/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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Sorry for the delays in the BBB plan. An update will be issued in the thread soon in late August. -r

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“The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.” -t. Anonymous

Prototypes and Failures #3 NoidoDev ##eCt7e4 03/31/2023 (Fri) 19:20:29 No.21647 [Reply] [Last]
Post your prototypes and failures. We fail until we win. From now on with even more madness, while the prototypes are starting to look cute and have extras. Don't forget looking through the old threads here >>418 and here >>18800 to understand how we got to where we are now.
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>>28707 > I have a brick that is a few months old and still no mold growth. Granted I have kept the thing dry and inside. What kid of conditions are you exposing it to? Humidity, warm, humidity cold, dry warm, dry cold, what materials will be housed or adjunct to it, what size is your brick and can you do various samples of different sizes and shapes? (This is not me trying to tear you down or say it;s a bad idea I'm actually curious now. You have to control these conditions as a grower so I know you can run some tests) >>28709 What is this.
>>28710 >What kid of conditions are you exposing it to? This one I just kept around the house. Right now we are moving past the "dicking around" phase. Humidity, warm, humidity cold, dry warm, dry cold, what materials will be housed or adjunct to it, what size is your brick and can you do various samples of different sizes and shapes? The first batch of bricks were 4inX4inX1in and they can be grown at different sizes. I haven't tested how well they hold up to long term humidity yet.
>>28710 >>28707 For example, if you can guarantee perfect conditions, treat it with formaldehyde and then seal it with an epoxy or resin coat (if you're dealing with a consumer product then at some point there will be some regulator requiring the organic material be irradiated or treated with a sterilizing chemical for 'safety'(most of these cause interesting cancers), you would have a very strong and light weight skeleton with mild flexibility.
This thread is bumb locked since it reached it's maximum limit, I'll make a new one.
NEW THREAD: >>28715 NEW THREAD: >>28715 NEW THREAD: >>28715 NEW THREAD: >>28715

Black Magic M66 3D Modelling Project & Battledroid Robowaifus SophieDev 07/27/2021 (Tue) 14:03:16 No.11776 [Reply] [Last]
Decided it may be best to place my 3D digital modelling efforts in a separate thread to my work on 'Elfdroid Sophie'. I think this thread will still belong under "Personal Projects". At the moment the 3D modelling begins over on her thread: >>11644 >>11657 I'm using some source material from Masamune Shirow's 1987 OVA "Black Magic - M66" (which itself was based off his 1983 manga). However, as a child of the late eighties/early nineties, I loved 'Transformers', and I was also a big fan of the 'Heavy Gear' series (similar to MechWarrior), and Armored Core. So I often get the urge to create battle-ready robowaifus, but I can only create them virtually. Because obviously I cannot get hold of machine-guns, explosives, tank cannons, and rocket launchers IRL. Good thing, too, since if I were given access to live ammunition I would almost certainly blow myself into a flying streamer of giblets. But I digress. This thread may also be a good place for any equally deranged anons who wish to post images of military-grade robowaifus, either found online or their own creations? --- >lock cf. (>>30234)
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 03/11/2024 (Mon) 02:27:40.
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>>20270 > Normies Everywhere: > That's exactly what you are trying to do as well. You're just wrong more often. No, this is one thing humans do, but certainly not all we do. Predicting the next word is what these models do, though this is already very impressive. That said, nobody can know what other elements Cai uses for their chatbots.
Been looking into GPTs just lately, and found this one called 'Genie' that can create 3D models just from a simple text prompt. I think they have improved quite a bit since I last tried out an older one called 'Leonardo A.I.'. My prompts were just: Shiny, metal robot girl. Cyberpunk anime robot girl. Supergirl (came out very well because she is such a prolific comic book character). Finally, I really took a shot in the dark and gave it something very obscure: Sanakan from BLAME! 2017 animated sci-fi film. But even with this, I can see that the A.I. had source data from dark cyberpunk anime, if not the actual 'BLAME!' anime and manga themselves. One model bears a resemblance to the Electrofisher suits that the characters in the movie wear...perhaps fused with a little of the Safeguard Exterminators? All of these models are completely A.I. generated - both basemesh and PBR textures!
These were the models generated from the (relatively) obscure anime/manga prompt that actually impressed me the most, despite only being low-res attempts.
>>28643 I did something like this here >>24479 (corrected link). But I tried something more related to building robowaifus. Going from a portrait without hair to a 3D model. (Edit; Had to correct the link)
>>28644 >Blame! >(relatively) obscure anime/manga Okay, never heard of it ... /s - https://youtu.be/hwy806RC2-Q - https://youtu.be/cO0JsSYTFzQ - https://youtu.be/ROwSo4mZNB8 Elon Musk is apparently scared of it: https://youtu.be/2Rt5g3QSZog

