/cow/ - Lolcows

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Pamperchu thread Anonymous 04/30/2020 (Thu) 15:03:08 ID: f52e8b No.46595 [Reply]
This thread is dedicated to our favorite meth induced schizophrenic ABDL that CRAVES CHILDREN not to mention his friend rebel foxy who is as bad if not worse WHO LITERALLY UPLOADS VIDEOS OF HIMSELF SHITTING IN HIS DIAPERS ON YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyI8Xp1Nr6BYWc7VIeQrgGw https://www.youtube.com/user/averybabbitt2010/videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uqfp5Kz-Hhg
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>>47091 Does he still have a $150k electrical engineering job?
His YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyI8Xp1Nr6BYWc7VIeQrgGw He’s still fairly active.
Tour of his parents home: https://youtu.be/Tg3GSEC5nPM
>>47174 No i am sure he is unemployed now.
>>46595 Honestly, diapers are good.

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Anonymous 04/30/2020 (Thu) 00:48:13 ID: 1ab90b No.46499 [Reply]
What is /cow/ planning to do now that it has been announced julay will be heavily cutting down on boards for the re-launch? Have we already made a bunker to move to if we are not one of the chosen to stay?
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>>47059 >the fact that /cow/ is not one of the largest boards in it's bunker is bickers most /cow/boys don't care about retarded IBS drama, which is all this board is these days. Blame whoever let them stay, long before 8chan shutdown /cow/ isn't a draw factor anymore, people who don't care about the board will flee to other alternatives before 85 days are gone
>>47060 >people who don't care about the board will flee to other alternatives before 85 days are gone
>>46499 >Imagine asking if the board that started the site will stay Goddamn alog newfags
>>47060 >one thread is the "whole board" The good old ni/gg/er rhetoric
use the new julay

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alternative to archive.is Anonymous 04/20/2020 (Mon) 16:23:05 ID: 708942 No.44888 [Reply]
This seems fairly legit and stable: https://xspherenet.net/ Hope you might find it interesting, anon.
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>>45779 You can't stand out by using a "normal" addon but you can stand out by the addon itself demasking you through http, calling home etc collecting data. Many addons are actually compromised nowadays on the privacy and user standpoint, so understand why they say It's strongly discouraged, well at least i assume for non native systems that can't or do not utilize tor system wide. >>45793 LOL
But web.archive.org does work on tor. Why didn't you use it?
>>44888 >>45775 >>45776 Did you seriously shill your newest IP scraper two days AFTER leaking users IP's bickers they were mean to you?
>>46507 Date of leak is in the pic retard. 2 days before >>45775

Mark Mann Thread Anonymous 10/18/2019 (Fri) 22:49:59 ID: ebaa36 No.13209 [Reply] [Last]
Let's take a moment to appreciate of favorite CakeJew, and just bask in his shell of a life.
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>>45039 Mark Mann - #2 >>45039 Mark Mann - #2 >>45039 Mark Mann - #2
>all those tryharders crying about Wojak memes Wojack memes are nectar!
>>13209 Like the title says. I set up a video game club in my school and Super Smash Bros. in particular really helped foster a healthy gaming community. [You can read about it here](https://www.geektherapytraining.com/geek-therapy-blog/building-a-community-with-super-smash-bros).
>>36143 Wrong.

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Cuckwheels Anonymous 10/10/2019 (Thu) 23:25:44 No.11890 [Reply] [Last]
Okay, this is getting ridiculous.
Fredo has gone full lolcow.
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>>22392 where is the proof of Jim selling user data to the "feds?"
>>42577 they still haven't released the transcript of their meeting with congress
>>42577 >he doesn't know about SUNSHINE and the long history of Jim selling nip user data Imagine being this new >>42580 Also this
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CoomGte / Shillgate A nice way to start off 2020 Anonymous 01/09/2020 (Thu) 01:05:48 ID: b30b4a No.26320 [Reply] [Last]
Thread about shills from the official coomer server /troomer/ wayne lambright server, and their reach across the chans, and they're shilling operations. connected with multiple glows, confirmed israeli military presence and other shill ops across the chans `More research is needed`
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>>30413 >t.Discord spic
>>30408 >implying the people in the pic aren't people who jumped on the coomer bandwagon rather than start it
>>26813 >the coomer meme is unironically one of the best to come out of 2019 Nah.
If you wanna create drama and internet wars, get off discord, go play some free MMO. >>26655 youtu.be is google's own link shortner, idiot. >>26813 OP sure is a butthurt skitz. I hope you're not defending any feels guy copycats. The fact that Robi uses one on his GitLab makes me suspicious of him. >>26835 They've already killed themselves, spend your time elsewhere. Maybe prevent kids from ending up like this. >>27244 >enjoy oomer >not discord tranny mark-tier hand-waving
>>26813 >Even tho it's yet another wojak, it's good at triggering people, and it has some truth to it In more honest words, you're willing to put up with the most stale, unoriginal, and insufferable trends as long as they tickle your ideological fancies, and you use "lololololol u mad" as a way to cope with everyone around you being disgusted by your shit taste and calling you a tard.

