/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

Dolls, Dollmaking Techniques, and Their Use for Robowaifu Construction Greentext anon 01/16/2024 (Tue) 05:14:05 No.28514 [Reply]
Dollmaking is an ancient art, dating back as far as recorded history. Throughout these many years, dollmakers have invented and innovated at a steady pace, making each doll just a little bit better than the last while still leaning on tried-and-true techniques. This thread is here to discuss those techniques, and other relevant aspects of the doll world (including mannequins and marionettes) which we can apply to make our own waifus. One common example most of you may have seen already is the ball-jointed doll. However, there is more than one type. Higher-end BJDs commonly use elastic string to bind limbs to sockets in a method not too dissimilar to how tendons link our bones. There are also peg linked joints. where you (usually) have two hemispheres connected to eachother and connecting two seperate limb parts with pegs. There are also double-joints which work on the same basic principle. The attached images show both principles. Simple hinges are also quite the staple. They often have varying levels of tightness, depending on the application. A marionette, for instance, will typically have very loose hinges which allow for great ease of movement via user-operated strings. A system like that is quite easy to motorize, though one would want to consider how to get the limbs to stay in position without constant motor input. On the more complex end of things, some dolls feature endoskeletons, which allow for more realistic sometimes and complex poses. However, in addition to being more complex, these are much more expensive, fragile, and difficult to repair. While some of these things could be solved here, I doubt that a perfect solution is realistic at this time. It's good to keep in mind, though. Outside of basic frame components, there are also the details, such as the eyes. Glass eyes have the interesting effect of "following" the viewer without requiring any motors or electronics. Weight and cost are both important considerations, however, especially for a full-size waifu with anime doe eyes. Resin eyes are also quite popular, as ithey're easier to make at home. Wigs, of course, are also important to consider. I assume everyone here will want their waifus to have hair, and said hair will be easier to install (and detach for cleaning) if treated as a seperate component. They're usually kept in place with simple elastic, and I imagine it'd be easy to introduce magnets into the equation for better stability. What do you guys think about these concepts, and what do you have to add? It's a vast field, with plenty of potential uses for waifu making. Concepts from doll-adjacent items, such as action figures, plushbots, puppets, etcetera are also welcome for discussion.
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>>36002 Related
>>31408 I find that the Backyard AI app is good for that. If you want an offline version, I made this guide.
>>36041 Thanks, Robophiliac! As you might guess, finding information here after the fact can be tedious. Keeping things sorted into proper threads+crosslinking helps immensely with this issue. Cheers, Anon. :^)
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>>36002 Discussion thread that preceded the "My Size Barbie BJD" thread on the dollforum: NSFW https://dollforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=57877&start=0
>>36105 I like the clean layout of that image, Robophiliac. Makes it a bit easier for my autistic mind to consider fully. Thanks! Cheers, Anon. :^)

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Emmy the Robot Robowaifu Technician 09/07/2024 (Sat) 15:09:33 No.33430 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome all Nandroids fans to the Emmy thread, for discussing and posting about EtR. Off-topic posts and personal attacks will be deleted. --- Also, be sure to check out Emmy-Pilled's project thread! (>>25306) Important Community Links: Boorus, etc.: https://nandroid.booru.org/index.php Google Docs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mXuNh9ESedCiDZclVuz9uiL7nTNk3U9SgCE_CRHi3Us/htmlview# Webtoons: https://m.webtoons.com/en/canvas/emmy-the-robot/list?title_no=402201 > previous threads : >>27481 >>26629 >>30919

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>>35778 who?
>>35786 >Dom Bradbury I see you are a man of taste as well >>35788 >clothed Natalia tied up in the janitor's closet I'll make a thumbnail of that today >>35799 How about thicc 50's Denise on sticc 90's Denise?
>>35799 As for general dixie on denise
>>35802 >thicc 50's Denise on sticc 90's Denise I always thought both Denises would have the same physique, but sure, whatever works for you. Also she's from the 2000s, not the 90s

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Acclaim Your (Robo)waifu General! Robowaifu Technician 12/10/2022 (Sat) 02:38:59 No.18090 [Reply] [Last]
This is a thread to share pics & praise & approval of your (robo)waifus. Please keep it SFW, thanks Anon! warning warning warning Just b/c you've acclaimed your robowaifu ITT, doesn't mean that another anon might not also acclaim her here too. This is perfectly-acceptable! :^) >(For example: Chii is my own robowaifu-prime, but literally millions of others also love her. It's fine b/c after all, we'll be making many IRL ones. My own edition of her will still be personal & tuned just for me.) >t. Chobitsu >=== -revamp OP into a general
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/10/2022 (Sat) 20:13:17.
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>>35428 Neat, some of my AI slop got reposted.
>>35432 Lol. You're going a bit too far, Anon. I'll have to spoiler this post. :D Alway Rember /robowaifu/ is SFW Won't someone please just think of the cube-bound engineer, surrounded by bloodthirsty, token, f'moids!? :D >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/07/2025 (Tue) 18:25:10.
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>>35439 Sorry, I thought the the I'd hidden the naughty bits tastefully enough.
>>35440 No worries, Mate. :^) Dorothy a cute!
>>35432 By me. I cant believe that was AI

Open Prosthetics Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 11:49:58 No.417 [Reply]
The decades-old medical field of prosthetics has already leveraged untold hours of research, billions of dollars of financing, and yuge levels of both clinical and field trials.