HAPPY BIRTHDAY /ROBOWAIFU/ Robowaifu Technician Board owner 11/27/2019 (Wed) 17:27:05 No.1591 [Reply] [Last]
7th Birthday Edition greeting here: (>>26581) --- >original (albeit a bit edited) OP follows: Well it's Thanksgiving time again and that means it's /robowaifu/s birthday time too. It's been 3 full years since we began, and this last one has been a bit of a ride tbh. With the deplatforming of 8ch all of us who had communities there were mostly left out in the cold. Thankfully we've been given a new home here in our bunkerhome at JulaynuJulay, and a few of us have found our way back together here. Hopefully the rest of us will find Julay, and /robowaifu/ again as well. We've also made some new friends since we've been here, and I think we're in pretty good shape all things considered. On the topic of deplatforming, we have a new archival system in action that keeps a copy of the board up to date on my machine. Note that my original intent was to fully automate the archive.today archives, but it hasn't worked properly (they seem to be fighting against bots pretty hard now). I hope at least one other of you will also join in for the approach that's actually working, and use BUMP to keep at least one other copy of /robowaifu/ safe in addition to my own. You never know what might happen to my gear (or even to me), and it's just smart thinking to have at least two of us keeping this board safe. My intent is to finish up the system for board migrations (along with Robi), and then bring over other things from the old files and get this board in shape again. Then we can keep it fully backed up together. As you regulars know, /robowaifu/ is basically unique among imageboards and well-deserves preservation IMO. Any other takers for doing backups as well? I just use a cronjob and it's all fully automatic daily I never have to touch it. I'll explain everything in detail how to do it if anyone else wants to participate. One other thing; should anything ever happen to Julay, just regroup on FatchanAnoncafe in our bunker-bunker there. Actually, I'm pretty upbeat about both the world of IB communities in general, and our own /robowaifu/ in particular. We all took a hard knock a few months ago, but we're back on our feet and in the fight again. Kudos in particular to both Julay and Smug for their innovations with the webring introduction. It's lent a resilience to the underlying systems for all our various communities that we've never had before afaict. This alone should help to ensure we have a long future of shitposting together anons. Anyway moving on, I hope this coming year will also see a resurgence in everyone's posts here about their personal projects. I intend to do so myself. It's always a pleasure to see Anon's efforts and blog-posts about their current attempts and ideas, regardless whether they are successes or failures. Persistence is really the single most important factor for eventual success--even more than innate talent--and so just don't quit anon! Don't be afraid to get back in the game even if you met with failure before. Try something different this time, right?

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/26/2023 (Sun) 04:33:24.
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Happy New Year anons :D
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>>27836 Likewise.
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>>27836 Happy New Years! 🎉 May we all be blessed with beautiful loving waifu this year!
>>27876 Thanks! Comfy Pepe is comf. :^) >>27882 Thanks Kiwi, happy new years. >=== -add'l resp
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/03/2024 (Wed) 15:00:05.

