/cow/ - Lolcows

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JPMorgan Internal Security Information TheAmazingKyleRobbins 08/27/2023 (Sun) 02:53:58 No.221594 [Reply]
Hi, My name is Kyle Robbins. I'm the Sr. SRE manager of GTI (Global Technology Infrastructure)/CNS (Compute, Network, Storage) at JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPMC). My JPMC SID is V677983. I report directly to GTI ESX Operations Sr. Manager of the Americas, Kenneth L. Falor (SID F671000). A detailed description about JPMC's internal security protocols can be read here: https://rentry.co/wadu81 A detailed description about JPMC's W.A.D.U. employee monitoring system can be read here: https://rentry.co/wadu80 I wanted to let everyone know that I stand in solidarity with Kenneth L. Falor. The things that we have been asked to do by JPMC upper management with regards to eliminating unwanted employees is not right...and that's putting it lightly. I can no longer continue to do the things I have been pressured to do. List of VMware employees currently compromised by the JPMC's phone spyware and are effectively being blackmailed: - Dixon Ly - Nimish Desai - Steven Tumolo - Vlad Lalovic - Chirag Patel - Trey Tyler

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Nigger employees
>>221594 Godspeed OP.
This is very interesting and in no way does it belong on /cow/.

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Discord Tranny Chijo' Suicide Attempt Anonymous 12/21/2019 (Sat) 11:46:17 ID: f39110 No.24062 [Reply] [Last]
I'm looking for, infamous discord tranny, Chijo' suicide attempt webms. I lost all my files recently and the 8chan thread with the webms with sound got fucked (along with the site). Can anyone post them if they have them and or redirect me to a thread that has them? Apologies for killing a thread, but this place is my last hope to find those webms.
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>>39291 You don't have to come here. There's a lot of people on other websites that will just like you for being trans. Just make new accounts and pretend this never happened. Don't do this to yourself. Don't give up, I wish you well.
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Why do they come here?
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>>159738 Anyone?
is this really the same person who did the animepussypod with djoats?
>This retard and Reiko were the prelude to goonclown fiasco Deepest Lore

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Neslon The Map Activist Toad 08/14/2021 (Sat) 20:26:07 ID: a8ee28 No.114724 [Reply]
I was watching a video that was talking about this website called freespeechtube, I went on the site myself and discovered this guy named Neslon who supports the map community and how he thinks being a pedo should be normal and shit I found this video of him showing a flag he made for the map community off which is really fucking cancer https://www.freespeechtube.org/v/15qF Here's another of him talking about how dildos should be smaller https://www.freespeechtube.org/v/13tj group of weirdos protesting https://www.freespeechtube.org/v/15rl him talking about nudism

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dup the bi
"freespeechtube" is back apparently: fstube.net
His physiognomy reminds me of a cross between Mark Mann(pedo) and Cole Lamberson(pedo).

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The story of a dolphin poster Anonymous 12/08/2019 (Sun) 07:45:16 ID: 2b4f09 No.22314 [Reply] [Last]
He originally posted on cafe/r9k/ and then has been spamming every fucking board in existence. I hope he gets banned, but he continues to evade IP bans.

I've attached one of his cancerous files.
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>>165682 I should add on and basically point out the claim is basically like posting a link to zzzchan's /b/ or mark/v/ and claiming anon is a pedo for linking the boare, since both boards have plenty of cp being posted all the time by their pedo residents.
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God damnit Dolphin
(You) still make /tv/troons seethe, godspeed dolphin.

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Kuz / KolymaNET / Soyjak.party / Vidlii / Heyuri.net Unironic Ralphamale 08/24/2022 (Wed) 02:38:42 ID: 448cef No.168499 [Reply]
Kuz is a plague within the imageboard community. People see him as an imageboard monopolizer due to the sheer amount of imageboards he owns (along with Vidlii for some reason). Much of the information surrounding him is heavily disputed, claiming to have ran a site called 9channel around 2005, but with little evidence to back it up. He was also the admin of the cancer known as "soyjak.party", a place worthy of its own ridicule, and another site called Heyuri.net. The latter he took from its original owner after months of conflict. He's become involved in the baby monkey hate rabbit hole with Vidlii.com, another fucking site he owns, after it was found that he was hosting that cocks. Have a look for yourselves: More about him: https://wiki.bibanon.org/Yuri_Kuznetsov_(kuz) Kuz approved life story: https://kuz.neocities.org/kuz.html https://soyjak.wiki/Kuz More links: https://8kun.top/soyjak/res/96.html

