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Poseidon, former right-winger grifter and Pagan LARPer / Neet shitskin and schizo Brian Holloman 03/19/2022 (Sat) 23:19:42 ID: 90501c No.141211 [Reply] [Last]
Poseidon is one of those many grifters who started getting into the "redpill" bus around 2016 by making videos about immigration in Europe. As "greek-sicilian" he was said to have a more European opinion than the average right-wingers from UK, German and USA about all subjects. However, he never became popular in circles like 4chan /pol/, with only 8chan /pol/ paying any attention to him and a few European anons. In 2018 he had his former channel take down, creating a second channel (his actual one). But since 2019 he started to show himself to be a little less mature and socially successful as he claimed. During weekends, he started doing livestreams called "Whitepilled weekend" in which it constituted of him quietly reading news with his heavy accent while free-copyright music played in the background. Note that as a European, he started these streams every weekend around 2am in European time. Over time, these livestreams began to gain a share of trolls, mocking the fact that Poseidon, who was said to be a mature man, of family, spent every weekend awake hoping to get donations and seething about any jokes about him on chat. After 8chan /pol/ notice that Poseidon didn't take criticism well and was openly banning anyone with the slightest criticism of him the views started to drop and more trolls started to show up. Over time, he stopped those livestreams, according to him, the Catholic Church was being responsible for his troll problems, by sending the trolls together with american Daily Stormer trolls. With that, his first signs of schizophrenia and narcissism showed. In 2020 Poseidon has embarked on the covid wave, and started bleeding views and subscribers. His videos about immigration and politics in Europe stopped and he started to make videos saying how Donald Trump is a massive loser retard and same about any people who supported him, to the point of making a sequence of videos proving that Biden won the election legitimately. Interspersed with videos about Biden being a "chad", he made multiple videos about covid restrictions and vaccine. In these videos, he was totally in favor of forced vaccination, use of masks and severe restrictions. With that, his views, which he now denounces as "far-right" and "Crazy Christians" started jumping off the boat and making serious criticisms about him. How Poseidon reacted? He started replying, comment by comment, personally attacking anyone criticizing him. He would look at anyone's Youtube channel criticizing him and find any detail about the person's personal life or their taste in games, music, etc. He also obsessively started attacking any Americans or Christians in the comments of his videos even if some of those didn't show any criticism about him. Some of the videos around this time had their comment section locked. At the same time, he made a video saying that the right-winger movement was being controlled by the Catholic Church, KGB and American elite. That it would be impossible for Europe to prosper as long as Christians lived in Europe or people voted for politics with any connection with Russia or USA, once again attacking any European politics who have met at any time in their lives with Putin or Trump or are against covid restrictions. Even his old opinions about immigration changed, now he denounces "White Genocide" as a conspiracy theory made up by crazy far-right incels and says the Elite is right to want to have more low-cost employees in Europe and North America and Christians are just worried about being replaced with Muslims and don't care about anything else. With that, he lost around 3k subscribers in this year so far, with downvotes being predominant. So he started making videos claiming he was being attacked by NeoNazis and Christians who had the goal of dox him and his family, although there is no evidence that anyone really cared enough about him to do so. How the far-right are the true terrorists when compared to Antifa and he was being unfairly attacked by extremists and genocidal idiots who wish for the end of the world instead of getting a vaccine. From above 25k subscribers, now his channel has less than 6k subs.