Those simple bare necessities Robowaifu Technician 09/01/2020 (Tue) 06:14:32 No.4908 [Reply]
Here we have Maslow's hiearchy of needs. A psychological theory that basically breaks down what a man needs and what he can seek out in life. This seems like a good framework to identify what niche your robowaifu can address in her function, and how exactly to accomplish that. I think the third tier up is what most of us seek from a robowaifu. No matter how inert your robowaifu is in function, even motionless plastic can give you a sense of connection if you project a personality onto it. What do you think? Does Maslow's hierarchy of needs as a theory relate to you and your projects? Is there anything to this at all?
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>>4921 I thought the discussion was just about which part of the hierarchy robo-waifus fulfill. But yeah, the structure must be done from bottom, so unless you have the lowest two sections, robo-waifus won't be of much use.
>>4924 The idea is that you could potentially build a robowaifu to fulfill any part of that hierarchy. Like for the physiological needs, a robowaifu that can help you keep track of your day-to-day health.
>>27853 I suspect that the culprit is either lobbying groups, or the people behind the chart genuinely felt the need to clarify. One thing to keep in mind is that not all sex leads to reproduction, and not all reproduction comes from sex (at least, not anymore). Whoever made the decision to change the exact word used clearly cares about that distinction. As for how robowaifus relate to the chart, I'd posit that they can provide substance to all five levels: (1) They provide sex if you follow the old wording. If you follow the new wording, one could stretch that the creation of a new form of existence in your image is a sort of reproduction. Alternately, the issue of reproduction will likely be solved within the decade. (2) They can provide (mental) health, and aid in the retention of property, resources (by helping you keep track of these things) and personal security (you can set her up to be your own personal surveillance network). (3) They can provide intimacy (both physcal and psychological) (4) They can help your self-esteem, and provide a sense of freedom. (5) They can help you become the most that you can be.
>>27867 >cannibalistic lesbians I won't ask, and I'd very much like it if you don't tell. >We already have a story about a world of men who forsook their women for gynoids Is it one I wrote, or are you referring to something older? >other versions of the chart That makes sense. Too many people have varying ideologies for there not to be several semantically different iterations of the same idea. Nonetheless, I think my point still stands regardless of what sits where in the chart.
Try no fap for a year i think thats what it means to be at the bottom of the hierarchy of needs lol

Emmy the Robot - Official Thread Robowaifu Technician 11/30/2023 (Thu) 03:58:48 No.26629 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome all Nandroids fans to the Emmy thread, for discussing and posting about EtR. Please refrain from posting off-topic or non-Nandroid related things. --- Also, be sure to check out Emmy-Pilled's project thread! (>>25306) >=== -minor edit -add project crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/01/2023 (Fri) 00:35:17.
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>>27458 I liked that one Anon's idea of Darcy being adopted. And the new nandroid Avery having to be purchased to provide extra hands in the household
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My two beautiful nandroids posing for the camera ♡ Artist: Diegosagiro
OP, seems it's time for a new thread! Our autosage bump limit here on /robowaifu/ is 350. It's traditional form to link to the previous threads within the new thread's OP thus: > previous threads : (>>26629)