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>>168951 Thank you for the info anon, he has been mentioned here before but didn't know bibanon had a page on him.
&lock_kill.op >>Fed Systems Activated
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>>168500 About the photos... few people know about this. https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/50234771/#50280374
kuzzy will always be a gem

Lolcows Who Disappeared Anonymous 12/30/2019 (Mon) 23:14:56 ID: 7b929a No.25118 [Reply]
Who are some lolcows that used to be quite prolific but then vanished without a trace? Kat Haché, aka Kevin: http://archive.is/2msVN For those unaware: >incredible smug, narcissistic tranny whose Tweets cumulatively outwrote the Bible in length. >had a penchant for documenting every negative comment said about him >got super pissed when someone outed his former identity as Kevin >caused the old /cow/ on 888chan to abruptly shutdown >kept tweeting indefinitely >suddenly shuts down Twitter account >deletes entire web presence >detransitions and starts identifying as male The last record of Kat's existence was from an now-deleted Instagram account with pictures of him detransitioning.
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>>114412 Isn't that the AznTiger from reddit?
>>211852 >tvtranny
>>211975 Says the mexicanjewhapa that spams black cocks and cp to "own" his alogs.
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>>36517 She's a whore now. $100 will get you a terrible blowjob where she won't even let you finish in her mouth. It is basically a glorified rub and tag and not worth the cost unless you want to do it for the meme.
>>218248 That is not Evalion. Evalion is pushing 30 and has had a few kids by now.

>>217132 You understand that your entire arguement is pure nihilism that literally tells anon to give up and die, but of course that it is exactly what (((you))) intend ti sell to anon.
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>>217133 No. I'm arguing more for what one could call three-field-system, applied to a broader range of products, services and sectors, a form of crop rotation developed during the middle ages that leaves one field fallow for it to regenerate, while focusing on the other fields.
>Omg the internet sucks! And no one can tell!
>>217129 >>217127 >>217039 I think you've become the lolcow
>>217286 That would require for me to be an identifiable character that is looking for attention, which I'm not. So by definition I cannot be a cow

Anonymous 02/29/2020 (Sat) 11:38:15 ID: a4a33c No.38244 [Reply] [Last]
Can some of you G​AMERGATEs redpill me on Null? Is he actually a pedo bitch and a greedy Jew, or is that stuff just a meme?
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An official statement from TheGatorGamerua Moon regarding Zayo ;^)
That faggot copes he's not a pedo bickers he likes shota when he was a minor. I don't know about you, but I never watched pedo shit when I was a minor either.
>>179146 Porn tastes don't change so most of the people that defend him for that? Actually his socks, dudes terminally online and rarely on his own site. He's a fucking retard.
>>179146 he wasn't a minor though. he says he sent it to stocking in the 'last year' but stocking was 14 and he was 20 when he posted that. the nonce can never tell the truth.
>>178893 Painfully unfunny

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evgenia lichtner Anonymous 06/02/2020 (Tue) 18:18:36 No.59574 [Reply]
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>MZ275147.jpg she looks awful in this particular picture, but I'd still break her in half with my dong.
>>59574 Racist whore
>>65366 You're just jealous that she doesn't want your black micropenis. ;^)
>>59574 I love skinny women.

