/cow/ - Lolcows

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Toad 01/23/2022 (Sun) 18:38:28 ID: 78f831 No.131631 [Reply]
Pedocord leaks from fat clips discord server where they have fox dick tranny jannies planning gay ops
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>>132019 first I know little about ghgool, Second I noe noting about "Basedloli"
Not even a screenshot of their userID's? Just shameful!
>>132598 This, OP is faggot, >we're not asking for a perfect service, a dossier, but at least get some ID's and more than just two phone screenshots.
>>132598 >>132608 what would discord IDs even prove? the foxdicks trannies claim to never use discord when everyone knows it's not true.
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>>132626 even if one tranny janny truly does not use pedocord, the live chat that jewsh's forum has is the exact same thing. It even has a clique.

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Jewroyuki Nichimura Anonymous 02/09/2020 (Sun) 03:34:05 ID: 1bc39c No.31304 [Reply]
HIRO IS A RABID FEMINIST NO REFUNDS, M00TYKINS 4CUCKS ETERNALLY B T F O >https://www.huffingtonpost.jp/entry/story_jp_5e3cb7f5c5b6b70886fd0627 Translation below, tl;dr a few new details on the completely trustworthy 'man' heading the 4um.
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>>58635 Based.
>>31304 god these kinds of chinese people need to lose their dicks and just die.
>>31386 >a fucking roastie feminist from twitter finding this fucking image board HOW THE FUCK DID YOU EVEN GET HERE!?
>>60842 cope

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Koi, the dumbest pedo on the planet Anonymous 06/10/2020 (Wed) 06:39:05 ID: ea7eda No.61530 [Reply]
Okay, let's start off by leaking koi's system info. >OS: Windows 10. >IRC client: Hexchat >VPN of choice: Oh, wait, he's a NEET poorfag pedo, so, uh, VPNGate. Now, it's IRC log time! >Dolphin steals channel Jun 10 09:40:47 * Now talking on #2hu8ch Jun 10 09:40:47 * Topic for #2hu8ch is: current shitpost #4: https://8ch.net/vg/res/34430.html | Thread Template FIVE: https://paste.wishful.cc/?id=48 | where are the video games Jun 10 09:40:47 * Topic for #2hu8ch set by houston!~houston@mission.control (Wed Sep 11 21:19:45 2019) Jun 10 09:40:53 * Peorth gives channel operator status to DolphinKun Jun 10 09:40:55 * Peorth (Rind@dorm.clocktower.ac.uk) has left Jun 10 09:40:55 <DolphinKun> thanks Jun 10 09:41:02 * ChanServ sets mode +z on #2hu8ch

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Friendly remember, Koi and his goons love this grifter The dude is literally S​ARGON tier and always his videos are defending lolis/pedos or seething about "muh sjws" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4ST4HC533I
>>129802 As a matter of fact, Koi used to be on his patreon list, no sure if the neet failed streamer is sitll donating money to the channel.
>>128837 >waited a year for a comeback Seeth harder, pedo kek
https://tvch.moe/tv/res/246182.html#246461 Koipedo and his minions seem unable to wait a few hours to dogpile any anon that attacked them, they need to do it fast, just like a newfag samefagging. lol
https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/84872.html#85460 It's amazing that this has been going on for months now, it's always the same pattern of autism, weak banter and total impatience.

ILLUMINATI CHEESE BABE OPERATIVES Detected. Mac N' Cheese. 05/26/2021 (Wed) 02:24:33 ID: 8d9c7c No.103725 [Reply] [Last]
https://www.instagram.com/iamjojo/ https://www.instagram.com/jennettemccurdy/ https://www.instagram.com/billieeilish/ https://www.instagram.com/savmontano/ https://www.instagram.com/shailenewoodley/ https://www.instagram.com/nastassiaponomarenko/ https://www.instagram.com/avalouiise/ https://www.instagram.com/nataliebideen/ https://www.instagram.com/nessabarrett/ There are probably more Illuminati Cheese Babe Operatives. Once they are done being successful Illuminati Ritual Babeys they just watch Netflix, and watch Instagram and TikTok... They are Vegan or/not, but I don't care. The reason they are being vulgarly exposed is bickers they are a Dawn Government, and they are a bunch of Lactating Dawn Babeys or Hormonal Mothers. Their goal is to have you fall in love with their Breath, Their Smell, Their Pussy, Their Ass, and it all smells like a Cheese Pizza or a G.M.O McDonalds Burger.
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Indeed. >>127221
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We out on the street, Cutting It Up, while you make fun of disabled and troubled people. Seriously LOLCOWS? >Man the Fuck Up, Start Street Racing.

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Chris Chan Thread:JULAY.WORLD EDITION Anonymous 10/02/2019 (Wed) 00:22:57 ID: 9e34de No.10276 [Reply]
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>>19024 Probably
>>19024 Judging by Chris' sexual deviancy over the years I want to say yes, probably. However hes always been stupid enough to leak that kind of private embarrassing information so who can say for sure?
Chris Chan made a break for it today
>>19024 This post aged well.

