/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

Emmy The Robot Robowaifu Technician 04/15/2024 (Mon) 20:31:05 No.30919 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome all Nandroids fans to the Emmy thread, for discussing and posting about EtR. Off-topic posts and personal attacks will be deleted. --- Also, be sure to check out Emmy-Pilled's project thread! (>>25306) Important Community Links: Boorus, etc.: https://nandroid.booru.org/index.php https://emmytherobot.art/ (Jumbo controlled, be careful.) Google Docs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mXuNh9ESedCiDZclVuz9uiL7nTNk3U9SgCE_CRHi3Us/htmlview# Webtoons: https://m.webtoons.com/en/canvas/emmy-the-robot/list?title_no=402201 > previous threads : >>27481 >>26629
Edited last time by Kiwi_ on 06/24/2024 (Mon) 18:13:49.
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>>32192 off model
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>>32192 Look at how blacked they made my bot.
new thread new thread >>32205 new thread new thread

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Robowaifu Psychology Thread Robowaifu Technician 05/07/2020 (Thu) 09:27:27 No.2731 [Reply]
I hope to have useful links and images in the future, this is just a quickly thrown together glorified character sheet maker at this point. Ok so you can program, but HOW to make her thoughts work? At least on a creative level. I don't have much to contribute other than my rather obsessive what-ifs, I hope this is useful somehow. A few questions you might want to ask yourself before typing up some kind of bio or writing down conversations and quotes you imagine she would say are... 1. How close to the canon do I want to be? 2. How much canon is there? 3. How would I want to make her mine vs someone else's interpretation of the same character? Take note of those answers, if your memory sucks record them in a method you are comfortable with. I think typing might be faster for most. And you might want to revisit what you wrote here sometimes when making certain personality design choices. Use your answers here as a basic guide. For the most part, just go through writer's sites for character questionnaires. And before you omit a question, think of how could you use the basics of what it is asking to build your waifu's personality? For example, if a question rubs you off the wrong way politically, still use that question. But answer in your own way or even reword the question. Some of these types of questions are supposed to make you think hard about what shaped your character's dislikes, which is still important to what makes a person themselves. You may need to revisit some of these or even omit certain ones entirely. But try to figure out how to get that info in somehow later. This process can take a long time and be frustrating, but I think it has a place in the waifubot creation experience. Also, try think how would your waifu react if the story went differently at some point. This can get really dramatic real easy, but it doesn't have to. Just start with simple things like what would she say if asked to tell a joke? What does she find funny? What does she find cringey? Things like that, and don't be afraid to make what they call a 'brain dump'. Pretty much just type with minimal breaks and type everything that comes to your mind about the topic. You might get some useful info amongst the 'why am I doing this?' 'I need to take a shit' quotes. Also just use some of those story prompts. Also, try to use the more realistic day to day ones, like things that could happen in real life. Less exciting but pretty sure you aren't going on fantasy journeys with her IRL. Using these types of prompts will give her more to say on mundane everyday things, vs Skyrim politics. (But that could be fun sometimes)

