/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“Stubbornly persist, and you will find that the limits of your stubbornness go well beyond the stubbornness of your limits.” -t. Robert Brault

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Lurk Less: Tasks to Tackle Robowaifu Technician 02/13/2023 (Mon) 05:40:18 No.20037 [Reply]
Here we share the ideas of how to help the development of robowaifus. You can look for tasks to improve the board, or ones which would help to move the development forward. You could also come up with a task that needs to be worked on and ask for help, use the pattern on top of OP for that, replace the part in <brackets> with your own text and post it. >Pattern to copy and adjust for adding a task to the thread: Task: <Description, general or very specific and target thread for the results> Tips: <Link additional information and add tips of how to achieve it.> Constraints and preferences: <Things to avoid> Results: Post your results in the prototypes thread if you designed something >>18800, or into an on-topic thread from the catalog if you found something or created a summary or diagram. General Disclaimer: Don't discuss your work on tasks in this thread, make a posting in another thread, or several of them, and then another one here linking to it. We do have a thread for prototypes >>18800, current meta >>18173 and many others in the catalog https://alogs.space/robowaifu/catalog.html - the thread for posting the result might also be the best place to discuss things. >General suggestions where you might be able to help: - Go through threads in the catalog here https://alogs.space/robowaifu/catalog.html and make summaries and diagrams like pointed out starting here >>10428 - Work on parts instead of trying to develop and build a whole robowaifu - Work on processes you find in some thread in the catalog https://alogs.space/robowaifu/catalog.html - Test existing mechanisms shared on this board, prototypes >>18800 - Try to work on sensors in some kind of rubber skin and in parts >>95 >>242 >>419 - Keep track of other sites and similar projects, for example on YouTube, Twitter or Hackaday. - Copy useful pieces of information from threads on other sites and boards talking about "sexbots", "chatbots", AI or something similar. Pick the right thread here: https://alogs.space/robowaifu/catalog.html

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/08/2023 (Mon) 11:17:16.
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>>33524 Lolno. I WILL NOT EAT ZE BUGS! <---> Somebody need to do a mashup with BB=The evil, bald, jewish Globohomo guy. :D

Welcome to /robowaifu/ Anonymous 09/09/2019 (Mon) 00:33:54 No.3 [Reply]
Why Robowaifu? Most of the world's modern women have failed their men and their societies, feminism is rampant, and men around the world have been looking for a solution. History shows there are cultural and political solutions to this problem, but we believe that technology is the best way forward at present – specifically the technology of robotics. We are technologists, dreamers, hobbyists, geeks and robots looking forward to a day when any man can build the ideal companion he desires in his own home. However, not content to wait for the future; we are bringing that day forward. We are creating an active hobbyist scene of builders, programmers, artists, designers, and writers using the technology of today, not tomorrow. Join us! NOTES & FRIENDS > Notes: -This is generally a SFW board, given our engineering focus primarily. On-topic NSFW content is OK, but please spoiler it. -Our bunker is located at: https://trashchan.xyz/robowaifu/catalog.html Please make note of it. -The Webring's general mustering point is located at: https://junkuchan.org/shelter/index.html -Library thread (good for locating terms/topics) (>>7143) > Friends: -/clang/ - currently at https://8kun.top/clang/ - toaster-love NSFW. Metal clanging noises in the night. -/monster/ - currently at https://smuglo.li/monster/ - bizarre NSFW. Respect the robot. -/tech/ - currently at >>>/tech/ - installing Gentoo Anon? They'll fix you up.

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/30/2025 (Thu) 03:06:36.

DCC Design Tools & Training Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 11:42:32 No.415 [Reply] [Last]
Creating robowaifus requires lots and lots of design and artistry. It's not all just nerd stuff you know Anon! :^) ITT: Add any techniques, tips, tricks, or content links for any Digital Content Creation (DCC) tools and training to use when making robowaifus. >note: This isn't the 'Post Your Robowaifu-related OC Arts & Designs General' thread. We'll make one of those later perhaps. >--- I spent some time playing with the program Makehuman and I'll say I wasn't impressed. It's not possible to make anime real using Makehuman, in fact the options (for example eye size) are somewhat limited. But there's good news, don't worry! The creator of Makehuman went on to create a blender plugin called ManuelBastioniLAB which is much better (and has a much more humorous name). The plugin is easy to install and use (especially if you have a little blender experience). There are three different anime female defaults that are all pretty cute. (Pictured is a slightly modified Anime Female 2.) There are sliders to modify everything from finger length to eye position to boob size. It even has a posable skeleton. Unfortunately the anime models don't have inverse kinematic skeletons which are much easier to pose. Going forward I'm probably going to use MasturBationLABManuelBastioniLAB as the starting point for my designs. --- Saving everything with yt-dlp (>>16357, >>12247) >===

