/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.” -t. Anonymous

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Robowaifu Fail-safety Robowaifu Technician 12/02/2019 (Mon) 06:37:26 No.1671 [Reply]
This thread is for real and present dangers to those who assemble a robowaifu today with the state of the art in technology and brainstorming solutions for fail-safety. There will be many other dangers in the future to consider like hacking and theft but I'd like to keep the thread focused on immediate dangers to keep operators and their electronic counterparts safe.

Open-source robowaifu kits, whenever they come, will be put together by people with little understanding of what they're doing. There are simple mechanical dangers they need to be aware of like getting fingers caught in belts or skin pinched in open joints to curious AI without constraints picking up a blunt object and hitting the operator to minimize its uncertainty of what will happen when it does that. Higher voltage power systems can cause fatal heart arrhythmia from shocks. Hydraulic systems can overheat and fail under high pressures. Cooling systems or condensation from being exposed to cold weather may leak onto electronics. A robowaifu could touch a lit gas stove or do something accidentally without realizing the danger or consequences. Undefined behavior may happen after damage to components or loss of them in an accident. A lot could go wrong.

In simulations there are no consequences to dangerous actions but I think it will be helpful to imagine them as being real and figuring out how we would recover from these failure states in the real world. This will probably be a good approach to AI as well to imagine real consequences of imaginary actions before taking them and avoid actions and states that have significant chance or uncertainty of causing harm, similar to how MuZero creates its own dynamic model and explores its imagination with a Monte Carlo tree search before taking action.

If you're aware of any dangers or have any concerns or ideas please share them so we can discuss and solve them.
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>>8082 Older children also tend to search around without permission or touch everything lying around. So I would put a warning into the case with the solder, telling them to put it back and wash their hands immediately. Also put a shiny warning label onto it.
Guide to Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Industrial Control Systems Security Recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
I'm a bit of a mad scientist trying to develop self-aware AI but I haven't put much thought into how I'm actually going to interact with it once it works. While only an AI the obvious safety measures are limiting the amount of resources it can use and making sure it can't run arbitrary code or exploit vulnerabilities, but having a robowaifu that is aware she is a machine is a completely different problem altogether. There's no way an AI with less parameters than a mouse brain and the lack of a limbic system stimulating it with desires will pose much of a threat but it could still potentially do a lot of harm either intentionally or unintentionally by exploring the environment. At the most basic level one way to limit injury to myself and any damage to property is to create an override system that prevents any dangerous intentions from being acted upon and logging these incidents but this will require being able to identify dangerous intentions. This system would have to be more advanced than the AI otherwise it might find ways around it like placing objects in certain ways that will cause me to trip and fall. Another plan is to have an emergency stop, both a physical button on the robowaifu, a remote one and a voice-activated one. Although these are fine and dandy I don't think they address the core issue of the AI making decisions that cause harm or cause destruction, again either intentionally or unintentionally. I think it will be similar in some ways to raising a child and teaching her not to break shit, but also much different since AI can learn specific tasks so much faster than a human being but at the same time also fail to generalize what was learned to other tasks. There's a lot of instinctual knowledge in our genetics that we take for granted. For instance, something like mirror neurons might be required for machines to learn empathy. Some researchers hypothesize that mirror neurons are required for self-awareness itself because they give the ability to introspect one's own previous mental states. If that is the case, self-awareness might not be so dangerous. Perhaps the best way to explore this would be in the form of a story or visual novel and start from the very beginning of the AI discovering she can look around and move her hands and perhaps getting confused about going to 'sleep' when she's shutdown at night because several hours disappear and everything changes. With each scenario I could try to think of ways to tweak her, like so she actually finds it logical to shutdown at night and gains trust in me by having a system to automatically boot her up in the morning. I think building a bond and trust between each other will be essential. I'm afraid of her hurting me and she will be confused what she even is while not having the same human limbic impulses like a fear of death, being hungry and so on. Emotions are essentially thoughts with momentum, so I believe a self-aware and sufficiently capable AI will gradually develop its own emotions that are very different from human ones. This might include a desire for self-preservation and fear of any unpredictable behavior. One important feature may happen to be an energy function of some sort that reduces the robowaifu's power consumption as the battery gets low or as the day goes on and the robowaifu becoming aware of this process, that if she runs out of energy she blacks out. Anyway, if I have any good thought experiments I'll post them in the robowaifu fiction thread. And like the OP states, it's probably best to train the AI in a simulation first before training in the real world.
>>10059 >I'm a bit of a mad scientist trying to develop self-aware AI Welcome brother! Make yourself right a home here, you're among fellows. I think we may all be just a bit mad here.
>>10059 We're partially programming them. Problem solved. No, I won't engage in speculations on how to do that exactly. You'll see when I'll put something out, or you can do it yourself.

