/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

Robowaifu Podcast meta ronin 07/10/2021 (Sat) 00:08:29 No.11364 [Reply] [Last]
Purpose: - Spread the idea of robowaifus and help recruit talent to our cause - Control the framing of R/W devs, researchers and enthusiasts; we can be perceived as eccentric, charismatic techies rather than, say, disturbed and dangerous lone weirdos - Brainstorm fresh ideas that might arise from real-time live collaboration and debate - Get ahead of the 8 ball and shape the topic into something appealing yet transformative in a fun edgy way before journos and the like sully it with their stale neolib, postmod, westernized takes If this is something any of you (esp Board Owner and heavyweights) would consider participating in I'm inviting you to collaborate. Could be a once a week or twice a month deal, part time co-host or recurring guest is what I'm looking for. I've already run some pilot streams on my Twitch but might move to another platform if we want something more regular and official. --- >podcasts:Are Robo Waifus the Future? (2023 Jan 26) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=II70vRYprgw >=== -revamp OP
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/28/2023 (Sat) 05:08:44.
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>>19963 >but note that mgtow is just a psyop to sell feminism to men. Feminists do all kinds of things, it's not one group, so they will even contradict each other. MGTOW is freeing men from women and from those influencing them, so it's certainly not " just a psyop to sell feminism to men". MGTOW itself is also a spectrum, so this claim is very absurd.
>>19846 >The new thing is IMO the DIY scene around it, in combination with memes and sharing recommendations of entertainment related to it, and even starting to create more of it. Yeah I suppose that's true Anon. Certainly, it would help us all if we can get some of these anons you mentioned connected in here to start doing their own thing, together as a group. Heh, obviously not a tightly-rigid structure, but we've already learned here the synergies that can arise from this arrangement.
Not sure if Podcasts from other creators than Meta Ronin or anyone from this board belong here in this thread, but here's a guy talking about AI Waifus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEL1OZPkU94 >With the current state of dating, men are seeking out alternatives to the traditional relationship system. Enter the latest advancements of AI.
If anyone needs a better microphone for his podcasting: >>20775 >Building a quality USB-C microphone
>Sandman, a leading figure in the MGTOW community, joins Simone and Malcolm to discuss high-tech reproductive strategies. They explore surrogacy, genetic selection, artificial wombs, sexbots, and more ways men can have children without partners. Other topics include all-male vs all-female societies, economics, and virtual intimacy technologies. https://youtu.be/UjglsvZATr0?si=5Pv_nzIw21niAdcB I'm not agreeing with them in every aspect, but they are a open minded and creative couple which is interested "sexbots" and reproduction.

AI Design principles and philosophy Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2019 (Mon) 06:44:15 No.27 [Reply] [Last]
My understanding of AI is somewhat limited, but personally I find the software end of things far more interesting than the hardware side. To me a robot that cannot realistically react or hold a conversation is little better than a realdoll or a dakimakura.

As such, this is a thread for understanding the basics of creating an AI that can communicate and react like a human. Some examples I can think of are:

ELIZA was one of the first chatbots, and was programmed to respond to specific cues with specific responses. For example, she would respond to "Hello" with "How are you". Although this is one of the most basic and intuitive ways to program a chat AI, it is limited in that every possible cue must have a response pre-programmed in. Besides being time-consuming, this makes the AI inflexible and unadaptive.

The invention of Cleverbot began with the novel idea to create a chatbot using the responses of human users. Cleverbot is able to learn cues and responses from the people who use it. While this makes Cleverbot a bit more intelligent than ELIZA, Cleverbot still has very stilted responses and is not able to hold a sensible conversation.

Taybot is the best chatbot I have ever seen and shows a remarkable degree of intelligence, being able to both learn from her users and respond in a meaningful manner. Taybot may even be able to understand the underlying principles of langauge and sentence construction, rather than simply responding to phrases in a rote fashion. Unfortunately, I am not sure how exactly Taybot was programmed or what principles she uses, and it was surely very time-intensive.

