/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“Fall seven times, stand up eight.” -t. Japanese Proverb

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Cognitivie Architecture : Discussion Kiwi 08/22/2023 (Tue) 05:03:37 No.24783 [Reply] [Last]
Chii Cogito Ergo Chii Chii thinks, therefore Chii is. Cognitive architecture is the study of the building blocks which lead to cognition. The structures from which thought emerges. Let's start with the three main aspects of mind; Sentience: Ability to experience sensations and feelings. Her sensors communicate states to her. She senses your hand holding hers and can react. Feelings, having emotions. Her hand being held bring her happiness. This builds on her capacity for subjective experience, related to qualia. Self-awareness: Capacity to differentiate the self from external actors and objects. When presented with a mirror, echo, or other self referential sensory input is recognized as the self. She sees herself in your eyes reflection and recognizes that is her, that she is being held by you. Sapience: Perception of knowledge. Linking concepts and meanings. Able to discern correlations congruent with having wisdom. She sees you collapse into your chair. She infers your state of exhaustion and brings you something to drink. These building blocks integrate and allow her to be. She doesn't just feel, she has qualia. She doesn't see her reflection, she sees herself reflected, she acknowledges her own existence. She doesn't just find relevant data, she works with concepts and integrates her feelings and personality when forming a response. Cognition, subjective thought reliant on a conscious separation of the self and external reality that integrates knowledge of the latter. A state beyond current AI, a true intellect. This thread is dedicated to all the steps on the long journey towards a waifu that truly thinks and feels.

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/17/2023 (Sun) 20:43:41.
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>>35213 Good luck with it, peteblank. If you'd like to share your process with everyone sometime that would be appreciated here. Cheers. :^)
>>35218 no prob so i made the fully local one private but this one is public https://github.com/peteblank/waifu-conversation/tree/main go to final.sh it uses aws poly to transcrive and put the file in s3 buckets it also uses the long gone waifu ai api so youd have to replace it with another api or run a local ai. its also meant to be activated with a button connected to a pi. That was... 2 years ago. :/
>>35219 Thanks again.
>>35206 You are overdoing it with the anonymity. That said, you could just install a email server yourself somewhere and buy a domain with Bitcoin (which you first would sent through a mixer or exchange it back and forth). Personal email servers have issues in sending emails, but receiving emails should work.
>>35237 >You are overdoing it with the anonymity. Lol. Perhaps, perhaps not. I could give you over 9'000 reasons why I'm not going far enough yet, I'm sure. But not on NYD, plox. :D Regardless, thanks for the good suggestions NoidoDev. I'm sure we'll arrive at good solutions ot protect both Anons & their robowaifus + Joe Sixpacks & theirs as well, if we all just put our heads together in such a manner. BTW ( >>10000 ) may be a better thread for this discussion? Cheers, Anon. :^)

Prototypes and Failures #4 Noido Dev ##pTGTWW 01/23/2024 (Tue) 03:17:26 No.28715 [Reply] [Last]
Post your prototypes and failures. We fail until we win. Don't forget looking through the old threads here >>418, >>18800 and >>21647 to understand how we got to where we are now.
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>>35156 >the fifth time is the charm. Nice work, peteblank. Persistance is the key here. Cheers, Anon. :^) >>35165 Nice choice Anon! Looks really compact/inexpensive/manufacturable. Total win, Kiwi! Cheers. :^)
>>35186 yeah i gave up on making an iron core oh well
>>35200 Heh, that could be a good idea to IMO. OTOH, a) that was your choice (again probably a good one). And, b) doesn't in any way negate what I said, tbh. >tl;dr Find something more productive to pursue next time, Anon. Good luck, peteblank. Cheers. :^)
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>>35204 it technically worked. its so powdery it should be mostly iron. im surprised at how good the steel screws turned out...

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Robowaifu Simulator Robowaifu Technician 09/12/2019 (Thu) 03:07:13 No.155 [Reply] [Last]
What would be a good RW simulator. I guess I'd like to start with some type of PCG solution that just builds environments to start with and build from there up to characters.