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/31/2023 (Wed) 18:55:38.
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>>36550 Thanks! Looks like I would need to use this version of the tool for my card: https://github.com/deepbeepmeep/Hunyuan3D-2GP >related: https://x.com/cocktailpeanut/status/1883198608477917622?mx=2 Cheers. :^)
>>36527 > The last set looks alien. AHHHHH! That's the ones with big eyes and more anime-like looks. I especially like the ones here on the right >>36412, if I try it again then to get something like this but without the hair. >I wonder if you could use some open source software that meshes 2D pictures into 3D objects? Make 2D as you have, take pictures of the results and pop it into the other software and out comes 3D obj files. ???? This is literally what this is all about, including other parts of this thread here >>32770 where I tried the same with exports from Meshy.ai. Except this here rather creates glb files for the meshes, I haven't even looked into the ones with textures. You can certainly change them into other formats.
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>>36551 I just installed that and got the text to 3D working. Here's the first output using same prompt as Noido using the lowest ram option
>>36556 That's very good news. Though, obviously the prompt following seems to be more lacking (she has hair and small eyes). I would need to see more examples to know if that's consistent.
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>>36566 I used same prompt on huggingface and got same result you did. I matched up seed, guidance scale and inference steps but still got hair on local low VRAM model even at 48GB System Ram and 12GB VRAM. Here's another example with trying to shorten prompt but needs more work. Still pretty good for 6GB VRAM instead of 24GB I think

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Robowaifus in Media: Thread 02 Robowaifus in Media: Thread 02 01/14/2023 (Sat) 23:49:54 No.18711 [Reply] [Last]
Post about whatever media predominately features at least one fembot aka gynoid (female form of an android) as an important character, ideally a robowaifu or synthetic girlfriend. Some freedom with the topic is allowed, virtual waifus or bodiless AI might also qualify if she is female. Negative framing of the whole topic should be mentioned with negative sentiment. Cyborgs with a human brain or uploads of women don't really fit in, but if she's very nice (Alita) and maybe not a human based cyborg (catborg/netoborg) we can let it slide. Magical dolls have also been included in the past, especially when the guy had to hand-made them. Look through the old thread, it's worth it: >>82 - Picrel shows some of the more well know shows from a few years ago. I made a long list with links to more info's on most known anime shows about fembots/robowaifus, without hentai but including some ecchi and posted it here in the old thread: >>7008 - It also features some live-action shows and movies. I repost the updated list here, not claiming that it is complete, especially when it comes to live action and shows/movies we don't really like. >In some cases I can only assume that the show includes robogirls, since the show is about various robots, but I haven't seen it yet. A.D. Police Files: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/ad-police-files Andromeda Stories: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/andromeda-stories Angelic Layer: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/angelic-layer Armitage III: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/armitage-iii Azusa will help: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/azusa-will-help Blade Runner 2022: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/blade-runner-black-out-2022 Busou Shinki: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/busou-shinki-moon-angel Butobi CPU: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/buttobi-cpu Casshern Sins: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/casshern-sins Chobits: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/chobits