Which of these AI formats is most appealing? Which is most realistic for us to develop? Are there any other types you can think of? Please share these and any other AI discussion in this thread!
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>>24677 threads already share the same file descriptors and memory they only get a new stack, theres no reason to do this unless you want to literally dump the entire file to ram which does make reading faster but you cant say its using less memory, theres no hidden trick to time complexity where you can magically get faster reads using less memory theyre always inversely related and mapping gigantic files that dont even fit in ram will just end up causing excessive page faults and thrashing, theres something clearly wrong with either the claim or the original code
>>24678 OK I'd say just prove it for yourself Anon. The PR is linked above ITT.
>>24686 im not going to read through their code you can just test it yourself, mapping gigantic files bigger than ram with a random access pattern causes ridiculous thrashing, and you can see mapping files reduces the amount of free ram more than double what the io cache uses, pages only perform better when you have the ram to back it up again theres something wrong with their claim or the original code has a bug or is leaking or something, maybe iostream is just tarded who knows heres the test #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/stat.h> int with_io( int fd, size_t items ) { char buf[8]; int youWillNotOptimizeMeAway;

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>>24689 Thanks Anon. Seems the thread is autosaging now. OP if you're still here, time for another thread please :^)
NEW THREAD (Cognitive Architecture): >>24783 NEW THREAD (Cognitive Architecture): >>24783 NEW THREAD (Cognitive Architecture): >>24783 NEW THREAD (Cognitive Architecture): >>24783 NEW THREAD (Cognitive Architecture): >>24783

What can we buy today? Robowaifu Technician 09/11/2019 (Wed) 01:41:22 No.101 [Reply]
I've stated many times on this forum my skepticism of the "robo" part of "robowaifu". The reason why is because I've owned a number of dolls, including one full size TPE sex doll, and always been very satisfied with my purchases. The "robo" will be reality within our lifetimes but simply doesn't exist today. I'm starting this thread to discuss options that exist today which don't require advanced technology, products that can already relieve our loneliness. In particular I'd like to promote one cheap, freely available, and obvious option that you may have overlooked.

If you live alone and happen to have a few grand burning a hole in your pocket, you've probably already considered buying a sex doll. It's a good purchase for the money. If you haven't bought one yet, you probably either don't live alone, don't have that kind of money, or have a moral or practical objection to sex dolls. In that case you could buy a <$50 onahole-type or fleshlight-type sex toy, but that's not a "waifu" and isn't really more satisfying than masturbating with your hand. To alleviate loneliness, you need something that you can cuddle, than you can look at and smile, that you can care for, that makes you feel that you are not alone.

It may sound cringey, even pedophilic, but I want you to seriously considering buying a <$50 child's cloth doll. I've been cuddling and sleeping with an 80cm cloth doll for the last year and she has brought me much joy and comfort. A related option is a "dakimakura" (lonely pillow), but the advantage of the cloth doll is that it resembles a real human being, with a head and arms, and therefore is more fun to cuddle. My doll has made surviving this period of peak feminism so much easier, and honestly has probably saved me from the rope.

Here's the 100cm version of the doll that I bought. For cuddling purposes, bigger is better, so I recommend the largest doll you can find.

In this thread we can discuss sex dolls, cloth dolls, dakimakura, onaholes, and other options that exist on the market today.
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>>8219 Oh, one point on my todo-list I forgot about: Trying again to register at alogs. Last time Roddy didn't have much time and it coordination failed.
>>8222 OK sounds good. Just tell him I sent you if he asks, but he probably won't. I had let him know about you beforehand so yea.
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A while ago, I thought creating a pillow with male sex toy insert would also be a good and simple idea. There might be a market for it, even while I'm not interested myself. But it would be cheaper than a doll. Then, yesterday, I was looking for a normal anime body pillow, didn't want it for anything lewd or even complex. Just thought about buying a cushion cover soon, and wanted to look into it. Especially to find out for what characters they even exist. Partially just to support the creators of anime I like but had to download. Well... I found https://www.animepillowshop.com and they make them with optional boobs and buttocks, and have variants for inserts. Okay. I didn't know, lol. In these memes I saw it's always just a pillow. Also, yes, they even exist for quite niche characters.
>>24645 Neat! Clearly others were thinking the same as you, NoidoDev. >male sex toy insert By this, I'll presume you mean an onahole-like vagoo prosthetic?
>>24651 >>male sex toy insert >By this, I'll presume you mean an onahole-like vagoo prosthetic? Yes

