proudly explains the method she uses to force bosses at game studios to censor, alter, and “diversify” game projects she feels are problematic – “Terrify them” aka threaten them with the anger of the cancel culture mob.” >In the full video clip, Kim Belair makes clear that the Sweet Baby Inc. game dev philosophy is to forget about the core audience, force diversity into games, sneak it in there if necessary, and use terror tactics and threats if you don’t get your way. >Kim Belair said at the conference: “Create moments that are intentionally targeted and designed to create joy in the marginalized. They are going to appreciate this on a level that your core audience won’t, but it doesn’t mean you’re going to exclude your core audience.” >Kim Belair continued: “Also, don’t fall into this trap that I think a lot of people fall into, which is they think, “Okay, don’t worry.” We can include everyone by making this like a single default universal experience that is universally representative. Because usually, like all that means, as it did in the dating example, is that you’re aiming at your core demographic and you’re probably invisibly leaning towards the dominant societal voice, even if you don’t realize it. Um, and if you’re in development and you are part of that dominant voice, you’re like a cis-hetero white dude or just adjacent to that, do not wait until the end to call your consultants. Bring them in at the beginning.” >She added: “And instead of asking them, “Hey, is this very racist thing we did very racist or is this deeply offensive thing we did deeply offensive? Are you hurt by it?” Ask them what they want to see. Like, ask them what would thrill them, what would bring them joy. And if you have a team lead, put that request to them very, very early. If you’re a creative working in AAA, which I did for many, many years, put this stuff up to your higher-ups. And if they don’t see the value in what you’re asking for when you ask for consultants, when you ask for research, go have a coffee with your marketing team and just terrify them with the possibility of what’s going to happen if they don’t give you what you want.” >The statements by Sweet Baby Inc.’s CEO only make matters worse for the company which is already embattled in so many problems from the core audience who don’t want this nonsense in their entertainment.

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Why can't zoomers into game mechanics? Anonymous 05/27/2023 (Sat) 17:44:12 No.3305 [Reply] [Last]
No matter what, every zoomer I've seen on the internet seems to complain about older games being too difficult to get into, or too tedious and repetitive, but they don't make use of any of the games mechanics. Is it something about how zoomers are raised? Is it the instant gratification culture? What's going on with their damn brains? Have you noticed this in zoomers as well, anon?
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>>9523 >gaylo >even worse (((modern))) gaylo Can't say I'm surprised no one's mentioned it.
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>>9521 >i'm retarded so everything should be ugly Modern era summed up.
>>9523 >no one fell for You simply didn't use it right then, you were supposed to wait for someone to pop up on your radar then charge towards a corner they were about to appear from and activate the hologram then stop so it's the first thing they see and shoot at then you btfo them with a rocket or some shit.
>>9536 yea
>>9521 i hate normalfags so fucking much...

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Anonymous 03/16/2023 (Thu) 22:54:40 No.1436 [Reply] [Last]
>600 dollarinos were w-worth it Is 9th gen the most useless in existence? They still sell PS4 versions of games, three fucking years after PS5's release which is insane but shows you how little value there is in its purchase. And after 2 years the gen will be coming to an end. Will they be selling PS4 versions of games alongside PS6? Fucking lol.
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>>9565 Yeah but they're the type of people who buy a PS5 with a Soyjack face, so they would rather embellish the performance of the Soystation. If even those guys say its below 30, it's pretty much over.
>>9566 Good point. Actually if they embellish the nogames5's perfromance and they're saying it's average of 31fps, do you think it's significantly lower? Are we talking low-mid 20s?
>>9567 It definitely struggles to maintain even 30, that's for sure.
>>9567 considering all PS5 has are movie games where they cut off half the screen with black bars, it should at least do 35
>>9581 great generation

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Scam Citizen Anonymous 10/23/2023 (Mon) 15:28:54 No.6606 [Reply]
>a billion dollars and 20 years later >we get a video https://www.onion.tube/watch?v=IDtjzLzs7V8
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>>8226 not the game that's for sure
>>8226 The DNC.
>>8236 Ugh, pedocrats piss me off.
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AI and video games Anonymous 03/02/2023 (Thu) 20:54:05 No.1061 [Reply] [Last]
AI already cucks artists, can make porn and anime. Is there any application for vidya tho? >NPCs with AI >pattern recognition >behavior prediction >complex procedural generated levels >texture work >modeling
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>>2595 wow! a picture with perfect hands!!!
>>9499 >>pic is wrong, harvard should be on the right pane Heh, I nooticed that myself. I think the artist created that meme awhile back, when Ivy League unis still counted for something.
>>9498 is it over?
>>9502 It's over.
>>9504 drats, we had a good run

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Anonymous 02/12/2023 (Sun) 19:36:25 No.562 [Reply] [Last]
>remaking games that are already in HD and widescreen the absolute state
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>>7473 But it's in heych dee!
>>7472 Normalfags will defend this btw.
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>they're seriously remaking PS4 games
>>7475 Well, tendies will, at least
>it's been so long subhumans clammer for remakes of dogshit games that killed the medium

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Anonymous 06/11/2023 (Sun) 21:05:34 No.3788 [Reply] [Last]
See that moon? You can explore it.
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>>9461 The future = flop.
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>>9461 >for the record, i am coping, seething and dialating with the most wonderfully diverse team i've ever worked with Something tells me 41%, give or take of the team won't ever be work on another game.
>>9461 >sure this cesspool we made is disgusting and terrible beyond belief >but we made it with niggers and trannies and other aubhumans we prop up under the diversity umbrella They're like aliens, their brains simply don't form the same connections as sane non-retarded people.
>>9415 >photo mode Haha yeah that's what was missing.

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Metal Gear appreciation thread Anonymous 01/23/2023 (Mon) 21:55:23 No.208 [Reply] [Last]
>Discuss your favorite and least favorite games in the series >Post memes >Kojima is a hack
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>>9317 >troonjima lol
>>9317 it's over
Hideo Kojima quits after 99 confirmed sexual harassment incidents https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20240229/p2a/00m/0na/017000c
>>9375 creativedadbros...
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kong /meta Anonymous 01/26/2023 (Thu) 17:49:05 No.277 [Reply] [Last]
/meta, offtopic, & QTDDTOT you know the drill faggots
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>>9456 Star Wars are free? >>9457 Hopefully it stays that way.
>>9458 yus.
BO, are you around?
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>>9575 I'm still here, I did some general clean-up since a few threads weren't really related to vidya.

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