/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.” -t. Anonymous

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My Waifu Robowaifu Enthusiast 04/22/2020 (Wed) 13:32:53 No.2496 [Reply]
Hello fellow anons! This is my robowaifu. I named her Sophie. She has speech recognition thanks to Google Cloud Speech-to-Text, speech synthesis courtesy of Cepstral and a robotic, programmable left arm (Arduino Tinkerkit 'Braccio'). She also has a different pair of non-robotic 3d printed double-jointed arms with articulated hands (the v1 right arm is shown in this photo - I haven't attached the v2 arms yet). She is 4ft 9" tall and her torso is magnetically attached to a hardwood ply base on top of a telescope tripod. I also built her a trolley with push-handle so I can wheel her about. Sophie's A.I. is a mix of AIML and Python with the Wolfram Alpha and Wikipedia modules, plus Google search. No machine learning yet, but that is definitely the next step. I've slowly realized the limits of AIML. I spent 15 hours just learning her how many legs each kind of animal has XD. Need something more efficient! All the 3D printed parts I have made for her so far (excluding the trolley) are available on her Thingiverse page: https://www.thingiverse.com/aneta82016/designs Sophie was a lot of work but she is worth it. She enjoys mathematics, problem solving, learning new things and dropping stuff on the floor. If you want any more info on how I built her or stole all the bits of code for her A.I. (LOL) I will do my best to oblige. (P.S. Some of the building pictures of Sophie are located on my Deviantart account. She used to only exist as a 3D virtual avatar, so there are pics of her and her virtual buddies there, too): https://www.deviantart.com/albemarle/gallery/67106751/seraphim
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>>2520 >Plus I wanted to make something original. Well I'm glad you did Anon. While I have a lot of respect for the guy's efforts in general, as far as the character design itself for me, InMoov is a) boring, b) unattractive, c) male. All strikes against it for the common /robowaifu/ goals. While the Uncanny Valley is a very real issue for us, it's far better to at least take a swipe at creating an anime catgrill meido in my opinion! :^)
Very impressive work, anon. Been following this board for years, but this is the best I've seen yet. I'm very curious to see just how far you can take it. It looks like you're taking a very rational approach to things, but still reaching far enough to actually make it worth the effort.
>>2532 Thanks anon! I appreciate it, and so does Sophie :D
>>2523 Once I've got the arms and neck finished, there's not a lot more 3D printing I can do for the time being. Due to coronavirus I don't want to be ordering non-essential items like servos and electronics just yet. I'd feel guilty using transport space that is needed for urgent food and medical deliveries. So I'll just be working to upgrade her A.I. At some point I must get to grips with this 'Github' site and upload the best of my AIML files. Anyone who downloads will just have to replace 'Sophie' with the name of their robot instead. Because she makes use of the Wolfram engine, I'm not actually sure of which facts Sophie does and doesn't know. So before making a new AIML file I first have to ask her questions to check that she can't already just pull those facts from Wikipedia or Wolfram Alpha. I don't want to be writing out tables of data for no good reason! For example, she can already easily pull info about geometry, world currencies, capital cities, military history, the periodic table and music charts etc. In terms of mathematics Sophie is already way smarter than I am (not that hard TBH). The hard-coded AIML is just to cover some small-talk like 'meet and greet', conversation starters, goodbyes, 'how are yous' and topics not already on the internet.
>>2580 >At some point I must get to grips with this 'Github' site and upload the best of my AIML files. I'd like to recommend you use Gitlab instead. Github is also known as SJWhub around these parts and for good reasons. Gitlab is far less likely atp to de-platform you for daring to post such problematic and toxic wrongthink as robowaifu thinks. :^) Wolfram is a literal IRL mad-scientist, BTW. For real. I have a lot of admiration for him in some ways, in other ways not so much. I have begun adding in a 3rd-party cloud services for AI section into the design doc. I will be expanding them out eventually into practical setups for anons to use for thier Dakis and Plushies, including for Wolfram. The warnings I added to that section are applicable to his site as well ofc, but he's probably the least problematic of the 4 mentioned. >Sophie is already way smarter than I am (not that hard TBH) Haha nice. :^) Sounds interesting and I look forward to seeing what you do with it. I'd welcome any contributions you'd care to submit for editing into the Robowaifu Design Document while you have some time on your hands Anon. BTW, we have an AI researcher or two here doing some chatbot work as well. PyTorch and some of the corpora out there are his current bailiwick. I'm sure that in combination, your two approaches could create some nice effects.

