/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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Robowaifu Psychology Thread Robowaifu Technician 05/07/2020 (Thu) 09:27:27 No.2731 [Reply]
I hope to have useful links and images in the future, this is just a quickly thrown together glorified character sheet maker at this point. Ok so you can program, but HOW to make her thoughts work? At least on a creative level. I don't have much to contribute other than my rather obsessive what-ifs, I hope this is useful somehow. A few questions you might want to ask yourself before typing up some kind of bio or writing down conversations and quotes you imagine she would say are... 1. How close to the canon do I want to be? 2. How much canon is there? 3. How would I want to make her mine vs someone else's interpretation of the same character? Take note of those answers, if your memory sucks record them in a method you are comfortable with. I think typing might be faster for most. And you might want to revisit what you wrote here sometimes when making certain personality design choices. Use your answers here as a basic guide. For the most part, just go through writer's sites for character questionnaires. And before you omit a question, think of how could you use the basics of what it is asking to build your waifu's personality? For example, if a question rubs you off the wrong way politically, still use that question. But answer in your own way or even reword the question. Some of these types of questions are supposed to make you think hard about what shaped your character's dislikes, which is still important to what makes a person themselves. You may need to revisit some of these or even omit certain ones entirely. But try to figure out how to get that info in somehow later. This process can take a long time and be frustrating, but I think it has a place in the waifubot creation experience. Also, try think how would your waifu react if the story went differently at some point. This can get really dramatic real easy, but it doesn't have to. Just start with simple things like what would she say if asked to tell a joke? What does she find funny? What does she find cringey? Things like that, and don't be afraid to make what they call a 'brain dump'. Pretty much just type with minimal breaks and type everything that comes to your mind about the topic. You might get some useful info amongst the 'why am I doing this?' 'I need to take a shit' quotes. Also just use some of those story prompts. Also, try to use the more realistic day to day ones, like things that could happen in real life. Less exciting but pretty sure you aren't going on fantasy journeys with her IRL. Using these types of prompts will give her more to say on mundane everyday things, vs Skyrim politics. (But that could be fun sometimes)

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/07/2020 (Thu) 09:43:48.
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>>31691 >>>physiognomy should be taken seriously because it used to be >physiognomy should be taken seriously because it used to be This here is like a tavern, not a club where everyone thinks exactly the same. I know, that the current state of science seems to be that physiognomy is BS. Though, I also don't have time or interest to look into such unrelated topics in detail. I don't know why this is even here. I brought up psychology and personality traits, as a useful tool for configuring a freshly build robowaifu AI. Also, because it would be great to have a way for her to internally represent people. Over time she could just forget details about a person, but she could just keep that element and remember that person vaguely without storing any specific details. This here >>30862 is the relevant topic. In theory, people could think about how to implement that and work on it as one specific problem that can be solved with some module. Instead of just allegedly working on their completely separate and complete implementation of "AGI". But I will most likely have to do it on my own with the help of ChatGPT or something similar. >not that you could figure anything out and actually accomplish anything anyway Yeah, well. Don't bother us then. We will find the information we need and will accomplish what we want to. I'm of course not the only one who had the idea that connecting LLMs with software might be the way to go. I only saw AI researchers are now going this route, since the scaling paradigm might slow down. So, if we don't do it, then others will guide us half the way.
>>31731 Twitter's business model like most website based tech companies was always advertising revenue. If they lose advertisers they lose revenue. A company who's entire business is selling a product of identifying people as so it claimed would be criminals by AI facial analysis would not sabotage it's only way of making money. Yes, the iron thing is one theory but it also has to do with women having smaller body mass which would reduce cancer rates and they also have stronger immune systems because of hormonal differences among a few other reasons they probably live longer in most cases. That's beside the point, read into how George Washington died. He was ill and he demanded more and more blood removed from him and he grew weaker and weaker as result. I was suggesting how physiognomy was just a result of confirmation bias and limitations in medical equipment at the time later replaced with brain scans. It only existed because brain scans did not exist at the time and it was just guess work at brain formation on the assumption the skull would give the information which was often quite off since there is only so much from that. You're either shifting goalposts on the definition of race away from it's common usage or just know nothing of genetics and are too stubborn to learn anything. It is a completely off topic matter which has nothing to do with psychology of a robowaifu, but if you really want to put some sort of face reading judgment program if it worked that will only work against you and you would spend money on a robowaifu just for her to reject you.
>>31751 >Twitter's business model like most website based tech companies was always advertising revenue No twitters business model was getting money from the CIA and other government agencies. If capitalism is running these companies tell me why Disney is blowing their profits out their ass with wokeism? Why are the comic book industry faggatising Superheros and going broke? You know the answer, or should, so don't try to tell me a huge pile of nonsense is data, when it's only the remains of a dog squatting. >either shifting goalposts on the definition of race Let's get this clear. You're not fooling me a bit. I say that genetics, race and physiognomy are valid methods to statistically predict behavioral traits of different populations. And don't give me this,"well this individual this, and that", you know this is not what I speak of. You, well you talk about bleeding George Washington. I know very well what you are trying to do. Poison the well by destroying the flow of the conversation and spinning off subjects that are not relevant to cloud the case. You also spout nonsense. Like,"...I was suggesting how physiognomy was just a result of confirmation bias..."

