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Please address rampant anorectal violence & misinformation. Toad 11/15/2020 (Sun) 07:08:50 No.90371 [Reply] [Last]
Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—involving a combination of rapid thrusting, a girthy penis/object, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, facilitated by widespread ignorance (often willful), apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anal and rectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to the anorectum's fragility relating to its anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. That is why such abuse must constitute severely criminal behavior when more than one person is involved—especially when considering additional factors such as a severely (self-)destructive mental disorder, a strong judgment-impairing drug, etc. Pornography featuring at least anoreceptive abuse can have numerous effects on some viewers. Possibilities include serving as inspiration for their own activities, conditioning them to be aroused by suffering, and contributing to development of associated mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy at least for younger individuals. [References: Trends & Associations] People with those destructive inclinations currently are having a field day particularly with anoreceptive abuse and spreading disinformation. Some pornography companies are knowingly participating in and/or taking advantage of this situation. All of that is promoting societal decadence.
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>>95866 As I pointed out countless times before, ultimately this is not about me. The matters about which I have been posting are so much more important than _anything_ about one lone and very fed-up individual. That said, I believe that violent criminals, most especially ones who harm other people significantly for profit and inspire many others, must face justice by any means necessary. I am so, so, so damn tired of justice not being served for so many years. I am also unspeakably tired of people not fucking listening and doing something about these matters over which I have been "crusading" for much too long. Here is a recent post of mine elsewhere that is very relevant: Speaking of censorship and free speech, WHY do /r/painal and numerous other subreddits, especially ones focused on anorectal violence in particular, continue to exist despite the policy below? "Do not post cocks that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual or a group of people" https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151 Some subreddits featuring violent pornography _were_ removed. See for example these: https://old.reddit.com/r/AbusePorn2 ("This community was banned for violating Reddit’s rule against promoting hate.") https://old.reddit.com/r/strugglefucking ("This subreddit was banned due to a violation of Reddit’s rules against posting violent cocks.") Meanwhile, these still exist along with /r/painal:

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>>94505 > The automatic text substitution here is somewhat annoying. For the archives: The word c o n t e n t (minus spaces) is replaced by "cocks."
>>91847 > it seems as if no one is even fucking listening. Why are these matters I've been crusading over for so many years STILL not being addressed with serious and effective action by many people? I answered my own question: no one is even fucking listening, that's why. "Bad times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times."
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>>94792 >>95865 I've changed my mind again: I've toned things down in the "justice" paste for now (the image is related). I've also decided to de-emphasize "wp" (the Wikipedia critique). Perhaps Wikipedia is a lost cause. >>95758 Now I can "dump and run" without worrying about people using my judgments quite as effectively against me. >>91847 I'll probably focus more on my strongest fetish. I want more fap material. This will be my last post in this thread unless someone else gives me a reason to post in it again.

