/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

Selecting a Programming Language Robowaifu Technician 09/11/2019 (Wed) 13:07:45 No.128 [Reply] [Last]
What programming language would suit us and our waifus best? For those of us with limited experience programming, it's a daunting question.
Would a language with a rigid structure be best?
Do we want an object-oriented language?
How much do you care about wether or not a given language is commonly used and widespread?
What the fuck does all that terminology mean?
Is LISP just a meme, or will it save us all?

In this thread, we will discuss these questions and more so those of us who aren't already settled into a language can find our way.
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>>36722 ????? I thought they were just some lite resource Linux??????
>>36722 yeah its fine, i get blow outs too, point is you dont have the luxury of being exclusive and that was an #include/#pragma joke
>>128 I'd say for code that is going to make up parts of it that are going to be called often, like if you were to add a GPU into the robots to be its "brain" to navigate around like a human would (and have reflects and spacial awareness and so on), then this should be written with something like C or C++. The other, "higher level" stuff, can be written in a scripting language so it's easier for people to contribute to and isn't going to affect performance/power efficiency that much. You'll often see this with video games. Where the main engine, that'd rending the graphics on the screen and doing the heavy lifting, is all C/C++. Then for things like your quest system, you might use something like Lua or Python so it's easy for even novice programmers to add new things into the game (they're working with simple scripts that hide the complexities of the engine and let them focus on making things). You'll also see this with game mods too, it's a tried and tested approach. If you're curious, look into something like "plugin architecture" - essentially it's dead simple to make mods or plugins this way. the application itself has a /plugin or /mods folder, you just copy in the script files as their own folder and that's it, when the application starts it scans that folder and integrates it. So now even a brainlet can extend the main functionality and not have to do anything complex.
We've discussed Formal Verification here before : ( <several posts I can't find right now b/c we don't have a perfect index of the board in our Library thread, and I don't have Waifusearch on this box>(lol), >>33900, et al). F* seems rather rigorous, and likely would be very handy for us to master here for several crit-secs of our C3 robowaifu systems codebase. https://fstar-lang.org/
>>36736 >and that was an #include/#pragma joke Lol. Me and my fast lightning mind missed that one. :D >>36776 >The other, "higher level" stuff, can be written in a scripting language so it's easier for people to contribute to and isn't going to affect performance/power efficiency that much. I get the argument, Anon. But the simple truth is that yuge swaths of 'judgement-oriented' code (ie, such as is pertinent for >>10000, et al) are both high-level, and have to execute lightning fast to be of any realworld, practical use. If we have to just go on without any command outputs for, say, 10 seconds (or even 1 second) while Python parses it's complex decision trees to decide if -- while 200kg robowaifu is merrily rolling along in the kitchen cleaning things up after dinner -- she should continue driving over the baby now surprisingly lying on the floor directly in her pathway or should she stop first before that happens... then lots & lots of bad things will ensue! :DD >You'll often see this with video games. Again, completely understood. OTOH, most times people don't actually die in the realworld while vidya'g. Robowaifus (and robots in general) can actually kill you accidentally. >tl;dr It's complicated. :^) >===

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/14/2025 (Fri) 04:23:17.

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/DMG/ DIY Motor Generation Axial 01/30/2025 (Thu) 11:08:28 No.36271 [Reply]
>Welcome to /DMG/ DIY Motor Generation! This is the place to discuss DIY motor designs, showcase your creations, and refine your ideas on motor tech. This thread is a requested offshoot of the "Actuators For Waifu Movement" thread to focus specifically on DIY motors. We will focus solely on DC motors. I will start the thread off by talking about the types of motors and terms associated with electric motors to keep a good reference to look back on. It should be noted that most motors are Radial Flux and not Axial Flux. What is flux? Magnetic flux is a measure of the total magnetic field which passes through a surface. Radial and Axial describes the orientation of the magnetic flux. Radial Flux Motor > A radial flux motor is like a cylinder spinning inside another cylinder. The magnetic flux flows perpendicular to the axis of rotation, meaning it moves from the stator to the rotor radially outward or inward. Traditional cylindrical motors (like most brushed and brushless DC motors, induction and steppers) are radial flux motors. Rotor and stator are concentric, with the stator surrounding the rotor. Pros: Well-established, widely used, good for high-speed applications. Cons: Can be bulkier and less power-dense compared to axial flux motors. Axial Flux Motor >An axial flux motor is like two discs spinning parallel to each other. The magnetic flux flows parallel to the axis of rotation, meaning it moves along the shaft’s length rather than outward. These motors have a flat, disc-like design where the stator and rotor are stacked on top of each other rather than inside one another. Pros: More compact, higher torque density, and better cooling due to a larger surface area. Cons: More complex to manufacture, higher initial costs. Kinds of Motors: >Brushed DC Motor: Uses brushes and a commutator for current switching. Simple, inexpensive, but requires maintenance due to brush wear. >Brushless DC Motor (BLDC): Uses electronic commutation instead of brushes. More efficient, longer lifespan, commonly used in drones and electric vehicles. >Coreless DC Motor: Lighter and more efficient than traditional brushed motors, often used in small precision devices like robotics and medical instruments. >Stepper Motor: Moves in discrete steps, allowing precise control. Used in CNC machines, 3D printers, and robotics. >Servo Motor: A DC motor with feedback control for precise positioning. Used in robotics, RC vehicles, and automation. >Single-Phase Induction Motor: Used in household appliances like fans and washing machines. >Three-Phase Induction Motor: Used in industrial applications due to high efficiency and reliability.

