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Veeh thread Unironic Ralphamale 03/06/2023 (Mon) 00:42:22 ID: c921ec No.194762 [Reply] [Last]
For the old times, /cow/, Vee keeps acting like a sperg and getting the worst audience. In this stream he acted like years ago, sperg out with his own site and revealed more about his own person than he should have. https://youtu.be/b7erBkBgTmc
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>>224039 Fucking coping pedo piece of shit.
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Vee keeps acting as lolcow, but nobody cares anymore.
Vee is actually grooming people to become trans https://boards.4chan.org/v/thread/681517884#p681526010
is vee still married to the prostitute?

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wizchan and the like Anonymous 09/26/2019 (Thu) 16:03:36 No.9055 [Reply] [Last]
This is how global mod of wizchan looks like.
He powertrips through his own userbase, telling that women are good, and just wearing a chastity ring should keep you virgin. He's a frequent troll of his own userbase, he brags about bans and warnings publically on his channels. Known to be breaking all the rules of his own site, and what he implies to others - he is usually guilty of it much more instead. Like, when 8chan was still around, he was ranting about how bad it is. It didn't stop him from using the site for his own gain (getting free stuff from a giveaway on /v/ for example, and thanking everyone there) and then telling how bad that rotten shithole of a site 8chan is.
IRL he leeches of his sister and mother who give him lots of money and free time. He is a heavy drug addict, likes GAMERGATEs, and likes to establish connections with females in front of his userbase only to tell later that he's been on vacation/drugged/attended funeral.
He's also into anime which he watches with his bros online, with other chads, and IRL.
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>>252875 No it fucking wasn't you gaslighting norman! I was there from the beginning, the board had a completely different culture, /hob/ was extremely active and people made thoughtful longposts everywhere. It is "wizardchan" in name only and would be better for all of us if it just died. Go back to your gay discord cabal, demon
>>253026 >Complaining about a discord cabal controlling a site on a discord cabal controlled site ironic
>>253035 You and your buttbuddies can all fuck off and die, I hate you all. The cancer killing the internet
>>253026 >/hob/ was extremely active and people made thoughtful longposts everywhere and where do you think all those people went, genius? imageboards are simply no longer worth the effort, since now you can easily find tighter and more gatekept interest groups on other platforms. so if you can't adapt, at least learn to let go. you pathetic whiner
>>253156 fuck you

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Sprate Header / SprateH / Sprate / Sprate@nicecrewdigital / Mister Metokur's New Writer Unironic Ralphamale 06/26/2024 (Wed) 22:54:33 ID: 7facc7 No.252665 [Reply]
Let me introduce you to Sprate Header aka Mister Metokur new writer & the savior of Foxdick Farms! Sprate is a P E D O defender, hypocrite of the highest caliber and a pathological liar. Sprate somehow manages to fuck up EVERYTHING & always boxes his own shadow, revealing his deep insecurity. Sprate vs Torswats Sprate has spent a year on his autistic crusade, looking in every nook and cranny for the Satanic P E D O menace, trying to bolster his cred as Foxdick Farm's finest. However, Sprate's ultimate project also fully revealed Sprate, getting countless details wrong in his thread! REMINDER: Sprate had 0 to do with Alan "Torswats" Filion's arrest, he can''t ever address that Foxdick Farms had no impact on "Torswats" & in fact muddied the waters for the swatters! Soon after Sprate's Torswats thread came out, Sprate not only allowed Kinochet to spread the false rumor Bryan Dunn was the swatter for weeks unquestioned, but Sprate went onto lie to TheTheGatorGamerGamer Metokur directly saying KOP admitted to being the swatter in a now DELETED comment(first screenshot). This directly lead to Bryan Dunn getting swatted, which Sprate encouraged with his actions. Whether or not Bryan Dunn deserved it is another matter, Sprate is anti-swat but encourages BS harassment campaigns leading to swats. Sprate used his Torswats thread to become the "authority" on torswats, only to then falsely accuse Bryan Dunn of being a murderer as a "joke"! Sprate's thread has countless errors, from accusing KOP of being involved solely from the swatter mentioning KOP in a few posts, to saying a "Lizard" character is involved with 0 proof other than the delusional P E D O DJ axle. None of this has been addressed almost a year later, why? Notably, one of Sprate's top sources on the Torswats group is a former swatter & P E D O tranny named "Naught" (https://archive.ph/hJJsH), Sprate works with chomo crossdressers Sprate does everything to appeal to Mister Metokike & TheTheGatorGamerGamer Moon, begging for the attention of and attempting to prove himself to his two e-daddy heroes non-stop. He'll gladly lie, twist and do anything just for a crumb of clout from either of his father figures. One of Sprate's fatal flaws is he considers any association to be endorsement, but never applies that standard to himself. Sprate isn't his own man or a trendsetter, just a stooge looking to fulfill a "lolcow" quota rather than have fun.