It would be nice if the system wasn't just pre-canned, hard-coded assets and behaviors but was instead a true simulator system. EG, write robotics control software code that can actually calculate mechanics, kinematics, collisions, etc., and have that work correctly inside the basic simulation framework first with an eye to eventually integrating it into IRL Robowaifu mechatronic systems with little modifications. Sort of like the OpenAI Gym concept but for waifubots.
https ://gym.openai.com/
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>>35161 This, but it'd sure be nice to have a waifu that could handle a maul for you in a pinch. :D
>>35117 Right now, I'm not even sure how to do a full simulation of what I would want to build. I hope there will just be a general humanoid model that I can download and approximate mine to it. I don't believe in humanoid robots doing their movements through precise planning. It will be a guesstimate and then looking at the sensors while moving. The current Teslabot also seems to use a form of very fast neural network: https://youtu.be/xxoLCQTN0KA
>>35141 This and all the following until my post is OT in this thread.
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>>35179 I'm working on the cad for the body. Its important to me that it has an adjustable spine because that will play a bit part in making the robot flexible. I will share the cad but I don't and it to be public. I want to share it with people that will be working on this. Please invite me on github https://github.com/peteblank The choice of her body being thicc is not only because of preference but because it needs to house the components. The weight distribution will also be selected based on the center of gravity. The center of gravity should be on the middle(I think) I have a theory that it ought to have a decent chest weight to act as a counterweight for the spine pulling(think of the stability of pulling a bag of cement vs puling a wrench) I'm planning on making the test robot walk near the end of January. it'll have empty boxes on the chest to add and take away weights to test the balance. Since its been decided the simulation should be on isaac(i'd prefer gazebo because its the industry standard and you can get a job with it) Can't find any gazebo/nvidia isaac tutorials atm
>>35202 no seems isaac is the industry standard now. ok then.

Robowaifu fiction to promote the product and expand the market Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2019 (Mon) 07:17:19 No.29 [Reply] [Last]
>order companionbot from obscure japanese website
>you're not a pedo, but size is a major factor in the practicality of these designs, so the loli-robot is by far the cheapest and most reliable option
>you open the box and find your companion, purposely designed to look like a cartoon robot, rather than a real person
>still, the robot's purpose is obvious when you realize it is nude and has genitals
>since it is a lolibot, you, a 32 year old wizard NEET, can't exactly go to the store and buy clothes that fit it. So you'd better do an extra good job at hiding it from any guests that come over.
>lol you never have any guests. Guess some problems solve themselves.
>before turning the robot on, you have to setup the software options on your computer. You adjust a series of sliders regarding personality traits, before selecting the English option, and choosing your preferred voice from a list.
>then you agonize for hours over picking a name
>other, more expensive models, are wi-fi compatible, but you purposely chose the cheapest option with no wireless connectivity, not just because you're cheap, because you don't want people spying on your waifu
>you save the settings to a flash drive which is inserted in the robot's navel, after removing a waterproof cover, of course. But this is when you realize you don't actually know how to turn the robot on
>after rifling through the manual you find the on/off procedure, which involves bending the fingers into a certain configuration before pressing in the port on the robot's navel with one hand and pinching the buttons that are the robot's g-spot and clitoris with the other.
>the robot immediately comes to life, opening its eyes and looking directly at you, in a rather compromising position
>Your sudden reaction of shock abides when you remind yourself that it's simply a robot.
>But the awkwardness comes back when the robot speaks, in very broken Engrish
>still, you can understand as it introduces itself with the name you've given it, the voice you chose for it.
>you know that you chose those options, but when the robot asks you for your name, you still answer just as awkwardly as when a real girl would ask you your name at the bank or whatever
>actually, more awkwardly because your fingers are inside it. So you freeze up, as you do even in simpler situations
>but the robot is programmed for your happiness, and detects your stress, smiling at you in an attempt to make you feel better. But only briefly, because you programmed it with just the mildest hint of tsundere
>it tells you to not feel stressed, and assures you that it is not being damaged by your touch
>you remove yourself from the robot's vagina, and notice a brief, subtle shudder. Nice attention to detail from the creators
>You stand up in front of the robot and watch it as it looks around the room, studying its surroundings. It moves in an unnaturally smooth motion, but manages to not be too uncanny due to looking like a robot, rather than a human.
>as the robot's eyes scan the room, you notice that they stop for just a tiny but longer than usual as they look straight ahead. Straight ahead at your boner, which happens to be right at the small robot's face level.
>once again your mind forgets that you are dealing with a machine, and you awkwardly try to create small talk to diffuse the situation, asking the robot if it requires anything else at the moment. It declines, and instead asks if there is anything you desire
>you, the autist you are, refuse to let the robot do anything for you, and instead say that you are going to go and make a sandwich.
>you tell the robot to make itself comfortable, then cringe to yourself when you realize the absurdity of that statement.

