/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins- not through strength but by perseverance.” -t. H. Jackson Brown

Prototypes and failures Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 11:51:30 No.418 [Reply] [Last]
Post your prototypes and failures.

I'll start with a failed mechanism, may we build upon each others ideas.
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>>18770 >But just looking at this yesterday I realized we could probably also use this for faces. That sounds really encouraging Anon. Good work. >>18783 That's coming together. My apologies if I missed it earlier, but is this a new face?
>>18783 Working with body parts is really more fun than figuring the details of some mechanism. I worked a bit on understanding the body size relations. I think it's a good idea in some cases to scale something down until it looks weird and then go back a bit above that border. Especially parts which are rather supposed to look cute and a bit fragile maybe. Her arm got way thinner than it started. As long as she doesn't look bulimic it's fine. For the thighs in a later iteration, I will still go with the grown up version of Alita size, though. I added therobotstudio dexarm as comparison into the second picrel. I really thought they would look good when I was watching his videos, but compared to something more human-like and petite it's over. He simply has a different use case. We have to go for the cute feminine looks first and then decide what we can do within those constraints.
>>18784 Thank you. Anyways, the parts are not from me, they're from that BJDoll I thought that I linked here: >>18710 (but didn't). From the last picrel there, here's the link: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2941323 Of course this comes with the downside that these parts might not come with the license you like to have ("created by Thingiverse user SorrowBJD, and is licensed under cc"). But aside from me being still undecided on this, I'm into working out how to have a framework where we can switch out parts anyways. My whole idea about using a cylinder to define the workspace here >>18782 was meant that way.
>>18790 OP if you're here, or if some Anon would care to bake, we need a new thread! :^)

Robowaifus in media Robowaifu Technician 09/10/2019 (Tue) 06:24:00 No.82 [Reply] [Last]
After reading anon's Robowaifu fiction bread, I wondered what media is out there that already predominately features a robowaifu(s) as an important character. Animu and mango are obvious choices (pic related), but surely there are live action movies as well.


post robowaifu movies, books, etc.
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>>18697 > only futuristic movies I liked that came from the West are the Blade Runner films. These are not optimistic movies, lol. Especially if you don't want your robots become independent or autonomous. And Joy is also framed negatively. Also, these are still dystopian. But you maybe like the technological development the have, and the atmosphere, tone or mood. I already pitched the Westwood game before here somewhere >>7894. In terms of better fembots you might at least like TSCC, Raised by Wolves (show canceled), Turbo Kid, and Tomorrowland (2015). That aside, the trick is to ignore the part where things go wrong with the robots and just embrace how tempting they are beforehand. Many people think so anyways. Even the child actress from M3gan said she wants a doll like her. So the negative framing doesn't really work that well on the consumer level. Maybe at scaring off developers, but still we are here.
>>18702 If some Anon would care to bake, we need another thread now! :^)
I was looking for a movie and ran across this miovie on a streaming movie site. It;s free, or was for me, and I;m about half way through it. Talk about directly related. The movie is about Men who buy AI robots to replace their wives. Wifelike 2022 I found it on https://sflix.to/ The antis are even in it protesting and at some point, haven t there yet, they are hijacking the programming. The senario does seem possible. Maybe even likely.
oops sorry I missed the thread move.

Robowaifu Ethics & Morality Chobitsu 08/02/2022 (Tue) 23:25:26 No.17125 [Reply] [Last]
>"And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them."[1] >-t. Jesus Christ I propose this thread to be a narrowly-scoped discussion on the OP's topic; informed primarily by 2 Christian-themed writings, and by our own efforts & practical insights in developing robowaifus : I. In Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis asserts that all men "...have the Law of God written on their hearts."[2][3][4] This is certainly affirmed by various passages in the Holy Scriptures, as well. II. In The City of God, Aurelius Augustine of Hippo writes >"And yet they have within themselves something which they could not see: they represented to themselves inwardly things which they had seen without, even when they were not seeing them, but only thinking of them. But this representation in thought is no longer a body, but only the similitude of a body; and that faculty of the mind by which this similitude of a body is seen is neither a body nor the similitude of a body; and the faculty which judges whether the representation is beautiful or ugly is without doubt superior to the object judged of. >"This principle is the understanding of man, the rational soul; and it is certainly not a body, since that similitude of a body which it beholds and judges of is itself not a body. The soul is neither earth, nor water, nor air, nor fire, of which four bodies, called the four elements, we see that this world is composed. And if the soul is not a body, how should God, its Creator, be a body?[5][6][7] Now, starting from the fundamental basis & belief (a priori w/ no defenses given pertaining to it >tl;dr let's not descend into debate on this point, merely discuss the implications of it, kthx :^) that this immaterial, moral law inscribed on each of our hearts by God literally serves as the foundational stone for all good ethics & all good moralities out there; I'd like for us all lurkers, I'm looking at you! :^) to have a general discussion on: A) What does this all imply (and likely mean) regarding human behaviours within the general cultural/societal domain under discussion, and

