/cow/ - Lolcows

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FBIchan general (8chan/8kun/Odin) Anonymous 10/19/2019 (Sat) 22:26:59 ID: 5aa03a No.13388 [Reply] [Last]
Share your favorite snaps.
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>>48975 Personal? He hates me. As a person, don't care. Do I precisely know who it is, yes. But /cow/ respects plw autists, so it's good. A lot of users here use PLW, always have. >>48992 Lol, you do that anon, I'm joking that's gonna happen anyways. Sony actually hired DMCA bots, and julay is already in the radar. What's gonna take time is 1) finding the DMCA email robi uses 2) just forcing the new registrar to attempt to DMCA the domain again. I'm just eating popcorn at the eventuality.
>>49016 Tor is looking better every day.
>>13388 I saw Mark eating a cake.
/leftypol/ won

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Tranny cows Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 22:57:06 ID: 23beaf No.10876 [Reply]
Hugo (or Jake, I can't tell the difference in fact of course) of the woke atheist youtube channel TheBibleReloaded just came out as a tranny in a cringy 30 minute video

He makes no attempt to pass except for growing his hair longer, and he's been piling on the pounds. Suicide soon.
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>>57393 I can't believe this shit is actually happening. There's no way in hell this fuck is serious about this, and isn't just being some fuckhead who wants to change definitions around.
>>10876 I noticed Hugo has managed to grift almost 10k from wearing a dress over the past year since I last checked this thread: https://www.gofundme.com/f/q6t59s-hannah039s-transition-fund?
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>>20509 he is
anything new about Drassala?

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inkane aka a schizo IRC poster Anonymous 01/23/2020 (Thu) 08:06:04 ID: b355d4 No.28797 [Reply]
Here's a schizo IRC poster who likes to sperg on Rizon's #chat channel. He's on a bunch of drugs which make him insane; see archived PDF. He believes that everything is ending, just like a crazy schizo prepper would believe. Some cringy band thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Y_qDS4_TAU Dox: GitHub: http://archive.is/QkBUX YouTube: http://archive.is/dzTez Proof of him being on antipsychotics: http://archive.ph/5eA81 Picture of what he looks like: http://archive.ph/HnRGH
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>>28896 based and true
>>28797 >dox: BLANK LINE Lame and boring. Where's the funny?
Gonna give this a little bump before it slides off into oblivion.
>>28836 are you still around, jews?
>>76935 Nope, no JEWS is not here

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Anonymous 08/05/2020 (Wed) 00:19:23 ID: 9a4bd2 No.71187 [Reply]
The absolute state of Toad piggies.
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>>74232 autistic people like you trying to fit in are always funny of course in fact.
Toad is way more funny and relevant than you, God'winson. You're just a clout chaser with low quality videos and gatekeeping the online fun.
>>74232 lel I knew it was her the moment I saw the thumb based
What is wrong with earning some cash with a few quick ads? You are all reaching and it shows.
>>77555 t. Son of Tiamat

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JEWS wtf are you doing? Anonymous 07/26/2020 (Sun) 13:18:22 ID: cc3f54 No.68314 [Reply]
I've been silent about this for three years or more now but I have to ask. Are you ever going to get this place back under control? I sympathize with making an IBS containment thread but I think you'll agree it had the opposite effect that you were going for. Instead of containing the cancer it just metastasized and now it's leaking out into the rest of the board. Go look at the catalog. Half the threads are their in-fighting with nothing funny in them. Most of them are fail doxes that aren't even confirmed. A bunch are just the autistic dolphinfag posting butthurt about the global vols. One of the sticky threads is just site meta shit that got its own board months ago. Most of the recent threads are fail doxes from IBS kids trying to meme their enemies into cows. Do you have any plans to get /cow/ back to what it used to be or have you just given up? I've stopped archiving stuff bickers when I put effort into a thread it's just ignored. I don't want to go post on Jewsh's forum bickers they're as bad as the IBS kids. Would you be opposed to making a new board somewhere and trying to recover what /cow/ once was under a new name? I've thought about doing this in the last couple of years but I was holding out hope that you would finally do something about the cancer you should have made them fuck off to their own board years ago if I'm being honest Hope to hear from you.
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>>68904 The state of the board is an issue and if you can't see that you're probably too new to understand. This place used to have actual discussion and archives of funny shit. Now it's a bunch of kids from a cytube channel using it as their personal toilet. Also there aren't threads about that vol. He's mentioned in some threads but all the information that made him look bad has been removed or deleted.
>>68784 >>69419 fuck off back to foxdicks, "oldfag", you don't know a thing about /cow/
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>>69427 Daily reminder that julay/cow/ is just wannabe /baphomet/ clone. but unlike /baphomet/, julay/cow/ isn't cool or handsome or even intelligent
Due to the nature of this place it's inevitable. But what you can do: 1) continue to have interest in things that you are personally related to, to secure that you aren't taking part in someone else attention driven drama 2) leave altogether looks like a good plan to me, as I've recently only used this toilet to bump a few posts, but it's mostly unusable like most boards to me, cuz no actual freedom having place on most of them

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REQ: Pic of Fredrick Brennan with his succubus girlfriend Anonymous 03/29/2020 (Sun) 22:42:05 ID: 15a7db No.41867 [Reply]
My internet searches are failing me. Anyone have the pic of him and his succubus hamplanet girlfriend who fucked him bickers she had a disabled people fetish, which ultimately led to him stepping down as Wizchan admin?
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>>74010 >try harder >autistic Poetry
He should record him fucking his gf or fucking some thailand ladyboy and post here to B T F O the incels
>>74171 >strawman >neurotypical Poetry
>>41867 Holy fuck he looks like cripple from cripplechan. Is that the hotwheels? Or did I already lost the rest of my sanity and long term memory?
>>76110 Welcome, newfriend. Enjoy you're are stay.