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>>32868 Charming work, Greentext anon. Very-endearing. Cheers. :^)
Merry one hour after Christmas, everyone. This story is one that's been sitting on one drive or another half-finished for around two years. I can't really say why it's been so troublesome to finish, even though it was never meant to be that long or complex in the first place, but it was. I thought it appropriate to break through my burnout streak by finally forcing myself to sit down and finish it. As always, do let me know what you think. --- Synthetic Wildflower A cool spring breeze weaves through the sunlit forest, giddily dancing through budding branches and underbrush as they sway in kind to the subtle tune of nature. The ambience is accompanied by the chirping and chittering of songbirds, now returning from their winter homes. Twittering as they flitter to and fro, fleeting notes of color amidst the green. Suddenly, new sounds join the harmony. The soft, methodical beat of my boots against the forest floor, marching a steady beat. More boots, these ones belonging to my wife Dako.

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>>35133 >Merry one hour after Christmas, everyone. Lolwut? Totally still Christmas here, bro!! <---> Thanks so much for all your great work, Greentext anon! These pieces mean more to our community here than you may realize. Please keep it up! Cheers. :^) Merry Christmas, Anons.
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>>35133 A waifu that wants to understand the natural world has heaps of potential for stories. Great work introducing her bubbly persona! Made some fanart of her, though StableDiffusion makes Miku's that are a tad too small and cute. Try to imagine her looking more mature like your Dako!
>>35172 Great way to put things, Kiwi. I was just like this as a child, running around through the hills all day erry day. I look forward to a similar personality in my waifus, and really look forward to climbing literal mountains with her -- that wasn't mere allegory. :D >tl;dr One of my biggest anticipated joys with our robowaifu models is teaching her about the amazing world all around her! * Cheers. :^) --- * I might add, that 'amazing' bit necessarily means getting her out of urban areas, which, as we here all know, is hardly even appealing in general -- much less wonderful. Thus my focus lately on more-ruggedized robowaifu designs that can take it & make it in the great outdoors. >=== -add footnote -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/28/2024 (Sat) 01:27:50.

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R&D General NoidoDev ##eCt7e4 07/21/2023 (Fri) 15:25:47 No.24152 [Reply] [Last]
This is a thread to discuss smaller or general waifu building problems, solutions, proposals and questions that don't warrant a thread or touch on more than one topic. In a way this is a technical meta, minus news. Keep it technical. A lot of topics in the old thread here >>83 have a thread on their own by now. The main topics in the old thread with the link to the related dedicated threads are listed here - it was mostly about actuation at the beginning: Topics in the old OP: - liquid battery and cooling in one (flow batteries) >>5080 - artificial muscles (related to actuators >>12810) - high level and low level intelligence emulation (AI) (related to AI >>77 >>22 >>250 >>27 >>201) - wear and maintenance, including repairs - sanitation >>1627 (related to actuators >>12810) > cheap hydraulic and pneumatic muscles > woven sleeves out of strong nylon fishing line > exhaust excess heat by breathing and panting (related to thermal management >>234) >>1635 (related to energy systems >>5080) > sitting in her 'recharging chair'

