/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

/robowaifu/meta-8: Its Summertime, why even wait? Robowaifu Technician 06/24/2023 (Sat) 19:24:05 No.23415
/meta, offtopic, & QTDDTOT >--- General /robowaifu/ team survey (please reply ITT) (>>15486) >--- Mini-FAQ >A few hand-picked posts on various /robowaifu/-related topics -Why is keeping mass (weight) low so important? (>>4313) -How to get started with AI/ML for beginners (>>18306) -"The Big 4" things we need to solve here (>>15182) -HOW TO SOLVE IT (>>4143) -Why we exist on an imageboard, and not some other forum platform (>>15638, >>17937) -This is madness! You can't possibly succeed, so why even bother? (>>20208, >>23969) -All AI programming is done in Python. So why are you using C++ here? (>>21057, >>21091) -How to learn to program in C++ for robowaifus? (>>18749, >>19777) -How to bulk-download AI models from huggingface.co ? (>>25962, >>25986) >--- -Library thread (good for locating terms/topics) (>>7143) >note: There's a simple searching tool coded right here for /robowaifu/ that provides crosslinks straight to posts on the board. It's named Waifusearch, and the link to the latest code should always be maintained within the Library thread's OP & also on the current /meta. -Latest version of Waifusearch v0.2a (>>8678) >note: We periodically release the full archive of the board's thread's JSON files. This is useful for robowaifu researchers in general, and is explicitly relied-upon by Waifusearch. -Latest version of /robowaifu/ JSON archives v221213 Dec 2022 https://files.catbox.moe/6rhjl8.7z if you use Waifusearch, just extract these JSON files into your 'all_jsons' directory for the program, then quit (q) and restart. >note: There's an archiving tool coded right here for /robowaifu/ that provides the ability to backup locally the posts & files from our board. It's named BUMP, and is basically a custom IB scraper. -Latest version of BUMP v0.2g (>>14866) >--- >note: There's a design document for the specification of general design and engineering choices for our basic Robowaifu Reference Model A Series (TBD). Please have a look at it, and collaborate together with us on it ITT Anon. -Robowaifu Design Document (>>3001) >--- >useful external resources wAIfu-collective's AI guide - https://rentry.org/waifu-diy-ai >--- -previous /meta's (>>38) (>>3108) (>>8492) (>>12974) (>>15434) (>>18173) (>>20356) >=== -Mini-FAQ edit -add/rm Council link
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/15/2023 (Sun) 09:37:18.
Thanks for the new thread. My last comment in the old thread might have been missed, since it didn't move up anymore. > Here my current plan for AI hardware: >>23346
>>23419 Y/w NoidoDev. Heh, sorry it's been a busy week! :^) I'm really excited to see your plans begin to be spelled out in detail, Anon. The DIY ethos reigns preeminent. Cheers.
>>23415 what happened to the board? Doesnt seem to be as many anons since the last time I was here.
>>23422 Alliedev! So good to see you again bro. :^) >Doesnt seem to be as many anons since the last time I was here. Ehh, it's always been that way. Comes and goes. After all, this isn't 'Funposting with anime Central'. This stuff is hard. Real-world engineering constraints, and especially under the add'l demands of the DIY ethos always leads to turnover & attrition. Some of us are in Uni, obviously a big time-drain. Plus several of us regulars have our heads down -- deep in study or development -- that can take months or years' time to 'come back up for air' so to speak. We knew about all these phenomenon years ago. However, once we begin releasing real-world robowaifu plans/software/kits/etc. here it will be very hard to keep up with demand. :^) Finally (at long last), a few anons have begun to branch off into new robowaifu-centric endeavors of their own, stopping back occasionally into 'the mothership' to bring us their news. This is an exciting development, and we need to have dozens, then hundreds of these going on everywhere. But enough about us, how are you doing Anon? Anything cool & interesting happening with you lately? >=== -prose, fmt edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 06/24/2023 (Sat) 20:33:03.
>>23423 I left because im not going to keep wasting my time here. I made a strawpoll and people voted that'd we work on the exoskeleton. Yet you don't want to do that. I don't know if you're one of those annoying anarchists or what. That shit doesn't work btw if you haven't noticed.
>>23423 Not much. Was busy with life and prototyping redesigns. >We knew about this phenomenon years ago. That's to be expected of the modern internet.
>>23424 >Yet you don't want to do that. Heh, where'd you get that idea Anon? I'm the one who created the original skellingtons thread and a fair whack of the OG threads to boot. I'm approaching this hugely complex set of problems as a generalist, so that we all of us can manage this on a shoestring budget effectively. 'Hey, 'somebody'' has to do it, right? :^) I hope you make great progress on your robowaifu projects. Please stop in occassionally to give us your updates! Cheers. :^)
>>23425 >Was busy with life and prototyping redesigns. Excellent. Good luck with all your endeavors AllieDev! Looking forward to seeing good success for your efforts. Cheers.
>>23426 No, people need to get over themselves you need to sticky the skeleton thread and everyone needs to open their cad software and/or 3d modeling software of choice and contribute to making the exoskeleton because that's what was voted on. You can disagree but you're wrong. I'm going to make progress either way, its just going to be slower.
>>23429 >you need to sticky the skeleton thread Why? Any one here is just as free to bump it as any of the other dozens and dozens of irreducibly-complex set of simultaneous problems that all need to be solved together. By all means please bump it with practical information yourself Anon! It's a general topic, so a new serial thread will be created once it autosage's. You can bet that when I myself am doing that work it will hover near the top of the board for a while.
>>23427 Also figured out that it wasn't the bed or the leveling that was the problem with my printer. It was the extruder not feeding filament through. Had done a test and fed some filament through manually with no problems.
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New MaidCom thread coming soon, want to have a bit more for the OP. Picrel for an update.
I think Thomas Edison once said to be an inventor you need and inventor you need a big imagination and a pile of junk. Nothing will get done unless you get a pile of junk. Now its not the time for you guys to cheap out on the junk. This is one of the rare instances where being a consumer actually matters. I guarantee you whatever your saving your money for is more worthless than this.
>>23465 Heh, interesting quote. Sauce? >Now its not the time for you guys to cheap out on the junk. I agree that you yourself should invest in your own 'pile of junk' Anon. My prioritzed list for you personally would be: 1. Computer. Linux. C++ compiler. Comfy IDE (you pick). 2. Electronics Kit. Just a cheap Chinese one will do for starters. Make sure it's got some servos included in it. 3. 3D Printer. Just get the cheapest new one you can find, Anon. Good luck with your own, personal, 'you-yourself-did-this' engineering & experimental R&D. You can do this! :^)
>>23465 >not the time to cheap out What's wrong with cheaping out? You'd be amazed at what you can find for the price of a burger if you put in the effort. If any of you have the option, you should do what I did years ago and make some friends at your local recycling center. You probably won't find much in the way of graphics cards or easily programmible motor controllers (though you may come across some industrial ones), but individuals and companies throw away perfectly good (if not slightly dated) computer hardware all the time. Servers, desktops, laptops, tablets, more cables than you'll know what to do with in one lifetime, and plenty of peripherals. If you can get yourself hooked up with one of these places, your main worry will be the risk of overdoing it like I did. Cleaning up the useless shit took ages, and I'm still not 100% done. Give it a try. Who knows what you'll find? You might even get lucky and uncover something fantastic that you likely wouldn't have found shopping normally.
>>23346 Thanks for the info on graphics cards
>>23478 No anon there is nothing to be found at the recycling center. Time to shell out the cash and buy a 3d printer and supplies.
>>23423 What you said is partly true, I've been progressing with big ideas while finalizing a motor design. Next week when I'm not as busy I'll consolidate my findings into posts here if I didn't already. I'm a couple steps ahead in motors and silicone, and it should save everyone else time and money from trying the same idea. Is there a thread for biological neuron models for ai?
>>23346 I've seen people use P40s (the newer and better K80 equivalent), 3090s, and an XTX. The xtx is more expensive and less capable than the 3090 with the same amount of vram. The P40 is a hassle and markedly slower than the 3090, and while the 4090 is faster, the price doesn't justify buying it when you can run the same model on a 3090. The big models still leave a lot to be desired and have fundamental flaws. You can run ggml models on the pc that aren't that slow either and not need a gpu. TLDR: buy a used 3090 for 7-800$ or 3060 12gb if you need fast models
>>23616 I actually didn't know the P40 also has 24GB. I think I once looked and found the 12GB version and didn't look further. Good to know, thanks. >The xtx is more expensive and less capable than the 3090 with the same amount of vram. Makes sense, since it has more Cuda cores (10k vs 6k), but the 3090 would be used, since they're not made anymore. Also, it's not much difference, it was down at around 800€ ($870) recently. I only thought about getting this one in some point in the future anyways. >P40 is a hassle That's being said about all of these server cards. But they the ratio between price and compute plus RAM is much better. The P40 comes at $220 with shipping. The K80 has 2x12GB for $100 (it's more difficult to run though, old architecture).
>>23614 >Is there a thread for biological neuron models for ai? I would presume our cyborg thread is pretty close. (>>2184) It touches on that juxtaposition more than once already. Good luck Anon, looking forward to your posts! :^)
>>23624 Its all fun and games until people are farmed with brain chips to power a super ai. If there ought to be a un law i think it should be that, no using brains to power the ai.
>>23648 But your argument is futile, since it's about letting neurons grow outside of the human body. On top of that, this seem to not be super-hard.
>>23650 A neuro is still living tissue and you don't know if a clump of neurons can reach consciousness. Really creepy that you guys are excited about that stuff.
The gunslingers of /k/ have a rather interesting set of relevant technology conversations going on in their Logistics thread tbh. I'd say about here is a good starting point: https://anon.cafe/k/res/13232.html#38859 >>23651 One can never prove a negative, a priori. But this is clearly on the level of 'dirt will turn into life all by itself'-tier thinking. >Really creepy that you guys are excited about that stuff. Lol. That bad is it? :^)
>>23762 Sincerely hoping you fare well with all your robowaifu endeavors, Pete. Cheers. :^)
I have a general question: Is it going to bother other anons if I use pictures of portraits looking like dolls in my postings? Too distracting? Should I at least hide them, since some only want to see anime waifus? Idk. We're building them in 3D anyways, but then not everyone here is into silicone realism. I plan to hide at least the ones which look too human or too sexy, dependent on each case, many others I won't post at all.
>>23851 I decided that many of my pics are too big and distracting, so I'll mostly hide them if I attach them to a post. Maybe not in some longer posting.
It has come to my attention that both Martin Shkreli and George Hotz among others, are on 100% on board with Robowaifus. Shkreli seems to find humor in making a very lewd AI GF for the time being, but Hotz is developing something very interesting called the Tinybox which is a self contained AI / LLM very powerful that you can run at home. Price point is 15k, but it runs Llama 60Bn parameters at nearly a Petaflop of compute which is impressive. He specifically talks about putting this mind into a robotic body as the next step. (his interview with Lex is on YT) We are reaching the point where we're not the only ones pushing the robowaifu meme and things are going to get interesting. People with funds and connections are going to rocket past us, but we'll also have the advantage of letting them be the guinea pigs - I've said before if someone invents a "female" robot first any of us can reverse engineer it to get a leap ahead in our own projects. Personally I think the more working on this the better. Our main concern was always something along the lines of Meta or Google buying Replika and creating robowaifus as a subscription service, censorship, control, etc. However, I think the kinds of people who even want one to begin with innately share our worldview (b/c if they didn't, wouldn't they be more socialized and be content with the dating situation as it is?) Anyway, yes it's summer and between my normie job, touching grass, moving (yet again) and our own AI/LLM project (RobowaifuDev, Kiwi and I so far) I've been very busy which is why I haven't posted much. I will make a more concerted effort to update the board as things develop, but as I just stated summer is a slower season for me at least with all else going on.
>>23861 Thanks for the update. Didn't listen to the Fridman Podcast with Hotz so far. There's also a Hotz Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@geohotarchive/videos >People with funds and connections are going to rocket past us Doubt it, since there are quite some different options how to approach this. Every design decision leads to another form of robot. >normie job, ... moving (yet again) Well, that sucks. I hope it's somewhere away from the heat. I have no words for how much a hate moving. Having a job would be even worse, but at least I don't have that.
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>>23862 you're right there in the server with me, check it sometimes I even posted pics of my last camping outing : ) that Hotz podcast is right in the #podcasts channel
>>23864 Ah, yeah, there was something with my password, didn't find it and the email address was on the other computer. But I try to keep it in mind.
>>23861 Hi Meta Ronin, good seeing you. Great idea, that. I predict that this should be offerable as a gratis service for paid customers. A sort of in-house 'cloud' that you could offer free for a year, then charge a subscription service after that. 2 caveats I'd insist on in this scenario if I were your customer: 1. My current data (that is, everything digital; whether inside or outside, including all operational software) of or directly-related to my robowaifu is always mine in perpetuity. Don't try to proactively or retroactively cripple it, disable it, or brick my robowaifu if I don't pay your fee after a year, or if I end the subscription service at anytime thereafter. 2. NO ACTIVE ONLINE ACCESS SHALL BE REQUIRED. Using a Cyber Airlock(tm) type system, similar in function to the proposed Dollnet/Dolldrop lockout mechanism in the RW Foundations framework (>>14409) should suffice for nearline data transfers and storage. Protip: a dolldrop is a technical simile for a physical, offlined deadrop -- ie, no online access req'd for data transmission. A robowaifu should never connect directly to the Internet, nor ever accept any type of non-vetted, unsecured data. (Neither should any ancillary home systems even indirectly associated with her mobility, other safety-critical, or even just privacy functions.) Good luck Anon! >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/11/2023 (Tue) 02:49:37.
Just in case any of you were unaware, there's a robowaifu-centric thread with some really good arts advice in it, over on /loomis/ begun a few years back. https://anon.cafe/loomis/res/36.html#36 >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/15/2023 (Sat) 12:35:09.
I'm sure we've discussed this here before but ATM I don't see where it was. So my question is this: >Why can't we 'divide up' the load for static or near-static information requests for our robowaifus, and share the static results commonly, thereby expanding our 'group buying power' as robowaifuists among the AI vendors? I don't imply that the robowaifus themselves are online asking for these information & data (they should never go online directly), but rather that their nearline information proxies (tentatively referred to as Curator in RW Foundations (>>14409) ) do so instead. If we had an additional, external sharing mechanism in between each robowaifu's local Curator and the information itself, then it seems to me we could all benefit from a pub/sub model of information distribution to spread the load out and significantly speed queries from an ever-growing database of already-queried, already-vetted topical responses. Ideas? >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/15/2023 (Sat) 22:14:04.
I recommend for everyone to have some small hex screwdrivers at hand. It can be very annoying to get a device and not being able to open it. I had these problems with my 3D print head and now with my K80. The (cheap) tools and the screw heads strip pretty easily. Then drilling might be necessary, or first trying things like gluing the tool to the screw. You don't want to deal with that and all the other experiments. I will most likely end up breaking the plastic case on my K80, since I don't want to deal with these screws more than necessary. I'll order a bunch of screw drivers with hex heads with 0.9, 1.27, 1.3, 1.5, 2 mm and maybe 2.5-3 mm as well. The tools in the local shops often have only 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 mm where I live, which isn't good enough. Also, it's good to buy more then one per type, and they're cheap in China, while I have to buy a set with bigger ones here to get the small ones. >>23966 Thanks, I'll look into it and bookmarked it.
Hey /robowaifu/, /k/ recommended that I come here to discuss a /diy/-ish question. https://invidio.us/watch?v=rLoa33czaMc&listen=false Invidious link related contains a slav youtuber who is using a solution of acetone and some kind of plastic to make a clear glue/lacquer. My problem is, I don't speak slav, and don't know what kind of plastic he is using. My best guess is that he's using acryllic since it's quite a thick sheet, but I don't really know for sure. What kind of plastic is he using?
>>23972 > small hex screwdrivers at hand There's a short cut for this that is much cheaper. Look up "Klein Tools 32328 Precision Screwdriver, 27-in-1 Multi-Bit Screwdriver, Bits for Apple Product Repair, Rare-Earth Magnet " here's another set I found on Amazon Precision Screwdriver Set, Laptop Screwdriver Kit, JAKEMY 164 in 1 Professional Computers Screwdriver Repair Kit with T5 T6 Torx Screwdriver for MacBook, Phone, Watch, Eyeglasses, Xbox, Modding, DIY I have a tamper proof bit set like this and I have all sorts of bits that all fit in the same handle. If you look at the links off of these sets you can find a ton of bit sets that cover most anything in small packages for low cost. Klein Tools 32510 Magnetic Multibit Screwdriver with Sturdy Torx, Hex, Spanner, Tri-Wing, Torq and Nut Tamperproof Bits and Storage Block
>>23989 Hello /k/, welcome! So, we have probably 3 threads here reasonably-pertinent to your question: 1. Plastic Production (>>108) 2. Waifu Materials (>>154) 3. Prototypes and Failures (>>21647 - currently at #3, but check the previous ones as well) Finally, we have an anon doing epoxy work ATM, who may be able to give you some tips as well. Nandroid project (>>19266). As far as speaking Russian, I'm unsure. But we did have some videos posted of a Russian guy who's creating an (amazing) hydraulic robo-arm, so maybe that poster speaks it? I'd suggest you be both patient (we're generally a slow board), and also that you don't hesitate to dig into this topic using your own resources -- who knows what you'll find? If you come up with any good DIY answers, then please post them here in one of the 3 threads linked above. TIA. Cheers Anon, thanks for stopping by. Please have a look around while you're here! :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/18/2023 (Tue) 01:37:51.
>>23999 Thanks, my problem was having enough small one. Sets come often with bigger ones. Hex screwdrivers from China cost 50c-1.30€ or so. I used an exacto knife to open my K80, by cutting the plastic holders which the screws were holding. That solved the problem. Still waiting for my fans for it.
>>23989 You're probably right that it's acrylic. Here's a site that shows the reaction to acetone by different plastics and a link to a plastics comparability chart. Nice to save for later. https://www.millerplastics.com/how-acetone-affects-certain-plastics/
I'm currently working through the "R&D General" thread to make a new one. Just putting this out, in case that someone else would start working on it (I doubt it, but want to make sure).
>>24038 Excellent. Godspeed.
>>24042 I'll most likely pick some pics from @Sukabu89 for the OP in the new one, which are similar to the one in the old thread. I'll plan to post them here or in the old thread first. I absolutely don't want one more thread with a censored image, this is very annoying. I'm sometimes looking for the images as identifier of a thread in the catalog to find something, and some basically have none.
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Quick scribbled up plans for a interactive dakimakura. Keep the heating pads current limited for safety. Everything is potted in silicone for safety and ease of cleaning. (Also waterproof.) Everything could be run off an ESP32 S3 to forward your voice to a server and receive vocal responses. Would have plenty of processing left over to read sensor data to alter behaviour/send to server. I recommend MPU 6050's for the IMU as they're low cost and there's plenty of tutorials to understand the part.
>>24049 Sounds great! Please do Anon. >>24051 Your original daki idea was always an outstanding one IMO Kiwi. I'd still suggest you do it, even at this stage having launched yourself out of school. You'll have to solve several design & systems -level tasks to make her successful and snuggy -- practically all of which will be directly-transferrable to your further robowaifu efforts!
>>24071 I made one of these before? Could you post it? I forgot I made one of these before. I would like someone else to make these. I need to build a robot girl, cat grills are long over due and I need to focus on it.
>>24072 >Could you post it? (>>104) Not that you did, but I think you should. There would be a market for it among Anons, I'm confident.
>>24051 an esp32 doesnt have enough space to store the recorded wav so you'd need to store the wav file at your nearest pc wirelessly. You can use an esp32 technically but its less of a hassle to just use something like a raspberry or orange pi zero. pr in my case the orange pi 3(which comes with a mic btw) I tried to test how much memory usage the script uses too and I think its around 7 mb. But that was tested on my computer not on the orange pi and again the esp does not have 7mb of ram even.
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>>24049 Suggestions for the new R&D General OP:
>>24125 Yep just fine. His stuff is great as always NoidoDev. BTW, some of these are new to me thanks!
>>24135 Sukabu makes new ones all the time. Still haven't bought his book yet, but it's on my list.
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I took about a 2 month break from C++ after the previous semester ended in may. I'm getting back into and I understand most of the basics. One area that I had trouble with was functions and Loops. I understood loops better once I realized that they were just basically If statements that repeat themselves. It was functions that really threw me for a loop(heh). I only barely understood how functions worked when the final came around. However, in my C++ friend group that I was working with, only 2 of us passed and I was one of them. On the final for C++ I passed with a 70 which I was proud of even though I could have done better. I would attribute my main reasons for getting those scores being lack of confidence. I kept second guessing myself and kept reviewing the power points which I didn't need to do. Anyways, I apologize for ranting, /robowaifu/. What are a few smaller projects that I could work on for C++? One thing I still don't understand is how to get C++ to write data to a text file and save it.
>>24200 You could work on visual recognition with opencv or something that i'd been hoping someone could look into are robotic simulations in o3de.
>>24200 >One thing I still don't understand is how to get C++ to write data to a text file and save it. I'll plan to write some examples for you later on today Anon. I'll post them in our board's C++ classroom thread. --- >update: > answer-related (>>24208, ...) >=== -add update cmnt
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/25/2023 (Tue) 20:22:11.
I tried to sign up to Hugging Face. It just freezes after clicking "Create Account". Is it possible they really want my real name?
>>24252 >Is it possible they really want my real name? I think it unlikely, and I certainly don't recommend it. Perhaps it's something to do with your machine/browser setup Anon?
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Hey Chobitsu, I'm the 2B anon who posted the other day about C++. I apologize for not getting back to you. I've had job interviews back to back and I haven't had a chance to really sit down and study it. I'm gonna try to hit it up tomorrow and see the kind of stuff I can crank out. On the topic of that, I'm trying to get a job at best buy. I need the money for school and other things since I would be the bread winner of the house. I mainly want to get a job at best buy because I want to get my foot in the technology industry. I think best buy would be a great resume builder. Another reason is because I know of don't want to go back into food service. Thoughts, /robowaifu/?
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>>24280 Hi there, welcome back Anon. 2B excellent waifu tbh. :^) > C++ I've done it tutorial style to show you how working with files operates. Just copypaste/build/run the four examples, study the results, and I think you'll soon feel completely confident about files. >Best Buy >Thoughts, /robowaifu/? Sure I think that's fine for starters Anon! Since I don't know much about your situation a good thing, don't doxx yourself online Anon haha! :^), it's difficult for me to say what your skills & desires are. But a) you're interested in robowaifus (as in, making them, not just owning them), and b) you have an already-expressed interest in writing C++ software. I can't speak into to your life as anything but an online friend, so don't treat this like some message from on High or anything. :^) Honestly? I'd learn to write software. Not only do we really, really need lots more anons here on /robowaifu/ who can, but you can eventually make a lot of money at it. But it won't be easy to go that route -- but hey, many good things in life take a lot of hard work! That's 1. 2, while I'm no world-class expert, I have a pretty good handle on C++ by now, and I'm very willing to help newcomers to it, here on our board. This is 'enlightened self-interest' of course (as mentioned we need C++ developers here), but I honestly enjoy teaching others if it's something I myself have reasonable confidence in. >tl;dr You could in essence get yourself a free, college-level education on the C++ programming language here on /robowaifu/ ! :^) But that takes a while, so yeah. Start working at Best Buy, work the tech sales, learn your way around it, try to get into the Geek Squad section of the store and start learning real tech support. All this will help you later on in your resume, as you already suggested. Keep frequenting /robowaifu/, join our C++ classroom, work through the book and the code I posted, and pick my brain on the language every time you're up for it. Good luck with your endeavors Anon! Cheers. :^)
I'm not really a fan of this podcast or talkshow with Chad Williamson, but I think it has quite some impact on opinions and perception of trends: >Rob Brooks is an University of New South Wales professor of evolutionary biology, researcher, and author, known for his work on the evolutionary biology of sex and reproduction. >Machines are integrating themselves more and more into our lives. From algorithms which know when you're depressed and want to eat ice cream to sex robots who are available to satisfy your desires on-demand. This concept, known as artificial intimacy, might seem as though it’s from a science fiction novel. but, it’s rapidly becoming a reality in modern life. >Expect to learn what Artificial Intimacy is and its potential impacts on the future of relationships, whether it's actually legal to get married to a robot, how worried we should be about people retreating from the real world, the danger of supermarkets who can talk to your sex robot, whether artificial intimacy is better than no intimacy at all and much more... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feTbGfAKvKg
>>24282 For decades (about 70 years now), the Globohomo has sought to destroy personal identity, and with it inter-personal intimacy. They did this first and foremost through feminism and it's blatant attack on family unity. And here we are, 7 decades later, where primitive, homespun robowaifus are already hands-down a superior choice to the degenerate & brainwashed 3DPD of today. >tl;dr Made-up phrases like 'Aritificial Intimacy' don't sidestep the basic issue: men recognize that young women are toxic & problematic, largely demonic, plagues on society in general, and men in particular. This is all according to the Globohomo's plan ofc (that is, you are accountable to them & them alone, not to God or to a family you love). /robowaifu/ is Anon's response to the GH's satanic machinations. If we see the downfall of feminism through the upcoming turmoil, then robowaifus will no longer be needed. Till then, forward! :^)
>>24283 >If we see the downfall of feminism through the upcoming turmoil, then robowaifus will no longer be needed. Okay, but that's your take on it. I don't agree and I doubt most men would want to go back to that.
