/cow/ - Lolcows

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Unbelievable .... Look at this piece of shit 09/17/2021 (Fri) 04:59:47 ID: 9ef758 No.119640 [Reply] [Last]
Dude look at this fucking fagget still crying about being a narc. You know 2B 723 George St North is where he is running gayops from ... This fucking liar is teaming up with Cecil and Tea Clips. Surfer nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! lol the Jew crying out as he strikes you! What's next- Гунт Guarding??
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>>255062 You should go back to cuckchan /co/ where you belong, Jewzach.
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Gaycel Nuzach aka the spic incel from zzzchan and tvch really fucking hates Surfer and Robi, even tho he tried really hard to suck off their dicks to "own" his alogs.
>>255524 You're a retard but the screenshot is funny.
>>255623 You're not funny, just bitter and pathetic, Nuzach. Seeing you embrace the term "buddy" so grudgingly after seething about it just further demonstrates how small you are.
>>255884 As expected, previsible butthurt subhuman posted a nuzach reaction pic this time around. I told this to the dudes on telegram.

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Nuzach / Pedochu / Niggerchu / Eric Unironic Ralphamale 09/02/2022 (Fri) 01:02:27 ID: 32497c No.170550 [Reply] [Last]
Nuzach once enjoyed the prime-time bloodsports even before jcaesar187's downfall at the hands of the Гунт with by far the most stupid reasons to lose one's mind for; a good deal of 8ch veterans kept enjoying his seething about alogs until this day. But not nuzach, he was too much of a trailer trash white G​AMERGATE himself to laugh at a lolcow proper and enjoy the show. But most importantly, he was a ni/gg/er at heart. He didn't luck out with the /cow/ userbase that repeatedly mocked his inclinations to waste time playing cuckeogooms and to want to fuck children. Neither did he luck out with the administration, and his buddy John was ousted and the ni/gg/er-infested cancer known as /v/ removed from my jewish mother. As a result of my jewish mother cracking down on pedos, he lost 90% of his remaining sanity. To get told to "go and make your own site if you want to jack it to children" was the straw that broke this buck's back. As a result all his pedo buddies, those parasitic cliques that had already lost 60% of their numbers when TheGatorGamer got rid of /hebe/ and other boards, were left without a host again. Some went to KC, others were scattered in the wind forever. Enter zzzchan, a pretty rulecucked site existing pretty much solely for the ni/gg/er pedos to play smash and jerk off to kids, where the mere suggestion that loli is pedophilic earns the poster a ban. Even the few boards that wanted none of that were eventually infested. Nuzach now spends his days seething on zzzchan about the alogs and tvch, sometimes going to those sites to seethe at the moderation and screech at "/cow/kikes" and Anita. Nuzach is definitely the main individual lolcow of the webring, the juciest one among the collective lolcow that the ni/gg/ers from zzzchan are. Banned from every board that isn't ran by pedos, he says the "/cow/kike moderation" and "feminists" are at fault for him getting banned from every place he goes to. No, it couldn't be the precious Eric, he's too good to be fairly banned.
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>>256981 >>256999 >>257042 >>257047 >>257069 >>257070 lmao jewzach is seething hard as fuck, poor browncel
After seething so much about Wrist and nuzach, Jewzach is imploring them to help him against the anons posting mexicamutt memes. https://archive.ph/z9SgB#151959 https://archive.ph/BHg5t
>>257084 You guys should stop bullying him, he is posting lolicon and blacked and saying "life sucks! life is bad!" he will end up killing himself, so please stop bullying Jewzach!!!
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Nuzach continues with his weird obsession with nuzach and his pride (cope) about being an unirocally incel. As others have said, it's easy to make Nuzach chimp out when some anon talks about relationships IRL. >>257224 >>257236 >>257239 Dude, you have no right to complain about having posts deleted or being banned, both the mods here and at tvch tolerate your sperg and bitter behavior most of the time.
>>257150 he is having epic meltdowns in his new thread, pure kino

DJ Axle / Phantom Organization / Jester69 / Aksel Birger Enstad JDANKS420 09/29/2021 (Wed) 06:12:11 ID: 46f067 No.121078 [Reply] [Last]
PO is a furry fagget incel NEET tug-boat-having kid-touching attention whore with a race-mixing sister. He came to prominence by stream-sniping the Гунт but is too lazy to even do that for very long. He just begs for schekels on his shitty furry cringe stream that no one watches and posts furry porn in his server where his last few friends are. Now he is chimping out on discord and no one can figure out exactly why. Seems to be some sort of autistic meltdown. Racemixing julay truck sister: Hanne Engstad https://archive.md/8HJfU https://mobile.twitter.com/HEngstad https://archive.is/2nbBZ DOX Aksel Birger Engstad 99 35 29 03 Engasvegen 320, 7900 R0RVIK
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>>254030 He doesn't have a soyface
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>He doesn't have a soyface
>>254809 Prove he has a soyface you cant faggot
>>254913 You are the discount Bryan Dunn, Ghost
>>254809 damn, spicofniccolo gained some muscle mass and finally tanned a little bit? oh, nevermind, that is a soyjak, lol

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Toad 09/11/2020 (Fri) 15:51:43 ID: d6d488 No.81929 [Reply]
Happy anniversary /cow/, You aren't what you used to be. Now it's just a bunch of faggots in the IBM thread waddling around like zombies. feels bad man
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>2024 >check the place out again >it's still the same gay G​AMERGATE shithole it was since the ass end of 8chan's living days >it's still focused on faggy moralizers mojcaesar187agging over random faggots online instead of laughing at retarded people >threads about actual lolcows are even sitting in the catalog, locked, while the board is still DID YOU HEAR INTERNET CELEBRITY DRAMA GUY DID X?!?!?!? THAT'S HECKIN PROBLEMATIC I BET HE'S A PEDO!!!!!! Guess the writing was on the wall as far back as when a mod trollshielded secrios when people were having a giggle at his mlp fat fetish and his funny old internet videos.
>>254879 Ok nuzach bitch some more about the moderation >we are listening
>bloodsports teen instantly finds 4 year old thread and jumps in to defend the absolute STATE of the place
>>254879 >threads about actual lolcows are even sitting in the catalog, locked You're not getting your ogre thread back Nuzach.