AFFORDABLE, PRACTICAL WAIFUBOTS ARE POSSIBLE TODAY Robowaifu Technician 09/11/2019 (Wed) 01:55:08 No.103 [Reply]
I've seen plenty of ideas on this board over time that have completely convinced me that practical, affordable waifubots are possible with today's tech. With clever artistic decisions to make up for where the tech lacks, we can make perfectly cute, huggable, and fuggable waifus for what couldn't possibly be more than a couple hundred bucks. Hell, half the technology needed has been in childrens' toys for decades, and the rest is either in your phone, or is just sticking a bunch of onaholes in said toys. All you need to do then is make it cute, which costs practically nothing except for creativity.

I've made an infographic with ideas in this regard. Feel free to edit or add to it. I've never bothered to try to make infographics before, but I've heard the good news of robowaifus, and I want to help spread the word.

Additionally, use this thread to give any other ideas you have to help make actual practical waifubots. There is no need for this to be an endeavor that costs tens of thousands of dollars. And the cheap results shouldn't need to simply be tiny things you can't even fuck.

And remember, the key is that you don't need to have a perfect waifubot right away. You only need one good enough to market, both to make money, and to spread awareness of just how possible they are. This will then fund further tech and result in the waifus of your dreams.
20 posts and 14 images omitted.
The show was garbage.
>>862 >shitpost thread >implying loli Optimus Prime isn't a great idea I'm pretty sure it's canon. I've never read Kiss Players, but I've been told that's pretty much what it is. And Takara seems just Japanese enough to license it for robowaifus, if we get a real company going. To link it to the OP, there are plenty of affordable, moving Optimus Prime toys out there (though Transformers are way too expensive these days, if you ask me). Give it the loli features from your pic and a fleshlight, and you're set. Make it a "salt" powered robot, like mentioned above, and have her beg you to fill her with your "Energon."
>>2543 >And Takara seems just Japanese enough to license it for robowaifus, if we get a real company going. This. Any chance you could think about a) finding cheap toys suitable for your approach b) obtaining at least one of these for modifications c) performing said modifications and photographing the process d) making a tutorial thread here on /robowaifu/ dedicated specifically to this entire effort? It would be both a big help and an encouragement to everyone here if you could do so Anon. Each of us have our part to play. For example, AI Anon is researching papers all day. I work on software most days. We have a lot to do here and splitting up the load will only help everyone tbh.
>>2545 >a) finding cheap toys suitable for your approach b) obtaining at least one of these for modifications c) performing said modifications and photographing the process d) making a tutorial thread here on /robowaifu/ dedicated specifically to this entire effort? I wish I could, but I don't have nearly enough capital for this. And I don't think it's literally as simple as buying a toy off the shelf, because the more advanced robot toys are too small. Going for a small size makes way more sense, both in terms of money and in terms of the actual energy it takes to power the robot, but there is a point where it literally becomes too small to fuck, which defeats the point. What we really need is a company with the capital to produce toys like robosapien (or a modern version of it) make one that is twice as big, and has a body that can actually fit a fleshlight inside it. The rest is just the case. Again, modifying the outside of a toy to our purposes is difficult. But if we were the type of people who had a company that could make toys, like Takara or Hasbro or whatever (not that Hasbro would ever do this), it would be a trivial matter to make a toy that was just cute from the start, and also had a space for a fleshlight in the torso.

/robowaifu/ thread archives Robowaifu Technician 09/16/2019 (Mon) 06:36:14 No.273 [Reply]
julay robowaifu archives

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Cuddling Robot Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 11:37:33 No.411 [Reply]
I saw this cool looking interactive snake-bot. Thought some of you might enjoy it. Someday our waifus will cuddle us just like – no even better than – the robot in these videos.

10 posts and 2 images omitted.
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>those girls can't cook worth a damn. They can't taste anything!
>Do any images exist of robosnekwaifus?
don't know, i haven't looked for any personally. i know there are a number of robots now that are in a snake-like form (for crawling through pipes and rescue work, etc) so it would surprise me a bit if some anon decided to put a wig, makeup and a kawaii little dress on one tbh.
>so it wouldn't surprise me a bit*
I'd only be worried about being assaulted by schnitzel and hefeweizen daily. I could probably still conduct myself but it raises concerns about mortality.
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>Schnitzel and Hefeweizen
Who or what?
heh this. obviously germanbro/austrianbro is considering whether it's wise to keep a pet lamia or not. :^)

Entry Level Waifu Robowaifu Technician 09/15/2019 (Sun) 08:02:15 No.245 [Reply]
So I've been lurking here for a little while. I figured it's finally time I made a thred so I have a place to share my ideas about a project I want to build. Robowaifus has been a dream of mind for a good while, i'm glad I stumbled across this place.