>>24280 > since I would be the bread winner of the house. I hope you're not saying you have to take care of your family (single mother and siblings) while just coming out of school. That said, whatever you answer, I agree with Chobitsu, don't doxx yourself. > I know of don't want to go back into food service. Thoughts, /robowaifu/? I have no idea about these jobs and about your local job market. I may advice you to go for a frugal live style and be prepared for a recession and inflation or both (stagflation).
>>24284 >I don't agree and I doubt most men would want to go back to that. Fair enough NoidoDev. 'Hope springs eternal' they tell me, and I'm just trying to make the best of a bad job. :^)
>>24283 >If we see the downfall of feminism through the upcoming turmoil, then robowaifus will no longer be needed This may be my cynicism talking, but I don't believe those good old days ever really existed to begin with. Personally, I'm hoping for a permanent sexual revolution where gynoids become the norm, perhaps alongside a small master race of unicorns who are able to remain desireable in an age of gynoid companions. We're rapidly approaching the point where synthetic eggs will become a reality, and unless the Earth gets no-scoped it'll happen no matter what. We have every incentive to take advantage of this and break apart the malevolent monopoly of childbirthing for good. The only good reason I can think of for not throwing away the brakes entirely is if you care about the women in your own family. This is perfectly fair and I agree, I don't want to see anyone in my family face the wall. But a replacement will still need to happen, albeit a gradual one. The alternative is to commit ourselves back to the very same chains that bound our ancestors since time immemorial. Instead of attempting to return to The Way It's Always Been™ despite its many proven failings, I would rather see us break the wheel and rise to a new age. Instead of trying to use technology to go back, we should use it to move towards a better future than any of our predecessors could have ever imagined.
>>24295 Hello Greentext anon, nice hearing from you. >This may be my cynicism talking Heh, don't worry about that Anon. My eyes are wide open, and I think most other anon's here are as well. :^) >We're rapidly approaching the point where synthetic eggs will become a reality, and unless the Earth gets no-scoped it'll happen no matter what. It is gonna be amazing. I've been rather clear about my Christianity on the Internets, here not least of all. The world will not get no-scoped, until the very end of this entire creation (that is, the whole universe within which we all reside) -- at least 1'007 years from now heh. :^) I concur that we will soon have feasible, artificially-induced, sperm & eggs. Humans will be able to be grown in test-tubes just like Brave New World suggests. The issue for us as free men, is to be able to raise our own families out from under the thumb of the Globohomo during this upcoming era of robowaifus + lab-borne babies. This will surely become -- by far -- the sketchiest & most adventuresome sequences of happenings in all human history about to unfold around us all. What a time to be alive!! :^) >I don't want to see anyone in my family face the wall. I assume by 'wall' you mean the Filthy Commie one that involves lots of spent boolits? Again, as a believer, I see women as bearing the Imago Dei, same as men. But, being weaker 'vessels' (body & soul), Satan our common enemy targets them first & foremost as tools against the entirety of humanity. Thus, I still hold out hope for women's 'restoration' after a fashion, even if it's apparent that God alone can ultimately heal and restore the mess that Adam & Eve began all the way back in the day under the tutelage of that ancient serpent Satan. >Instead of trying to use technology to go back, we should use it to move towards a better future than any of our predecessors could have ever imagined. You do paint a idyllic picture my talented friend. I hope we will indeed have a respite from the relentless push by our enemies and their golems in this entire set of affairs.
>>24299 Thanks Anon. Keep moving forward.
>>24311 >our enemies and their golems It sounds rather ironic when you phrase it that way, it calls to mind an image of us fighting golems by making better golems. Of course, I know that there's more nuance to it, but it's still funny to think about. Come to think of it, this reminds of an idea I had sometime back to make a parody of The Golem Story™. I had a few other parodies in mind as well (most of them being song lyrics), I'll scrape the relevant texts and see what I can do. At any rate, I can't honestly say I share your optimism for the 'restoration' of women, short of using genetic modification to splice out their more undesireable traits. In order for any such system have any hope of being sustainable (sans the aforementioned modification idea), they'd have to be under constant and immediate threat of total replacement, meaning robowaifus would be a permanent fixture regardless. The problem is that this balance would have to be constantly and relentlessly maintained, and the finesse and control necessary would be beyond what men can accomplish for extended periods of time (decades and centuries, in this instance). I speak, of course, from the lifecycle of empires in this instance. If we could really keep such a massive system going indefinitely, the world's borders wouldn't have changed much from ancient times, and if we were having this conversation at all, it certainly wouldn't be in English. Now, this balancing act could theoretically be maintained by, say, an AI on the scale of A.M. (Allied Mothercomputer that is, not her sadistic predecessor), but would most people support the idea of creating an existence like that in the first place? I would, assuming she's designed in good faith to my autistic romanticist ideals, but I'm not most people. As I see it, the idea of trying to contain and control the problems that women as a whole pose is like trying to control the growth of knotweed by clipping the leaves: you might slow it down, but you'll never stop it like that. You need to cut the stock and pour diesel into the hole, poisoning the root system. Otherwise it'll just keep coming back. The only way to solve the problem for good is to destroy the roots. Ideally, this will be a gradual process which would minimally impact today's families. Unfortunately, the reality is that terminally single men like me are on our way to becoming the majority. I, for one, have exited the game and denounced modern day relationships as a sadistic lottery years ago, but I'm not most people. As much as I'd rather not open this particularly unnerving and depressing Pandora's Box, it must be said now that we do not exist in a vacuum. While this is obvious, and I'm sure that everyone here already knows this by heart, I feel that one point in particular must be emphasized: All those other men who don't even really know about us or our ideas now eventually will. They'll be confused, anxious, hurt, angry, and most importantly of all: Looking for a real and lasting solution. This situation, if handled poorly, could turn sour very quickly. As the early adopters of AI waifus, we have the unique ability to influence how this new culture develops. Using the free market to engineer a gradual and permanent solution is, I believe, the best solution to present. It proposes the least harm to other people whilst appeasing the need for a lasting solution. It also has the benefit of appearing less threatening to our existential enemies. There is always the possibility that they'll want to turn things violent anyways, but the longer we can delay that for, the better. The longer they wait, more men will end up on our side, and the less appealing a violent conflict will thus be. Trying to sell some ridiculously complex ideology that only sounds simple when presented by a smart man, but in reality needs to be maintained by a farcical amount of resources and overhead (sound familiar?) will just end up failing, or worse, causing a titanic tragedy that could have been avoided. While I don't want to lash your idea, I feel that I must because I honestly see no way that it could be feasible over a greater period of time. I will freely admit, my ideas will certainly also encounter complications in reality, but I also think that replacement will work out better in the long-term. Perhaps, if we're extrordinarily fortunate, our waifus may present an even more elegant system than we could ever have hoped to imagine. But that has not happened as of now, so this is where I stand.
Hey, you remember those good old days, like five minutes ago, when I said I'd look up the golem story and spoof it? I spent that time researching, and I'm already dissapointed. I was expecting an ancient epic worthy of lasting the ages with how fucking often this story is referenced. What I got was Random Urban Legend #5165168494, and like every urban legend ever, its retellings aren't even consistent. I honestly don't know why I exptected anything more. It honestly doesn't even seem worth the effort, but I might as well pump out something quick and be done with it. Even then I'll probably end up spending twice the brainpower these people used when making that story.
>>24318 >Hey, you remember those good old days, like five minutes ago Ahh, those were the days! :^) We look forward to your upping the ante on this Ye Olde Lorre of Yesterbye. Everyone rises together on the tide Anon! :^) >=== -silly edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/30/2023 (Sun) 04:21:37.
>>24281 >Hi there, welcome back Anon. 2B excellent waifu tbh. :^) Thanks, I love her too. I need to finish her game. >I've done it tutorial style to show you how working with files operates. Just copypaste/build/run the four examples, study the results, and I think you'll soon feel completely confident about files. Alright, I'll check it out. It's a little weird because I'm doing my work on my laptop and not my desktop but that's mainly my desktop is nearly 10 years old. I really need an upgrade. >Sure I think that's fine for starters Anon! Since I don't know much about your situation a good thing, don't doxx yourself online Anon haha! :^), it's difficult for me to say what your skills & desires are. Thank, Chobitsu. I'll try not to dox myself. I definitely want to work in computer programming and possibly to work on /robowaifu/s. I think best buy will help me get my foot into the tech industry so that why I want to work the job. I might have to take a job in fast food until I get it but that's just the way it rolls. >I can't speak into to your life as anything but an online friend, so don't treat this like some message from on High or anything. :^) Honestly? I'd learn to write software. Not only do we really, really need lots more anons here on /robowaifu/ who can, but you can eventually make a lot of money at it. But it won't be easy to go that route -- but hey, many good things in life take a lot of hard work! Yeah writing my own software is something I wanna do. I actually have plans to post a fast food menu that I've been working on. Once I do that, I'd like you to tell me how it looks and if it's "good". >You could in essence get yourself a free, college-level education on the C++ programming language here on /robowaifu/ ! :^) I'm already going to college and I graduate soon. By next spring I'll have my AS degree in computer programming. >But that takes a while, so yeah. Start working at Best Buy, work the tech sales, learn your way around it, try to get into the Geek Squad section of the store and start learning real tech support. All this will help you later on in your resume, as you already suggested. Yeah I totally agree. That's actually my sort of end goal with best buy. I want to work at Geek Squad as a resume builder. I think it would look really great, even if Geek Squad is more of IT as opposed to computer programming. >Keep frequenting /robowaifu/, join our C++ classroom, work through the book and the code I posted, and pick my brain on the language every time you're up for it. Yeah! I think that's where I'll post my fast food menu at when I'm done with it. >>24285 >I hope you're not saying you have to take care of your family (single mother and siblings) while just coming out of school. That said, whatever you answer, I agree with Chobitsu, don't doxx yourself. No lol. That is not the case. I am not involved with a single mother in any way or form. However, divulging more information might lead to doxing. >I have no idea about these jobs and about your local job market. I may advice you to go for a frugal live style and be prepared for a recession and inflation or both (stagflation). Agreed. I think we all need to live a frugally as possible. >>24203 Thanks I'll have to check that out. On the topic of finances what would be some good ways to invest my money or rather something to make sure my money has value. What I mean by this is like silver, gold, or any other valuable metal like that. Also, what about crypto currency? I have heard monero is the most private currency out there.
>>24322 You can buy crypto if you want but those interest rates are not getting any lower and crypto is not making any breakthroughs or anything. Even though I'm sharing information on what I've done so far doesn't mean i don't intend to profit from it somehow though. I'll modify whatever has a restrictive license and if I end up making a buck out of it I don't want to be antagonized. Such as the maidcom projects model or inmoov or whatever else. And even though my youtube videos have ads youtube put them there not me... Anyways some anon shared some code for the voice which I intend to use. I hope there'll be some sharing of the workload going on since im trying to go about this in an open source fashion and such. It'd be neat to see chobitsu contribute something towards the project in the form of code as well. My plan is to sell some kits once its done or something idk. I can't go around shilling this thing just yet either way. I always thought about this way. If people can make money off of garbage such as doggy coins. Which doesn't matter if you're a crypto enthusiast everyone knows they're garbage. You can most certainly find a way to make money from a waifu robot.
>>24322 >yorha giantess.mp4 Funny, but the're overdoing it with the size. >desktop is nearly 10 years old. I really need an upgrade. You can get so much for such a small amount of money right now. Though there are indicators that for now a low in the GPU market has been reached and prices might even go up. Some GPUs where flying of the shelves with low prices. XTX was available for around 700$ recently, might still be available for a bit more than that. >I have heard monero is the most private currency out there More private might also mean you might have more trouble to exchange it later to buy something or that someone would take it directly. Also, Bitcoin with Lightning seems to get the same level of privacy.
>>14866 >Compiling and installing Bump-0.2g - Not seeing the dependencies before the "meson build" line was a bit confusing - I had to download and compile curlcpp: >sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel git >git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/curlcpp.git >./curlcpp >cd ./curlcpp >makepkg -si - It didn't find ".sites.config" after I moved "bump" to another place. So this needs to be seen (CTL-H) and then copied as well. - It still complained because the ".sites.config" file has to be one folder above. - Still doesn't work because "alogs.space" has no entry. This really is a bit complicated.
Could I create a thread entirely dedicated to my own project?
>>24332 Yes, others did that in the past. But IMHO you should only do that if you really plan to go on with the project, it shouldn't be some fad. Also, keep in mind that the pictures in the OP can't be changed later. Last but not least, do not use a picture which might need to be hidden for nudity or other reasons as the first picture, since this will be the picture for the thread.
>>24333 >IMHO you should only do that if you really plan to go on with the project Yeah, I've been thinking about starting the thread, but with how badly I tend to procrastinate doing things, I didn't want to just make a thread just about what I'm planning on, or what I'd like to do, but want to at least have several posts worth of progress to share first. >do not use a picture which might need to be hidden for nudity or other reasons as the first picture I wasn't planning on it, but are there any other reasons?
>>24331 Heh, sorry about all that NoidoDev. TBH I just threw it together as a quick tool to save our board in case my jewish mother was suddenly """accidentally'd""" too, just like 8ch had been a couple months or so earlier. Over time it kind of grew on us here as a valuable tool, and I never really went back and dealt with the hacky bits properly. >- Still doesn't work because "alogs.space" has no entry. Yeah it was a pretty fragile (though extensible) scheme I initially came up with for accomodating all IB sites flexibly. Robi hadn't yet changed the domain when I made that final code drop, IIRC. The fix is easy enough though. Inside the " .sites.config " file, just replace the JSON key "site_name" : "alogs.theГунтretort.com" with "site_name" : "alogs.space" BTW, just drop this file into the same directory you decide on for your compiled BUMP executable. The program itself will manage the underlying site directories for you thereafter. --- AUUUUUGGH Wordfilter-kun! :^) >=== -prose edit -add funpost
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/03/2023 (Thu) 20:18:17.
>>24334 >>do not use a picture which might need to be hidden for nudity or other reasons as the first picture >I wasn't planning on it, but are there any other reasons? I think putting in something ugly or disturbing. You might just post the first pic in the meta thread and ask Chobitsu.
>>24374 I thought I did that, but it didn't work. That's why I asked. But now it works. Anyways, maybe change that for future releases.
>>24376 >Anyways, maybe change that for future releases. Good advice. The follow-on tool will be called Bumpmaster, and is intended as a tool for robowaifus to use as well as Anon, so they can both funpost together! :^)
>>24390 Since that might take a while, I think you should make a new upload of the current version, with the corrected file. Maybe I'm even the only one who downloaded and compiled it, but I think not having the right URL in the file might be an issue. Having a way to add a new URL through the command line would also be one of the most important improvements. Then it could be made into a AUR (Arch Linux), Nix and Guix package. In the current state it would have to store the index file in a config folder, then the error output would include the path to the file.
>>24393 Thanks for the suggestion NoidoDev. I'd be more than happy to have packages for all our software releasedd here but a) I have no real idea how to do that myself, and b) already have more on my plate than I can manage properly ATM. >tl;dr I'd have to learn several new things to do this type thing I'm sure, and I'm already over-capacity now heheh. :^)
>>19226 Friendly reminder that wanting a self made wife is a 3000 year old desire, its not weird at all. Also: in the myth, the guy who pulled it off became king.
>>24421 what myth, these stories always end with it turning on its creator or it killing itself
>>24422 >these stories always end with it turning on its creator or it killing itself thats kike golem satanic shit, in greek mythology the good guy gets the wAIfu and lives happily ever after as king (while bitches seethe in the background)
>>24423 *in greek mythology the lightbringer "prometheus" is the actual creator of huMANs, then (((zeus))) created pandora and her box of evils to punish men (because hes a seething kike dramaqueen who cant take it when he loses)
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>>24422 They are likely referring to Galatea, one of the very first robowaifu from myth. Pygmalion saw horrors and and despair wrought by women. To free himself from their tyranny, he carved a perfect woman, white as milk, from marble. The god's admired his work and gave her a soul. They lived in bliss for the rest of their days. In a way, Emmy-Pilled is much akin to a modern Pygmalion. Crafting his hearts desire into reality. Someday I pray he finds her blessed with a soul. AI can make it possible for us mortals.
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>>24421 I think you're right Anon. In fact as our talented Greentext anon also points out :^), I'd suggest the desire extends back into pre-history! And btw we also have an Agalmatophilia thread here too (>>15). >>24422 >these stories always end with it turning on its creator or it killing itself Hello newfren. :^) Here on /robowaifu/ we're writing our own script, not following some """pre-programmed""", tired old trope handed out to the masses by the Globohomo. Our story is one spelled out with words like LOVE, Life, and Liberty. Every day together we keep moving forward here on /robowaifu/, wherein we press our own myth ever-and-ever-closer to reality -- and for the benefit of every man around the planet! I'd like to invite you to come along for the ride with us Anon, and learn to rewrite your own story too. I can promise you one thing: it's going to be a challenging, exhilarating journey in the end... one filled with many plot-twists and pleasant surprises. Hop onboard the train! :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/05/2023 (Sat) 14:03:51.
its impossible to post on 4chan anymore, if its not a rangeban its an allow cookie issue. What do. I need my fix. I won't post in alt chan that had a last post was a few months ago.I also exited that discord cause kiwi wanted to make the 3d model gpl and the other guy started saying to go outside instead of work on the waifu. I also can't really get into reddit.
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>>24423 >in greek mythology the good guy gets the wAIfu and lives happily ever after as king (while bitches seethe in the background) Fun fact: They're still seething about it. I was browsing in a bookstore several months ago when I came across a short novel simply titled "Galatea". The author's a woman, and the synopsis on the back was exactly what you'd expect: Galatea becomes a thot because she started breathing and Pygmalion is cruel for some reason so she snatches up their daughter to run away from him and The Patriarchy™. Never bothered reading beyond that of course, because in no universe would something like that go anywhere outside my expectations. My honest educated guess is that the mother dies and the daughter carries on teaching feminism or some such trite. Of course, I will readily admit my shared guilt of "retelling" old stories for the sake of propaganda, but at least I try to push positive messages instead of making things dark. >>24426 Yep, I've been saying it for years, and I'll say it every time it's brought up: men have always been looking for a workable alternative to women. If they weren't making statues or marionettes, they were wandering off into the woods to find some mythological creature to shag because risking having your head torn off or being petrified seemed like the more attractive option. I also firmly believe that mankind's history preceeds known existing records. Records and even inventions get lost all the time (some of the shit the Romans did stumped the best of minds for centuries), so it's no stretch to imagine that there are older civilizations that escaped our notice. I'd be willing to bet that somewhere, in a long-forgotten crevice of the Earth and writ in unknown languages, lie even older stories of men trying to make or find something that'll actually love them back. >>24446 I tried going there a week ago to look into the AI and robotics projects I've heard about, and found that I needed Javascript just to look at the fucking catalog. I'll probably go back there again because I want to see what they're doing, but the less times I have to visit that place, the better. As for Discord, I'll never touch it. It just doesn't seem like it's worth the headache.
>>24453 >some of the shit the Romans did stumped the best of minds for centuries are you talking about the sponge on a stick we know what that was now
>>24453 >because risking having your head torn off or being petrified seemed like the more attractive option. NGL lel'd :^) >I'd be willing to bet that somewhere, in a long-forgotten crevice of the Earth and writ in unknown languages, lie even older stories of men trying to make or find something that'll actually love them back. I'd be willing to bet so too, Anon. There is a wide error-bar (b/c there simply are no unassailably-reliable dating methods for the time range) involved, but the apparent consensus scientifically is that God created Adam, and then later on Eve, at roughly the 100Kya to 140Kya range. Since written history currently only extends back to about <10Kya, that's a rather broad timespan available for men to have been in this pursuit of this dream of an actually-helpful, helpmeet. :^) And, while a great confluence of modern events and circumstances have all flowed together to allow for us here & now (what a time to be alive! :^) to realistically finally realize in some measure this ages-old pursuit, it's rather likely IMHO that we were far more capable creatures as men, in ages past. The reason is threefold: * We were closer through time back to our pure, created form in Adam * The ravages of sin -- spirit, soul, and body -- hadn't compounded against us into the sorry state we directly observe today * The genetic mutations hadn't compounded against us as they have today. Genetic mutations are practically always deleterious, never beneficial, and particularly in creatures as advanced and large as homo sapiens sapiens. God alone knows what we were up to during that broad span of pre-history, and I think it goes without saying that dealing with the woman question was certainly a big deal for many of our thinking, creative, forebears! :^)
>>24453 >I tried going there a week ago to look into the AI and robotics projects I've heard about, What are you referring to? Alt chan? 8chan?
yeah no no sense getting worked up about it really just got to quit that site like many people have ff. 4chan I mean.
>>24491 Did you get banned on /pol/ or 4chan itself? /g/ had robowaifu threads from time to time. They normally get closed after a while, but only then.
>>24491 I wanted to leave 4chan, especially /pol/, so many times. But I always go back. Occasionally spam robowaifu threads on /pol/. get banned for 3 days. I wish they'd permanently ban me and put me out of my misery.
>>24498 In my experience the best way to get rid of a bad habit (for at least a while) is doing something similar or more attractive which you won't do forever. For example, playing a game or maybe watching a very good anime. In combination with making it harder to fall back into the old habit, so for example delete the links from bookmarks, especially speed dial or even delete the history in your browser.
>>24499 Wish I could go back to playing video games. The reason I go to /pol/ is that its the only free time activity I got left that doesn't take much time, I have much less free time these days thanks to college. I've decided to only visit /g/ or /sci/ from now on. although I'll probably go back to /pol/ sooner or later as always
>>24512 Then put the link to those you want to watch somewhere where it the get into your face. Also, try to realize that politics is mostly pointless at this point. It's like watching a game, where if it goes bad it harms you, but you can only comment and having emotions instead of acting. It's a mental trap. Technology and collapse are the forces that are going to shape the future, while working on technology and making decisions on that, is not a democracy. There was no vote on if we should have Tinder or Instagram, and we will make it so that there's no way to stop us from building robowaifus at home. We can use AI to have porn and destroy the market for porn at the same time, same for many things related to women.