Robowaifu-OS & Robowaifu-Brain(cluster) Robowaifu Technician 09/13/2019 (Fri) 11:29:59 No.201 [Reply] [Last]
I realize it's a bit grandiose (though probably no more than the whole idea of creating a irl robowaifu in the first place) but I want to begin thinking about how to create a working robowaifu 'brain', and how to create a special operating system to run on her so she will have the best chance of remaining an open, safe & secure platform. OS Language Choice C is by far the single largest source of security holes in software history, so it's out more or less automatically by default. I'm sure that causes many C developers to sneer at the very thought of a non-C-based operating system, but the unavoidable cost of fixing the large numbers of bugs and security holes that are inevitable for a large C project is simply more than can be borne by a small team. There is much else to do besides writing code here, and C hooks can be generated wherever deemed necessary as well. C++ is the best candidate for me personally, since it's the language I know best (I also know C too). It's also basically as low level as C but with far better abstractions and much better type-checking. And just like C, you can inline Assembler code wherever needed in C++. Although poorly-written C++ can be as bad as C code in terms of safety due to the necessity of it being compatible with C, it also has many facilities to not go there for the sane coder who adheres to simple, tried-and-true guidelines. There is also a good C++ project already ongoing that could be used for a clustered unikernel OS approach for speed and safety. This approach could save drastic amounts of time for many reasons, not the least of which is tightly constrained debugging. Every 'process' is literally it's own single-threaded kernel, and mountains of old-style cruft (and thinking) typical with OS development simply vanishes. FORTRAN is a very well-established language for the sciences, but a) there aren't a lot of FORTRAN coders, and b) it's probably not the greatest at being a general-purpose language anyway. I'm sure it could be made to run robotics hardware, but would probably be a challenge to turn into an OS. There are plenty of dujour SJW & coffee languages out there, but quite apart from the rampant faggotry & SJWtardism plainly evident in most of their communities, none of them have the kind of industrial experience and pure backbone that C, C++, or FORTRAN have. D and Ada are special cases and possibly bear due consideration in some year's time, but for now C++ is the obvious choice to me for a Robowaifu OS foundation, Python probably being the best scripting language for it. (1 of 2) >=== -fmt cleanup
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/23/2023 (Wed) 03:35:37.
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>>27325 >This field and robowaifu development essentially go hand-in-hand The more I think about it, the more I agree with you Anon! >>27321 >Do we even have a good thread here for posting this kind of stuff yet? Amazing, but we don't. I've looked over the catalog just now, and here's a first-pass list of threads that seem applicable: * Prototypes & failures * Actuators * Self-driving cars * Skellingtons & armatures * Electronics * SBCs & microcontrollers * Cutting-edge tech * Robotics hardware * Robowaifu power & control

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>>27326 At the moment I am just learning C and trying to make programs that solve basic maths questions. I don't have enough money to buy my own drone and they have been pretty much regulated into the floor here in Airstrip One. Oh, and I fell ill. CURSED FLESH! GAHH! So things are going very slowly. But when I do eventually get a drone I am aiming for a fixed-wing design. Multi-rotor drones (even toroidal propellors at low-speed) just make far too much noise and are relatively slow. I want to focus on how fixed-wing drones are programmed and how they network/communicate. After all, it's no good flying a drone (even one with a robowaifu attached) if the enemy can simply hack your video-feed and see everything that your drone sees.
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>>27385 >At the moment I am just learning C and trying to make programs that solve basic maths questions. Outstanding, SophieDev! Having a practical, smol goal is literally the best way to learn to program in my experience. BTW, you may be aware that we already have C language (>>367), and C++ language (>>19777) threads. Why not post your work in either of these threads and everyone can talk about them with you? We have at least 3 C developers here on /robowaifu/, maybe we can give you some nice ideas? Regardless, I too am extremely interested in aerospace as an industry, and the vehicles themselves as a fanboy/engineer. Some of the greatest, most elegant designs ever done by mankind are in these fields, IMO. Cheers. :^)
>>27315 According to Christian teachings, Jesus was arrested, tried, and sentenced to death primarily because some religious authorities viewed his teachings and growing influence as a threat to their authority.
>>27385 Plenty of videos on YT how to make them yourself. I doubt that it is legal, though. These are often Americans.