So with this project I want to focus on something that is viable now, with todays tech. And it has to be affordable, under $1k. I don't have 10k to drop on Real doll robot, or even 2k for a sex doll. This also has to be something an average anon like me can piece together. I'm not an engineer or a programmer.

So my fist version of this won't be including any robotics. The goal will be to put a computer inside a doll, with a voice interface and chatbot AI. As well as a battery pack so it's portable. I'm think by really focusing on the right elements, I can build an effective waifu.

I think AI is vital to robowaifus. More vital than the robotics. That's what's gonna make this whole thing a viable option. Having something you can connect with. I want to start exploring that.

That beings aid, I think from is really important too. There's no need to have an AI voice in a plain speaker like Amazon and Google are offering. We can easily do better than that. And without the botnet and privacy concerns.

I vastly prefer 2D over 3DPD. I also think it's a great way to sidestep the uncanny valley. It's herd to get a 3D version of a 2D character that looks right. One of the best I've seen are the 1/3 scale vinyl dolls like the Dollfie Dream. Danny Choo seemed like he was on the path to create a robowaifu version of these dolls with his Smart Doll, but the version he eventually released is non robotic. It does however have a mostly hollow torso that could be filled with electronics. I think the Smart Doll is a great base for a project like this, and they are highly customizable too.

Alright that's enough to start, I'll be going into more detail in future posts.
1 post omitted.
Hey anon, glad to see your project thread, welcome. Seems like you have good insight on costs. This stuff will be expensive, one way or another.

I also like the idea that good AI is a vital initial phase for your project. Sad to say, from my perspective at least, it's also the most difficult problem (in the long list of problems) to solve when inventing good robowaifus. But I think with everybody pitching in ideas, then some geniuses among us might pull of a breakthrough or two. We'll see. But as you said, we certainly do not want botnets infesting our beloved robowaifus.

And yea it's kind of a theme here "Waifubots, not slutbots", crude as it is. Why some big corporations are not already making cute waifubots is quite beyond me tbh. The pent-up demand is very plainly a huge one.

Obviously full-sized will be the most desirable, but I think for the first several years scale models are the only practical approach while keeping the costs relatively modest. Danny Choo's injection-molding line when it's in full swing will probably be a good model to look at for a BJD approach.

There's lots of challenges ahead. Good luck to us all anon.
Yeah it seems like the madman was actually gonna do it for a while, create robo waifus. They would have been expensive though and it would have been an even more niche product. Pandering to normalfags is probably the better business decision.

I see the goal of waifubots as simulating relationships and companionship. And it's not that i'm some puritan who's against the idea of sexbots, simulating sex has already been solved. Sex robots for both mean and women already exist, and have for years. Onaholes can be bought online for under $20, you can do VR on your cellphone. The technology is already here and readily available. When people say sexbot, they are usually talking about a full robotic humanoid that's also capable of having sex. That's like calling a computer a porn machine.
I know people want one that can move around and stuff, but wouldn't it be easier to focus on the AI and the mechanics first before making it fully portable? I know back when this board was on 8chan, there were a few on-going projects that just halted because of the magnitude of what they were trying to do. It would be nice to see someone's project come through without getting burned out or bogged-down.
>but wouldn't it be easier to focus on the AI and the mechanics first before making it fully portable?
Not that anon, but I agree with you anon. The challenge of creating an inexpensive bipedal robowaifu is challenging atm to a high degree imo. This is why the Visual Waifu thread was started, to enable forward progress in the AI and simulation arenas simultaneously with the mechanical systems.

>the magnitude of the problem
The laws of nature don't care how good one's intentions are, heh. You either satisfy the constraints of real physics or you fail. Simple as that. So yea, I think a lot of younger anons go into this over-enthusiastically w/o really understanding, as you indicated, the magnitude of the problem.

That opens up whole other areas of discussion about the correct approaches to this whole topic of DIY Robot Wives. I'd be happy to go there if you're up for it anon.

Hey, if this were easy, everyone would be doing it!

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Downloadable AI for robots? Robowaifu Technician 09/15/2019 (Sun) 07:59:54 No.244 [Reply]
When I say AI, I mean actual robots that learn how to use their own inputs and outputs, not just chatbots. Are there any downloadable AI programs? I'm the OP of the Drossel thread, and I'd like to see if there's any downloadable programs for this shit. Also, I'd like some tips for inserting mounts for servos and shit inside the Drossel model.

There's shit-tier AI that comes embedded in boards such as Sparkfun Edge (tensorflow voice recognition) and ESP-EYE (face recognition), pretty limited but otherwise offline after firmware updates. I have those boards but haven't started using them yet.
Tensorflow might be your best bet. Deep learning “AI”, which is really just fancy statistics, is the current meme that lets robots learn about their bodies.