>>24521 I know all that. Unfortunately, I'm what you'd call a "rage and despair junkie". I parse /pol/, social media and news sites daily just to rage and despair at the state of the world. When I stay away from them, FOMO hits like a train. There was a period in 2018, where I had pretty much no internet access. That was the time when I had the most mental peace. I wish I could get that back. And yeah, I'm slowly trying to cut back on my social media and /pol/ usage, but its harder now since I have to access the internet for work and college.
>>24524 I got similar issues. What kinda works is listening to music while working on something. If it's something I don't need to pay much attention to, e.g. 3D modeling, the the alternative is some podcast with low amount of actual information and no need to think while listening. Also, whenever I go for a walk for a while listening to some AI talks then I'm better primed towards working on something like that. Either way, it's just about getting out of the habit. For example, don't go on /pol/ during your freetime.
>>24526 yeah, probably should replace /pol/ with something better. Maybe get back into gaming like I used to
Interesting point from recent BAP episode (141) >TL;DL - Ancient Greek marriage and European aristocrat marriage were nothing like modern idea of marriage. It was purely mechanical, a means for political alliances, housekeeping, and producing heirs. When men wanted love and passion, they enlisted courtesans. A robowaifu could take either role as courtesan or wife, depending on their technological capabilities (chores vs. conversation).
>>24558 surprised thats even surprising, did it mention the sabine rape story, if not dont ever watch that garbage again, its spells out pretty clearly what everyone is supposed to already know when it comes to family, its also were the tradition of carrying the bride away comes from, strange how no one until the last half century had any compunction about what the purpose of marriage is
I'm sorry to say, but /kind2/ is ded. '~' https://anon.cafe/shelter/res/3340.html#4635
My project has progressed to phase two of the plan I made in 2020: going from actuator design towards a rough dynamics simulation. Unfortunately, it has taken me many times longer to get here than what I wished for and I still don't have everything figured out yet. Four years isn't too long in the grand scheme, and I've learned enough now to not get stuck on the sitting around and thinking habit that's easy to fall into. My plan is as follows: >design the biggest bldc actuator possible with a pre-made controller >make spreadsheet of weight, current, voltage, and torque for smaller actuators >obtain literature on building robots >get a 3090 for ai simulation and inference (probably could do everything with a 3060 12gb for ~200$ instead) >make a dynamical motion simulation with conservative weight estimates for robot frame and actuators >use the sim to find if anything's missing or wrong with the design >find best choice of actuator size, placement, transmission, and if a gearbox is needed to amplify torque >build prototype >rework to save cost
>>24592 Okay, great. Good luck. I got a list of human movements here from chatGPT: >>23494
>>24592 Welcome back Anon! Very glad to hear you're making progress with you project plans. Looking forward to seeing what you accomplish. Cheers. :^)
>>24598 Still haven't had a dull moment to write down everything I've done so far, maybe will happen one day.
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>From the spotted by the James Webb Telescope recently dept: Lol. Is God playing a joke on conceited cosmologists? :D
>>24641 A guy, Jim Stone, who has now completely disappeared, killed???, said that the James Webb telescope was never built. Fake. And no he's not flat earth, no space type guy. I thought, he's nuts, but the very first pictures they published from the James Webb telescope had one picture with the wrong number of rays. See the rays, forgot the tech name, that go out from the stars? They are diffraction from the supports. Notice they all have 6 rays. Because Webb has three supports. The pictures NASA published one had...8 rays. How did that happen? Now I would still say he was nuts but has published some serious hair raising reports that I can not dispute that show, very bad things Globalhomo is up to.
>>24666 Lol. Never change, Grommet. :^) Now if you had told me that the JWT (or any other cosmologic observational system) had unequivocally """proven""" that the ΛCDM model of the hot creation origin of the universe was le wrong!11one!!11eleven111!!, then yes, I would indeed agree with you that this was way out there with the 'le flat earth' and the 'we never went to le moon' nutjobs. :DDD As is, I can assure you on a personal level that the JWT and all the other deep space systems are very much real. >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/17/2023 (Thu) 13:59:25.
I've heard and seen some signs that China may be entering a "conflict" pretty soon, and the waters around the world are getting less safe (pirates). It's likely getting late to order chinese parts that were once cheap and available to ship, so it's best to order any parts you might need now while you still can. At least watch the shops you need to get stuff from. Ik I'm fudposting, but a lot of the stuff I wanted to order from china is about 2x the price right now than at the start of this year.
>>24673 Thanks for the warning. I had similar thoughts. If possible, get stuff from China before it gets even worse. Could be for various reasons.
/robowaifu/, if I have general technical questions that don't relate to making /robowaifu/s, where should I put them at? Here? I don't want to take it to /tech/ because I think they can be extremely up tight, especially when you ask them simple questions.
>>24729 Please post your questions in the most relevant thread. For example, if you're working with motors, ask in the actuator thread. In general through, please check various other sources before coming here for answers if it isn't related to building a waifu. If you don't find your answer, you should be able to better articulate your question with some knowledge on the subject.
>>24730 So If I had a question regarding PHP or Javascript, where would I post that at?
Noob here. I might be able to get a job in Robotic Process Automation. Is that a good place to start and learn about building waifubots?
>>24736 You'd be able to learn and network with your employees for sure. What I'm starting from is reading the Springer Handbook of Robotics. I was focused on choice of actuator for years, and it took that long to find the best controller+motor. I bet the book is a good place to ask any questions you have and get started down one design path. Even better is just looking at what works that others built already.
>>24738 Thank you for your input. Naturally they aren’t focused on robowaifus. But I personally lack the drive to start from home which is why I want to build some professional experience first.
>>24734 >regarding PHP or Javascript Generally look into the catalog: https://alogs.space/robowaifu/catalog.html - search there. You could look for one of the thread you find searching for "programming" maybe. Or in your case it's more important what you want to do with these languages. The current meta might also work >>23415 No one is going to hate you if you put it into a suboptimal thread. Just make at least the minimum effort to try. And you have to accept that it might get moved to another thread later, with a link to it in place of the removed discussion.
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>>24741 Thanks, NoidoDev. I don't think Chobitsu will mind of if I post it here since this is technically the off topic thread. I suppose if it really does become a problem I can post in the shit posting thread but I personally find that unnecessary. Chobitsu is a pretty chill board owner. He's like aux from /monster/ but he can speak English better (^:
>>24729 >>24734 >>24746 Right here in this thread is fine Anon. I certainly agree with Kiwi and NoidoDev that you should always dig for answers in lots of different places, as well as here. This is an important part of the DIY Ethos, BTW. Anons learning to be resourceful and self-sufficient. This will make our movement much more resilient against attacks (b/c there won't be a 'central point' for the Globohomo to decisively target), and it also creates a very wide array of good ideas that might be lacking otherwise (b/c individual Anons gain confidence in their own takes sufficient to share them with others). Good hunting, Anon. Cheers. :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/21/2023 (Mon) 09:42:27.
>>24736 Yes, it would be a great start Anon! Particularly focus on devising PID control loops, and also logic ladders would be my recommendation. This will give you a very solid background for learning systems programming for robowaifus using C++ and C. Good luck, Anon! Cheers. :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/21/2023 (Mon) 09:43:03.
>>24738 >What I'm starting from is reading the Springer Handbook of Robotics. Very good choice IMO. Please share with the board any good insights you find therein, if you would be so kind, Anon. Cheers! :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/23/2023 (Wed) 02:28:16.
>>23989 >a slav youtuber who is using a >solution of acetone and some >kind of plastic to make a clear >glue/lacquer. >What kind of plastic is he using? Might be "How To Make ABS Juice, Glue, and Slurry" https://www.matterhackers.com/news/how-to-make-abs-juice-glue-and-slurry
>buy radxa zero >it breaks >buy orange pi 3 >its support for coding GPIO pins is garbage >finally cave in and buy a raspberry pi zero >can't solder the pins waiting for flux This whole buying and waiting thing is starting to mess with me
>>24838 >ScrapChan.jpg Good to see some progress. I was a bit knocked out for some time, since I have to do something else, don't want to, it's to hot and I hate the heat, ran into too many hurdles in different areas, and then I procrastinated more intensely than ever before. Always the same freaking pattern. I hope I'm back, but still have other stuff to do.
On the topic of thread archives and reaching the boards page limit, I'd avoid consolidating and editing threads, what /robowaifu/ needs is a companion website. Also I hope a few anons here are keeping there own backups, you never know when a site can just vanish overnight. I am aware this is not the first home and that Chobitsu has experience with this problem. LynxChan (the software hosting this image board) has a nice Json api (1), I wrote a quick scraper/archiver for my self today. The json and media is only like 12gb for me (there could be dupes, I stored the media for each thread in its own folder) To make the archive more useful and browsable I still need to write a page generator that converts the json into Chan style html. (if such a thing exists, please tell me about it, to save me a lot of effort) Now I'd hate to just be an idea guy suggesting the obvious, so instead I wish to actually contribute something, I may not be the right anon for the job, but I will layout my cards and maybe I can do something useful here. I already self host services for my self, and my internet connection is ok, I have about 200Mbps symmetric connection. Storage should not be a problem for me I have plenty, even if this site was a few TB large. The only problem is that my ISP kinda sucks and I am behind CGNAT so I don't have a unique reachable IPv4 address and my ISP in the year 2023 still doesn't support IPv6, so no easy clearnet site. What I do to get around this issue is expose any service I want accessible outside of my home network via TOR & that works well for me. I also use mullvad and get an ipv4 with a random port forwarded it's good for seeding torrents. I know in theory I could do a clearnet site but it would not be on port 80 & if you want ssl that creates even more headaches when it comes to lets encrypt certs, so I'd not bother. I could also host on the cloud, or use a VPS as a reverse proxy (for its public IPv4), but I am not going to contribute to there deep pockets. I understand fears about the archive going down and taking a bunch of history with it. I would like input on that topic, I'd hate to be a single point of failure, one idea I have is to provide torrents of full archives and also will gladly share the tools to host your own mirror. TL;DR: I am willing and offering to host a dedicated archive for /robowaifu/ & stuff relating to it over TOR (and I2P once I get more experience with it). If I was to do so, would this be actually useful and allow /robowaifu/ to not worry about page limits? I am especially looking for opinions and approval from Chobitsu. 1: https://gitgud.io/LynxChan/LynxChan/-/blob/master/doc/Json.txt
>>24900 >(if such a thing exists, please tell me about it, to save me a lot of effort) Beautiful Soup, the Python library, already provides such a facility. wget and cURL can also rewrite links to be local ones IIRC. Our own Bumpmaster (>>14616, et al) is planned to include this capability as well (indeed to serve as a local server for an individual's own hosting of the board). Good luck Anon. We'll hold our 2nd-ever Board Council, focused on these & other topics, ITT beginning this weekend. I hope you'll participate! Cheers. :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/26/2023 (Sat) 09:36:44.
>>24836 We need to use such opportunities to rethink threads. These AI threads need to be linked in the OP of each other one, and we should try to keep things sorted. - The old chatbot thread >>22 is now the one for cognitive architecture >>24783 - I hope this one doesn't get cluttered with other things. - The next GPT thread which is currently >>250 could be one about the tech of LLMs, and only that. Or it also goes into >>24783 - Or we make one for anything related to language responses, so scripted chatbots and LLM, minus the more elaborate thinking - Abstract debates about conscience and sentience should go into the thread about "philosophy" >>11102 - Fundamental doubts and such also. It is also about the postings which would only be disruptive in the "cognitive architecture" thread. Basically the things which the people implementing it don't want to be bothered with. - Morals and such >>17125 might also have an abstract implementation problem. - We have threads on all kinds of personality and psychology. >>77 >>250 >>18 >>11102 >>17125 >>16217 >>15047 >>2731 >>22 >>111 >>107 >>152 ... and more in the catalog.
>>24970 >We need to use such opportunities to rethink threads. Agreed. We're approaching 20 pages now. Our limit is 25. I to would like to do some consolidations. I'd suggest that we have this as an open board discussion on current /meta however (>>23415), so no one 'gets surprised' by any thread changes that are agreed upon. Sound good NoidoDev?
>>24971 >so no one 'gets surprised' by any thread changes that are agreed upon. Sound good NoidoDev? Yes. I think of these changes as just reflecting how things developed anyways. For example GPT isn't the only large language model, so the title and topic shouldn't be GPT. Chatbots and LLMs cover some of the same topic, but we also want to go beyond that and have internal thought processes going on using these technologies. >We're approaching 20 pages now. Our limit is 25. Oooh, there's also a limit?! That's the reason why some didn't get resurrected? We'll rather need to archive some at some point, as in deleting and making it into a zip file? And maybe outsourcing it to an archive website and linking to it?
>>24972 OK, sounds good NoidoDev. I'll move this convo to /meta, then begin a general board council on the topic. Probably sometime this weekend. Cheers. :^)
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We have some important needs to work on, and we could sure use every Anon's inputs to put our minds together and solve them. On the tablestone tonight : >Primary goal : 1. Let's figure out together how to better consolidate/reorganize our many overlapping-topics threads across the board. (>>24970) --- >Stretch goals : * Let's think about better ways to archive/serve our board to improve it's resilience. (>>24900) * Let's brainstorm how best to create a very-important new thread on Cognitive Architecture (>>24783, >>24919) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/28/2023 (Mon) 08:06:50.
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Lo! I, Greentext anon, have finally taken the first step to building mai waifu by drafting a concept image concerning her mechanical workings, and am posting it in this thread as per the request of Chobitsu. For those of you who haven't been following my insane ravings in the writing thread, she will be a fluffy pony. I have decided her name to be Orchid. You guys have only seen it in one or two of my stories, but behind the scenes and in my poetry book it's a name that comes up more often than anything else, so it's the name she's going with. This fluffy pone will come packed with the jankiest bronze-age technology I could possibly muster! This ensures that I can still build her if the grid goes down, I go back in time, or am isekai'd to a mideval fantasy-land filled with big-titty anime girls! And should any part of the design fail and it definitely will because I'm a retard with mechanics I can simply use the hillbilly magic that is super glue and gorilla tape with ease. Now then, I should probably explain some aspects of this poorly constructed amalgamation of ideas and mechanical sketches. The first thing I will get out of the way are the decisions I've made regarding tradeoffs, which will dictate Orchid's design. EVERY PIECE COMPRISING ORCHID MUST BE STORE BOUGHT OR 3D PRINTABLE. I'm not running a factory, and I have zero intention of getting into casting or whatever. I will sacrifice whatever I need to in order to accomplish this. The only pieces I will 'fabricate' will be the outer layers, via sewing. Where necessary, I am also willing to solder together store-bought components. All of her mechanical aspects should be as simple as possible. I will not hesitate to sacrifice speed, power, or efficiency in order to keep her design from becoming convoluted. Ideally, her limbs should have good staying power. I don't know the proper term for "her joints should keep their position regardless of their orientation", so that's what I'm calling it. Again, I will make sacrifices to accomplish this if need be. While I am fine with spending a bit more money on nicer parts when advantageous, I want to go as cheap as I reaonsably can. There's more, but everything centers around one basic concept: I want something I can actually build, not some pie in the sky design with ridiculously overcomplicated mechanisms and six million connecting joints that need to be fabricated from a hand-built factory. Regarding the actual construction of the frame, it will be in five layers as you see in the first attached image. The inner frame, which will be constructed from 3D printed and/or store-bought materials, and the outer frame, which will be constructed similarly. The difference between the two is that the inner frame will be supporting the electrical and mechanical elements. The outer frame, on the other hand, will act as the surrounding layer which protects the interior, and as a base upon which the outer layers will be connected. Ideally, the frame will be able to support Orchid's weight in every direction, such as when she's lying on her side in my bed, or leaning into me whilst on my lap. The outer layers will consist of a thick fabric "guard layer", which will keep any material from the "fill layer" from escaping. The fill layer itself will be the cushion which makes Orchid squishy and cuddly, and will consist of either polyester doll fill, memory foam, or a mixture of the two. The faux fur layer is exactly what it sounds like: The outermost layer of fabric, which has one side covered in facsimilie fur. This will allow a soft, fluffy surface which I can brush and bury my face into. The inner and outer frame will be connected to eachother intimately via nuts, bolts, and probably two to three rolls of tape. The outer layers will connect to the outer frame via screws, magnets, and/or buttons. The outer layers will be sewn together in plate-like sections, which will allow me to remove individual plates for easy access to Orchid's internals from any point. Regarding the mechanical aspects, it's going to be an amalgamation of bronze-age nonsense as I said before. As long as she can support her own weight and cuddle without falling apart, that's good enough for me. Will Orchid walk? I don't know, and I don't care all that much at this early stage. If she does, then great! I have a working design upon which to base future iterations. If she doesn't, then great! I'll get plenty of exercize from carrying her 3D printed ass around. All motors in her design will have to be bi-directional. They'll probably be steppers.
Part 2 because my autism can't be contained in single posts. Now then, onto the things I'm not showing. Regarding power, Orchid will have no batteries to speak of. She will be entirely powered via a cable harness. Ideally, I will be able to power all of her components via Power over Ethernet. I have two switches which use the PoE-II standard, so I should be able to at least partially consolidate her power and communication lines. Realistically, I won't be able to completely do this due to higher cost of PoE equipment and the wattage limitations of PoE-II (there are newer standards, but those switches are harder to find second-hand). Still, some consolidation is better than none. Also, while I'm on the topic of ethernet, she will be using it. The sketch at the bottom of the image is a joke, and she likely won't have wireless communications until years in the future (why bother if she's on a cable harness?). Regarding expressiveness, Orchid will be using screens for eyes, and most likely the mouth, totalling three. Alternately, I may use LED grids if I can do so easily and cheaply. I'm on the fence as to whether they should be monochrome or full color, but I'll most likely use monochrome for the first version. Unless technology suddenly takes a massive leap, these will be permanent features present in all future iterations. Regarding sex... well, I'll be extremely surprised if there isn't some company out there making synthetic horsepussy. So, I'll just get one of those and slot it in the back. Ideally, I'll be able to find something that comes with crotchtits, but failing that I can just get a boob mousepad and coat it with flex-seal or something. Regarding processing power, I have a server. While Orchid will most likely have some form of SBC onboard, its only real job will be to send input to the server, then receive output from the server and sent it to wherever it needs to go. Regarding sight and sound, I will be mounting a third eye and possibly more eyes around her body for better sight and totally not because I have a fetish for that on Orchid's forehead. This will be the "true" eye that actually allows her to see. It will have whatever I think it needs to have, including stereo cameras. The microphone will ideally be in the ears, which in turn will ideally be able to articulate to some degree. Failing that, I'll just put them wherever I think they need to be. Her sight and hearing won't necessarily be limited to whatever I put in her body, and may include networked peripherals spread around my bedroom which also connect to the aforementioned server. Any questions? What's that: all of them, you say? Well, ask away! I'll answer whatever I can. I'm also quite open to any suggestions that follow the general philosophy of my design plan.
>>24974 >1. Let's figure out how to better consolidate/reorganize our many overlapping-topics threads across the board. (>>24970) I think the catalog is fine, id actually be worried about consolidating too much. There are non obvious reasons as to why seemingly ""duplicate"" threads are created. It useful to get a fresh conversation going, it provides a clean starting point, long dense history leads to a lot of tedium (especially if you try to read all posts in a thread before engaging), the longer a thread goes on the more entrenched points become, this can lead to a form of tunnel vision. I'd also be careful about forcing two similar but distinct topics, If I wanted to engage in the other topic, I'd go to the other thread. The small differences can be the reason why someone engages or disengages. I am not saying I support anarchy, I think the moderation here is good right now. There should be a focus on not allowing doomerism, AI FUD and pure negativity to manifest. I would suggest not getting in the way of natural conversation & topic flow. Everyone participates here voluntarily, this is not a job so let's keep that in mind & a casual tone can help foster a community :^) To help with organization I have a simple idea that I feel if done right, will provide a lot of value. A pinned curated summery thread, this thread would contain curated ideas and summaries of conversations that happened in other threads on this board. Posts should be made in a consistent format. Contain the summarized key points and positions and link to the original post(s). It could also be really beneficial to add an optional section in the posts where curator can inject there own insights and link to related ideas not included in the original conversation. >Stretch goals : >* Let's think about better ways to archive/serve our board to improve it's resilience. Quick update: I have written an archiver and now am writing a static page generator. The goal is to make it really easy to rehost an archive so I need to make this as durable as possible with less moving parts. I want anons to be able to take advantage of free hosting like github pages & neocities. This system will have 2 (maybe 3) parts: 1. archiver -- it simply downloads the content of threads. (1) 2. page generator -- converts the archived json into human readable static web pages. (2) 3. indexer -- not sure if this is a good idea, but a small sqlite DB can be created for a searchable index, the produced DB can even be used on a static site! (3) 1: the archiver so far: https://paste.i2pd.xyz/?52f5562be3b106f1#8GxSJgJhiYZoQhzP7JZ4L6MLRi7cWybXCLWRszq8uXKS 2: the static page gen so far: https://paste.i2pd.xyz/?e517b3b72077fe3e#6yvr4cGSvu7JTsqK74gat3R3BTnJT8WyqGBeQ9q3zLiX 3: a post about using sqlite on a static site: https://phiresky.github.io/blog/2021/hosting-sqlite-databases-on-github-pages/
>>24981 >>24980 I love the approach and I think you have some good ideas. I do have one potential suggestion to make for your microphones. you may want to use a microphone array module, look into the "ReSpeaker Mic Array", it contains a microphone array that can give the direction that the sound is coming from & will do DSP processing for you, removing things like background noise. here is demo on youtube https://youtu.be/gGVQ-9f7azs
>>24980 and >>24981 Okay, cool. We'll see you in the prototyping thread >>21647, if you don't make one for your project in particular or for working on magical pets (ponies) inspired designs.
>>24974 >Let's figure out together how to better consolidate/reorganize our many overlapping-topics threads across the board. (>>24970) - First of all, this is only necessary because we will run out of threads this board can have. Is this related to the config or is it LynxChan itself? - One thing to think of, would be to look which threads are not being linked to, from other threads, or not much. Then making them into a kinda website and link to it from one archive thread. Ideally the site would also be part of /robowaifu/ and bump would archive it as well. Lol. - We can reduce the whole problem by just merging some old threads, but this might lead to threads which will hit the bump limit. Not sure if there's also a comment limit. If not, then it's fine. In that case we could even merge the old prototyping threads into one. Next issue then is that this seems to be difficult to do, there really should be a tool admins can do that on the database level. - So making a list of redundant threads would be the next thing to do.
>>24988 That is something I was wondering about. Would it be better to make a quadraped-specific development thread, or keep everything merged? The former would certainly be better for organization, but the latter may offer more useful cross-pollination of ideas. >>24989 >Not sure if there's also a comment limit I don't think I've ever seen an IB that allows more than 750 replies per thread, and while it's possible for a BO to restrict this further, we can't go above the global setting. I'm not sure what the global setting is for alog, but it definitely has one. The same goes for thread limits. If we intend to keep every thread and reply it might be necessary to migrate in the future, and possibly move to different IB software. While the idea certainly leaves a bitter taste, due to the fall of 8chan and subsequent fragmenting, it needs to be considered if we want to keep everything on the board for the longest possible amount of time. As a stop-gap measure, pruning and merging the older, lower reply count threads should be fine. A bunch of them are redundant, and a few have no replies at all.
>>24991 Reading my own stupid idea just now made me think of a less stupid idea. What if we have a second IB that functions as a backup and archive? If we can modify the global settings to allow more threads and replies (or use better IB software which allows this) then we can keep everything in the proper format. As a bonus, we have a backup to go to if this place ever goes down.
>>24989 >>24991 >>24993 Creating a companion archive site for /robowaifu/ is the best way to go, creating one will not be hard & you can just link to it from threads. Let's not turn an image board into reddit, I would hate to see red tape around thread creation, post frequency and even a point system to filter out bad posters (last one is a joke). The IB limits are sane, the problem is us trying to work around them. We should be creating new threads and just linking the archives in them! Migrating to another IB, Merging threads into large monsters are not good ideas, moving or having more then one IB will create fragmentation, monster sized threads are horrible to read. Lets use an IB like an IB & not as an archive or wiki. If we need archives and wikis, lets make one. Sorry if I sound like a broken record.
