>Around whites, internet fights.
While I indeed wasn't niggerpilling, in certain circles I have come off as pessimistic regarding robotwaifu scaled production timelines (in my opinion realistic). That being said, I have the same fantasies of robotwaifus like Mina from My Wife Has No Emotion or Dorothy from Big O. I enjoy them and I wish for a future in which they became a reality. I take care to measure my enthusiasm though, and don't want to hype myself for a future that is far in the future still. I also tend to demand proof that I know won't be on hand to make a point which I know can be a rather caustic form of ribbing.
>"Leap the wall if you're so great!"
I'm sure Robophilliac has some has something interesting cooking and I just need to LET HIM COOK.
I would not want my pragmatic outlook to be mistaken as doom pilled on the robotwaifu question. Rather, I fear feature creep more than anything else. Bipedal locomotion is a big ask unto itself, never mind the laundry list of features like integrated AI chat, realistic skin, long battery life, wombs, and more. Even a humble quradped or wheeled waifubot still requires a great deal of engineering. While my "hugbot" concept was somewhat of a shitpost, that high-speed low-drag design philosophy of "cut away the fat and reduce down to only the most necessary components" I think is important for creating bots that are both affordable and easier to build than more feature rich creations. Hugbot might be a little too stripped down but as the image suggests, other parts could be added at the owner's discretion.
I have the same sentiment towards screen faces. With them, you don't need to worry about mechanical mouth articulation, (lips, cheek, & jaw), eye movement, or eyebrows. That's not counting all the subtle face movements needed to keep a human-like creature from appearing uncanny. It has its own set of problems being a screen face but it avoids a number of different mechanical hurdles in exchange for a screen interface you can swap out if it becomes damaged. Their interFACE(hue) can also double smart device which is always nifty.
Whatever the solution, lighter & cheaper would be better in most cases. Hopefully without reducing the structural strength along the way. My only issue with plastics would be the emerging news of microplastics being found all over our bodies. I suppose the most important attribute of a waifu crafting material would be they don't harm us. Hypoallergenic fears aside, an internal frame that could be fitted with a fleece body glove might be a workable solution. Something easy to clean and replace like you would a pillowcase.