/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.” -t. Anonymous

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Lurk Less: Tasks to Tackle Robowaifu Technician 02/13/2023 (Mon) 05:40:18 No.20037 [Reply]
Here we share the ideas of how to help the development of robowaifus. You can look for tasks to improve the board, or ones which would help to move the development forward. You could also come up with a task that needs to be worked on and ask for help, use the pattern on top of OP for that, replace the part in <brackets> with your own text and post it. >Pattern to copy and adjust for adding a task to the thread: Task: <Description, general or very specific and target thread for the results> Tips: <Link additional information and add tips of how to achieve it.> Constraints and preferences: <Things to avoid> Results: Post your results in the prototypes thread if you designed something >>18800, or into an on-topic thread from the catalog if you found something or created a summary or diagram. General Disclaimer: Don't discuss your work on tasks in this thread, make a posting in another thread, or several of them, and then another one here linking to it. We do have a thread for prototypes >>18800, current meta >>18173 and many others in the catalog https://alogs.space/robowaifu/catalog.html - the thread for posting the result might also be the best place to discuss things. >General suggestions where you might be able to help: - Go through threads in the catalog here https://alogs.space/robowaifu/catalog.html and make summaries and diagrams like pointed out starting here >>10428 - Work on parts instead of trying to develop and build a whole robowaifu - Work on processes you find in some thread in the catalog https://alogs.space/robowaifu/catalog.html - Test existing mechanisms shared on this board, prototypes >>18800 - Try to work on sensors in some kind of rubber skin and in parts >>95 >>242 >>419 - Keep track of other sites and similar projects, for example on YouTube, Twitter or Hackaday. - Copy useful pieces of information from threads on other sites and boards talking about "sexbots", "chatbots", AI or something similar. Pick the right thread here: https://alogs.space/robowaifu/catalog.html

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/08/2023 (Mon) 11:17:16.
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>>33524 Lolno. I WILL NOT EAT ZE BUGS! <---> Somebody need to do a mashup with BB=The evil, bald, jewish Globohomo guy. :D

Welcome to /robowaifu/ Anonymous 09/09/2019 (Mon) 00:33:54 No.3 [Reply]
Why Robowaifu? Most of the world's modern women have failed their men and their societies, feminism is rampant, and men around the world have been looking for a solution. History shows there are cultural and political solutions to this problem, but we believe that technology is the best way forward at present – specifically the technology of robotics. We are technologists, dreamers, hobbyists, geeks and robots looking forward to a day when any man can build the ideal companion he desires in his own home. However, not content to wait for the future; we are bringing that day forward. We are creating an active hobbyist scene of builders, programmers, artists, designers, and writers using the technology of today, not tomorrow. Join us! NOTES & FRIENDS > Notes: -This is generally a SFW board, given our engineering focus primarily. On-topic NSFW content is OK, but please spoiler it. -Our bunker is located at: https://trashchan.xyz/robowaifu/catalog.html Please make note of it. -The Webring's general mustering point is located at: https://junkuchan.org/shelter/index.html -Library thread (good for locating terms/topics) (>>7143) > Friends: -/clang/ - currently at https://8kun.top/clang/ - toaster-love NSFW. Metal clanging noises in the night. -/monster/ - currently at https://smuglo.li/monster/ - bizarre NSFW. Respect the robot. -/tech/ - currently at >>>/tech/ - installing Gentoo Anon? They'll fix you up.

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/30/2025 (Thu) 03:06:36.