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Sprate is already watching this thread CONFIRMED , he's running damage control and trying to disavow Martin / Russian Cosmist! Too late Sprate, you spent months shilling a sweaty gamer just cause he was anti AF! When are you going to disavow your P E D O e-daddys, Metokur, TheTheGatorGamerGamer Moon and TheTheGatorGamerGamer McJudas?
<imagine being this pathetic
idk what ur all seething about but sprates a total snake lol he slid in my twitter dms, asked me a buncha questions about elaine (he kept accusing me of lying when i answered too, it was weird), then leaked it all to foxdick now he ignores all my dms... sad!!! i never even wanted beef sprate, come back to rdrama, carp misses you
All people who post on kf are losers.

Onision : The onion cuck that should cut itself Anonymous 09/20/2019 (Fri) 18:12:20 ID: 590e25 No.8203 [Reply] [Last]
King Cuck of Youtube, Onion boy, creepy pedo... The list of nicknames for this Youtuber is long and varied. Last time we left our hero, he was defrauding the IRS and 8chan exploded so I will start a new thread here for what it's worth given the subject matter.

I would repost the video some no-name youtuber did compiling the house tour videos along with a comprehensive list of items proving Onision wasn't as strung up financially as he claimed but it has been shoa'd from Youtube. It is safe to assume the video was taken down by a claim from Onion boy given his considerate track record of such actions taking down anything remotely critical of him.

Rumor has been going about Onision, now with his most recent wife involved i lost count of how many he went through so far being involved in grooming underage girls for sex on Twitter.

Now, while I do take the following with a grain of salt given the source, I wouldn't be surprised otherwise. The site Crazy Days and Nights, a celebrity gossip site allegedly ran by a lawyer firmly ingrained in the Hollywood businesses of celebrities has recently published a blind item reveal and the reveal was about the Onion boy himself. While I discredit out of hand anonymous gossip, CDAN has had a surprisingly accurate score in the past in terms of reveals so I am willing to entertain what he says as food for thought given Onision's track record : https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2019/09/blind-items-revealed-6_15.html

>Blind Items Revealed #6
>[first published on]September 4, 2019

>Almost 3 years ago, many reports surfaced about this A-list YouTuber getting pictures from underage fans. Somehow he was able to continue his career and avoid being charged for child porn. Very recently, a victim has come forward alleging child sex abuse by this YouTuber, starting in her early teens.

>[revealed as] Onision

Furthermore, someone did come out as of late to explain the relationship she had with Onision and his wife who outright playfully made grooming allusions on their twitter in regards of this said, minor girl. While it seems fashionable for women for the past few years to lie about sexual accusations and rape allegations, it isn't the first time either that Onion boy has had sketchy shit with minors previously unearthed.
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>>29495 Xddddddddddddd
Onision = bad Digibro = good
I went to high-school with this moron. He used to wear a trench-coat (lol) and roller-blade everywhere. He also had a website with nothing but his own face plastered everywhere on it. Dude has always had problems.
>>250422 Got any good stories?
>>251988 Is he still alive?