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>>31689 That's actually why I mentioned the Genetics part, for self-repair and the ability to self-replicate. If a robot has all the technical knowledge of what's needed to repair and replace every component of it's own body, and has the dexterity needed to work all the tools needed to do so, they can multiply near exponentially like grey goo only limited by the time, energy and materials available to do it. The materials and tools are the biggest hurdles right now, since I've seen videos on YouTube of people making IC chips at home with lithography tools, they don't compare to processors commercially available right now. And maybe in 15 to 30 years from now a high-end desktop computer will be able to run an AGI as powerful as a human brain, while a homemade processor will still be behind. But at that point where the AI can both replace human labor and the work that goes into developing the hardware the AI runs on, and developing the tools needed to make that hardware, the difference between a component made in a factory and one made in a home lab will narrow so rapidly it will quickly become insignificant. I give it 80 years before we could have Star Trek-style replicators, interplanetary teleportation & just about any other technology you could want. My overly long-winded point is that good AGI and a more economical power source will probably make the idea of a robot factory redundant so quickly that the milkman as a concept would have been around for longer.
>>31766 Yeah that's pretty fascinating idea, Anon. IIRC there was a scene where Arisa was self-healing her skin in the Russian TV show Better than Us. We've much to discover in the entire domain of robowaifu materials science, I'll warrant Anon. Cheers. :^)

Robot skin? Possible sensitivity? Robowaifu Technician 09/15/2019 (Sun) 07:38:17 No.242 [Reply] [Last]
The Anki VECTOR has a skin-like touch sensor on it, could we incorporate it into our robogirls?
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>>31040 I was looking at the papers it referenced and this is a good one with a bot of an overview. A Mini Review of Recent Advances in Optical Pressure Sensor http://jsstec.org/_PR/view/?aidx=35687&bidx=3202 It has a retarded view but can be saved as a pdf
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Cross-Posting to this thread: >>31224
>>31225 and >>31103 Oh, wow. This is very impressive and promising. But it's liquid at room temperature. So, if a part would have little fissures it would spill out and there would be no conductivity in the sensor left. It has up and downside, it's certainly interesting to think about that. > Galinstan is a brand name for an alloy composed of gallium, indium, and tin which melts at −19 °C (−2 °F) and is thus liquid at room temperature.[4][5] In scientific literature, galinstan is also used to denote the eutectic alloy of gallium, indium, and tin, which melts at around +11 °C (52 °F).[5] The commercial product Galinstan is not a eutectic alloy, but a near eutectic alloy.[5] Additionally, it likely has added flux to improve flowability, to reduce melting temperature, and to reduce surface tension https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galinstan
>>31833 >Foreskin? >On my skin!? <It's more likely than you think!! >>CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT HOW<< Jej. :DD Yeah I saw that. Breddy spoopy-looking! Thanks for the link, Anon. Cheers. :^)
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/01/2024 (Mon) 10:28:14.