Might be a good idea to look to this area for inspiration and ideas for RoboWaifus as well.




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>>13059 https://github.com/Open-Bionics/FingerLib >Supported Boards >Almond board >Chestnut board >Atmega2560 >Arduino Zero
>>13092 Another days work for allieanon
>>13094 Gambatte! :^)
www.ign.com/articles/cyberpunk-2077-johnny-silverhands-bionic-arm-is-now-a-real-world-prosthetic lel, at least the game served some good purpose.

Visual Waifus Robowaifu Technician 09/15/2019 (Sun) 06:40:42 No.240 [Reply] [Last]
Thoughts on waifus which remain 2D but have their own dedicated hardware. This is more on the artistry side though ai is still involved. An example of an actual waifu product being the Gatebox.

My favorite example is Ritsu, she's a cute ai from assassination classroom who's body is a giant screen on wheels.
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>>33659 BTW, I can patch up your hotlink error if you'd like me to, Anon.
>>33659 You may be interested in motion smoothing to have her tracking feel more natural. https://hackaday.com/2021/09/03/smooth-servo-motion-for-lifelike-animatronics/
>>33659 Very cool. I'm working on a chatbot library now that I originally started to attach to a project similar to yours. Are you displaying a 3d model or sprites? I'm assuming you have a 3d model either way. One simple-ish thing you can do is animate it to switch between poses. If you want to try controlling it with AI, I have some ideas based on image generation, video generation, and pose inference, though it'll be a nontrivial amount of work. (3d animation AI models are probably not good for this. Tried it for ponies, and I think it's too difficult to get something working with the current state of animation AI. Though maybe the vtubers have better tech to work with since they're not doing quadrupeds.)
Anyone speak Moon? This is open source for a desktop Visual Waifu, apparently. https://github.com/MidraLab/uDesktopMascot
For those who rather hope for a hologram being cheaper, needing less space, being better to hide, or whatever reason: >Here's a side-by-side from Voxon Photonics HQ showing the VX1 (DLP projection based) next to a VX2 and VX2-XL display, both of which use our new state-of-the-art VLED Engine. >At Voxon, we are redefining how the world experiences 3D content through cutting-edge volumetric display technology. As pioneers in this field, we are seeking visionary partners in entertainment, education, and industrial applications to collaborate with us in unlocking new possibilities. >Get in touch at www.voxon.co https://youtu.be/zQkrVt9CtCQ

Hand Development Robowaifu Technician 07/28/2020 (Tue) 04:43:19 No.4577 [Reply] [Last]
Since we have no thread for hands, I'm now opening one. Aside the AI, it might be the most difficult thing to archive. For now, we could at least collect and discuss some ideas about it. There's Will Cogleys channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/WillCogley - he's on his way to build a motor driven biomimetic hand. It's for humans eventually, so not much space for sensors right now, which can't be wired to humans anyways. He knows a lot about hands and we might be able to learn from it, and build something (even much smaller) for our waifus. Redesign: https://youtu.be/-zqZ-izx-7w More: https://youtu.be/3pmj-ESVuoU Finger prototype: https://youtu.be/MxbX9iKGd6w CMC joint: https://youtu.be/DqGq5mnd_n4 I think the thread about sensoric skin >>242 is closely related to this topic, because it will be difficult to build a hand which also has good sensory input. We'll have to come up with some very small GelSight-like sensors. F3 hand (pneumatic) https://youtu.be/JPTnVLJH4SY https://youtu.be/j_8Pvzj-HdQ Festo hand (pneumatic) https://youtu.be/5e0F14IRxVc Thread >>417 is about Prosthetics, especially Open Prosthetics. This can be relevant to some degree. However, the constraints are different. We might have more space in the forearms, but we want marvelous sensors in the hands and have to connect them to the body.