DJ Axle / Phantom Organization / Jester69 / Aksel Birger Enstad JDANKS420 09/29/2021 (Wed) 06:12:11 ID: 46f067 No.121078 [Reply] [Last]
PO is a furry fagget incel NEET tug-boat-having kid-touching attention whore with a race-mixing sister. He came to prominence by stream-sniping the Гунт but is too lazy to even do that for very long. He just begs for schekels on his shitty furry cringe stream that no one watches and posts furry porn in his server where his last few friends are. Now he is chimping out on discord and no one can figure out exactly why. Seems to be some sort of autistic meltdown. Racemixing julay truck sister: Hanne Engstad https://archive.md/8HJfU https://mobile.twitter.com/HEngstad https://archive.is/2nbBZ DOX Aksel Birger Engstad 99 35 29 03 Engasvegen 320, 7900 R0RVIK
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>Axle's a real pedo that uses his pedo behaviour as an act to deflect from him being a real pedo. He really spent years trying to hook up with real underaged boys online and he really jerks off to gay pedo shit. Ops, my mistake, I actually mean Bryan Dunn's a real pedo.
>>246039 Can confirm Bryan Dunn is the only sweaty gamer in the sektur, >we are expecting a conviction any day now.
>>121078 I actually have issues with DJ Axle as a human being: Pretends to be an ironic furry for years, and is probably a psychopath. Meets up with strange men in the middle of the night, and says they are the only people who "get him" Refuses to tell these men that he's a furry, and again, is probably a psychopath. Is probably a sweaty gamer, bickers that was all "ironic". The meme that all gay men are sweaty gamers is probably true. Sam Hyde did a video on it (who is also gay, mind you). DJ Axle calls Grindr a "human meat market". He is proud of the fact that all he needs to do is post dick pics for gay men to be interested in anonymous sex. Seems to genuinely find pride in it. And at this point, I realised he is an unfathomably lame and gay human, he talked about a gay pool party filled with memers who have a few thousand Twitter followers for over an hour on stream. He lives for Twitter and he thinks having Twitter followers retweet your retweeted memes is being an "e-celebrity". He thinks having 30 people watch him say "I'M GAY" makes him an "e-celebrity" when we all have nothing better to do. Becomes a lolcow, "leaves the secter" and is "uninterested". Shits all over me for years but now I realise he is "making a new secter" filled with "only gay men" and specifically "classy tops"  (again, bickers he doesn't want to speak to the men he rapes).
>>252726 What is his twitter @? I remember hearing about this guy during the nuzach hysteria. There is some Ga'hoole connection that I am unclear on.
>>246019 You got a link to that?

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Elaine Miller / Failcow / 764 Groomistress Unironic Ralphamale 04/05/2024 (Fri) 06:30:05 ID: b244b6 No.247952 [Reply]
If you're here, she needs no introduction but she certainly needs her own thread since she's gone beyond a sektur gnat to full blown defender of an international child abuse ring. When TheTheGatorGamerGamer said she'd become a sektur focal point, it wasn't a compliment.
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>>252305 There is nothing Jewish about her mug. She has a very English face. She is really a diamond in the rough. She has a nice figure and good looks. I don't know how no one caught her yet. If I was a big time e-grifter I would have done made the big moves to lock her in. You guys all suck.
>>252305 Stop it with the Russian larp Lainey. It's cringe as fuck and Jewsh still wouldn't fuck you.
>>252338 ok elaine
glows from space godwinsons forced meme 100% ignore only trusted to appear on media if the jcaesar187amale has a mute button

Mark Mann - #2 Anonymous 04/21/2020 (Tue) 08:14:22 ID: 2009db No.45039 [Reply] [Last]
Mark Mann Facts: + Mark has over 500gb of CP on his hard drive + Mark autistically watches loli child pornography all day + Mark is an ethnic jew. + Mark loves cake + Mark weighs almost 300lbs. + Mark would intentionally leave CP up on 8/v/ for days at a time + Mark has posted many videos/pictures of his anus and naked body online for homosexual attention + Mark would use his global administration on 8ch/8kun to moderate/ban people from /pol/ or other boards for whatever he felt like completely ignoring the rules. + Mark wants to become a security guard at an elementary school so that he has access to children that he can abuse. + Mark runs a CP ring on discord where he requires your real name, face, address, and phone number so that he can blackmail you or turn you over to the feds. + Mark bans anyone who speaks against him or criticises him in the slightest + Mark recieved $2k a month from Jim for doing various "errands" between 2015-2020 + Mark regularly wipes "All Posts by IP" which turns every thread on the board into swiss cheese + Mark attempted to monetize and sell Gondolas + Mark spams cyclical threads using a VPN in order to "push" conversations he doesn't like out of the thread. + Mark forced all of /v/ back onto the federal 8kun honeypot so that he could keep getting paid to be a janitor.

