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Gnostic Mind Train - Jewish schizo about to end himself Unironic Ralphamale 07/25/2024 (Thu) 23:29:00 ID: bfa869 No.253951 [Reply]
Here some lolcow that I'm watching and trolling for four years now. A quick summary: He's an incel jew who wishes he were a woman and constantly wants attention, but as soon as he gets it he gets nervous and starts deleting comments and threatening to delete his channel. He calls himself a spiritualist, but after being humiliated in the comments more than once, he says he's not interested in getting into debates about the spiritual. He categorically denies the existence of demons and claims to be a God, while visiting various psychologists and refusing to listen to anyone even though he thinks he needs help. I decided to create the thread in a hurry bickers I shared his channel with some people and they've been trolling him in recent videos, making him more and more paranoid and butthurt to the point where he's now claiming (as you can never believe) that he's going to delete the channel. https://archive.ph/pUwQz https://archive.is/bRbTn https://archive.is/VDz3m
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Dudes like this one are why incels have such a bad fame https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m51wpc6nXpw&ab_channel=GnosticMindTrain
He's leaving, this time believe him! He's super serious! Anyway a playlist of all the times he wanted attention and was unable to leave. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9rkW9boVNqJy3PlaO-K-Ezw0nlNnMdiQ&si=eSkTT0gXQAjw9GUk
He doesn't look or sound Jewish.
>>261708 Now that's pure cope, buddy.
>>261708 His nose is even uglier than yours, JEWS.

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Kalea Summer Little / Lav / Lavlune / phemoid / Lavenderlunee / bratmitzvah / deeplyunpopularwoman / goatgirl666 Unironic Ralphamale 04/06/2023 (Thu) 05:16:54 ID: 6d34a6 No.201302 [Reply]
Kalea Summer Little / Lav is a 24 year old, born 21 July 1998, former prostitute, OnlyFans whore & streamer who'll do anything for attention, has no morals or principles and a body mostly consisting of drugs, makeup, scars, Dollar Store-tattoos and lip filler. With all that said, she is cute ngl, I'd fuck her and expect her to show up to /cow/ shortly and peel off a few simps like the harlot she is.
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cow crossover with john walker flynt
>>203435 You mean the John Flynt that harassed his university newspaper so severely that they had him banned from the premises? The John Flynt with a history of stalking harassment against women who then transitioned MTF, took the name Brianna Wu, developed a hilariously sexist videogame, and started a relationship with Frank Wu, an artist with rumors of sexually harassing behaviour towards young female colleagues?
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When is this whore going back on the whatever podcast?
If she wasn't a whore, she would be perfectly marriagable

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Archiving 8/cow/ Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 06:30:00 ID: 3ab41d No.150 [Reply]
Gentlemen, I think it's important that we consider archiving as many threads from 8/cow/ as possible in case archive.fo/is gets bullied into removing their archives of 8chan threads. I'll be backing up what I can but it'd be helpful if some other anons could help with this. It would really be a shame to lose all those threads and be forced to rely on foxdick to retrieve the information contained within them. I'm not even sure foxdick has most of the information considering how much Jewsh suppresses the content over there to protect his beloved cows.

Also need to probably make sure to backup all archives of the Rational skeptics thread to preserve them.

Some links to help you get started in case you want to help out in the effort.

>Archive of catalog, helpful for finding links to individual threads that might be archived

>Link to all archives of the Cyclical thread

>tor node to access 8chan/cow over tor to pull any content that isn't in archives already

Please try to save all information as html instead of just taking screencaps. If screencaps are needed they can be made from the html/page backups. Try to make sure you get all the images with the html page itself to preserve OC for future generations.

When I wake up I'll get started backing up as much as I can myself. If 8ch remains offline much longer I'll also start making threads for things that weren't part of the cyclical thread.
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does anyone has the archives of the last time that TRSPERG posted? or when godwinson rant about how shit Ashton lost in the debate against Jewsh
>>157681 TRSperg last posted when gaytor got doxxxed in February.
important thread
>>23569 i archived alot of 8chan on ghostarchive too in case https://ghostarchive.org/search?term=https%3A%2F%2F8ch.net
>>260459 Thank you anon.

