>Thanks BO, I know many probably would criticize this decision
On the contrary I believe most would support me in it, actually. But that's neither here nor there tbh, I'm not looking to other Anons for guidance on this. I'm not trying to win a popularity contest in the eyes of either man or of angels. I simply seek God's blessings on all of us here--we're all going to need it heh! Openly allowing for the kind of occultism that generally leads directly to Satanism is quite obviously in opposition to that goal is all.
>I think robowaifu is an important part of combatting the evil influence we face in the undermining of both women and men.
As do I. I am simultaneously deeply disappointed and angry at seeing the state of destruction of our
entire.civilization., men and women, boys and girls all included. This isn't just grousing, rather it is blatantly obvious to anyone who is awake and cares. This is quite literally a time of crisis for our civilization, and most are oblivious and mentally and emotionally numbed by complacency, happily sucking away at the
Netfl*x teat, or chasing the next vapid 'like'.
And where others may see absolute degeneracy in robowaifus, I personally see a ray of hope & faith, one of salt & light. My hope is they will bring a much healthier outlook on life and a vitality otherwise missing from many men's lives. Robowaifus won't ultimately prevent the West's demise in the end, but they may dramatically improve the lives of some millions of men at the least, before such time.
As such, devising free & open robowaifus that any man can enjoy is an endeavor deserving of focus and passion. Much moreso than say, the initial successful ascent of Mt. Everest, or even something as remarkable as the first Moon landing. This
mountain to climb is far more essential to the well-being and happiness of many lives in my opinion, and I consider that outcome a worthy goal of diligent pursuit.