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>>227909 >>228472 >>228507 I honestly wonder how mentally ill he is. There is certainly an element of being a grifter, but he seems to be very prone to mood swings and sensitive to other people's opinions, at the same time being very easily influenced. If he wasn't old, but was a millennial or zoomer, I bet he would have turned into a tranny. The only immutable thing about him seems to be his hatred for Christians and Americans. He is still preaching science and attacking Trump at every opportunity. He deletes any posts about covid or responds with his usual emojis.
And he is back, making lazy videos to attract the "alt-right" to his channel and streaming weekly asking for money. And be on his channel or telegram, he will get really mad if you talk about the vax and will ban you in seconds. https://youtu.be/Fgdxg0CLROY?si=O3f4-CFtdh1MdWE9
>>245023 Wow, he is dabbing on jcaesar187 and EsoFaggism while making big money!
Pissdon is back and no only trying to make money as grifter but also coping about being a a middle-aged nihilistic manchild from gen x (Just like mister metokur and so many others) https://youtu.be/cfAHU44QLp4?si=uz6v01YhO5KJPoML
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Lol this is the only place of the internet exposing this piece of shit. Plus he is a mutt.

Toad 07/08/2021 (Thu) 22:25:43 ID: a54f57 No.108934 [Reply] [Last]
I'd like you to meet Sean Walker a furry fag who waged a war against wignats with the help of Joachim Hoch, underwater Alex Jones and others, (after being scorned) yet he considers /cow/ to be minor league compared to the mighty foxdick farms. Maybe it's due to his chris chan obsession, video related when he first met cwc. https://youtu.be/gl0CTbcx_3o This lad has made himself a voice of foxdick farms, cause what could go wrong with that? >he should've asked his hero Toad McKinley https://9chan.tw/cow2/thread/1390 /https://archive.fo/EkMv0 Hes made videos on mad Thad , randy stair and aims to do a documentary on Tommy Tooter that is when he's done with his Syria documentary. in his time at weeb wars he made some enemies who tried to dox one of his accounts on foxdick farms https://disqus.com/by/logaG​AMERGATE / https://archive.fo/TOw0Z dox courtesy of Lillie-jean facebook: archive: ( https://archive.fo/9cbFQ / https://m.facebook.com/people/Sean-Walker/100010584785033 youtube: archive: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm5Ro-I1ANPDJE7L97TUuIA / https://archive.fo/Mxkwn (twitter doesn't exist anymore, name links it together.)(archive) (https://twitter.com/wct_wildcat?lang=en/ / https://archive.fo/epuJj )

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DMs leak with Sriracha (?), ex Гунт alogs from foxdickfarms Shin is sean
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Sean is Ryan
>yet he considers /cow/ to be minor league compared to the mighty foxdick farms. He's right you know, this place is dead without Gym shilling.
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>>249426 >chris chan fucking his mom is now an e-clique which excludes elaine
Still tranny chasing I see

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Toad 06/18/2021 (Fri) 09:32:25 ID: b728c5 No.106507 [Reply] [Last]
Where's the Britbong / Manly Tears / Neet Live Matters / Gay Babby / Mr PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD / Domonic Vanner / thread?
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>>181931 Keep on seething, fool. Britbong is eternal....
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Gay slapfight with the butter golem
Fuzhou hasn't changed at all. Just the other day I came across his name appearing as patreon of other ecelebs. I don't doubt that he still gives money to onlyfans trannies and fatwhales. Apart from that, he tried to distance himself from Empty's community, but he's still addicted to foxdickfarms and butter.

Ashton Parks, the obese Mister Metokur fanboy and Christian larper Anonymous 05/29/2020 (Fri) 03:04:24 No.58308 [Reply] [Last]
Ashton Parks is an obese canadian who first tried to gain online fame as a conservative zoomer, after failing to get attention that way he tried to focus on internet drama and get attention by attacking low hang fruits like jcaesar187 on Stream.me and then on Youtube on his channel PeoplesPopularPress. Being an obese hypocrite and ironybro he show up his own butthole on a live stream to trying to get more attention of jcaesar187 and his haters. Since then he is trying to use /cow/ culture and people invested on all this drama to get views and constantly brag about his numbers and having fans who love him for being an obese tard with a High vocabulary. Oddly enough, he never miss an opportunity to hold attention and make friends with other e-celebs, including extreme left wing figures like Kraut n Tea and not whites scammers like Coach Red Pill and Josh Moon, [all threed are jews], which seems strange from a right-wing white nationalist.
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>>246002 what is going on? Last time i saw a tvch figure seething at paypaypay it was esoAnon
>>246009 was the fags from the Guntstream
>>246040 names? was it wrist the homeless crossdresser bbc lover? who?
>>246044 yeah the drunk wrist guy, that was on a stream a couple months back on gayholes channel, said he was going to kill him and was talking about doing meth as well
TheTheGatorGamerGamer won nice thread, very embarrassing!