Robi dox Anonymous 02/26/2020 (Wed) 22:47:15 ID: 9373c7 No.36284 [Reply]
Full name: Robi Pires Country: Mongolia Wealth status: Poorfag Robi = schizo fuck head.
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>>54574 This guy?
>>55748 How did you know him? What was he like? Did he ever threaten to fight you irl? Is it true his daddy raped him and that he broke his neck?
Any news about him? he still dating vamp or streaming his "fights"?
>>55748 >>54834 >>54574 >the LARPing weeb won't deliver SAD NEVER TRUST PEOPLE THAT REDDIT SPACE WITH RED TEXT

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Anonymous 04/24/2020 (Fri) 04:18:54 No.45542 [Reply]
Can robi senpai notice me? I love you robi, thanks for the great chans.
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will Robi stream with PPP and Surfer again?
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>>45542 Like pottery.
Julay is the only webring board I've ever liked. Still prefer 8kun but its /cow/ is dead-dead.
Robi, what is your favorite Italian football team?
>>56501 Discord Not even once

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fuck the cytube Anonymous 06/03/2020 (Wed) 04:54:36 ID: 5dc9ed No.59895 [Reply]
Fuck you, OrcaChad. You're spamming it up -wotsup
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>>59897 fuck you too
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>>59895 >he doesn't enable the script PATHETIC
who is dolphi and why should I care

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The Autism problem Anonymous 03/05/2020 (Thu) 15:46:52 ID: cc304c No.39343 [Reply]
In the past few decades the number of people diagnosed with autism has increased dramatically. This is a very concerning development. It is concerning bickers it is fundamentally unethical and irresponsible to allow autistic people to partake in society and to communicate with others. Anybody who has ever dealt with an autistic person understands that the presence of an autist is burdensome and detrimental to its surroundings in any social context. Imagine any social gathering or event, such as spending time with your friends. Any such social gathering is not enjoyable when an autist is present. Despite there being many different forms of autism that articulate themselves in different ways (high functioning, low functioning and such), all of these have in common that they are a profound source of displeasure and discomfort to those who surround the patient. Autism is a unique disorder in that the people surrounding the patient suffer from it rather than the patient itself. When confronted with this basic fact, autists or their advocates will attempt to rebut by pointing to the importance of 'tolerance'. They say, you need to tolerate the autist and his annoying antics or else you're a bad person. But does it make you a bad person to simply not want your every day ruined by autists? Even if an autist is tolerated by others, that is merely a concious effort on their part to not slap the autist in the face and tell it to piss off. Subconsciously, you still rather want it to go away. I have attached a graphic showing the three levels of 'functionality' in autists. You will notice that all three levels, in some way, require support. This is support which autists like to pretend they are entitled to, even when they give absolutely nothing in return for receiving this support. If there were competent and responsible people in charge of policy who can see the gravity of this issue, there would have been measures to contain autists and prevent them from participating in society. Unless there is a cure for this terrible disease, which is a societal disease, a good thing to do for the state would be to employ measures of containment such as incarceration in mental facilities. However this is still not a perfect solution. An autist will always be a burden upon society, even if such measures are employed. Hence, the only conclusion is that euthanasia is the most optimal way to reduce this burden permanently. The autist, no matter how "high functioning" it may seem, is never equivalent in personal value to a non-autist. The society, if it wants to flourish, has no choice but to recognize this reality.
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>>43702 >Anybody who has ever dealt with G​AMERGATEs understands that the presence of a G​AMERGATE is burdensome agree 100% mark's ni/GG/ers are a burden but I had no idea the hate group S​ARGON had infiltrated so deep into africa. >Unless there is a cure for this terrible disease, which is an ethnic disease, a good thing to do for the state would be to employ measures of containment such as incarceration in concentration camps. I agree, put ni/GG/ers in concentration camps and don't let them use the internet or any nintendo product.
Kill anyone with an iq below 115
The most optimal way would always be breeding perfect specimen from the start. Autism isn't unique in that it requires attention from the outside either, I can assure you most things require some sort of outside help. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on it but frankly they're not very deep.
Kill yourself neurotypical >>71459 This. Especially if they're neurotypicals >>41667 Come and take it.
>>43704 ok /v/irgin, you not grasping the filters is so funny >>43702 >It is concerning bickers it is fundamentally unethical and irresponsible to allow niggas to partake in society and to communicate with others. Unironically true

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