>Also, nobody is going to want to share an enclosed space with a smog rotor. You're really talking about an outdoors-only device by that point.
I wrote that I meant it for outside. That said, if the noise was dampened by the body and the exhaust captured or filtered, then letting it run for a few minutes might be okay in some edge cases, e.g. lifting something heavy or climbing stairs.
>Maybe try hydrogen or something idk
Even if, then this conventional fuel engine is worth mentioning. I don't try anything about this anytime soon, I just wanted to have it in mind as an option. Hydrogen is hard to store and not very energy dense, btw. Ethanol would be quite interesting. At the end of the day, whatever works for the specific use case is the right choice. This is meant as an option, and needs to be as small and light as possible, durable and with easy access to fuel.
> interested in outdoors miniature engines and things there's a man who's made a prototype sterling engine
This could be generally interesting, but I didn't even look if there was a Sterling engine for this use case, because I think they tend to be bigger. If anything then it would need to be very small and maybe could be used with steam. A waifu could gather sunlight with heatpipes under the skin and create steam and then use that to run the engine. Once again, this would only be for outside. More like this one:
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YKrdfjO9SBg - so if it is not needed then the additional wheight won't matter, also the smaller it is the better we can dampen the noise.