/cow/ - Lolcows

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Unironic Ralphamale 11/14/2022 (Mon) 06:50:54 ID: e74353 No.180755 [Reply]
There's this Family of lolcows that are getting into IBS no i don't mean the Vickers. This is the Thorp Family https://youtu.be/PWjTRKBtgTI Ben is a real piece of shit who abuses his family and he does it live on stream.
>>180755 ok while this is potentially interesting, you could have have put together a proper OP with what makes them lolcows
>>180756 The dad(Ben Thorp Fucks his Daughter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HjLSWbz_GI
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>>180755 You might enjoy this OP. their daughter is a crazy bitch
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https://doxbin.com/upload/Keffals doxbin.com/upload/Keffals 10/03/2022 (Mon) 01:11:11 ID: 2fcee6 No.176806 [Reply]
20 Global Crescent, APT 4, Belfast, BT6 8LN, Ireland
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I believe those Libtards Shit-tard Lib-tards are stealing are FUTURE. Donald Trump is the MAN to take Control of this situation. Do not silence my opinion, DONALD TRUMP will punish you for your crimes you Cheese Shitting Lib-tards.
>>178387 Why do you keep doing this shitty larp?
It's insane, Britbong probably has around 40 socks accounts, and just like Nuzach or Bryan Dunn he love to talk in third person His channel where he spergs out about The Bad Guys and EmptyHero https://youtu.be/KDqZGPYe5wY

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Anonymous 09/20/2019 (Fri) 03:08:56 No.8041 [Reply] [Last]
hi josh

i know you lurk cow

fuck you
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Shit, I'm a faggot. Here's a PDF copy of his resume
Jewsh dicks works after PPP sucking it.
People here are jealous about PPP being really a good friend with Josh.
He is a pedo and white trash, like jcaesar187
>>30978 What's with the furry shit bro?

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Styxhexenhammer666 Toad 01/31/2021 (Sun) 23:35:10 ID: 577c86 No.96575 [Reply]
Styx is cringy youtuber and a piece of shit. Read his foxdick farms page if you don't believe me. His ex-gf's enter his thread and start dropping dirt on him. And before you start damage controlling for your favorite skeletal friend-simulator and saying don't believe women bickers they lie, he admits it was all true in a couple videos. Here are some key bits: -He creeped on several underage youtubers. Wrote comments on their channels and cringey lines flirting with them. When told that one of them was underage, he replied "Perfection can wait." Got rejected by StelleToad McKinley. Makes vague YouTube videos crying about it. Write youtube comments about walking into the woods and alluding to not coming back with suicide-poetry to cope with the rejection. Was drinking himself to sleep with wine to cope, not eating much food, and crying. -He wears makeup and unironically thinks he looks good despite being butt-fucking ugly. -He is the definition of a poser and a try-hard. His entire identity is larping. -Gets confronted by "Revenge of the Cis" on Tonka's Kumite show about his creeping on underage youtubers and pedo accusations (Stella Christine/Stelle Toad McKinley and at least 1 other). Styx tries to get his braindead audience to flag down the show in real-time (strangely never gets flak even though Toad McKinley was bullied for years about flagging jcaesar187's stream down "Matt NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.") Eventually comes on the Kumite drunk and threatens to sue them and says, "Do you know how much money I make. You don't wanna mess with me!" Is seething and fuming and sounds like a disturbed mess. However, Styx says that the youtube comments were fake and doctored in photoshop. He lied about this to avoid the embarrassment and humiliation of being rejected by the girl and for being accused of pedophila since she was underage. The comments were real. Styx lied under pressure. But ROTC apologizes in the moment bickers it's awkward and sing him Happy Birthday. -StelleToad McKinley, an underage youtuber, broke his heart and publicly embarrassed him. Styx was writing gay poetry about how heartbroken he was and was planning on grooming the girl to be his woman. He lied about the whole thing and pretended it was all faked, photoshops by Antifa to cover his larpy, cringy, ass. -He has hard-drives of nudes of all the women he flirts with and tries to pressure them into masturbating on camera with him over webcam. -He convinced a young women to move into his parent's Vermont home NEET-cave bedroom. -He impregnated the women and cheated on her. -Styx pressured and threatened the women into having an abortion bickers he thought he was too young to have to accept responsibility for his actions (He was 30 at the time. Lol). -Styx threatened to secretly slip her an herbal drink made from his herb garden that would abort her baby if she didn't comply and go to Planned Parenthood to abort it, saying the drink would give her a heavier menstrual flow for the month as it killed the baby. -Styx drove his gf to her Planned Parenthood appointments but when she wanted to get something to eat from a restaurant across town, Styx refused and shit his pants and didn't do the basic accommodation for the gf he just made abort her own baby. bickers Styx has anxiety and he's not used to leaving his bedroom as a NEET so the whole world makes his autistic brain have a panic attack and unfamiliar locations hurt his autistic brain that craves routine and familiarity. -Styx starts cheating on his gf with a black women from the UK that he flies into Vermont and meet in hotel rooms. -Styx lies about it to his live-in gf, gaslights her, but she finds out anyway. She beats him up and he deserves it and more. -Styx uploads a couple videos on YouTube, moping and crying, trying to elicit audience sympathy and get counseling, complaining about his personal life. His audience eats it up, bc he's their friend-simulator that talks to them through the screen evey day and he seems like a nice guy when he talks to you every day in his 5 minute videos. Lol. Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gasey were also very nice guys and pillars of the community, until they found out they were rapists and serial killers with bodies of little boys underneath Gasey's house and Bundy's trail of dozens of murdered women. -As a narcissist, Styx cries about his personal problems to his audience, even though he was the one that caused the drama with his cheating on all his gf's. The skeletal narcissist cries out in pain as he strikes you. -Styx starts cheating with another Dutch youtuber named "Elizabeth's Philosophy" who is an ugly-average blonde woman with no eyebrows and looks like a Neanderthal. She sends his a boob pic so he has to fly to the Netherlands to get that ugly Dutch girl pussy.

