/cow/ - Lolcows

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The True Lolcow Showdown PissDrizzle#Ic7/rT 09/19/2019 (Thu) 01:34:52 ID: 455f5a No.7825 [Reply]
This saturday at 5pm EST I, PissDrizzle of /cowrevolt/ will face off and defeat JEWS of NAZI/COW/ in honorable loli combat to prove who is the true lolcow and greatest gamer, for the prize of getting to deface the others board.
It will be streamed by a guy called Bill Cooper on the Guntstream, the games will be some Twinkly shooter game, KoF and Puzzle Bobble 2.
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Match has been rescheduled for the same time next week.
What!? WTF, I have popcorn and beer and shit ready.
where's pissdrizzle at these days? Gahoole wants to be able to say nіgger without the gay ass wordfilter

Guntlemen... Robi Board owner 08/05/2019 (Mon) 07:03:50 No.1 [Reply] [Last]
This is a (hopefully temporary) bunker until the 8chan dust settles. This is a meta thread. Post about anything you need here.

Source Code
Current frontend code: https://gitlab.com/alogware/xanderlynx
Backend is vanilla Lynxchan 2.2 at the moment.

1. Don't break US laws (SSNs, CP, etc.)
2. There is no second rule really just don't break US laws
Edited last time by robi on 08/06/2019 (Tue) 15:43:16.
352 posts and 80 images omitted.
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>>10692 Yes Anon. They are simply taking off to bring communism to the Moon! They are fine
The absolute state of cuckchan /v/eddit http://boards.4chan.org/v/thread/543832061#p543833271 Paypiggies and wishing to ecelebs to be their friends. Paying superchat to "troll" people and helping e-celebs to raise.
Ashton and Toad McKinley have been really lazy with the catoy coverage and the Pat allegations. Not nearly as hard on him as they were on the Гунт.
>>98160 he lost his mojo after Daddy Gym interview and the kiwis started to pay attention to him
making a post in 2024 :)

Nate Brown/Nate the Chipmunk/Nathan Brown/WSLCaptainNate Anonymous 12/13/2019 (Fri) 06:23:09 ID: e6cf4f No.23065 [Reply]
Oh boy, you guys will fucking love this one.

>lolcow I came across on twitter
>eRPs in the Sonic/Alvin fandoms
>obsessed with organs and guns
>believes he is the apex of masculinity and that women are below him
>kicked off deviantart, is literally an autistic furry pedo stalker
>see image dump for more lulz
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He also looks exactly how you think he would look
>wearing shoes with no socks
That alone is bad enough.
>satAM fag
>chipmunk fag
Sonmanic 2.0?
>>23065 e begger
This is the problem created when a society doesn't use mental institutions anymore.

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Alt Chan Federation: A tale of multiple shills Robi Root 09/18/2019 (Wed) 18:03:11 ID: 3e82c4 No.7486 [Reply] [Last]
In 2019 the year of our kike Lord, anons suffered many hardships. >8chan goes offline >Forced to wander until eventually finding bunkers to hide in >Lots of cocks is lost and some anons never find their way to the promised land In the weeks that followed anons built up bunkers and attempted to populate them with cocks they had saved. The Webring system was created through a joint effort between /a/ and Julay. There were minor fights between anons from different boards, but a mutual respect was there and in-fighting was kept to a minimum. Like all good things, however, faggots will eventually show up seeking fame, attention, and money. There is always a namefag lurking around looking to become the next moot or cripplekike. What follows is a dump of private discord voice and text chats that will show you exactly how such people operate and how stupid they think (you), the average anon is. Some back story: On 9/12/19, the admins of Julay were invited into a private Discord server populated with admins from several imageboards. These admins were seeking to build an "imageboard federation". They ran multiple gayops; shilling their boards all over 4chan, Reddit, Twitter, and some forums populated by boomers. They agreed to split the userbase of various boards like /pol/, /x/, /v/, and others between their websites. There were schemes to make money off anons and drive them into various unrelated websites and GoFundMe/fund raising operations. The admins of Julay played along to obtain these recordings and dump this information. It should be noted that not every member of this server was participating in this activity that >we witnessed. I will let the dumps speak for themselves and you can decide who the main offenders were on your own. The bulk of the first recording is in low quality due to a badly configured OBS. I forgot it was set to a very low bitrate/resolution because I was using it for another purpose the last time I recorded something. All other recordings are in better quality. Despite the low quality in the first 6 hour recording it's easy to tell who's speaking in voice chat. Use the other recordings to verify the names if you're unsure. The intent of this release is not to drive traffic to Julay but to spread awareness of the actions of the people in this Discord server. Most of the parties involved have been spamming various boards for many years and are well known. This is just to give you an idea of how they operate, how they really are, and what they think of (You), the average anon. >We fully expect to be DDOSed for releasing this information and have taken steps to prevent loss of data. >We apologize to any boards >we host if this happens but >we felt releasing this information was important. More recordings exist but this is already 7+ hours of material to go through. This is the bulk of the bad stuff. >We are still going through recordings and will dump anything we consider note worthy at a later time. It should be noted that nearly everyone in this server doxed themselves within a day of inviting us to it. If we were really in the mood to do so, we could probably give you their real names and all their social media accounts. We've withheld such information in the hopes that they'll realize they're faggots and stop this type of behavior or, better yet, fuck off and leave anons alone. t. The Julay Admins. Reminder: Julay is a board of peace. Latest thread archive: https //archive.is/1wssB
Edited last time by robi on 12/30/2019 (Mon) 10:21:13.
845 posts and 335 images omitted.
Up What happened to those faggots? Are they finally dead or something?
>>132736 I am pretty sure they fell apart, some of their websites are still up though.
>>132738 The freech people or just this group of chans general? Ive been looking for freech stuff but havent been able to find any since like june 2021.
>>81066 who ask

Anonymous 12/11/2019 (Wed) 01:33:55 ID: d16af4 No.22765 [Reply]
Sweet Christ he has a national anthem about himself.