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Actuators For Waifu Movement Part 2 Waifu Boogaloo Kiwi 09/02/2021 (Thu) 05:30:48 No.12810 [Reply] [Last]
(Original thread >>406) Kiwi back from the dead with a thread for the discussion of actuators that move your waifu! Part Two! Let's start with a quick refresher! 1. DC motors, these use a rotating magnetic field created through commutation to rotate a rotor! They're one of the cheapest options and are 30 to 70 percent efficient usually. The bigger they are, the more efficient they tend to be. 2. Brushless motors, these use a controller to induce a rotating magnetic field by turning electromagnets on and off in a sequence. They trend 60 to 95 percent efficiency 3. AC motors, Though there are many different type, they function similarly to brushless motors, they simply rely on the AC electricity to turn their electromagnets on and off to generate their field. Anywhere from 15 to 95 percent efficiency. 4. Stepper motors, brushless motors with ferrous teeth to focus magnetic flux. This allows for incredible control at the cost of greater mass and lower torque at higher speeds. Usually 50 to 80 percent efficient but, this depends on control algorithm/speed/and quality of the stepper. 5. Coiled Nylon Actuators! These things have an efficiency rating so low it's best to just say they aren't efficient. What they are though is dirt cheap and easy as heck to make! Don't even think about them, I did and it was awful. 6. Hydraulics! These rely on the distribution of pressure in a working liquid to move things like pistons. Though popular in large scale industry, their ability to be used in waifu's has yet to be proven. (Boston Dynamics Atlas runs on hydraulics but, it's a power guzzler and heavy) 7. Pneumatics, hydraulics lighter sister! This time the fluid is air! This has the advantage in weight. They aren't capable of the same power loads hydraulics are but, who wants their waifu to bench press a car? 8. Wax motors, hydraulic systems where the working fluid is expanding melted parafin wax! Cheap, low power, efficient, and produce incredible torque! Too bad they're slow and hard to control. 9. Explosion! Yes, you can move things through explosions! Gas engines work through explosions! Artificial muscles can be made by exploding a hydrogen and oxygen mixture in a piston, then using hydrolysis to turn the water back into hydrogen and oxygen. None of this is efficient or practical but, it's vital we keep our minds open. Though there are more actuators, most are derivatives or use these examples to work. Things like pulleys need an actuator to move them. Now, let's share, learn, and get our waifu moving! >--- < add'l, related links from Anon:

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/06/2021 (Mon) 10:07:57.
347 posts and 90 images omitted.
Differential Swerve Drive for rolling platforms, it uses both motors for driving forward so it is more efficient: https://youtu.be/8RQmpUEgoYU Might be useful for a Gardevoir suit, waifu car or a waifu with wheels. Swerve drive means it can drive sideways, which is more similar to a bipedal creature that can move out of the way easily.
>>26857 >Might be useful for a Gardevoir suit, waifu car or a waifu with wheels. Very cool! I'm actually in the middle of a smol robotic cart->Tachikoma design for Sumomo-chan. This is very timely for me Anon, thanks! :^)
>>26118 >Cheap motor update: I cannot figure out how to use the CAN bus with the arduino can hat v2 and a program to move the motor with a joystick. I'm feeling extremely lazy so I think I need to cut all unnecessary idle tasks and try again.
OP, seems it's time for a new thread please These are some good ones, Anon. Thanks! :^)
NEW THREAD NEW THREAD NEW THREAD (>>27021) (>>27021) (>>27021) (>>27021) (>>27021) NEW THREAD NEW THREAD NEW THREAD

CNC Machine Thread Robowaifu Technician 05/12/2020 (Tue) 02:13:40 No.2991 [Reply] [Last]
Many of the parts needed to build our robowaifus will need to be custom made and they will need to be metal. For parts that have a high tolerance for imperfections a 3d printer can print a mold and then a small scale foundry can be used to cast the piece with metal (probably copper or aluminum). BUT there will be pieces that need a higher degree of precision (such as joints). For these pieces a CNC machine would be useful. CNC machines can widely range in size, price, and accuracy and I would like to find models suitable for our purposes. I know there are CNC machines available that can cut up to copper for under $300, but I don't know if that will be enough for our purposes. (https://www.sainsmart.com/products/sainsmart-genmitsu-cnc-router-pro-diy-kit?variant=15941458296905&currency=USD&utm_campaign=gs-2018-08-06&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign) Some CNC machines can be used to engrave printed circuit boards and that may prove useful for our purposes as well. Are there any anons that know more about CNC machines? Anons looking to buy one ask your questions here.
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EDM machine (via Levi Jannsen Discord) https://youtu.be/5CeCxkFVCdM >"EDM" typically refers to "Electrical Discharge Machining." EDM is a machining process that uses electrical discharges (sparks) to remove material from a workpiece. It is often used for precision machining of complex shapes or for creating fine features in hard materials.
>>11424 >He deleted his posting I replied to? Seems like it. >>15712 >>26357 Interesting stuff Anons, thanks! :^)
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An excellent tutorial for at home photo chemical machining. https://www.instructables.com/Micro-Machining-at-Home-on-the-Cheap/
>>26798 Excellent find, Kiwi! This could definitely be a useful approach for the DIY Robowaifuist. Cheers. :^)
Some mentions of metal in the 3D printing thread: >>23931 (low melting point alloys) >>24149 (metal casting at the end of the comment) >>26053 >>31511