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>>36431 >I'll post in the other thread about this soon. >>36432
> (Halbach arrays -related : >>36607 )
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Little update, made significant progress reducing motor calculator requirements. I reduced the number of required user given parameters from 24 down to 6. I've still have to modify the openscad 3d model generator to generate valid models and a combined assembly. I'm on the home stretch now, will be able to release the motor calculator/generator very soon. >The first pic is raw plots, and the second, shows you can hover a dot and see various parameters. The included plots are using these parameter ranges as an example. >D_motor_range = 180, 200, 220 In mm, motor diameter >T_motor_range = 40, 50, 60 In mm, motor thickness >T_required_range = 5, 8, 10 In Nm, torque range >rpm_target_range = 100, 500 In RPM, target speed >V_supply_range = 6, 12, 24 In volts, supply range >I_max_range = 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 In amps, max current There are almost 48,000 generated motor configurations based on these example 6 parameter ranges, lol. I'm adding ways to filter the amount down to a manageable size. I filtered the results down to 7,000 so included plots didn't look so cluttered. The best motor configuration estimate result was: >motor diameter = 200, motor thickness= 40, Torque Nm = 5, Voltage Supply = 12, RPMs = 100, B (T) = 1.3, Pole Pair Count = 8, Turns per Coil Count = 35, Ideal Current Draw (A) = 20, Consumed Voltage (V) = 9.2626, Efficiency % = 99.96 Pretty decent. Efficiency is an idealized calculation and very rudimentary.

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>>36653 >I reduced the number of required user given parameters from 24 down to 6. Wow, this sounds remarkably impressive, Axial! >There are almost 48,000 generated motor configurations based on these example 6 parameter ranges, lol. Haha what could possibly go wrong? :^) >I still think it's beneficial for me to finish mine >I'm wondering If I should just clone and modify their work, but idk yet. No! Please finish your own work, Anon. I think you are likely to have a better tool in the end if you follow your own muse in the matter. >tl;dr When you're done, then go back and dig into MAGGEN . That's my view on the matter anyway. <---> Regardless, this is very exciting progress to see here Axial. You've obviously spent years developing this expertise. Thanks very kindly for choosing to share it here on /robowaifu/ . May we all make lots of homespun actuators for our waifus now!! Cheers. :^)
I don;t know how helpful this will be but this guy who wrote and astounding amount of articles on electronics, computers and that sort of stuff has a couple articles on a, supposed, simple way to calculate fields. Judging from his output I would suspect he is right but I don't know for sure. He provides software but it's in postscript which he was enamored of. PS is an actual programming language that can do anything any other can do. If I'm not mistaken it;s sort of in the same class or operational style as Forth. Stack based I believe. Anyways here's the page. Has a ton of articles. Go down until you see "Fun With Fields" "and "Simple new EM field solutions", while you're at it search for "Magic Sinewave" on the same page. These are spikes or rapid on-off signals that when their harmonics are combined give you a fairly perfect sine wave with some much higher harmonics that can be easily filtered. https://www.tinaja.com/eeweb01.shtml He has a ton of great articles.