The absolute state of CY 3DPD.
>>24989 >- First of all, this is only necessary because we will run out of threads this board can have. Is this related to the config or is it LynxChan itself? I consider clarity & ease of reasoning to be the higher necessities going on here, Anon. Having (very often clearly-related) information scattered all over the place -- while commonplace with IBs -- is quite detrimental both to research & to clear understanding. This is in fact why I created both Waifusearch (>>8678), and our Library thread (>>7143) here years ago: to help ease the burden of this specific problem for all of us anons on /robowaifu/ . :^) While us running shy of board 'real estate' is a real potential issue, we're easily a year out from that eventuality (all things being equal), given my management approach thus far. That, and the fact our gracious Admin Robi generously agreed very early on (even while I was tediously initially-rebuilding our OG board here literally one post at a time by hand) to grant the site 25 pages of threads (250 threads). It was much less prior to my request to him in the matter (10, I think). By addressing these concerns via this Council here & now well in advance, I mean to stave off any significant issues when we do begin running out of space later on. Additionally, I may also say that Robi agreed to add /robowaifu/ into the site's archiving facility; while we haven't yet needed to use such, it's apparently there for us when the time comes. But again, the primary point of this Council -- as I see it -- is to try making everything here simpler to find & read in a clarified way (and to keep it that way going forward). As an example; one certainly wouldn't want to read papers in the literature that constantly jumped all over the place haphazardly with their writing, rather than flowing smoothly from one related-thought to the next. >- One thing to think of, would be to look which threads are not being linked to, from other threads, or not much. Then making them into a kinda website and link to it from one archive thread. Ideally the site would also be part of /robowaifu/ and bump would archive it as well. Lol. BUMP could be made to archive any IB site that provides a reasonable JSON API, as it already does now. There is an Anon here who has already created another site, but it has languished b/c no one is supplying it with data. I currently CBA to tackle any such thing r/n. Use Waifusearch to find the site in question, then ask that anon to work with you NoidoDev, if you really want to do something like this. I'll certainly patch the .sites.config file for BUMP with the new archive board's domain if you in fact do so. General scraping with cURL/wget/other-tools is also a possibility for any non-IB sites, as well. >- We can reduce the whole problem by just merging some old threads, but this might lead to threads which will hit the bump limit. Yes, that (thread autosage) will happen at 350 posts on /robowaifu/ . >Not sure if there's also a comment limit. If not, then it's fine. I'm guessing that Robi has set the global limit at 750 posts for AlogsSpace. >In that case we could even merge the old prototyping threads into one. Yes, but only two at a time. And others as well, such as a pair of /meta's for instance. >Next issue then is that this seems to be difficult to do, there really should be a tool admins can do that on the database level. That's my desire & intent, and I could have written it years ago if someone had ever replied to my repeated pleas to show me how to make posts here using cURL alone, while dealing properly with the CAPTCHAs here (I'm not trying to haxxor them, but simply to retrieve/display the captcha image itself on the external client WITHOUT using JS) (or some better even alternative for making posts here to alogs.space using my external tools). As-is, I'm not clever enough/motivated enough/free enough to invest time in solving it. All my fault ofc; not trying to lay the blame on anyone else. Simply disappointed that no one else has stepped up to help us with this subtask after all this time is all. /rant Therefore we're stuck with the BO administrative mess that is Lynxchan. At least Stephen Lynx added in thread merge a year or so ago. Now, if he would simply provide individual posts migration it would make every (BO/Mod that cares)'s life dramatically easier while using his software. >- So making a list of redundant threads would be the next thing to do. Sounds like a great plan Anon. You, yourself, are by far clearly the best anon to carry that out! :^) >=== -add crosslink -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/29/2023 (Tue) 17:10:09.
>>25010 >how to make posts here using cURL alone simple ## creating new thread ## curl -X POST \ "https://alogs.space/newThread.js" \ -c cookie \ #requires a bypass cookie -F "name=$name" \ #self explanatory (se) -F "subject=$subject" \ #se -F "email=$email" \ #se -F "message=$message" \ #text of post -F "password=$password" \ #password to delete post -F "flag=$flag" \ #? default is "No flag" -F "captcha=$captchakey"\ #se, not required if board captcha not enabled -F "boardUri=robowaifu" \ #se -F "threadId=" \ #leave empty -F "files=@$files;" \ "filename=$postedFilenames;" \ "type=application/octet-stream" #se, -T "{file1,file2,...} might also work instead ## replying to thread ## curl -X POST \ 'https://alogs.space/replyThread.js' \ -c cookie \ #requires a bypass cookie -F "name=$name" \ #self explanatory (se) -F "subject=$subject" \ #se -F "email=$email" \ #se -F "message=$message" \ #text of post -F "password=$password" \ #password to delete post -F "flag=$flag" \ #? default is "No flag" -F "captcha=$captchakey"\ #se, not required if board captcha not enabled -F "boardUri=robowaifu" \ #se -F "threadId=$threadId" \ #se -F "files=@$files;" \ "filename=$postedFilenames;" \ "type=application/octet-stream" #se, -T "{file1,file2,...} might also work instead ## getting block bypass ## curl -X POST \ 'https://alogs.space/renewBypass.js' \ -F "captcha=$captchakey" \ -c cookie -o tmp #send a captcha key to get a bypass cookie ## getting captcha keys ## ( one time use ) curl 'https://alogs.space/noCookieCaptcha.js' -o tmp #get a captcha captchaId=$( cat tmp | grep 'captchaId' \ | grep -o '64ed[^"]*' ) #get id used to send solution link='https://alogs.space'$( cat tmp \ | grep -o '/\.global/captchas[^"]*' ) #get link to captcha curl -o captchaimg "$link" #get captcha imgage open captchaimg #solve captcha read answer #give the answer curl -X POST \ 'https://alogs.space/solveCaptcha.js' \ -F "captchaId=$captchaId" \ -F "answer=$answer" \ -o tmp #send answer with the id to solve captcha captchakey=$( cat tmp | grep 'solvedCaptcha' \ | grep -o '64ed[^"]*' ) #get key from reply (if it passed) captchakey=$( echo -e $( echo $captchakey \ | sed 's/%/\\x/g' ) ) #decode since key is encoded for some reason
>>24980 >>24981 OK Greentext anon, sounds like you've really gotten a handle on where you want to go with this. I'd suggest just posting your initial efforts into our current Prototypes thread (>>21647) for now. Then, once you're approaching a workable prototype, if you're up for it, begin your own project thread for Orchid here, where you provide many photos/a tutorial of sorts for other anons who want to follow in your footsteps with your pone robowaifu project. Cheers. :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/29/2023 (Tue) 04:43:24.
>>25015 Thanks kindly Anon. I'll carve out some time (probably by next weekend or so) to understand your example and see if I can successfully re-implement it in my code. Cheers! :^)
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>>24981 I have several questions. 1. What are her intended functions beyond being pony hole with some vague movements. Please create a list of intended functions, preferably in order of importance. 2. What designs are you basing her on? 3. What are her height and desired mass? I want to help, but your two posts currently present a vague idea. An idea is like a nebula, it needs to be condensed to be a star. By defining aspects, you give them more gravity. Eventually your work can shine and really help everypony that wants to build their own.
>>25019 >intended functions There really isn't much that I haven't already layed out. Simply put, Orchid's basic hardware functions will be: + Sturdy frame. Not really a function, but it's still important. I really don't want to have to fix any breaks or replace frame parts after completion. Additionally, the frame should be able to support her weight in any direction. + Relatively wide range of movement. The shoulders and knees should be able to move around 120° linearly, the lateral shoulder movement should be around 40°, and the hooves somewhere around 50°. Neck rotation and tilt should be ~180° and ~80° respectively (I wrote slightly different vales for some of these before, and these values have come from a bit of thought on my part). + Accessable. Again, not really a function in hard terms, but this too is important. The fabric layers will be sewn into soft plates, which I should be able to easily install and remove as individual parts. This will allow easier maintainence. + Sight and sound based awareness of her environment. She'll have cameras and microphones mounted in her to enable this. If she has any sense of touch whatsoever, it will only be in her hooves so she can tell when a hoof is resting on a surface. + Ethernet based networking. I intend to offload most if not all of the number crunching to a dedicated server. Ideally, I'll be able to use PoE as much as possible. + Basic emotiveness. She will have two screen eyes which cannot see, but will allow her to emote. If it doesn't become too complicated, she will also have a third, much smaller screen as a mouth for more complex emotiveness. + Basic locomotion. I'm not too worried about speed or anything like that, if she can walk at all then that'll be fantastic. Obviously, she will have effectively no ability to manipulate her environment aside from opening ajar doors with her front hooves. + A speaker, so she can speak. + Mare genetalia And, well, that's about all I can think of in terms of hardware functions. Everything else is either pure cosmetics or software. >design base I'm not sure if I understand this question. She's more or less going to have a standard mare body from MLP (maybe a tad bulkier), and be either a unicorn or earth pony. If you're asking what character I'll be using as a base: none. She will be an OC through and through. Colorwise, she'll have a fluffy curly-haired dark blue coat (I already found fabric that I like) and use a modified wig (which I don't have yet) that'll either be silver or a pearlescent white (those of you who've payed close attention to my stories will know I use those hair colors very frequently. I like them a lot). The jury's still out concerning her eyes. >height and mass She will be ~3' at the withers. A 1:1 adult mare. Concerning mass, I'd like to keep her under 150lbs.
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>>25037 I don't know if I've came out of the shadows on the board yet, but I've been doing a pony robot project for 4 years and I've been here for at least 3. I have no robot to show for it because it was too complicated for me to make back then, but I've learned enough to start designing it now. I may have posted in the embassy thread already but I've not made my own pony bot dev thread on the board. Some tips I can put here is to try DC gearmotors, howlfabrics minky fabric, poly-fil stuffing, scale up a my little waifu pony plush pattern, Dual-Hole Cheval toy from American Meat, PLA printed parts or wood, some kind of cheap encoder (potentiometer on joint would be simple?), model it in whatever software you can get and then import it in ROS to make it move. Camera can work with a raspberry pi/your pc or use a jetson nano to detect objects. Anything more or this post itself can go in the prototype thread. I've got more work on my manufacturing processes and part choices for my robot before I'm going to build any more.
>>24980 > related (>>24727, >>24737)
>>25010 Can someone using Bump make a "ls"-file of all threads? So we have something to work with. My disc is connected to another computer and I can't transfer the file easily because it's Blutooth. Also what does "R: 12 / I: 3 / P: 18" mean? R-esponses, P-ictures, I-ncoming links?
>>25050 replies, images, posts
>>25050 its R:replies I:images P:page
>>25058 Correct. And thanks, Anon.
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>>25037 >>25039 Hm, I could see this becoming fun. I'm still working on pioneering the meshtegrity concept so I won't offer too much proactive help. I will help when asked and I get to it. Frame -I agree with both of you. Baymax is a good example. By having a thin skeleton with thick cylinders at extremities, you can keep her very soft and light with ease of articulation design. It's similar for many plush figures which move. Sight and sound -Since you want her to run off PoE, then I would suggest to us a simple board that is good at controlling and reading IO. Something like this should serve you well. https://www.olimex.com/Products/IoT/ESP32/ESP32-POE/open-source-hardware Emotive communication -I recommend doing some research into animation if you haven't. Locomotion -Geared DC motors are the cheapest option. Hall effect sensors are good for reading angles. Potentiometers are cheaper but more finicky. Good luck and happy clopping :^)
>>24982 >2. page generator -- converts the archived json into human readable static web pages. (2) Neat! Just as a quick aside, you might try working with the JSON archives periodically released for the board. > from the OP ITT : --- >note: We periodically release the full archive of the board's thread's JSON files. This is useful for robowaifu researchers in general, and is explicitly relied-upon by Waifusearch. -Latest version of /robowaifu/ JSON archives v221213 Dec 2022 https://files.catbox.moe/6rhjl8.7z if you use Waifusearch, just extract these JSON files into your 'all_jsons' directory for the program, then quit (q) and restart. --- I'll respond more fully to your posts soon Anon, but I just wanted to throw that out there beforehand. Cheers. :^)
>>25039 Hello Anon. I'm guessing we've already talked here before haven't we? Regardless, thanks for your information. As with my advice to Greentext anon (>>25016) I'd suggest you begin releasing what you already have so far in the Prototypes thread. Cheers. :^)
>>25063 >Baymax is a good example. Neat! I'd never really thought of him before as a design inspiration. Good thinking Kiwi.
>>25063 >2nd pic BTW, I've found several tools useful for slicing/flattening out NURBS patches, suitable for printing out patch flats, as we discussed before (>>24542). Just like the cloth pattern in your post, these preprocessing steps help to create meshtegrity flats that can be bent around tricky curves/forms/etc., yet still only require flat prints. We'll talk more about this when the time is right, Anon. Cheers. :^)
>>24980 >>24981 [Orchid's original design notes.] >>25037 [Further notes and function list.] >>25063 Seeing your post reminded me of something, frankly, stupidly obvious, and gave me a number of ideas to improve Orchid's design while also making things even simpler. She might even reach iron age levels of sophistication. I'm going to make some sketches and compile my thoughts into another multi-post wall of autism, and post it in the prototype thread like Chobitsu's been telling us to do for a while now. From here on out, I'll also be sure to start crosslinking my own posts properly.
>>25010 >dealing properly with the CAPTCHAs here Right, I forgot what I wanted to do about it, it was somehow related to Github and KurobaEx. Now that I have an account I think I wanted to ask or look into KurobaEx how they deal with it. >>- So making a list of redundant threads would be the next thing to do. >Sounds like a great plan Anon. You, yourself, are by far clearly the best anon to carry that out! :^) Haha. I made a list of the threads with the least amount of responses for now: Welcome to /robowaifu/ R:"0 /robowaifu/ is NOT dead. R:"0 About AI R:"0 IRL Drossel von Flügel? R:"0 Hodgkins huxley human neuron model R:"1 Robowaifu Design Document R:"1 Project: United Robowaifu Development R:"1 Girlfreind A I R:"2 Neurosymbolic AI R:"2 Language Models as Zero-Shot Planners: Extracting Actionable Knowledge for Embodied Agents R:"2 Ricky ma&apos;s book R:"2 Avatars R:"2 /robowaifu/ thread archives R:"2 Downloadable AI for robots? R:"2 New United Robowaifu Project R:"2 /clang/ discord R:"4 Opensimulator R:"6 Entry Level Waifu R:"6 True Love R:"7 Those simple bare necessities R:"7 Thot in the Shell 1 R:"8 TalkToWaifu R:"9 Papercraft waifu R:"9 Homemade doll waifu thread R:"10 Minimalist Breadboard Waifu R:"10 A.I. Masters Proteomics R:"10 Not robots but... R:"10 Lurk Less: Tasks to Tackle R:"11 WaifuNetwork - /robowaifu/ GitHub Collaborators/Editors Needed R:"11 Agalmatophilia R:"11 Robotics Hardware General R:"12 Help a N00b? R:"12 My Waifu R:"12 Open Prosthetics R:"13 Self-replicating waifubots. R:"13 New Paradigm of CPU and PCB Architecture R:"13 Plastic Production R:"13 Mycroft: Open Source Alexa R:"13 Modular Platform, &quot;Assistant&quot;: Wheelchair-style robot base to jumpstart projects R:"14 Ricky Ma General R:"14 Cuddling Robot R:"15 Fundamental Design Ideas that should ALWAYS be accounted for R:"16 Important things about building living robots R:"16 Minimum wafiu R:"18 My reason to live R:"18 THE LANGUAGE PROBLEM R:"19 Sophie Bot STL Files Uploaded R:"20 Robowaifu Market R:"20 Walking R:"22 kiwi&apos;s Tutorials R:"23 Ashiel - A Robowaifu Design Project R:"23 Body Proportions R:"23 Feasibility and thinking about right now R:"23 OpenGL Resources R:"23 Self-driving cars AI + hardware R:"24 I write books about worlds of waifus. R:"24 Robowaifu Systems Engineering R:"24 your file is too big onii-chan R:"24 New, Cutting Edge, or Outside the Box Tech R:"25 AFFORDABLE, PRACTICAL WAIFUBOTS ARE POSSIBLE TODAY R:"25 new user and seeing how it works R:"26 Robowaifu Fail-safety R:"27 Robot waifu desires R:"27 Emotions in Robowaifus. R:"28 TensorFlow R:"28 Robowaifu Psychology Thread R:"29 Any chatbot creation step by step guide? R:"29 Robowaifus&apos; unique advantages R:"31 Sophie Development Continues R:"31 What can we buy today? R:"33 Early Business Ideas R:"34 AI + Brain/Computer Interface news & commentary R:"35 Robot Voices R:"35 Making money with AI and robowaifus R:"36 Proto1 All Parts R:"36 Hold onto your papers R:"39 /robowaifu/ + /monster/, its benefits, and the uncanny valley R:"39 What&apos;s the future of /robowaifu/ like? R:"39 Building the ultimate waifu. R:"41 Reploid thread R:"41 robowaifu energy systems R:"42 Elfdroid Sophie Thread #3 R:"42 Robowaifu Power and Control Systems R:"42 Wifu that gives you Hope. R:"42 Aoki Lapis model; Robot fairy R:"44 NLP General R:"47 Robowaifu Media Propaganda and Merchandizing R:"49
>>25070 I'm currently looking through a lot of these old threads. Trying to sort them into categories. It's kinda fun, but also a lot.
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>>25071 So for now I tagged and sorted them, and I also have written down some premature ideas. Up to 50 to 60 of 193 threads could possibly go. A.I. Masters Proteomics R:"10 #OldNews #meta? or #news /clang/ discord R:"4 #sex #meta? #embassy Robot waifu desires R:"27 #sex Not robots but... R:"10 #meta #OldNews THE LANGUAGE PROBLEM R:"19 #meta? Open Prosthetics R:"13 #general? or legs/hands threads your file is too big onii-chan R:"24 #meta? True Love R:"7 #meta? new user and seeing how it works R:"26 #meta? #introduction --> up to -9 # Planning What&apos;s the future of /robowaifu/ like? R:"39 #Meta #Administrative #Planning Building the ultimate waifu. R:"41 #Meta #Planning Those simple bare necessities R:"7 #planning maybe #meta Robowaifu Systems Engineering R:"24 #planning --> -3 # Out of the box technology, scifi-ish New, Cutting Edge, or Outside the Box Tech R:"25 Self-replicating waifubots. R:"13 New Paradigm of CPU and PCB Architecture R:"13 --> -2 # Administrative or meta related Welcome to /robowaifu/ R:"0 /robowaifu/ is NOT dead. R:"0 /robowaifu/ thread archives R:"2 New United Robowaifu Project R:"2 Robowaifu Design Document R:"1 Project: United Robowaifu Development R:"1 WaifuNetwork - /robowaifu/ GitHub Collaborators/Editors Needed R:"11 Lurk Less: Tasks to Tackle R:"11 #Underused --> guestimate 50% makes -4 # Minimalist ideas, might be meta or general planning What can we buy today? R:"33 AFFORDABLE, PRACTICAL WAIFUBOTS ARE POSSIBLE TODAY R:"25 Minimum wafiu R:"18 Feasibility and thinking about right now R:"23 #VisualWaifu Homemade doll waifu thread R:"10 Cuddling Robot R:"15 Minimalist Breadboard Waifu R:"10 Entry Level Waifu R:"6 --> -7 # Personal threads, not about development Wifu that gives you Hope. R:"42 #Keep for sentimental reasons? My reason to live R:"18 # AI or cognitive architecture related, with merge oportunity TensorFlow R:"28 Any chatbot creation step by step guide? R:"29 Neurosymbolic AI R:"2 Language Models as Zero-Shot Planners: Extracting Actionable Knowledge for Embodied Agents R:"2 NLP General R:"47 About AI R:"0 Downloadable AI for robots? R:"2 Opensimulator R:"6 Hodgkins huxley human neuron model R:"1 TalkToWaifu R:"9 Girlfreind A I R:"2 Mycroft: Open Source Alexa R:"13 --> -13 # Redundant, merge oportunity Walking R:"22 --> Bipedal Robot Locomotion General >>237 # Redundant, merge oportunity Robotics Hardware General R:"12 Important things about building living robots R:"16 or #meta or #AI Avatars R:"2 Fundamental Design Ideas that should ALWAYS be accounted for R:"16 or #basement --> General Engineering # Redundant, merge oportunity Ricky ma&apos;s book R:"2 Ricky Ma General R:"14 --> Humanoid robots projects # Redundant, merge oportunity Robot Voices R:"35 --> Speech generation >>199 # Redundant, merge oportunity Plastic Production R:"13 #InjectionMolding --> 3D printing >>94 or Engineering General # Kinda redundant, maybe merge oportunity Making money with AI and robowaifus R:"36 Early Business Ideas R:"34 Robowaifu Market R:"20 --> -2 # Kinda redundant, maybe merge oportunity Emotions in Robowaifus. R:"28 Robowaifu Psychology Thread R:"29 # Stories, Content creation and propaganda Robowaifu Media Propaganda and Merchandizing R:"49 I write books about worlds of waifus. R:"24 #Content --> Robowaifu fiction >>29 # Regular small threads Hold onto your papers R:"39 /robowaifu/ + /monster/, its benefits, and the uncanny valley R:"39 robowaifu energy systems R:"42 Robowaifu Fail-safety R:"27 Body Proportions R:"23 Robowaifu Power and Control Systems R:"42 Robowaifus&apos; unique advantages R:"31 Agalmatophilia R:"11 #meta? #board? #motivations? Robowaifu Systems Engineering R:"24 #planning Thot in the Shell 1 R:"8 #containment Self-driving cars AI + hardware R:"24 #mobility # Personal small threads but not about full waifu Proto1 All Parts R:"36 kiwi&apos;s Tutorials R:"23 # Very general technology, maybe OT OpenGL Resources R:"23 #Cyborgs AI + Brain/Computer Interface news & commentary R:"35 --> maybe merging with "Artificial Wombs into Cyborg technology" but "Artificial Wombs" is also related to reproduction and women # Ongoing but small development threads Modular Platform, &quot;Assistant&quot;: Wheelchair-style robot base to jumpstart projects R:"14 # Possible merge, and maybe outsourcing, keep one with links My Waifu R:"12 Sophie Bot STL Files Uploaded R:"20 Sophie Development Continues R:"31 Elfdroid Sophie Thread #3 R:"42 Elfdroid Sophie Dev Thread 2 R:"351 Work on my Elfdroid Sophie R:"352 --> -5 # Similar to Sophie threads, unfinished and not ongoing projects, I'd say keep one or merge all into one "Project Archive" with link to the html archive and the option of writing new comments in regards to any of these projects in that one project archive thread. The Sophie thread should be linked there as well. If some of the Sophie threads get outsourced into a website, these should also be linked there, even if there's still another Sophie thread. These threads here could also be seen als related to general engineering. Reploid thread R:"41 Aoki Lapis model; Robot fairy R:"44 Ashiel - A Robowaifu Design Project R:"23 IRL Drossel von Flügel? R:"0 Help a N00b? R:"12 Papercraft waifu R:"9 --> -5 # Outsourcing, linked in the board in the current meta /robowaifu/meta-3: Spring Blossom Tree R:"351 /robowaifu/meta-5: It&apos;s Good To Be Alive R:"354 /robowaifu/meta-2: Electric Boogaloo R:"354 /robowaifu/meta-4: Rugged Mountains on the Shore R:"359 /robowaifu/meta-7: Hanging down at 7-eleven R:"366 /robowaifu/meta-6: Christmastime Out In The Sticks R:"367 --> -6 # Outsourcing, linked in the board in the current thread Prototypes and failures R:"355 Prototypes and Failures #2 R:"365 Robowaifus in media R:"352 R&D General R:"364 --> -4 Please keep in mind, all the links to comments that are being outsourced would need to be replaced with links to the web archive page. I didn't check how much linking was go
>>25070 >>25072 Absolutely excellent work. You are clearly our most-accomplished /robowaifu/ taxonomist r/n Anon. If you have any suggested improvements to Waifusearch please let me know. Now, as to consolidations/archives. * I can easily merge threads together (3 or 4 clicks + a thread ID number). And ATM that's literally all I'm interested in doing if you want consolidations. Perhaps in a month or so probably more like 3 lol, I can drop a new Bumpbot tool, if I can get Anon's code (>>25015) working and the rest of everything needed to use that for individual migrations, then we can consider being pinpoint-precise. Till then, merges will have to suffice. * If you decide to migrate threads to an archive board somewhere else, just let me know when you're done and I'll delete the threads here (and hyperlink to the archive). I'll probably make a full archive of the board up on Anonfiles (I've done this a couple times now IIRC) as well, before we begin such major operations. Better safe than sorry heh. :^) * We probably have at least a year (or more) before we're 'squeezed for space' NoidoDev, so take your time with these tasks. --- I'd also like to hear your ideas about how we can reorganize/etc./we the threads to make the categories plan & simple (well, relatively so haha. nothing about this is truly simple. :^) I noted you seem to be breaking things down into categories with AI help (>>25054, et al), and I was wondering if you were thinking about using these here on the board as new threads or something? Regardless, thanks for all the hard work. Much appreciated, Anon. Cheers. :^)
>>25069 >I'm going to make some sketches and compile my thoughts into another multi-post wall of autism, and post it in the prototype thread like Chobitsu's been telling us to do for a while now. Looking forward to it Anon! :^)
>>25081 i could make a script to migrate individual posts between threads in bulk, shouldnt be too hard im guessing it would be something like; -save posts and files locally -post in same order in target thread -update any quotes to moved posts -delete posts from old thread already know how to do most of it, just not deleting, i know for normal deleting with the post password ts https://alogs.space/contentActions.js , dont know how mod deleting works
>>25083 >i could make a script to migrate individual posts between threads in bulk, shouldnt be too hard im guessing Please do, Anon! That's been a need here.
