/cow/ - Lolcows

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Has anyone else been shadow banned from gab.com or voat.co? Anonymous 05/05/2020 (Tue) 14:33:34 ID: 599671 No.47222 [Reply]
Has anyone else been shadow banned from gab.com or downvoated into oblivion (essentially banned) on voat.co? I can't even log in anymore. This page is all I get. I tried everything to get back into my account, but I can't even get to the main ordinary gab.com page to even try to log in. I only get this screen. I do not get any indication I have been banned, I am only simply locked out now without any reason to why or how. Someone is going to be a bitch and call this a blogpost so here have your blogpost warning okay bitch? Warning: Blogpost warning. Imporant things to note: I tried voat.co bickers it's supposed to be a reddit altrernative, but it has the same communist social credit system as reddit. If you tell the truth, bad people downvote you and this takes your communist social credit points away, thus essentially censoring you by having your points in the negatives, which only allows you to post once per day, last time I ever used the site before I just left it behind forever. Eventually I started using gab.com These are some things about me, and things I would talk about on both gab and voat: Telling the truth, even if it's politically correct. I never went into """"""racist"""""" territory, but I was very politically incorrect. However, I never went as far as other people who use those sites, who seem to share very extreme things that I never even got close to saying or doing, which makes me question why I'm being shut down or locked out or shadow banned considering I never went as far as I saw other people going. One thing I always did was TELL THE TRUTH, NO MATTER WHAT. I don't even know if you can see my profile anymore, it might have been disappeared away, but my user name on gab.com was @BroDoYouEvenDrift I am fairly conservative, I love GOD, I like Q, Trump, and talking about conspiracy theories, and there is very much discussion about those things on gab.com and voat.co I would often ask suspicious people honest questions like "If you don't like Q, why are you spending all your time on a Q board and telling people Q is fake? If it's fake then why do you want to try so hard to convince people that it isn't real? Isn't that a bit silly?" I had lots of great conversations with lots of people who also loved freedom of speech and the truth and most importantly GOD, but I have lost all faith in gab.com and voat.co bickers I think they are just as bad as twitter and reddit. They are not alternatives to me at all, just more of the same crap. Why shadow ban me? If I'm banned, then tell me I'm banned! If I'm banned, tell me WHY I'm banned. I know for a fact that I did NOT break a single rule anywhere. I never spammed, I never threatened anyone, I never said anything really that rude at all, and I watched huge amounts of users say much worse things than I ever said. I never broke a single rule, and yet here I am, suddenly presented with this suspicious and ominous screen, basically a big fuck you to my face. It's just like the website abovetopsecret. You go there to talk about conspiracy theories, but if you actually TELL THE TRUTH, suddenly you're banned. You got too close.
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>>47222 >why? Jews? You probably got too hot, but dont give in, just keep reuploading and making new accounts. Getting banned is like a measure of success these days. Happens to everyone these days. The Q meme is a side show anyways if not fakeshit or some primer leaks to distract people. LTIC Fucker is inconsequential distracting people with their hearts in the right place who are too pussy/and/or old to accept the real truth namely that Adolf Hitler was right and the wrong side won ww2 and most of the events caused today is a direct consequence caused by the same people as back then and before. >>47238 Voat's GUI is fucking dogshit anyway, and the upvote faggotry you mentioned.
OP is a high-functioning-autistic lolcow. If this thread isn't fun enough for you, look at their FSE page. https://freespeechextremist.com/brodoyouevendrift >"Unauthorized Schizophrenic Autism Wizard" >All religions=infiltrated by satanists. (If you ask me why I think this, I can give some pretty good evidence of why I think this, very deep redpills, maybe too deep) damn buddhist satanists! >Q >suckered by voat and gab claims of 'free speech' And then he spammed the same thread across over ten imageboards (use search engine to find more) and complained about spam filters while doing so and posting 30 links. https://anon.cafe/cafe/res/784.html http://endchan.org/b/res/27589.html
What a fucking schizocow. Look at the FreeSpeechExtremist page. Qanon goldmine
>>47222 >laughing_whores.jpg
>>58371 Fuck you I can see the links you know. Take down this slander before I REPORT you to the moderators.

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Anonymous 09/15/2019 (Sun) 19:40:35 No.7078 [Reply]
Milo Yiannopoulos is attending furfag con.

Lefty furfags are already making death threats against him on twitter.