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EDEN LEAKS Unironic Ralphamale 01/08/2023 (Sun) 07:35:50 ID: ab8beb No.186357 [Reply] [Last]
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the greatest leak in the history of the webring: THE EDEN ALTMEYER LEAK. Eden Altmeyer (you know him as Eden, and he goes by the name Gourmet on Matrix in 8moe /v/'s secret server) is an absolute scourge of the webring. Currently he is working under Mark on 8moe to mod cake/v/ and is guilty of pretty much nonstop spamming and fucking with the webring, primarily sleepychan. Today is the day it comes to an end. I will start with a dox that connects Gourmet (Matrix name, good friend of Mark, ringleader of a secret cabal on 8moe) with his old, similar alias of Gourmet Newell. From there, we will find that he has been using his real name (Eden) on the webring. With his piss poor opsec, we will achieve a full dox. The next leaks I plan to share are Eden Altmeyer's involvement in a secret 8moe cabal along others who plague the webring. Please enjoy this leak at the expense of the 8moe G​AMERGATEs which will provide a unique inner look at how Eden functions in secret.
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to be fair bee has always been shit
>>249876 >long filename substituting an actual post I can identify a wrist post when i see one.
>>250463 >muh Wrist Dolphin won, Jon. Your sites are dead and you are a pedo
is Koipedo and Acidkike still butthurt with Eden?
Sturgeon is a faggot as pathetic as Mark and Acidkike. Eden won.

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josh is baste Anonymous 05/03/2020 (Sun) 04:58:43 ID: 6ef395 No.46952 [Reply]
very based jew
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Is Jewshua Moonstein actually Jewish? I noticed on his recent MATI trans streams where talks about tranny cocks he seemed to support Trump for president of the Jewnited States. One of his favorite memes which brings him great joy is Hila Klein gunning down Palestinian children. He also spends hours discussing at length tranny cocks but will not give any updates on the Israeli war. He claims to not be on either side of the war but methinks he is trying to appeal to the massive Jewish members of the farms who donate to his trans streams.
At the end of last MATI stream, someone named Jewcifero (who donates in chat all the time) said he supports Israel bickers it makes trannies mad, and Jewsh responded something like "that's the way to do it". You may notice Jewsh doesn't go too hard on Israel. He seems buck broken like Kanye and Nick Cannon. His X account was banned for offending the Zionists on D-Day and if he pisses off the Israeli Kiwis then he risks losing shekels. Elon was supposed to liberate us from the evil clutches of censorship but nothing has changed.
>>253193 Has he said anything about Bennie coming to the US?
>>253992 In the recent stream about Mr Beast's tranny friend he said that he supports Israel and feminism. He doesn't have enough time to talk about both trannies and Bibi's war crimes, and he's definitely not being bias about the topics he chooses to discuss on stream.
no he isnt check the other jewsh thread for resources

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Sprate Header / SprateH / Sprate / Sprate@nicecrewdigital / Mister Metokur's New Writer Unironic Ralphamale 06/26/2024 (Wed) 22:54:33 ID: 7facc7 No.252665 [Reply]
Let me introduce you to Sprate Header aka Mister Metokur new writer & the savior of Foxdick Farms! Sprate is a P E D O defender, hypocrite of the highest caliber and a pathological liar. Sprate somehow manages to fuck up EVERYTHING & always boxes his own shadow, revealing his deep insecurity. Sprate vs Torswats Sprate has spent a year on his autistic crusade, looking in every nook and cranny for the Satanic P E D O menace, trying to bolster his cred as Foxdick Farm's finest. However, Sprate's ultimate project also fully revealed Sprate, getting countless details wrong in his thread! REMINDER: Sprate had 0 to do with Alan "Torswats" Filion's arrest, he can''t ever address that Foxdick Farms had no impact on "Torswats" & in fact muddied the waters for the swatters! Soon after Sprate's Torswats thread came out, Sprate not only allowed Kinochet to spread the false rumor Bryan Dunn was the swatter for weeks unquestioned, but Sprate went onto lie to TheTheGatorGamerGamer Metokur directly saying KOP admitted to being the swatter in a now DELETED comment(first screenshot). This directly lead to Bryan Dunn getting swatted, which Sprate encouraged with his actions. Whether or not Bryan Dunn deserved it is another matter, Sprate is anti-swat but encourages BS harassment campaigns leading to swats. Sprate used his Torswats thread to become the "authority" on torswats, only to then falsely accuse Bryan Dunn of being a murderer as a "joke"! Sprate's thread has countless errors, from accusing KOP of being involved solely from the swatter mentioning KOP in a few posts, to saying a "Lizard" character is involved with 0 proof other than the delusional P E D O DJ axle. None of this has been addressed almost a year later, why? Notably, one of Sprate's top sources on the Torswats group is a former swatter & P E D O tranny named "Naught" (https://archive.ph/hJJsH), Sprate works with chomo crossdressers Sprate does everything to appeal to Mister Metokike & TheTheGatorGamerGamer Moon, begging for the attention of and attempting to prove himself to his two e-daddy heroes non-stop. He'll gladly lie, twist and do anything just for a crumb of clout from either of his father figures. One of Sprate's fatal flaws is he considers any association to be endorsement, but never applies that standard to himself. Sprate isn't his own man or a trendsetter, just a stooge looking to fulfill a "lolcow" quota rather than have fun.