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New lolcow found on cuckchan's /k/ aka Schizo-kun Toad 11/05/2021 (Fri) 03:26:08 No.123836 [Reply]
Sups faggots, I found a potential lolcow that's ready for julaying whilst dicking around on 4/k/uck. This faggot's meltdowns are lulzy as fuck and there's even a fucking archive of this sperg's emotional meltdowns of epic proportions going back to 2020, each time he's reminded of his urine soaked sheets. From death threats to spamming gore to even repeating the same lines like a broken record, this G​AMERGATE's autism is beautiful and should be known to the rest of the internet. He is also a self-admitted newfag and says he is 22 years old. Our mentally ill edgepilled friend seems to enjoy living in absolute filth and has a weird obsession with troons and faggots, but doesn't like being reminded of it. He's also a stimmy collecting chimp. >https://desuarchive.org/k/search/subject/Poorfag%20General/ You can also find him sperging out in /gq/ and /arq/, inquire in the archive for more lulz. How to summon him >use one of the attached images and use it as the OP pic when you make a thread, be sure to put in "Poorfag General" as the topic. >he will proceed to call you a tranny, etc and spam gore/death threats. >buckle thy fuckles for lulz shall commence Common Names >Pissy Pablo >Bed Wetting Willy >Pisser Parker >Alex Aspergers >Petey Piss Sheets >Yuri the Urinator >William the Wizzer

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Can someone bait him again?
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Kek this guy's great. Danke schön OP, today you weren't a fag.
Let's see if he comes to us.
this guy seems pretty based
>>126850 >having cartoonish outbursts over banter >based shiggy diggy

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Grifter Kid Nick Lim - 8KUN System Architect: ROFL Edition Anonymous 10/24/2019 (Thu) 05:23:57 No.14397 [Reply] [Last]
Keep this playing in the background it's the thread theme. It's like watching a man drown for nearly 2hrs, start at ~9:00: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LreffN2srV0

Keep in mind at all time that this is the guy building 8KUN and "Project Odin v9000" with Ron. Jim and Ron Watkins have solicited the services of a small Asian boy named Nick Lim. He has a loooong history of being a grifter selling services like DDoS mitigation while also selling DDoS attacks at the same time. There are entire threads devoted to trolling him on hackforms.net but they've been scrubbed. Luckily we've still got the best stuff.

Q: When will ChadWheels stop winning g-guys? https://twitter.com/HW_BEAT_THAT/status/1187217275843006465

Best explainer: http://archive.is/wAzAw

POST HISTORY on HF: https://hackforums.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=2211567 - https://hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=5807098

REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/EtherMining/comments/8ar9by/why_do_we_have_to_discuss_whether_or_not_to_keep/dx0ygy8?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x

Imagine trusting this oblivious little boy to case out your network and keep it safe. O_o

IG: https://www.instagram.com/nickthelim/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC73cKA0l613nqAyX_3ST8QQ
LK: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nick-lim-96564a91/
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>>119307 >>125979 Samefag more.
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He uses Discord as "Lao" Here he asks 8k/month for DDOS mitigation for a small blog, and demands his 5k payment or else he will delete all the files immediately
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Customer says Nick didn't provide an option on the site to cancel auto-renew Tells Nick he shouldn't force auto-renews on people, get insulted
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Nick Lim commits financial fraud on customers For example, by not canceling plans.
Besides his illegal scamming, his "innovations" are mostly (or maybe even entirely reselling. He markets a leak search tool as innovation, then doesn't provide attribution to the guy who actually made it until he gets asked in public. https://twitter.com/troyhunt/status/1446610022176231428

chris chan thread Toad 06/30/2021 (Wed) 00:04:58 ID: 7ddbe7 No.107824 [Reply] [Last]
this is a chris chan thread
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>>113489 I'm kinda hoping he'll try to join all of them by pretending to be different sonichus.
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does anyone know how can I get into foxdickfarms? I would really like to be part of foxdickfarms maybe somebody can help
>>114758 Be a tranny eceleb or soyboy skinny fat paypiggie
this fat G​AMERGATE broke out lol

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Toad 09/16/2020 (Wed) 23:47:04 No.83381 [Reply]
>plenty of crossposting with /leftypol/ >full of feds >well know for having zoomer gays doing discord biblical studies and believing that they are better than other gays only bickers they read a kike fairy tales book >mods are involved with pedo allegations for years >constantly raid /pol/ and any other political boards to push their narrative and stories
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>>85001 >I don't even know about the /christian board so opinion discarded
>>83381 i'm honestly sick of christcucks, they never provide any actual argument other than the bible and some christians said jews were evil (on a religious basis mind you) and otherwise just resort to adhom. It doesn't even make since for europeans to continue a tradition of a foreign religion, when with paganism it's europe's own tradition
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>>85001 Literally Muttie tier post, fuck off from the cyclical and the board as whole.
Majority of tvch "catholics" are groypers shitskin or /christian/ faggots from back 8chan days and they always used to be friends with some retards from /leftpol/ tunkers for some reason
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Please join together in prayer. We must pray to GOD. Toad 11/08/2020 (Sun) 15:34:24 ID: 9c3126 No.89913 [Reply]
Psalm 91 >1Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.a >2I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” >3Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. >4He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. >5You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, >6nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. >7A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. >8You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. >9If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, >10no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. >11For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; >12they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. >13You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. >14“bickers heb loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. >15He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. >16With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

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>>124779 Eat my Shit. S​ARGON
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>>124779 no lies detected
>>124817 What a handsome Méin Fürher, Mein KÉK

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