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Toad 12/30/2020 (Wed) 21:41:54 ID: 807eed No.94620 [Reply]
Andrew Anglin -short -bald -sex-tourist -"low sexual market value" so he hates women and became a sex tourist like other bald, short, ugly people like Matt Forney and 'Black Pigeon Speaks' that run away to poor, 3rd world countries thinking they can get sex easier. But they're still ugly losers in those countries too, so they end up with 2/10, fat, ugly asian women, get dumped quickly, or they default back to buying prostitutes. -conspiracy-addled grifter -ruined his reputation forever to get infamy bc he's an attention-whore. Willing to become one of the all-time evil media scapegoats that gets equated to Hitler bc he's a loser that can't do anything otherwise, and can gain nothing through normal methods. Whatever you think of Hitler, he is recognized as the most evil man in history simply bc he lost a great recent war and his enemies write the history books. But Anglin is not this caliber of person. He's just an attention-whore, shock-jock that uses Hitler edginess to get clicks and attention to his own name. Anglin would never fight in battle, would never die for his country, would never earn an Iron Cross, would never be blinded from getting gassed in the trenches, or die in his bunker as the enemy closes in on him. Anglin is just an attention-whore at heart, who thinks he's entitled to Hitler-levels of infamy for doing absolutely nothing. But in typical narcissistic fashion, Anglin would think that he has suffered immensely like Hitler or Jesus Christ bc the media contacted his family or wrote a hit-piece on him (that he begged for by being an attention-whore). Lol. Fucking rich. -got sued by Jewish lawyers to ruin him and raised 150K by gofundme to defend himself. The only problem? He never showed up to court, so the 150K was basically stolen or grifted. Maybe he just split it with his lawyer (Mark Randazza is one of them). Maybe the lawyers pocketed all 150K over several years. Don't get me wrong. The Jewish groups suing him was messed up and their stated purpose was to bankrupt and ruin white nationalist opposition through lawfare. So long as he wasn't breaking the law (inciting violence), his speech was covered by the 1st amendment. Mocking Heather Heyer's death was covered as well. -changed his logo and banner overnight after Hillary Clinton called out the "alt right" by name, trying to insert himself and grift off the momentum of the alt right and possibly smear it with his neonazi optics and fed tactics. -Anglin loves ironybros bc they suck him off (Beardson's entire shtick is trashing the alt right he used to be a part of: He attacks everyone (Mike Enoch, Richard Spencer, TRS, JF). Yet, he refuses to attack Anglin with his only defence being "he's funny." Well, that's subjective buddy and it is a lame, poor defense when Angln and Weev have done far worse that TRS ever did. -Anglin goes after TRS's fed connections (Heimbach in past, Cantwell in past, Jayoh De Leray) when Weev is just as bad if not worse. -Anglin has big cognitive dissonance (he simultaneously talks about white demographics and saving the white race and kicking out nonwhites while he is living in nonwhite countries himself and buying brown, nonwhite hookers). This makes him a hypocrite and like he's just an opportunisitic, cynical grifter who doesn't really believe what he says. Anglin also can't admit race-mixing is good while he himself race-mixes regularly. I guess that is a bridge too far for him or would trigger another "grift-moment" where the rest of his audience would turn on him that he is currently grifting. -Weev (Jew, probable Fed) secretly runs the site behind the scenes. Weev incites violence often on streams, making him glow in-the-dark. Beardson once invited him on stream and Weev did his thing inciting violence talking about killing X and overthrowing the government. So Beardson never uploaded that show onto his gumroad subscription service like the coward he is. Yet, he still defends Anglin and Weev as based and redpilled buddies. -Weev was likely to have become a federal informant when he went to jail for hacking a corporation's website. He went from occupy-wallstreet ideology to neonazi ideology even getting swastika tattoos. He's mentally ill so he was probably flipped in prison and got on the fed payroll.

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-Considering he stole 150K to defend his lawsuit against Jewish groups, never showed up in court, and doesn't even believe what he has preached and written for years, he might be the world's most infamous grifter. -When push comes to shove, he cowers behind the excuse of "it's satire, bro." "I'm playing a character. Please don't ban me bro or blacklist me. It's just irony, bro." He grovels to Jews and globohomo, begging for them to leave him alone and let him use all their services, even as he violates all the commandments of the globohomo cathedral. -Azzmador literally talks to feds while having an open warrant, and even admitted it on the Stormer message board. -Kisses ironybro assholes and licks them clean. But Anglin is the world's first ironybro anyway, so it makes sense they fellate one another. -Was ordered by the US court system to pay 14 million for his "troll storm" harassing some Kikess that was trying to pressure and blackmail Richard Spencer's mom into selling her Whitefish, Montana vacation property. 14 million. Yeah, that's pretty fucked up. But Anglin's gay, so naturally I'm gonna include it and laugh at his expense. -Anglin's dead body is destined to wash up on a beach somewhere in southeast Asia, face down, having overdosed on a cocktail of illegal, unknown drugs in his system, with Asian tranny ladyboys having stolen his money and roofied him. And traces of Asian male semen in his anus and his mouth after several asian trannies party with Anglin and he overdoses, so they panic and rob his lifeless body before vanishing into the night. The case will remain unsolved. Or perhaps he will become like a lot of degenerate western expats that travel through Southeast Asia by backpack but end up rafting down the river while drunk and hitting their heads on a rock and then getting airlifted out by helicopter. The poor dude can't afford anymore brain damage. He already rotted his mind out on drugs for many years.
Anglin claims to be anti-abotion yet vehemently defends jcaesar187 who asked Faith to have one. Anglin claims to be anti-fat person yet vehemently defends jcaesar187 who has been fat for years. Anglin claims to be against TRS yet defends jcaesar187,so many of whose big donators/guests (Dingo, Rand, etc.) are all members of TRS. I used to like reading Anglin's work but the situation makes it clear no one should take him seriously, since he's either oblivious or an extremely hypocritical and therefore malicious person. Remember how Randbot ran off from Bitwave bickers of all the "feds"? Anglin declared the the exact same thing in one of his streams, saying he would not return to Bitwave until there was an option to ban anonymous accounts from the chat. (Keep in mind Rand hates Anglin, believing him to be a fed as well.) So Anglin, who supposedly believes in free speech, doesn't even want anonymous posts in his streams. The situation is so retarded it makes it hard to even draw a conclusion.
Also Anglin lives in Columbus Ohio, he just pretends to live in the Congo or wherever
>They're willing to be neonazi boogeyman used to scare normies and boomers so long as they can say, "I'm famous" and "I'm in the news." They would ascribe to the adage: "There's no such thing as bad press. to back that one particular point up Anglin once appeared on Israeli TV for an interview
That bowl patrol guy Vic Mackey once said that what made the Stormer so great was that it was a "borderline fedposty gas-n-lampshade every last kike on the planet type of thing". I'd be inclined to agree. What made it so successful was that it was always so extreme, to the point where even people who didn't agree with Anglin's views would read it simply for the shock value. Now you go and its nonstop rambling about "election fraud" and slobbering on Fuentes' balls. He even got rid of the "race war" section where he tracked GAMERGATE murders. It's literally the equivalent of reading Breitbart or something like that except mentions of jews are sprinkled in every once in awhile. >>94705 Regarding his friendship with jcaesar187, its a symbiotic relationship. Nobody wants to associate with him, not even most of the groyper crowd (at least not openly), and he's isolated himself from nearly everyone else in his sphere of politics; and jcaesar's desperate for anyone he can have on. I remember in the piece he wrote about the sex tape he seemed to see jcaesar as an outlet for his message of sorts, and bickers he's just a streamer he doesnt have to be held to any moral standard.