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>>117834 elizabeth will never fuck you and now is pushing out baby tarls, its over for you simpcel
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>>96575 Styx is such a strange creature. I think he moved to the Netherlands and lives there now? also listening to some of his streams and videos, he is the typical magapede now, for some reason and goes with the flow of media is telling lies but except when it comes to Ukraine, I dunno why but for some reason he believes these things and even is a Ukrainian shill in many ways. He says that everything that Russia says is fake and then believes for some unknown reason that the Russian oligarchs will assassinate Putin bickers Putin and the FSB did it to some oligarchs and high members in Russian society a few times, along with it being a monthly occurrence in the 90s and early naughts. I am not sure, if Styx sees the Donbas thing as fake news, of them wanting to be with Russia in 2015 or whenever it was, but it would not surprise me. But yeah, Styx seems to be out there with the whole Ukraine thing, I believe. He believes that the Ukrainians are going to win the war and it is not going to be a ceasefire in the near future, when too many foreign nationals are KIA or MIA, this is going to create the ceasefire bickers for now, you can contract yourself to the Ukrainian military without any penalty from some NATO countries. And the Russians have made it clear that mercenaries aren't going to get the POW treatment, but will be seen as a terrorist faction.
Asston is big piece of shit, if he wanted to make any good shit with his failed Kino Casino he should've started to alog Styxhexenhammer666 and get in debate with him.
>>180111 explain schizo

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cramberry Unironic Ralphamale 09/27/2022 (Tue) 14:34:59 ID: 611d2e No.175939 [Reply]
cramberry is a discord tranny who is responsible for spamming the 4chan ms /co/ and emmy the robot threads with oppai loli porn. he also relentlessly harassed random discord users and artists for refusing his pedophilic requests.
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It's the same neet tranny who used to hang out on BYS streams with LeoPirate, Ancapistan, StonedMexicanGuy and Diogenes??? he used to be a fat thing like this too
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>>175960 Literally anything backing up said claims, among other things like how am I supposed to harass them with this shitty an OP dude?
>>175975 hes been b& from all the relevant discords but if you go through the 4chan archive youll see his oppai loli spam in the emmy the robot threads
>>176341 >discord And you faggots try to call me gay
Literally another emojitroon persona, get it together faggot