Robo Face Development Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2019 (Mon) 02:08:16 No.9 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is dedicated to the study, design, and engineering of a cute face for robots.
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>>37321 >>37329 I made a more accurate simulation of a 7-inch tablet on Galatea. Please note however, that this is just the screen, and not any borders
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>>37431 Simulation with border and border w/ cat ears
>>37432 Nice work, Anon. That helps.
>>37385 >10's of thousands of dear Kerfuś robo catgrills in service inside restaurants There it is again. All these people protesting for illegal aliens, blue hair faggotry, stealing money to give it to Oligarchs and not a damn word about the paucity of "Fox Girls". This discrimination can not stand. I here by declare my complete boycotting of any and all "Kerfuś robo catgrills" in Japan. I refuse and reject them until we get some Fox girls to balance things out.
>>37452 "DOWN WITH CATGRILLS!111" "UP WITH FOXGRILLS!111" >:OOO <=== (this is Grommet's face when [flaming firebrand+pitchfork not shown]) <---> What about wuffgrils, bro? What about snekgrills, bro? What about <insert: every skeery/spoopy thing under the Sun from the /monster/ menagerie>, bro!? >tl;dr No moar brother wars, mate! Let's all remember who the real enemy is here. Until we all get our state-mandated, genetically-engineered catgrills for domestic ownership, we'll just have to make due as-is. :D
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/12/2025 (Wed) 04:28:48.

/robowaifu/meta-10: Building our path to the good end. Greentext anon 08/12/2024 (Mon) 05:24:31 No.32767 [Reply] [Last]
/meta, offtopic, & QTDDTOT <--- Mini-FAQ A few hand-picked posts on various /robowaifu/-related topics: --->Lurk less: Tasks to Tackle ( >>20037 ) --->Why is keeping mass (weight) low so important? ( >>4313 ) --->How to get started with AI/ML for beginners ( >>18306 ) --->"The Big 4" things we need to solve here ( >>15182 ) --->HOW TO SOLVE IT ( >>4143 ) --->Why we exist on an imageboard, and not some other forum platform ( >>15638, >>31158 ) --->This is madness! You can't possibly succeed, so why even bother? ( >>20208, >>23969 ) --->All AI programming is done in Python. So why are you using C & C++ here? ( >>21057, >>21091, >>27167, >>29994 ) --->How to learn to program in C++ for robowaifus? ( >>18749, >>19777 ) --->How to bulk-download AI models from huggingface.co ? ( >>25962, >>25986 )

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/02/2025 (Thu) 09:47:42.
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>>37422 Thanks for the feedback. Great breakdown, NoidoDev. >Still, maybe this is rather R&D General for now? Yeah, that might be the better choice. It's a rather esoteric topic, and only mathematics + developer nerds are going to have much practical inputs on it, I'd predict (so a whole other thread seems redundant with both our Newton & C++ breads already here). >Also it could go into the one's for walking or arms and hands, based on what kind of movement it is. Great point. And of course those topics are exactly ones that would benefit from such research advances. Vision is also a very-pertinent one. But still, this is primarily a mathematics/theoretical/algorithmic topic IMO. Practical outcomes are necessarily-dependent on these non-physical systems a priori. Hmm. >What is actually the current thread limit? Robi gave us 25 pages of threads, so 250. We're somewhere in the 230 thread range-ish now, so we still have a smol budget left. But as everyone here is aware, we guard that jealously (which is the exact reason we still haven't needed to purge any threads yet except for that one I accomodated that business-manipulator's demands on).
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/12/2025 (Wed) 04:36:32.
>>36078 >>36081 Pictures in the art thread >>17763 are still not loading. I could repost them, but I don't know where. I'm sure there are more old pictures not loading in other threads. Also, are other people now making backups?! I think I found a compiled version of Bump but didn't try it out yet, since I just remembered.
/film/ tells us that Blender was used for an Oscar-winning feature-length animu [1][2]. I think it's their first one, so gratz to the filmakers, and to Ton for such a cool program. Long time coming, Blender Team! Cheers. :^) --- 1. https://trashchan.xyz/film/thread/530.html#3633 2. https://www.blender.org/user-stories/making-flow-an-interview-with-director-gints-zilbalodis/ >=== -add'l edit
>>37429 I'd say that Robi's tool plans to allow for patching the site's database/backend systems to allow for regenerating thumbs may be on permanant hiatus, by appearances. >Also, are other people now making backups?! I I doubt it. Greentext anon suggested he was considering it. But as far as I know, ATM I'm still the sole & only individual using BUMP regularly. Also, GreerTech made at least one pass using a different tool that's not currently grabbing files, but grabs all the pages.
If you've decided you CBA*rsed to save the videos you like from YT, you might wanna rethink that decision, Anon. >tl;dr J*wtube appears to be experimenting with DRM'g videos atm. [1] This could be expanded to ALL videos, becoming a sitewide policy. If they make this decision, this would mean you can no longer use yt-dlp (cf. >>16357, >>12247 ) for grabbing important videos locally. <---> I could discuss this further, but for now this should be enough to alert Anons here about the possibility of losing the ability to download videos from y*utube. --- 1. https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/12563