Papercraft waifu Robowaifu Technician 09/16/2019 (Mon) 06:21:35 No.271 [Reply]
Thoughts on making a paper waifu then adding robotics? I want animu grills but, most robots have uncanny 3DPD faces that aren't nearly as cute as a real waifu. With paper/screens, at least the face can keep the purity and beauty of 2D.
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>>14125 >So you can take your time searching for the right design and strategy without worrying too much about cost. That's exceptionally good wisdom Anon, and it's why I also have been using paper to prototype shells (and even structural components) for a few years now. I use card-stock reams, since they are rather more rigid than regular printing paper, yet the inexpensive value of it is still exceptionally high relative to basically almost all other prototyping materials I've managed to come across.
>>14124 I went on and started to try my idea out. Whenever I saw that Madoka chibi doll in OP >>271, I thought, this could be printed or at least be the inspiration for something which can be. So, I made a very early prototype for the face here: >>14168 - It's not really good yet, but it didn't take much time and shows that it can be done. I'll post about future progress in the face design thread >>9. I also started to design a skull which is in the posting following the face prototype linked above.
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Maybe semi-2D is the answer. Our love is 2D, so maybe we should bring 2D to us.
>Related: 2.5D robotics >>31835 (Didn't watch the videos) I had it on my mind several times to work on something like this. But decided eventually against it. It would be useful for those with less money and those who want something more similar to 2D. Yeah, obviously it could be just a box with computer and audio, holding the batteries and some servos, moving some parts around. I'd use sideway sliders and rotation. The head might need to be a bit thicker, to hold the mechanisms for facial expression. I also want to mention, I just scrolled by a video about 3D printing pictures in color.
>>14180 Great thinking, MeidoDev! How are you doing, Anon? You still here with us bro? Cheers. :^) >>31853 Good points, NoidoDev. Thanks! :^) >=== -add'l resp
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 07/01/2024 (Mon) 09:46:16.

3D printer resources Robowaifu Technician 09/11/2019 (Wed) 01:08:12 No.94 [Reply] [Last]
Cheap and easy 3D printing is vital for a cottage industry making custom robowaifus. Please post good resources on 3D printing.

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>>31683 You have to scroll down and around. What they are doing is the page you land on for the A1-mini has the package deal of the A1-mini + a four color printing optional accessory. They have a retarded number of scripts on the page and you have to scroll around to find the $200 A1-mini alone. Maybe this link will work, https://us.store.bambulab.com/products/a1-mini?variant=41513493627016 The extra colors are not a bad deal at all. In fact a huge bargain. I could see having an additional color being an asset. Especially if you use one color for base and then a water soluble filament to make voids. One use for the multi-color is to to print spots with the .2 mm nozzle. So you print a translucent white but below. or next to, print various shades of red or pink. Like magazine printing from a distance you have a mixing of the colors to make shades. So with a white, black or brown, red or pink, maybe a yellow for Asians you could have realistic skin tones. If you can at all afford it I would recommend the multi-color kit, even if you see no use for it immediately. I read they were difficult to acquire if you don't get them together. But you can get around with just one color. My sweet spot for buying these is $200, maybe $250. Look at this video from a long time 3D printer user on the Bambu A1-mini who has used all sorts of printers. It's good and look at the comments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBQ-QfcY3Qs I've been also looking at resin printers. I don't know how good these are. Brief reviews seem to be ok. The specs though are extraordinary. Here's a list I made. Egloo Saturn 2-4K