>Bless my soul
>Paul was on a roll
>Person of the week in every Greek opinion poll
>What a pro
>Paul could stop a show
>Point him at a monster and you're talking S.R.O.
>He was a no one
>A zero, zero
>Now he's a honcho
>He's a hero
>Paul was a kid with his act down pat

>From zero to hero
>In no time flat
>Zero to hero
>Just like that
>When he smiled
>The girls went wild with "ooh"s and "aah"s
>And they slapped his face on every vase
(on every "vase")

>From appearance fees and royalties
>Our Paul had cash to burn
>Now nouveau riche and famous
>He could tell you what's a Grecian urn!

>Say amen
>There he goes again
>Sweet and undefeated
>And an awesome 10 for 10
>Folks lined up
>Just to watch him flex
>And this perfect package packed a pair of pretty pecs

>Paul Gekko, he comes he sees, he conquers
>Honey, the crowds were going bonkers
>He showed the moxie brains, and spunk
>From zero to hero
>A major hunk
>Zero to hero
>And who'd have thunk?

>Who put the "glad" in "gladiator"?
>Paul Gekko!
>Whose daring deeds are great theater?
>Paul Gekko!
>Is he bold?
>No one braver
>Is he sweet?
>Our favorite flavor

>Paul Gekko
>Paul Gekko
>Paul Gekko
>Paul Gekko
>Paul Gekko
>Paul Gekko

>Bless my soul
>Paul was on a roll
>He's in training
>Riding high
>And the nicest guy
>Not conceited

>He was a nothin'
>A zero, zero
>Now he's a honcho
>He's our hero
>He hit the heights at breakneck speed

>From zero to hero
>Paul is a hero
>Now he's a hero

>Wait and See!
2 posts omitted.
>>22765 >>22766 Kiwifag cuckchanners need to get gassed, holy shit.
>>22765 If you'e going to phonepost, learn how to crop
Cozy - c0zy America First - 4merica first jcaesar187 - 3than jcaesar187 - r4lph foxdickfarms -k1wifarms

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Abdullah Kenerly Anonymous 01/20/2020 (Mon) 06:10:39 ID: 97657d No.28276 [Reply] [Last]
Abdullah Kenerly Abdullah (affectionately known as Monkey) is a G​AMERGATE who spends his days flooding twitter and any forums he can find with hyper-autistic rants about the video game Kingdom Hearts 3. He can't seem to handle opinions other than his own, and is confirmed to be on the autism spectrum. This leads to him being frequently banned from websites like GameFAQs and others. His specialty is gaslighting, so he usually utilizes mutliple accounts on the same website to samefag his opinions. Twitter: @blessed2FM Youtube channel: AbdullahKProject wiiU username: AKenerly Address: 1613 MEADOW LANE TER, Fort Worth, TX, 76112 Phone: (817) 798 8719 Date of Birth: 11/21/1995 Age: 24 Known family members: Terrance L Kenerly and Aliyah Kenerly
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>>28394 >i don't think X is funny <you must be X!
This thread was reported globally. I was confused when I saw a second thread for this until I checked the other one and saw the BO locked it for being >Not funny I'm locking this one as well. If they're reported globally again I'll just delete them unless the BO tells me otherwise.

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/vg/ autism & doxing extravaganza Anonymous 11/03/2019 (Sun) 21:38:49 No.16242 [Reply] [Last]
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If I could harvest this autism and sell it on the black market, I'd be a rich man.
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>>28249 Might as well dump all of them right now. Cuckchanners never deliver. I wish that his mom didn't deliver on the day of his birth.
>>28249 keep posting smugs abdullah u r the gratest baddest mindbrokener around
Don't mind me, just here to julay all the lols from this G​AMERGATE. Maybe I'll get a lel or two
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>>28044 The thread is over 2 months old with 200 replies. If >>27655 was you, then I basically agree with you: this thread is unfunny. Report the thread text time.

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Awful Deviantart/Furfag/fetish/autist art Anonymous 11/13/2019 (Wed) 04:39:22 ID: 3360b3 No.17833 [Reply]
Post what you got. The more fetishes and worse art the better

First two images are the legendary half-dude and the last two are https://www.deviantart.com/wolfcariocharlotte/gallery/
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This thread is about awful DA stuff, not the greatest epic of our times
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I can't possibly write something to do these profiles justice https://www.deviantart.com/bluekoa64/art/EBP-Character-Bio-726245215 https://www.deviantart.com/gloriabomfim201 9/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCskwlrBZO3YO7dToqao89Yg/videos This profile has thousands of drawings of "wereroaches"

The eurasian tiger drama Anonymous 12/22/2019 (Sun) 16:08:33 ID: 9dfb1e No.24206 [Reply]
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>>24569 >Send kid to Asia to live with distant Asian relatives and forget about him. >Find white girl donor egg and have your Asian wife do in vitro fertilization. >Have white child.
>>24571 harsh but.... his grandparents do love it when he visits
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>People on /cow/ are actually reproducing Mail order brides were a mistake.
>>24586 The Incel Revolution and its consequences have been a tragedy for the human race
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Anonymous 12/11/2019 (Wed) 17:24:13 ID: f8812a No.22842 [Reply]
i've been on and off on /cow/ for more than a year but i could never figure out what is "julay." am i retarded or something?
1 post omitted.
>am i retarded or something?
Probably autistic as well.
It's what ayys say when they find a jewel.
Jewel AYYYYY :^)
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