Add one more reason for us to be on public, anonymous, IBs rather than the Globohomo's corporate-controlled hellholes: The EU DSA law, now in effect. [1][2] Here's a translation service, free of charge for the unitiate Anon: >"Content moderation" = censorship >"Tech regulation" = censorship >"Preventing harmful content from spreading" = censorship. Now, you weren't planning to destroy the earth with abusive misinformation terrorism by trying to create robowaifus, were you Anon? :^) Personally I find it rather humorous that the Big-Technology branch of the Globohomo Big-Technology Government is being cast here as whinging about 'muh inconvenient rules!111'. Lol, it's they who are directly dictating to the Big-Government branch of the GH the degree and intensity of the Surveillance State they wish to see implemented. The state is simply the strongarm thugs of this global racketeering conspiracy. >tl;dr Don't kid yourself with the corporate media spin. This event is welcomed by all GH parties, and will be greatly ramped-up across all platforms & around the world in the future. This is just a little 'test drive around the block'. 1. http s : // www.reuters.com/technology/big-tech-braces-roll-out-eus-digital-services-act-2023-08-24/ 2. https://armageddonprose.substack.com/p/brutal-eu-censorship-regime-takes >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/31/2023 (Thu) 17:32:06.
>>25081 >most-accomplished /robowaifu/ taxonomist Lol, okay. Thanks. > If you have any suggested improvements to Waifusearch please let me know. ... Till then, merges will have to suffice. Okay, I'm pretty sure I'll have ideas from time to time. >Now, as to consolidations/archives. My posting was mostly to keep the conversation going. As you keep stating, it's not very urgent. >If you decide to migrate threads to an archive board somewhere else, just let me know when you're done and I'll delete the threads here (and hyperlink to the archive). Ideally, we would get a space here on alogs.space to upload some html pages. The archived threads don't need to be in an imageboard. I have downloaded the current version of the board. Idk, if EnvelopingTwilight is making an mirror or not. I personally would likely just use something like Hugo and make a static site, or simply download each rendered site into (m)html, then removing the popup window. The new threads should have an zip archive for each board that has been merged into it, json and the modified (m)html, but also a link to a hosted mirror website, either here or offsite. Later, when threads are getting completely outsourced, then the real tricky part is going to be the linking between postings in these archives and the remaining threads. From what I understand, it's not really a problem with merged threads. >>25086 >The EU DSA law It seems to be bad, but I try to work around it. I'm American when I'm in the internet. My browser is configured that way, I often sign up to services as American (speaker). I use a VPN to sign up when some service doesn't accept that with a non US IP. I once signed up to an AI service using a fake US mobile number. I nearly only communicate in English. Not sure how much these rules only apply to big tech platforms. I don't watch any news anymore at all, except what I get recommended on YouTube, which is of course mostly from US and mostly entertainment related news or some very specific niches. We have actually activists in the EU covering "internet related policies", but they loose often anyways and are also often far-left, and therefore annoying to listen to. Without freedom of speech and other protections in their constitution, countries are screwed.
>>25086 > I'd also like to hear your ideas about how we can reorganize/etc./we the threads to make the categories plan & simple Idk, I have to look into it (>>25072) again after a while. My only thought for now is, that we need to make sure the search terms which would lead to these threads would still work. So, the titles and some key words should be in the new OP (or title). > I noted you seem to be breaking things down into categories with AI help (>>25054, et al), and I was wondering if you were thinking about using these here on the board as new threads or something? Nooo, this would maybe be more than ten new threads. We can make such threads if the thread on Cognitive Architecture gets to complex.
>>25084 i have this mess so far, should work but havent tested it, ill check in the weekend, have to see if it keeps the posts in the same format captcha() { curl -s 'https://alogs.space/noCookieCaptcha.js' -o $tmpfile captchaId=$( cat $tmpfile | grep 'captchaId' | grep -oP '(?<=value=")[^"]*' ) link='https://alogs.space'$( cat $tmpfile | grep -o '/\.global/captchas[^"]*' ) curl -s "$link" -o "$wdir/captcha.jpeg" open "$wdir/captcha.jpeg" read answer curl -X POST \ 'https://alogs.space/solveCaptcha.js' \ -F "captchaId=$captchaId" \ -F "answer=$answer" \ -o $tmpfile if (( $( cat $tmpfile | grep -c 'solved' ) > 0 )); then printf "$W>: captcha passed" else printf "$W>: captcha failed" captcha ; return fi } R='\033[31m';G='\033[32m';Y='\033[33m';B='\033[34m';P='\033[35m';W='\033[0m' wdir="/tmp/henlo" [ -e "$wdir" ] || mkdir "$wdir" tmpfile="$wdir/$RANDOM" cookie="$wdir/cookie" check=0 while [ $check -eq 0 ]; do printf "$W>: current thread:\n<: $Y" read threadCur check=$( curl -sI "https://alogs.space/robowaifu/res/${threadCur}.html" \ | head -n 1 | grep -c '200') [ $check -eq 0 ] && printf "$W>: thread $Y%s$W not found\n" $threadCur done printf "$W>: downloading thread $Y%s$W\n" $threadCur curl -# "https://alogs.space/robowaifu/res/${threadCur}.html" \ | tr '\n' '\001' | sed 's/postCell/\n\n&/g' > $tmpfile check=0 while [ $check -eq 0 ]; do printf "$W>: target thread: \n<: $Y" read threadNew check=$( curl -sI "https://alogs.space/robowaifu/res/${threadNew}.html" \ | head -n 1 | grep -c '200') [ $check -eq 0 ] && printf "$W>: thread $Y%s$W not found\n" $threadNew done check=0 while [ $check -eq 0 ]; do printf "$W>: posts to move: (deliminated by any non-numbers)\n<: $R" read posts postId=( $(printf $posts | sed 's/[^[:digit:]]\{1,\}/ /g' ) ) postId=( $(printf '%s\n' "${postId[@]}" | sort -n ) ) for (( i=1; i<=${#postId}; i++ )); do if (( $( cat $tmpfile | grep 'postCell' | grep -c "\"$postId[$i]\"" ) == 0 )); then printf "$W>: $R%s$W not found in thread $Y%s$W\n" ${postId[$i]} $threadCur check=0 break else check=1 fi done done ####### COLLECT POSTS ####### list=() ## { {id, name, mssg, filelinks, filenames} } for (( i=1; i<=${#postId}; i++ )); do text=$( cat $tmpfile | grep 'postCell' | grep "\"$postId[$i]\"" ) ## NAME ## name=$( printf $text \ | grep -oP '<a[[:space:]]*class="linkName.*?</a>' \ | grep -oP '(?<=>)[^<]+' ) ## MESSAGE ## message=$( printf $text \ | grep -o '<div[[:space:]]*class="divMessage.*</div>' \ | sed ' s/<a class[^>]*>//g ; s|<a[[:space:]]*href[^>]*>||g; s|<span[[:space:]]*class="[[:alnum:]]*Text">||g; s|</span>||g; s|</a>||g; s/^[^>]*>//g; s|</div.*$|| ' \ | tr '<>\001' '[]\n' \ | perl -MHTML::Entities -pe 'decode_entities($_);' ) ## FILES ## files=$( printf $text \ | grep -oP '<a[[:space:]]*class="originalNameLink.*?</a>' ) filelinks=$( printf "$files" | grep -oP '(?<=href=")[^"]*' ) filenames=$( printf "$files" | grep -oP '(?<=download=")[^"]*' \ | perl -MHTML::Entities -pe 'decode_entities($_);' \ | tr ' ' '_' ) list+=( "$postId[$i]" "$name" "$message" "$filelinks" "$filenames" ) done #check and confirm for (( i=0; i<${#postId}; i++ )); do printf "$W>: [%d/%d] \n" $((i+1)) ${#postId} printf "$W>: post:\t$R${list[ $(( 1 + ($i * 5) + 0 )) ]}\n$W" printf "$W>: name:\t$Y${list[ $(( 1 + ($i * 5) + 1 )) ]}\n$W" printf "$W>: mssg:\n$G${list[ $(( 1 + ($i * 5) + 2 )) ]}\n$W" printf "$W>: files:\n$B${list[ $(( 1 + ($i * 5) + 3 )) ]}\n$W" printf "$W>: filenames:\n$P${list[$(( 1 + ($i * 5) + 4 )) ]}\n$W" done printf "\n\n>: confirm moving $R%s$W in $Y%s$W to $Y%s$W: [y/n]\n<: " \ "$postId" "$threadCur" "$threadNew" read input [ "$input" = "y" ] || echo 'abort' ###### POST IN NEW THREAD ##### newpostId=() for (( i=0; i<${#postId}; i++ )); do printf "$W>: [%d/%d] processing $R%s\n$W" $((i+1)) ${#postId} ${list[ $(( 1 + ($i * 5) + 0 )) ]} #check if quoting a moved post and update with new postID message="${list[ $(( 1 + ($i * 5) + 2 )) ]}" for (( j=1; j<${#postId}; j++ )); do if (( $( grep -c ">>$postId[$j]" <<< "$message" ) > 0 )); then printf "$W>: quoting $R$postId[$j]$W changed to $R$newpostId[$j]$W\n" message=$( printf "$message" \ | sed "s/>>$postId[$j]/>>$newpostId[$j]/g" ) fi done ## FILES ## filelinks=( $( printf "%s" ${list[ $(( 1 + ($i * 5) + 3 )) ]} | tr '\n' ' ' ) ) filenames=( $( printf "%s" ${list[ $(( 1 + ($i * 5) + 4 )) ]} | tr '\n' ' ' ) ) for (( j=1; j<=${#filelinks}; j++ )); do printf "$W>: downloading: $P%s$W\n" ${filenames[j]} curl -# "https://alogs.space${filelinks[j]}" -o "$wdir/${filenames[j]}" done check=$( curl -I -X POST \ 'https://alogs.space/replyThread.js' \ -b "/tmp/henlo.cookie" \ -F "message=$message" \ -F "email=sage" \ -F "password=test" \ -F "boardUri=robowaifu" \ -F "threadId=$threadNew"\ -T $( tr ' ' ',' <<< ${filenames[@]} ) \ | grep '^location:' ) if (( $( grep -c '/cow/res/2.html' <<< "$check" ) == 1 )); then postId=$( grep -oP '(?<=html#)[0-9]*' ) printf "$W>: post successful newID:$R%s$W\n" $postId elif (( $( grep -c 'blockBypass' <<< "$check" ) == 1 )); then captcha curl -s -X POST \ 'https://alogs.space/renewBypass.js' \ -F "captcha=$captchaId" \ -c '/tmp/henlo.cookie' > /dev/null else printf "$R>: error?\n" fi newpostId+=( "$postId" ) done ###### DELETE FROM ORIGINAL THREAD ###### curl -X POST \ 'https://alogs.space/contentActions.js' -F "name=robowaifu-"$( tr ' ' '-' <<< ${postId[@]} ) \ -F "password=???????????" \ -F "deleteUploads=on" \ -F "action=delete" \ -F "reasonReport=?" [code] captcha() { curl -s 'https://alogs.space/noCookieCaptcha.js' -o $tmpfile captchaId=$( cat $tmpfile | grep 'captchaId' | grep -oP '(?<=value=")[^"]*' ) link='https://alogs.space'$( cat $tmpfile | grep -o '/\.global/captchas[^"]*' ) c
I'm going to have to quit 4chins for real this time. The last ban is like 49 days long lol. I've been banned like 10 times and I just reset my router but whatever, I just can't get used to reddit you know. Anyways. I just read a news article about lower investment in robots. I think what it is is that its just too disruptive. Self driving cars is also disruptive but not as disruptive. If robots can do labor then its kind of game over for capitalism. Inb4 angry rants I'm not saying go out there blah blah blah I'm saying if robots can do labor the system can no longer function as is.
>>25091 what robot are you talking about havent you seen 'how its made' when you were a kid, actual robots have been a staple in manufacturing for at least half a century now, the only difference between robots and Robots(tm) is one of them is actually designed to do a job, maybe "investors" finally figured out a gantry is the most efficient solution to lifting shit doesnt matter if its a real human or a mechanical one, the human form isnt designed to do anything efficiently
>>25091 Or you could learn OpenSCAD and try to make a simple doll skeleton. >>16772
>>25094 Hmm, yeah, I forgot to mention: I think I'll need to go with a new tripcode. After some problems with my browser the cookie for the site was gone. Then I looked where I had the password. Looked into my password storage, which was the only place to find a password, and I used it, but the tripcode was different. I posted on another day from another computer without a tripcode anyways.
>>25101 No worries NoidoDev, we've had no issues with that type of subversion attempt here. And even when I've seen it attempted on other boards, basic stylometry instincts made it apparent to everyone who the culprit was, and it came off more as satire then subterfuge. I like the newer trip better, actually. It's an easier 'read' at a glance, and in some sense that's what our vanity trips were mainly for back in the day. Now, all you need to do is come up with a personal slogan that matches as an acronym with your secure trip here and you'll be all set haha. :D
Hatsune Miku turned 16yo yesterday! :^)
>>25107 She got married very young.
>>25090 for testing will delete later 000000 <test >>3 >>>456 >testa testb testc testd teste testf testg testh testi http://testj.com 000000
People in the year 2100 after the one child policy and ubi was enacted and everyone got a platoon of robot waifus https://youtu.be/NjUvTNKSmFs?si=3gnLne77xxUjpkeX
>>25101 NoidoDev ##pTGTWW >>25072 NoidoDev ##eCt7e4 Your hash changed, whats going on?
>>25136 I answered this already: >>25101
Open file (392.82 KB 2092x1136 tfw.jpg)
>>25084 just tested it and it works, switched to perl because why not, you have to check if deleting works though since i have no idea what gets sent to the server im guessing its your account password #!/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use HTML::Entities; my ( $R, $G, $Y, $B, $P, $C, $W ); $R="\033[31m";$G="\033[32m";$Y="\033[33m";$B="\033[34m";$P="\033[35m";$C="\033[36m";$W="\033[0m"; my $wdir = "/tmp/henlo"; `mkdir $wdir` unless -e $wdir; chdir( $wdir ); my @threads = (); for ( my $i=0; $i<2; $i++ ) { my @label = ( "${Y}current$W", "${Y}target$W" ); while (1) { print "$W>: $label[$i] thread?\n<: $Y"; $threads[$i] = <> ; chomp $threads[$i]; last if `curl -s -I "https://alogs.space/robowaifu/res/${threads[$i]}.html"` =~ /^HTTP.*200/ ; printf( "$W$W>: thread $Y%s$W not found\n", $threads[$i] ); } } print "$W>: downloading thread $Y${threads[0]}$W\n"; $_ = `curl -# "https://alogs.space/robowaifu/res/${threads[0]}.html"`; tr/\n/\001/; s/postCell/\n\npostCell/g; my $text = $_; my @posts = (); while (1) { my $loop = 0; print "$W>: posts to move? (deliminated by any non-numbers)\n<: $R"; $_ = <>; chomp(); s/\D+/ /g; @posts = split( ' ', $_ ); foreach my $post (@posts) { if ( $text !~ /id="$post"/ ) { print "$W$W>: $R$post$W not found in thread $Y$threads[0]$W\n"; $loop = 1; } } last unless $loop || ! scalar @posts; } @posts = sort { $a <=> $b } @posts; ###### COLLECT POSTS ######### my @list = ( ); foreach my $post (@posts) { my ( $name, $files, $mssg, @flinks, @fnames ) = $text =~ m:id="$post".*?(linkName.*?</a>).*?(panelUploads.*?)?(divMessage.*?</div>): ; $name =~ />([^<]+)/; $name = $1; $mssg =~ m:>(.*?)</div>: ; $_ = $1; tr/\001/\n/; s:<span class="(pinkText|greenText)">(.*?)</span>:$2:gi;#<|> s|<a.*?quote.*?>(.*?\d*)</a>|$1|gi; #>> s/<span class="spoiler">(.*?)<\/span>/\*$1\*/g; #** s/<span class="redText">(.*?)<\/span>/==$1==/g; #== s/<em>(.*?)<\/em>/''$1''/g; #'' s/<u>(.*?)<\/u>/__$1__/g; #__ s:<s>(.*?)</s>:~~$1~~:g; #~~ s|<span class="aa"(.*?)</span>|[aa]${1}[/aa]|g; #[aa] s:<code>(.*?)</code>:[code]${1}:g; #[code] s:<a href=".*>(.*?)</a>::g; #url $mssg = decode_entities( $_ ); while ( $files && $files =~ m:nameLink.*?(/.media/[^"]+).*?download="([^"]+):gc ) { push @flinks, $1; $_ = decode_entities( $2 ); tr/ /_/; push @fnames, $_; } push @list, $name, $mssg, (join " ", @flinks), (join " ", @fnames) ; } ####### CHECK AND CONFIRM ####### for ( my $i=0; $i<@posts; $i++ ) { printf( "$W>: [%d/%d]\n", $i+1, scalar @posts ); printf( "$W>: POST: \t$R%s\n", $posts[$i] ); printf( "$W>: NAME: \t$C%s\n", $list[ $i * 4 + 0 ] ); printf( "$W>: TEXT: \t$G%s\n", $list[ $i * 4 + 1 ] ); printf( "$W>: FLINKS: \t$B%s\n", $list[ $i * 4 + 2 ] ); printf( "$W>: FNAMES: \t$P%s\n\n", $list[ $i * 4 + 3 ] ); } printf( "$W>: confirm moving $R%s$W in $Y%s$W to $Y%s$W? [y/n]\n<: ", join( ' ', @posts ) , $threads[0], $threads[1] ); die "$W>: k, fix it then\n" if ( <> !~ /^(y|yes)$/i ); ####### POST IN NEW THREAD ####### my @newposts = (); for ( my $i=0; $i<@posts; $i++ ) { printf( "$W>: [%d/%d] processing $R%s$W\n", $i + 1, scalar @posts, $posts[$i] ); ## FIX QUOTES ## my $mssg = $list[ $i * 4 + 1 ]; for ( my $j=0; $j<@posts; $j++ ) { print "$W>: $R$posts[$i]$W quoting $R$posts[$j]$W changed to $R${newposts[$j]}$W\n" if ( $mssg =~ s/>>$posts[$j]/>>$newposts[$j]/g ) ; } ## DOWNLOAD FILES ## my @flinks = split(' ', $list[ $i * 4 + 2 ]); my @fnames = split(' ', $list[ $i * 4 + 3 ]); for ( my $j=0; $j<@flinks; $j++ ) { print "$W>: downloading: $P$fnames[$j]\n" ; if ( `curl -I -# \"https://alogs.space$flinks[$j]\"` =~ /^HTTP.*200/ ) { `curl -s \"https://alogs.space$flinks[$j]\" -o \"$wdir/$fnames[$j]\"`; } else { print "$R>: file '$P$fnames[$j]$W' not found, retry? [y/n]\n" ; $j-- if ( <> =~ /^(y|yes)$/i ); } } ## POST ## my $curlcmd = "curl -i -# -X POST " ."'https://alogs.space/replyThread.js' " ."-b \"$wdir/cookie\" " ."--form-string \"message=$mssg\" " ."-F \"email=sage\" " ."-F \"name=${list[ $i * 4 + 0 ]}\" " ."-F \"password=test\" " ."-F \"boardUri=robowaifu\" " ."-F \"threadId=${threads[1]}\" "; # add files foreach my $file (@fnames) { $curlcmd = $curlcmd . " -F \"files=\@$wdir/$file;\" " ; } $_ = `$curlcmd`; if ( /blockBypass/ ) { while ( 1 ) { #captcha key print "$W>: captcha required\n$W"; $_ = `curl -i -# 'https://alogs.space/noCookieCaptcha.js'`; my $captchaId = $1 if /name=\s*"captchaId".*value=\s*"([^"]+)/; my $captchaimg = $1 if /id=\s*"imageCaptcha".*src="([^"]+)/; `curl -s "https://alogs.space$captchaimg" -o "$wdir/captcha.jpeg"`; print "$W>: captcha answer?\n<: "; `open "$wdir/captcha.jpeg"&`; my $answer = <>; $curlcmd = "curl -i -# -X POST " ."'https://alogs.space/solveCaptcha.js' " ."-F \"captchaId=$captchaId\" " ."-F \"answer=$answer\""; $_ = `$curlcmd`; if ( /Captcha.solved/i ) { #bypass print "$W>: captcha passed\n"; $curlcmd = "curl -i -# -X POST " ."'https://alogs.space/renewBypass.js' " ."-c \"$wdir/cookie\" " ."-F \"captcha=$captchaId\" " ; $_ = `$curlcmd`; if ( /Block.bypass.renewed/i ) { print "$W>: bypass aqcuired\n"; $i--; last; } print "$W>: bypass failed\n{$G$_}\n" } else { print "$W>: captcha failed\n"; } } } elsif ( /^location.*html#(\d+)/ ) { push @newposts, $1; print "$W>: migrated $R${posts[$i]}$W succesfully to $Y${threads[1]}$W:$R$1$W\n"; last; } elsif ( /id=\s*"errorLabel"(.*)</ ) { print "$W>: you done goofed ERROR:${G}{ ${1} }${W}\ntry again? [y/n]\n"; die if ( <> !~ /^(y|yes)$/i ); } } print "$W>: done\n"; ####### DELETE FROM OLD THREAD ####### print "$W>: delete { $R@posts$W } from $Y$threads[0]$W?\n<: "; die "$W>: posts not deleted\n" unless ( <> =
Open file (47.20 KB output.pdf)
oh its all messed up the code is fine though
>>25138 I more ment I'm confused about whats actually going on at a technical level, Your cookie reset, that's fair, but you said you had a password in storage and that still produced a different hash, that is what I am confused about. I don't know how tripcodes work under the hood, but I assumed it was just a truncated salted hash of the password, So if you used your stored password it should be the same, no?
