>but has anyone discussed the home healthcare issue at length?
We've mentioned it on the occasion here, Anon. Personally, I'm quite well-aware of this topic, and of the Japanese government's national-level push to solve this issue for their aged/aging population (cf. pic-related :
>>35323 as an exemplar of just a smol portion of that research).
Of course both based China, as well as the degenerate west of today each have the same, impending, set of issues looming (as you already clearly pointed out).
* China is likely going to follow in some form or fashion in Japan's footsteps for the most part, I believe (soon to overtake them, then lead the world in this frontier arena).
* For the west however, AFAICT, the
(((Globohomo))) intends simply to kill off the majority of their intrinsic populations (at the very least to destroy
Whitey as
priority #1), and to manipulate the remaining survivors with FUD, extortion, and the threat of tortuous death in FEMA camps (or their equivalent in Europe/the Anglosphere). To wit:
a mud-colored slave race to populate their Filthy Commie's """Talmudic paradise""" is their insidious dream. [1][2]
These western globalists, these technocrats/oligarchs have no real interest in keeping your loved ones alive Anon, I'm very-displeased to say.
MAID at >50% of the population, anyone? [3]
Clearly, there is a tremendous opportunity
right now for entrepreneurs (both East & west) to fill this healthcare need. I plan to do so. With that thus-derived funding, and the already-in-place-design-and-engineering of such humanoid caretakers, it should be a relatively smol hop from there into production of full-blown open source robowaifus & kits for everyman around the planet.
From that point & thereafter, everything will change profoundly during
The Robowaifu Age!
Great post Anon, thanks! Cheers. :^)
1. For further contexts on these folks: read/watch
Animal Farm,
Logan's Run,
Brazil or many other dystopic works of
prophesy fiction.
2. Just like
Uncle Addy:
> "...Gradually I came to hate them." (the GH in this case, ofc)
> "May their curses all fail, and may every stone they try to roll down upon us, all roll back upon their own heads instead!!"
Amen. :^)
3. What a perversion of the very concept of a good maid. These demonic f*cks are evil incarnate: [4][5][6] . Eventually, they'll simply resort to using bullets+mass-graves ofc; good ol'
Bolshevik -style. Far fewer sheqels expended that way.
4. www.washingtonexaminer.com/magazine-features/3249744/assisted-dying-west-new-social-ethic/
5. deathwithdignity.org/states/
6. www.dyingwithdignity.ca/blog/medical-assistance-in-dying-around-the-world/
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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/06/2025 (Mon) 02:06:19.