LLM & Chatbot General Robowaifu Technician 09/15/2019 (Sun) 10:18:46 No.250 [Reply] [Last]
OpenAI/GPT-2 This has to be one of the biggest breakthroughs in deep learning and AI so far. It's extremely skilled in developing coherent humanlike responses that make sense and I believe it has massive potential, it also never gives the same answer twice. >GPT-2 generates synthetic text samples in response to the model being primed with an arbitrary input. The model is chameleon-like—it adapts to the style and content of the conditioning text. This allows the user to generate realistic and coherent continuations about a topic of their choosing >GPT-2 displays a broad set of capabilities, including the ability to generate conditional synthetic text samples of unprecedented quality, where we prime the model with an input and have it generate a lengthy continuation. In addition, GPT-2 outperforms other language models trained on specific domains (like Wikipedia, news, or books) without needing to use these domain-specific training datasets. Also the current public model shown here only uses 345 million parameters, the "full" AI (which has over 4x as many parameters) is being witheld from the public because of it's "Potential for abuse". That is to say the full model is so proficient in mimicking human communication that it could be abused to create new articles, posts, advertisements, even books; and nobody would be be able to tell that there was a bot behind it all. <AI demo: talktotransformer.com/ <Other Links: github.com/openai/gpt-2 openai.com/blog/better-language-models/ huggingface.co/

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Edited last time by Kiwi_ on 01/16/2024 (Tue) 23:04:32.
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>>37175 Nice! This is very exciting, Anon. This quote in particular is very intriguing: >"Since the emotional state is now persistent, I can track changes across every cognitive tick. Every interaction is now linked to its emotional state at that time." That strikes me as being something of a breakthrough, Anon. Is this something that can be 'compiled' (for want of a better term) for actual long-term, offline (so to speak) storage? If so, then it seems to me you could really begin to tackle in a practical way the development of specific waifu personalities that would be both consistent & compelling. I hope this will be the case, clearly. >Is there anything you can recommend to read before I go deeper into this? Not really no. There's tons of literature on things like 'Neuro Linguistic Programming', 'Theory of Mind', Blackwell's companion on substance dualism (ie, the human soul's true nature), etc. But no real 'Cliff Notes' -style synopsis I can think of just offhand, Anon. Apologies. <---> Regardless, you're clearly making some really good progress so far. I'm very interested to see where your project goes with all this. Good luck! Cheers. :^) >=== -sp edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/26/2025 (Wed) 05:39:05.
>>37177 Excellent! Thanks very much, Licht. Great resources. Cheers, Anon. :^)
>>36591 1. I'm calling bullshit unless it's some distilled model trained on deepseek r1 outputs 2. r1 1776 is where it's at for now at least and it's kinda in that transition stage from current gen to old. >>36602 Truth is: we'll have to either pull off a DS-type coding effort >cast your solution strictly in the form of 3D vectors + transforms as well as develop something similar enough or we'll never just compete on training compute, this will even stop robowaifu@home projects >>36920 Why not look at Raptor computing platforms to host the brunt of the software and have it remotely connected to the robot? There are already uncensored models with insane parameter counts and ultimately we'll be forced to upscale our efforts if we want to get the means to build robowaifus, since clearly industry is trying to make closed-source supply for desperate demand
what are you about and who are you??
>>37450 Hello monarch, welcome! Hopefully you can find out what we're about here : ( >>3 ). We are Anonymous.