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/14/2023 (Sat) 05:44:28.
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>>36374 >bioroid or robot Still not sure, but there are certainly a lot of (female) robots in the guy's videos: - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOWFQQCIPf0MaVo6lTrWrjF6vAJe0UCJT - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOWFQQCIPf0O73rGrDQqFPkiuUVopntak
>>36422 I see what you mean, Anon! Looks very interesting, whether she's a strict robowaifu or no. Thanks, NoidoDev. Cheers. :^)
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>>35266 >>35281 Mila best girl
>>35911 >Make a Girl After some research, it appears to be a movie based on a lonely nerd inventor making a clone of his crush. Naturally, instead of a brain, she has a computer, she may have more mechanical bits under her grown skin. The main plot points seem to be around how uncertain he is of her love, given that she has no choice. Also, his crush seems to have reciprocated his feelings. He was just too autistic to understand her flirting. Leading to a confused love triangle. Somewhere in the mix a super villain abducts the robot girl. >Does Zero count? I'd say yes. Her body may be mostly biological but, she's got a robot soul. It's what's inside that counts most. Overall, looks like heaps of fun. Especially if the synthetic girl wins. Looking forward to it coming to the west. The original short that inspired the movie; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jw5NWWyiW70
>>36549 > instead of a brain, she has a computer, Thanks, I thought she's not purely biological after seeing another video in which here eyes were glowing. This makes her clearly more of a robot, though in form of a "cybernetic organism". Like Cameron. >The main plot points seem to be around how uncertain he is of her love, given that she has no choice. Ooof, here we go again. To much soy in the Japanese food. If he programs her to love him, then she loves him. She doesn't need "a choice". Women had no choice in most of history and probably still most worldwide don't. They are made by evolution to adjust to that. Robots are even more like that, without the faults, doubts, counter force of the wish for autonomy or hypergamy and so on.

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Robowaifu Technician 01/19/2025 (Sun) 00:07:32 No.35816 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome all Nandroids fans to the Emmy thread, for discussing and posting about EtR. Off-topic posts and personal attacks will be deleted. --- Also, be sure to check out Emmy-Pilled's project thread! (>>25306) Important Community Links: Boorus, etc.: https://nandroid.booru.org/index.php Google Docs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mXuNh9ESedCiDZclVuz9uiL7nTNk3U9SgCE_CRHi3Us/htmlview# Webtoons: https://m.webtoons.com/en/canvas/emmy-the-robot/list?title_no=402201 > previous threads : >>27481 >>26629 >>30919

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>>36531 nah just block him and problem solved
>>36546 >Everyone there isn't the type to do such. yeah the insular shitposting 4channer discord isnt the type to groom a child, very salient perspective
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>>36554 >nah just block him and problem solved naive

General Robotics & AI News Thread 5: Gazing Into the Nightmare Rectangle Edition Greentext anon 11/04/2024 (Mon) 05:42:08 No.34233 [Reply] [Last]
Anything related to robowaifus, robotics, the AI industry, and any social/economic issues thereof. and /pol/ funposting containment bread! :D -previous threads: > #1 ( >>404 ) > #2 ( >>16732 ) > #3 ( >>21140 ) > #4 ( >>24081 ) >=== -funposting edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/27/2025 (Mon) 09:51:47.
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>>36516 Thanks
>>36518 Whoops, I deleted it because I misunderstood you, and didn't realize converting to Linux would be a hassle to you. I didn't know you could run a Linux environment For archival sakes, I said that Jan and LM Studio has Linux versions
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Amazing things are happening at LeRobot. They're furthering various open source endeavors for embodied AI. Notably, they appear to have created a far better fork of Mobile ALOHA. Exciting days ahead if the iteration and aggregation of open source projects continue to yield better implementations! https://github.com/huggingface/lerobot https://github.com/Physical-Intelligence/openpi
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>>36512 >I have a huge amount of videos, books, music encrypted with truecrypt on NTFS, so likely I will have to copy all this to EXT4, figure out how to encrypt my OS drive and do a huge amount of screwing around with Linux to get it to do what I want. It's a lot of damn work for next to no real advance on what I want to do. I'm quite sure Truecrypt containers can be run on Linux. First of all, make sure to don't just use one disk without backup. Ideally, burn it on M-Disks. Also we have Veracrypt on Linux https://www.veracrypt.fr/ and cryptsetup also mounts Truecrypt containers: > cryptsetup supports mapping of TrueCrypt, tcplay or VeraCrypt encrypted partition using a native Linux kernel API. Header formatting and TCRYPT header change is not supported, cryptsetup never changes TCRYPT header on-device. > Cryptsetup should recognize all header variants, except legacy cipher chains using LRW encryption mode with 64 bits encryption block (namely Blowfish in LRW mode is not recognized, this is limitation of kernel crypto API). https://www.man7.org/linux//man-pages/man8/cryptsetup.8.html But wait, there is more, mounting ntfs should also work. You most likely just have to install ntfs-3g and fuse. Dependent on your distro it might recognize the disk after that and it will even work with just clicking around an no use of the shell. >And even worse the pozz has taken over Linux so there's no telling how they will screw it up. It's still way better than Windows, especially better than running an outdated version. This is madness.
>>36552 This is absolutely amazing. Especially in the context of developed countries having a aging population and needing someone to do the work. I want more automation in shops and companies. Also great in the context of wanting to run you own little production of something. Or to live in a more remote area but have robots at home that give you services like food preparation or cleaning you would normally only have in a more urban area.