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Ricky Ma General Robowaifu Technician 09/12/2019 (Thu) 03:00:06 No.153 [Reply]
Can we talk about the man who DID IT? Seriously he did it, he achieved our dream and started a project to help all those who want their own robowaifu, then, why does not anyone support him in TWO FUCKING YEARS?
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>>153 can anyone explain how he made the mask/face? i want one for a robowaifu im designing
>>21561 >can anyone explain how he made the mask/face? i want one for a robowaifu im designing Thread on faces >>9
>>21532 That's good news to hear NoidoDev, thanks! >tfw his robowaifu's in her 6th year Nice, didn't realize that tbh. >>21561 He wrote a full book on his project Anon. I imagine he probably explains the process in that.
He did it again, with Wonder Woman now: https://youtu.be/l-p26hSkOhc
>>24613 Neat! Godspeed Ricky Ma. :^) Thanks for the headsup, NoidoDev.

Hold onto your papers Robowaifu Technician 09/16/2019 (Mon) 05:59:19 No.269 [Reply]
It's hard to keep track of all the developments that are happening in artificial intelligence and related areas. Perhaps we could share our favourite research papers to get a better feel for all the progress happening and what we need to do next to make robowaifus a reality.

I'm mostly focused on general intelligence but this thread can be for anything that has captured and held your attention for long periods of time, whether in speech synthesis, creativity, robotics, materials, or anything else.
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>>24256 >If true, this'll probably solve the robowaifu battery problem. If true, and also 'super easy' to manufacture, as you indicate, will revolutionize many things in the world. Robowaifus may get much lighter also, due to much slimmer, much lower-mass actuators. OTOH, it's unlikely IMO that the GH will ever allow this out onto the open market anytime soon. There are far too many vested interests this would effectively collapse. Even if true, it likely to be scuttled (as least to the public's eye) 'Oh sorry guise, we were off by a decimal point LOL!'. Watching with great interest. :^)
>>24256 >>24258 Figured we might want to keep this here on the board, just for archival safekeeping.
>>24258 This'll help the globohomo with their green energy goals too. Remember the plan to put up solar panels in the Sahara, which would generate enough electricity to meet the demands of the whole world? Well, that was kind of inviable because of the giant transmission losses from transporting electricity over the large distances to MENA and European countries. But this makes its much closer within grasp, although there's still work to be done on the solar panels themselves and energy storage. I too, am watching this with great interest. If we finally get free energy, training and running AI becomes that much cheaper and easier. Also, this might probably help the robowaifu recharging and solar charging part too. One of the downsides of making your robowaifu solar chargable is that the density of charge is very less for solar power, especially on a humanoid body, which will make it either impossible or take a really long time to charge. With this, it's easier to charge way faster and store much more energy. Although, like I said before, there's still work to be done on solar tech before we reach that level. >>24262 yeah, I probably should have done that. The Twitter and Reddit API lockdown has me woondering and goncerned, so I'm downloading as many datasets as I can. This might not be the place to ask, but does anyone have a torrent of the Raiders of the Lost Kek /pol/ dataset? Direct download takes forever.
>>24265 >does anyone have a torrent of the Raiders of the Lost Kek /pol/ dataset? Here's a GPT-J 6B model generated from it. https://archive.org/download/gpt4chan_model_float16/gpt4chan_model_float16_archive.torrent >=== -add comment
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/27/2023 (Thu) 02:24:58.
> potential paper -related : (>>24648)