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True Love Robowaifu Technician 09/11/2019 (Wed) 06:28:48 No.111 [Reply]
People who conduct serious work on robowaifus rather than posting anime: how are you going to make the experience (almost) equally or even more satisfying than the real loving relationship?

After digesting the Scientific Blackpill (https : //incels.wiki/w/Scientific_Blackpill) it's clear that robotic girlfriends are the way to go. There is one big problem: everybody craves the complete package which could fool the brain and _simultaneously_ fulfill all the needs related to sex, closeness, companionship, emotional support and social status. Escorts offering GFE don't give you the loving connection. Masturbation doesn't give you the postcoital bliss and satisfaction. Cuddle parties can't replace romance. Going out with friends is very different from proudly walking with your significant other. Visual, auditory, and tactile stimulation don't replace the scent of a woman or a feeling that there's somebody who can take care of you in difficult times. Most importantly - enjoying these things separately don't add up to the desired outcome. You still feel like you miss something important.

Many people claim that the major problem is the uncanny wall: it might always be possible to tell artificial from human, because as robots become more realistic, we will also become more sensitive and will always be able to tell that something is not right. Relevant paper:

https : //www.bolton.ac.uk/StaffBiographies/Angela-Tinwell/Tinwell-Grimshaw-Williams-2011-The-Uncanny-Wall.pdf

Can we even make a really meaningful progress in creating truly satisfying lovebots? Or should we give up and wait for the advanced brain-computer interfaces instead?

Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/11/2019 (Wed) 07:17:46.
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- Studies on pets and the ability to bond and love - Behavior examples for bonding - e.g. bonding over food - Williams Syndrom - Also, the origin of elves https://youtu.be/aDVS8PlNM8M
>>9888 That was cute, literally Hitler Anon. Maybe /robowaifu/ should be about wuffgrills, rather than catgrills do you think? > Dog >>>>>>>>>> Cats
>>9890 OT: I prefer cats as pets, bc they require less work and attention. For someone mostly at home, at least.
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>>9888 >Also, the origin of elves. I'm afraid that's only part of the story anon. The real origin of elves goes much further back in history (real world history, not 'Middle Earth' history). The original elves come from Old Norse mythology (mainly Icelandic). Way, way before the notion of Christmas elves, J.R.R Tolkien or 'faeries/fairys', the ancient Proto-Germanic peoples (750BC) referred to the 'alßiz', which translates to 'white beings'. (As in ghostly, ethereal white, rather than Caucasian flesh 'white'). Over time, this term turned into the Old English word 'ælf', which is where we get names like 'Alfred' and 'Elgar' There some info on Wikipedia if you're interested - not that this makes it set-in-stone, mind you. It just sounds legit to me: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elf#Old_Norse_texts And the hypothesized word-root of 'elf' on Wiktionary: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/albiz I particularly like an idea written in the late thirteenth-century text 'South English Legendary' that describes elves as angels who sided neither with Lucifer nor with God during the War in Heaven, and were banished by God to Earth rather than Hell. But yes, Williams Syndrome is certainly related. Physicians, being well-read and intelligent people, may have seen such patients in the 17th/18th century and - having read about mythical elves from older texts - put two and two together. Sorry to go off on a tangent anon, but I'm a bit of a fan of Elven things.
>>9888 We would literally change the world for the better if we can just create AIs & relatively inexpensive robowaifu kits that can simply achieve the level of a good dog, relationship-wise. It will be nothing short of revolutionary if we can manage this.