*grabs popcorn*
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Furfags are conservatives?
>>63836 Sodomites aren't conservatives Anon. Milo is just larping, trying to find a profitable angle.
whats the problem?
I masterated to this to be honest >>8792

Richard Stiles a man with DA VISION Anonymous 09/02/2019 (Mon) 19:15:04 ID: 45af1d No.5014 [Reply]
Some anons happened upon this guy by accident one night when searching for B-movies. Meet Richard, a combination of Terry A Davis and Chris-chan with a redneck twist. Richard has been hard at work for over a decade now on his own comic book series. After getting slighted by "his friend" Stan Lee on Myjulay he decided to self publish his master work. Richard wrote OC based on the Avenger's line of comics. The idea for his series was given to him via divine inspiration (aka voices in his head) and after many years he finally managed to publish it (pdf related): https://www.amazon.com/Retaliators-Master-Time-Gemini-Trilogy/dp/1532949324/

I have not been able to get through his book yet but the little have read seems totally insane and the work of a mad man. Richard claims all his ideas are original despite the fact that there is already a rip-off of the Avengers with the same name: https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Retaliators_(Earth_8)

Since I'm not a comicfag I don't know how much of Richard's book is a straight rip-off of the link above.

Richard has two youtube channels that I've found. One is a personal channel where he uploads rants about his writing process and videos of his dogs raping each other. The man seems to share a house with 10+ dogs but I haven't been able to confirm how many there are. More on that later.

His rants consist of him chain smoking, looking like he's out of his mind on opioids, and being pissed about Stan Lee not acknowledging that he's a genius. You can find the rant here which is split into 7 parts because they were uploaded back when youtube had a hard limit of 10 minutes per video:
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMOfLA8wDwU
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dTeN8rEuBo
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX9H2bUsjb8
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-If0iQhJlEw
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlS7lMnhA3U
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qStlkNnGUXw
7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d940KW5-cbY

In addition to his personal channel in 2018 he opened up a channel where he uploads B-Movies to promote his OC. They all have his OC inserted into them randomly along with various dank memes. He's very proud of this channel because it's gaining subscribers:

I know this OP isn't too detailed but the anons digging into this seem to have moved on to other things and I wanted to get it posted before I forgot. All his channels have been backed up and his social media has been scraped. I'll upload some more things of interest whenever I find the time.
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>R. Stiles
Obvious potential.
>>5169 This
kino as fuck
>>5014 Live link (the blog has an embedded video in it which won't function in the archive) https://entertainmentnasty.blogspot.com/2019/12/bbcs-war-of-worlds-should-you-watch.html Archive for those who want it http://archive.md/Q5MMi ---- TLDR on the SocJus / woke elements: * The lead is an educated woman who wants to be a scientist / is implied to already have a degree in science and wanting to go fruther. * All her actions are shown as justified one way or another by the plot. * The Male lead is basically lifted from another adaptation only he's given a personality transplant such that he's literally a stereotype "Bleeding heart liberal" journalist. He at one point lectures another on how the Martians are possibly divine punishment on the English for colonialism. He's also a coward leaving a man to die when he does have a bit of a chance to save him and he doesn't want to fight the Martians but suggests he should try Negotiating with them. * Other characters that are on about colonialism, one whose whole character is just a caricature yelling about expanding the British empire beyond the stars.

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Micah Ian Wright/MicahWardog AKA The Ultimate SJW Anonymous 05/06/2020 (Wed) 03:48:26 ID: 64f334 No.47364 [Reply]
Let me Introduce you to the ultimate Twitter Lolcow, Micah "Faked Being in the Army" Wright, A man so mentally unhinged, it's hilarious, Do what you guys want, he's all yours for the Trolling Website: https://spark.adobe.com/page/wXAzKcKguo828/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MicahWardog
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>>58139 >and here's him badmouthing 9/11 victims >implying this is a bad thing glow harder
defending Michael Reinoehl AKA The Killer of Aaron Danielson
Did i mention that his close friend and associate is Jay Lender, AKA the guy responsible some of Spongebob's greatest episodes
>>80537 He wasn't BB - he had on a drab green shirt.

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Peter Coffin gets dumped Anonymous 04/01/2020 (Wed) 06:38:39 ID: 2511f1 No.42215 [Reply]
Petter Coffin is a breadtuber who is most famous for pretending to have a Japanese model girlfriend on the internet for over a year. https://xiaxue.blogspot.com/2011/03/peter-coffin-is-loser.html He's also known for posing his sex doll and taking photos of it, pretending it was his new gf. More recently he found an actual girl. He paid to have his huge-toothed scottish wife (think Pruane2Forever in a wig) over to America to get jaw surgery. After he paid for her plane ticket, her fucked up grill, and a pair of brand new fake titties she decided to leave him and took Toilet Nigga and the house. BETA AS FUCK
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>>74741 the sex doll is hot, keep coping incels.
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>>80215 he is jewish or just pajeet?
Where I can buy a doll like that for lols?