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Actuators For Waifu Movement Part 3 Kiwi 12/06/2023 (Wed) 01:18:16 No.27021 [Reply] [Last]
(1stl thread >>406 2nd thread >>12810) Kiwi back again with a thread for discussing actuators to move your waifu! Part Three! Let's start with a quick introduction to common actuators! 1. DC motors, these use brushes to switch the ferrous core electromagnets on a rotor to rotate its magnetic field relative to surrounding magnets! They're one of the cheapest options with an average efficiency range of 30 to 90%. Larger DC motors and motors with higher turn counts are more efficient. 1.5 Coreless DC motors, by removing ferrous materials, losses from hysteresis are almost eliminated, dramatically increasing efficiency to nearly 90% even in small motors. Eliminating the ferrous materials reduces flux focusing, resulting in weaker fields and higher speeds. 2. Brushless DC motors (BLDC), these use a controller to switch the electromagnets on a stator to rotate the magnets of a rotor! Without brushes, they have the potential to be more efficient with higher power density compared to DC motors. Their efficiency and behavior vary depending on the algorithm and sensors used to control them. Coreless brushless motors exist but are rare and only used for very niche applications. 3. AC motors, a wide and incredibly varied category. They all rely on AC’s frequency to control them. With single phase AC motors relying on shaded poles, capacitors, or some other method to induce a rotating magnetic field. 3 phase AC motors naturally have a rotating field which usually gives them higher efficiency and power density. Notably, most AC motors are brushless. The most commonly used brushed AC motor is the universal motor, which is 4. Stepper motors, brushless motors with ferrous teeth to focus magnetic flux. This allows for incredible control (stepping) at the cost of greater mass, subsequently giving them higher rotary inertia. Usually 50 to 80% efficient depending on control algorithm/speed/and quality of the stepper. Due to their increasing mass production (& ubiquitous low cost controllers), they have appeal as a lower cost alternative to BLDC motors if one carefully designs around them. 5. Coiled Nylon Actuators! These things have an efficiency rating so low it's best to just say they aren't efficient. (0.01% typical, 2% achieved under extremely specific conditions in a lab.) Though they are exciting due to their incredible low cost of fabrication, they’re far too slow and the energy requirements are nonsensical. https://youtu.be/S4-3_DnKE9E https://youtu.be/wltLEzQnznM 6. Hydraulics! These rely on the distribution of pressure in a working liquid to move things like pistons. Though popular in large scale industry, their ability to be used in waifu's has yet to be proven. (Boston Dynamics Atlas runs on hydraulics but it's a power guzzler and heavy) Efficiency varies wildly depending on implementation. They would work great for a giantess! 7. Pneumatics, hydraulics lighter sister! This time the fluid is air! This has the advantage in weight. They aren't capable of the same power loads hydraulics are but, who wants their waifu to bench press a car? (Too loud and inefficient for mobile robotics.) 8. Wax motors, hydraulic systems where the working fluid is expanding melted (commonly paraffin) wax! Cheap, low power, and produce incredible forces! Too bad they're slow and hard to control. 9. Explosion! Yes, you can move things through explosions! Gas engines work through explosions! Artificial muscles can be made by exploding a hydrogen and oxygen mixture in a piston, then using hydrolysis to turn the water back into hydrogen and oxygen. None of this is efficient or practical but it's vital we keep our minds open! Though there are more actuators, most are derivatives or use these examples to work. Things like pulleys need an actuator to move them. Now, let's share, learn, and get our waifu moving!

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/06/2023 (Wed) 03:06:55.
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>>36607 >ne main problem with a Free Space Halbach is the lower efficiency due to leakage flux and weaker field strength on the active side. This is your general Halbach Array with no return path consideration My apologies. What I wrote I did so before seeing this. I don't know how I missed it, but I did.
I don't know if anyone has heard of this guy he's old school dead tree publishing but I expect a lot of older guys who were interested in electronics have. Don Lancaster. I haven't looked at his stuff in a really long time but used to religiously read all his work. He did a stupendous amount of writing in electronics magazines. An absolute golds mine of all sorts of electronics, robotics stuff. Well I found he passed away by looking for his work on a"magic sinewaves" I commented on above. While looking at some of his other articles I found something I had mentioned here "somewhere" before. Grays code or binary codes that can use a few lines on around wheel to provide very accurate position sensing on rotating machines, actuators, etc. The link is on this page https://www.tinaja.com/hack01.shtml go down to Hardware Hacker Columns #73-87 HACKAR4.PDF and get the link. The article is on page 80.2. If you are into this sort of thing, massive intelligent broad range info on radio wavers, electronic, computing and all other sorts of interesting stuff, I recommend you download his work before it's gone. I have no idea whose hosting this, his kids maybe? I "thought" I had copies of this but searched and, I can't find them so I need to copy all his work before it disappears.
>>36941 F Have no idea who that is, but I'm glad there is interest in preserving his stuff. I dream of our robowaifu's AIs one day being able to sift everything available to find hidden gems for our current needs, engineering or otherwise. Cheers, Grommet. :^) >tl;dr Save.everything.
>>36944 >Have no idea who that is SERIOUS LEGEND I've been going though and saving everything. So much good stuff. Very relevant. All sorts parts interface tricks, Driver tricks. I'm going to post a "field's" super easy calculate link in the motors from him. He put out articles for 50??? years. A long time. He wrote for all sorts of what were major magazines before the internet. I don't even think you can imagine before the internet. Nut & Volt, Electronic Design, Electronics Magazine, there was one that was almost all ads but had a few articles that the ads paid for called Computer Shopper. It was like 3/4 to 1 inch thick in large format like Shotgun News (you may not even know what that is)of all sorts of computer parts and electronics. Huge. It was cheap because the ads paid for the magazine. Like a buck. It used to be fairly difficult to get what you can get with a couple keystrokes now. And with AI that will become even easier. To find out stuff I used to wander through huge stacks of bound older magazines in the Univ. library. Looking through print indexes to find stuff.
>>36949 He sounds amazing. What a career this Anon must've had. I'm sure I must have seen some of his stuff in a bookstore or something. Also, I found this page on his site: https://www.tinaja.com/ebksamp1.shtml Glad you're saving his stuff, Anon. Anything in specific you think would be the most-important for Anons here on /robowaifu/ to know about his stuff? Say a 'Top 5' list or something? Cheers. <---> BTW: Can we please continue this in /meta : ( >>36952, ... )? We're derailing the Actuators bread, IMO. --- https://hackaday.com/2023/07/02/saying-goodbye-to-don-lancaster/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiI2ayNVDQg >=== -add'l hotlinks