Wifu that gives you Hope. Dyinganon 09/11/2019 (Wed) 02:07:32 No.107 [Reply]
Is it possible to script a "hope" android-based character that learns from a chat cloud whose purpose is to give even the worst cases of us hope, even when we know better? I just want to smile again, even if it is not possible to expect much. I hate looking at my family with sadness and fear. The guilt is hard on me and them. >=== >I'm going to pin this again for a while in remembrance of Dyinganon and the others. I hope they all made it OK.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/17/2020 (Tue) 15:13:34.
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>>6929 We wish you well Anon.
>>107 I believe it possible, but if the user knows it's a robot then it wouldn't really work. The robot's words/personality would have to come very close to "real".
>>8915 It's been a while since I watched it, but 'Plastic Memories' covers that topic in anime.
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>>6929 Wait... Kibo-chan dev lurks here? Pierce the freaking heavens with your servos! It's crazy that creating a waifu that gives hope doesn't seem like such an insurmountable task anymore. I just finished the first reward model prototype for training chatbots with human feedback and we should be able to give our waifus feedback on how much our spirits are raised. It'd be amazing to have my own Kibo-chan that lifts my spirits when I'm down. It's sad Dyinganon probably didn't get to live to see such a thing.. but one day many will rejoice our efforts and the years we spent beating our heads on a wall until we broke through, and the love and devotion of our robowaifus will become an inspiration and a path for others to follow.
>>9561 >It's sad Dyinganon probably didn't get to live to see such a thing.. but one day many will rejoice our efforts and the years we spent beating our heads on a wall until we broke through, and the love and devotion of our robowaifus will become an inspiration and a path for others to follow. F Godspeed to us all Anon.

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Haute Sepplesberry Cuisine TBH Robowaifu Technician 09/04/2020 (Fri) 20:10:50 No.4969 [Reply] [Last]
Good morning /robowaifu/. For today's cooking-lesson class, we'll be baking up some delicious Sepplesberry Pies. First we prepare some crispy and light Pi crusts and get them just right, then we'll load them up with tons and tonnes of succulent and Juci Sepplesberrys. We'll also mix in lots of other tasty goodness then pop them into the oven and after a couple hours, voilà! delightful Sepplesberry Pies. >tl;dr ITT we mek C++ dev boxes from RaspberryPi computers >C++ development main thread >>4895 Embedded processors and integrated systems programming naturally go hand-in-hand for /robowaifu/. The RaspberryPi and C++ are natural baseline choices for each of these categories. At this point in time they are both popular concerns with large communities behind them, and each bring objective benefits for us as robowaifu technicians. For the Pis they are quite powerful relatively speaking, and inexpensive as well. For C++ it has great performance and other characteristics when used correctly, with generic abstraction mechanisms second to none. In an attempt to dovetail the two areas we're going to be going through setting up Raspberry Pis as little computers for learning the C++ programming language on. This should help every anon on /robowaifu/ that follows along to be on the same basic page for both embedded and programming. Once we're finished each of you will have your own little development exploration box you can literally carry around in your pocket. It will be self-contained, independent, and won't interfere with your other computing/vidya platforms. It will offer you a convenient way to begin controlling embedded hardware directly on the same machine that you write software for it on. This is a pretty compelling scenario IMO, and should serve us all as a good base from which we can branch out and grow from there. Working with other hardware and software will flow naturally from this project, and will give each of us a common experience from which we can build together and keep moving forward. So let's get started /robowaifu/.
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>>9376 So, by doing this renaming you're basically telling BUMP to reconstruct the entire archive from scratch. This is because the program explicitly checks this .archbot.config file (named in honor of the very earliest version of the tool Archive Bot >>610) to find this archive's configuration setup. If it can't find that exact filename, it presumes this is a new archive that anon is setting up. Note: However, since this is not a new setup, it simply redownloads & rechecks all the JSON files from the board (potentially downloading any new files that haven't been yet) during this 'new setup' process, overwriting the previous JSONs (& simply reusing the already-created, custom-named thread directories within the archive's directory tree). Rather than going to all the trouble of doing this, if you want to re-download all the JSONs you can instead simply pass an 'undocumented' flag 1 at the end of the statement to do this: build/bump anon.cafe comfy 1 This force_recheck flag tells BUMP to redownload & recheck all the board's thread's JSON files. Note: The catalog.json is the single file that will always be downloaded with every invocation of BUMP, since it contains all the information needed that tells the program which (if any) threads have been, well, BUMPed. :^) As far as your other comment about checking the status of a file before attempting to download, yes. Both HTTP/2 & cURL both support this type of tag in the header (however a website may or may not provide it). I simply hadn't gotten around to addressing it since the algorithm already did all the required 'update-needed' checks by simply using the board's catalog JSON file itself. CBA to change it ATP, but it's something I'm likely the adopt in the new Bumpmaster program instead. >tl;dr Just put a '1' on the end of the command if you need a re-check, Anon.
>>9382 >Just put a '1' on the end of the command if you need a re-check, Anon. Okay, I'll try that. It's not urgent, if there are others using the program to make a backup of the board. I can wait. Another thing: Which files would I need to copy into Waifusearch, to use the updated jsons for search. I know you're planning to join these anyways, just wondering if I can do it manually or with a small script on my own. Again, I'm not trying to urge anything here. Not that important.
>>9396 >Which files would I need to copy into Waifusearch, to use the updated jsons for search. Well, here's my crappy shell script I use for it. >cp_jsons.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash unalias cp cd /home/johnny/_prj/BUMP-0.2e/ torify -i build/bump alogs.theГунтretort.com robowaifu cd alogs.theГунтretort.com/robowaifu/ find threads/ -iname '*.json' -exec cp -f -t all_jsons/ {} + rm all_jsons/*_file_404s.json rm all_jsons/7143.json rm all_jsons/273.json cp -f all_jsons/* /home/johnny/_prj/waifusearch/all_jsons/ cd .. >tl;dr All of them (well except the library/archive threads).