Fundamental Design Ideas that should ALWAYS be accounted for Grommet 07/19/2023 (Wed) 01:59:58 No.24047 [Reply]
So I'm thinking about design and realize some mistakes I made. There is likely no better short cut to advancing design than these fundamental principles as stated by Elon Musk. 1. Make The Requirements Less Dumb “Step one: Make the requirements less dumb. The requirements are definitely dumb; it does not matter who gave them to you. It’s particularly dangerous when they come from an intelligent person, as you may not question them enough. Everyone’s wrong. No matter who you are, everyone is wrong some of the time. All designs are wrong, it’s just a matter of how wrong,” explains Musk. 2. Try And Delete Part Of The Process “Step two: try very hard to delete the part or process. If parts are not being added back into the design at least 10% of the time, [it means that] not enough parts are being deleted. The bias tends to be very strongly toward ‘let’s add this part or process step in case we need it’. Additionally, each required part and process must come from a name, not a department, as a department cannot be asked why a requirement exists, but a person can,” says Musk. 3. Simplify Or Optimize “Step three: simplify and optimize the design. This is the most common error of a smart engineer — to optimize something that should simply not exist,” according to Musk. He, himself, has been a victim of implementing these steps out of order. He refers to a “mental straightjacket” that happens in traditional schools where you always have to answer the question regardless of whether the premise makes any sense at all. 4. Accelerate Cycle Time “Step four: accelerate cycle time. You’re moving too slowly, go faster! But don’t go faster until you’ve worked on the other three things first,” explains Musk. Here he uses another example of how these steps should occur in order. During a wrongheaded process you should simply stop, not accelerate. He says, “If you’re digging your grave, don’t dig it faster.”

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/29/2023 (Wed) 02:52:46.
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>>24134 The topic is literally just OP expressing their love for the guy. You're calling out those other anons for disagreeing. OP you're acting like a cultist, you could have said all of that without inserting your celebrity into it.
>>26580 Lolwut? I think I'm pretty skeptical of the guy. OTOH, I'm not at all jelly of him and have earnest hopes for the Teslabot program. Regardless, he's certainly done the world a service regarding Xitter, even if some of the approaches to managing the thing seem bonkers to me. :D
>>26580 >The topic is literally just OP expressing their love for the guy You don't understand. One of the most valuable things in the world is to have a simple straightforward guide to operating effectively. "...you could have said all of that without inserting your celebrity into it...." He said it. He stated them in the sequence listed. These principles he stated off the cuff in an interview with everyday astronaut are pure gold. If you internalize them it will make you more effective in whatever you are doing. People for some reason really get triggered like little boys saying girls have cooties when you mention him or what he has done. And somehow admiration for most excellent productivity and changing the trajectory of several technologies on the planet, is said to be "love" or "worship" or some other derogatory term. No the guy has done a shit load of impressive things and respecting that is...just respect. Very few people in history have produced so much change in such a short time as he has. It's just a fact.
>>26590 > You don't understand. One of the most valuable things in the world is to have a simple straightforward guide to operating effectively. Do you actually think Elon is the first person that thought efficiency is good? You could ask any engineer and they would explain how important efficiency is to you. Also if you honest to god believe Elon is a genius at engineering, look at how modular and resistant Tesla cars or his rockets are. And most things he talked about don't apply because we aren't selling status symbols to the masses, we are producing robots to love. 1)Make The requirements less dumb If you made the requirements, they aren't "dumb" as long as you don't think they are dumb. Every requirement you started with should be added to the end product over time as long as there aren't any engineering difficulties and you want those features. 2) Try And Delete Part Of The Process The product should be quality checked at every step and the more check there is the better. 3)Simplify Or Optimize Good advice but some people died because he simplifyed his car's doors to the point they weren't functioning. 4)Accelerate Cycle Time That thinking of his is why Tesla factories get far more injuries than other car factories, i strongly believe Tesla factories would be closed 10 times by now if other car manifacturers ran factories as dangerous as his. 5. Automate Soo smart of him to realise industrial revolution happened. But doesn't apply to us yet because we aren't manifacturing in masses.
>>26592 You don't like his ideas, don't use them but don't pretend that stating them is worship or any of the other stuff you throw out there. No one forcing you to do anything. Ideas are not people.