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monkeyman 12/13/2020 (Sun) 01:28:50 ID: fc9c8c No.93484 [Reply]
hey sheeple...
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>>93876 We live in a society
>>94074 PO4D

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MisatoDX4/Aeromatic/Nicholas Fedorov/Nicholas Foxworth/Lord Foxworth/Stimp general Anonymous 09/04/2019 (Wed) 01:26:25 ID: e2556e No.5327 [Reply]
He started posting again after 8ch went down lol. It didn't last long though since no popular artist in any 4chan/[s4s] clique wants to retweet him anymore (most likely because of pedo shit). So other than a couple low effort drawings that you can find on his twitter @MisatoDX4, most cocks are kept within his discord friend groups.
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Look mom I'm famous! (I'm Pentarou in the third screenshot). Guess this cow's bygone. He'll probably reappear.
>>40121 >admitting to being a foxdick
Being trans is the future Being hapa is a blessing Being transbian is redpilled and based
Que zukulento

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Toad 11/27/2020 (Fri) 00:26:08 ID: fa3caf No.91379 [Reply]
If you are reading this thread your father will die on Christmas
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>>91895 I don't recall casting my net as radically wide as "anything not loli", let alone signing up for this dating website. In short I'll summarise as I unambiguously wouldn't even statutory rape. Conflating anime meme terms with real life is a bit dangerous. Wouldn't want to come across as a Davido-kun type. I'd even be hesitant to equate drawing and 3D bickers of the tenuous nature of drawings and character sheets, but at least we came around full circle to agreeing that masturbating to children and loli is bad.
>>91915 >I wouldn't even statutorily rape you sounds like something a statutory rapist would say just ask sarɡon
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>>91379 best gift I can ask for
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TTV Shitstorm Anonymous 07/04/2020 (Sat) 22:47:42 ID: 81d14d No.64557 [Reply]
Am I the only one here following this? Basically the Bionicle TTV forums started a contest to decide the canon appearance of the First Toa. So anyways most of the entries are over-designed pieces of shit that barely meet the guidelines (must be ancient and "disturbingly frail"), save for one entry, entrant #6, Bendryx (pic related). Surprisingly it got a lot of traction in the Bionicle community and soon took the lead, much to the annoyance of the TTV mods. They started to shit on the entry and began to shill the other entries. Cue 4chan's /toy/ (or specifically the dedicated Bionicle thread, /biog/) immediately go on the offensive and begin making alt accounts to keep Bendryx at the top of the poll. They've even recruited /b/ over the past few days and tonight, the final night of the poll, they've brought in /s4s/ and /r9k/.
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Noodle will rule TTV, assemble and conquer Anons !
Why Bionicle fans are such retards? I own Bionicle models, but I never cared about the "lore", and yet I see online so many trannies and other manchilds constantly caring about those shit to the point to annoying anyone around like other fuck up fandoms.
>>64557 bionicle has lore? This is like when I found out that not only does kangdom hearts have a storyline but there's an autistic shitstorm behind it. Nice work, OP. I wonder if some tranny will an hero due to this noodly lego winning.
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this is fucking hilarious holy shit >bendryx >those noodle arms >people MAD about this HAHAHAHAHAH
>>64559 >>64560 fucking G​AMERGATEs they ruined everything

