Little update, made significant progress reducing motor calculator requirements. I reduced the number of required user given parameters from 24 down to 6. I've still have to modify the openscad 3d model generator to generate valid models and a combined assembly. I'm on the home stretch now, will be able to release the motor calculator/generator very soon.
>The first pic is raw plots, and the second, shows you can hover a dot and see various parameters.
The included plots are using these parameter ranges as an example.
>D_motor_range = 180, 200, 220 In mm, motor diameter
>T_motor_range = 40, 50, 60 In mm, motor thickness
>T_required_range = 5, 8, 10 In Nm, torque range
>rpm_target_range = 100, 500 In RPM, target speed
>V_supply_range = 6, 12, 24 In volts, supply range
>I_max_range = 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 In amps, max current
There are almost 48,000 generated motor configurations based on these example 6 parameter ranges, lol. I'm adding ways to filter the amount down to a manageable size. I filtered the results down to 7,000 so included plots didn't look so cluttered.
The best motor configuration estimate result was:
>motor diameter = 200, motor thickness= 40, Torque Nm = 5, Voltage Supply = 12, RPMs = 100, B (T) = 1.3, Pole Pair Count = 8, Turns per Coil Count = 35, Ideal Current Draw (A) = 20, Consumed Voltage (V) = 9.2626, Efficiency % = 99.96
Pretty decent. Efficiency is an idealized calculation and very rudimentary.
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