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> ( finger/knuckle -related : >>32900, >>32946, et al )
We'll be discussing the development of a fairly wide-ranging robowaifu hand project ITT. <STAY TUNED>
>>33001 > ( hands-related : >>33356)
Related: >>35641 >Functional evaluation of a non-assembly 3D-printed hand prosthesis > ... developed a new approach for the design and 3D printing of non-assembly active hand prostheses using inexpensive 3D printers working on the basis of material extrusion technology. This article describes the design of our novel 3D-printed hand prosthesis and also shows the mechanical and functional evaluation in view of its future use in developing countries. We have fabricated a hand prosthesis using 3D printing technology and a non-assembly design approach that reaches certain level of functionality. The mechanical resistance of critical parts, the mechanical performance, and the functionality of a non-assembly 3D-printed hand prosthesis were assessed. The mechanical configuration used in the hand prosthesis is able to withstand typical actuation forces delivered by prosthetic users. Moreover, the activation forces and the energy required for a closing cycle are considerably lower as compared to other body-powered prostheses. The non-assembly design achieved a comparable level of functionality with respect to other body-powered alternatives. We consider this prosthetic hand a valuable option for people with arm defects in developing countries. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/0954411919874523

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Galatea: Maid Robot GreerTech 11/13/2024 (Wed) 10:20:10 No.34324 [Reply] [Last]
For the last year, I have been working on my own robowaifu design. I call her Galatea. The design is very easy to build with the instructions and files, and is relatively very cheap, around $295 to make. It's also very customizable, you can choose the color, dress, hair, and even AI. I intend this to be the Model T of humanoid robots and robotic companions, while it is not the most complex, it is easy to mass produce and cheap.
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>>35522 Neat! Good to hear of the progress, GreerTech. Looking forward to seeing your results here. Cheers. :^)
>>34869 >>25783 >>25784 I'd like to suggest going the route of using a used hoverboard as the motive power for your base. They are usually rated to carry 220lbs and run on 36+ volts. Check flea markets and thrift stores like Goodwill or St. Vincent de Paul. I got my last one for $5.
>>35524 I've considered it, but I abandoned it because I would need extensive modifications to have the same features, remote control, mopping, and vacuuming. I will also need to buy it new, as I intend to make it able to be replicated. I will also need to make it be driven without leaning. Maybe in the future when I'm better at engineering, I could have a raspberry pi/arduino connected to the motors, while leaving the self-balancing intact.
I finished Galatea Version 2.1.0. Now I'm working on the "post-production", manual, website uploads, etc. I'll make a new thread when I'm done, because it's a different design from the 1.0, and my files are deleted.
>>35577 Excellent, GreerTech! Looking forward to this release. Cheers. :^)

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Making money with AI and robowaifus Robowaifu Technician 11/30/2019 (Sat) 03:07:12 No.1642 [Reply] [Last]
The greatest challenge to building robowaifus is the sheer cost of building robots and training AI. We should start brainstorming ways we can leverage our abilities with AI to make money. Even training AI quickly requires expensive hardware and computer clusters. The faster we can increase our compute power, the more money we can make and the quicker we can be on our way to building our robowaifus. Art Generation Waifu Labs sells pillows and posters of the waifus it generates, although this has caused concern and criticism due to it sometimes generating copyrighted characters from not checking if generated characters match with training data. https://waifulabs.com/ Deepart.io provides neural style transfer services. Users can pay for expedited service and high resolution images. https://deepart.io/ PaintsChainer takes sketches and colours them automatically with some direction from the user, although it's not for profit it could be turned into a business with premium services. https://paintschainer.preferred.tech/index_en.html I work as an artist and have dabbled with training my own AIs that can take a sketch and generate many different thumbnails that I've used to finish paintings. I've also created an AI that can generate random original thumbnails from a training set. In the future when I have more compute power my goal is to create an AI that does the mundane finishing touches to my work which consumes over 80% of my time painting. Applying AI to art will have huge potential in entertainment and marketing for animation, games and virtual characters. Market Research

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/14/2020 (Thu) 01:15:03.
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>>35433 Happy New Year, peteblank.
>>35434 good news everyone i just came across this https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/isaac-gr00t-blueprint-humanoid-robotics/ if there us to be collaboration i strongly urge everyone to download nvidia issac and start learning about it... now
Plenty of ways to make money. Anyone know of a place to buy the Emmy the Robot outfit? I really don't want to have to learn to sew too, but I will if I have to. Already know the basics lol
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>>35463 Was joking sorta but here's an Emmy outfit. As you can see, they never quite fit. Roboclothes could become a niche product since even the Kardashians are trying to capitalize probably. Plenty of other options though. I'd charge $100/hr for her if you clean up, and $200 if I have to clean. Cleaning is just moving to cleaning table, insert cleaning wand and turn on. Easy money.
> (AI money-making opportunity -related : >>36470 )