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New Josh / Null / Big J Thread Unironic Ralphamale 09/17/2023 (Sun) 17:45:58 No.224358 [Reply]
We need a new Jewsh thread. There's an AI powered game with some great cocks posted on Onionfarms. 'Big J' is TheTheTheGatorGamerGamerGamer's self-insert name in his sweaty gamer rape fantasies from /phile/ for those who don't know. https://www.onionfarms.com/threads/joshua-moon-megathread.475/page-317#post-77216
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>>236911 Manifesto? Sauce?
So um, >we already have a thread for this and it's uh pinned so yeah... Lurkmoar onionboys
>>247298 He's referring to the quickly deleted stream that Jewsh did immediately after the Christchurch shooting. I don't have an archive but it went about as expected. "HE WASN'T WRONG! THEY REALLY DO BE INVADING! HAHAHA, LET'S WATCH THIS WOMAN CRY FOR HELP ON LOOP FOR A WHILE"
>>247869 No. It was years before Christchurch. Weev took an interest in KF as a way to recruit spastics to muh dissident right. Fatherless TheTheGatorGamerGamer got excited about the attention from an e-famous e-daddy and tried to impress Weev. TheTheGatorGamerGamer wrote this giant textwall essay about muh white genocide and muh great replacement and posted it on KF. He went full /pol/ spastic and deliberately attracted all the other /pol/ spastics who promptly ruined the site forever. The whole reason TheTheGatorGamerGamer went to Moldova/Ukraine was to try hang around Weev IRL. Weev was living in Transnistria at the time. Of course TheTheGatorGamerGamer also needed a cheap place to live at the time bickers his long-suffering mother had finally thrown him out bickers the Donny Long disaster got her sacked from her realty job bickers spastics spammed CP to every email address in her company. This is basic KF history. I guess you cunts must all be newfriends.

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Yakuzanon/hapafag/priscillafag Anonymous 10/12/2019 (Sat) 15:26:02 No.12121 [Reply] [Last]
This French dude goes around the internet spamming the catalogs of different boards. Got fired from a previous job for watching porn in the workplace in front of his boss.
Sometimes does hilarious things like one time his spam resulted in /tv/ raiding /leftypol/ in the 8ch days.
He typically copies a post from one site and reposts it to another one with an unrelated pic. Back in the day it was JAV porn clips, either of a "shy" male being seduced or a Yakuza clip which is where he got his name from.
Used to have an obsession with one of the /1825/ mods (he's convinced she's Varg Vikernes's wife for some reason).
/1825/ christened him hapafag bickers they were convinced he was a hapa, but he later confessed on /tv/ that Asian is pretty much the only thing missing from his ethnic makeup, a blend of white, black, native American and Indian. No known abbo admixture either.
Other known obsessions that he spams include the /tv/ BO (the reason his channel got so many views is that yakuza would spam his videos on cuckchan), Nastassia Ponomarenko/Nastassia Fitness, Zach (yes, the hapa from /tv/. A few days ago he posted a link to some Zach thread on cuckchan that had been posted here on the Zach thread and was already archived by the time Yakuza reposted it to /tv/ with the mandatory Priscilla Betti picture to go with it).
He's said that he got his city rangebanned from one of cuckchan's boards, and I don't doubt it. Spam is what he does to kill time. And not your regular spam, but spamming new threads left and right.
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Yakuza has often craved emojitroon's dick deep inside his innards, it's what drives him
Hes going wild right now
>>175357 I don't believe any of this. The way he posts reeks of underage (to me). He is barely 30 or not even.
>>245086 He is mentally ill and a subhuman shitskin, that's why even tho he is in his 40s he acts like a teenager.
emojitroon is posting interracial porn and tranny porn and the tvch mods are protecting him, yakuza was right, emojitroon will become a tranny

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Channel Autism Anonymous 11/02/2019 (Sat) 21:46:51 ID: ea2451 No.16071 [Reply] [Last]
What happened to the alumni?