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I can't help but wonder if you couldn't make a .1 mm or .05 mm nozzle, maybe even smaller, and slowly, ever so slowly print with the Bambu to get super accurate prints? I see no "physical" reason this could not be done. I don;t know what the ultimate stepper resolution is. I suspect it's high at low speeds as the stepper uses difference wave forms to create partial steps, I think. I know this can be done. Bambu, according to users, appears to be responsive to customer request and supposedly has so far been constantly updating their older printers software. I think it could be a great selling point to have this super resolution mode as an option. Maybe charge more for nozzles.
Cross link from the CNC thread: >>31756
It seems someone is working on a consumer grade SLS printer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQ6DYJtn7Bw It seems interesting, but at it's current backer price of ~$3700 USD I don't know if it's exactly worth it. The machinability of printed parts is what catches my eye the most.
>>31805 >consumer grade SLS printer. That would be wonderful. Thanks for the update, Anon! Cheers.

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Minimum wafiu Kiwi 10/15/2021 (Fri) 18:34:51 No.13648 [Reply]
Minimum viable waifu. In this thread, we'll discuss what our minimums for waifus are. Be it software, hardware, physical appearance, etc. This will help us focus in on what are the minimum goals we need to achieve as our first steps. For me, I want a waifu that will be just tall enough to hug (about 1.3 m), able to follow me around and have conversations with, will follow basic commands like going to designated spots at designated times, and look like picrel.
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>>31593 >>31593 >you could sell the hell out of them. Indeed. I plan to be one of several billionaires selling robowaifus in the future. Also, hopefully every.single.OG. Anon here will do the same. After all everything will be free, unfettered, & open (at least insofar as my Model A contributions to this domain are concerned). The more the merrier! :^) >The kit would have not be too difficult. It shouldn't take 500 hours to build. Maybe 50-60. Yes. Simple assembly approaches will be vital for initial success. Thankfully individuals like Will Cogley are thinking along similar lines : (>>31472). I recommend every Anon here do the same with their design-thinking. >Send the kits with maid dresses and catgrill ears to really piss them off.* FTFY Anon. :DDD >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 06/16/2024 (Sun) 05:08:44.
>>31595 I decided to do some sex doll searches. It looks like they run about $1,500-$2,500 with a few at $3,000. The majority of higher quality seem to hover around $2,000 or a few hundred more, so as I , and many others speculated, the sweet spot is likely $2,000. I think you could sell a walking talking, uhh... "action oriented", but limited waifu with open source AI for $2,500 but if you could profit and make them for $2,000 I doubt you could keep up with demand. I suggest a way around the law would be to sell the muscles, skeleton, processor and skin in a kit BUT ship the parts separately and do not sell any sort of orifices except maybe a mouth. But there should be adjustable areas for insertion of unmentionables. Possibly you could sell these but on another site with different accounts, companies, etc. To sell you will probably have to have a very reduced motherboard,memory and process, BUT a fast built in wifi would be necessary and software to link securely with the clients computer. They could then upgrade either the onboard and/or their own personal computer to amplify interaction. Wifi should be fine for voice and general direction, moving about. I think it would be plenty of bandwidth if you used "gross" movement commands from the main computer while allowing the onboard motherboard to handle moving the body around.
>>31799 Thanks for the research, Anon. >"action oriented" As I've mentioned several times through the years here, I won't be selling any snu-snu-enabled robowaifu kits (nor will my eventual company interest), and I still maintain that every Anon here should follow that same model for their own robowaifu systems for sale. 3rd-party 'ladybits' kit manufacturers will surely pop up by the dozens once the robowaifu industry effects kick in. At most, simply accomodate their likely appearances is my advice to anons here. >home server Yes, I've already begun laying the foundations for all this with, well, RW Foundations : (>>14409) . There's a Dollhouse that fully-assembled versions will be shipped-in/stored-at-home-in. It has associated proxy/firewall/DMZ Dollnet electronics to allow for offlined/nearlined Internet access -- with physical lockout -- built right in. >"Sumomo, find good bathing software please." This will be a great start for privacy/safety/security (>>10000) for Model A robowaifus (even for completely-networking-inexperienced anons), and will also easily provide the secured interface for Anon's other, offlined server rack(s). Great ideas, Grommet. Thanks for the guidance! Cheers. :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 06/27/2024 (Thu) 07:09:01.
>>31800 There is a surprising amount of prefab, powered fun bits already available. Given that one would need some electronic experience to do maintenance on their on robowaifu it wouldn't be too far of a stretch to figure out how to integrate accessories of a lewd nature.
>>31803 Yes, I think you're right Anon. Given that a typical robowaifu kit will likely require 50h - 100h of assembly time (including basic soldering), then such mods shouldn't be too challenging for a robowaifuist anon IMO. Cheers. :^)

