My apologies for not responding sooner Anon.
>nor do I think that is a useful goal for robowaifu.
While I think that's a matter of degree, I'll agree with sentiment in general. BTW, we now have a new thread on-topic with this : (
>I don’t think we need to copy the monkey meat to succeed, AI NN are vaguely inspired by real neurons but are not the that similar in reality.
Interestingly, the so-called 'monkey meat' as you put it, is now being used in conjunction with in-silico devices, just as predicted by /robowaifu/ ahead of time. (
Only time will tell how useful this approach will be for robowaifus, but I think there is little doubt we'll see these systems being used in guided missles and drones within the decade.
I'd suggest starting with the recommended post from our /meta threads, Anon.
> -How to get started with AI/ML for beginners (>>18306)
>But we can take advantage of something really nice. We already have LLMs you can use large LLMs to create the labeled data and basically extract what it learned. We are already seeing exciting developments where LLMs are being used to train other models.
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