Ashton Parks, the obese Mister Metokur fanboy and Christian larper Anonymous 05/29/2020 (Fri) 03:04:24 No.58308 [Reply] [Last]
Ashton Parks is an obese canadian who first tried to gain online fame as a conservative zoomer, after failing to get attention that way he tried to focus on internet drama and get attention by attacking low hang fruits like jcaesar187 on Stream.me and then on Youtube on his channel PeoplesPopularPress. Being an obese hypocrite and ironybro he show up his own butthole on a live stream to trying to get more attention of jcaesar187 and his haters. Since then he is trying to use /cow/ culture and people invested on all this drama to get views and constantly brag about his numbers and having fans who love him for being an obese tard with a High vocabulary. Oddly enough, he never miss an opportunity to hold attention and make friends with other e-celebs, including extreme left wing figures like Kraut n Tea and not whites scammers like Coach Red Pill and Josh Moon, [all threed are jews], which seems strange from a right-wing white nationalist.
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>>246040 names? was it wrist the homeless crossdresser bbc lover? who?
>>246044 yeah the drunk wrist guy, that was on a stream a couple months back on gayholes channel, said he was going to kill him and was talking about doing meth as well
TheTheGatorGamerGamer won nice thread, very embarrassing!
>>246002 >>246009 >>246040 >>246044 >>246049 >>249335 Sup Nuzach, ¿que pasa? goblenzito, still seething about Wrist and the Guntstream for 4 years straight HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>>254049 sHe will accuse you of being sneedious, esoanon or the weasel or any other person who b t fo'd him

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Ian Randolph Foote / IanFooteBased Unironic Ralphamale 08/04/2024 (Sun) 02:29:01 ID: 3ad818 No.254397 [Reply]
Ian Randolph Foote is a 50-year-old something Nova Scotian Canadian who spends his day making YouTube videos ranting about ranging from his past personal life, feminism, tranny, jews, patriarchy, etc. Ian claimed to have worked in the IT industry for 20 years but lost it all after a long court battle regarding his daughter's custody with his gook baby mama, Selena. Estranged from his family, Ian now lives alone in some bumfuck apartment ranting to the internet about his tribulations. contact@ianfoote.com https://www.quora.com/profile/Ian-Foote https://www.youtube.com/@IanFooteBased https://www.facebook.com/people/Ian-Foote/pfbid0p7B7L42BFe3rF4QVeDa3cwck2jAej5whQcXY52kAwy1qoiPz8dMGDLCHG7gb4cYCl/ https://www.ianfoote.com/
My favorite videos from Ian and why I think he's a lolcow.
>>254397 >>254398 I honestly think retards like this are created in a test tub by ZOG to delegitimize any criticism of ZOG.
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>>254397 >>254398 >my daughter had a battle of wills with me and she won >hurt my daughter as much as you want >rape her and kill her and bury her body in a forest
>>254397 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wzMrzRZf0I https://preservetube.com/watch?v=5wzMrzRZf0I Pretty good lore video on his ex-wife Sharon, his gook brown baby mama she's brown, i was misremembering it, and his daughter.

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Nastassia Ponomarenko Anonymous 10/06/2019 (Sun) 09:06:57 ID: 656597 No.10914 [Reply] [Last]
YouTuber Exposes Nastassia Ponomarenko sextape and gets harassed by fans!

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<Lady Bonor Goooo-ooone
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Hey, Jannie. I know you are from tvch. I know Robi abandoned the site. I'll find you.
>>242893 lol nuzach mad af

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David Lance David Lance 07/27/2024 (Sat) 12:04:47 ID: f201a1 No.254034 [Reply]
-David Lance- --confirmed sweaty gamer child groomer who playser games like roblox and afk arena to prey on children. --He likes to prey on children in games like, AFK arena, Roblox, League of legends, and minecraft. --his info below VV home town Ukiah, California +1 707-380-9540 https://www.facebook.com/simon.love.1297?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v https://www.youtube.com/@coloneldusty3238 sagitkin@hotmail.com

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Jessi Slaughter-Chandler.
>>81091 i'd ship them too
>>81091 >>98379 They could be memed to become a couple of course in fact, she would talk and be friendly with Chris without any doubt
>>62058 the last time i saw her online was back then, she was looking even fattier and hanging out with some lesbians
What went wrong?

Veeh thread Unironic Ralphamale 03/06/2023 (Mon) 00:42:22 ID: c921ec No.194762 [Reply] [Last]
For the old times, /cow/, Vee keeps acting like a sperg and getting the worst audience. In this stream he acted like years ago, sperg out with his own site and revealed more about his own person than he should have. https://youtu.be/b7erBkBgTmc
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>>224039 Fucking coping pedo piece of shit.
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Vee keeps acting as lolcow, but nobody cares anymore.
Vee is actually grooming people to become trans https://boards.4chan.org/v/thread/681517884#p681526010
is vee still married to the prostitute?

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