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Robowaifu@home: Together We Are Powerful Robowaifu Technician 03/14/2021 (Sun) 09:30:29 No.8958 [Reply] [Last]
The biggest hurdle to making quick progress in AI is the lack of compute to train our own original models, yet there are millions of gamers with GPUs sitting around barely getting used, potentially an order of magnitude more compute than Google and Amazon combined. I've figured out a way though we can connect hundreds of computers together to train AI models by using gradient accumulation. How it works is by doing several training steps and accumulating the loss of each step, then dividing by the amount of accumulation steps taken before the optimizer step. If you have a batch size of 4 and do 256 training steps before an optimizer step, it's like training with a batch size of 1024. The larger the batch size and gradient accumulation steps are, the faster the model converges and the higher final accuracy it achieves. It's the most effective way to use a limited computing budget: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YX8LLYdQ-cA These training steps don't need to be calculated by a single computer but can be distributed across a network. A decent amount of bandwidth will be required to send the gradients each optimizer step and the training data. Deep gradient compression achieves a gradient compression ratio from 270x to 600x without losing accuracy, but it's still going to be using about 0.5 MB download and upload to train something like GPT2-medium each optimizer step, or about 4-6 mbps on a Tesla T4. However, we can reduce this bandwidth by doing several training steps before contributing gradients to the server. Taking 25 would reduce it to about 0.2 mbps. Both slow and fast computers can contribute so long as they have the memory to hold the model. A slower computer might only send one training step whereas a fast one might contribute ten to the accumulated gradient. Some research needs to be done if a variable accumulation step size impacts training, but it could be adjusted as people join and leave the network. All that's needed to do this is a VPS. Contributors wanting anonymity can use proxies or TOR, but project owners will need to use VPNs with sufficient bandwidth and dedicated IPs if they wish that much anonymity. The VPS doesn't need an expensive GPU rental either. The fastest computer in the group could be chosen to calculate the optimizer steps. The server would just need to collect the gradients, decompress them, add them together, compress again and send the accumulated gradient to the computer calculating the optimizer step. Or if the optimizing computer has sufficient bandwidth, it could download all the compressed gradients from the server and calculate the accumulated gradient itself. My internet has 200 mbps download so it could potentially handle up to 1000 computers by keeping the bandwidth to 0.2 mbps. Attacks on the network could be mitigated by analyzing the gradients, discarding nonsensical ones and banning clients that send junk, or possibly by using PGP keys to create a pseudo-anonymous web of trust. Libraries for distributed training implementing DGC already exist, although not as advanced as I'm envisioning yet: https://github.com/synxlin/deep-gradient-compression I think this will also be a good way to get more people involved. Most people don't know enough about AI or robotics enough to help but if they can contribute their GPU to someone's robowaifu AI they like and watch her improve each day they will feel good about it and get more involved. At scale though some care will need to be taken that people don't agree to run dangerous code on their computers, either through a library that constructs the models from instructions or something else. And where the gradients are calculated does not matter. They could come from all kinds of hardware, platforms and software like PyTorch, Tensorflow or mlpack.
98 posts and 30 images omitted.
>NuNet is building a globally decentralized computing framework that combines latent computing power of independently owned compute devices across the globe into a dynamic ecosystem of compute resources, individually rewarded via tokenomic ecosystem based on NuNet Utility Token (NTX). https://www.nunet.io
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>>26510 While the basic idea behind the claims is sound (ours is much better however), the entire thing strikes me as yet another scam. If I'm correct, then it's an effort to sweep up any unencumbered compute resources not already controlled by the GH, into their already-obscenely-large hardware stable.
Related: >>30759 >I'm working on infrastructure that's friendly to distributed development of complex AI applications
> platform-related : ( >>34123 )

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