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All people who post on kf are losers.
>>252665 Hey op are you mentally retarded? Easiest thing to notice about Martin, he's American. He isn't actually an Italian nor is he actually celebrating fucking 14 yos, if it wasn't obvious with him using "prudish Americans" or "christofascist", did you want him to do the "/s" plebbit thing? The reason Sprate needs to get fried in a comically large frying pan is bickers he's a mental retard who spends most of his free time on a gossip forum. You do that too so promptly end your life
>>256376 bickers* And you dont spend most of your time in a gossip forum, it's actually a gossip imageboard
>>256377 Nigger bickers bickers bickers bickers

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New Josh / Null / Big J Thread Unironic Ralphamale 09/17/2023 (Sun) 17:45:58 No.224358 [Reply]
We need a new Jewsh thread. There's an AI powered game with some great cocks posted on Onionfarms. 'Big J' is TheTheTheGatorGamerGamerGamer's self-insert name in his sweaty gamer rape fantasies from /phile/ for those who don't know. https://www.onionfarms.com/threads/joshua-moon-megathread.475/page-317#post-77216
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So um, >we already have a thread for this and it's uh pinned so yeah... Lurkmoar onionboys
>>247298 He's referring to the quickly deleted stream that Jewsh did immediately after the Christchurch shooting. I don't have an archive but it went about as expected. "HE WASN'T WRONG! THEY REALLY DO BE INVADING! HAHAHA, LET'S WATCH THIS WOMAN CRY FOR HELP ON LOOP FOR A WHILE"
>>247869 No. It was years before Christchurch. Weev took an interest in KF as a way to recruit spastics to muh dissident right. Fatherless TheTheGatorGamerGamer got excited about the attention from an e-famous e-daddy and tried to impress Weev. TheTheGatorGamerGamer wrote this giant textwall essay about muh white genocide and muh great replacement and posted it on KF. He went full /pol/ spastic and deliberately attracted all the other /pol/ spastics who promptly ruined the site forever. The whole reason TheTheGatorGamerGamer went to Moldova/Ukraine was to try hang around Weev IRL. Weev was living in Transnistria at the time. Of course TheTheGatorGamerGamer also needed a cheap place to live at the time bickers his long-suffering mother had finally thrown him out bickers the Donny Long disaster got her sacked from her realty job bickers spastics spammed CP to every email address in her company. This is basic KF history. I guess you cunts must all be newfriends.

Anonymous 02/29/2020 (Sat) 11:38:15 ID: a4a33c No.38244 [Reply] [Last]
Can some of you G​AMERGATEs redpill me on Null? Is he actually a pedo bitch and a greedy Jew, or is that stuff just a meme?
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>>180039 >nonce ok femshit
So, which is it? Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro, or Zepbound?
I was going to calculate his body mass index and the related negative health effects of being in the fat equivalent of "the 1%," but I've forgotten his height. In return for that information I will attempt answer two questions. >>38244 >Is he actually a pedo bitch[?] It has long since been reported that Mr. Moon had announced to Stocking, his longtime female crush and pen pal, that he was "going to jerk off to neko shota," but if my memory serves me right, he was not much older than "shota" age at the time; I think he was still a teenager. I can't recall him contradicting this in public or private. >[Is he actually] a greedy Jew, or is that stuff just a meme? Unless he's formally converted to Judaism some time after 2018, no, Mr. Moon isn't Jewish. Sara "Trombonista" Seitelman is, however, and I'm sort of surprised that she never made contact with me, but all her Facebook photos being six or more years old is probably for a reason treatable with Novo Nordisk products.
>>107255 >wait.....did Jewsh ever have sex? Forgot this one. TheTheGatorGamerGamer Watkins brought him and Mr. Fredrick Brennan, Esq. to a strip club in the Philippines, where Mr. Brennan reported to me that he saw TheTheGatorGamerGamer Watkins' penis against his wishes. Mr. Moon, who flipped over a bloodstained mattress and slept on it without worry when he moved in with Mr. Brennan, had ample access to prostitutes and did not seem squeamish. I can not recall any stories from before five years ago of Mr. Moon having sex with anyone else, be it a Foxdick or anyone else.