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Robowaifu Technician 01/19/2025 (Sun) 00:07:32 No.35816 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome all Nandroids fans to the Emmy thread, for discussing and posting about EtR. Off-topic posts and personal attacks will be deleted. --- Also, be sure to check out Emmy-Pilled's project thread! (>>25306) Important Community Links: Boorus, etc.: https://nandroid.booru.org/index.php Google Docs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mXuNh9ESedCiDZclVuz9uiL7nTNk3U9SgCE_CRHi3Us/htmlview# Webtoons: https://m.webtoons.com/en/canvas/emmy-the-robot/list?title_no=402201 > previous threads : >>27481 >>26629 >>30919

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R&D General NoidoDev ##eCt7e4 07/21/2023 (Fri) 15:25:47 No.24152 [Reply] [Last]
This is a thread to discuss smaller or general waifu building problems, solutions, proposals and questions that don't warrant a thread or touch on more than one topic. In a way this is a technical meta, minus news. Keep it technical. A lot of topics in the old thread here >>83 have a thread on their own by now. The main topics in the old thread with the link to the related dedicated threads are listed here - it was mostly about actuation at the beginning: Topics in the old OP: - liquid battery and cooling in one (flow batteries) >>5080 - artificial muscles (related to actuators >>12810) - high level and low level intelligence emulation (AI) (related to AI >>77 >>22 >>250 >>27 >>201) - wear and maintenance, including repairs - sanitation >>1627 (related to actuators >>12810) > cheap hydraulic and pneumatic muscles > woven sleeves out of strong nylon fishing line > exhaust excess heat by breathing and panting (related to thermal management >>234) >>1635 (related to energy systems >>5080) > sitting in her 'recharging chair'

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>>37139 Very nice stuff you've been digging up. Thanks.
Interesting gear train technique, relying on surface friction rather than gears meshing. I suppose you could call them atomic gears given the fundamental forces governing the behaviour. IMSystems uses this technique for planetary gear systems they refer to as Archimedes Drive. It's essentially turning a bearing into a drive. Relying on rolling friction is potentially efficient, with an added bonus of being as simple as possible. It's just cylinders rolling about each other. This method also benefits from slipping. The cylinders can slide along rather than breaking gear teeth, or worse, her owners teeth! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_FdCGIzG-w
>>37277 Wow, your >pics-related are really interesting, Anon. Know of any thingiverse, etc., printable resources for this concept right now? Cheers.
Any'non know about these stair-climbing wheelchair designs? >related pic: https://trashchan.xyz/robowaifu/thread/26.html#52 >(cf. threads-related : >>2983, >>24744 )