Trolling virgins and losers e-begging Anonymous 11/29/2019 (Fri) 13:51:08 ID: 74a275 No.20557 [Reply]
It's that time of year again! Cuckchan's /r9k/ have threads up begging each other to buy them anime trinkets and dragon dildos. Last year some /cow/boys destroyed it by "grinching" lists.

>How to grinch
>Go to wishlist
>Select "purchased this item else where" under each item
>Click okay to each one

This year they made a google document with all the links for easy grinching!


Remember to post your virgin with rage tears.
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>4th pic
Any one want to stir the shit? Some anon there is claiming he's grinching lists but buying one item. It's got them on edge and you can shit post them into a tantrum.
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Is this one of you running a scam?
>trolling virgins
That's what I, Zach do all the time by merely asserting my dominance and the fact that Watson has been a film star for 2 decades and has 100 million in the bank.
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>>20557 trannies dont deserve life. thankfully they suicide

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Sarah Jacobson/ therobotspa/ truemoodproductions Anonymous 12/26/2019 (Thu) 00:54:11 ID: 8f4fc7 No.24549 [Reply]
Sarah is a 22 year old, NEET in the barest sense of the word, nonbinary "youtuber". She makes vlogs that are rip offs of other equally shit youtubers, like shane dawson and jenna marbles, and calls them original. She feels the need to grab a fucking camera when leaving the house, bickers that's the most action packed part of her week. She brings toys that literally nobody remembers out with her in public, just begging for that sweet attention. While already wasting precious cyberjulay with her low effort videos, she makes a comic featuring a gay, underage, interracial relationship called Secrets At Blackpoint. Any comment that isn't patting her ass or sucking her dick is considered "toxic" to her fanbase, and she goes on to REEEEEEE about it on her echo chamber of a twitter. Apparently, blocking all the haters is an accomplishment to her, and her merry band of spergs of a community. Then again, when one is as massive of a vagina as her, things like this matter. Any negative comments are attacked by her army of equally retarded and incompetent 12 year old fans. When you close yourself off in a bubble, with nothing but trash youtube, and kids as interaction, she has no understanding as to how the real world works, so imaginary internet points are important to her. She tries her hardest to stay relevant by hopping along with now dead trends, such as 80's, vaporwave, lo-fi, and kidcore. bickers mommy and daddy stopped giving her handouts, she also spends a great portion of her time e-begging over paypal and patreon. She now lives in a 10x12 room with her dad, and her brainless mongrel of a rabbit. Wowee, look at how successful her job has gotten her. Living the dream, am I right? Point is, I think we have a potential fat heifer ready for julaying. At this point in time, she is being harassed by a teenager on her webcomic, and without any moderation abilities (shitty website is shit), completely loses her cool online. It's pretty funny. fujoshi's wet dream of a comic https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/secrets-at-blackpoint/list?title_no=178572 <-- this one is especially fun to fuck with, bickers you can make a burner account with 10 minute email, and wreak havoc. https://tapas.io/series/Secrets-at-Blackpoint youtube https://youtube.com/channel/UCZDZIusEK0zghLUGPuODDTA e begging accounts

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Did she refuse to send you feet pics or somthin?
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she's wiccan now. Careful fellas, she might put a hex on us >>30931 hah no, but you'd think feet pics would be more profitable than youtube
>>24551 My man, how does this character look “underage”? >That is the oldest trick in the book, saying an underage character is 18 just to get people off of their ass. shut up
>>36436 >she's wiccan now. Careful fellas, she might put a hex on us OH SHI— That looks like a sigil next to the book there.
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>>36436 >>38985 Update. She found trash on the ground, and decided that it's got baaaaaaaad vibes maaaaan

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Anonymous 02/23/2020 (Sun) 23:23:22 ID: 13aac3 No.35628 [Reply]
Patrick S. Tomlinson @stealthygeek
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There is a second thread, and yet there is still no funny. Where's the funny?
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>>35632 >but don't shoot people <don't fucking test me RISE, SIEGE PATRICK
>>39177 >can't dodge filters Fuck off nerd.
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>>39178 >dodging filters NIGGERFAGGOT

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chen2 Anonymous 10/24/2019 (Thu) 02:19:42 ID: c56dba No.14378 [Reply]
chen2 is a live posting image board made up of users who think magic is real and have an obsession with transexual escorts. They spend all day chatting to each other like a chat room and ban any one they disagree with.
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Probably a desperate attempt to flee the spam.
That russian board is locked right now anyway.
They had the Russian bunker before and threw a shit fit when one of them leaked it.

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