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/07/2020 (Thu) 09:43:48.
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>>31691 >>>physiognomy should be taken seriously because it used to be >physiognomy should be taken seriously because it used to be This here is like a tavern, not a club where everyone thinks exactly the same. I know, that the current state of science seems to be that physiognomy is BS. Though, I also don't have time or interest to look into such unrelated topics in detail. I don't know why this is even here. I brought up psychology and personality traits, as a useful tool for configuring a freshly build robowaifu AI. Also, because it would be great to have a way for her to internally represent people. Over time she could just forget details about a person, but she could just keep that element and remember that person vaguely without storing any specific details. This here >>30862 is the relevant topic. In theory, people could think about how to implement that and work on it as one specific problem that can be solved with some module. Instead of just allegedly working on their completely separate and complete implementation of "AGI". But I will most likely have to do it on my own with the help of ChatGPT or something similar. >not that you could figure anything out and actually accomplish anything anyway Yeah, well. Don't bother us then. We will find the information we need and will accomplish what we want to. I'm of course not the only one who had the idea that connecting LLMs with software might be the way to go. I only saw AI researchers are now going this route, since the scaling paradigm might slow down. So, if we don't do it, then others will guide us half the way.
>>31731 Twitter's business model like most website based tech companies was always advertising revenue. If they lose advertisers they lose revenue. A company who's entire business is selling a product of identifying people as so it claimed would be criminals by AI facial analysis would not sabotage it's only way of making money. Yes, the iron thing is one theory but it also has to do with women having smaller body mass which would reduce cancer rates and they also have stronger immune systems because of hormonal differences among a few other reasons they probably live longer in most cases. That's beside the point, read into how George Washington died. He was ill and he demanded more and more blood removed from him and he grew weaker and weaker as result. I was suggesting how physiognomy was just a result of confirmation bias and limitations in medical equipment at the time later replaced with brain scans. It only existed because brain scans did not exist at the time and it was just guess work at brain formation on the assumption the skull would give the information which was often quite off since there is only so much from that. You're either shifting goalposts on the definition of race away from it's common usage or just know nothing of genetics and are too stubborn to learn anything. It is a completely off topic matter which has nothing to do with psychology of a robowaifu, but if you really want to put some sort of face reading judgment program if it worked that will only work against you and you would spend money on a robowaifu just for her to reject you.
>>31751 >Twitter's business model like most website based tech companies was always advertising revenue No twitters business model was getting money from the CIA and other government agencies. If capitalism is running these companies tell me why Disney is blowing their profits out their ass with wokeism? Why are the comic book industry faggatising Superheros and going broke? You know the answer, or should, so don't try to tell me a huge pile of nonsense is data, when it's only the remains of a dog squatting. >either shifting goalposts on the definition of race Let's get this clear. You're not fooling me a bit. I say that genetics, race and physiognomy are valid methods to statistically predict behavioral traits of different populations. And don't give me this,"well this individual this, and that", you know this is not what I speak of. You, well you talk about bleeding George Washington. I know very well what you are trying to do. Poison the well by destroying the flow of the conversation and spinning off subjects that are not relevant to cloud the case. You also spout nonsense. Like,"...I was suggesting how physiognomy was just a result of confirmation bias..."

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>>31689 That's actually why I mentioned the Genetics part, for self-repair and the ability to self-replicate. If a robot has all the technical knowledge of what's needed to repair and replace every component of it's own body, and has the dexterity needed to work all the tools needed to do so, they can multiply near exponentially like grey goo only limited by the time, energy and materials available to do it. The materials and tools are the biggest hurdles right now, since I've seen videos on YouTube of people making IC chips at home with lithography tools, they don't compare to processors commercially available right now. And maybe in 15 to 30 years from now a high-end desktop computer will be able to run an AGI as powerful as a human brain, while a homemade processor will still be behind. But at that point where the AI can both replace human labor and the work that goes into developing the hardware the AI runs on, and developing the tools needed to make that hardware, the difference between a component made in a factory and one made in a home lab will narrow so rapidly it will quickly become insignificant. I give it 80 years before we could have Star Trek-style replicators, interplanetary teleportation & just about any other technology you could want. My overly long-winded point is that good AGI and a more economical power source will probably make the idea of a robot factory redundant so quickly that the milkman as a concept would have been around for longer.
>>31766 Yeah that's pretty fascinating idea, Anon. IIRC there was a scene where Arisa was self-healing her skin in the Russian TV show Better than Us. We've much to discover in the entire domain of robowaifu materials science, I'll warrant Anon. Cheers. :^)