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Anonymous 05/09/2020 (Sat) 21:59:33 ID: eee008 No.49744 [Reply]
Does Dax not realize that his audience is made up of Incel Trolls who will never touch a pussy, ever?
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>>53085 "Some Slut" Ya know if it was some rando groupie, I'd agree with your analysis. But the "slut" in question was a long term part of the dick show community and even after they parted ways people kept asking about her and asking for her to come back. the TL;DR >She released texts showing Dax sweet talking her and begging to be in a relationship with him while her marriage fell apart. They were embarassing for Dax >Dax played this weird manipulation game on both girls and treats them like crap >Dax feeds people drugs so they depend on him >Dax would fuck JLH to make Marie Valenzula cry and hurt her >He opens up lines of credit for women he is fucking but then goes over charges with a fine tooth comb and bitches and moans about every penny spent >Marie cried in the cuck truck while Dax fucked JLH in the tent 10 ft away >Dax threw JLH out, tried cutting her out from the TDS community but refuse to answer why >Marie plays victim and is a BPD cum slut >Dax is a clinically Diagnosed Psychopath >Dax has journals of Backwards written poetry >Dax doesn't understand what Atavistic means but uses it all the time >Dax has a literal fursona called JuJu that is a cow >Dax is bi

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>>52329 Dick show sycophants are pathetic. They genuinely believe the only people who don't like Dax are TheGatorGamer. Surely Dax has shit his pants and done nothing wrong... Right?
>>49744 What even is Diddler Dax's bonus cocks? More screeching about what maddox did to him a decade ago or more pedo defending?
>>49744 Does he have any kind of actual audience anymore? There are a hand full of autistic manchildren who still follow and most of them are hoping to ride Dax's coat tails to some sort of efame that they delusionally believe they will achieve bickers there were a hand full of successful people that spun off from the TDS community. FOR THOSE WHO DON'T KNOW DAX STILL GOES BACK AND TRIES TO SCRUB OLD SIMPSPIRACY STUFF TO THIS DAY IN AN ATTEMPT TO MAKE THE OLD INFO HARD TO FIND. I could go one and on about the sketchy shit that dax says and does. He got caught giving money to Randy Harper for special treatment on twitter. He admitted that he completely scrapped his "new book" "Not Safe For Women" and it is never comming out. He made up 3 different excuses why NP2 got put on a match list, with the most consistent explaination being suspicion of money laundering (which he then tried saying was actually bickers free speech clauses and shit), we still don't know what Dax does with the info given on his unsecured site which includes social security numbers, Dax doesn't pay any of the people he claims he will pay for his show, Dax's weird obsession with excessive sweating and need to Гунт guard and deny any of the jcaesar187 stuff being funny, the list goes on and on....
>>159407 Actually, yes. I haven't listened for a LONG time, but pre simpspiracy it was almost exclusively whatever he could get that was Maddox Related. Funny thing is from what I understand Maddox gave up on podcasting and started doing writting gigs that are paying him well enough to do okay as well as had a role in Kung Fury 2. Dax can't even get his Pizza commercial to air and is blacklisted from performing with comedy in LA bickers of his retarded antics (and no not the "free speech" stuff he does on his show, everyone that works with Dax eventually ends up hating him) Funny thing is the whole thing that started Dax's demise was he challenged the whole internet to prove his GF Marie Valenzuela ever went by the screen name HulaGirl86, then some idiot dug up an old kik profile with her face right there and it caused Dax to sperg out.