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/13/2025 (Thu) 14:30:39.

Robot skin? Possible sensitivity? Robowaifu Technician 09/15/2019 (Sun) 07:38:17 No.242 [Reply] [Last]
The Anki VECTOR has a skin-like touch sensor on it, could we incorporate it into our robogirls?
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cont. My priorities are: 1.tree trimming/felling/removal robot.(not humanoid, more like a insect/squid/thing that climbs trees and "shears" off the limbs. Not cut with a chain saw. Far more efficient, quieter, less mess) 2. gears, wenches, tackle, inductive reactance electric motors, fiberglass or other structures for the above and for my sailboat (which is so radical I fear to talk about the hair brained ideas I have. If I were to do so the sailboating community would hunt me down like Frankenstein with torches and pitchforks) :) robowaifu However all of the above are all necessary to build the parts for a robowaifu, and DIRECTLY related. So it may be I will mesh all of these at the same time as I learn. As you can imagine this will take...a while. I can see the robowaifu last, as I haven't a clue how to build the software to get this thing to do what I want. It's, I think, a huge leap far above making the motors, body, etc. I can see a clear path to all of the mechanical side. Maybe not easy, but I can see a path. The AI, I have no idea without spending a damn fortune which would torpedo the whole thing. I REALLY would like it as it would be a great addition to the first task, tree trimming/felling/removal. Sailing my boat as a sort of auto-pilot and other unmentionables. As you've seen me commenting over a year, I was spitballing ideas. I like to write these down even if they are a bit hairbained. For some reason writing them down, even if it makes me look foolish at times, helps me "see" them and organize my thoughts. Hard to explain. I now believe I have a basic game plan, and I'm now accumulating the tools, materials needed. I have the 3D printer and the beginnings of the materials needed. So soon I should start experimenting. I also have ordered and received, some ESP-32 microcontrollers. I still need a few more things. Lots of bits and pieces. I will definitely be getting some of this plastisol resin. Some of this stuff I talked about I ran across a guy, tech ingredients, who has this great video. I didn't get all my ideas from him but he puts a lot of them in a nice package, which I'm not so good at. Most of the ideas I have are just common sense and thinking about it leads people to the same path. If you want to understand how to get low cost strong stuff, you have to see it. He's doing something different, making body armor, but the basic principles are the same. The first video is about hard surfaces, tight material packing and different materials needed. The second is basic composites and good but someone who already knows about composites might could skip it, but I think it's useful. Super Strong Epoxy with Diamonds and More! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KjlyXKeo8c