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Minimum wafiu Kiwi 10/15/2021 (Fri) 18:34:51 No.13648 [Reply]
Minimum viable waifu. In this thread, we'll discuss what our minimums for waifus are. Be it software, hardware, physical appearance, etc. This will help us focus in on what are the minimum goals we need to achieve as our first steps. For me, I want a waifu that will be just tall enough to hug (about 1.3 m), able to follow me around and have conversations with, will follow basic commands like going to designated spots at designated times, and look like picrel.
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>>31593 >>31593 >you could sell the hell out of them. Indeed. I plan to be one of several billionaires selling robowaifus in the future. Also, hopefully every.single.OG. Anon here will do the same. After all everything will be free, unfettered, & open (at least insofar as my Model A contributions to this domain are concerned). The more the merrier! :^) >The kit would have not be too difficult. It shouldn't take 500 hours to build. Maybe 50-60. Yes. Simple assembly approaches will be vital for initial success. Thankfully individuals like Will Cogley are thinking along similar lines : (>>31472). I recommend every Anon here do the same with their design-thinking. >Send the kits with maid dresses and catgrill ears to really piss them off.* FTFY Anon. :DDD >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 06/16/2024 (Sun) 05:08:44.
>>31595 I decided to do some sex doll searches. It looks like they run about $1,500-$2,500 with a few at $3,000. The majority of higher quality seem to hover around $2,000 or a few hundred more, so as I , and many others speculated, the sweet spot is likely $2,000. I think you could sell a walking talking, uhh... "action oriented", but limited waifu with open source AI for $2,500 but if you could profit and make them for $2,000 I doubt you could keep up with demand. I suggest a way around the law would be to sell the muscles, skeleton, processor and skin in a kit BUT ship the parts separately and do not sell any sort of orifices except maybe a mouth. But there should be adjustable areas for insertion of unmentionables. Possibly you could sell these but on another site with different accounts, companies, etc. To sell you will probably have to have a very reduced motherboard,memory and process, BUT a fast built in wifi would be necessary and software to link securely with the clients computer. They could then upgrade either the onboard and/or their own personal computer to amplify interaction. Wifi should be fine for voice and general direction, moving about. I think it would be plenty of bandwidth if you used "gross" movement commands from the main computer while allowing the onboard motherboard to handle moving the body around.
>>31799 Thanks for the research, Anon. >"action oriented" As I've mentioned several times through the years here, I won't be selling any snu-snu-enabled robowaifu kits (nor will my eventual company interest), and I still maintain that every Anon here should follow that same model for their own robowaifu systems for sale. 3rd-party 'ladybits' kit manufacturers will surely pop up by the dozens once the robowaifu industry effects kick in. At most, simply accomodate their likely appearances is my advice to anons here. >home server Yes, I've already begun laying the foundations for all this with, well, RW Foundations : (>>14409) . There's a Dollhouse that fully-assembled versions will be shipped-in/stored-at-home-in. It has associated proxy/firewall/DMZ Dollnet electronics to allow for offlined/nearlined Internet access -- with physical lockout -- built right in. >"Sumomo, find good bathing software please." This will be a great start for privacy/safety/security (>>10000) for Model A robowaifus (even for completely-networking-inexperienced anons), and will also easily provide the secured interface for Anon's other, offlined server rack(s). Great ideas, Grommet. Thanks for the guidance! Cheers. :^) >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 06/27/2024 (Thu) 07:09:01.
>>31800 There is a surprising amount of prefab, powered fun bits already available. Given that one would need some electronic experience to do maintenance on their on robowaifu it wouldn't be too far of a stretch to figure out how to integrate accessories of a lewd nature.
>>31803 Yes, I think you're right Anon. Given that a typical robowaifu kit will likely require 50h - 100h of assembly time (including basic soldering), then such mods shouldn't be too challenging for a robowaifuist anon IMO. Cheers. :^)

NLP General Robowaifu Technician 09/10/2019 (Tue) 05:56:12 No.77 [Reply]
AI Natural Language Processing general thread

>"Natural language processing is a field of computer science, artificial intelligence, and computational linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages."