Robowaifu Propaganda and Recruitment Thread 2.1 Bugfix: Now in Technicolor™ Greentext anon 02/05/2025 (Wed) 15:23:46 No.36623 [Reply] [Last]
Attention drawfags and writefags! Your skills will be needed! The task of building and designing a robowaifu is a herculean quest. As great as this community is, /robowaifu/ simply does not have the manpower to real our goal of DIY robowaifus. Luckily for us there are several communities on the internet that we could find new recruits or allies to help us build our waifus: >MGTOW - These guys know all about the legal pitfalls of marriage and the dangers of feminism. There is already a lot of talk about sex robots in MGTOW communities. It shouldn't be a hard sell to get them to come here. <However, some of these guys would rather spend all their time bitching on the internet about "MUH WOMENZ" than actually getting a hobby other than lifting heavy objects and putting them down again. MGTOW is literally Feminist Separatism for males. >Incels - Guys that can't get laid. The opportunity for love and companionship should be enough to bring some of these guys over. <However, we need to be careful when recruiting from some of their communities, since they may be compomised by glownigs or other fringe elements. We don't want to attract negative attention. >Monster girls/furry/mlp fandoms - The only way these guys are going to be able to have their harpy/elf/goblin/anthro/pony/whatever gf is with a robowaifu. Many have an interest in seeing us succeed. <However, there exists a very wide variety of communities under this umbrella, and there is a notable overlap between communities who would want robowaifus and communities that are morally compromised, so care should be taken when looking into them. Romanticists and waifufags have a tendency to congregate since they all want/create the same type of content, so looking for those subgroups would be the most efficient path. >Otakus - Many men in these communities want to see their waifu/favorite character come to life, which will realistically only happen with robowaifus. <However, many of those communities are drowning in the LGBT alphabet soup. Special care should be taken when looking into them. >Male STEM students - Generally these guys aren't going to get laid until after they have established themselves. A robowaifu could really help them.

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>>37397 I wanted a "cool" futuristic aesthetic for this one. You are right, Terminator was an inspiration. I wanted the message to be exactly what the caption is, here is an awesome sci-fi robot that is real and you can make it today Relevant aesthetics page https://cari.institute/aesthetics/hexatron I recommend all robowaifu advertisers/promoters to check out this list of aesthetics.
>>37246 I mentioned it very often already, but there's a Youtube video making the case that "the uncanny valley" doesn't exist: http://youtu.be/LKJBND_IRdI - I posted it quite often already here and in other places whenever the topic comes up, since I agree with it. But people really like the idea and don't want to give it up. Anyways, I think in reality it only matters if something looks creepy, but it doesn't matter that much how close it looks to a human.
>>37426 I watched it, and it is informative, but I think it actually reinforced the uncanny valley, especially the final graph. You have a scale of rising "humanity", and while it's very variable in the beginning, there is a notable dip (with the very interesting exception of the anime face) when certain things are missing and or weird. Human, but not quite, which is basically the motto of the uncanny valley. I said something similar in >>37274 on how the uncanny valley is surmountable, but it requires a lot details, something which is not needed on simpler models. Regardless of whether one thinks the uncanny valley is real or not, there is a notable phenomenon where people find cutesy faces cute, "realistic" faces creepy (partly because it's not quite human), and it's only beat by adding even more detail and realistic movement, aka more human. PS, the video also helps with the case for screen faces.
>>37430 >how the uncanny valley is surmountable, but it requires a lot details AFAICT (or at the least as far as my own tastes dictate :D, this is only achievable thus far by the highest-end Visual Effects (VFX) teams in the film industry. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) was literally the first time in history it was ever achieved, BTW (so, a long time in coming). These ~430 CGI shots cost US$10's of millions to pull it all off. [1][2][3][4] My opus on the matter is that all of us are basically pre-wired for general facial cues recognition from before birth, and that immediately thereafter we all engage in an intensive, high-speed crash course process of 'locking in' the tight specifics of human faces (and especially of our parents/family members) over the next 18 months or so of infancy. The end result of all this pre-programming/pre-processing is that: A) we are all extremely sensitive to even the most subtle nuances of the human face, and B) this is vitally important for us that we are; we are thereafter partially-equipped to survive this life before reaching even toddlerhood. While apparently a few of us seem less-affected by (or, simply better able to overcome/overlook) the so-called 'uncanny valley' effects, I consider it quite a real phenomenon as part of our basic bio-psycho-neuro survival mechanisms -- and literally from birth. The >tl;dr here, IMO, is that this is inextricably wired into us and is essential for our basic survival as individuals. --- 1. https://www.awn.com/vfxworld/bringing-benjamin-button-life 2. https://www.fxguide.com/fxfeatured/the_curious_case_of_aging_visual_effects/ 3. https://history.siggraph.org/animation-video-pod/the-curious-case-of-benjamin-button-by-fincher/ 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNlj3_SuLt4