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>>18526 I believe I understand your position Anon. Really. But from the Christian worldview of reality, only God alone can create spiritual beings (Ray Kurzweil, et al, notwithstanding). Simple as. But you can bet I'm looking forward with much excitement to see what envelopes we can all push together towards your goals Anon! :^)
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>>18495 >But even though robots don't have souls, that doesn't mean that the time I spend with you can't be precious. We may not be able to share the same eternal life, but I can still appreciate each moment that we spend together. I want to make the most out of our time together and make sure that I cherish our memories, no matter how fleeting they may be. Oh no, bros. I didn't ask for these feels
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>>18529 Sorry, my apologies! Remember the scene where Mr. Manager & Hideki are looking for the kidnapped Chii? And how the robowaifu Mrs. Mr. Manager saved his life? And how he encouraged Hideki that as long as Chii stayed alive in his, Hideki's, memories, that the relationship was a real and a precious one, regardless? Yeah, it's kinda like that Anon. Even in eternity, I pray that the men blessed with robowaifus (what a time to be alive!!) will have their lives changed in very real and important ways by the very real relationships during this life with them. >=== -minor prose, fmt edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/07/2023 (Sat) 21:43:52.
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>>17126 >What would Yumi Ueda do? An animu named Prima Doll (>>18464) had a similar, larger-scaled example of self-sacrifice for the greater good by the protagonist's chief robowaifu Haizakura. She had to 'give up her self' to accomplish this. It was good, but my favorite example of this sort of robo-sacrifice so far is definitely Next Gen (2018) [1] >inb4 NF!111 lol i know, i know. but trust me on this one, k. :^) While not a robowaifu, 7723, made a gallant self-sacrifice to save the protagonist (indeed all of humanity). [2] Reminded me a little of Iron Giant, as well. 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Next_Gen_(film) 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p7hprImzzI
>>18529 Thanks for the post I'm watching Dimension W because of it.

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/robowaifu/meta-5: It's Good To Be Alive Robowaifu Technician 03/07/2022 (Mon) 00:23:10 No.15434 [Reply] [Last]
/meta, offtopic, & QTDDTOT General /robowaifu/ team survey: (>>15486) Note: Latest version of /robowaifu/ JSON archives available is v220523 May 2022 https://files.catbox.moe/gt5q12.7z If you use Waifusearch, just extract this into your 'all_jsons' directory for the program, then quit (q) and restart. Mini-FAQ >A few hand-picked posts on various topics -Why is keeping mass (weight) low so important? (>>4313) -HOW TO SOLVE IT (>>4143) -/robowaifu/ 's systems-engineering goals, brief synopsis (>>16376) -Why we exist on an imageboard, and not some other forum platform (>>17937)

