/cow/ - Lolcows

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TheHeroOfTomorrow/Eli S. Stone Anonymous 02/28/2020 (Fri) 07:20:06 ID: c5b9c8 No.36520 [Reply]
You guys ever heard of this lolcow? He seems like one of those idiots online with pronounces and love to bash Orange Man Bad 24/7. I'm going to give you a short summary of him from the foxdicks dig on him. >Brief Summary: Weird ass dude who lives with his mama at almost 30 years old, has worked as a shitty video reviewer (as a faux comic character of his own shitty imagination, mind you) for a variety of topics and products for the past 8+ years (think a more autistic Doug Walker, but not funny at all), is your stereotypical TCG nerd and Pokemonfag. Clearly wants to get with thots, albeit unsuccessfully like Penguinfag. Has recently finished his series of videos, ironically at the time when people will now finally start noticing him after years of not giving a fuck. Some info on where the guy lives. His white papers… https://www.whitepages.com/name/Eli-S-Stone/Heber-Springs-AR/11rhte81 Dox: 610 Colonial Cir Heber Springs AR 72543-4603 DOB: June 1st, 1990

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>>46687 And here's some good ol' fashioned hypocrisy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaBxk5eZYTw
>>86349 >Lolifags really get hard for boring and retard shit like this
>>42380 >israeli snack stop

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Anonymous 12/24/2019 (Tue) 21:33:10 ID: b58a30 No.24430 [Reply]
This takes place just after the wedding that Arthur and them went to and had no idea it was a gay wedding but they didn't care for Mr. Ratburn is a friend. Most had no idea Mr. Ratburn was gay until the wedding itself. He is now an openly gay man. They are planning to adopt some kids in fact of course. Both are men so they can't have kids of their own. They both have the same body parts. So yes both has testicles, scrotums, and penises. Patrick took Mr. Ratburn last name as his own. He moved into Nigels house. For Patrick lived in an apartment. We see them talking about stuff in fact of course. And they are babysitting some of the kids in his class. "I have no problem with you two being gay men I am a Liberal kind of boy and I am not gay in fact of course," said Arthur, "I don't know why Patrick here is thinking about getting his genitals removed from his body for that sounds painful for they are sensitive body parts I love having a penis and scrotum were my testicles is at I hope to use them to reproduce with someday in fact of course." "He doesn't like his genitals for he is the femine kind and he owns a chocolate shop," said Mr. Ratburn, "We will ask a gay doctor as in surgeon that has no problems removing genitals in fact of course." "I don't want my genitals removed from my body for I love my penis in fact of course," said Buster, "We think Binky Barnes is a gay boy in fact of course." "Once it is off I will be happy and I once tried to cut them off but my mom stopped me," said Patrick, "We will adopt some kids bickers we are both men in fact of course." "I think Binky Barnes is gay for when he gave me a bath he looked at my long penis in lust," said Bud, "I am just four years old but I know what sex is my dad taught me with me stripped naked for better reasons." Bud isn't gay but his one classmates is and Bud is not very good friends for he bosses other's isn't gay in fact of course. Bud knows that it is okay to be different and glad that they will go home later today. Arthur and them boys has circumcised penises in fact of course. Buster and Binky has small penises in fact of course. We still see them talking about stuff in fact of course. "I was circumcised after birth so don't have have foreskin unlike some boys for we have showers in school at times," said Arthur, "So I seen us all naked we all have ten toes and genitals and I seen girls naked they have vaginas for I sometimes have baths with my sister D.W. here in fact of course." "I was circumcised after birth myself for i my mom good my foreskin in a jar in a box," said Bud, " We will have a bath together tonight as in me and D.W. in fact of course. "

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Kill your soul in a more definitive manner.

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Anonymous 04/22/2020 (Wed) 09:12:17 ID: 027579 No.45226 [Reply]
Like everything built by the Chinese, there is a knockoff board of /cow/ called /cow2/ hosted on one of Jewsh's totally-gonna-work-guise chan projects. The newfaggotry and autism pains me. Never accept imitations.
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>>45261 >Josh vs. tranny mods Talk about a false dichotomy.
>>45266 Wait, JEVVS is guy or trans? Or that's not the same JEVVS we know and love?
>>45226 Nothing of value was lost. None of the G​AMERGATEs who went over there ever contributed to any other threads. They're all ibs burnouts who think Гунтstream ruined the cyclical. Truth is there just isn't that much happening so the cyclical turned into shitposting hours. >>45229 I just want Jahans to make videos again.
9chan is itself a giant lolcow and it’s broken just like everything Jewsh touches
If it's jews board I would give a try.