Anonymous 10/18/2019 (Fri) 21:12:09 ID: 219720 No.13184 [Reply]
Name: Jackson ??? (https://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/thread/7502787/#7503079, https://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/thread/7503154/#7503171)
Sex: M
Race: Mixed/Hapa/Asian?
Aliases (in order of use): Ralsei/Asriel/mew mew kitty/mittens/desu (is known to change names and trips sometimes, but can easily be identified)
Tripcode: !!/teV8OjOn4u
Voice: https://vocaroo.com/i/s09hqgFVhkoF (https://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/thread/7791887/#7791909)
IP: (is dynamic, most likely outdated)
IP Location and Geolocation: NY, Yonkers, U.S.A.
ISP: Optimum Online
Age: 15 (possibly outdated)
https://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/thread/7388590/#7388600 (often mentions himself being "drunk")
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNVWBsg-AhT9aVvvF5Ue1YQ (http://prntscr.com/np6za4, look in this video's comments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVGgHDlLl5I&)[Embed][Embed]

-Reddit account: /u/Charterplex (https://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/thread/7828205/#7828205)
-Discord: lole#3121 (https://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/thread/7828205/#7828205)
-FurAffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/67nobody/ (first mention: https://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/thread/7587748/#7589019)
-8chan: is the owner of a board called /baaa/ https://8ch.net/baaa/
-Has a diaper and inflation fetish
-Has a fantasy about being put in a diaper by a "mommy kangaroo"

2019-01-07 06:19:35 United States, Yonkers
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36
no referrer ool-4a5ac7ec.dyn.optonline.net Optimum Online
Source: https://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/thread/7260507/#7265355

Confirmations of his face:

A pedozoo diapershit https://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/thread/8798397/#q8800136
A pedo diapershit for humans https://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/thread/8884674/#q8886636
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>>54377 recently he has literally been exposed
IMPORTANT THREAD https://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/thread/13276032/ ADDRESS EXPOSED
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>>114619 Not my address lmao.

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Isabella Loretta Janke / @an0nym0us / @10anon / MISS. L / LANON Toad 08/08/2021 (Sun) 23:01:17 ID: 3cb928 No.113647 [Reply] [Last]
>no Isabella Loretta Janke thread <mfw Isabella Loretta Janke the ideagalpal has trolled chris-chan to the extreme and has been crowned queen of /b/. Now that her simps are being doxed let's have a little discussion and dig through her vast history of fuckery. Fwiw the idiot Fiona the other girl involved and wanted to fuck chris was used by Isabella as bait, yet since she's a dyke and fetishist Isabella aimed to cuck Chris-Chan. Her paper : https://archive.ph/jR4XV Medium article : https://archive.ph/uzEF7 twitter : https://archive.ph/YOusn

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so basically this ?
>>140882 >>140881 Fuck me for double dipping i guess
Seethe more, foxdick tranny