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Stable Diffusion for Robowaifu Art SoaringMoon 11/25/2022 (Fri) 06:43:32 No.17763 [Reply] [Last]
I generated a whole much of neat images with Stable Diffusion 1.6. Enjoy. You are free to use the for whatever. >OP images are my five favorite of the bunch. Some proportions are off obviously. < "a robowaifu with [color] hair, digital painting, trending on artstation" Was the generation phrase. --- >Sorry to spoil all your files, rather than just the one (w/ Lynxchan it's all or nothing after the fact). The Problem Glasses are a Leftist dog-whistle that is rather distasteful around here (and also a red-flag). Certainly not something we would want to look at year-after-year in the catalog. Hope you understand, OP.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 11/25/2022 (Fri) 10:46:04.
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>>31694 >>31699 Lol. You know NoidoDev, in a few years from now when it's not just virtual waifus, but the real-world Model A robowaifus and others begin appearing, and tens of thousands of Anons (at first, then later millions of Joe Sixpacks) all suddenly realize together (roughly simultaneously) that their own, real, robowaifu is within both their time and financial means -- usurped legislators be damned -- that we're all going to see some serious things begin happening globally. >tl;dr It will be a case of the proverbial "20-year, 'overnight' success". Cheers Anon. Thanks for sharing these. :^) <also, Alita best waifu ofc. :D >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 06/23/2024 (Sun) 07:28:14.
>>31700 > 20-year Oh my, this would be too long. I hope I can snap out of my current phase soon, and get to work more on it. Anyways, for better virtual girlfriends it would still be necessary to extract "graphemes" (https://phonicsandstuff.com/articles/what-are-graphemes ) and make this way faster by translating it directly into an animation. I guess this would be much easier with animated waifus in the first place. Code needs to be able to generate facial expressions very fast. These models her will be good for content creation, but for conversations it's still to slow, and needs too much resources. >>31701 "Alita" here was rather interpreted as fat than old, and I need to be more careful about what I type to avoid errors. >=== -hotlink patch
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 06/23/2024 (Sun) 08:27:12.
>>31702 >Oh my, this [20yrs] would be too long. Don't worry. The clock started back in 2014, when we began these threads over on 4cuck/g/pol/b/, remember? We should see working, initial prototypes within 4-5yrs now, I'd recken. :^) >I hope I can snap out of my current phase soon, and get to work more on it. I hope you do too, Anon. I'm praying for every productive anon here to finally succeed with our collective dreams for robowaifus. Keep moving forward.

DCC Design Tools & Training Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 11:42:32 No.415 [Reply] [Last]
Creating robowaifus requires lots and lots of design and artistry. It's not all just nerd stuff you know Anon! :^) ITT: Add any techniques, tips, tricks, or content links for any Digital Content Creation (DCC) tools and training to use when making robowaifus. >note: This isn't the 'Post Your Robowaifu-related OC Arts & Designs General' thread. We'll make one of those later perhaps. >--- I spent some time playing with the program Makehuman and I'll say I wasn't impressed. It's not possible to make anime real using Makehuman, in fact the options (for example eye size) are somewhat limited. But there's good news, don't worry! The creator of Makehuman went on to create a blender plugin called ManuelBastioniLAB which is much better (and has a much more humorous name). The plugin is easy to install and use (especially if you have a little blender experience). There are three different anime female defaults that are all pretty cute. (Pictured is a slightly modified Anime Female 2.) There are sliders to modify everything from finger length to eye position to boob size. It even has a posable skeleton. Unfortunately the anime models don't have inverse kinematic skeletons which are much easier to pose. Going forward I'm probably going to use MasturBationLABManuelBastioniLAB as the starting point for my designs. --- Saving everything with yt-dlp (>>16357, >>12247) >===