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>>35071 this is not what i had in mind. i could put some tin foil paper in between the mold but its very powdery. Hardly worth the hassle. why isnt there iron rods for sale ff. i already got the materials so i might as well keep trying it to do it this way i guess. He used polyutherane though im using polyester. Very strong odor.
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>>35069 Stylistically, I can appreicate it but mechanically I don't like it. Kiwi project looks like a body pillow with legs. Also, I've seen what happens if you let your guard down around a kiwi girl...
>>35084 >Also, I've seen what happens if you let your guard down around a kiwi girl... Kek. Mean as. :D Anyway, good luck Anon! Keep us all up to date with your project's progress here please. Cheers.
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>>35074 Im going to have to make a bigger mold i think but using tinfoil so it wont get stuck to the mold helped.
> (R&D -related : >>35338 )

DCC Design Tools & Training Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 11:42:32 No.415 [Reply] [Last]
Creating robowaifus requires lots and lots of design and artistry. It's not all just nerd stuff you know Anon! :^) ITT: Add any techniques, tips, tricks, or content links for any Digital Content Creation (DCC) tools and training to use when making robowaifus. >note: This isn't the 'Post Your Robowaifu-related OC Arts & Designs General' thread. We'll make one of those later perhaps. >--- I spent some time playing with the program Makehuman and I'll say I wasn't impressed. It's not possible to make anime real using Makehuman, in fact the options (for example eye size) are somewhat limited. But there's good news, don't worry! The creator of Makehuman went on to create a blender plugin called ManuelBastioniLAB which is much better (and has a much more humorous name). The plugin is easy to install and use (especially if you have a little blender experience). There are three different anime female defaults that are all pretty cute. (Pictured is a slightly modified Anime Female 2.) There are sliders to modify everything from finger length to eye position to boob size. It even has a posable skeleton. Unfortunately the anime models don't have inverse kinematic skeletons which are much easier to pose. Going forward I'm probably going to use MasturBationLABManuelBastioniLAB as the starting point for my designs. --- Saving everything with yt-dlp (>>16357, >>12247) >===

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/31/2023 (Wed) 18:55:38.
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>>23844 >You are correct, I'm working on spherical actuators that should be scalable for use as a universal robotics joint. Just curious what the outcome of your research was, Anon. This would still be a tremendous benefit to us all to have 4 of these for the shoulders & hips.
>>33321 Added complexity and frankly, just simple pan tilt mechanisms ended up being better.
>>33318 Great stuff, Grommet. Thank you kindly! Cheers. :^) >>33322 Understood. We'll arrive at good solutions for everything in the end. Let's all do our best -- Gambatte!! :^)

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Open-Source Licenses Comparison Robowaifu Technician 07/24/2020 (Fri) 06:24:05 No.4451 [Reply] [Last]
Hi anons! After looking at the introductory comment in >>2701 which mentions the use of the MIT licence for robowaifu projects. I read the terms: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT Seems fine to me, however I've also been considering the 3-clause BSD licence: https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause >>4432 The reason I liked this BSD licence is the endorsement by using the creator's name (3rd clause) must be done by asking permission first. I like that term as it allows me to decide if I should endorse a derivative or not. Do you think that's a valid concern? Initially I also thought that BSD has the advantage of forcing to retain the copyright notice, however MIT seems to do that too. It has been mentioned that MIT is already used and planned to be used. How would the these two licences interplay with each other? Can I get a similar term applied from BSD's third clause but with MIT?