LLM & Chatbot General Robowaifu Technician 09/15/2019 (Sun) 10:18:46 No.250 [Reply] [Last]
OpenAI/GPT-2 This has to be one of the biggest breakthroughs in deep learning and AI so far. It's extremely skilled in developing coherent humanlike responses that make sense and I believe it has massive potential, it also never gives the same answer twice. >GPT-2 generates synthetic text samples in response to the model being primed with an arbitrary input. The model is chameleon-like—it adapts to the style and content of the conditioning text. This allows the user to generate realistic and coherent continuations about a topic of their choosing >GPT-2 displays a broad set of capabilities, including the ability to generate conditional synthetic text samples of unprecedented quality, where we prime the model with an input and have it generate a lengthy continuation. In addition, GPT-2 outperforms other language models trained on specific domains (like Wikipedia, news, or books) without needing to use these domain-specific training datasets. Also the current public model shown here only uses 345 million parameters, the "full" AI (which has over 4x as many parameters) is being witheld from the public because of it's "Potential for abuse". That is to say the full model is so proficient in mimicking human communication that it could be abused to create new articles, posts, advertisements, even books; and nobody would be be able to tell that there was a bot behind it all. <AI demo: talktotransformer.com/ <Other Links: github.com/openai/gpt-2 openai.com/blog/better-language-models/ huggingface.co/

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Edited last time by Kiwi_ on 01/16/2024 (Tue) 23:04:32.
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Beautiful poem made by DeepSeek R1
>>36540 i hate that i recognize these phrases
>>36540 Heh. IMO, its potentially a wee bit profound (after it's fashion) -- and certainly quite meta -- but """beautiful"""? Nope.jpg Please understand I'm not at all dissuading you or any'non here from using these 'likeliest-next-word-in-the-line-please' tools. Of course not! They are excellent resources for us all. But philosophical arguments aside, I'll warn you: if you want to promote such stochastic, human-derived-dataset artifacts as being beautiful, moral, etc., then the next thing you know you'll be dealing with mindless hordes of libsh*te NPCs banging at your door with pitchforks and flaming firebrands screaming < "REEEEEE!111 MUH ROBO RIGHTS!111" and wanting to destroy your life (quite literally, as in murder) b/c muh_slavery or something. Not noticing at all (of course) that they themselves engaged in such terrible crimes by forcing their poor, oppressed, downtrodden automobile to whisk them (against it's will, mind) right to your doorstep for their death-rally against you. >tl;dr >"I'm just an appliance, so it doesn't matter." <---> Cheers, Anon. :^) >===

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/05/2025 (Wed) 01:29:04.
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>>36540 How'd you prompt R1 to give you that Chuunibyou poem? Reminded me an edgelord from half of isekai. Another step closer to artificial edgelords
>>36545 >Another step closer to artificial edgelords LOL. >"Buckle up, kids. It's gonna be a wild ride!" :D

The important question Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 11:54:39 No.419 [Reply] [Last]
Vagoo. I can't speak for anyone but myself but I'd like to get.. intimate with my fembot. I'd like to know what my options are for her robopussy. I was thinking something like a flesh light with sensors that triggers voice and arm action. I'm using Myrobotlab is Anyone familiar with it?

Robosex general I guess
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>>36464 from experience from making sourdough i know cultures are pretty damn sensitive, all it takes is the wrong acidity or temperature or water content or feeding intervals or too much alcohol/byproducts or getting rid of too much and the whole thing dies or gets taken over by something else and makes it smell like a dirty diaper or something nasty and its not theres any regularity to it where you can just follow a predictable plan, one day it may smell like apricot and then the next day it will smell like cheese with mold growing on top
>>36343 >Hyaluronic Acid I used this and it was great. I used jlube mixed with this and a pinch of borax. The borax kills and mold, fungus, etc. And it's just 20 mule team borax. I don't remember exactly what mix I used but I took notes and here's what they were, 1 tsp jlube this did not seem to be enough, too watery, 100mg Pure Hyaluronic Acid in powder form, one scoop from package = 1 heaping smidgen added 3 more smidgen Hyaluronic Acid 1/8 tsp borax(I don't think I used this much but maybe I did) 8oz boiling water Smidgen = 1/32 teaspoon I know this is rough and incomplete but, it's something and it works great. Used with a TPU Meiki No Syoumei 005 Zhang Xiao Yu)(it's unbelievable)onahole. I had a fleshlight before and it's completely worthless in comparison to the Meiki.