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>>252184 There were multiple nuzach threads over the years going all the way back to 2019.
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>>252154 >ur Mark >ur Nuzach >ur Pedochu Lol go die in a ditch, Wrist. You, nuzach and Mark all sucked each other little cocks watching twinks taking G​AMERGATE cock in the butt.
>>252639 Hello nuzach

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Fuzhou the Buttergolem/Buttermunculus/Hapabutter/Butterboy Toad 08/30/2021 (Mon) 19:24:05 No.117126 [Reply] [Last]
Have (you) ever wondered what it would be like when it got to the point that Dominic Vanner of all cows would have his own a-log, a freakish abomination of soy and butter that was worse than him in almost every respect? The pathetic golem of butter, Fuzhou, has finally fulfilled that role and exceeded expectations in every way possible. Fuz is a julaytoasted grifter trying to pick up the crumbs left by Jewsh Moon, his views are fat single ladies into internet drama, those being 95% of his views. Like a lot of drama grifters, Fuz is a lolcow by his own right thanks to his personal life and the humiliation he went online. Being a spineless golem, Fuz make two hours streams reading foxdickfarms threads or wikipedia to get his "cocks" hoping to make some money to buy sex toys to his Onlyfans "girlfriend", more weed and funko pops for himself and finally have money enough to leave his parents house in his middle 20's. But Fuz channel is far from being interesting or the focus to his alogs. Even though he's a black hole of humor, Fuz has become a fun figure to watch and debate bickers of his own dramas, failures and actions, catching the attention of certain groups and even ecelebs. At first glance, Fuzhou appears to be just an unfunny grifter with zero talent and is seen as just one of so many julaytoasted wannabie Mister Metokurs clones that have plagued this side of the internet in recent years. But a deep look, penetrating the layer of fat and boredom that surrounds him reveals a soulless automaton, but able to feel at some level a certain self hate for himself and for the world. In a philosophical way, he is able to become interesting. Do Golems dream of butter sheep? Is Fuz a sample of what the kikes want for the future? Maybe he's the next step of the mankind, the future nu-male, Homo Consumat Butyrum. Vaxxed, cucked, only caring about consooming and extremely submissive. A ruined and terrible form of life, a Butter Golem. Clips of Fuzhou for (you)r consideration: Fuzhou Getting btfo'd by Dominic Vanner: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=e7LSOZ7Rq0w https://yewtu.be/watch?v=9p3HyPXixrE On1yfans Buttercaust: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=W_wJ-0HxBVc

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Edited last time by oldestfag on 01/22/2022 (Sat) 23:08:48.
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>>236900 I mean, anyone is superior to Britbong and Joey.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjf_X7gWsKc&t=5404s Fuzhou had his first stream in almost a year, just him talking about Fishtank and jcaesar187
Fuzhou hasn't changed at all. Just the other day I came across his name appearing as patreon of other ecelebs. I don't doubt that he still gives money to onlyfans trannies and fatwhales. Apart from that, he tried to distance himself from Empty's community, but he's still addicted to foxdickfarms and butter.
>>249356 last I saw him he was being a janny in DeadwingDork's chat, I can't imagine letting that disgusting slob who stole all his mom's disability money after putting himself in debt investing in a shitty dudeweedlmao store to spend it on Stadias and hoes with unwashed assholes anywhere near you, but then again he does it for free.
>>237035 Even Fuzhou??? >>241957 Since simping for jcaesar187 is now popular again, did he change his mind again and now like Raph?

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Michael Does Life, the incel avatar of /v/ Pollythefrog69 04/18/2022 (Mon) 14:43:46 ID: 56a880 No.144416 [Reply]
Michael also knew as Mikael or Mickal by is fans is a almost 40 years old incel vidya critic best known to normies for being the man behind the early criticisms of Cyberpunk 2077 when everyone was still hyping the game. Michael constantly cries about not being credited for this and has a personal crusade versus CD RED Projekt. Michael also has a vendetta with ReviewTechUSA when Michael used to be a fan of the show he got inviteded for a live stream, only to be disavowed by ReviewTechUSA on account of the fans of Michael being 4chan neo-Nazis. Michael is known for being one of the few left youtubers who let anyone call his show, including yelling "NlGGERS, KILL ALL NlGGERS" while trying to talk about vidya. Only to have mental breakdowns live about not being taken seriously and having useless fans from /v/. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O23_h1bF7V4 Michael used to had a bf named Dillon in the Details, they both streamed together reviewing games until they had a fight about whether or not they liked a certain game, separating them both https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Michael_Does_Life Channel> https://www.youtube.com/c/MichaelDoesLife/videos Channels who mirror some of his deleted videos and streams>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFFbeisumgom2Mz1LRfTOSw/videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDl1Lb8EU58rzVa0ihItM6SJTHcx118e1 His twitter> https://twitter.com/michaeldoeslife
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>normies World Class is kino https://youtu.be/rbofkTmnY-U
Michael calling out Gahoole, being attacked by his schizo bugs, talking about wanting to be a wrestling figther and banning randoms from his chat for being "bots" while complaining about not being a big youtuber . https://youtu.be/3K3gaUQKvMU?t=8492 as a plus, also talking about Paulyfrog64 his paypiggie
>>176872 Gahool goons, what a pathetic waste of an existence Paulyfrog really must be desperate to fit in somewhere
>>176875 Michaels is above any of those fags, he's World Class https://youtu.be/5sWI9zjxtnU
Michael is becoming popular now. Once again nu/cow/ wasted an opportunity