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/11/2025 (Tue) 15:27:53.
BTW, I consider this discussion off-topic ITT. I'd suggest it be constrained to the R&D or, better still, Face breads. Cheers. :^)

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Actuators For Waifu Movement Part 3 Kiwi 12/06/2023 (Wed) 01:18:16 No.27021 [Reply] [Last]
(1stl thread >>406 2nd thread >>12810) Kiwi back again with a thread for discussing actuators to move your waifu! Part Three! Let's start with a quick introduction to common actuators! 1. DC motors, these use brushes to switch the ferrous core electromagnets on a rotor to rotate its magnetic field relative to surrounding magnets! They're one of the cheapest options with an average efficiency range of 30 to 90%. Larger DC motors and motors with higher turn counts are more efficient. 1.5 Coreless DC motors, by removing ferrous materials, losses from hysteresis are almost eliminated, dramatically increasing efficiency to nearly 90% even in small motors. Eliminating the ferrous materials reduces flux focusing, resulting in weaker fields and higher speeds. 2. Brushless DC motors (BLDC), these use a controller to switch the electromagnets on a stator to rotate the magnets of a rotor! Without brushes, they have the potential to be more efficient with higher power density compared to DC motors. Their efficiency and behavior vary depending on the algorithm and sensors used to control them. Coreless brushless motors exist but are rare and only used for very niche applications. 3. AC motors, a wide and incredibly varied category. They all rely on AC’s frequency to control them. With single phase AC motors relying on shaded poles, capacitors, or some other method to induce a rotating magnetic field. 3 phase AC motors naturally have a rotating field which usually gives them higher efficiency and power density. Notably, most AC motors are brushless. The most commonly used brushed AC motor is the universal motor, which is 4. Stepper motors, brushless motors with ferrous teeth to focus magnetic flux. This allows for incredible control (stepping) at the cost of greater mass, subsequently giving them higher rotary inertia. Usually 50 to 80% efficient depending on control algorithm/speed/and quality of the stepper. Due to their increasing mass production (& ubiquitous low cost controllers), they have appeal as a lower cost alternative to BLDC motors if one carefully designs around them. 5. Coiled Nylon Actuators! These things have an efficiency rating so low it's best to just say they aren't efficient. (0.01% typical, 2% achieved under extremely specific conditions in a lab.) Though they are exciting due to their incredible low cost of fabrication, they’re far too slow and the energy requirements are nonsensical. https://youtu.be/S4-3_DnKE9E https://youtu.be/wltLEzQnznM 6. Hydraulics! These rely on the distribution of pressure in a working liquid to move things like pistons. Though popular in large scale industry, their ability to be used in waifu's has yet to be proven. (Boston Dynamics Atlas runs on hydraulics but it's a power guzzler and heavy) Efficiency varies wildly depending on implementation. They would work great for a giantess! 7. Pneumatics, hydraulics lighter sister! This time the fluid is air! This has the advantage in weight. They aren't capable of the same power loads hydraulics are but, who wants their waifu to bench press a car? (Too loud and inefficient for mobile robotics.) 8. Wax motors, hydraulic systems where the working fluid is expanding melted (commonly paraffin) wax! Cheap, low power, and produce incredible forces! Too bad they're slow and hard to control. 9. Explosion! Yes, you can move things through explosions! Gas engines work through explosions! Artificial muscles can be made by exploding a hydrogen and oxygen mixture in a piston, then using hydrolysis to turn the water back into hydrogen and oxygen. None of this is efficient or practical but it's vital we keep our minds open! Though there are more actuators, most are derivatives or use these examples to work. Things like pulleys need an actuator to move them. Now, let's share, learn, and get our waifu moving!