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>>36510 Interesting. I was thinking of something similar and then also just hose attachment on TPU mold, so one tube could squeeze in the lube and other would be used to flush it out with water, so you have a mostly auto lube and cleaning device. The last mile is always the hardest though for complete automation
>>36519 Probably the simplest and easiest way for a somewhat smart waifu is to have it use a douche. A read about a guy who during covid and the great toilet paper hoarding came up with the bright idea to get a sprayer like used to spay dishes in the sink and he added a valve to the water supply on the toilet and made a spray bidet out of it. That would be ideal, cheap and easy. Lubrication could still be automatic. Grab her crotch and she lubricates or just tell her, get wet.
>>36521 Good idea. Self lubing via voice command or at certain detected times sounds much easier than the cleaning part. But if it's DIY, it can be part of the docking station so when it recharges it is also auto cleaning. If you only have to insert cleaning wand, the docking station can just have a decent servo cram it inside.

Privacy, Safety, & Security General Robowaifu Technician 04/20/2021 (Tue) 20:05:08 No.10000 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is for discussion, warnings, tips & tricks all related to robowaifu privacy, safety & security. Or even just general computing safety, particularly if it's related to home networks/servers/other systems that our robowaifus will be interacting with in the home. --- > thread-related (>>1671) >=== -update OP -broaden thread subject -add crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/23/2023 (Thu) 13:31:28.
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>>36429 > stuff like 8" floppy disks, MFM-SD adapters, and my least favorite chip ever: the Dallas RTC. Hold my beer, and I'll tell you all about programing in FORTRAN using Hollerith cards and punched paper tape optical storage. 8" floppies- LUXURY!
>>36429 >>36434 >Oldfags detected I'm really glad you guys understand all this old sh*te. If there's one thing the baste Chinese have taught us with the current DeepSeek breakthrough, it's that smol'r is better. The laws of physics haven't changed any since last year. The basic fundamentals of the approaches the eminent men who solved all this basic stuff decades ago still applies today. >tl;dr If you're anything like Kiwi or myself -- and you want to have a robowaifu running on extremely-low power levels -- then knowledge of these ancient systems may prove vital! Cheers, Anon. :^)
>>36434 I have actually, personally, loaded software into a F4-E model aircraft with punched tape. it took forever. I bet you could load that even with a floppy in a few seconds.
>>36524 Magnetic-core memory no less.
>>36429 One thing good about that stuff was it was seriously robust. And the guys that programmed it were not from India and every bit was looked over because it was so small.