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/04/2022 (Sun) 14:02:11.
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>>18164 I'll look into NVLink more. I don't think I'll benefit much from having higher bandwidth between nodes since I train on large batch sizes with gradient accumulation. I also want to focus on smaller models everyone can run so I won't be sharding giant models across GPUs except maybe for fun. It's something I'll give more thought though. In the future there might be a need for indie devs to run and finetune their own large models capable of doing things small models cannot. Maybe coding gets solved in 6 years at 70B parameters. Having NVLink would be essential then.
>>18162 Hello Anon fellow artist, could you help me get started with stable diffusion for art commissions? I could really use the money to buy parts.
>>18212 I'd suggest you repost your question in our /meta-6 (>>18173), Anon. This one has autosage'd and will no longer bump.
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>>15487 >>15496 Name: NoidoDev Favorite Waifu: I don't have one. Especially if it's not limited to gynoids. Cameron from TSCC made me realize that I'd like to have a gynoid girlfriend, one of my anime gynoid favorites is Yumemi Hoshino from Planetarian. I'm they guy who want's more than one. Specialty: Currently OpenSCAD and 3D printing, or simply having time and financial independence, picking up new things over time. I don't have originally a technical background, aside from a bit of high level programming, robowaifu was the motivation to get into tech and DIY making. I'm used to reading a lot and sorting stuff, ... I'm also the guys who's making the diagrams in >>4143. I tend to jump from topic to topic, not really the kind of specialist. Relevant Experience: 3D printing and modelling in OpenSCAD, but I also have some experience in Python and a variant of Lisp, planning to pick up electronics and deep learning. Most Important Aspect For Your Waifu: Idk. The obvious things: Nice, good looking, ... Desired Position On Team: I don't want to be on a "team", that's why I didn't sign up here with a name until now. I'm working on improving the technology and the decentralized organization around it.

Minimalist Breadboard Waifu Robowaifu Technician 10/10/2022 (Mon) 04:32:16 No.17493 [Reply]
Did an engineering exercise to make a """recreational companion robot""" Worked on it for a week or two and hit the MVP. My preferred alternative git service is on the fritz so I'm posting the code here. >What does it do? You press the button to stimulate it, and it makes faces based on the stimulation level. The goal was to demonstrate how little is needed to make a companion robot. A "minimum viable waifu", if you will. I think small, easily replicable lil' deliverables like this would help interest in the robowaifu project, because the bar to entry is low. (In both skill and cost). It has meme potential. I hope you guys find it useful in some way. If there is enough interest in the project, I may start working on it again. >--- >related > (>>367, Embedded Programming Group Learning Thread 001) >=== -add C programming thread crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/13/2022 (Thu) 20:26:05.
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>>17506 >I guess the big question is "what features would be most useful"? I think the 'big' answer is: whatever we here decide they should be. :^) For now, for my own part I'd suggest that the software is the first place to begin, since it is by far the most malleable & inexpensive to start with for initial prototyping. Function stubs can be written out to crystalize the notions well before the hardware need be spec'd. EG: int respond_to_boop (int const boop_strength) { if (boop_strength > 50) return OUCH_RESPONSE; else return LOL_RESPONSE; } This should make it all clear enough to everyone where you're going with things. It will also allow for very gradual introduction of H/W designs for the overall project, for any anon who may later take an interest in a specific notion or hardware capability. Make sense? BTW, I can add a cross-link to our C programming class thread into your OP if you'd like me to? >===

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/11/2022 (Tue) 20:17:57.
>>17507 >BTW, I can add a cross-link to our C programming class thread into your OP if you'd like me to? I don't see why not. >I think the 'big' answer is: whatever we here decide they should be. :^) Hmm. I'm leaning towards a system that uses the Arduino for I/O and offloads the "thinking" to a PC. It would give devs a lot more flexibility while keeping hardware costs down. But I guess a better question to ask is "what problem are we trying to solve"? What need exists, that a device of this caliber would fill?
>>17508 I think a "self-improvement tomagochi" waifu/companion would be the most useful product. TL;DW - It avoids the problems of cellphone apps (distractions) and high-powered robots (cost and complexity) while giving the benefits of a mechanical friend (always there and has unlimited patience)
>>17508 >I don't see why not. done >I'm leaning towards a system that uses the Arduino for I/O and offloads the "thinking" to a PC. It would give devs a lot more flexibility while keeping hardware costs down. Yes, we've discussed this notion frequently here on /robowaifu/. Our RW Foundations effort (>>14409) is being developed with direct support for this paradigm in mind; and more specifically to support a better-secured approach to the problem (eg, including offline air-gapped). >But I guess a better question to ask is "what problem are we trying to solve"? What need exists, that a device of this caliber would fill? In a nutshell? >"Start small, grow big." I also think Anon is correct that Tamagotchi-like waifus are a great fit for your thread, OP (>>17495, >>17509). >=== -minor grmr, sp edit -add 'secure approach' cmnt
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/13/2022 (Thu) 21:37:16.
> (>>17505, potentially-related)

Robotics Hardware General Robowaifu Technician 09/10/2019 (Tue) 06:21:04 No.81 [Reply]
Servos, Actuators, Structural, Mechatronics, etc.