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Enema Flopson Anonymous 03/09/2020 (Mon) 18:56:24 ID: 497fbc No.39778 [Reply] [Last]
This may not seem like your typical lolcow, but believe me, she is. Everything started when little Emma was a kid and she was cast to be in what would become known as the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises, Harry Potter. Like most of you probably know by now, she was picked so that executives could bust some nuts ( https://archive.is/BG2zv ). However, soon enough she convinced herself she was an actual actress. Fast forward to 2011. The dullest franchise was over and no one considered her a serious actress so she knew she had to do what she could do best. Enter Harvey Weinstein, boom, HARVESTED. She lands a role in My Week with Marilyn, a movie she thought could give her a career path. And it was not due to lack of Harvey trying, he went as far as to tell the world that "now you see her as a woman", an obvious wink to his fellow producers wanting to treat themselves to somewhat fresh meat ( https://archive.is/Bl6RX ). But the only thing she got after that was a role in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, a pretentious movie so dull it rivals the least dull Harry Potter entries. Desperate, she turns to Sofia Coppola, who makes her play the bimbo in The Bling Ring. Watson is a natural at playing a dumb slut, but sadly for her it would be the first of the many times she would prove she is unable to do a convincing American accent. Judd Apahack was her next stop. This time, she played herself in This is the End, a movie where she gets paranoid about the other celebs like Seth Rogen, Dave Franco or Jonah Hill wanting to rape her. As if anyone would want to, other than pedos who saw her in the dullest franchise. bickers she still couldn't get any decent roles, she went to Darren Aronofsky to be in his headcanon version of Noah's story from the Bible. The movie was a disaster and her performance is often compared to Tommy Wiseau's The Room. Flopson is simply unable to convincingly emote, and her cries seemed like she was trying to hold back laughter. This wasn't the first time this problem was evident. There's an infamous picture from 2011 where she's with Emma Stone and it's painfully obvious she's forcing a smile. It was around this time that she started being an obnoxious feminist and decided to become the UN's mouthpiece to lecture the world on feminism. To make matters worse, Flopson's smug, out-of-touch brand of feminism has earned her the scorn of other women in a similar position in the entertainment industry who also describe themselves as feminists like Maisie Williams, who called it out as "first world feminism" and said the things Flopson speaks about "don't bother her", being aware that women in the first world aren't really treated unfairly bickers of their sex( https://archive.is/FI9ed ). Still unable to find anything worth being in, she takes a role in the latest German guilt propaganda film, Colonia. It was so terrible that when they showed it in her home country, Great Britain, it made a measly £47 ( https://archive.is/44G44 ). This movie is the one that cemented her reputation as box office poison. Colonia flopped so hard it the slamming was heard across the globe, and once again Flopson was out of a job so she went back to daddy Harvey to get another role that could enable her to try again. After some kosher loads, she was cast on Regression. It was a commercial flop that barely made its budget back and a critical flop too. But daddy Harvey takes care of his harvested roasties, and that's how she now had a chance. La La Land was in pre-production and she was cast in it alongside Ryan Gosling. This was her shot at winning an Oscar! Sadly for her, when he found out she had been casted he dropped the role and they got Miles Teller instead. She was dropped bickers she was too demanding and they realized she didn't have what the role required (talent) so they got Emma Stone ( https://archive.is/uT73Y ). Now that Stone was in the cast, Gosling came back and Teller was dropped. Much to Flopson's dismay, Emma Stone won an Oscar for her performance on it. While Stone was earning her Oscar on La La Land, Flopson was raping the legacy of Beauty and the Beast. As if butchering accents wasn't enough, now she decided she was qualified to sing. And every song she "sang" needed to be heavily autotuned, yielding a robot voice as a result. She also couldn't keep her mouth shut and kept saying things that hurt the profits. Her poison wasn't enough to overpower the nostalgia bait ( https://archive.is/RreUl ) for the box office to fail, but it was certainly enough to make toys unsellable. You can see the literal mountains of Beauty and the Beast toys in the attached video. Thousands of Belle dolls were crushed bickers they couldn't be sold. Her decision to go with the Disney flick was a blessing for Damien Chazelle, who would have earned the loathing of thousands instead of praise for La La Land, were Flopson to perform in it undubbed. It has been speculated that Beauty and the Beast could have grossed twice as much had they cast a lead who was able to hit any notes at all. Her diva approach to work basically had her blacklisted ( https://archive.is/MmpEv ) so she could only get to be in a dystopian movie with Tom Hanks and her beloved bull John Boyega. It was a commercial and critical flop. She was out of a job for two years ( https://archive.is/3pfP9 ) causing her to develop a coke addiction and finally got her fellow activist Greta to cast her ( https://archive.is/7haOz ) in her feminist adaptation of Little Women after Emma Stone dropped the role knowing the script was a dumpster fire, baiting Flopson into thinking it had potential ( https://archive.is/l5Wo6 ). In the beginning, she was billed first. Later, as Greta realized what a mistake it would be she bumped her to second place and the lead became Oscar winner Saoirse Ronan. Once again she had to play an American character and her atrocious accent ruined everything. Even the Australian actress Eliza Scanlen, the literal who from Sharp Objects upstaged her. Florence Pugh and Saoirse Ronan did as well, as expected, and got a lot of awards buzz. Emma was again struggling and her coke addiction ( https://archive.is/yG6aX ) spiraled out of control as she couldn't cope with the situation, which adds to her femcel status, or "self-partnered" as she calls it ( https://archive.is/ybWBt , vid related too) as men quickly drop her if they're foolish enough to date her for a while bickers of her being so unlikeable in person and having these delusions of being a good actress/singer that make her unbearable to have around, literally no man can stand her after a while ( https://archive.is/e00Lp ). She was conspicuously absent from the movie's press tour ( https://archive.is/gmoQs ). She nearly died from a cocaine overdose as her coworkers toured promoting the film, and ended up in rehab. The pictures speak for themselves, you don't end up like that without a serious drug addiction. I predict a lethal OD soon.
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>DESTROYED a billionaire with one sentence chyaaaa
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>>140768 >>140871 >>140965 So what did more damage? The drugs, the jew producer cocks or just being a 30+ woman?
>>140984 probably a weird hapa stalking you 24/7