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/24/2020 (Fri) 14:07:59.
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>>34549 Lol. Care to explain this please, Anon?
>>34551 The team behind BigCode released an AI training dataset called The Stack. https://huggingface.co/datasets/bigcode/the-stack-v2 >3.28B unique files belonging to 104.2M github repositories were collected by traversing the Software Heritage 2023-09-06 graph dataset. Additional repository-level metadata was collected from GitHub Archive data up to 2023-09-14. As part of their data cleaning process BigCode deleted all the repos they think are under a copyleft license. >The licenses we consider permissive are listed here. This list was compiled from the licenses approved by the Blue Oak Council, as well as licenses categorized as "Permissive" or "Public Domain" by ScanCode. The ScanCode tool works by keyword detection. If you say your project uses GnuTLS which is under the "GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1" it will think the entire repo is copyleft TL;DR: Choose LGPL or use an LGPL dependency.
>>34920 Heh. OK, thanks for the explanation, Anon. :^)
an all purpose robot has the revolutionary magnitude as the invention of the steam engine. Lets hope some money will come out if this but theres also people that measure their success on not only their monetary compensation but on the impact they had in the course of history.
>>34937 POTD >Lets hope some money will come out if this but theres also people that measure their success on not only their monetary compensation but on the impact they had in the course of history. I think I can state uncategorically that a significant portion of regulars on /robowaifu/ are dreamers, and we all think about the amazing transformation to civilization (indeed, redeeming it from the literal brink) that robowaifus represent, peteblank. Cheers. :^)

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/robowaifu/ is formally invited to the /christmas/ interboard event of 2024 Robowaifu Technician 12/13/2024 (Fri) 02:52:08 No.34846 [Reply]
Merry Christmas. I'm an anon from 8chan, and we are organizing our inter-board Christmas event. This project aims to gather around anons from different imageboard and anonymous communities from all around internet during a weekend and celebrate Christmas together. The planned date is December 14 and 15 and it's going to be here https://8chan.moe/christmas you can make your "embassy" thread talking about your IB, its history and local memes. I hope to see you there. If you have any other questions please make me know, I'll be more than grateful to answer.
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Streams starts in 24 minutes.
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Today's Schedule. It starts at the same time.
Starting now
>>34907 >>34909 You should consider adding an Embassy Thread on trash/christmas/ , Anon.

Robowaifu Propaganda and Recruitment Thread 2: Now in Technicolor™ Greentext anon 12/08/2024 (Sun) 18:26:29 No.34750 [Reply]
Attention drawfags and writefags! Your skills will be needed! The task of building and designing a robowaifu is a herculean quest. As great as this community is, /robowaifu/ simply does not have the manpower to real our goal of DIY robowaifus. Luckily for us there are several communities on the internet that we could find new recruits or allies to help us build our waifus: >MGTOW - These guys know all about the legal pitfalls of marriage and the dangers of feminism. There is already a lot of talk about sex robots in MGTOW communities. It shouldn't be a hard sell to get them to come here. <However, some of these guys would rather spend all their time bitching on the internet about "MUH WOMENZ" than actually getting a hobby other than lifting heavy objects and putting them down again. MGTOW is literally Feminist Separatism for males. >Incels - Guys that can't get laid. The opportunity for love and companionship should be enough to bring some of these guys over. <However, we need to be careful when recruiting from some of their communities, since they may be compomised by glownigs or other fringe elements. We don't want to attract negative attention. >Monster girls/furry/mlp fandoms - The only way these guys are going to be able to have their harpy/elf/goblin/anthro/pony/whatever gf is with a robowaifu. Many have an interest in seeing us succeed. <However, there exists a very wide variety of communities under this umbrella, and there is a notable overlap between communities who would want robowaifus and communities that are morally compromised, so care should be taken when looking into them. Romanticists and waifufags have a tendency to congregate since they all want/create the same type of content, so looking for those subgroups would be the most efficient path. >Otakus - Many men in these communities want to see their waifu/favorite character come to life, which will realistically only happen with robowaifus. <However, many of those communities are drowning in the LGBT alphabet soup. Special care should be taken when looking into them. >Male STEM students - Generally these guys aren't going to get laid until after they have established themselves. A robowaifu could really help them.