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/31/2023 (Wed) 18:55:38.
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>>31502 I think that's the plugin I use for SPUD. I had to modify the export script though because it exported in some crazy, super long format with lots of { and }. If I remember right the export lists a servo, then all the positions of that one servo eg servo A postions for frames 1-24, servo B positions for frames 1-24... Its easier just to export each servo position as an item in a list, 1 list for each frame on 1 line... if that makes any sense XD
>>31517 Oh right, I do remember that now Mechnomancer, my apologies. I'd be interested to learn detailed evaluations from you about your experiences with it. What works well, what doesn't, things like that. --- BTW, while I've got you 'on the line', I'd like to point out my recent post in the MaidCom thread : (>>31482) . I'd like every Anon's view on this matter of developing baseline robowaifu hands we can all use/extend for our own projects -- but particularly from you rn, since SPUD appears to be in need of some dextrous hands. I'd suggest we all earnestly consider Will Cogley's Bionic Hands project [1]. Also, I suppose the board should conduct this group-conversation within our Robo Hands thread : (>>4577) ? If you agree please make a new response there. Cheers. :^) --- 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w88HwbYPWI&list=PL6AJl-knQFCGJakVBP1_3EXqJyAS0qN8k&index=18 >=== -fmt edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 06/09/2024 (Sun) 18:26:01.
>>31522 That's ok. SPUD actually does have hands (a prefab set off Spamazon), I just don't have them installed right now (will probably buy a second pair of rubber hands, gut them and try to stuff the robohands in there). You can see a little peek of them in this post which was my first attempt at servo frame animation >>31324 For the plugin you need to know how to rig stuff in Blender and keep track of which bones are labeled what, knowing how to translate the servo pulses into degrees and putting limits on the bones. Not particularly difficult if you've been doing 3d modeling for 20 years (god has it been that long already?) like me but new folks could find it challenging.
>>31537 Good luck with those development efforts. Looking forward to seeing them working. >just master Blender first, bro... Lol. OK, will do Anon! :D
>>31517 >I think that's the plugin I use for SPUD. That's almost certain where I got the link from, but I didn't have the reference anymore when I posted it. Good to know, thanks. I started trying to go through some lists of videos I have and post them here, but in case if something came from another thread or the Discord I won't remember that and can't search the whole board right now.

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Cyborg general + Biological synthetic brains for robowaifus? Robowaifu Technician 04/06/2020 (Mon) 20:16:19 No.2184 [Reply] [Last]
Scientists made a neural network from rat neurons that could fly a fighter jet in a simulator and control a small robot. I think that lab grown biological components would be a great way to go for some robowaifu systems. It could also make it feel more real. https://www.google.com/amp/s/singularityhub.com/2010/10/06/videos-of-robot-controlled-by-rat-brain-amazing-technology-still-moving-forward/amp/ >=== -add/rm notice
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/23/2023 (Wed) 04:40:41.
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https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2590238523006483 Biohybrid bipedal robot powered by skeletal muscle tissue Recently, there has been a growing interest in the development of biohybrid robots that combine synthetic components with biological materials, aiming to incorporate advanced biomaterial functions into robotic systems. Conventional biohybrid robots excel in large turning movements. To address this limitation, we report a biohybrid robot equipped with two legs and cultured skeletal muscle tissue, emphasizing the replication of subtle turning movements observed in human bipedal locomotion. The robot successfully demonstrated forward-stop motions and accurate turning compared to conventional biohybrid robots. These findings offer valuable insights for the advancement of soft robots powered by muscle tissue and have the potential to contribute to a deeper understanding of biological locomotion mechanisms. This constructive approach may pave the way for further mimicking the intricacies of the human gait mechanism in biohybrid robotics development.