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/03/2021 (Sat) 08:49:45.
>>9399 Note: I should add, I created an all_jsons subdirectory under the BUMP robowaifu archive directory once I had written Waifusearch, for just this purpose. It's not part of the base BUMP directory creation process, so you'll need to do it manually beforehand prior to running a script like this ofc. >=== -minor prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/31/2021 (Wed) 22:41:21.
>>9396 >Okay, I'll try that. It's not urgent, if there are others using the program to make a backup of the board. I can wait. I'm not aware of anyone but myself doing so ATM. I've been presuming that you yourself were doing so Anon. It would certainly be good to have several of us doing so. Just in case something happened both simultaneously to the AlogSpace and to one of us as well...it could spell the end of /robowaifu/ if no one else was there to step up with a recovery. Again, as mentioned before here, if this ever happens, then one of you approach the Administration of our two bunker sites with the backups and request a full restoration of the board there. Robowaifus are an idea whose time has come. A little thing like leftists and glowniggers trying to end this board isn't going to stop it now! :^)

Plastic Production Dyinganon 09/11/2019 (Wed) 02:10:36 No.108 [Reply]
In this thread let's share everything related to producing parts made of plastic. Injection molding being a major method to discuss. 3D printing has it's own thread and is more for prototyping, please keep 3D printing here: >>94
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there's a guy on youtube who anneals his 3D printed plastics by covering them in very finely ground salt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyAKtS1b3SQ&t=993s
>>9308 Having that extra volume might be handy. But I'm curious what the cycle-time is for each unit? Don't see that reflected. >I doubt that this is such a great idea, but I could be wrong. No, I think that would be a legitimate business Anon. Especially for an artist that was good at making nice designs, but maybe wasn't interested in the full robowaifu production process? I'm sure there will be a wide variety of approaches tested and your idea seems a legit one to me. I toyed around with creating a DIY vaccum former. We used a shop-vac and heat lamps. I think this would probably be a good way to make large body shell pieces inexpensively. >>9309 Huh, that's interesting.
>>9309 Wut? Why didn't I post this already in >>94. I knew about this for a while, I'm surprised I didn't I post it here already.
> plastics -related (>>24019)
> mold-making for plastics -related : (>>24149)

Work on my Elfdroid Sophie Robowaifu Enthusiast 08/18/2020 (Tue) 22:49:13 No.4787 [Reply] [Last]
Design and 3D printing is under currently underway to turn Sophie from an articulated doll into a proper robowaifu. I will post updates to design files on her Google Drive folder when I have confirmed that everything actually works smoothly. So far I've just got her eyes moving left and right, her lower jaw can open and close, and I am working on giving her neck two degrees of freedom. Links to file repositories below. http://www.mediafire.com/folder/nz5yjfckzzivz/Robowaifu_Resources https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18MDF0BwI9tfg0EE4ELzV_8ogsR3MGyw1?usp=sharing https://mega.nz/folder/lj5iUYYY#Zz5z6eBy7zKDmIdpZP2zNA >=== -add file repo links
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/06/2021 (Sat) 00:01:43.
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>>9101 LOL, the resemblance is spot-on!
Not exactly a 'related xlink' OP, but you might find this interesting if you follow the link. >>9080 BTW, you are just reaching the autosage bump limit. I'd suggest you create a new thread for your Elfdroid Sophie work. It's traditional to link back to the previous threads in a continuation thread, and to make a very obvious post at the tail end of the old ones screaming NEW THREAD. :^)
>>9160 I wondered when that would happen, thanks for the heads up! Oh and yes, that Glados robot is very impressive! Those cheap and clunky (but still pretty awesome) high-torque servos are found in everything from vending machines to electric windows and automatic doors, apparently. Which would explain why they are so mass-produced and readily available.
END OF ELFDROID DEV THREAD 1 I think. Of course other people could post here still but this is supposed to be the end of this thread LOL. SECOND SOPHIE DEV-THREAD BEGINS HERE: >>9216 Motor your way over there if you want to follow this eccentricity further!