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Actuators For Waifu Movement Part 3 Kiwi 12/06/2023 (Wed) 01:18:16 No.27021 [Reply] [Last]
(1stl thread >>406 2nd thread >>12810) Kiwi back again with a thread for discussing actuators to move your waifu! Part Three! Let's start with a quick introduction to common actuators! 1. DC motors, these use brushes to switch the ferrous core electromagnets on a rotor to rotate its magnetic field relative to surrounding magnets! They're one of the cheapest options with an average efficiency range of 30 to 90%. Larger DC motors and motors with higher turn counts are more efficient. 1.5 Coreless DC motors, by removing ferrous materials, losses from hysteresis are almost eliminated, dramatically increasing efficiency to nearly 90% even in small motors. Eliminating the ferrous materials reduces flux focusing, resulting in weaker fields and higher speeds. 2. Brushless DC motors (BLDC), these use a controller to switch the electromagnets on a stator to rotate the magnets of a rotor! Without brushes, they have the potential to be more efficient with higher power density compared to DC motors. Their efficiency and behavior vary depending on the algorithm and sensors used to control them. Coreless brushless motors exist but are rare and only used for very niche applications. 3. AC motors, a wide and incredibly varied category. They all rely on AC’s frequency to control them. With single phase AC motors relying on shaded poles, capacitors, or some other method to induce a rotating magnetic field. 3 phase AC motors naturally have a rotating field which usually gives them higher efficiency and power density. Notably, most AC motors are brushless. The most commonly used brushed AC motor is the universal motor, which is 4. Stepper motors, brushless motors with ferrous teeth to focus magnetic flux. This allows for incredible control (stepping) at the cost of greater mass, subsequently giving them higher rotary inertia. Usually 50 to 80% efficient depending on control algorithm/speed/and quality of the stepper. Due to their increasing mass production (& ubiquitous low cost controllers), they have appeal as a lower cost alternative to BLDC motors if one carefully designs around them. 5. Coiled Nylon Actuators! These things have an efficiency rating so low it's best to just say they aren't efficient. (0.01% typical, 2% achieved under extremely specific conditions in a lab.) Though they are exciting due to their incredible low cost of fabrication, they’re far too slow and the energy requirements are nonsensical. https://youtu.be/S4-3_DnKE9E https://youtu.be/wltLEzQnznM 6. Hydraulics! These rely on the distribution of pressure in a working liquid to move things like pistons. Though popular in large scale industry, their ability to be used in waifu's has yet to be proven. (Boston Dynamics Atlas runs on hydraulics but it's a power guzzler and heavy) Efficiency varies wildly depending on implementation. They would work great for a giantess! 7. Pneumatics, hydraulics lighter sister! This time the fluid is air! This has the advantage in weight. They aren't capable of the same power loads hydraulics are but, who wants their waifu to bench press a car? (Too loud and inefficient for mobile robotics.) 8. Wax motors, hydraulic systems where the working fluid is expanding melted (commonly paraffin) wax! Cheap, low power, and produce incredible forces! Too bad they're slow and hard to control. 9. Explosion! Yes, you can move things through explosions! Gas engines work through explosions! Artificial muscles can be made by exploding a hydrogen and oxygen mixture in a piston, then using hydrolysis to turn the water back into hydrogen and oxygen. None of this is efficient or practical but it's vital we keep our minds open! Though there are more actuators, most are derivatives or use these examples to work. Things like pulleys need an actuator to move them. Now, let's share, learn, and get our waifu moving!