>Computing Machinery and Intelligence

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>>24928 Noted and thanks for your input as well. It seems my post was already edited, but I will keep formatting in mind from here on out.
>>24923 If you create a little program that can be called in Linux, it doesn't matter to me much what language you use. I've heard only positive things about Lua. Though Python will get much faster with Mojo. Whatever, I prefer having rather slow code over having no code. Posting on topic resources relating to other languages than Python in this thread would be good, but if it becomes a language comparison (war), then it's better to switch over to the thread about programming languages: >>128
>Steven Pinker, author of The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language (1994) and co-founder of the Center for Cognitive Science, discusses his theory that language is a human instinct and not a human invention. Pinker defines language as ambiguous, and he believes that this ambiguity leads to the separation of words, meanings, and thoughts. He explores examples of what does and does not qualify as language, and demonstrates differences in sentence structure, dialects, pronouns, and meanings. The lecture concludes with audience questions. https://youtu.be/eOUKcAFa_HQ It's difficult to make notes while listening to something and not having something to write at hand, but I try to do that, since otherwise I forget the important parts. Some takeaways for our use case here: - important to realize that not all our thoughts are based on words but some come for example from imagine an image. - words are just suggestions that call trains of thought to mind, which need to be interpolated. There are assumed premises which are not expressed in the language itself. - special faculty of the mind, not general intelligence. - reading and writing are separate. - humans have some inborn way to create a language, children seem to reinvent the language based on what they hear and interactions. Learn a sense of how the grammar works and then go from there. - meanings and thoughts are separate from words - high school seniors have 60k words in their dictionary. - the order in phrases is important to convey the meaning (e.g. who did what to whom). - 100 trillion million sentences with 20 words or less. - languages are infinitely big.
>Top 10 most cited and influential papers in the history of NLP >In this video, I cover the top ten most cited and influential papers in the history of natural language processing, ranked by the number of Google Scholar citations. Some of these papers are new, while others are quite old. Not all of them use neural networks, but each one has made a significant impact in the field. 0:43 - Transformer (2017) 1:27 - LSTM (1997) 2:31 - BERT (2019) 3:17 - LDA (2003) 4:11 - Word2Vec (2013) 5:04 - GLoVE (2014) 5:54 - Encoder-decoder (2014) 6:46 - Attention (2015) 8:06 - BLEU (2002) 8:59 - Encoder-decoder (2014) 9:32 - WordNet (1995) >Papers referenced: 1. "Attention Is All You Need" by Ashish Vaswani et al. (2017)

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>>30046 This is a great comment thanks for it.

Waifu Robotics Project Dump Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 03:45:02 No.366 [Reply] [Last]
Edited last time by rw_bumpbot on 05/25/2020 (Mon) 04:54:42.
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Another single builder who is concentrating on legs and feet. Their thingiverse page has several iterations of development, #s 4 and 5 in fusion 360 format. Some have links to videos. https://www.thingiverse.com/jacky0815/designs
>>28970 Hmm, I thought I would've posted this already. But yeah, it was in the humanoid robots video thread: >>25463
>>28979 I did search "android" and the designer's name before posting but neither showed this project, and still don't. Oh well.
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>>31550 Thanks, I re-posted it also in the thread for bi-pedal locomotion: >>31754

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Robowaifu Market Chuck 01/04/2023 (Wed) 14:07:33 No.18572 [Reply]
How would the robowaifu market theoretically function? Top of the line models would be very expensive, but the target demographic is poor with little income flow. It would be a hard and gradual process to replace supermodels that the wealthy have with robot wives, and a vast amount of anime supporters with wealth or status are seeking a conventional tradwife. Essentially, it’s a very high value commodity without a niche, so it would be hard for it to garner success as a product, and the intended audience would never receive their robowaifus. The robowaifu concept is excellent theoretically, but has no real avenue to thrive in practice. How could these issues be resolved? --- Threads related: >(Making money with AI and robowaifus, >>1642) >(Early Business Ideas, >>3119) >=== -add thread crosslinks
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/04/2023 (Wed) 23:42:21.
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>>18572 >the target demographic is poor with little income flow the venn diagram of people who spend thousands of dollars on anime merch and people who'd buy the dolls is almost a circle
crosslink to a discussion in meta: >>19623
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The potential for lawsuit from personal injury would be by far one of the biggest roadblocks to the commercialization of household robots like androids, even simple ones. I don't know why this isn't focused on more, to have an emerging technology as complex as that is a simple recipe for >Man brings Android home >Android accidentally bumps man down the stairs/cuts him with knife while turning around/trips him/has a servo malfunction/any number of other things >Man remembers all of those lawyer billboards for personal injury that he sees on the way to work every morning Maybe some won't but the opportunity will be too tempting for others, and lets not forget the malicious actors: >Woman brings Android home >Woman "accidentally" gets tripped by Android or better yet: >Woman brings Android home >Puts Android in room with priceless valuable >Android "trips" into valuable, destroying it >Sues for emotional damages There are simply too many variables to account for when robots are in a real world environment and ostensibly in close contact with people all of the time. I would love to start an android company, but the thought of this alone sends chills down my spine. Even if they are sold "As Is" I'm sure someone could spin it into a legal battle where even if you successfully defend yourself you still have to pay legal fees, and if there is a concentrated effort against a company with malicious actors they can just keep coming and poking you with lawyers until they have nickeled and dimed you to death. At least that's what I'm assuming would happen in America. You may argue that you could try to use onboard sensors like the cameras on the robot to prove its innocence but even then the purchaser can fake the accident so well that you couldn't disprove it or legitimately find a bug to exploit to make the robot genuinely make a mistake in an opportune circumstance.
>>31385 There usually is a reason the manuals for even the simplest appliance comes with a wall of text giving warnings, disclaimers, etc. I even once had a radio clock with a manual stating the warranty was void even for acts of god lmao
>>31385 Iron-clad user agreements are what you need.