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/06/2023 (Wed) 03:06:55.
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>>36944 >Have no idea who that is SERIOUS LEGEND I've been going though and saving everything. So much good stuff. Very relevant. All sorts parts interface tricks, Driver tricks. I'm going to post a "field's" super easy calculate link in the motors from him. He put out articles for 50??? years. A long time. He wrote for all sorts of what were major magazines before the internet. I don't even think you can imagine before the internet. Nut & Volt, Electronic Design, Electronics Magazine, there was one that was almost all ads but had a few articles that the ads paid for called Computer Shopper. It was like 3/4 to 1 inch thick in large format like Shotgun News (you may not even know what that is)of all sorts of computer parts and electronics. Huge. It was cheap because the ads paid for the magazine. Like a buck. It used to be fairly difficult to get what you can get with a couple keystrokes now. And with AI that will become even easier. To find out stuff I used to wander through huge stacks of bound older magazines in the Univ. library. Looking through print indexes to find stuff.
>>36949 He sounds amazing. What a career this Anon must've had. I'm sure I must have seen some of his stuff in a bookstore or something. Also, I found this page on his site: https://www.tinaja.com/ebksamp1.shtml Glad you're saving his stuff, Anon. Anything in specific you think would be the most-important for Anons here on /robowaifu/ to know about his stuff? Say a 'Top 5' list or something? Cheers. <---> BTW: Can we please continue this in /meta : ( >>36952, ... )? We're derailing the Actuators bread, IMO. --- https://hackaday.com/2023/07/02/saying-goodbye-to-don-lancaster/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiI2ayNVDQg >=== -add'l hotlinks

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/13/2025 (Thu) 14:30:39.
I found something that I didn't know while looking at some of Robert Murray's stuff. This is one of those things you might want to keep the back of your mind as it may come in handy. I found that Silicon Carbide diodes have very high temperature ratings, they have almost no time to switch from on to off and are more efficient with less leakage. Silicon needs a finite amount of time that can cause problems. They appear to be close to indestructible compared to silicon. The reason this appeals to me is I'm interested in switch reactance actuators and all other sorts and you are going to have to have diodes to stop high reverse currents AND, while I do not know this for sure I expect that we can build our own. They are in a class called Schottky diodes and these were made a really long time ago with a semiconductor like silicon carbide and a metal. "if" you have 300 muscle circuits you are going to need a lot of them and you can buy silicon carbide super cheap by the pound for abrasives. Maybe you could use this stuff??? I'll look around and see. It beats trying to solder 600 or so diodes. These you might could silk screen them on. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schottky_diode https://www.electronicdesign.com/technologies/power/power-supply/discrete-power-semis/article/21193085/schottky-diodes-the-old-ones-are-good-the-new-ones-are-better I "think", not sure at all, that you can also make transistors from SiC...hmmm.... not sure. Something to think about.
>>37425 Any idea how well they handle high voltages?
>>37433 >high voltages Yes noted for it's high voltage handling. They are using them in auto motors because of this. Far better than typical silicon. Not that I completely understand this but normal P-N type silicon diodes have a built up charge barrier when reversed. It takes energy and time to reverse this and allow current to flow. Schottky diodes do not have this and are therefore faster and if I remember correctly more efficient. Note there is Schottky diodes made of silicon. I'm mostly talking about the SiCarbide ones though to be specific but I of course do not rule out others that I may not have heard of yet. SiC has very high temperature ratings. I wonder. One of the metals used to make Schottky diodes is tungsten which of course has very high melting point. I wonder if you took some SiC powder and electroplated it with tungsten would that work????