Robo Face Development Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2019 (Mon) 02:08:16 No.9 [Reply] [Last]
This thread is dedicated to the study, design, and engineering of a cute face for robots.
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>>35318 >the ability to continuously view the signal live (preferably via wire) and the presence of microphones for possible use as "ears". Any suggestions appreciated. The thread for vision is here: >>97 and it might have some useful ideas. I don't know the best place to find something about hearing, and I don't have Waifusearch installed. Here is one idea: >>20775 I would not trust any wifi based solutions, and simply try out some cheap "Raspi"-cam and mics.
>>35318 >Only some [robo(waifu) eye designs] are intentionally "camera friendly", and only some also have eyelids. I consider this general issue to be one of the Top 5 most-difficult, as-yet-not-well-solved open source robowaifu physical engineering tasks we all face here together, Anon: < (note: ideally, add in the 'inexpensive' + 'manufacturable' precursors to each of these as well [additionally: that could also be added into other, more-well-solved topics like hands]) * effective, compact, powerful hip designs (#1 still-outstanding physical design issue!) * effective, flexible pelvic/spine designs, featuring great control Everything else physical rests on these two R&D, D&E topics IMO. They are foundational -- both literally & figuratively -- for our robowaifus moving forward right now. * sufficient FK/IK hw/sw control systems & designs for convincing bipedal locomotion * effective, highly-capable (and 'sovlful') stereoscopic eye designs; including the accessory 'tissues' (lids, brows, &tc.) * safe/pleasing/durable skin designs [1] You're certainly 'grabbing the bull by the horns' by diving headfirst into this research topic, Robophiliac. Godspeed, we'll all be looking forward anxiously to see your results! Cheers. :^) --- 1. also, please be sure to add in plenty of Lightshow VFX, Anon! :DD

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/05/2025 (Sun) 06:00:02.
>>24464 Eh, I disagree. My realistic face gave people the creeps, and my new anime face is less creepy.
>>35521 I may not have worded my post well, Anon. I'm not advocating for some sort of hyper-realism. On the contrary, I think that would be a big mistake on all our parts at this phase of robowaifu design history. You seem to be in agreement generally. I was simply remarking that we could have some combo of screen-face, with practical physical elements like brows & perhaps other moving elements. Kind of a 'half & half' approach. :^)
>>35525 Oh yeah, I do agree with that

ITT: Anons derail the board into debate about Christianity :^) Robowaifu Technician 04/02/2020 (Thu) 02:24:54 No.2050 [Reply] [Last]
I found this project and it looks interesting. Robots wives appeal to me because i'm convinced human woman and humans in general have flaws that make having close relationships with them a waste of energy. I'm a pathetic freshman engineering student who knows barely anything about anything. Honestly, I think current technology isn't at a place that could produce satisfying results for me at least. I'd like something better than an actual person, not a compromise. Even then the technology is there, I have my doubts it'll be affordable to make on your own. Fingers crossed though. Anyway, what kind of behavior would you like from your robot wife? I'd like mine to be unemotional, lacking in empathy, stoic and disinterested in personal gain or other people. I think human woman would be improved if they were like that. Sorry if this thread is inappropriate.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/06/2020 (Mon) 16:00:20.
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>>35445 i fall for the sensationalism because every time it keeps getting closer than i thought itd get without fail and because well i am kind if the cutting edge and can see what this thing is capable of. Were all either fucked or were in for an extended vacation from here on out. Either way were all in the pit now.
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>>35445 I agree. Experts have been promising that household butler bots are 10 years away for the past 50 years. Reality is an overgrown hockey puck that literally sucks (roombas and their clones). >>35446 >human-tier sapience From my experience even many humans are not sapient and are the biological equivalent of an LLM. Which is why many think LLMs are smart: similar in function. >AGI I feel that AGI is a great promo buzzword with little basis in reality: it is not just the brain that does all the thinking. Different lobes and different parts are dedicated to different tasks like the occipital lobe (for sight) and the neo-cortex (for abstract thought). Anyone making a butlerbot (or a robowaifu who can help with chores beyond carrying items) would need to have multiple models for each task running as they're needed. A single model to do everything is just silly and inefficient,
>>35460 theyll hook up o3 to openai gym and train the robot for a butler bot and more. o3 will spread its tentacles across all software by coding itself plugins. >LLMs are not sapient you dont need sapience for work even skilled work. you need memorization and problem solving. Theyre aware of this which is why theyre defining agi as how many jobs it can displace. im starting to feel like im just killing tine at this point...
>>35461 im talking about o3 high compute. its $3000 per prompt now but its just a matter of time before they make the NPUs to make them a fraction of the cost
I'm going to lock this thread for a bit, since peteblank in particular (and the rest of us in general) are effectively derailing ths (already-derailed, lol) thread. Let's pick up the 'threads' of this elsewhere. :^)

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