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Jews and kikewheels Anonymous 11/05/2019 (Tue) 18:12:22 ID: d7b15e No.16544 [Reply]
What's the relationship between these two? It seem like Jews is still siding with the little crippled shit and I can't find a proper run down of when or why.

Any one want to get me up to speed?
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Unlike our glorious leader. Can JEWS even compete?
All kikes are ugly as fuck. Fat ass Mark and crater face Jonathan are no better.
>>17889 post more of her
Basic Stuff hai imma non-binary trans catgirl that likes to have fun with other people. I also sometimes have my wife espygrrl, girlfriend Maria Maximoff, or friends on here for additional fun! I'm a huge nerd and like to wear stuff like cat ears, bickers I'm a furry as well ;3 If you have questions regarding me, I might be inclined to answer them. But keep in mind that if I don't want to answer a specific thing, be kind and don't press the issue. My (current) measurements? 36DD-36-44 I may be a bit bottom-heavy, but I got some hella guns and have a nice fat clit to go with all of it Requests for me eating my own cum will not be honored due to the fact that there is very little to zero ejaculate when I cum. This is one of the effects that hormone therapy has done to me. Sorry, but it's unavoidable...although y'all get to see some nice boobs so maybe it's a decent tradeoff? If ya'll wanna see what I talk about when I'm not on here, follow @NekoArc on Twitter :D I also make music! Go buy my music on bandcamp!
>>16666 Based and checked

FBIchan general (8chan/8kun/Odin) Anonymous 10/19/2019 (Sat) 22:26:59 ID: 5aa03a No.13388 [Reply] [Last]
Share your favorite snaps.
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>>48975 Personal? He hates me. As a person, don't care. Do I precisely know who it is, yes. But /cow/ respects plw autists, so it's good. A lot of users here use PLW, always have. >>48992 Lol, you do that anon, I'm joking that's gonna happen anyways. Sony actually hired DMCA bots, and julay is already in the radar. What's gonna take time is 1) finding the DMCA email robi uses 2) just forcing the new registrar to attempt to DMCA the domain again. I'm just eating popcorn at the eventuality.
>>49016 Tor is looking better every day.
>>13388 I saw Mark eating a cake.
/leftypol/ won

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Tranny cows Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 22:57:06 ID: 23beaf No.10876 [Reply]
Hugo (or Jake, I can't tell the difference in fact of course) of the woke atheist youtube channel TheBibleReloaded just came out as a tranny in a cringy 30 minute video

He makes no attempt to pass except for growing his hair longer, and he's been piling on the pounds. Suicide soon.
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>>57393 I can't believe this shit is actually happening. There's no way in hell this fuck is serious about this, and isn't just being some fuckhead who wants to change definitions around.
>>10876 I noticed Hugo has managed to grift almost 10k from wearing a dress over the past year since I last checked this thread: https://www.gofundme.com/f/q6t59s-hannah039s-transition-fund?
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>>20509 he is
anything new about Drassala?

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inkane aka a schizo IRC poster Anonymous 01/23/2020 (Thu) 08:06:04 ID: b355d4 No.28797 [Reply]
Here's a schizo IRC poster who likes to sperg on Rizon's #chat channel. He's on a bunch of drugs which make him insane; see archived PDF. He believes that everything is ending, just like a crazy schizo prepper would believe. Some cringy band thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Y_qDS4_TAU Dox: GitHub: http://archive.is/QkBUX YouTube: http://archive.is/dzTez Proof of him being on antipsychotics: http://archive.ph/5eA81 Picture of what he looks like: http://archive.ph/HnRGH
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>>28896 based and true
>>28797 >dox: BLANK LINE Lame and boring. Where's the funny?
Gonna give this a little bump before it slides off into oblivion.
>>28836 are you still around, jews?
>>76935 Nope, no JEWS is not here

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Anonymous 08/05/2020 (Wed) 00:19:23 ID: 9a4bd2 No.71187 [Reply]
The absolute state of Toad piggies.
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>>74232 autistic people like you trying to fit in are always funny of course in fact.
Toad is way more funny and relevant than you, God'winson. You're just a clout chaser with low quality videos and gatekeeping the online fun.
>>74232 lel I knew it was her the moment I saw the thumb based
What is wrong with earning some cash with a few quick ads? You are all reaching and it shows.
>>77555 t. Son of Tiamat

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