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Wheelchair Waifus Robowaifu Technician 05/12/2020 (Tue) 00:38:56 No.2983 [Reply] [Last]
Ideally our robowaifus would be MORE able than normal humans, but we just aren't there just yet. As we all know there are lots of engineering challenges to building a full sized robowaifu. One solution to these is to just build smaller waifus as >>2666 suggested, but I am assuming most of us don't want a short stack. My solution to the problems involved with balance, heating, and power requirements is just to give our prototype robowaifu crutches and a wheelchair. It would be much easier for our robowaifu to walk with crutches than on her own two legs and in the beginning she would probably only be able to walk short distances even with the crutches. An electric wheel chair would solve the issue of balance entirely. A wheel chair could also have a number of different systems and components mounted to it. Batteries, cooling fans, sensors, and processing units could all be mounted to the wheelchair, and we don't have to worry about the chair being pretty. A cripplebot, while not an ideal final product, would be great for prototyping designs and systems that could be used for later designs especially those relating to sensors, bot navigation, and movement. Our prototype could also be fully sized as well. What do you think /robowaifu/, should our first prototype be a cripple?
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 06/03/2020 (Wed) 06:21:29.
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>>24162 >Locomotion and capacity for a basic conversation are my first goals. Locomotion should be reasonably like modern R/C toys such as cars. So, a relatively-solved problem today. Conversation? Haha there's conversation and then there's conversation. Obviously chatbots have made leaps and bounds over the past year, and I predict they will continue to do so. However, human-level intelligence (HLI) conversations are so far out on the frontiers of research ATM, that I give it even odds whether we'll pull it off in our lifetimes. Don't get me wrong -- I believe we will. But the fact is that if that's the form of conversation you're going for here, then you are biting off what is arguably one of the most difficult human endeavors in history Anon. IMO much better to go for something much more modest like chat-tier inferencing first, then solve all the many-and-varied humanoid robotics tasks thereafter. In the meantime AI will continue advancing. I hope all that made sense Kiwi. Just ask if you want me to reword things (hopefully) more clearly. Cheers.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/22/2023 (Sat) 04:37:07.
>>24162 >Progress report, she balances even better than I thought she would. The suspension integration into her motor holders works a treat. Wheels work great. Looking forward to her bettery coming in the mail to test her under her own power. Neat! I presume the divots of your main wheels are providing convenient detents for the system to find a stable balance point? Good luck with the battery/charging systems Kiwi! Any idea how you're going to solve motion control yet? I'd think some kind of hardwired, or remote joystick system may be feasible during this early, interim prototyping phase. BTW, I really like how you're building up your frame for this base unit piecemeal, and using the motor housings themselves as structural elements for the system. This kind of double-duty thinking will make things lighter & cheaper. (cf. 5 principles thread : >>24047) >>24166 >like those useless roombas, Heh, so far the single most successful consumer robot in history. I'd suggest they're of some usefulness to their masters. BTW good suggestion about the charging docks, Anon. Helpful ideas thanks. Cheers. >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/22/2023 (Sat) 01:18:22.
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The next generation MaSiRo is heading in a similar direction to MaidCom
>>24254 Neat! I think that there are similar service needs between the two projects, so tbh that outcome doesn't surprise me. How did you find out about the changes, I'm curious.
Related: >>24744 >Modular Platform, "Assistant": Wheelchair-style robot base to jumpstart projects by Lin

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General Robotics/A.I./Software News, Commentary, + /pol/ Funposting Zone #3 NoidoDev ##eCt7e4 03/06/2023 (Mon) 18:57:17 No.21140 [Reply] [Last]
Anything in general related to the Robotics or A.I. industries, and any social or economic issues surrounding it (especially of robowaifus). === -note: This OP text might get an update at some point to improve things a bit. -previous threads: > #1 (>>404) > #2 (>>16732) >=== -edit subject
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/08/2023 (Sat) 13:10:41.
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Suggestions for the new thread pics. I picked someone from Prima Doll again, but maybe the new tradition should rather be to pick one from the newest good related anime. I think this might still be Prima Doll. At least the newest I've seen. I was thinking about using the girl from ATRI. Maybe next time. The other idea here was the relation between reading the news and having some coffee. In that case we would mostly be stuck with Prima Doll, at least if the girl serving is also supposed to be a robot.
>>24077 They look fine Anon. I'm perfectly fine with animu grills as the opener pic. I'd personally suggest leaving your options of choice wide open. Just that the opener have great waifu appeal, which your choice here does. >tl;dr Go for it NoidoDev! :^)
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>>24080 Thanks. If people have suggestions for future opener pics I'm listening. Picrel might be it at some point. But currently it's hot in many places, so the pic of Karasuba with some iced drink fits very well.
New Thread New Thread New Thread >>24081 >>24081 >>24081 >>24081 >>24081 New Thread New Thread New Thread
>>24082 > Picrel might be it at some point. I think that's fine tbh.