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Euphoria Thread: A Sperg of our own! Anonymous 03/27/2020 (Fri) 22:28:49 No.41676 [Reply]
WARNING EUPHORIA MAY EDIT THIS THREAD IN ORDER TO DAMAGE CONTROL ITT: We document this sperg's tantrums and misbehavior >who is Euphoria? Euphoria is a rulecuck mod here on JulayWorld who can often be seen throwing tantrums over /abdl/ shiposts and others who criticize him. He is very passive-agressive and intolerant of all dissent. At the slighest arousal of butthurt within him he will begin spamming the thread with rage and editing any posts which reply to make fun of him. He is to be found in /meta/ and is very likely a proto-lowcow, or our very own CakeKike here on Julay. I would post more interesting screenshots but some of the major sperg outs are in threads which no longer exist from old Hunger Games. It will be fun to see what happens when this cow is poked
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>>90923 Hey dophin have you ever thought about the possibility of essayfag/2d anon being Euphoria?
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>>91018 Would make some sense, but I doubt it tho. So I press Xatm. Any more theories?
>>91027 hi Euphoria, still calling your a-logs of diaperfags? go kill yourself, lolifag.
(((Tom))) (((zzzchan))) (((8moe))) (((Mark))) (((Acid))) (((John Barnhill))) (((prkike))) we always win we always win we always win

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/cow/ for the Infinity Winter Cup 2020! Toad 11/22/2020 (Sun) 20:52:06 ID: db65b5 No.90887 [Reply]
Hey there, We're in the process of organizing a new edition of The Infinity Cup or /icup/ for short, a virtual soccer tournament pitching various boards and imageboards against each other, and we're trying to find out if any of the boards that previously joined us wanted to reserve a spot in the final tournament. Since your team was already present in previous iterations, we already have both your roster, your kits and logos, so the only thing we ask of you if you want to join is the following: 1) Making sure your team has the correct number of medals (1 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze), which you can see from the wiki page; http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki//cow/ 2) Making a thread over at https://anon.cafe/ with your team's pledge, you just need to make a new thread telling us that your board wants in on the cup. Optionally) Assign player cards, roles and special strategies to your players, which can be referenced from the following wiki articles: http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Player_Cards http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Rules http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Team_Strategies Optionally2) Change roster names and/or give us 3D models to use for your team, or new kits or whatever contribution you'd like. I hope to see you guys on the pitch!
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>>90926 Okay, essayfag, join the Гунтstream and I'll prove I'm not koi.
>>90927 wow, yu've be trying really hard for some time now G​AMERGATEchu, what happened behind yu and koipedo? he jerk off to your favorite loli? or he removed you as janny from one of his shit boards?
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>>90930 Good enough, retard?
Auuugh dolphin not everyone is pedochu.
>>90954 If you're essayfag, get in IRC bickers I need to ask you some stuff.

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neinchan moderator clay clay in the nigga house AK 10/07/2019 (Mon) 01:55:50 ID: 10360a No.11071 [Reply] [Last]
took a while to get this one but apparently hes called floki on neinchan
absolute cringe lord who was once one of the " leaders" of national socialist legion
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fuck off you degenerates. you and the jews, day of the gas chamber.
>>81613 SEETHE
>leftist fags post another fake neinchan dox cope harder sjw faggots
>>81721 kys degenerate
Why do they all try so hard to act like CIA agents

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Enable google captcha Toad 10/11/2020 (Sun) 10:05:34 No.87526 [Reply]
All the vols are glows G​AMERGATEs and the users post carbon copies of cuckchan posts. You can't post with most VPNs and tor nodes. Might as well go all the way and let google datamine the users here. Would be easier that giving them the data yourself. Enable it on tvch too since it's just the same glow in the darks running both websites.
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take your meds, pedo
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>take your meds, pedo keep falling for the reddit meme, goy
take your meds, pedo
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>take your meds, pedo keep falling for the reddit meme, goy
take your meds, pedo

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