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Daily Reminder: Still waiting on an Anon to make a new thread. Then I'll migrate this one to the one that has pics. (cf. >>31486) Cheers. :^)
>>34450 Done. ( >>34750 ) Changes are as follows: +Added three pictures. +Merged the first post on this thread into the OP. +Added link to the first thread. ~Altered the formatting for easier reading. ~Altered, rewrote, and added some lines for the sake of clarity and context. Feel free to edit it however.
>>34751 Excellent! Thanks kindly, Greentext anon. Cheers. :^)
>>34387 Good idea, thanks. You could ask some LLM for how to represent the text, then use an image generator to add pictures. I also support the idea of robowaifus being very obedient and marketing them as that. >>34751 Thanks.
> (propaganda-related : >>35224 )

CNC Machine Thread Robowaifu Technician 05/12/2020 (Tue) 02:13:40 No.2991 [Reply] [Last]
Many of the parts needed to build our robowaifus will need to be custom made and they will need to be metal. For parts that have a high tolerance for imperfections a 3d printer can print a mold and then a small scale foundry can be used to cast the piece with metal (probably copper or aluminum). BUT there will be pieces that need a higher degree of precision (such as joints). For these pieces a CNC machine would be useful. CNC machines can widely range in size, price, and accuracy and I would like to find models suitable for our purposes. I know there are CNC machines available that can cut up to copper for under $300, but I don't know if that will be enough for our purposes. (https://www.sainsmart.com/products/sainsmart-genmitsu-cnc-router-pro-diy-kit?variant=15941458296905&currency=USD&utm_campaign=gs-2018-08-06&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign) Some CNC machines can be used to engrave printed circuit boards and that may prove useful for our purposes as well. Are there any anons that know more about CNC machines? Anons looking to buy one ask your questions here.
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Here's something related to parts building I've been thinking about, a lot, lately. Isogrids. Here's a killer link that I ran across talking about these. It's where I first heard of them. This guy made a surfboard out of quarter Isogrids of cardboard and then fiberglassed it. Now I'm not saying make waifus from cardboard. I'm trying to point out the extreme strength of these Isogrids. I read they have in some cases an order of magnitude strength to weight increase. That's 10 times or 10,000 percent better strength to weight. Now this is for traditional Isogrids noted in the last paper I linked. In a ballistic missile case they got, "...built by the Air Force Research Lab on the Combined Experiments program. This grid structure was 61% lighter, 300% stronger, and 1000% stiffer than the aluminum structure it replaced..." That is some serious improvement. But the real winner is this Quarter grid Isostructure that the surf board guy came up with. He says he thought it up but after looking around he found he was not the first. He's very humble because the idea is a killer good one that he stumbled on all by himself. Have a look at this super easy to build, high strength structure here, https://www.sheldrake.net/quarter_isogrid/ The key and big takeaway is this just a bunch of flat pieces with notches cut in them. So you could make this out of whatever flat stock you could get your hands on and have a super strong structure. One thing I noticed is that it's somewhat one dimensional structurally. But there's no reason at all you could not cut slots in three sides so that now you have a structure with slats providing strength in three dimensions made out of nothing but flat pieces with slots cut in them. A good search for stuff they are making of them is "quarter Isogrids" and "Isogrid furniture". They're making all sorts of stuff from them. More traditional Isogrids below. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isogrid Grid Stiffened Structures_A survey of fabrication, analysis and design methods https://iccm-central.org/Proceedings/ICCM12proceedings/site/papers/pap357.pdf
The above comment might be suited to be elsewhere. Arrrgh, but it sort of fits.
>>34492 Made a note linking this and a few ideas in the structures thread here, >34493
>>34494 Forgot a sign it's >>34493
I have a Shapoko XXL CNC that I have procrastinated assembling for literally years now. At this point I was thinking of just hiring someone to finish it for me, but having people in my apartment makes me uncomfortable.

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