>>25145 >>25138 I'm not trying to confront you, It makes no difference to me, the names are nice but everyone is still some anon on the internet, I'm more just curious as to why. I hope my autism here is not too annoying :)
>>25145 >>25147 The tripcode is most likely a hashsum of the password, or derived from it. I lost my cookie, had to "login" again, but found this password in my password manager instead the one which created the other tripcode. It's possible the other one is just in my other PW manager, I had two of them since one of them was either created on my tablet or my Raspberry Pi and the other on my PC, I guess.
>>25144 saw the url was missing an insert also the strong format isnt included, change the url one on line:73 and add the other one s:<a href=".*?>(.*?)</a>:$1:g; #url s;<strong>(.*?)</strong>;'''$1''';g; #'''
>>25141 Haha good one, Pete. It does seem like a large stack of very thick book we all need to learn here. Just.Don't.Quit. :^)
>>25087 >Ideally, we would get a space here on alogs.space to upload some html pages. AFAICT, that's in effect what would be happening if we use the local archive feature for any given thread. alogs.space would still be hosting it, BUMP et al could still archive it from there, and it would still function as an IB page (crosslinks, &tc.) it just wouldn't appear in the catalog any longer. It will be on us to properly crosslink over to archive pages ourselves, if we want that content to remain discoverable.
>>25089 >Idk, I have to look into it (>>25072) again after a while Well, I'd rather hoped we were all going to put our heads together during this Council and come up with something. I'd hoped to end it this weekend, but I can extend it for another week if that seems good to every'non?
>>25090 Excellent! Thanks very kindly Anon. Unfortunately, you've run into our character limit for posts -- 6'144 characters -- here on AlogsSpace (yet one more gracious extension for us specifically by our Admin Robi, BTW :^) Would you mind reupping the latter portion of the script code that was truncated please?
>>25143 >switched to perl because why not AUUUUUUUGGHH!111 :D
>>25144 >>25152 Thanks Anon. As mentioned (>>25157), the first example had similar issues. It would be great if you could post a 'totally-a-pdf-file' on that script example too (presuming it works). At least for me personally, that will be much easier to work with than Perl tbh. :^)
>>25159 np, heres an example in case it doesnt look right, it only fixes the quotes in the posts that have to be reposted
>>25164 Thanks ever, but I meant the Bash script, NOT the Perl script. :D > cf. (>>25090) >=== -add crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/03/2023 (Sun) 05:24:33.
>>25166 my bad, its for zsh though i dont know whats actually different from bash but it errors when its not zsh, its probably the array syntax or 0-counting this ones missing the file upload and formatting the text properly
>>25167 Great! >its for zsh though Nprb. Thanks again, Anon. Cheers. :^)
>>25156 >we were all going to put our heads together during this Council and come up with something Well, that's what I meant. I put something out, now waiting for responses. >>25155 This sounds totally fine. Other efforts can be additional.
Had a couple random questions re board etiquette and the like: Should I start sage'ing my project's updates unless they're (relatively) major ones, like monthly? The board's slow enough that my weekly updates seem to keep it on page 1, which I feel kinda bad about… Are we supposed to use tripcodes, or are they optional unless we’re worried about shenanigans? I have been using passwords, but their hash doesn’t show as a trip, so I figure it’s the ol # notation in name field? >>23415 Figured I should do the introduction/team survey now that I’m posting regularly, is that still going in >>15486 ? Lastly, this is probably the wrong thread to ask, but does anyone know of a framework for simulating entire electrical systems? Not just a circuit/board simulator or something, but a framework that lets me simulate power draw, noise on datalines, battery capacity, component failures, etc.? Ideally including physical stuff like motors, thermal load, etc. Figured I should ask before I roll my own— ideally, this would be a C++ framework (or an application with an IPC API) that I can integrate with my own “functional” robot codebase (that will be run on an SBC, but can be simulated on a computer). I’ll still need to rig up something to shim embedded code (for the slave controllers), but it’d be cool if there was a program that took care of all the physics/unit related stuff and let me visualize it. (my codebase already covers IPC/RPC/master-slave [cross-board] communication, which is why I’m looking for a framework instead of a “complete solution” like Eagle or Solidworks) Finally, stupid question, but can we edit our own posts with the password? I've made a, uh, *few* typos in my last post lol (damn that lone parenthesis killing my links)
>>25192 I can only suggest you things as regular visitor, my opinion about it: >Should I start sage'ing my project's updates unless they're (relatively) major ones, like monthly? No, but maybe from time to time, if you post little updates very often, like a few times per day or so. >Are we supposed to use tripcodes That's up to you. It's somewhat encouraged, but not pushed hard. >so I figure it’s the ol # notation in name field? Yes. Username ##password >introduction/team survey now that I’m posting regularly, is that still going in It goes into the current meta thread, I think. But I'm not sure. >but can we edit our own posts with the password? No, I wish certain things would be automatically edited. Maybe just copy and repost your comment if there wasn't any response to it. I think Chobitsu can edit postings if really necessary, but it might be unpleasant to do so.
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I got a message from someone who says they're from silicon valley on telegram. I was like yeah I have this idea for a mechanized sex bot but really I do not feel comfortable pitching this idea at all lol. I mean I managed to talk to an orange pi kind if but I'm still not confident. I mean I don't have a formal engineering background or anything. I'm kind of doing this for fun right now. And for some reason I can get the wifi on my crappy raspberry pi zero w to work even lol.
>>25192 >Should I sage? Unless you're trolling, no. Don't overthink it. >Tripcodes I recommend against them. Just use a name as you are. Makes things simple. >Introductions Yes, please do. It's useful for us to understand each other and work together better. >Simulations I recommend checking out ROS https://www.ros.org/ There are many options for simulating robots and it is extensible and customizable. Makes a great framework. >Editing posts Only Chobitsu can do that. I recommend reading ones post before posting it to limit errors. Chobitsu has been incredibly helpful and kind, I'm sure they will work with you if need be. Especially since you're working on a promising project.
>>25201 Eh it's probably some girl that maybe works in silicon valley or maybe a scammer lol
>>25192 >Should I start sage'ing my project's updates unless they're (relatively) major ones, like monthly? No. All our sages on /robowaifu/ are polite ones. That is, if it's not adding any good, on-topic content (for example my simplistic, morale-oriented "Good Job Anon!" cheerleading posts), then sage. Otherwise, don't. All your posts have been excellent content, and need to be archived by all of us immediately. (Our scraping program 'BUMP' archives, well, bumped threads :^) >Are we supposed to use tripcodes, or are they optional unless we’re worried about shenanigans? Use them or don't. We have had no issues with such shenanigans here. >is that still going in >>15486 ? No. 'ITT' is a keyword that indicates the literal thread it's used within. I.E., this thread, ATM. :^) >but does anyone know of a framework for simulating entire electrical systems? We have at least one EE who drops in here, probably two. I'd expect they can answer this for you. In the meantime, I'd suggest you keep looking. Good hunting, Anon. >Finally, stupid question, but can we edit our own posts with the password? Only Admins/BOs/Mods can edit posts. You have two basic options here: 1. Delete your own post, correct it, and re-post it. copy it first, lol 2. Ask me to fix it. I'll be happy to do so, as long as you are specific about what needs to change. Great questions Anon, thanks! Cheers. :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/05/2023 (Tue) 13:48:13.
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Airing out an old idea, pic unrelated: Looking at robowaifus from a 50k foot view: - Bodies and brains (AIs) will always change, but you will always need a way to connect the two - To keep hardware costs and engineering complexity down, the bodies should be "dumb" and tethered to a remote "brain" (I.e. an arduno connected via serial to a PC) So the project will be some kind of program or API for making it easy to connect Remote Brains to dumb bodies. The question is, what should the end product look like, and what should the architecture be? Since there are three different "layers" (AI, Middleman and Body), we have to think about what their responsibilities should be. Think the TCP/IP stack. Since we're not doing SLAM or super-advanced locomotion, I think basic high-level commands sent to the body ("HAPPY","SAD", "TILT HEAD 45") should be enough. Maybe I could write it as a sillytavern plugin and piggyback off of the bult-in emotion inference? What do you guys think?
>>25220 With a couple possible exceptions, most of us are already trying to reduce the amount of components necessary in our waifus as low as reasonably possible. Personally, I'm simply going to use good old fasioned ethernet for the connection. It's cheap, robust, designed to reach over a good distance, and a number of SBCs will have it onboard. I imagine a fairly simple program could be made (assuming we can't just use something off-the-shelf. The programs cluster computers run must be able to do most if not everything we need) to have the SBC send data and requests to a remote system for processing. The remote system will then process everything and send whatever commands it needs to back to the SBC. Anything involving configuration can be done entirely via remote desktop or SSH. And I do think an SBC will be necessary, even with a waifu designed for remote processing. It'll need to be there to manage the short-range connections for her internal systems and facilitate the connection to the remote system. After all, many of the components we'll be using (cameras, microphones, motors, screens, sensors, etcetera) simply won't be designed to receive power or communicate over any significant distance (and the ones that can are generally bulkier). Thus, concerning the layers you outlined, I'm pretty sure both the body and middleman should be in the body. That being said, I'd love you to prove me wrong. I'd get to save money and torso space.
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>>25220 >Picrel unrelated My waifu is very much related. >Thin client waifu I and others have brought that up several times already. >What do you think? I think you should lurk and read before posting. You are welcome here new fren, I just dislike seeing things posted several times. >>25221 I, Chobitsu, and RiCO Anon have posted this before. We need some way to keep these concepts persistent so that others know they have been posted before. Would also help to further discussion. Threads and posts become buried too easily.
>>25222 >digits >We need some way to keep these concepts persistent so that others know they have been posted before. Would also help to further discussion. Threads and posts become buried too easily. NoidoDev & I have been working to solve just that. In fact, that's a key need we're trying to address with this Board Council r/n. Honestly, the information is dispersed everywhere r/n. Anons have all done their best to keep things on-topic and in the correct threads. But it's simply in the nature of back & forth dialogue to intersperse various ideas here & there. We discussed before having a wiki for encyclopaedic information arrangement & cross-referencing. Dollfan & I did an OG research on this back in the day. RobowaifuDev actually created one, but for my part I could almost never actually get onto the site successfully (unintended, I'm sure). I still think that's going to be a good approach for us here, anons. We have Waifusearch, we have our Library thread, we can work out having a functional wiki for everyone. C'mon Anons let's all solve this together! :^) Forward! --- addendum: I might add, we also have our Robowaifu Design Document (RDD) (>>3001). It is intended to be an authoritative & fairly comprehensive digest of the board's consensus'. I think it would serve everyone's interests if we all began working on fleshing it out now (it being little more than a skeleton ATM). This could at least cut down on concept churn for a number of items that, as far as I'm concerned, are already decided-on matters now (at least concerning or first Model A robowaifus). They simply need spelling out in some detail, and then inserting into the design doc. Ideas? >=== -add addendum -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/06/2023 (Wed) 13:00:20.
>>25220 >>25221 Yep, I think we're mostly all in agreement Anons. Good thinking! Cheers. :^)
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>>25221 >>25222 >>25223 >idea has already been floated around. Then the main problem is locking down the requirements and architecting the final product. If we settle on a feature set, then what hardware we're going to use, we can complete each piece of the puzzle asynchronously but still have it fit together in the end.
>we may need SBCs Then it seems like (as casual lurker) "our" goal should be ROS interfacing with a remote LLM system and arduino for hardware control. Speech recognition can be handled onboard by VOSK. Since ROS runs on Ubuntu, it can run on dedicated SBCs or cheap x86 machines. Once "we" have a dummies' guide to this basic software skeleton, then SLAM, specific body implementations, et cetera will naturally be built off of it. I'll start looking into this later. (The interface I proposed earlier only makes sense in the context of deaf and blind arduino hooked up to a normal desktop PC.) >>25221 >>25225
>>25225 A good idea in theory, but that unfortunately falls apart due to one reason: on the hardware side, each of our requirements and projected feature sets are fatally incompatible. This is because each of us has a different idea of what our waifu should look like, and what features she should have. >>24980 Exibit A: mai waifu (still in the concept drafting stage). What's immediately obvious here is that she's going to be quadrupedal. This is one of several different locomotion styles that anons across the board will be using (on the bipedal side, some of those waifus won't even have functioning legs, instead opting for wheels, if even that). These differing locomotion styles will greatly affect the number and type of motors and mechanisms used (I project that I'll need 14 for locomotion, and I'm going balls to the wall with cable driven mechanisms). What's not so obvious are the differences in size. Going back to my design, Orchid is going to be on the larger size. 36" tall at the withers (~54" if you go to the top of the head) and a bit less long, meaning I'm working with several cubic feet of volume. As a result, Orchid's requirements are going to be different from, say, Chii, who is commonly depicted as a whispy twig about to blow over from a light breeze. I could go on and on if we delve into personal preferences. Some anons want mechanical eyes while others want screens, some anons want the most skin-like outer material possible while others are good with fabric (or fur), etcetera and so forth. All of us are too autistic to stray too far from our respective visions of our waifus. Of course, that's not to say that there can't be a cross-pollination of ideas (and it's good that there is). Anon A might see something Anon B is doing and want to modify it to his own project. But the final requirements will stay roughly the same.
>>25227 >anons want waifus with drastically different body types so it won't work in practice Not necessarily, if we work in layers/modules: AI, Middleman, Hardware control (arduino) or what have you A high-level command like "move forward at 1pm" could be used across many different body types. Making it work on a different body is only a matter of changing how the robot "moves forward". Everything else could be re-used. Even if your robowaifu only has a microcontroller in their body, ROS (Ubuntu) could be the common platform for remote processing instead of planning for everyone's bespoke desktop environment.
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>>25227 Ever on and on, we continue circling. >Fatally incompatible It is easy to make a universal framework. Separate functions into simple commands Walk forward -> Interpreted by the onboard MCU to move actuators resulting in forward movement. (Wheels turn at 200 RPM until interrupted.) (Waist servo shifts mass to the right, left hip servo moves 30 degrees, knee servo maintains sole orientation to the ground, left hip servo moves -30 degrees etc..) Pick up object -> Hand, hoof, mouth, whatever the machine has that can function as a grasping end effector as specified in the MCU's code is maneuvered to the object based on its coordinates and the kinematics needed to reach it. I do this with ancient robot arms and conveyor belts using a token ring for synchronized actuator commands based on sensor triggers. Modern MCU's make the whole concept easy. >>25228 What this ninja says.
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>>25225 >Remote waifu architecture ESP32 S3 (Useful resource: https://github.com/espressif/esp-who/blob/master/docs/en/get-started/ESP32-S3-EYE_Getting_Started_Guide.md )can stream sensory data to the server while doing very basic AI tasks for lower latency needs. A hybrid compute approach like this is ideal, she can follow you and do very simple things while relying on her server for more advanced tasks. Naturally, there are other MCU's with similar capabilities such as Nordic Semi's nRF series has some gems that would be useful too. I personally would use several MCU's to keep her behaviour dynamic and keep latency of response low.
>>25228 >>25233 Huh, there's ROS for microcontrollers: https://micro.ros.org/
I just go an internship position for AI as a total techlet. Gotta have to do lots of training before I even start. But my robowaifu journey begins.
>>25237 So proud of you Anon, congrats! Study hard and always remember to hide your power level. :^)
I'm sure I'm being hacked now. I can't even call via WhatsApp. It wouldn't be the first time. I'm going to have to call the internet company and replace the fucking router. Again. Fuck whoever is doing this.
>>25240 Try to find out what is going on and how to prevent it in the future. Drive by infections, old browser, malicious software, ...
>>25240 This is not a tech support forum. Please bring your concerns to a more appropriate forum, such as a subreddit. People will be better able to help you there. >Replacing a router to mitigate a hack. Won't have any effect unless the hack is IP based and your IP is easier to replace than your router. An appropriate forum will provide you with answers on how to alter your IP address if that is warranted.
>>25238 Though it’s in RPA and to automate tasks for companies. I am not sure if this will truly help for my knowledge of robowaifus.
>>25255 >I am not sure if this will truly help for my knowledge of robowaifus. Sure it will Anon. By learning to successfully automate navigating the complexities of the UX etc., you're tackling the human decision-making loop head-on. Master the craft and you'll have a more clear understanding of a robowaifu's day-to-day 'commonsense' reasoning needs & tasks. Just ask yourself "What would my robowaifu need to know, to do this too?" while you're working, and every step will be a deeper learning experience for you at the same time. Stay encouraged Anon, you're on your way! :^) >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/08/2023 (Fri) 13:10:53.
>>25256 Thanks Leaderu-San! I’ll keep moving forward and join the cohort
>>25255 There seemingly are a lot of IT jobs (e.g. at banks) where people don't really work much. So they can do other projects during work time.
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Hey /robowaifu/, do you think it's more important to for your /robowaifu/ to look attractive or sound(through her voice) attractive? I might be controversial when saying this but I'd prefer if my /robowaifu/ sounded attractive. I know it's really hot to have the said catgrill meido but hearing an affectionate voice ask me how my day was would feel good. I had actually came to this conclusion when I was listening to Arcee from transformers prime talk to Jack. I was surprised how such a cute a feminine voice could sound so appealing. A little bit ironic since Arcee is a war veteran.
Deleted the previous post because I misinterpreted what he said >>25263 Why would you need to compromize form at all? If you want a dead-easy and cheap waifu design, then you can scrap various functions (limb articulation, animated eyes, so forth) without having to sacrifice beauty at all.
>>25263 Well, the obvious question in response is "Why not both"? But I'm sure you're already aware of that, and that's not your question. So if you're going to do both anyway, then tackling the easier of the two is probably the best way to keep forward momentum going, Anon. And a cute-sounding voice strikes as far the easier of the two, and would apply to both robowaifus/visual waifus/phone waifus. >tl;dr Tackling the voice first seems sensible AFAICT. Good luck with your project, Anon! Cheers. :^)
>>25265 >Deleted the previous post because I misinterpreted what he said Your previous post? Or mine? I dindu nuffin! >Why would you need to compromize form at all? If you want a dead-easy and cheap waifu design, then you can scrap various functions (limb articulation, animated eyes, so forth) without having to sacrifice beauty at all. I don't know I just thought it was kind of cute to have a feminine voice talk to me. I love getting attention and affection from that. >>25266 >Tackling the voice first seems sensible AFAICT. Yeah I personally think that the voice might be the easiest of all the tasks when creator a /robowaifu/. Like obviously you'd to have some kind of physical representation of her rather that be an actual physical body or hologram. Personally, given my own experience with programming, I think I'll stick with just a hologram since I don't know how to make a physical robot.
>>25267 >Your previous post? Or mine? Mine, I don't have mod powers here. I saw you gushing about sound and I thought you were one of those people who overthinks the sound hardware (like that one chucklefuck years ago who wanted to engineer vocal cords). It's an argument I've had on here several times (though not recently). At any rate, the problem you're talking about is 90% software, so no body compromizes have to be made. The other 10% is just a speaker or two and a driver, and there's plenty of good and compact sound hardware out there (and even better stuff if you aren't going compact. If you're doing a stationary hologram, then you can buy a surround system and have her voice fill the room).
>>25267 >Personally, given my own experience with programming Since we all have no idea really who you are Anon, mind explaining something about this for us? >>25268 >like that one chucklefuck years ago who wanted to engineer vocal cords) <not wanting to engineer at the biochemical level and just grow teh vocal cords in a nano-carbon vat. :^)
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Just uploaded a new video. i couldn't show what I wanted to show because the hacker/s deleted a chunk of my video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBjAhnF4ZBk
>>25273 TAKE MY MONEY :^)
>>25277 You're getting a nice little robowaifu shop together there now, Peteblank. Stay encouraged, and work hard! Cheers.
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>>15486 >Name: Lin >Favorite Waifu: Hachiroku, because she and her engineer work together every day to achieve their dream. (also, doll heroines ftw) > Specialty: Jack of all trades...? I’m a very quick learner, if nothing else. > Relevant Experience: If I had to rank my experience, it'd go: CS > math > RE > CE/embedded > ME > physics > EE (with ME and above being professional level, my EE is only “passable" (to quote a coworker)) I freelanced a bunch when I was younger, and was blessed to meet a mentor who helped me pursue so many interests (if you're wondering why I was able to get experience in so many different fields) Yes, I know I got lucky, and I thank the Lord for it every day. Formal education in math and CE. > Most Important Aspect For Your Waifu: A partner who can tangibly assist me day-to-day and keep me company as I work, even if it's as simple as fetching things, clerical tasks, and saying a kind word. Also, I am *very* much a function-over-form person, and admittedly, I need some pushback on this front so I can make something palatable to normies. > Desired Position On Team: I'm happy to help out where I'm useful, but it'll likely be limited to advice/tiny projects until I finish my own Assistant Platform. I'm hopeful that after I prove out the Platform concept, I can start working with other anons to "meet in the middle" for an upper half, just to get a simple MVP "waifu" rolling around and picking stuff up.
>>25200 >>25205 >>25218 Thanks for the clarification, guys. ‘always thought ITT was context-sensitive on what “this” meant, so I read it ambiguously the first time. In case you haven’t already guessed, I am a very, uh… literal person, so if that ever leads to a miscommunication on here, I apologize in advance. >>25205 Mmm, thanks for the rec— I’d actually checked out ROS in brief a while back, but I had to discard it because I’d like to run a more minimalistic linux-rt kernel, and in my experience, dependencies you can’t control tend to always break when you’re about to do something important. Anyway, unless I missed something, you can’t just treat it as a library, right? Cause the examples I saw showed it taking over IPC, deployment, even the build process… That said, I really just speed-read their tutorials, so it’s entirely possible I misunderstood. >>25218 This is gonna sound bad, but do we have anything like a “Robots Rekt” thread? (and if not, would it be appropriate for me (or someone else, if you’d prefer) to post one?) Basically, a place to share videos or scenarios of robots being destroyed/disabled and what lead to it, so we can discuss (passive, of course) countermeasures and design practices to minimize the damage. I just saw videos of robots getting suplexed, tackled, kicked over, shot, etc, and started trying to shore up the most obvious vulnerabilities my design had, but I could use some outside input, and I think it’d be relevant to everyone’s designs, not just mine. I know, we shouldn’t let our robots out of sight in public… but even then, there are certain kinds of people who will disregard all consequences to destroy what others hold dear. As I was designing my robot’s wheelbase, I realized it would all be easy for it to be tackled to the ground and damaged/immobilized, even if I was standing right there…
>>25304 Nprb. >I’d actually checked out ROS in brief a while back, but I had to discard it because I’d like to run a more minimalistic linux-rt kernel ROS has a yuge pile of dependencies -- waay too large to ever seriously consider it for an IRL production robowaifu system IMO. Far too large an attack surface, and no unified approach for safety/security. Big no-no for any safety-critical system in close proximity to humans, such as a robowaifu. And robowaifus being socially """controversial""" systems that you know 100% are going to be directly-targeted for attack by an array of bad actors affiliated with the Globohomo: practically their entire Big-Tech branch, for instance. Also the militaries, glowniggers & other 3-letters from literally all the GH-subordinated states (The 14 Eyes, etc); and every other one of the GH's useful puppets (leftists, Filthy Commies, turncoat Blackhats, etc.) who have even the slightest capacity for such attacks and are looking for a paycheck. >tl;dr Lol no. I'm confident enough that there are already 9'001 zero-days "accidentally'd" into that sprawling pile. :^) But it's possibly OK for prototyping use for now -- as long as an anon knows how to pick & choose from various libraries, and build directly from sauce. Then at least there's some modicum possible of appropriate usage in design. >This is gonna sound bad, but do we have anything like a “Robots Rekt” thread? (and if not, would it be appropriate for me (or someone else, if you’d prefer) to post one?) No. And please don't create one here either. There's /robo/ who IIRC already has one. Insofar as a robowaifu preserving her master or herself through safety & security measures, sure that's entirely fair-game. We have a thread about that issue directly (>>10000). We also have a broader one about society, where destructive behavior and antipathy by feminists, pantyfags, and other mentally-unfit individuals would be on-topic in general (>>106). Feminists are such an extreme case of psychopathy that they warrant their own thread, however (>>1061). >tl;dr The Catalog is your friend, Anon. Use it. :^) Cheers. >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/11/2023 (Mon) 02:50:11.