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The Great Reddit Hotpocket Civil War Unironic Ralphamale 06/22/2023 (Thu) 01:29:25 ID: dd13b3 No.212765 [Reply]
Bad moderators and Lolcows are like my jewish mother and cookies. They are quite a force when seperate, Reddit mods are not only famously, Lolcowy, the supermods are infamously-lazy, my jewish motherable, and very easy to piss off. Well, the hand that fed Reddit's moderators (with imaginary food, and corporate inside deals, nonetheless) just bitch-slapped them. And now the hotpockets are being thrown across the meeting room. It started with a blackout for two days. On the surface this looked like a push by the users to support third party apps that were basically being banned bickers of the high costs. Beneath that surface however, the janitoral staff of Reddit was seething with rage that their easy-access lazy automod tools were being threatened, so they organized in the most-reddit-way possible. Anyone with even just a spare few braincells knew that you can't just do a protest for a mere two days and expect admins to bend over for you. Well that time came and went, the talking heads acted like the blackout was a failure. But now that the Supermods have been betrayed, they're going on a full-on-revolt. I don't know about you guys, but I think Reddit might actually implode this time. Various Archive links Posted here bickers rdrama.net is kinda cancerous, and Reddit is terribly-easy to censor. https://archive.ph/obwn6 - rdrama.net jannycide thread (source of most of the links). https://archive.is/ygry4 - Reddit's biggest karma farm for bots had it's jannies removed. https://archive.is/ztTy6 - /r/ModCoord threads they openly-discuss their revolt on Reddit. https://archive.is/njRTt - An Hero-Complex in action. https://archive.ph/rxhC6 - rdrama.net thread about ex-janny who moderated /r/celebrities for FOURTEEN YEARS! (FOR FREE!) https://archive.ph/evUAT - /r/SquaredCircle janny whining (and considering suicide) about how he got demodded after a banning spree of people who called his hypocrisy out.

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Hotpockets are starting to finally realize that the media isn't their friend, and they don't hold the power they thought they had when they were disposed of. (also, listed part of turtle's modded subs, so you can get an idea of just the kind of power-high it got from being on a high-horse.) https://archive.ph/J7kaJ - Reddit mods fuming about shit everyone else realized about the media last decade, and even earlier than that. https://archive.ph/iTpya - A primer on AwkwardTheTurtle, not much of a read, but a decent-enough primer for anyone here that doesn't know. https://archive.ph/mimbv - What the fuck, The Verge is actually somewhat unbiased here. https://archive.is/85Gba - A how-to-fuck-with-reddit guide bickers it's database is held-together with duct tape and wishful thinking.
So the hotpocket temper-tantrum and resulting holopocketcaust has indeed caused more damage than the talking heads have let-on... Except it's actually search engines that have taken the damage (redditors say it's mostly google) bickers of course shitty search engines will take a hit when they use biased algos and social media as search results. Other than that, the holopocketcaust continues, more subs fall, jannies rage, opportunistic users get mod positions, oust the old jannies, and reddit turns a blind eye acting like nothing's happening... Oh and scammers are now on reddit hoping to steal moderator accounts too. Hotpockets were surprisingly-smart on calling this out, but there will always be someone dumb-enough to click the link, there always is one of them that dumb. https://archive.ph/uFTGZ -- Hotpockets rejoice at the damage they've done... To Google. https://archive.fo/IAk84 -- Developer and Reddit guy for the world's most famous block game is leaving Reddit.
>>212925 >>213406 Good. Seriously, fuck Reddit moderators. They seal clapped when r/coontown and all the other right wing subreddits were closed by Spez, and now they are getting their just deserts. and yes, I know Spez is a scummy leftist, but he knows where the bread is buttered and has no qualms about being a hypocrite as all leftists are hypocrites. Smug Reddit mods still want to pretend to be true believers. May they all burn.
Got a spicy niblet of drama for you guys - hotpockets are salty that a fight against a tranny got onto the front page. Pics related are the thread of salt, and the thread it's coming from. In addition, reddit's biggest casual-views-source has it's hotpockets quitting. You know. that one board where celebrities- actual celebrities, not E-celebs, post their "ask anything" bullshit, while the hotpockets shadowban people who ask the REAL questions. Get fucked Reddit. This was ten years coming for being part of the cancer that killed forum rings. https://archive.ph/xdSDh - /u/ModCodeofConduct sends out messages that boil down to "we're done playing nice, unprivate your shit in two days or we will fuck you" https://archive.fo/4bBAA - Hotpockets discuss their plan to disconnect from reddit... I wonder if it'll take this time. https://archive.ph/mWN1n - Reddit's biggest source of organic off-site traffic is shutting down. Hotpockets suspect that spez is throwing a shitfit and it's actually a reasonable estimate if Spez is anything like a typical frat/techbro.
>>213637 shit, I chose the wrong images for hotpocket salt. sorry.

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