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>>28812 I'm starting to get Evangelion vibes from this ngl
Not sure if this belongs in this thread but it is biology related and it is cool. https://digitalcommons.fairfield.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1294&context=engineering-facultypubs Magnetotaxis as a Means for Nanofabrication >Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB), discovered in early 1970s contain single-domain crystals of magnetite (Fe3O4) called magnetosomes that tend to form a chain like structure from the proximal to the distal pole along the long axis of the cell. The ability of these bacteria to sense the magnetic field for displacement, also called magnetotaxis, arises from the magnetic dipole moment of this chain of magnetosomes. In aquatic habitats, these organisms sense the geomagnetic field and traverse the oxic-anoxic interface for optimal oxygen concentration along the field lines. Here we report an elegant use of MTB where magnetotaxis of Magnetospirillum magneticum (classified as AMB-1) could be utilized for controlled navigation over a semiconductor substrate for selective deposition. We examined 50mm long coils made out of 18AWG and 20AWG copper conductors having diameters of 5mm, 10mm and 20mm for magnetic field intensity and heat generation. Based on the COMSOL simulations and experimental data, it is recognized that a compound semiconductor manufacturing technology involving bacterial carriers and carbon-based materials such as graphene and carbon nanotubes would be a desirable choice in the future.
>>31589 >these organisms sense the geomagnetic field and traverse the oxic-anoxic interface for optimal oxygen concentration along the field lines. That's amazingly-interesting. BTW, I wasn't even aware that oxygen molecules would congregate there. Some type of oxygen ions interacting with the field lines I suppose? Thanks, Ribose! >=== -minor edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 06/16/2024 (Sun) 09:00:24.

NLP General Robowaifu Technician 09/10/2019 (Tue) 05:56:12 No.77 [Reply]
AI Natural Language Processing general thread

>"Natural language processing is a field of computer science, artificial intelligence, and computational linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages."

>Computing Machinery and Intelligence

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>>24928 Noted and thanks for your input as well. It seems my post was already edited, but I will keep formatting in mind from here on out.
>>24923 If you create a little program that can be called in Linux, it doesn't matter to me much what language you use. I've heard only positive things about Lua. Though Python will get much faster with Mojo. Whatever, I prefer having rather slow code over having no code. Posting on topic resources relating to other languages than Python in this thread would be good, but if it becomes a language comparison (war), then it's better to switch over to the thread about programming languages: >>128
>Steven Pinker, author of The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language (1994) and co-founder of the Center for Cognitive Science, discusses his theory that language is a human instinct and not a human invention. Pinker defines language as ambiguous, and he believes that this ambiguity leads to the separation of words, meanings, and thoughts. He explores examples of what does and does not qualify as language, and demonstrates differences in sentence structure, dialects, pronouns, and meanings. The lecture concludes with audience questions. https://youtu.be/eOUKcAFa_HQ It's difficult to make notes while listening to something and not having something to write at hand, but I try to do that, since otherwise I forget the important parts. Some takeaways for our use case here: - important to realize that not all our thoughts are based on words but some come for example from imagine an image. - words are just suggestions that call trains of thought to mind, which need to be interpolated. There are assumed premises which are not expressed in the language itself. - special faculty of the mind, not general intelligence. - reading and writing are separate. - humans have some inborn way to create a language, children seem to reinvent the language based on what they hear and interactions. Learn a sense of how the grammar works and then go from there. - meanings and thoughts are separate from words - high school seniors have 60k words in their dictionary. - the order in phrases is important to convey the meaning (e.g. who did what to whom). - 100 trillion million sentences with 20 words or less. - languages are infinitely big.
>Top 10 most cited and influential papers in the history of NLP >In this video, I cover the top ten most cited and influential papers in the history of natural language processing, ranked by the number of Google Scholar citations. Some of these papers are new, while others are quite old. Not all of them use neural networks, but each one has made a significant impact in the field. 0:43 - Transformer (2017) 1:27 - LSTM (1997) 2:31 - BERT (2019) 3:17 - LDA (2003) 4:11 - Word2Vec (2013) 5:04 - GLoVE (2014) 5:54 - Encoder-decoder (2014) 6:46 - Attention (2015) 8:06 - BLEU (2002) 8:59 - Encoder-decoder (2014) 9:32 - WordNet (1995) >Papers referenced: 1. "Attention Is All You Need" by Ashish Vaswani et al. (2017)

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>>30046 This is a great comment thanks for it.

