>Well, AI scare has always been a thing.
So has drunkenness & debauchery. Doesn't mean I won't call it out when I see it,
especially in my own life or those around me! :^)
Also, while Mary Shelley's world may have had a few serious people truly considering the reality of such a zombie, I'm not aware of it. And
today we have a globalist cabal trying to brainwash our entire culture into jumping through every hoop they desire. Certainly not the case back in that woman's day (and clearly Globohomo Big-Media didn't exist in any type fashion for manipulating others in such compelling & immersive ways -- with such expansive reach -- as today).
The >tl;dr here from my perspective is simply this:
>Don't make light of the threats to your own, personal, very life & limb & liberty * such anti- propaganda to the masses represents.
By participating in the very thing that threatens
(((their))) status-quo of feminism (+ all the follow-on pozz thereto:
especially & particularly their very ability to hold onto power within the now-pozzed west), you have
already been deemed by them as 'the enemy'. If you don't believe me, then just wait. *
I predict this will become all too clear to everyone here over the next 20 years or so (after which time the kikes will have clearly lost this battle; men
will have their robowaifus, if the Lord is willing).
Greedy, violent men have
never willingly allowed their little empires to be dissolved without a fight. Robowaifus becoming a dominant, global reality represents such an existential threat to their
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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/11/2025 (Tue) 15:37:53.