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One other thing I have already. I've been working on accumulating stuff I need slowly. Cerrosafe Metal | Low-Melting Point 158-190℉ Bismuth-Based Alloy I have a pound of this. So you make a mold and put this in the mold. My thought is the areas in the NASA chainmail that are internal. Stuff that can't be molded. I make a negative mold of all these interior parts from this metal, place in outer mods, pour resin, matrix, then melt the metal out with hot water. It's reusable indefinitely. I only have a pound but it's plenty to test with.
The topic here was originally "sensitive skin". The thread for materials is here >>154 and for armatures >>200 and the main thread for someone showing off the prototypes he has build is here >>28715
>>35291 >>35292 >>35293 Great information, Grommet! I wouldn't dream of criticizing your goals, except in this one detail: they're not expansive enough yet!! >tl;dr Go big, bro! :D >>35300 Fren NoidoDev is right. For the sake of being able to locate such information in the future more-easily for every'non, perhaps move each subsection of this discussion to the appropriate threads? <---> Thanks, NoidoDev! You're always there for us all, to help keep things better organized. That's much-appreciated, bro. Cheers. :^)
>>34724 > The body would then be dipped in a bath or sprayed with layer of fluid containing keratinocytes that would attach onto the TPU and form chemical bonds. This would then be cultured until the desired skin thickness is met and the keratinocytes would be killed via heat sterilization. Neat! >Totally having a GITS vibe with this... There are tons of issues involved with intentionally keeping living cultures in our robowaifus, but perhaps the skin is our single-best option. Thanks, Anon. :^)

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Cyborg general + Biological synthetic brains for robowaifus? Robowaifu Technician 04/06/2020 (Mon) 20:16:19 No.2184 [Reply] [Last]
Scientists made a neural network from rat neurons that could fly a fighter jet in a simulator and control a small robot. I think that lab grown biological components would be a great way to go for some robowaifu systems. It could also make it feel more real. https://www.google.com/amp/s/singularityhub.com/2010/10/06/videos-of-robot-controlled-by-rat-brain-amazing-technology-still-moving-forward/amp/ >=== -add/rm notice
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/23/2023 (Wed) 04:40:41.
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>>34219 Heres something you should keep an eye on. A human connectome would allow a computer to simulate an entire human brain if it bares fruit. Theyve already done it with a worm and put the simulated brain in robots. A human version would also be theoreti ally possible https://www.humanconnectome.org/
>>34222 >digits There's about a Zeta of synaptic interconnections within the human connectome. AFAICT, we have the most sophisticated -- by far -- neural systems on the planet. So it probably stands to reason that there's much that could be learned by using human neural tissue for such experiments. Thanks for the information, Anon! Cheers. :^)
> keratin based materials as a skin >>34724
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3V3CMD_9xXs Wait until the end of the video the dude hooks the slime mold up to a multielectrode array.
>>36946 HAH! Rather-intriguing, Anon. Thanks! Must be fun to play around with cool toys like that lab gear too. Cheers. :^)

C++ General Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2019 (Mon) 02:49:55 No.12 [Reply] [Last]
C++ Resources general The C++ programming language is currently the primary AI-engine language in use. >browsable copy of the latest C++ standard draft: https://eel.is/c++draft/ >where to learn C++: ( >>35657 ) isocpp.org/get-started https://archive.is/hp4JR stackoverflow.com/questions/388242/the-definitive-c-book-guide-and-list https://archive.is/OHw9L en.cppreference.com/w/

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/15/2025 (Wed) 20:50:04.
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c++ main here. please dont use this godawful language. its the least productive ive ever been in programming. about 2/3 of my time is spent on semantics that have nothing to do with what im writing. inb4 >just learn to read it knowing how to read it makes me hate it all the more, its unnecessary mental overhead better spent on other things ive written a custom dialect and template lib to replace the STL to be palatable, but it does nothing to help external code. move semantics are a nightmare, and can only be avoided by discarding half of the language. the average cmake build fills me with the same amount of disgust as seeing a butchered animal. ive had cmake work without troubleshooting maybe twice ever. >rust? eh. its a step in the right direction that doesnt go far enough, and replaces problems with new ones. and i subjectively find its syntax ugly >functional

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>>36279 >if you want to actually finish anything useful and use high level libs like opencv Ahh, but somebody has to write those "high-level libs", don't they Anon? That's a major part of our business here. This is where C++ shines (thus why OpenCV is written in it). <---> Anyway, welcome Anon. Have a look around while you're here. Cheers. :^)
C++26 will incorporate officially-supported basic linear algebra (based on BLAS). https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/linalg This should enable standardized, fully-compatible LinAlg code across all hardware platforms going forward (with no external dependencies). Very good news for controlling robowaifu kinematics, of course! :^) >=== -add 'dependencies' cmnt
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/12/2025 (Wed) 20:47:30.
>>36930 >(discussion -related : >>36938, ...)
> (C++ compiler flags -related : >>37093 )