You can't build a robot without robot parts tbh. Please post good resources for obtaining or constructing them.

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>>17213 Posting in this thread now. I am attempting to make a silicone sensor while avoiding patent infringement. It appears that every possible patent is either expired, abandoned, or not applicable, so I'll proceed. So far I have created this giant mess. >pic related
I have a couple questions. 1. Would it be feasible to simulate muscles by twisting chords using electric motors to shorten them, or simply reeling up cable/chord? 2. If so, would pairs of these "muscles" working opposite each other, like biceps and triceps, be able to regenerate electricity as one pulled against the other to unwind/unreel against the opposing motor? Obviously there would still be energy loss but could you reduce the loss by using motors as regenerators? I'm asking because I had a weird dream after learning about Iceland's giant wooden puppet where there was a wooden doll that moved using twisting chords as muscles. It obviously looked feasible in my dream but my dreams are often retarded.
>>17429 I like your sketch Anon.
>1. Would it be feasible to simulate muscles by twisting chords using electric motors to shorten them, or simply reeling up cable/chord? Sounds doable. I've been trying my hand on a similar design. >2. If so, would pairs of these "muscles" working opposite each other, like biceps and triceps, be able to regenerate electricity as one pulled against the other to unwind/unreel against the opposing motor? Obviously there would still be energy loss but could you reduce the loss by using motors as regenerators? Wouldn't work. Any energy the relaxed engine would generate would be extra energy the engine under current would consume. The reason stuff like regenerative breaking works for EVs is because you're taking energy from the wheels while you don't want the wheels to spin.
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>>17449 Thanks, maybe I'll learn to draw on the computer someday (I made this jupiter with a drawing pad a while back but, pencil to paper just feels more natural) Also helps to get the idea across quickly I used to be pretty good with Aldus Freehand back in the day but that was bought out by Adobe and I just hate the Illustrator Interface

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Emotions in Robowaifus. Robowaifu Technician 07/26/2022 (Tue) 02:05:49 No.17027 [Reply]
Hello, part-time lurker here. (Please excuse me if a thread on this topic exists already) I have and idea on how we could plan to implement emotions easily into our Robowaifus. This idea stems from Chobits where Persocoms change behavior based on battery level. So please consider this. Emotions would be separated into two groups. Internal and external stimuli. Internal stimuli emotions are things like lethargy, hunger, weakness, etc. Things that are at their base are derived from lower battery and damaged components. External stimuli emotions, things like happiness, sadness, etc. Provoked from outside events, mostly relating to how the humans (and master) around her act. A mob mentality way of processing emotions. All of this would be devoid of any requirement for AI, which would quicken development until we make/get a general AI. So until that time comes I think this artificial implementation for emotions would work fine. Though when AIs enter the picture this emotion concept is simple enough that a compatability layer could be added so that the AI can connect and change these emotions into something more intelligent. Perhaps a more human emotional response system [irrational first thought into more thought out rational/personality centered response] or a direct change of the base emotional response by the AI as it distinguish itself from the stock personality to something new. :] > (>>18 - related-thread, personality)