Self-driving cars AI + hardware Robowaifu Technician 09/11/2019 (Wed) 07:13:28 No.112 [Reply]
Obviously the AI and hardware needed to run an autonomous gynoid robot is going to be much more complicated than that required to drive an autonomous car, but there are at least some similarities, and the cars are very nearly here now. There are also several similarities between the automobile design, production and sales industries and what I envision will be their counterparts in the 'Companion Robot' industries. Practically every single advance in self-driving cars will eventually have important ramifications for the development and production of Robowaifus.

ITT: post ideas and news about self-driving cars and the hardware and software that makes them possible. Also discuss the technical, regulatory, and social challenges ahead for them. Please keep in mind this is the /robowaifu/ board, and if you have any insights about how you think these topics may crossover and apply here would also be welcome.

https: // www.nvidia.com/object/drive-px.html
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>>13204 The movement speed perpendicular to objects probably needs tuning due to things like tunnels and guard rails, but otherwise I think it could work great. That hyper-timid driving style might seem excessive, but you've got to consider that the biggest concern people seem to have with autonomous cars is the safety. And if it's really an issue I guess it could still be made to still decelerate safely but not necessarily comfortablely, so the gap between cars can be smaller. There are some places and times where you can go straight on a highway for hours without ever seeing another car and there there's rush hour in New York where bumper to bumper traffic keeps anyone from moving. In the case of the former, the timidness isn't really a significant negative and would mostly just stop it from hitting a deer or anything else that wanders onto the road, hence my analogy of something popping out from a wall. But it would actually help alleviate traffic jams since the reaction time to the change in the speeds of the cars around it could be really high, and if a significant number of cars followed this method, then there'd be a large group of cars all slowly creeping while leaving enough room to pass and merge lanes instead of idling and random accelerating/decelerating and people trying to figure out how to merge. Traffic would be slow, but it would stay moving efficiently. I think this video really does a good job at showing the problem it'd solve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHzzSao6ypE and at the chicken crossing the road part at 1:08, if you think of it as there being no road, just cars going in a straight line, the cars would slow as the chicken approaches to cross them, and start speeding up again as the chicken leaves, I think it could solve the problem without the cars needing to communicate with each other or eliminating human drivers entirely. The consistent driving behavior would keep the cars "in the middle" without needing to consider cars behind them.
https://insideevs.com/news/659974/tesla-ai-fsd-beta-interview-dr-know-it-all-john-gibbs/ Interview with a proponent of EVs, discussing some of the AI aspects of Tesla's self-driving cars.
Flowpilot is pretty interesting for using a phone as a car computer. https://github.com/flowdriveai/flowpilot
>>23908 Thanks Anon.
Interesting little tidbit that went into effect about a month and a half ago in Mass.: >"The open remote access to vehicle telematics effectively required by this law specifically entails “the ability to send commands.”4 Open access to vehicle manufacturers’ telematics offerings with the ability to remotely send commands allows for manipulation of systems on a vehicle, including safety-critical functions such as steering, acceleration, or braking, as well as equipment required by Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) such as air bags and electronic stability control." Via the watchdogs over on /k/, thanks!