Also a reminder that Latza is now more successful than any of them.
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>>211599 Cuck channers in the sektur? Where? Those weaklings forget the old ways.
>>211604 Is that picture for ants Sauron or Melkor?
any new developments?
>>170667 Last time I checked, the real "winners" just happen to be same guys who knew how to draw: >Andrew Dickman It seems he accomplished the wetdream of any terminal online manchild: HIRED by the cartoon industry and left his socials >ChadRocco Rocco got a bad case of autogynephilia and now larps as a big busted DiC princess peach: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=SPcGwqloXTg And yet opting to have another alternative persona (TubbyToon) drawing fat art from shitty cartoons, in which he's got this obsession with Gwen from Ben 10. But at least he can flex his fame to Andrew Dobson: >Goes full aurtistic drawing little girls as 600lbs contenders >Shits on the GOP while praising shitty liberal shows <Backed by his manchildren audience from both Channel Autism and bbw-chan <Despite not improving since the early 2010's https://twitter.com/tubbitoons https://www.deviantart.com/tubbytoon
>>211850 Melkor, the shield is what gives it away.

Brandon robert kelley Toad 11/09/2021 (Tue) 21:30:39 ID: 48d6df No.124417 [Reply]
Brandon robert kelley is a deranged pedophile who destroys imageboards by endlessly spamming cp.
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>>211700 man how did you get hit by that filter its ancient you should now better by now
update, brandons dead /thread
Brandon Robert kelley 917 N Calvert St, Baltimore, MD 21202 https://doxbin.com/upload/sweaty gamerBRANDONROBERTKELLEY Key words: sweaty gamer, Deranged, Jole, Cope, Archive, History, Narrative, Pedofile, Monique Dupree, Dao Yu, Imageboard, Drummer, Moderation, Negro childe, wethered refrence, jolemi
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Delmore Oh/Second Life Lolcows Unironic Ralphamale 03/14/2024 (Thu) 21:03:23 ID: 977015 No.246256 [Reply]
Anyone remember Delmore Oh from Second Life's Something Awful/W-Hat group? He's come back and is now making unfunny /pol/-tier Youtube cocks under the name Uguroza. This rabbit hole probably goes deeper than Britbong's. https://twitter.com/UgurozaVT https://www.youtube.com/@UgurozaVT/videos
>>246256 Wait Delmore is back? I haven't heard that name in over a decade and a half. I see he's recycling one of his closet furry object head motifs for his vtube character. His default look in second life was a cartoon devil and he had an inworld store called "That Handsome Devil". He made some neat stuff but he was a massive faggot.
>>246257 >Buy a gay furry's warez >call him a faggot I bet you're one of the scrubs who got banned from W-Hat for regurgitating 4chan memes.
>>246258 I was never banned from WHAT or from Baku. Even despite my spending a lot of time in Digital Worlds with channers like chainsword.
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he has a new video out on the SBI/S​ARGON controversy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmKtTWbSYX4 Kind of ironic since he himself is a gay furry. Pic related is uguroza's/delmore's old fursona.

Anonymous 03/08/2020 (Sun) 17:46:00 ID: 4d2600 No.39633 [Reply]
Why is this sperg posted on every image board i go on
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>>39633 That is a disgusting shitskin mongrel subhuman.
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That's the Bonkers From Yonkers.
fat amos yee?
>>203400 thats at least a year ago i think, his reddit has also been inactive. He might truly be dead, but if thats the case, I would like to see his dead body and have one last laugh

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