/cow/ - Lolcows

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EvaXephon/YandereDev Anonymous 02/02/2020 (Sun) 19:11:52 ID: 070aa7 No.30407 [Reply]
>Gaiafag >Blizzcuck >cuckchanner >Get's shat on by the Skullgirls jew of all people >Comes to 8chan with his concept game on /agdg/ >Unwarranted self importance kicks in >Starts making threads for his game alone despite barely being a concept >His code his spaghetti shit >Starts posting and shilling the concept on cuckchan and reddit >Despite putting up with his faggotry for a year and a half somehow /v/edditors straining patience runs out and they start railing on him >Take it as well as any attention whore does >Says he doesn't need 8chan anymore and fucks off to Reddit and 4chan for good >6 years later >Tons of crowdfunding and promises later >Still no game >Even most of cuckchan is now pissed off at him >Half of Reddit is pissed off at him

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he got hacked
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The mega is down now and the download speed was awful. Grabbing whatever i can from the foxdick trannies. Basically some guys got access to his shitty mail client and took over his subreddit, tumblr and email. Looks like they managed to grab some funny shit but blundered it a bit. Scripts: https://files.catbox.moe/893ghv.zip
https://youtu.be/pZMQxrpQxWY >muh bad code >muh fps >muh no "official game release" >muh muh muh weird incel ewww Nobody complained 5 years ago, you people really are just whiny fags
>>71256 this
>Doesn't enable 2FA on any accounts except discord >Uses "EvaXephon" as his password for every account and his trip >Registers ebin super secret ungoogable account on a dollfucker forum using the same e-mail he uses for IRL shit >Doesn't change any of this for well over a decade including 6 years after becoming a CWC tier spectacle Guys I'm worried, is our boy legitimately retarded?

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/cowrevolt/ victory thread PissDrizzle#Ic7/rT 10/24/2019 (Thu) 21:26:46 ID: a8a172 No.14492 [Reply] [Last]
Sup retards?
I see you're already enjoying my amazing triangular filter, I can already feel the confusion which can only lead to everyone moving over to >>/cowrevolt/.

For anyone that missed it, here is my glorious victory over naziJEWS https://mega.nz/#!r01W3aIC!WjnhcB7lUuHONPlmpXSAgPlhTmBN3WMHC7YX96pLYuY

Clearly GAMERGATE has won again, will never be beaten and is eternally better then /cow/.

Now I hope we can move on from /cow/s racist past and move into a beautiful future full of inclusivity and to fucking loves her pussy the SJW's, and let's leave some based ecelebs like SARGON alone allright?

Try not to be too butthurt /cow/ got officially beaten, maybe one day I will allow a rematch ;^).

ps: Yes it took a while for me to set this all up, turns out my friend who was selling me thc gummybears was just selling me regular ones and making me pay $3 a piece, he has now also been added to the list of NOTFRIENDS and I've started just smoking regular weed for now from my based black friend.
So that took some time, but at least my dad is being less of a dick bickers he thinks smoking is less "faggy" then vaping hes a stupid bigot i know but don't worry another friend says he might have a hookup for some thc to vape that isn't full of poison, so fingers crossed guys.
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The absolute state of /v/eddit
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>That'll be a big fat no from me. If Jim wants those shekels he's going to need to court the Q crowd hard.
Same, especially when you know that most of it goes to the 2k a month the board kike gets for providing the worst moderation 8ch has to offer. "Errands" my ass.
Make a good thread then. Show us newfags that we're just stupid NIGGERs. I'll wait.
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>banned for disagreeing with Mark
We tried to warn you, but you didn't listen.
keep seetheing more you /tv/ pedos

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Malcolm Brenner Anonymous 01/01/2020 (Wed) 07:30:16 ID: b652de No.25223 [Reply]
Meet Malcolm (Dolphin Fucker) Brenner. A 68 year degenerate zoophile who had sex with his family dog and a dolphin. Oh wait, i mean "non people of the sea." He thinks bickers he fucked a dolphin he knows how animals think and feel. And bickers we can keep animals as pets,breed them and eat them we should be able to fuck them bickers they can constant and think like we do. He also says he's done research on this subject but hasn't provided any evidence to support his claims. Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_Brenner_(writer) Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/MalcolmBrenner Website: https://malcolmbrenner.com/ Interview: https://youtu.be/aEX33vAyF5Y (where the comments come from)
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>>25716 >Oscars
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>>25223 Wow. That's terrible. He should be shot. My poor dolphin is crying. The image was changed to prevent editing. I can't believe dolphinsex.org exists. It's disgusting. These poor bottlenoses.
>>25223 >make a thread about some decent zoo, that will ruin him >:D >anons think he's cool HOW EMBARASSING
>>26406 L TO THE MAO
>sex with a dog [...] ew

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Francis Gurahoo, owner of prolikewoah.com Anonymous 07/22/2020 (Wed) 00:24:40 ID: db78a7 No.66834 [Reply] [Last]
This sperg manchild has been raging when people post his dox. When I posted his dox in his cytube, he disabled Tor and added a channel password. Too bad I've gotten in before that :) Francis Gurahoo Age and DOB 32 8/2/1987 Home West Hartford, CT AKA Francis F Gurahoo 12 Seneca Rd West Hartford, CT 06117
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>>68365 >isn't cocks with killing 20+ boards on julay >starts killing boards elsewhere on the webring YAY WE MANAGED TO CENSOR OURSELVES GLOW NIGGERS FUCKING LOVES HER PUSSY !!
>>68366 seethe more pedo
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>>68366 typical pedo cope

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16chan admin 663 is a lolcow Anonymous 09/26/2019 (Thu) 16:53:57 ID: 397a3b No.9069 [Reply]
663, owner of 16chan, deletes threads and posts where posters mention his Asian girlfriend, him hugging his gf's foot, and photos of the related, banning posters for a year. The unedited photos found at >>8104, >>8105, and >>8106 are automatically filtered and prevented from being uploaded, but with small modifications, such as the text I added to each photo with the help of Microsoft Paint, you can get around this filter.

