The >tl;dr is, AFAICT :
1. There was a billing mixup for Robi with the site backend provider.
2. Being full-on-kikes, they
immediately baleeted
everything as soon as the bill came overdue.
> Fair warning: Don't ever trust the Globohomo with your robowaifu's data!!
3. Robi only had backups of the text messages, not the files (too big a collection). He did still have files from back in September or so, however.
4. That means any more-recent files are gone. On the (potential) upside, if anyone here will (re)post those files on, say, /meta/ , that will make them reappear again everywhere here on alogs.space (including /robowaifu/ )...
5. Which brings me to
my screwup...I've been distracted by Uni & finals. I had a machine issue with the linux box that was doing
BUMP backups of /robowaifu/ . Due to pressures in my current environment, like a fool I never made the time to fix the issue. My last backup was probably 2 months ago -- I'm not sure yet.
6. Which further leads me to my hope that
any one of you Anons actually took my advice to have more than one of us making regular BUMP archives of the board.
IF NOT... then I'm afraid we've lost at least a couple month's files -- presuming they will not be found anywhere else.
Most disasters involving complex systems are a comedy of smol errors, that cumulatively leads to a big failure (cf.
>>4631 ).
Again, fair warning.
Regardless, I won't even really be able to look into my latest archive of the board for a few more days until Winter break. In the meantime I'm hoping one of you will come through for everyone as the hero we all need! Regards, Anons.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/18/2024 (Wed) 04:24:44.