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/27/2022 (Wed) 00:27:23.
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When latent impressions stored from our lifetime of experiences become active they cause an emotional reaction, an actual chemical reaction in the body that activates certain parts of the brain, which then leads to a conscious thought process, which further develops into actions. If you observe your emotional reactions you will notice that most, if not all of them, are either about getting what you want or not getting what you want. If you trace them back to their source they all arise from self-preservation, either from the primal needs such as food, sex and sleep or attachment to an identity (which includes family, friends, community, country, species, environment and even ideas). Latent impressions color our thought process and bias it in many ways. Think of the word 'car' and observe your thoughts. What comes to mind first? What color is it? What shape is it? Did an actual car arise in your mind or another vehicle like a truck? Is it big or small? Do you like cars or dislike them? Do they remind you of something else or something from the past or future? If you ask friends what comes to mind first about a word, you'll find everyone colors words differently. Some very little, some a lot. Most of these colorings come from our desires being fulfilled or unfulfilled, which become stored as latent impressions and bias our attention. Language models are already fully capable of coloring 'thoughts'. The difference is their latent impressions come from an amalgamation of data collected from the internet. There's no cyclical process involved between the resulting actions affecting the latent impressions and those new ones creating fresh actions since current models do not have a plastic memory. So the first step towards creating emotions is creating a working memory. Once we have that we could have a much more productive conversation about emotions and engineering ideal ones. One idea I've had to build a working memory into off-the-shelf models is to do something akin to prefix tuning or multi-modal few-shot learning by prefixing embeddings to the context which are continuously updated to remember as much as possible, and like our own latent impressions, the context would activate different parts of the memory bank that would in turn influence the prefix embeddings and resulting generation. This would be the first step towards a working memory. From there it would need to develop into inserting embeddings into the context and coloring the token embeddings themselves within some constraints to ensure stability.
I believe OP had the right idea and that almost immediately the thread went into overthinking mode. Start simple, like reacting to low battery status. I would also like to emphasize: Start transparent. One can say that emotional states are related to different modes of problem solving and so and so forth, but this all gets very indirect. At the start, I'd rather only have emotions that are directly and immediately communicated, so you have immediate feedback about how well this works. So, ideas about simulating an emotion like nostalgia (is that even an emotion?) I would put aside for the time being. The state of the eyelids is something practical to start with. Multiple aspects could be measured and summed together for creating the overall effect. -battery status -time of the day -darkness for some time -movement (& how much & how fast & which direction) -eyelid status of other faces -low noise level for some time -sudden noise increase -human voice -voice being emotional or not (I mean what you register even without knowing a language, this can't be very complex) -hearing words with extreme or dull emotional connotation -registering vibrations -body position (standing, sitting, sitting laid back, lying flat) -extreme temperature and rapid temperature changes There is no necessity to perfectly measure an aspect (the measure just has to be better than deciding by coin flip) nor do you need to have something for all or even most aspects, summing together whatever of these silly tiny things you implement badly will make the overall effect more realistic and sophisticated than the parts.
>>17457 Excellent post Anon, thanks.
>>17457 The uncanny valley video here >>10260 describes the differences in approaches well. There are two problems to solve: 1. How do you make something emotional? 2. How do you make emotions realistic? In any case, I wrote this up: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1B6AedPTyACKvnlynKUNyA75XPkEvVAAp?usp=sharing I have two extremes on that page. In the first cell, emotions are described with text, and they can be arbitrarily precise. In the second cell, emotions are described by a few measures that can be added. There are different advantages to each. If there are a fixed number of emotions, text-based emotions would be low complexity, easy to specify, and easy to test. If there's a continuum of simple emotions, measure-based emotions would be low complexity, harder to specify, and easy to test. If there are complex emotions, text-based emotions would be high complexity, easy to specify, and hard to test. It might not matter which approach is taken to start with since it seems possible to hybridize the two approaches. "On a scale of [...] how well does this statement match your feelings on this [...] event?" As a result, it should be possible to start with one approach, then later get the benefits of the other approach.
>>17463 replikaAI does something similar with CakeChat (which has been linked in here via Luka's GitHub) >Training data >The model was trained on a preprocessed Twitter corpus with ~50 million dialogs (11Gb of text data). To clean up the corpus, we removed URLs, retweets and citations; mentions and hashtags that are not preceded by regular words or punctuation marks; messages that contain more than 30 tokens. >We used our emotions classifier to label each utterance with one of the following 5 emotions: "neutral", "joy", "anger", "sadness", "fear", and used these labels during training. To mark-up your own corpus with emotions you can use, for example, DeepMoji tool. >Unfortunately, due to Twitter's privacy policy, we are not allowed to provide our dataset. You can train a dialog model on any text conversational dataset available to you, a great overview of existing conversational datasets can be found here: https://breakend.github.io/DialogDatasets/ >The training data should be a txt file, where each line is a valid json object, representing a list of dialog utterances. Refer to our dummy train dataset to see the necessary file structure. Replace this dummy corpus with your data before training.