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My Advanced Realistic Humanoid Robot Project - Eve Artbyrobot 04/18/2024 (Thu) 17:44:09 No.30954 [Reply] [Last]
So far I have plans to build Adam, Eve, and Abel robots. All of these are Bible characters. This thread will cover the Eve robot. Eve will have no "love holes" because adding those would be sinful and evil. It is a robot, not a biological woman after all and I will view her with all purity of heart and mind instead of using her to fulfill my lusts of my body. Instead I will walk by the Spirit no longer fulfilling the lusts of the flesh as the Bible commands. Eve will be beautiful because making her beautiful is not a sinful thing to do. However, I will dress her modestly as God commands of all women everywhere. This would obviously include robot women because otherwise the robot woman would be a stumbling block to men which could cause them to lust after her which would be a sin. To tempt someone to sin is not loving and is evil and so my robot will not do this. To dress her in a miniskirt, for example, would be sinful and evil and all people who engage in sinfullness knowingly are presently on their way to hell. I don't wish this for anyone. My robot will dress in a way that is a good example to all women and is aimed toward not causing anybody to lust as a goal. My robot will have a human bone structure. It will use either a PVC medical skeleton or fiberglass fabricated hollow bones. My robot will look realistic and move realistic. It will be able to talk, walk, run, do chores, play sports, dance, rock climb, and do gymnastics. It will also be able to build more robots just like itself and manufacture other products and inventions. I realized with just a head and arm, a robot can build the rest of its own body so that is my intention. My robot will use BLDC motors for drones, RC, and scooters that are high speed and low-ish torque but I will downgear those motors with a archimedes pulley system that will be custom made from custom fabricated pulleys that will be bearings based. By downgearing with pulleys, instead of gears, I will cut down the noise the robot makes so it will be as silent as possible for indoor use. By downgearing, I convert the high speed motors into moderate speeds with great torque. BLDC motors with large torque generally are too large in diameter for a human form factor and take up too much volumetric area to be useful which is why I go with the high speed smaller diameter type motors but just heavily downgear them 32:1 and 64:1. My robot will have realistic silicone skin. Thom Floutz -LA based painter, sculptor, make-up artist is my inspiration as it pertains to realistic skin. The skin for my robots has to be at his level to be acceptable. It must be nearly impossible to tell the robot is not human to be acceptable. I will have a wireframe mesh exoskeleton that simulates the volumes and movements of muscle underneath the skin which will give the skin its volumetric form like muscles do. Within these hollow wireframe mesh frameworks will be all the electronics and their cooling systems. All of my motor controllers will be custom made since I need them VERY small to fit into the confined spaces I have to work with. I need LOADS of motors to replace every pertinent muscle of the human body in such a way that the robot can move in all the ways humans move and have near human level of strength and speed.

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>>36719 Excellent! That's really good to hear, Artbyrobot. You've convinced me this would be a useful technique to use for robowaifu shell support, and I was hopeful it wouldn't prove to be too much mass involved. Clearly sounds like that shouldn't be a problem. Thanks, Anon. Cheers. :^) >=== -sp edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/07/2025 (Fri) 10:25:10.
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Well the straight spring wire acting as a finger joint spring idea was a bust. Turned out when it bent to 90 degrees it would not return to straight again. I thought spring wire would but this stuff didn't. This is not what chatgpt said would happen so chatgpt failed me this time. Anyways, still glad for its help when its right which is most of the time I think. That said, I fell back to my original spring solution which was to use a 3mm diameter tension spring as the return spring. I experimented with different lengths till I got one as short as possible that would stretch out the necessary .75" roughly to accomodate the finger joint's reverse direction counter tension needs. The shorter the spring the more it resists being pulled and also the thicker the spring the more it resists being pulled. I used default thickness from my premade tension spring order and it seemed fine and the length of the spring I cut and tested trial and error till I found a good length for my need. For my .75" draw length I went with one 1cm long spring which stretches itself out to .75" + 1cm in total without ruining itself. It seems like it pulls around 2lb of pulling force but I haven't measured it with a scale. I fed it through bowden tubing from the place I mounted it on the motor all the way to the joint being actuated - the backside of the index finger. It's job is to keep the archimedes pulley system and winch in place pulley taught at all times and to return the finger to full extension when the motor is not actively pulling it into a grasp position. I have not yet tested if it is strong enough to do this job but assume I'll need two of them to be strong enough. I'll test with just one for now and add another spring to double it's strength if needed later. I deliberated alot on where to mount this spring and last minute decided to just mount it on the motor it is counter tensioning since I have enough space for it there and I can just follow the same bowden tube routing the motor is using generally. This seemed easiest for me given my massive space constraints and the need for a ton of these springs to handle all the finger joints. Seems like it should work well so far.
>>36917 >This is not what chatgpt said would happen so chatgpt failed me this time. Haha, better get used to that, my fren! PozzGPT is a large language model, a statistical artifact (and one explicitly being 'taught' to (((lie))), at that! :D, not a Mechanical Engineer. We'd all do well to remember these facts. :^) So, I'm not quite sure yet...did your new approach prove sufficient, or no? <---> Regardless, glad to see you continuing to refine your design details unabated, Artbyrobot. This is how you're going to succeed in the end -- simply by not giving up!! Cheers. :^)
>>36919 > Did your new approach proof sufficient? I don’t know yet. I haven’t had a chance to test it. I just wanted to show the progress I made with this tentative new solution. If this spring is not strong enough, I can use two springs. I haven’t finished connecting the other end up to the finger fully yet so I can’t test yet. That will come next.
>>36922 Ahh, got it. Looking forward to seeing how things work out with this Anon. I'm sure you'll figure things out in the end! Cheers. :^)