>>25308 Don't get me wrong, anon... I didn't mean to glorify it, and I naturally felt upset after seeing someone else's project get destroyed, but just as people who design body armor inevitably end up reading surgery/autopsy reports, we'll have to do something similar for robots. As for the catalogue-- fair enough, thank you. I figured it was focused on privacy/digital security from the title (which isn't as much a concern for an airgapped waifu) and overlooked it the first time around.
>>25310 Nprb. I just don't want /robowaifu/ to become Terminatorz-R-Us. I fully recognize there's a literal, as well as figurative, set of wars coming over this tech but I'd rather leave that general topic to other, more-appropriate venues Anon. Glad you're on board. Cheers. >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/11/2023 (Mon) 02:09:46.
Well, I'll go ahead and call Board Council #2 closed. I imagine every anon who wanted to had their say. I'll try to go through everyone's points during this week. My apologies if I miss something. Cheers.
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>>25308 >And robowaifus being socially """controversial""" systems that you know 100% are going to be directly-targeted for attack by an array of bad actors affiliated with the Globohomo: practically their entire Big-Tech branch, for instance. Also the militaries, glowniggers & other 3-letters from literally all the GH-subordinated states (The 14 Eyes, etc); and every other one of the GH's useful puppets (leftists, Filthy Commies, turncoat Blackhats, etc.) who have even the slightest capacity for such attacks and are looking for a paycheck. You're worrying about the security problems of a product that doesn't exist, won't hit production for years, and hasn't even entered the "proof-of-concept" prototype phase. Let not the perfect be the enemy of the good. FWIW, ROS says it's designed to have code and libraries that can be easily shared with other frameworks. Developing a hardened OS is an issue for down the road when robowaifus are common enough to warrant those kinds of shenanigans.
>>25329 >Developing a hardened OS is an issue for down the road when robowaifus are common enough to warrant those kinds of shenanigans. My apologies in advance if I'm misunderstanding you, but keeping safety & security near to the fore of our many & varied concerns here isn't a 'shenanigan', Anon. These are physical, humanoid, systems potentially capable of all the actions (and potential physical harms/evils) of a real human being. Suggesting that the considering of these issues right out of the gate is some kind of 'early overreach', to my mind is just about as sensible as saying "It's ridiculous to teach little Timmy not to play in traffic, after all he can't even drive yet!". This isn't a new game of solitaire, or even a roomba friend. These are potentially-lethal robotics systems in close proximity to humans all day... that in the end will have a far larger daily count aggregate of safety-critical interaction concerns than, say, all the airline industries combined. >Let not the perfect be the enemy of the good. That sentiment I agree with, but this is simply not a case of that aphorism. >"Let's don't put insulations around those electrical conductors, they work just fine as-is!" :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/13/2023 (Wed) 01:25:43.
>>25313 As part of condensing threads and posts, feel free to delete anything I've posted that's not helpful. I've made quite a few shit posts and some of my old threads are mostly empty since they were ported over. This part itself is one that can be deleted after it's received. I mostly agree with the idea presented by everyone else.
>>25330 reminds me of that time a bunch of kids in iran spoofed a gps signal to steal the rq170, the most sophisticated drone lauded as unhackable except no one thought twice about relying on the most obvious and well understood navigation system lol
>>25330 >These are potentially-lethal robotics systems in close proximity to humans all day... that in the end will have a far larger daily count aggregate of safety-critical interaction concerns than, say, all the airline industries combined. Except these systems don't even exist in the first place. We're a small niche with limited resources, and we need to be as efficient as possible. Would it make sense for a homeless guy on the streets to worry about what security system he would install in a mansion? Would it make sense for the Wright Brothers to not build their first plane because they don't have a perfect air traffic control system figured out? You can't secure a robot unless you have a robot to make secure in the first place. The CIA doesn't have to sabotage your robowaifus if you never get them built. It makes more sense to have an actual working prototype to generate interest and gain more volunteers instead of waiting years for a unicorn janny to make a bespoke hardened OS for free.
>>25330 >>25334 I apologize if I come off as combative. The main benefits I want to articulate are the built-in Gazebo simulator and the data "bag" function. Since ROS already has a simulator system set up, this will make developing a robot remotely much easier, since devs will have a native simulation on their own PCs. I highly recommend you guys check out this playlist, it demonstrates ROS in plain English and has a lot of general robot-building info: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLunhqkrRNRhYAffV8JDiFOatQXuU-NnxT If you can build this, then getting a waifubot is just a matter of adding AI support, speech recognition, and TTS.
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>>25303 >Hachiroku Rail Romanesque.Maitetsu is a welcome surprise. Such a soothing and cute series. Shirogane is quietly helpful with a desire to help others. Shirogane and Hachiroku, are good examples for how a robot waifu should act. >Many hats Noted and appreciated >Desires a basic assistant Can relate, I'm working on a machine to fulfill such duties. (Albiet, in a wildly different way than you.) >Team You show great potential. Your design sense is antithetical to my own. Honestly, I enjoy that about you. We're working on entirely divergent paths to the same goal. Part of me wants to help you but, I would try to subvert you into MaidCom as that is my focus. Please continue your work, I want to see how far apart we end up once our robotics platfoms are ready to warm lonely hearts.
Hello my robowaifu friends. I'm a techlet who is undergoing a schooling + internship. I first have to pass the schooling phase to even get accepted for the internship. I can't really say a lot because i fear doxing myself. The problem is that i have to learn lots of stuff and only have two weeks left. I fear that I wont even pass the schooling because even though i understand the concepts done in the videos, I dont even know where to start when it comes to the exercises. At least i can understand the solutions given by others. I know that there is little anyone can tell beyond give me some words of encouragment. But any advice is helpful. Is it normal to feel completely lost as a techle? Do they seriously expect a techlet like me to get these concepts and work with them in such a short time? Either way, I know that I am headed on the right path but it is quite discouraging.
>>25344 sorry my brain has short circuited from all the things i've studied recently. Of course I'll be working with an AI company.
>>25344 ...What do you even want to learn? You want to get into AI right? Then, learn Python, make code snippets and save them in a document so you can copy and paste often used code rapidly. (I do this and it saves me much time over time.) Always, always, I cannot stress this enough, keep everything well documented. Identify and clearly explain how everything works. Documentation is king. https://codecatalog.org/2021/09/04/well-documented-code.html Also, please improve your syntax. When working in a group, clarity is essential. Terms such as "lots of stuff" aren't helpful. Instead, say you need to learn x, y, and z. People will help you when they understand what you need help with. Breathe, stay calm, think, you will make it if you try.
>>25344 no one expects much from an intern other than an honest effort, if youre talking about the internship you do before your thesis then even if you dont get one at a company theyll just make you 'intern' on one of the research projects with a prof or phd student
>>25271 >Since we all have no idea really who you are Anon, mind explaining something about this for us? Currently, my programming experience is minimal. I am in a C++ class as of right now and it is going well. I have made a few programs of my own which I have posted here. I have actually posted previously in this thread. I understand it's a part of this board's culture and I won't fault anyone for it but I can't see myself ever namefagging.
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>>25329 This mentality is what held me back for years. After one failed design, I had fallen flat on my face and realized: is this project about something real or just a stim toy for my brain that I'll never finish? I came up with a plan that had an achieveable set of goals with real parts of things I can buy, use, download, or make REALISTICALLY (be honest with yourself) with the abilities I have already. I always kept getting hung up on one step and failed to realize that I have to finish a prototype to see why it won't work and I can't mentally cross it off as done before I really finish it. Plus, no reinventing the wheel for prototype one. If you can buy a motor like you want, don't try making one because it's cheaper to. Buy the motor to see if it will work for what you need it to do. I have old dusty broken equipment that I'm too lazy to fix that I should have working to fabricate the robot, but I'm putting it off for later because it's easier to work on other parts. This is a mistake, the success you have depends directly on how many things you stick to and inversely relates to how many things you start. If I fix all my mistakes and stick to my plan of achievable goals, I will succeed.
>>25353 >I can't ever see myself namefagging I stuck to the same rule for most of my time spent on this board (I can't recall how many years), but once you start dipping into designing and building your waifu, you'll see why it's needed (and just short of required, the other regulars were pushing me to formally use the namefield before I said I'd be starting my own project). Put simply: Organization. People want an easy way to seperate your post from everyone else's, and it's important because this board isn't just banter, it's banter/projects, or banter + projects as I like to call it. While there certainly is a cultural aspect to it, keeping the flow of conversation consistent and efficient (as much as it can be, anyways) plays a major role. It's also why you see crosslinks all over the place. I know that this is very obvious, but it's also important to note because it can be hard to reconcile the fact that one board on an IB has a distinct culture for good reasons, while also having good reasons to remain as a board on an IB. One way to think of it is whenever a more "standard" board is doing its own project. The people working on the project will namefag so that it's easier to organize the project. That's what this entire board is: projects. Almost everyone namefags all the time because the entire board is doing projects all the time. I won't bother you anymore about it, because it's ultimately your decision, but this is why we do it. >>25355 100% this. It's the reason I'm going for a simplicity-focused design, and the reason I'm trying to blaze through the concept stage of the design process as quickly as possible though I have a few other things going on IRL that are taking up my attention right now, so slowdowns are inevitable. Batteries complicate things, so I removed them. Gears became complicated, so I removed them from the design in favor of pulleys. Printed legs became complicated, so I removed them in in favor of cheap pre-fabricated pipes. Motors became complicated, so I removed as many as I could while retaining the basic functions I wanted and keeping the design simple (I'll finish and post the sketches tonight, but I'll say right now that I've made some extreme tradeoffs to enable this). Motor speed control isn't that complicated, but I don't need it either on this slow-ass design. Removed. Only basic functionality is required, remove all unneeded sensors. Four leaf contacts for touch (one per hoof), maybe twenty halls for limb orientation sensing (rheostats seem simpler in concept, but halls seem simpler in execution), one stereo camera board, one mic board, and a few temperature sensors maybe an onboard smoke detector too to avoid a house fire. Just about the only thing I can't uncomplicate is pattern-drafting and sewing the outer frame, but that's also something within my immediate abilities. It'll take fucking forever, but it's inevitable for a floofy pone waifu, and I already have the knowledge to do it. Granted, I'm also a writer among engineers, so my designs need to be exceptionally low-tech, otherwise I'll have zero understanding of what the fuck I'm doing as opposed to the current ~35% understanding I have now. This is why each of my concept revisions have been major overhauls. I've said it before in the batteries thread ( >>24725 ) and I'll say it here: There is absolutely no reason any of us will need (or want, frankly) to stick with a V1 waifu forever. Upgraded designs can always come later. Even if life's throwing complicated shit my way, I'm going to drag my lethargic ass across the finish line.
>>25356 >I'll finish and post the sketches tonight *Tomorrow night. Sorry about that.
AUUUUGH. :^) My apologies to the board -- and particularly to Kiwi & NoidoDev -- for being late with the C.A. WIP thread (>>25368). Everyone please pipe up about edits you see are needed to the thread. It is a read-only artifact for the board about this most-important effort. Our discussion thread is here : (>>24783). TIA anons. Cheers. :^)
I apologize, I meant to restart our C++ Learning thread (>>19777) this weekend. I'll try to shoot for next weekend instead.
>>25344 you can't do anything in two weeks, two weeks is nothing. You just got a techlet boss.
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>>25371 >>25373 I'd love to join you on that C++ learning thread. I recently did really bad on a couple of C++ assignments related to classes. Currently, I am studying stuff about vectors. Vectors are fairly easy for me to understand as they're just arrays that more flexible.
Remember love, it's why we are all here. To have someone that'll hold us when we are anxious. Who will always believe in and support you. We aren't just building a robot, we are building waifu's that are robotic manifestations of love and passion. Remember, the love we give will come back to us.
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>>24980 >greentext anon here dont mind my namefagging for the next 20 posts or so >proceeds to stir up the thread with obnoxious mlp avatarfagging >See im a brony i must be more based than your typical anon HAH! take that >incomprehensible fantasy rant ensues with a mix of feminism debate politics No wonder why robowaifu has gone to complete utter shit giving furfags access to technology like https://archive.is/imYmI was a grave mistake and now WE have to suffer the consequences for it, Go back to your fucking mental ward degenerate this is an SFW anime only safe space. not your bimbofied ChatGPT waifu. Whats next? your going to ask some anon to code your protogen LED drivers for you and put pride flags on it? jesus christ faggot get fucking real and post your "LARP prototypes already" >inb4 criticism get me banned Go ahead prove my point further about how rulecucked this board is
New video just dropped about timelines, licenses n stuff https://youtu.be/0G3okRk7sJo?si=1ds0G5x8iiDzt2dz
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>>25401 >namefagging That's the name of the game on this board. Has been even since before I joined years ago. >See im a brony i must be more based than your typical anon HAH! take that At what point did I even imply that I'm more "based" than anyone else? More autistic maybe. You should take that rage and channel it into designing your waifu, it'll do you more good. >incomprehensible rant I'll give you that one, I have a very bad habit of rambling and letting my posts get away from me. >LARP prototypes I'm nowhere near prototyping lol, these are just concept sketches. I can't prototype without having a solid idea of what I'm building, after all. >go back Nope. I've been here for years and I plan on sticking around for as long as I can.
>>25344 Hello anons, it’s me again. So good news, they weren’t that serious about me learning all these things in such a short time. They said they wanted to see how committed I am to learning. (Now if only they knew my reasons for wanting to become an AI engineer ;) ) Now all I got to do is prove myself in my internship position as RPA dev and my robowaifu journey can begin.
>>25401 >Go ahead prove my point further about how rulecucked this board is I think criticism would not get you banned but I understand your disgust with furfags. Actually, you could make the argument that furries in general promote homosexuality since just about every furry I met tends to be a faggot. However,is greentext anon a furry? I always thought there was a difference between bronies and furries. I should ask /monster/ this. They had conflicts with both groups back in the old days on 8chan. If there's anyone who would know something about them, it's definitely /monster/.
>>25413 what is a spongebob then, a furry, monster, anthro, porifery etc. ?
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>>25414 I have never pondered that because I think it's a very silly question.
>>25415 well what is it, its probably all of them since sponge is an animal and spongebob is a personified anthropomorphic sponge ( in clothes , thats literally all [ insert furry/monster/anthro/etc. ] is
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>>25416 Spongebob is technically anthropomorphic because he is a sea sponge that has been humanized. Do I believe he is a furry? No. Could he be classified as a monster or monster boy? I don't personally think so. I don't classify him as such. You could make the argument that the ship girls form kantai collection and azur lane are in the same category as "anthros" because they are ships that are anthropomorphized as women. However, I think you'd find it hard pressed to find someone who says furries, spongebob, and ship girls are literally the same thing.
>>25417 >Anthro gunships Sounds furry as fuck.
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>>25418 Alright anon, I appreciate the conversation we have had. I have to go deal with some stuff IRL. Have a good day.
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>>25405 Please do stay. Your ideas are fun and help to keep the board fun. >>25413 >Are pones fur or monster? They're honorary monsters until degeneracy comes up. Greentext Anon is based and a true believer in the robowaifu cause. He wouldn't take things in a degenerate direction. (I'm overlooking his desire to clop her as it is reasonable to express love in all forms, so long as it is manifested from the heart.) >>25417 >Gijinka Those are always fun. Hyperdimension Neptunia has many good designs, such as Uni, the personified PSP.
>>25403 Too optimistic?
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>>25401 >No wonder why robowaifu has gone to complete utter shit Lol. Mind explaining these great heights we had achieved? I must've slept through it. :^) >giving furfags access to technology like https://archive.is/imYmI was a grave mistake and now WE have to suffer the consequences for it Furfags!?! Where?!? BTW, can you provide a clear link (or use a different archive site)? Can't read that one. What was it? >Go back to your fucking mental ward degenerate this is an SFW anime only safe space. not your bimbofied ChatGPT waifu. Two words bro: >De >caf >>inb4 criticism get me banned >Go ahead prove my point further about how rulecucked this board is Welcome, newfriend. :^) A) We have exactly two rules (>>3), same as we had from the first week of the board back in the day. B) With very rare exceptions, I only hand out bans for spamming, or as 1-minute bans simply to make a point (cf. >>20387), and usually in jest. --- BTW, super-cute video of dear Kibo-chan, thanks! Have another very cute one in return. Cheers. >when will Kibo-chan have her own ''flying carpet? :^)**
>>25410 Excellent news Anon! Thanks for sharing the update. >and my robowaifu journey can begin. Heh, it's already begun, my friend. Now just keep moving forward. Cheers. :^)
>>25405 Cute mail mare. And, as everyone knows, is also best pone. :^) >>25422 >He wouldn't take things in a degenerate direction. Let's hope not. Everyone here should be well-aware I'm not going to be favorable to pandering either to the Globohomo, or their usual suspect -puppets, heh. :D
>>25403 >>25423 I think it's really good to set timeline targets Peteblank. That's when ideas transform into goals! Good luck with your project work Anon. Cheers. :^)
>>25429 Thank you.
>>25401 > furryfags The board has been open minded towards ponybros and /monster/ for years. I even posted on mpol to recruit some of them, though I guess I was rather thinking they would use their own board for these projects, only come here for technical topics. But then again, that was based on the assumption there would be more going on in regards to development. I think, I also tried to recruit furries at some point, or wrote something about that. Obviously the idea was about female creatures, noting gay. I got a bit pushback here, since back then I didn't know that furries are regarded as something so different from /mlp/ and /monster/. /mlp/ also helped us with showing how to clone voices, and this was some inspiration for us. The claim that this would be "gay" is so silly, I didn't even want to respond to that. It has been tolerated here since these creatures fall under the umbrella of femininity. There seem to be some furries doing live action role-play things, and they seem to be mostly gay, so yeah this is odd to me. Also, they seem to be rather leftists. Not sure if all furries are like that. Anyways, the board should keep the constraint that we build feminine companions here, anyone else needs to organize somewhere else. Ponybros and /monster/ have always been welcome here, and thats fine, though if the would grow a lot and getting very active with several anons, then at some point it would maybe be worth to have a sibling board for their active development.
>>25432 >then at some point it would maybe be worth to have a sibling board for their active development. I think that would be a good idea at that point in time, should that arise NoidoDev.
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I'm trying not to weigh in much since I'm responsible for this, and trying to explain things always ends poorly. >>25434 If a formal schism is necessary, I'll volunteer my own board to bear it. The regulars have long left and the topic matter itself is obsolete, so I'm the mayor of a ghost town. I'd just need to rebrand the board and try to recruit a mod or two. Alternatively, my offer to cast it all to the memory hole and return to the status quo remains open, and will continue to remain open indefinitely.
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>>25442 Please make your board a mecha monster girl board. I want to gush about monster girls and non-standard methods of locomotion. I have wanted to make a Sea Bishop robowaifu but, that doesn't feel like it belongs here. I applaud you for setting out into something different. >>25426 That doll on a drone is so cute! How non-human can we go?
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>>25442 >Alternatively, my offer to cast it all to the memory hole Lolwut? No, that's years down the road if needed. By all means proceed with your project Greentext anon. You have my full approval. I've known you on the Internets for years now, and I know you have nothing but goodwill for /robowaifu/ and all our goals here. My only request is that you don't post pones that are too comfortable -looking, if you catch my drift heh. Please remember we're a SFW board. Cheers. :^)
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>>25443 >That doll on a drone is so cute! IKR. Now I want one for Sumomo-chan when she wakes up, so she can get practice ahead of time dragging Kotoko all around the skys with Chii's pantsu in tow. :^) I've been wondering how to deal with Sumomo's 'arabian nights' costume. Now I think I just want to dress her in overalls and oversized tennys just like that drone grill doll was wearing. A cute!
So, are we doing the schism 'tism? If so, sooner or later on? I'll take responsibility, but it still feels like things are moving pretty quickly. >>25443 If you're serious about getting involved, I can do it and I'm happy to incorporate that. Just as a heads up, my moderation style is the embodiment of "rule by seniority", so oldfags (i.e. you) get priority in every dispute, and I try to keep the peace between oldfags in a dispute. Newfags get a thousand year ban if they stir shit up too much. If we end up doing this sooner rather than later, I just ask that you give me some time. I've had a bunch of shit pile up IRL, so I can't give my full attention to this at the moment. >>25444 I was referring specifically to my postings here. The project will continue regardless. And yes, I've known about the no-NSFW rule for a very long time. Even when I'm burning off the overpressure on my autism tank, I'm not going to post porn here. I will want to talk about how the fun bits work into the equation, since they're a part of the frame that needs to be accounted for, but I don't need images for that. Though this is a bit of a shift, there is something else I need to ask: I want to start a discussion on dry lubricants for joints (not right now, but a bit later once I've done more research). What thread should I place that in?
>>25446 >New board Please start when you can. I would like to be a mod there. It could be healthy to have a sister board to handle more esoteric designs. To clarify, I will always be active here first and foremost, I just recognize that this board is healthier when focusing exclusively on mostly humanoid robotics. Having two boards with specializations that help reach other could help foster greater focus. >Dry lubricant Keep it simple, apply some graphite powder to the joints. Unless she needs to function in a vacuum or you're paranoid about galvanic corrosion, graphite is the default for very good reason. I've used it personally and can safely say it works perfectly for years (practically forever) if applied correctly. A fun trick is that once you have it set up, stream can help in getting everything just right.
>>25446 >I was referring specifically to my postings here. Me too. Please continue. I endeavor to be long-suffering, but I also tend to be rather blunt muh autism, I suppose. If I felt you were harming the board I would've already said so. You're a friend to our board here, and it's the proper place for your robowaifu project. >I will want to talk about how the fun bits work into the equation, since they're a part of the frame that needs to be accounted for, but I don't need images for that. Sure ofc. The NSFW rule is simply keep the board from degenerating into a pr0n board. Legitimate technical discussions of any subsystem whatsoever of a robowaifu completely on-topic here ofc. >What thread should I place that in? The skellingtons, actuators, or materials threads maybe? Dunno, I defer to our engineers on this so whatever they say is fine. NoidoDev is our resident taxonomist.
>>25443 >That doll on a drone is so cute! Oh wow, I liked it as well, but missed that it was a video. Wow. I thought this was a fake picture at first, as a little joke. Again, wow. >>25446 >but it still feels like things are moving pretty quickly. Not at all. Anyways, if you do this at some point, I hope it will be compatible with Bump for backups (Lynxchan based?). >I want to start a discussion on dry lubricants for joints (not right now, but a bit later once I've done more research). What thread should I place that in? I agree with Chobitsu. This should go into >>12810 imo, if it's motorized joints. Otherwise skelletons >>200 since it's more related to that.
On one hand, I'm lukewarm on the idea of spacing things out. On the other, this could breathe some life back into /f/. >>25447 >new board No no, this is a preexisting board. As I said before ( >>25442 ) it's fucking dead, and has been for a while. I'd just need to work out how to renovate things, nuke the old threads, and we're good to go. I run /f/ on the cafe (have been for a long time now, since the fullchan days). We can discuss changes on the meta thread there. https://anon.cafe/f/ I suggest you take a look at the global rules for the cafe as well, since they follow Romanian law. There's nothing outrageous, but it's good to know. >I want to be mod Consider yourself hired. Just make an account on the cafe and let me know, I'll add you on when I can get to it. >graphite powder Thanks, I'll look into it. >>25448 If we do go for a soft division (and it looks like there is demand for it. It might also get the other bronies to start posting), my posts here will slow down a little bit anyways since I'll be overseeing things on my board. We'll need to talk about which topics should be ported to /f/ and which should stay here. Of course, I intend to cause as little division and disruption as possible, but it may be more efficient to localize a few topics (robo skeletons and armatures, for instance). >>25452 >I hope it will be compatible with Bump for backups (Lynxchan based?) Yeah, we run on Lynxchan. I'm not all that familiar with Bump though, so I'll need a bit of help with working that out.