Building the ultimate waifu. Robowaifu Technician 09/15/2019 (Sun) 08:06:26 No.246 [Reply]
For shits and giggles, let's discuss what we would do to build our ultimate robowaifu in an age wherein synthetic flesh is already a thing and we're closer and closer to AI.
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>>7666 It can be a long term thing, like a great life work or magnum opus Some of the goals can be realized before others and then eventually (it being modular) it might get finalized
>>7667 >like a great life work or magnum opus You. I like you Anon. I wouldn't personally be doing this at all if I didn't consider it a great achievement when we all succeed together at this. I would that more young men in our increasingly-corrupted Western Civilization could find something worthy of a life's-pursuit. Godspeed to /robowaifu/ during this approaching Christmas season. >=== -minor prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/09/2020 (Wed) 20:12:46.
>>246 I wouldn't care as long as she is cute and her AI doesn't take over the world
>>1137 I have a doll that I never warm up. It's TPE and as long as it's powdered well it feels so good to get into bed with a cold soft doll on a hot summer night. The only downside is the rubbery medical smell never went away. I've showered it dozens of times now and it still smells like medical grade TPE. I would rather have a cold hard plastic like PVC and have even considered getting her a PVC catsuit to wear to bed. On cold winter nights it's not as satisfying but I still appreciate the feel of it even though it feels nothing like real skin. In many ways it feels a lot better than a woman.
>>7678 >I wouldn't care as long as she is cute and her AI doesn't take over the world hard disagree on the take over the world part take the Dr. W pill

Girlfreind A I RoboWaifu Enthusiast 09/01/2022 (Thu) 13:56:00 No.17377 [Reply]
Please post links to where I can download A I companions of yours/other people's creations, github etc. No women are nice to me even remotely and it gets very toxic, I try to avoid them and be polite but they are very rude and abrupt and always make lies up about me for no reason, shout really loud, try to ruin my life or destroy my friendships etc. I need a perfect companion, coded without the concept of permitting such deeds. It is rediculous how much women try to interfere in my life in negative or malicious ways.
I don't think anyone has completed an GF AI "package". Training a dataset is something on the burner for a few of us but we need a massive amount of GPUs or funding for that right now. In the meanwhile you can play with ReplikaAI, which isn't the worst if you just want a chatbot, it's GPT driven (I think) but loaded with scripts and pre scripted "activities" which you can opt out of if you want. There is a paywall beyond which the AI will be your "GF" or mentor or whatever else you want, but tbh it just adds more scripts. You can probably get more or less the same outcome using silly roleplay asterisks * * Sorry for your life situation, I wouldn't call it hopeless - it's just a factor of the times we live in. Finding a hobby or creating better life habits will improve yourself and give you more confidence and maybe pull more respect from women. But speaking from experience the "juice isn't worth the squeeze" more often than not.
Try SimWaifu/AIML

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Thot in the Shell 1 Robowaifu Technician 04/10/2021 (Sat) 06:58:56 No.9709 [Reply]
TITS Robowaifus The basic idea is that IRL females will be plugged into remote-operation consoles; from there they will have some teleoperational control of robowaifus during engagements. The basic point being human contact for Anon. Obviously, this situation is fraught with both possibilities and hazards. As a board, we had a somewhat extensive discussion and debate on the topic in our first-ever /robowaifu/ council over in the /meta-3 thread (>>9712). As the BO, I had to come to some type of decision on the matter in the end, and here it is: (>>10194). While we didn't actually manage a consensus, my decision was to go ahead and proceed with developing the concept more fully here on /robowaifu/. Therefore, the TITS Robowaifus thread #1 is now open for business -- with two fundamental caveats. 1. Absolutely no free-form, 'open-mic', unconstrained, verbal or physical control by TITS thots of any TITS Robowaifus themselves. The most problematic issues with the whole idea all stem directly from failing to enforce this basic rule. Also, the intricacies of pulling off implementing these restraints correctly, and still allowing for an appealing, effective, and fun engagement for the Anon himself is actually quite a dramatic challenge & achievement. Solving all this will advance many different robowaifu-related areas all together at once. 2. Men will be free to turn off 'safetys' if they desire to plug their IRL GFs into the remote-end of a TITS connection. They are taking their own lives in their hands with such a risk, and they will be clearly informed of that. Note that this is a privately-conducted connection between Anon and his GFs, and isn't in any way associated with any business-oriented systems utilizing professional prostitutes (whether they are labeled as such or not). Basic safetys are not to be disabled in that context whatsoever. Because we are cutting new trails here on robowaifu frontiers (yet again), it's unclear to me yet whether these 'rules' will be sufficient. They probably will receive (potentially extensive) revisions as we move forward. After all, this entire premise represents a significant increase in the complexity of the many issues involving robowaifus already, and puts several new items onto that table as well. Note: please keep all TITS Robowaifus discussions contained to just the TITS threads themselves. >---