He desperately doesn't want this information about him spread, but unfortunately that means he is only begging to be Streisanded.

Any more photos or dirt on him?
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>>9069 >>9069 Max Rago is from Brooklyn, New York and his girlfriend, Meaghyn Wells is from British Columbia. She is Filipino and white. Watch his twitch streams here: https://www.twitch.tv/im663/videos
>>40625 >>40819 Maksimillian Rago Brooklyn NY https://www.facebook.com/max.rago.50 https://www.twitch.tv/im663 https://ghettogaggers.com/F9j8bca discord username: 663#8900 previous alias: A.Soytano https://github.com/maksrago/ gf: Meaghyn Wells - from William's Lake, British Columbia Canada Columneetza Secondary School Studied at Thompson Rivers University (TRU) (Kamloops, Canada) gf's facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/meaghyn her "model" account: https://www.facebook.com/meaghan.wellsboate
>>40625 >>40818 >>40819 >>40821 Given the zero replies >>23566 has received, I take it that he or his girlfriend upset you? You seem heavily invested in this thread.
>>41062 It's probably Gahoole, he hates Asian and White relationships.
>>23445 Stay mad newFAGGOT

Anonymous 07/18/2020 (Sat) 02:00:27 No.66323 [Reply]
you guys are complete pussies. You said you wanted a race war, well now it's here and you pathetic incel losers are just sitting at home jacking off. You faggots are all talk. You guys won't do shit bickers you're nothing but a little pussy!
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>>66323 t.G​AMERGATE
>>66323 >why isn't this board that's for laughing at internet weirdos starting a race war Rope is cheap, faggot.
>>66323 Lol. Says the Blacknerd fragile NIGGER whose being sodomized by the police and militias.
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>>66323 Next time you decide to repost this officer, you may want to make sure you aren't posting the same string on every single site.
Nah as some one who doesn't believe anyone should be judged by the color of their skin, I find it rather funny the ones gearing up for a race war are idiotic leftest whites who want to talk for what they consider lesser beings who could never be equal to a white man. But I mean I do still have my guns and black, white, or even green I am more than ready to end the violence of the left if it shows up anywhere near me.

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Zach and /tv/ Anonymous 07/18/2020 (Sat) 18:47:55 ID: 387b64 No.66364 [Reply]
who exactly the fuck is "Zach?" Looks to me like it was just another /intl/ persona all along, like Rach on /pol/, the propane/indiapoop/crab posters on /n/, and the cuck posters on /wx/. Some random dude just got his identity used.
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weird that zach keeps posting old pics of his, like in the bar with some whore. Where are the new zachs? He's what, 30 now? POST NEW PICTURES ZACH, WITH THE TIMESTAMP OVER AN DVD OF A FILM FLOPSON "STARRED" IN
I want to fuck the female version of Zach
>>66848 fucking same dude. it's ironic how more attractive she is compared to watson.
>>67642 He's seething on tvch as well.

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Chijo Anonymous 09/25/2019 (Wed) 20:43:31 ID: 13a32b No.8998 [Reply]
I don't know if you guys are following it lately but I know you used to have a thread; Chijo has been hanging out on julaychan off and on. Pretty fun thread that started yesterday (Tuesday).


New developments
>chijo has a girlfriend
>she's also a tranny
>has a bigger penis than chijo
>chijo bottoms for her
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Can we get the address of papa johns posted again? Today it took Chijo 20 mins to walk home from work, given that the average walking speed is 1.4 m/s and he was playing pokemon go I can say that Chijo certainly lives within a 1.68 kilometer radius from the restaurant.
story? I don't believe for one minute this tranny actually has a job
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did this faggot finally kill himself?
he's back in another thread
is the tranny dead or what

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idubbbz Distilled Cope 03/29/2020 (Sun) 21:46:59 No.41859 [Reply] [Last]
https://invidio.us/watch?v=mQLzOuwDu_8 I still don't know who the fuck this faggot is but holy shit this is gold 100% SEETHE DISTILLED COPE
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>>42227 >>42225 Note the dirty background. These whores are slobs
>>44097 Do they just pay for images or is there some degree of interaction? I don't know anything about onlyjews or whatever the fuck normalfags are using for this bullshit. At least I could understand the psychology behind parasocial sexual relationships if there was some degree of interaction between the whores "fans" and herself. But if it's literally just pay walled underwear pics and nothing else than I'm lost.
Auugghhh sorry a-logs, got a DMCA for the pics of the whore. You have better saved em. I'll post the DMCA notification later.
>>67094 topkek. Your post looks like spam. Please adjust it.
>>67094 Wait, she got an American lawyer finally, and lol, cited copyright for them, meaning, they are real, and publicly can be said she's a legitimate whore?

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Furfag general thread Anonymous 09/02/2019 (Mon) 22:37:50 ID: 34da64 No.5068 [Reply] [Last]
Some guy an hero'd his hands so he could get them amputated and replaced with paws
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This guy in the OP is about as smart as Gahoole
Handling dry ice without gloves hurts like a motherfucker. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
>>5406 kill homosexuals
Plenty of us are actual furries or scalies
>>5068 Excuse me but...... WTF?!?!?!?!?!?

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