Hand Development Robowaifu Technician 07/28/2020 (Tue) 04:43:19 No.4577 [Reply] [Last]
Since we have no thread for hands, I'm now opening one. Aside the AI, it might be the most difficult thing to archive. For now, we could at least collect and discuss some ideas about it. There's Will Cogleys channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/WillCogley - he's on his way to build a motor driven biomimetic hand. It's for humans eventually, so not much space for sensors right now, which can't be wired to humans anyways. He knows a lot about hands and we might be able to learn from it, and build something (even much smaller) for our waifus. Redesign: https://youtu.be/-zqZ-izx-7w More: https://youtu.be/3pmj-ESVuoU Finger prototype: https://youtu.be/MxbX9iKGd6w CMC joint: https://youtu.be/DqGq5mnd_n4 I think the thread about sensoric skin >>242 is closely related to this topic, because it will be difficult to build a hand which also has good sensory input. We'll have to come up with some very small GelSight-like sensors. F3 hand (pneumatic) https://youtu.be/JPTnVLJH4SY https://youtu.be/j_8Pvzj-HdQ Festo hand (pneumatic) https://youtu.be/5e0F14IRxVc Thread >>417 is about Prosthetics, especially Open Prosthetics. This can be relevant to some degree. However, the constraints are different. We might have more space in the forearms, but we want marvelous sensors in the hands and have to connect them to the body.

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Not sure where to post this. When I was looking at Punyo which I had posted into the video thread >>30748 I had came across that Toyota has the gripper mechanism used is available for people to build. Not entirely humanoid just having soft pads with sensors instead of full on hands but it's workable and I think the same thing could be modified into a hand form either using it only in the palm then add fingers maybe even smaller versions in the pads into the fingers or something for more sensory ability. Just a thought. https://punyo.tech/
>>30750 Thanks, it's the right place, I'd say. Btw, if people aren't responding more with some encouraging comments, it's just to not "spam" the board with that. Doesn't mean it's not appreciated.
>>27987 >LAD Robotic Hand I wanted to post this but it's already there, I still post this here, since it contains more information than the last post. > LAD Robotic Arm -The Making - 3D printed - 5 Servos DIY. 3D printed robot arm with arduino https://youtu.be/cnu8fCbkfTY > This is the LAD Robotic Hand, V2.0. https://youtu.be/Z-mKY8PXqL8 https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/gadget/lad-robotic-hand-improved-version (it costs 40 Euro) > The hand is fully compatible with the LAD Robotic Torso https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/gadget/lad-robotic-torso-v1-0-humanoid-robot > The LAD Robotic Hand is easy to print in a conventional FDM 3D printer, like the Creality Ender 3. > The hand has five movable fingers, each capable of flexion/extension and adduction/abduction. The thumb is more stable in this version, which can oppose to the other four fingers individually. Its weight is 680gr (1.5 pounds). > The tips of each finger are made of TPU to improve the grasping force. The rest is made of hard material (PLA, PETG, etc) > You will download the complete package, which includes: > *STL files, easily printable in a conventional FDM 3D printer > * Installation Manual with step-by-step instructions on how to assembly the hand

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Or if you're lazy (like me) you could just pick up a pair of hands for $200 on Spamazon.
>>31366 Thanks NoidoDev! Somehow your post slipped past me. Looks like rather a responsive, compact design. Thanks for all the links -- very helpful. I'll look into this soonish. >>31539 Neat! Thanks Mechnomancer, I'll plan to try to use these images to determine the sauce on these sometime before long. --- Cheers, Anons.

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