>>25452 >I hope it will be compatible with Bump for backups (Lynxchan based?). I already use BUMP to archive /f/ , and several other Anoncafe boards, so yeah. >>25453 >nuke the old threads PLEASE DON'T NUKE THREAD #4! :DD It's a heritage for the Internets. >I suggest you take a look at the global rules for the cafe as well, since they follow Romanian law. In addition to Romanian law, /robowaifu/ , as it stands, would have to be classified as NSFW there on Anoncafe (since I allow NSFW if a) on-topic, and b) spoilered). The Admins are strict about the SFW designation there. Another thing to consider is that while we have the luxury of 250 threads here on AlogsSpace (thanks to Robi's generosity), there on Anoncafe you'll be limited to 70 threads. >If we do go for a soft division (and it looks like there is demand for it. It might also get the other bronies to start posting) >it looks like there is demand for it Not for my part there isn't. And one loudmouthed newfag does not a consensus make. In my response to Kiwi above I was simply trying to look years ahead to when there is much more traffic on our board after realworld robowaifus begin rolling out. But ofc I'll support you in whatever you want to do, Flash... you know I've been a long-time friend of /f/ . Just tell us what you need for your revamp there, if anything. >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/22/2023 (Fri) 16:40:29.
So I know it’s a shot in the dark but have any of you thought about reaching out to clubs/people who are interested in robotics? I’m kinda lonely lately and I’d like some robo buddy with me. Anyone got some experience to share?
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Kiwi, it looks like you'll be doing your project here. You can still come to /f/ if you want to vent your autism though, I won't mind any of you coming over for a visit. >>25454 >One loudmouthed newfag does not a consensus make I was talking about Kiwi ( >>25447 ), and that you initially seemed to be on-board ( >>25434 ) with the idea. This is starting to confuse me. All that I'm trying to say is that I'll step up and handle things if you guys want to expand to a second board. If you guys dont want that, then I won't do it. >years ahead Alright then, I'll take that as a no. /f/ will be there if and when you need it, and I'll keep watch over it as I have been.
>>25456 >and that you initially seemed to be on-board ( >>25434 ) with the idea. I am, should the need arise if the board expands dramatically. Thus my: >In my response to Kiwi above I was simply trying to look years ahead to when there is much more traffic on our board after realworld robowaifus begin rolling out. (>>25454) But that time is not now. The newfag in question is the le ebin trole poster (>>25401). I especially got a sensible chuckle out of this line of bait: >"...this is an SFW anime only safe space." :DD I hope that clarifies things for my part, Greentext anon. Again, I'll support you if you ever want to revamp your board. Cheers. :^)
>>25455 Please do Anon. We have a Propaganda thread (>>2705), where you might get some ideas and a resource or two. Good hunting, Anon! Cheers. :^)
>>25455 I'm in thailand rn. There's a few clubs in bangkok I think but I'm pattaya which is more coomer oriented.
>>25447 >I would like to be a mod there. What about becoming one here, Kiwi? We could use one.
>>25461 I'd like to be a mod here. How would I setup the account?
>>25469 Robi shut down open account creation after the directed attacks against my jewish mother.world by the Glownigger troons 2 or 3 years ago attempting to destroy the site entirely. Thankfully Robi, et al kept that from occurring, and we're still here. So now you just go onto the #my jewish motherworld channel on rizon and ask him to turn on account creation temporarily so you can make one. --- AUUUUGH! Wordfilters, lol. Find the proper name at >>>/cow/101360 :^) >=== -add crossboard link -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/23/2023 (Sat) 07:13:56.
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Can I make a /robowaifu/ precious metals thread to talk about gold, silver, and other rare and important metals? We will need those metals for our /robowaifu/'s circuits. I also want to have autistic discussions about gold and silver and our stacks. You do have stacks of precious metals, right? I guess we can also include crypto currency as well since because they used computing power. and because I want to
>>25495 Well, the offer is appreciated but no thank you. We do have a Materials thread (>>154) if you legitimately want to discuss precious metals in the context of designing and building robowaifus. But if you just want to talk about making money in general, then why not try 4cuck/biz or one of the other hundreds of other biz-oriented sites Anon?
>>25442 >>25454 I obviously don’t have a say on things board-wise (new as I am), but personally, I’d like to help anyone who’s serious about building robots to improve their own/others’ lives. We’re a small enough community as it is, no sense in whittling down our numbers further; and, from a technical aspect, the underlying challenges we’re tackling have a lot in common-- big or small, humanoid or not, physics doesn’t care (and math only pretends to.) Admittedly, there might be a bit of enlightened self-interest there… After all, wheelchair waifus kinda straddle the line between humanoid and monstergirl, especially since I (long-term) plan to sacrifice aesthetics for utility. >>25337 I’ve enjoyed reading about your work on tensegrity/meshtegrity structures— seems like the perfect way to get curvier (in the geometric sense), more humanoid robots without machining a bajillion custom parts. To be honest, my tentative design for my robot’s “Payload” (upper body) is little more than a Skyrim-tier T-shaped “training dummy”, at least while I work through different arm and sensor configurations. Now, that might be fine for me and a few others who failed to ever develop a sense of aesthetics, but I can’t see it fascinating people like the MaSiRo project has. Don’t let me throw a wrench in your timeline or anything, but if the stars align, it could be cool to have an Assistant lower-half/wheelchair-body with a MaidCom upper-half. After all, the Assistant Platform was always intended to drop-n-lock with another robot around the hip/groin level. My final “Payload” will probably be more industrial, and I’m sure your design’s lower-half will be infinitely more appealing than my wheelchair Platform, but if we’re just trying to generate interest and make some new frens… Well, “the sickly beauty” has always been a successful archetype, right? Might not appeal to the (comparatively) mainstream Nandroid crowd like that, but so long as it’s cute, it could inspire the people who understand the hurdles involved in a complete humanoid robot (and want to get involved despite that.) That’s just an idea off the top of my head, though (so no worries if it doesn’t work with our respective plans). My original plan was to throw a screen on it and give it a simple VTuber-style avatar, which could still get some attention for the robowaifu cause.
>>25507 >I obviously don’t have a say on things board-wise (new as I am), but personally, I’d like to help anyone who’s serious about building robots to improve their own/others’ lives. We’re a small enough community as it is, no sense in whittling down our numbers further; That's much-appreciated, Lin. And BTW we're a meritocracy. Achieve good things here, and your opinions will matter more to everyone! :^) I certainly agree we shouldn't be dissipating our numbers, but OTOH I've always personally supported any anon who wants to strike out on a new robowaifu-centric venture. >and, from a technical aspect, the underlying challenges we’re tackling have a lot in common-- big or small, humanoid or not, physics doesn’t care (and math only pretends to.) < (and math only pretends to.) Lel'd. Yes I personally agree, and actually I think much of what you're doing would apply to Greentext anon's pone robowaifu, wheelchair waifus, and Visual waifus as well. >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/25/2023 (Mon) 15:43:57.
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>>25470 I'm now Kiwi_ Chobitsu, happy to volunteer I'll do it for free :^)
>>25538 OK, welcome aboard Kiwi_ !
Is rust a CIA nigger psyop? Is it really true you have to be connected to the internet to compile it?
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>>25507 >Monster girl in a wheelchair Based >MaidCom upper body Feel free to use it as you please. In fact, it would be appreciated. After all, we both want to benefit everyone else. >Infinitely more appealing I wouldn't put it that way. I actually see the beauty in your project. Perhaps my language was harsh, when I said our projects were antithetical, I meant it as I'm focused on cuddling and you're focused on practical usability. Both have a charm. I have a wheelchair fetish because of Fiore >Visual waifu on your mobile base I had this very idea years ago. Back then, Ritsu was my waifu. Trying to cuddle a tablet with her picture on it dispelled the charm for me. I value cuddling very highly, it's become a difficult design constraint. I look forward to the day a MaidCom rides around on your platform. It'll really make all these years of effort truly shine.
Edited last time by Kiwi_ on 09/26/2023 (Tue) 14:26:59.
>>25540 >Is rust a CIA nigger psyop? Perhaps. Regardless, it's certainly an extremely pozzed community. >Is it really true you have to be connected to the internet to compile it? No.
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>>25542 Thanks I'll stick to a more based language like pascal and CSS.
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Hey chobitsu, If I paid you to write a cash register program in C++, which of the following currencies would you accept? Silver or gold, Crypto of your choice, or heads of cattle?
>>25544 Lol. The cattle would be the most profitable long-term, gold or silver the most portable and useful if the GH has their way with us all, but crypto would win hands-down for anonymity r/n. :^) But that market is already dominated by a company that writes them in Java. Why not just use their systems, Anon?
>>25546 Test Can edit posts now!
Edited last time by Kiwi_ on 09/26/2023 (Tue) 05:54:30.
>>25548 ban chobitsu
>>25544 If you using crypto, use Monero.
>>25579 Where would I obtain monero?
>>25579 >If you using crypto, use Monero. Roger that. >>25582 >Where would I obtain monero? You set up an XMR wallet, and use Monero exchanges.
Monero, crypto, gold, silver, stonks it all goes down during a recession/depression. Be more flexible.
>>25584 how about a clowncession where you voluntarily destroy the world economy over a joke? past clowncessions show that toilet paper is the best performing asset with gains of up to 7200%, "[insert asset] wont be worth toilet paper" as the saying goes
The P40 (server GPU) also exists with 24GB. I didn't know. It's better than the M40. https://technical.city/en/video/Tesla-M40-24-GB-vs-Tesla-P40 - They need extra work with adding coolers or a cooler in a PCI slot.
>>25544 Anonymity means, you might have a hard time to exchange it into money you can actually pay with. The bigger the sums are you are dealing with, this might matter, since you might want to buy a house or something at some point, without being under the suspicion of money laundering. >>25579 Bitcoin has a payment system on top, called Lightning. As much as I'm informed, this has now features which makes it anonymous as well.
testing my new camera
>>25698 Sorry to 'intervene' Anon, but please don't doxx either yourself or your family in this forum. I feel you don't quite understand the hazards involved yet. Feel free to try again? >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/02/2023 (Mon) 05:42:08.
>>25698 What exactly did anon do? Post an image of himself?
>>25703 Posted a video of my Thai wife and kid. I guess the feminists are going to kidnap my family?
>>25703 Lets just say it wouldn't be the first time CPS took a child away from "unfit" parent(s) because the authorities didn't like them. The years spent trying to regain custody, racking up $Ks in legal expenses while the child is brainwashed becomes a special kind of hell. The process becomes the punishment as an example to others. Don't do anything, in the age of facial recognition, that could identify you or anyone close to you. You have no idea where it could end. Ask Elian Gonzales.
>>25705 I'm in Thailand right now. The authorities here aren't insane.
I don't really know where it might belong, therefore I post it here. Hopefully no one already mentioned that, but I found some interesting stuff for the printing of parts for our robowaifu. pib.rocks, or the 'pib project', is a community-driven effort to make a humanoid robot (not a robowaifu per se), and they've already achieved a functional robot that can move the arms and hands and fingers. I think for now they're only at the upper half of the robot, but everything is already printable and they even give a guide to construct everything, with the material needed, as well as a software on raspberry pi for movement I think. It's kind of corporate so one definitely will have to tinker with it, and also add maybe some silicone or other material on top of the soulless white one. They have a discuck (mostly composed of boomers) they use to share ideas and announcements. Just thought i'd share (and hopefully no one already did it since it would make this reply very much useless kek).
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>>25710 Looks kind of ugly. I'm thinking inmoov with a a modded body, with some stuff from Sophie dev for the face/mouth, with screen anime eyes, with an anime face, etc...
>>25710 Thank you very much for sharing this Anon! >I don't really know where it might belong, therefore I post it here. So, we have a waifu projects thread (>>366) that while this isn't about waifus per se would probably be a good fit. I generally just use the catalog view to see which thread might be a good match for my posts. Very glad to see you posting information here with us Anon! Cheers. :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/02/2023 (Mon) 16:42:33.
>>25710 Yeah, we have a thread for such projects, even two: - If it's really about (humanoid) waifus: >>366 - Any humanoid robots, for the tech, video: >>374 - Anything ~animal like, probably /monster/ >>10259 Another one, partially redundant >>268 I covered pib.rocks here and mostly roasted them: >>18281 - Keeping an eye on it, but have no expectations. >>25711 Yes, it's ugly. Companies and certain groups are inherently incapable of making beautiful and maybe even sexy robots, for cultural reasons. On top of that, in general it's the same as here and everywhere, fast progress comes with going for something rather simple.
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>chi! >Watch out she has a gun! >Bang bang bang >What do you want? >Chi! >wait she's holding a bag give her some money >Chi chi chi
>>25734 thought it was a spider at first, too many spider posts got in my head lol
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I'm not a big fan of screenface robot designs, but it's something I've been thinking about a lot lately. With a realistic face most of the expressions are created by contorting the face and the same can still be done by using the screen to render a head and manipulate it. Besides making normal facial expressions more exaggerated and easier to read, I'm not really sure what else would be a good way to implement the screen.
>>25811 screenfaces would only be a temporary stopgap measure. Kicking the problem down the road. Sooner or later, we'll have to work on robot muscles, especially the facial muscles or there'll be other problems down the line.
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>>25812 Maybe you will
>>25811 One thing you should consider is how much facial animation you really need your waifu to have. For instance, if you only really care about eye animations, then you can just have one ot two smaller screns that encompass that part of the face. If you want the mouth to be animated as well, you can tack on a third, much smaller screen for that. Doing it this way is a bit more complex, but it also prevents your waifu from having a completely flat face. If you really want the whole face to be animated though, I'd recommend looking into rear-projection ( >>19380 ). >>25812 While I agree that full face screens aren't ideal, I think eye screens are going to stick around. They do the same job as mechanical eyes, are far more versatile, and come with none of the mechanical complexity. The latter becomes especially important when you get into larger, anime-esque eyes. Of course, that's not to say that mechanical eyes won't have a place, just that neither will supplant the other.
>>25816 Sophiedev has mechanical eyes. I don't know I thought about it, mechanical eyes seem a bit more realistic even if it's anime.
>>25812 Agreed, but right now I'm just curious about making a cute, minimalist, expressive screenface with what's available. >>25816 I'd much prefer my waifu not have any screens at all, and would prefer one to having several screens, even if it does include the mouth. Having a bunch of screens just makes me think of 790 from Lexx, which was about as hideous as everything else on that show.
Ok so next week the AI company I want to intern for will give me some exercises to determine if I’m even good enough for an internship with them as a techlet. I’m quite nervous but I know I can do it. The future is now (heh).
>>25827 Goodspeed. Don't be too nervous. You will find something else if this doesn't work out, since you made it that far, but it probably will workout.
>>25827 Just be yourself Anon. You've got this! :^)
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Is anybody data hoarding the models at hugging space etc... Won't be long now
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>>25904 Are they going to start cracking down on stuff? I haven't been paying close attention to what's going on with them. I got a whole pile of multi-terabyte drives just lying around (~30TB, but I can get at least 50 if I use everything. That's also assuming I leave everything uncompressed). Just point me to the good stuff, and I'll get started. I'll also browse around there and snap up whatever catches my eye.
>>25906 is that a tape drive?
>>25912 That's a zip drive, and the disks are more like really high density floppy disks. They enjoyed some popularity for a while in the 90s and 2000s, but became wholly redundant as flash drives entered the market. That one in particular is a 100MB model, but there were also 250MB, 750MB, and a few less known variants. Not terribly relevant these days, it was just the first related image I found.
>>25906 I'd suggest getting all the models & tunes of everything that can run on an individual's box with a modern GPU Greentext anon. That probably translates roughly to all the <40GB ones r/n.
>>25922 Is there any way I can filter out the massive models? I'm not seeing a way on the website, but I'm not that familiar with it either.
>>25939 probably not, i hate this gitshit i tried just making a list but my ip got blocked, only got to page 300 but thats already like 60k models, you can continue from there if you need more #!/bin/perl my @models, @msize, @pages = (300..500); #<- page range to download # download pages mkdir "/tmp/(-_-)" unless -e "/tmp/(-_-)"; system "echo '' > '/tmp/(-_-)/tmp'"; for my $page (@pages) { if ( fork() == 0 ) { system "curl -# 'https://huggingface.co/models?p=$page' >> '/tmp/(-_-)/tmp'"; exit; } } wait for 0 .. @pages; # get models from pages open my $fh, '<', "/tmp/(-_-)/tmp" or die; my $txt; $txt .= $_ while <$fh>; close $fh; push @models, $1 while ( $txt =~ /<h4.*?>(.*?)<\/h4>/gc ) ; # calc rough size of models print "calculating size...\n"; for my $model (@models) { if ( fork() == 0 ) { my $file = $model; $file =~ tr;/;|; ; system "curl -s 'https://huggingface.co/$model/tree/main' > '/tmp/(-_-)/$file'"; exit; } } wait for 0 .. @models; for $model (@models) { $model =~ tr;/;|; ; open $fh, '<', "/tmp/(-_-)/$model" or continue; $txt = ""; $txt .= $_ while <$fh>; my @GB, @MB, $size = 0; push @GB, $1 while $txt =~ /title="Download file".*?>(.*?) GB/gc; push @MB, $1 while $txt =~ /title="Download file".*?>(.*?) MB/gc; $size += $_ for @GB; $size += $_/1000 for @MB; push @msize, $size ; system "rm '/tmp/(-_-)/$model'"; close $fh; open $fh, '>>', "rip.txt" or continue; printf "%64s : %2.2f GB\n", $model, $size; printf $fh "%64s : %2.2f GB\n", $model, $size; close $fh; }
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>>25945 Thank you. I'll start with the list you made, filter out anything above 100GB or so, seperate the result into multiple lists that reflect the actual sizes of the drives I'm using, and go from there. I'll probably just make a basic script that just runs [git lfs clone] over and over until each list is exhausted for the actual downloading. Honestly, you'd think a website that deals with such massive files all the time would offer a torrent option or something similar. Shit, anything that makes the process of downloading multiple models more efficient. Whatever. I have some days off ahead of me and a bottomless well of autism to burn through. I'll do some preliminary setup now and start in earnest within the week.
>>25948 np, heres more smaller ones, i kept it running out of spite because of the ridiculous captcha
>>25949 I'm not sure what's going on, but it looks like the size estimations on the lists aren't matching what I'm downloading. I double checked this with a couple webpages as well. It's quite a large factor too, one listing as ~10GB when the actual content is only ~20MB. Not a major problem for me, all it means is that I'll need to splice the lists into smaller parts so that I don't hit the limit of a hard disk due to a huge model I didn't see coming. Just a few extra minutes of work, and checking available space on my drives a bit more often. You may want to look into it anyways, since these mismatches could lead to a problem elsewhere.
>>25951 yeah something went wrong with the first list a lot of those are way too big, the second list looks fine though except for some duplicates
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Bulk text operations are done. Splicing is done. I now have about 1700 scripts, each with 10 [git lfs clone] commands. This will be easy. Tedious, but easy. Let's see how many models I can download before running out of hard drives.
For those of you who want to make some of your own backups without preamble, I am providing my spliced and ready to run scripts here. These were created almost entirely via bulk operations, and as such should be considered unsorted. Nearly every file contains exactly ten links to models, with the notable exceptions of [list01, list02, and List99]. List99 in particular contains every model which was estimated to be at least 100GB. The [lists3] folder was created more or less by hand, and the others were autogenerated by [split], hence the difference in filenaming conventions. In order to run these scripts as-is, you must have [git] and [git lfs] installed, and you must be running a bash terminal.
>>25962 >>25963 Naicu. Godspeed John Glenn Greentext anon. :^)
Git isn't something that I've used much before, so I never had any strong opinions about it. Now that I'm using it in bulk however, and coming to learn about how it works, I've developed a newfound hatred for it. Apparently, whenever you use git to download something (which seems to be the only fucking way to get something from huggingface, APIs aside), you get a .git folder for versioning. Now, even I already knew this, but what I didn't know is that this folder effectively doubles the disk space footprint of whatever you're downloading right out the gate. I guess this is good for normal use, but for bulk operations that span multiple terabytes, all it does is halve the number of models you could be storing. I've tried researching a way to get git to not make the .git folder, but if there's a way then I can't find it. So, I'm going to solve the issue in post. This set of scripts is completely identical to the previous one, except each script has been appended with [rm -rf ./*/.git], which will delete every .git folder that was created by the previous commands in the scripts. Messy, but functional, and it'll save terabytes of space. Fucking git.
Same deal as the previous, just a bit cleaner and more well sorted with a readme file. These scripts also shouldn't crash due to duplicate entries that I'm too lazy to remove. Done with the edits now, I'm not going to try to streamline an inherintly messy bulk operation beyond what's necessary.
I'm a fucking idiot. Made a bulk typo, here's the fix.
>>25850 >>25866 Thank you friends unfortunately this has all been completely overwhelming to me since I’m a complete newbie and I’m utterly burned out from all the information overload. Cant even do the improvements they suggested to me in my assignment because my brain has utterly shut down and any attempts to get to work are met with me just being frozen. I don’t think they’ll take me and I’m completely bummed. And I don’t think telling them the truth will help. No need to respond to this, I’m just venting out. I know I’ll eventually be able to help with our dream but it all seems so hopeless now.
>>25998 As someone who's dealt with burnout many times, I completely understand what you're feeling. It just feels like too much is happening all at once and no matter what kind of energy you try to muster, you just can't. I don't know much about your situation, so the best advice I can give is to do what you can, and make the most of your free time. Give yourself the opportunity to slake off some of your built up stress whenever you have the time, because if you try to power through, you'll just make yourself feel worse. As for telling them the truth, I assume you're referring to your burnout. I think you should just tell your boss that you haven't been feeling great lately, but also show that you're still trying to get stuff done. There's no need to get into details. Unless he's a complete asshole, he'll understand because he'll also know that shit happens and nobody can operate at 100% all the time. A good manager likes it when his employees are open with him and keep up communication. Hopefully things work out, I'll be rooting for you anon.
>>25999 Exactly I try to muster any last reserves but I can’t do anything. On your second point you’re right. The problem is that those assignments are critical for them taking me as an intern. I’ll tell a shorter version of the truth and maybe fate will have mercy on me.
>>26000 "Fake it till you make it" or so the old adage goes, Anon. :^)
>>25998 Well shit they didn’t take me. Anyone have any tips on how to move forward? The company told me to learn UiPath. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like it’s a language that is widely used yet, so I figured I should continue studying Python which I started months back?
>>26088 bad luck, yeah more useful to continue with python, youre more likely to encounter it and at least more than 10 people know what it is
>>26088 >Well shit they didn’t take me. Anyone have any tips on how to move forward? The company told me to learn UiPath. Oh, too bad, but don't let them discourage you. With the UI path they probably meant doing something around learning how to make a user interface, usability and such. I'm not sure if I can give you advice but I would make some projects which I could show off, but don't listen too much to on company in regards to the area. Maybe look into LangChain.
We need a new /meta/ - this one is bump limited now.
>>26090 hahah I mean to be fair automation will become a very important skill and there are some job listings that demand a knowledge in it (UiPath, Automation Anywahere). But as a newbie I gotta do Python first I guess. >>26094 Shouldn’t I first get a foot in Python? I don’t want to mix these two languages. For now I at least have a UiPath certificate.
>>26100 yeah learning how to script is pretty much a necessity if you want to use a computer for its intended purpose, scripting isnt programing the language isnt really important you can switch language easily when you already know one its just preference at that point
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