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Ashley Hutsell Jankowski Unironic Ralphamale 10/04/2024 (Fri) 03:23:56 ID: f58b96 No.257810 [Reply]
Archiving some deepfakes that someone else made here since she's being persnickety
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Sorry janny, didn't realize you want this shit spoilered. Will do so going forward
the people who fuck with this chick in current day were considered cows back in the day of 8ch /cow/ https://archive.fo/7xJRR
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>the people who fuck with this chick in current day were considered cows back in the day of 8ch /cow/ https://archive.fo/7xJRR

The Daiymo / Ethan Josiah Hatchett / EMagnusTV / Ishihara Musashi / TheLastDaimyo1 Toad 12/17/2021 (Fri) 05:43:07 ID: 4d39fd No.127617 [Reply] [Last]
Meet (((jcaesar187 Josiah Hatchett))) aka The Daiymo jcaesar187 is a 23yo low IQ, habitually lying retard coward originally from Griffin, Georgia. As a young boy, jcaesar187 was diagnosed with autis-I mean, OCD and "anxiety". jcaesar187 then used his newfound superpower to develop into the biggest faggot possible: an Asston Barks orbiter turned capo, a failed college artfag, and an unrepentant homosexual. jcaesar187 grew up fleecing retards for money, launching multiple projects that went nowhere, yet he pocketed the money regardless. jcaesar187 attended Southern Crescent Technical College for a dogshit tier art degree in film. jcaesar187 lives with his literally retarded, special olympian, weeaboo 25 year old brother John; who has chronic seizures, being kicked out of his parent's house with his brother and relying on his disability. At first some people liked The Daiymo bickers of his artistic videos, silly gimmick, and his ability to felt salty bitches like Asston Parks and Rudy Coleman. However, once his true nature of Гунтguarding the Canadian Гунт came to light, he turned from walking the path of kino to becoming the joke of the "Kino Community". jcaesar187 is best known for doxing himself on a livestream for no reason, constant alogging z-celeb Gahoole, and getting into bitter, super srs disputes with fellow z-celebs such as his e-daddy Asston or buckbreaker Dark Ninja, taking the internet way too seriously despite trying to act like a badass. After challenging people to dox him, acting like the smuggest faggot possible, using foxdick to spread leaked DMs with Asston to gayop, then getting owned repeatedly by Gahoole, Super Metokur, Mormon Shaggy, and the master shinobi himself, Dark Ninja, The Daiymo first announce he would leave January 1st 2022, but then when you didn't think things could get more bitchmade, he decided to run away after 24 hours and after making one finally video saying his channel would last only until midnight, he finally ran from the internet as a result of the 56% literal WHO, taking the L to a bearded nazi femboy Earwinson disciple from T O R O N T O. Earlier, femboy Rudy Coleman accused jcaesar187 of being a "sus imposter" who contacted his real life friends, but this ended up being a 4d gayop with the Daiymo's express approval. Worst of all, despite acting tough on camera, shitting on capos and claiming to cleanse the community, he was absorbed by the very blubber he wished to clean. Behind the scenes he was in contact with top Canadian Гунт capo, Perspicacity, a lispy jilted pothead and the devolution of Toad McKinley. For a man who made his career mocking Toad McKinley, his gay love was similar to Asston's for jcaesar187, degrading himself just to get a passing whiff of his starfish. jcaesar187 thinks he's above it all, but he's the bottom of the barrel and by running away proved himself to be the beta bitch in recent memory. Videos featuring jcaesar187 jcaesar187's videos shitting on Toad McKinley https://files.catbox.moe/9kq15y.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/iei14g.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/z75k6c.mp4

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>>234866 The absolute state of the council of evil discord server, is a bunch of fat fuckers or skinny sickly dudes posting gay shit of themselves or crying about Warhammer
>>234866 Link? Does anyone have the council of evil leaked files and some old Daiymo videos? Like his first leaving videos were he is crying.
>>235538 Hi Perspic getting ready to do more gay ops against the Daiymo? Daiymo is based and epic and we support him. Fuck all the haters Daiymo is the future and the next Lord TheTheGatorGamerGamer.
>>234869 Lmfao nuzach's cunts are all gay.

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