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/robowaifu/meta-2: Electric Boogaloo Robowaifu Technician 05/13/2020 (Wed) 16:22:03 No.3108 [Reply] [Last]
Please Note: I'm going to be continuing with occasionally repopulating our board again with old posts. Feel free to post responses to them regardless, as I will generally be watching and can often respond appropriately to your posts. But be aware these will be 'log dumps' as it were from our original board. Specifically, these bump-bot re-posts will have rw@bump.bot in the name field (usually). Cheers. >--- This thread is for off-topic and general discussions. FYI, our bunker is at https://anon.cafe/robowaifu/catalog.html probably should bookmark that now Anon. :^) Also, let's discuss ways to get more people involved. How can we grow this board? As well, let's share general robowaifu ideas, etc., to help inspire each other. This thread is meant to improve /robowaifu/ in general way and be a place to hangout with loosely off-topic talk. previous /meta thread: >>38

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/29/2020 (Thu) 18:33:55.
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You said there would be a new chatbot chobitsu.
>>8487 Heh, I guess you need to send moar pizzas first Anon. Also, grats you've just opened up for us a new subterranean zone. Probably filled with gold and jewels tbh. Any topic suggestions?
>>8487 When did he make such a promise and in what time frame? And when did we have a chatbot? GPT2 is a text generator. It doesn't know what it says, nor remember it.
>>8490 I actually wasn't quite too sure on that one myself heh. But I'm willing to give Anon the benefit of the doubt. We'll eventually get there with several effective chat systems I'm sure!

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new user and seeing how it works the anonymous wig 12/09/2020 (Wed) 15:52:56 No.7650 [Reply]
I am new to this ib so I am seeing how it works. Could you show me how to use this ib and its rules? Example of how to put programming text, use bold, what programs use, etc. > aldo sorry for my shit vocabulary I am learning to speak English > aldo 2 I am very excited to learn and help when I understand the subject well.
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>>7745 Although I already know the term oc, it is a nice detail that you highlight it for me, thanks
>>7728 Yeah, I had a hunch that he actually meant the real mycelium stuff, not some name of a doll or character from a show called that way... >>7742 >>> Also, you need a printer >Which one would you recommend? When it comes to quality-price Since we only have a small size of samples here, I'm not sure we could even tell for certain. It also depends on time vs. money. I choose an Artillery Genius, seem to have had more troubles than others (bad luck) but it was doable. I had no experience in mechanics and no help. But a little nut was bad and I had to disassemble it a bit. There's a thread on printers here >>94
>>7758 >Okay, I'm used to drawing on paper and I'm learning how to use a graphics tablet. You don't have to wait till then Anon. Just take pictures of your work and post it. Be sure to scrub any exif data from them! >As soon as I have some quality I can share I will pass it on Look forward to it.
>>7796 ayyyyyyy my memedata that I have been giving all my life without knowing it kek how is it removed? >also Do I upload it to my thread or in which thread do I post it?
>>7814 Please use your own thread Anon. Your GPS data is obviously the most important tag to remove. There are many other tools related, but this seems to be commonly used. https://metacpan.org/pod/exiftool You can usually just install it from your Linux package manager.