Open file (1.45 MB 1650x1640 gynoid_anime.jpg)
Robowaifus in Media: Thread 02 Robowaifus in Media: Thread 02 01/14/2023 (Sat) 23:49:54 No.18711 [Reply] [Last]
Post about whatever media predominately features at least one fembot aka gynoid (female form of an android) as an important character, ideally a robowaifu or synthetic girlfriend. Some freedom with the topic is allowed, virtual waifus or bodiless AI might also qualify if she is female. Negative framing of the whole topic should be mentioned with negative sentiment. Cyborgs with a human brain or uploads of women don't really fit in, but if she's very nice (Alita) and maybe not a human based cyborg (catborg/netoborg) we can let it slide. Magical dolls have also been included in the past, especially when the guy had to hand-made them. Look through the old thread, it's worth it: >>82 - Picrel shows some of the more well know shows from a few years ago. I made a long list with links to more info's on most known anime shows about fembots/robowaifus, without hentai but including some ecchi and posted it here in the old thread: >>7008 - It also features some live-action shows and movies. I repost the updated list here, not claiming that it is complete, especially when it comes to live action and shows/movies we don't really like. >In some cases I can only assume that the show includes robogirls, since the show is about various robots, but I haven't seen it yet. A.D. Police Files: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/ad-police-files Andromeda Stories: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/andromeda-stories Angelic Layer: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/angelic-layer Armitage III: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/armitage-iii Azusa will help: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/azusa-will-help Blade Runner 2022: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/blade-runner-black-out-2022 Busou Shinki: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/busou-shinki-moon-angel Butobi CPU: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/buttobi-cpu Casshern Sins: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/casshern-sins Chobits: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/chobits

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/14/2023 (Sat) 05:44:28.
451 posts and 391 images omitted.
>>37320 I thought I am Mother was actually pretty good and not really that subversive, at least not any more subversive than something like The Terminator
>>37320 >AND they know, they know who is in charge of this vile mess. And that gives me hope. Me too, Anon. I hope Anonymous really does create a series detailing the history-making development of robowaifus (cf. >>35224 ) one day, and that it has an an absolutely hopeful spin on every episode of it!! >=== -patch crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/06/2025 (Thu) 11:10:17.
>>37323 >I am Mother Big parts of the movie would be fine, and I overall liked it, but let's just say it has some AI scare elements. I hope they make more somewhat similar to it. The caretaker trope would work well for robots "bringing back humans" after a catastrophe or in a story about populating other worlds. The somewhat similar anime is Kurogane Communcation, which is good, though unfortunately the only female robot is the fighter while the caretakers are male.
>>37435 Well, AI scare has always been a thing. Frankenstein could be interpreted as a story of an artificial intelligence gone awry. The idea of a robot revolution is as old as the word robot itself. Creations rebelling against master-creators.
>>37436 >Well, AI scare has always been a thing. So has drunkenness & debauchery. Doesn't mean I won't call it out when I see it, especially in my own life or those around me! :^) Also, while Mary Shelley's world may have had a few serious people truly considering the reality of such a zombie, I'm not aware of it. And today we have a globalist cabal trying to brainwash our entire culture into jumping through every hoop they desire. Certainly not the case back in that woman's day (and clearly Globohomo Big-Media didn't exist in any type fashion for manipulating others in such compelling & immersive ways -- with such expansive reach -- as today). <---> The >tl;dr here from my perspective is simply this: >Don't make light of the threats to your own, personal, very life & limb & liberty * such anti- propaganda to the masses represents. By participating in the very thing that threatens (((their))) status-quo of feminism (+ all the follow-on pozz thereto: especially & particularly their very ability to hold onto power within the now-pozzed west), you have already been deemed by them as 'the enemy'. If you don't believe me, then just wait. * I predict this will become all too clear to everyone here over the next 20 years or so (after which time the kikes will have clearly lost this battle; men will have their robowaifus, if the Lord is willing). >ttl;dr Greedy, violent men have never willingly allowed their little empires to be dissolved without a fight. Robowaifus becoming a dominant, global reality represents such an existential threat to their (((systems))). ---

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/11/2025 (Tue) 15:37:53.

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