(Robo)Waifu personality thread Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2019 (Mon) 05:26:21 No.18 [Reply] [Last]
Is she going to be tsundere? Deredere? Yandere or a combination? How would you code your waifus personality? Where do you draw inspiration from and can personality even be classified and successfully coded into AI? > (>>17027 - related-thread, emotions) >=== -add related-thread crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/26/2022 (Tue) 03:50:30.
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I've been thinking recently about how to organize and describe personas. While text generation AI is capable of working with unstructured text, AI in general seems to work better when the data is given some sensible structure for the task at hand. Even if a good structure isn't directly necessary for text generation, it's useful for understanding exactly what sorts of things can go wrong and what sorts of data you need to provide to get results you want. I ended up settling on 8 questions that seem to be good for getting a very comprehensive understanding of people: 1. What are they receptive to? 2. What kinds of thoughts do they have? 3. What kinds of goals do they set for themselves? 4. What do they believe? 5. What roles do they take on in life and in interactions? 6. What do they have strong emotions about? 7. How do they act on their emotions? 8. How do they believe things should work? I think questions like these can be useful for being very specific about what an AI gets right or wrong about a persona. It might even be possible to collect data on each of these 8 aspects. On thinking about what the most useful first steps would be for creating AI with a personality, any initial steps towards data collection seems like a great step forward. I don't know exactly how the data collection would work, but maybe there's a way to use natural language processing to extract candidate answers to these questions from fanfictions, show transcriptions, community discussions, and so on. It'd be really cool if that would let us create some sort of "persona dataset" for classifying and generating personas. From what I understand, it's not too difficult for an ML researcher to integrate basically any dataset into a text generation model. If anyone else has a different set of questions, it's be great to see that. (The download link in >>12299 seems to be broken.) Anything that helps us be more specific and more comprehensive about what exactly constitutes a persona seems worthwhile, especially since there seems to be so little academic work on the topic.
>>17248 Thanks, I had a similar idea, I guess. I was mainly thinking about personas in regards to limit the stored data on persons she knows. The robowaifu mind would have a concept of different personas and then forget details about persons she met over time, but keep them categorized as a certain type of person, or within a range of close types. This might of course also help from the start. Having a guess which kind of person someone is, and then adapting her behavior accordingly. >Anything that helps us be more specific and more comprehensive about what exactly constitutes a persona seems worthwhile Try not to overplan things. It just needs to be a framework which can be extended. It should of course also include race, gender, political tendencies, heritage and nationality, religion, etc. I'm sure we can find an article on Facebook and advertisers where they list what kinds of factors they care about, then some psychological classifications, sociological mileus, ... From there we can weed out the more important factors.
>>17257 >Try not to overplan things. It just needs to be a framework which can be extended. Part of this is just me trying to figure out my own thoughts on the topic. I think part of it is also that we have different use cases in mind. I'm thinking more of a one-on-one chatbot, where things like race, politics, heritage, nationality, and religion don't play a big role, at least not for me. Do these play a big role in one-on-one discussions for other people? >I'm sure we can find an article on Facebook and advertisers where they list what kinds of factors they care about Keep in mind that they'll deliberately avoid using or suggesting some important things for legal and reputation reasons. Some big ones not on your list include age, parental status, income, occupation, and education. The search term for this is "demographics". When it comes to creating lists like this, I find GPTs to be very useful. I gave https://20b.eleuther.ai/ this input: >Best demographics for targetting a message: >- Gender >- Politics >- Cultural background >- Religion >- Age >- Parental status >- Income

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>Give me an exhaustive list of all psychological traits and personality traits, which are being used to describe and diagnose humans. ChatGPT: Describing an exhaustive list of all psychological traits and personality traits used to describe and diagnose humans is challenging, as there are numerous theories, models, and assessments in the field of psychology. However, I can provide you with a comprehensive list of commonly recognized traits: 1. Extraversion 2. Introversion 3. Neuroticism 4. Emotional Stability 5. Openness to Experience 6. Conscientiousness 7. Agreeableness 8. Honesty-Humility 9. Empathy 10. Resilience 11. Assertiveness 12. Self-Esteem

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>>23495 >>Give me an exhaustive list of all psychological traits and personality traits, which are being used to describe and diagnose humans. Excellent prompt, NoidoDev. GG.

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MaidCom Development Kiwi 03/16/2022 (Wed) 23:30:40 No.15630 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to the /robowaifu/ board's project. Together, we will engineer a modular robot that will serve and provide companionship to their Anon faithfully. See picrel for details on the current design. This robot will begin with a basic maid robot then move forward towards more capable robots with functionality approaching Chii/2B/Dorothy. First goal is to have a meter tall robot which functions as a mobile server bearing an appearance that approximates her owners waifu. This should be completed by December 2022 with further major updates happening yearly until Anons can build a PersoCom class robot with relative ease and affordability.
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>>23238 Because polygons are triangles. When you delete vertices you're left with pointy triangles. :^)
>>23391 Neat. Thanks.
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>>23393 New one, going to be Copyleft once finished.
Seems its time for a new thread Kiwi

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