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MaidCom Kiwi 02/08/2024 (Thu) 06:40:01 No.29219 [Reply] [Last]
MaidCom Project Thread 2 Project Goal: Simple, low cost, extensible platform for robowaifu development. Picrel shows the model which is being developed. Every part will be designed to be easily printable and replaceable. Her designs will be open source. Modding and customization will be encouraged. This is a base model. Early revisions will be heavily limited in functionality. I invite you to help design and define standards so that it is easy to create specialized add-ons to allow her to become your own waifu. Collaboration is important, MaidCom is officially partnered with Lin and his Waifu Wheelchair, if you'd also like to be officially partnered, say so. Cat eats and miniskirts are encouraged! <--- Previous thread: ( >>15630 ) >=== -add crosslink
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 08/14/2024 (Wed) 21:50:13.
143 posts and 102 images omitted.
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>>36348 >>36349 Thanks! Still learning but, I know it's getting close to done.
>>36579 That's looking really good now, Anon. I've been banging a number of ideas around about cheap actuation solutions that will fit into the volume available for each hip/upper_thigh. For some reason (maybe b/c thinking about pinching) I'm finding this render that NoidoDev posted ( >>36561 ) inspiring rn. I'm also picturing a partial inner ball to rest inside the visible outer ball that could allow for nearby linear actuators to rest inside the torso volume, w/o interfering with the needed major two servos per joint. This would allow for 3-axis movements, wouldn't over-complicate the mechanisms additionally, and would still provide good pinch-protection given those two constraints. When I pick up modelling, I'll diagram my ideas about this for everyone to brainstorm & critique together. <---> Looking forward to seeing what's coming next, Kiwi! Cheers. :^) Soon.
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>>36346 >>36579 Great progress. I like it. At least with the imagined flesh suit on top of it. Though, the back in the last pic still looks a bit to bubbly for my taste, but okay. Anyways, I posted many of the pics on this thread on Reddit. If you mind, tell me. It's here: https://www.reddit.com/r/gynoidappreciation/comments/1iiqpgg/maidcom_project/
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>>36609 Not quite sure I understand your idea. Could you provide a drawing? >>36646 I'm endeavoring to de-bubble her booty. Feel free to share anything I post anywhere. Heck, I'll freely share any model I still have with anyone that asks. I welcome distribution of anything related to MaidCom
>>36657 >I'm endeavoring to de-bubble her booty OH NO! I was looking and thinking,"Wow look at that booty", and now your going to debootie it. A crime.

DCC Design Tools & Training Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 11:42:32 No.415 [Reply] [Last]
Creating robowaifus requires lots and lots of design and artistry. It's not all just nerd stuff you know Anon! :^) ITT: Add any techniques, tips, tricks, or content links for any Digital Content Creation (DCC) tools and training to use when making robowaifus. >note: This isn't the 'Post Your Robowaifu-related OC Arts & Designs General' thread. We'll make one of those later perhaps. >--- I spent some time playing with the program Makehuman and I'll say I wasn't impressed. It's not possible to make anime real using Makehuman, in fact the options (for example eye size) are somewhat limited. But there's good news, don't worry! The creator of Makehuman went on to create a blender plugin called ManuelBastioniLAB which is much better (and has a much more humorous name). The plugin is easy to install and use (especially if you have a little blender experience). There are three different anime female defaults that are all pretty cute. (Pictured is a slightly modified Anime Female 2.) There are sliders to modify everything from finger length to eye position to boob size. It even has a posable skeleton. Unfortunately the anime models don't have inverse kinematic skeletons which are much easier to pose. Going forward I'm probably going to use MasturBationLABManuelBastioniLAB as the starting point for my designs. --- Saving everything with yt-dlp (>>16357, >>12247) >===