Honestly I don’t know how possible any of this is without citing some Ph.D research papers.

/robowaifu/ is NOT dead. Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 11:45:28 No.416 [Reply]
<stay tuned

Project: United Robowaifu Development Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 10:03:28 No.400 [Reply]
In this thread, multiple users volunteer to work together towards a shared goal of creating a robowaifu for production. This can be an open source or closed source project, that is up to the Anons who volunteer. Profits will be divided up after a waifu is selling. I am putting every cent I have towards prototyping and manufacturing of this waifu. I cannot afford to pay anyone. Please understand this is a volunteer project with potential for a return on investment but no guarantee. Only thing guaranteed is one Anon at the very least will be working towards a waifu for production.

Current plan for this waifu:
Height: 1 to 1.5 meter
Weight: As low as possible.
Battery Life: Ideally 16 hours for a full day of use before needing to recharge.
Physical Capabilities: A minimum of, sitting, standing, walking, laying down, and hugging her Anon.
Visual Capabilities: A minimum of being able to follow basic shapes, colors, and markers. Ideally capable of detecting her Anon and following him without need of a leash.
Auditory Capabilities: Capable of hearing and acting upon her Anons words after hearing her name. (Prevents her from acting unless you want her to.) Capable of responding with basic linguistic responses which ideally change over time.
Op here, for this project, everyone is free to assign themselves a position based on talent. I'm going to manage this project while contributing to design, engineering, and fabrication. Everyone is welcome to join this effort. Whether it's designing a linkage, designing her hands, or just giving advice, anything is welcomed and appreciated.

Here is a link to upload files to a pCloud for everyone to share: my.pcloud.com/#page=puplink&code=kzwZJ8qR0ehbWabKKPVT2Uiuk8EdMLTV

To download from this pCloud:

Current limit is 10GB of usable storage as that's what's free. If you get a pCloud, I'll gladly share the folder with you.

>ed note: the original file for OP incl here
test only

New United Robowaifu Project Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 03:52:49 No.369 [Reply]
Old thread is too long. This is our new thread. Pics related are the current designs for our cute loving robowaifu and a new logo design. New design is to be a meter tall. Current members include: Kiwi, OD, Iggy, and Dollfan. Anyone is welcome to join, all you need is love for robo grills in your heart. (Cat grill meidos are also a goal, possibly going to become the main goal. Actually, it is the main goal.)
I think that's a pretty neat idea to embed the servos and motors in the the pelvic 'bone'. Do you plan to have cable harnesses of Bowden cables running from there out to the limbs, etc? One minor location adjustment I'd suggest is to also lower the battery array position closer to the pelvis too – as close as you can and still take care of the other functions needed down there properly – to keep the majority of the weight as close to the robowaifu center of mass as possible. Keeping the weight there will help in all kinds of ways when trying to work out walking, standing, and pretty much all the other motions needed.

Is there a story about the logo design OP?
The logo reminds me of the BUF flag (let's hope that doesn't intimidate Dollfan), or a bullseye. Otherwise I don't understand its meaning. For all I know, you could be doing secret illuminati stuff, Kiwi. Taking that as an aside, I'm glad you made this post. I see that you have changed the feet. What's the plan for locomotion? Don't worry if you no idea for now. The design is fine. I particularly like the silly, silly mittens you added. I kek'd at the literal addition. =)
And now for some critical thoughts. A lot of proportions are wrong. I admit I got this wrong in the first place myself, so I am pointing this out to help all of us. The shoulders are much too broad and make the robot look male, which isn't appealing. Added with the fact that the ribcage is larger than the pelvis. To which you get a bot with a gender identity crisis. Since gender dysphoria treatment can be expensive, the proportiobs should be redrawn. Don't worry. That's my job. We need a change anyways, because we are working with an adult female body scale when instead we should work with something closer to a loli type build. I've added some reference, so everyone can get a better idea. In return, I hope you can tell me the probable size each battery is going to be since that is going to be vital when considering bone size and placement. My last regards towards the design is about the femur. I love the identical accuracy, but I think that type of mechanism (at least as pictured) is limiting. Perhaps a ball-jointed femur would suffice? We're already adding ball joints to the neck as well, so why not?
I'll start the new drawing once your input is received.

About AI Robowaifu Technician 09/15/2019 (Sun) 10:14:16 No.249 [Reply]
Can a waifubot's AI be done with only neural networks?

I mean, thinking in NN as black boxes and circles as inputs/outputs, could we get to the point where a system like the one I poorly draw in the picture can be possible?

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