Aubrey Callum/Kirtaner Toad 11/08/2020 (Sun) 05:47:04 ID: 566d12 No.89881 [Reply]
The self described creator of the infamous decentralized hacker group named anonymous, made an ama on reddit of all places, to feed his drug fueled ego bickers his own website would not glean his cock. His wife is also barren, unable to produce children, which causes him to throw down the banhammer whenever its mentioned. He also has a page on ed but since he's willing to draw attention to himself, it's foolish he would start up a new /i/ board
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>>89910 No shit
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>>138379 Feels Guy, also known as Wojak, is an MS Paint illustration of a bald man with a sad expression on his face. It is often used as a reaction image to represent feelings such as melancholy, regret or loneliness. The exact origin of the Wojak illustration is unknown. On December 16th, 2009, the earliest known I Wish I Was at Home MS Paint comic was submitted to the internet humor site Sad and Useless,[9] which features the Wojak character standing in a corner at a party (shown below). According to "ask me anything" (AMA) thread on Reddit[1] by a user claiming to be Krautchan user Wojak, the bald man illustration was originally discovered on the imageboard Vichan with the filename "twarz.jpg." The image was subsequently popularized as a reaction image after Wojak submitted it to the German language image board Krautchan, with the earliest archived post appearing on April 26th, 2010 (shown below). Soon after, the picture became known as “Wojak’s face” and “ciepła twarz” (“warm face”). The image spread to other international image boards, including the Italian Pastachan[3] and the Russian Dobrochan. On February 2nd, 2012, Redditor Voyack submitted an AMA to the /r/datfeel[2] subreddit, claiming to be Wojack from Krautchan. On October 3rd, 2013, the news site Bustle[6] published an article about the origins of the Feels Guy. On November 19th, a Facebook[8] page titled "Feels Guy" was launched, which gained over 6,400 likes in the next two years. On May 22nd, YouTuber ReluctantMisc uploaded an animated video of Wojak titled "A day in the life of 'that feel when' guy" (shown below). On April 2nd, 2014, a page for "Feels Guy" was created on the Internet culture wiki Encyclopedia Dramatica.[5] On March 14th, 2015, the /r/Wojak[7] subreddit was launched for photoshopped variations of the Feels Guy image. “I Know That Feel Bro” (also known as “to uczucie” or “to uczócie”) is an Internet slang expression used to convey empathy towards or agree with someone else’s feeling or opinion. The expression, which roughly means “I feel you, bro,” is typically accompanied by a image of two Wojak embracing each other expressionlessly. I Wish I Was At Home (Playing Videogames) is an exploitable comic series featuring Wojak in which the subject is depicted as anxious and uncomfortable at parties and other social situations.

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my jewish mother
>>89881 He ran /i/ before /cwc/ existed. He's a goofy weirdo who goatse'd live on camera nearly 20 years ago and he's absolutely in on the joke.

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