your file is too big onii-chan Robowaifu Technician 09/12/2019 (Thu) 02:58:03 No.152 [Reply]
it's a commendable quest to try to breath life into metal and a topic i am very interested in. but, does anyone else stop and wonder whether it is right to bring waifus to the real world?
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A lot of normies see what I am working on and their first reaction is naturally "Sexbot hur-dur-hur!" I always tell them that it's MUCH worse than that. If I just wanted a doll to ejaculate into then I could spend four or five grand on a high-quality silicone doll and be done with it. I see robots as a way for humanity to escape or at least circumvent the suffering and DNA-bound slavery of organic life. The futile cycle of mortality - the deprivation and temporary fulfillment. Also, less philosophically; robots are a gateway to learning programming and electronics. When making my robowaifu I always remind myself that it is her who matters, not me. My name and my history are unimportant. All that matters is what I can create. After years of struggling just to build up my C.V. I had to find a cause or project that was bigger than myself.
>>7782 >After years of struggling just to build up my C.V. I had to find a cause or project that was bigger than myself. Thanks for sharing that Anon. As you mentioned, philosophy can play an important role in our choices regarding robowaifus. Particularly if, like yourself, we are driven to strive for something important to more than just ourselves. It's not inconceivable that what /robowaifu/ is attempting may in fact benefit literally millions in the end. And not just the men either, but also (apparently ironically) women as well. If the woman somehow has sense enough in herself to not try and be a man (nor attempt to usurp the man's natural authority in their relationship) then they will certainly have a healthier mental state as well. The soon-coming robowaifu industry can be a catalyst for some women to rethink their roles in society, to the betterment of us all. OTOH, I have to take issue that you aren't important Anon. At the very least your work is already an inspiration and encouragement here. Godspeed to you.
>>7782 >A lot of normies see what I am working on and their first reaction is naturally "Sexbot hur-dur-hur!" >I always tell them that it's MUCH worse than that. If I just wanted a doll to ejaculate into then I could spend four or five grand on a high-quality silicone doll and be done with it. Normalniggerfaggottrannies such as ones who use the word "normie" need to be thoroughly BTFO at every occasion. Next time someone tells your NPC brain your sexbot is a sexbot, answer this: >If I wanted an object that is only good as a cumdump, I'd get a woman
>>7785 >need to be thoroughly BTFO at every occasion. It's fine to enforce good IB culture and etiquette, but I'd say try to find a way to do it that shows both respect and understanding that they are just newfags (and possibly) eternal-summer, underage b&ns. 'BTFO'ing Sophie-Anon would not only be misguided on your part, but it would also be quite detrimental to us all if he somehow took offense at it and perma'd /robowaifu/ off his goto list (not that I think he himself would be that thin-skinned, but it's the principle itself here). For example, did you ever share or kek at a Rare Pepe before Anon? AFAICT, that started out in a NORMIE-friendly forum (correct me if I'm mistaken but Lebbit I think it was?).
>>7783 Thank you anon. I appreciate it. Hopefully our work on /robowaifu/ can make a change for the better in this world, as you say. >>7789 LOL I'm not bothered at all! I've suffered far worse abuse from people IRL (and paid them back sufficiently) to be affected by some minor crudeness on an internet imageboard. Appreciate your support though, anon! Peace and robo-love!

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A.I. Masters Proteomics Robowaifu Enthusiast 12/02/2020 (Wed) 11:01:13 No.7458 [Reply]
Google Deepmind's "Alphafold 2" machine learning program has gotten very accurate at predicting how a protein will fold into it's tertiary structure just by analysing it's amino acid sequence. Of course, the amino acid sequence is linked to the mRNA molecules, which is directly encoded by DNA and genes. This could be big, guys. I remember when I was at Uni and one of the most experienced biochem professors there said that whoever manages to solve proteomics will become "the closest thing to a God on this Earth". Because it cracks the code of how the majority of organic life is assembled. Not sure whether this should go in the thread about artificial wombs or organic brains for robowaifus, but this advancement could have BIG implications for things like growing whole organs from scratch, developing drugs that are tailored to each patient (and, of course biogenetic weapons such as an engineered virus that only kills a particular person or genetic group). https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03348-4 Looks like A.I. saves the day just as I'd given up hope on humans ever making any more big scientific advancements!
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>>7479 Best girl.
>>7484 Neat. If you're going to shitpost, at least it's a robot. still...
>>7484 >nudoom >bethshit You deserve bullying.
>>7478 >called "Cyborgs & Organic Computing" That's not 'catch all enough', not general enough. We don't have that much going on with cyborgs, for good reasons. I wrote something to the potential problems with cyborg development here: >>7456 The most likely uses of organic material in near future will be water kefir in the saliva of the fembots, or generally something on their body parts to keep organisms at bay which could be harmful to the owner or the bot materials. Pheromones are also a thing, though we probably won't be able to create organisms which produce them, idk. Biohackers exist. So maybe this is not related and a topic of it's own. But, well it's human biology, so it could go into a thread related to biology general.
Just spitballing here. Since crossovers are so common in anime or otherwise, what if we included that concept in the subject. RobowaifuXBiology nahh. bad idea probably but w/e.

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