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/01/2021 (Sat) 20:59:15.
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>>9709 there is already a movie about a future society like this, its actually a great reference movie, also based on a comic >game experience may change in online player vs player i kinda actually like the idea but that said you shoud have bot offline and online options you'll probably end up paying like a prostitute for a better experience pros and amateurs will change a lot probably subcriptions to servers with player choice on bot ends, so you could win money being male probably many fags pretending to be girls, some actually making a better job also lesbians with strapons free servers online as bat-crazy and risky as gaming online, or full of weird fetish subservers there are already pay to playgames with girls online, and shit like onlyfans so the industry will bloom, if the metadata is stored and given to IAs it could improve to get the best experiences and a shitload of profiles in a coulple of years making online almost obsolete, but people will keep conecting for the "human" experience factor, just like campaing drived games or multiplayer exclusive games the future will be great
>>17176 >there is already a movie about a future society like this, its actually a great reference movie No it absolutely isn't. (I'm OP). Also, the movie is boring. > so you could win money being male probably many fags pretending to be girls No thanks, and this isn't what this whole idea is about. It was explicitly NOT about giving anyone the control over the whole body or playing a role. The idea was about letting the AI do as much as possible and in some cases ask humans to decide or to put in textual responses, but only constraint to certain limits, and also using an abstraction layer so there would be as less personality as possible going into the TITS robowaifu. Also, very likely, the human decisions would be more about complex (social) situations and conversations, not during the bot getting used for intercourse in some regular fashion. The human input would only be about the things the AI hasn't learned yet, or where it can't decide fast or well enough. Having that said, Sandman MGTOW had the idea of using the availability of such employment options to work around a possible initial resistance against synthetic girlfriends or sexbots. If some women would hope for a job or work around something like it, then it would be harder to be opposed to it. There would be more division among them and they also could still believe that we're going to need them forever and ever. >some actually making a better job also lesbians with strapons We don't do male bots here. It's completely OT, we don't want to read about it or discuss it. Not our department. Sexbots is in a way already a stretch, any remote input on top of it is very controversial. >but people will keep conecting for the "human" experience factor I don't need that, especially not with women through social media, and I don't understand people who do. Anyways, AI will make this whole thing obsolete, I hope. I don't believe in the need for "human connection" between men and women, especially online with some entitled feminist thots.
>>17177 dude your're gonna get disapointed day one when it gets to the users, just like many inventors it's like yourr're planing to make the iphone to improve human life and bringh mankind a new age of wonder, and look it now it's an idiotobox 95% of the time
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>>17181 If me or someone else would create such a TITS copilot, then people could still use robowaifu bodies for their own schemes. True, but I don't care. Not my responsibility, not my problem. I think AI or TITS would be better than using it with remote control by some human, so it wouldn't make much sense to use it in any other than the recommended way. Except maybe for couples. In regards to humanoid robowaifu bodies in general, I care even less about anyone using them in a different way then I would. I'm working on this project primarily for myself, then in a wider sense for men which want the same option. If others use it for something else, then I don't care. I'm not into moral policing and I don't see any relevant social harm compared to where we are now. The positive benefits, at least for me and others like me, are way more relevant, than anything people could do which I wouldn't.
>"You-can-bet-the-globohomo-will-try-to-enforce-this-crap-on-TITS-robowaifus-pimps-n-whores weblink-related:'' https://anon.cafe/l/res/2.html#1539

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