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/31/2023 (Wed) 18:55:38.
272 posts and 151 images omitted.
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>>36566 I used same prompt on huggingface and got same result you did. I matched up seed, guidance scale and inference steps but still got hair on local low VRAM model even at 48GB System Ram and 12GB VRAM. Here's another example with trying to shorten prompt but needs more work. Still pretty good for 6GB VRAM instead of 24GB I think
>>36556 >>36567 Neat! Thanks for the encouraging update Anon. Looking forward to seeing what all everyone accomplishes with this image-generation tool. I'm also planning to experiment with Janus-Pro as well ( >>36222 ), since it's opensource & offline-capable. Cheers. :^)
>>36567 Yeah, pretty good. I can't stop laughing. But yeah, generally it's still good of course. Just, especially for those who like big eye brows or coneheads.
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>>36569 I think there's a market for it
>>36569 >>36572 >tfw ywn a cone-headed waifu... Oh wait! I guess maybe we could **someday soon* if we really wanted to! :D

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Robowaifus in Media: Thread 02 Robowaifus in Media: Thread 02 01/14/2023 (Sat) 23:49:54 No.18711 [Reply] [Last]
Post about whatever media predominately features at least one fembot aka gynoid (female form of an android) as an important character, ideally a robowaifu or synthetic girlfriend. Some freedom with the topic is allowed, virtual waifus or bodiless AI might also qualify if she is female. Negative framing of the whole topic should be mentioned with negative sentiment. Cyborgs with a human brain or uploads of women don't really fit in, but if she's very nice (Alita) and maybe not a human based cyborg (catborg/netoborg) we can let it slide. Magical dolls have also been included in the past, especially when the guy had to hand-made them. Look through the old thread, it's worth it: >>82 - Picrel shows some of the more well know shows from a few years ago. I made a long list with links to more info's on most known anime shows about fembots/robowaifus, without hentai but including some ecchi and posted it here in the old thread: >>7008 - It also features some live-action shows and movies. I repost the updated list here, not claiming that it is complete, especially when it comes to live action and shows/movies we don't really like. >In some cases I can only assume that the show includes robogirls, since the show is about various robots, but I haven't seen it yet. A.D. Police Files: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/ad-police-files Andromeda Stories: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/andromeda-stories Angelic Layer: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/angelic-layer Armitage III: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/armitage-iii Azusa will help: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/azusa-will-help Blade Runner 2022: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/blade-runner-black-out-2022 Busou Shinki: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/busou-shinki-moon-angel Butobi CPU: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/buttobi-cpu Casshern Sins: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/casshern-sins Chobits: https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/chobits

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 10/14/2023 (Sat) 05:44:28.
436 posts and 390 images omitted.
>>36422 I see what you mean, Anon! Looks very interesting, whether she's a strict robowaifu or no. Thanks, NoidoDev. Cheers. :^)
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>>35266 >>35281 Mila best girl
>>35911 >Make a Girl After some research, it appears to be a movie based on a lonely nerd inventor making a clone of his crush. Naturally, instead of a brain, she has a computer, she may have more mechanical bits under her grown skin. The main plot points seem to be around how uncertain he is of her love, given that she has no choice. Also, his crush seems to have reciprocated his feelings. He was just too autistic to understand her flirting. Leading to a confused love triangle. Somewhere in the mix a super villain abducts the robot girl. >Does Zero count? I'd say yes. Her body may be mostly biological but, she's got a robot soul. It's what's inside that counts most. Overall, looks like heaps of fun. Especially if the synthetic girl wins. Looking forward to it coming to the west. The original short that inspired the movie; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jw5NWWyiW70
>>36549 > instead of a brain, she has a computer, Thanks, I thought she's not purely biological after seeing another video in which here eyes were glowing. This makes her clearly more of a robot, though in form of a "cybernetic organism". Like Cameron. >The main plot points seem to be around how uncertain he is of her love, given that she has no choice. Ooof, here we go again. To much soy in the Japanese food. If he programs her to love him, then she loves him. She doesn't need "a choice". Women had no choice in most of history and probably still most worldwide don't. They are made by evolution to adjust to that. Robots are even more like that, without the faults, doubts, counter force of the wish for autonomy or hypergamy and so on.
>>36549 Thanks for the information, Anon! >>36564 >She doesn't need "a choice". This. If men choose to go that route, then they'll end up in hell-hole world (cf. >>36544 ). :^) >tl;dr Won't someone just please think of the vacuum cleaners!??

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