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Toad 09/09/2020 (Wed) 22:59:22 No.81627 [Reply]
Stop spamming Nein you jewish glowG​AMERGATEs.
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I can only hope these retards will advertise their shit more and poke other retards self-righteousness
>>81676 >implying nein is on the faggot webring >implying this board is not on the webring ok retard
>let me spam how angry I am on /cow/ This will end well
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>>81719 Nice LARP you pathetic cuck. No-one's scared of you. We're fucking Übermensch. You're just a bunch of degenerate loser basement-dweller soyboys who pretend you had anything to do with Chris Chan and that you've been relevant to anything for the past five years. >oh look we doxed a nazi but were not lefty faggots i swear Won't end well? Ha. You're virtually castrated.
>implying nein isn't the glowing site

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Charlie Adler Thread Anonymous 05/16/2020 (Sat) 02:48:35 ID: ed5ab8 No.54774 [Reply] [Last]
Seriously! What the hell happened to this guy?!?!
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Trashing politicians are more important than rescuing sexually abused children
>>84160 Being the leftists are mostly pedophiles, I can't say I'm surprised.
>>84288 Wouldn't be surprised
>>83462 Based as fuck

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Gahoole2 / Patrick Nelson Anonymous 10/20/2019 (Sun) 16:56:36 ID: 60a3a1 No.13514 [Reply] [Last]
A failed normalfag briefly known as the BO of 8/tv/ from bumfuck nowhere (Saint Cloud, Minnesota). Fancies himself a "comedian", known for shilling his unfunny garbage on ghettogaggers and imageboards.

Possibly cursed with the worst genetics on the planet, he looks like an ogre and is balding at 22.

His youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCba0Ep0yWSBnfZj1IDdUKpQ/videos
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>>87168 Not Toad, G ahoo le
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Toad McKinley has posted his starfish just like mark and Toad McKinley.
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>>41370 >this is the sister that trooned out

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Sick of HangingFlesh's lies? Dolphin##4GfA2L 04/23/2020 (Thu) 13:48:23 ID: 2339a7 No.45384 [Reply]
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Holy fucking shit so Dolphin was right all along when he said Robi and his goons are faggot. Why didn't you listen to him, guys?
Faggots > pedos Loli == cp Enough said pefo old fags?
>>54423 more like /cow/ spergs and the IRC cabal are actual pedos, who spammed /v/ with REAL child porn, to epic own gaymergaters, lmao >/cow/ cucking out 4 social justice, just like k1wi farms HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>>47223 Imageboards was always a hive of degenerate weirdos. What do you think a "normie" is anyway?

Toad 08/19/2020 (Wed) 16:50:20 ID: b37cc5 No.76630 [Reply]
Imagine falling for that fake and gay virus psyop designed to legitimate an economical collapse just when the system reach its end. Imagine unironically using the term "conspiracy theorist" when all the so called conspiracies just so happen to be true. Imagine believing lockdown is useful and legitimate when the countries without lockdown are the one with the lowest death rates (Belarus, Iceland, Japan, Malawi, Nicaragua, South Korea, Taiwan, Timor-Leste, Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, Wyoming, South Dakota, Uruguay). Imagine being for mandatory surgical masks use when a surgical mask is made for sterile closed places and that wearing it outside is useless and dangerous. Imagine thinking there is an increase of cases worlwide when there is just more tests being performed that do not take into account the rates of false positives. Imagine falling so deep down in this collective psychosis you're now building a whole new identity around it and become aggressive and angry at anyone pointing out the absurdity of the whole situation.
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Some Toad McKinley fanboy is trying to slide the fat canadian thread.
Be ready for the second wave, OP faggot. Toad McKinley was right about they trying to force the vaccines and everything else.
>>76703 The danger of EM-waves depends on their energy levels and wavelength, you smug cumface
>>81888 Daddy Gym won, check those trips.
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>>76630 Imagine falling for communist propaganda and thinking that not only china has a low number of cases & deaths from the coof but also that their GDP growth is "good" Imagine that the coof hype won't be dropped completely after the USA elections are over (And that regardless of the outcome of the elections) and the media/democrats quadruple down on everything & will bring life back to normal & not the BS "new normal" they're pushing

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Nein Chan Moot BlackJackArmy exposed! real name is Eric Hoover Anonymous 12/04/2019 (Wed) 22:18:11 ID: 577963 No.21679 [Reply]
Eric Hoover, aka BlackJack/showme, is the owner of Nein Chan, he has always shilled his honeypot board all over places such as Voat and 4chan, and some people have started calling him out on this, and today, many discovered datas about him will be leaked!
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>>45351 Clown world was around a long time before Joker.
As in Edgar Hoover??? Maybe it is like that
>politics site has ties with several glow sites wow nice one faggot discover that yourself?
>>81620 (((Neinchan))) (((Tarrant)))

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9chan is a lolcow Anonymous 05/06/2020 (Wed) 01:30:56 No.47352 [Reply]
9chan.tw is now allowing a board to share pictures and stories of female US Democrat politicians with fake nudes and stories about raping their children. This could never, ever go wrong for Josh bickers Josh is the greatest coder ever to teach himself to code. No one help with this board.
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>>48758 Anyone who's attracted to that disgusting flat nose is subhuman.
Lol people at here are still jealous and seeth about generous Josh?
>>48601 >implying this happened
All image board are lolcows. Only 4chan /mu/ and /tg/ are health bickers are mostly used by mentally stable and good people.

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