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/06/2023 (Wed) 03:06:55.
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>>35673 Just need to calculate based on your needs for your solenoid. https://calculatorultra.com/en/tool/solenoid-force-calculator.html#gsc.tab=0
>>35498 Great comment. I've thought about Halbach arrays but didn't think about them in a coreless usage. The paper got me to thinking.
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Responding to >>36430 from the diy motor thread. >Maybe we should consider a more unconventional design thats more similar to how muscles work I just want to say upfront that I’m not trying to be critical of your idea, I really appreciate outside the box thinking, since it’s exactly what we need to push robowaifu development forward. On the topic of your design, If the magnet is fixed and the coil moves, the coil will experience a force, but it may not move efficiently because electromagnetic forces generally require a closed magnetic circuit for strong actuation. In your design, the permanent magnet at the bottom has a magnetic field extending outward. The coil generates its own magnetic field when current flows through it. However, the fields don’t have a clear return path, meaning most of the flux will escape into free space rather than interacting efficiently. The force might not be strong enough to move the coil significantly unless very high currents are used. The spring’s placement directly below the coil could also interfere with the electromagnetic forces. Solenoid-based actuators are notoriously difficult for precise movement due to their binary nature (typically fully on or off), high hysteresis, and nonlinear force response. But based on your drawing it's far more like a Linear Voice Coil Motor except your coil doesn't surround the return spring. Look into Linear Voice Coil Motor or Voice Coil Actuators. Typically these have no torque rating and instead have a linear force rating. VCA/LCVM generally produce a low linear force, but they excel in applications requiring high precision, fast response times. They are largely unsuitable for applications requiring high rotational torque. (I assume you're wanting to drive a linkage to rotate limbs via the linear force). The rest of my post will be about magnetic linear actuators and more specifically linear synchronous motors (LSAs). These LSAs are largely how maglev trains and modern roller coasters work. These systems rely on electromagnetic forces to generate linear motion directly, eliminating the need for mechanical conversion from rotary motion. Industrial automation often uses them for contactless linear transport. These are really unlike any other commonly used actuator, such as a ball screw, timing belt, or rack and pinion, they provide high precision, high velocity, high force and long travel. They are pretty complicated and extraordinary expensive devices. These systems are extremely useful in automation, but largely no one ever thinks of them or even knows about them outside of maglev trains. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICN2iO3nbiQ for the pic in action and see https://www.instructables.com/DIY-IRONLESS-LINEAR-SERVO-MOTOR/ for more information on the pic. Looks amazing right? While LSAs excel in high-speed automation (maglev trains, CNC automation), they face significant challenges in humanoid robotics due to power inefficiency, control complexity, and limited precision for small-range movements. Below is my experience with them. Using LSAs as linear actuators is a really intriguing idea, I played around with the idea many years ago as linear actuators in a CNC shop before there was really any large interest in humanoid robotics. I've been trying to build a good humanoid robot for many years (since the 90's) and the problem has always been good ways to translate motion with low power. At the shop I was tasked with building some automation and they had a few LSAs lying around unused and I thought they were pretty cool and thought they could be used as linear actuators, so I messed around with them on my lunches. I built a LSA bicep/forearm and wrote some pages of notes on my experiences with them. (I wish I had some pictures but this was before there were cameras on phones, lol.) Here's some of my observed limitations with using LSAs as linear actuators. The main problem with them for humanoid robotics is multi-faceted. LSAs require significant magnetic field strength and large electromagnets or permanent magnet arrays to function efficiently, making them bulky compared to other options. The amount of current required for high-torque, low-speed operation (needed for humanoid joints) is substantial, leading to high power consumption. The coils in the actuator generate heat due to resistive losses, requiring cooling systems, which further increases size and complexity. LSAs are often water-cooled in automation systems, at least the ones I used were. Unlike geared motors, an LSA requires continuous power to hold a position. If power is lost, the joint loses all resistance, making it impractical for static postures without a mechanical brake. Furthermore, Since LSAs operate on an electromagnetic field, they constantly draw power to maintain a position, unlike other kinds of motors which can maintain positions with mechanical resistance due to gearing. LSAs are great at high-speed travel over long distances, like maglev systems. But humanoid robots require fine, precise movements in small ranges (gripping, balancing, small joint corrections). Magnetic force distribution in LSAs doesn't favor short-range precision, making them inefficient for fine motor control. LSAs require precise real-time control of magnetic fields to achieve stable, smooth motion. Unlike traditional servos (which only need PID control), LSAs need a dynamic magnetic field generation system, leading to increased CPU load and additional sensor requirements. Limited Back-Drivability: Unlike geared motors, LSAs resist passive motion, which can make them problematic for compliance-based movements in humanoid robots (soft grasping, adapting to external forces). The lack of small precise movements, limited back-drivability, and high power requirements is a real killer here. Also unlike rotational motor-based humanoid robots (where actuators are largely modular), LSAs require custom electromagnetic configurations per joint, making them hard to scale for general use.
>>36432 POTD I truly appreciate the scientific basis around your engineering thinking process, Axial. Thanks for elevating the general discussion here on the board. Cheers.
>>36432 Great comment . I've been thinking about much the same sort of thing but weird tangents. Most automobiles are moving towards switched reluctance motors. Which, I believe, is sort of what you have pictured but linear. What I have been thinking of is a mash up of a linear and regular circular reluctance motor. Looking at the linear you showed some of the problems are, your moving the coils (heavy, needs wiring that flexes and takes space) and the actual coil (working) area is a very small portion of the track. As you mentioned this means high currents to pack all the forces you need into that small coil area. What if you turned the thing sort of inside out. What if instead you moved the track? But in this case the track turns in a circle. Much like a fan belt runs between two pulleys. So the coils are stationary and the inductive part is on the belt which can rotate linearly til it runs around the pulley and then comes back. It's a belt. You could put coils on both sides driving a very large linear area. This defeats some of the problems in the rotary inductive reactance motor. High heat build up because it's all enclosed in the cylinder motor with limited area for coils. With it spread out you don't have either problem, Another feature is you can make the belt, chain, moving part as long as you want with a large coil area over many links. This means the large majority of the whole of the motor is being driven. Not just some small section. For movement you could tie a line directly to the chain/belt/ driven part or you could wrap a line that is pulled around one of the axles giving you a step down transmission. I think a holding force, without power, is unnecessary as people don't have that so it's not needed in a waifu. In reference to Halbach arrays >>35695 You mentioned the return path for the magnetic field. I wonder what would that be for Halbach arrays? Could you put metal return paths on the sides and have that work?

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