The Daiymo / Ethan Josiah Hatchett / EMagnusTV / Ishihara Musashi / TheLastDaimyo1 Toad 12/17/2021 (Fri) 05:43:07 ID: 4d39fd No.127617 [Reply] [Last]
Meet (((jcaesar187 Josiah Hatchett))) aka The Daiymo jcaesar187 is a 23yo low IQ, habitually lying retard coward originally from Griffin, Georgia. As a young boy, jcaesar187 was diagnosed with autis-I mean, OCD and "anxiety". jcaesar187 then used his newfound superpower to develop into the biggest faggot possible: an Asston Barks orbiter turned capo, a failed college artfag, and an unrepentant homosexual. jcaesar187 grew up fleecing retards for money, launching multiple projects that went nowhere, yet he pocketed the money regardless. jcaesar187 attended Southern Crescent Technical College for a dogshit tier art degree in film. jcaesar187 lives with his literally retarded, special olympian, weeaboo 25 year old brother John; who has chronic seizures, being kicked out of his parent's house with his brother and relying on his disability. At first some people liked The Daiymo bickers of his artistic videos, silly gimmick, and his ability to felt salty bitches like Asston Parks and Rudy Coleman. However, once his true nature of Гунтguarding the Canadian Гунт came to light, he turned from walking the path of kino to becoming the joke of the "Kino Community". jcaesar187 is best known for doxing himself on a livestream for no reason, constant alogging z-celeb Gahoole, and getting into bitter, super srs disputes with fellow z-celebs such as his e-daddy Asston or buckbreaker Dark Ninja, taking the internet way too seriously despite trying to act like a badass. After challenging people to dox him, acting like the smuggest faggot possible, using foxdick to spread leaked DMs with Asston to gayop, then getting owned repeatedly by Gahoole, Super Metokur, Mormon Shaggy, and the master shinobi himself, Dark Ninja, The Daiymo first announce he would leave January 1st 2022, but then when you didn't think things could get more bitchmade, he decided to run away after 24 hours and after making one finally video saying his channel would last only until midnight, he finally ran from the internet as a result of the 56% literal WHO, taking the L to a bearded nazi femboy Earwinson disciple from T O R O N T O. Earlier, femboy Rudy Coleman accused jcaesar187 of being a "sus imposter" who contacted his real life friends, but this ended up being a 4d gayop with the Daiymo's express approval. Worst of all, despite acting tough on camera, shitting on capos and claiming to cleanse the community, he was absorbed by the very blubber he wished to clean. Behind the scenes he was in contact with top Canadian Гунт capo, Perspicacity, a lispy jilted pothead and the devolution of Toad McKinley. For a man who made his career mocking Toad McKinley, his gay love was similar to Asston's for jcaesar187, degrading himself just to get a passing whiff of his starfish. jcaesar187 thinks he's above it all, but he's the bottom of the barrel and by running away proved himself to be the beta bitch in recent memory. Videos featuring jcaesar187 jcaesar187's videos shitting on Toad McKinley https://files.catbox.moe/9kq15y.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/iei14g.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/z75k6c.mp4

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Daiymo is streaming together with other of Gayhooe gay lovers [Wrist, which is a vol from tvch] All three are really butthurt and having some paranoid rants about boogeymen coming to bomb their houses. Daiymo for example is literally crying at night about DarkNinja afraid of being killed by the epic ninja.
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>>234866 The absolute state of the council of evil discord server, is a bunch of fat fuckers or skinny sickly dudes posting gay shit of themselves or crying about Warhammer
>>234866 Link? Does anyone have the council of evil leaked files and some old Daiymo videos? Like his first leaving videos were he is crying.
>>235538 Hi Perspic getting ready to do more gay ops against the Daiymo? Daiymo is based and epic and we support him. Fuck all the haters Daiymo is the future and the next Lord TheTheGatorGamerGamer.
>>234869 Lmfao nuzach's cunts are all gay.

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