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/robowaifu/meta-9: Wintertime will be sublime. Chobitsu Board owner 10/30/2023 (Mon) 00:42:15 No.26137 [Reply] [Last]
/meta, offtopic, & QTDDTOT >--- General /robowaifu/ team survey (please reply ITT) (>>15486) >--- Mini-FAQ >A few hand-picked posts on various /robowaifu/-related topics -Why is keeping mass (weight) low so important? (>>4313) -How to get started with AI/ML for beginners (>>18306) -"The Big 4" things we need to solve here (>>15182) -HOW TO SOLVE IT (>>4143) -Why we exist on an imageboard, and not some other forum platform (>>15638, >>17937) -This is madness! You can't possibly succeed, so why even bother? (>>20208, >>23969) -All AI programming is done in Python. So why are you using C & C++ here? (>>21057, >>21091, >>27167, >>29994)

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/29/2024 (Thu) 06:43:57.
510 posts and 166 images omitted.
@All -My apologies for letting the /meta thread languish. I've been off in the mountains on a bit of a spirit quest with the Lord and others. Will rectify soon. :^) >>31382 Neat! Thanks Meta Ronin. I tried leaving you a nice comment, but your platform wouldn't accept one from me w/o an (((account))).
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>>31558 Glad to hear it!! This is definitely the time of year for that. I'm still trapped in suburbia for now but the ocean is nearby at least. Appreciate the time, just glad to hear you of all people read it, there will be more so wouldn't hurt to make an account or subscribe but I understand if you'd rather not give them your email or info. Fair enough!
>>31558 >Will rectify soon. :^) Lol, I can't post images on teh IB i'm the BO of. :D ROBI PLS TURN BACK ON TORFAG POSTING Till then, would some other Anon mind making the new /meta 10 thread please? >>31560 Nice work you've got talent Meta Ronin. I hope you may 'boot to our fiction bread?
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/robowaifu/, what do you think of the most recent british election? What do you think the 2024 American election will be like?
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photo reuploads from the dataloss incident

Waifu Materials Robowaifu Technician 09/12/2019 (Thu) 03:04:33 No.154 [Reply] [Last]
I would define a robowaifu as a doll with robotic features. However there are many different types of dolls (BJD, cloth doll, sex doll, etc). A doll has a skin or surface material, sometimes a filler (cotton), and sometimes internal structure (bones and joints).

Continuing the discussion from (((>>2831 >>2836 todo:relink))) , I want to create a thread to explore the many possible surface materials for a waifu (robo or no). The most important decision is whether to use a hard or soft material.

Hard Materials
>3D Printed Hard Plastic (PLA/ABS)
>Injection Molded Hard Plastic

Soft Materials
>Natural Fabrics (Cotton, Silk, Wool)
>Synthetic Fabrics (Vinyl, Polyester, Nylon)
>Fur/Hair (presumably synthetic, inb4 yiff in hell)
>Silicone or TPE Rubber (TPE is basically a cheaper form of silicone)

I'm strongly biased against the hard materials for comfort reasons. Personally, I have a hard time seeing myself falling in love with something hard, but others on this board talk about using hard materials, so I'm trying to keep an open mind.

My preference is for silicone, but there are four big problems with it. Firstly, it's expensive. Secondly, it impedes modification after the silicone has set. Thirdly, it contributes to the uncanny valley/silicone slut issue. Fourthly, it is heavy, and this weight really constrains the skeleton, posablity, and probably robotics. Because of the weight, silicone dolls have heavy-duty skeletons.

My second choice is therefore fabric, presumably stuffed with cotton. Fabric is super comfy, and has no uncanny valley issue. A non-fuggable fabric doll or robot would have no stigma issue, and could be the start of a productive hobbyist scene with plenty of females. Fabric is extremely lightweight which could be a plus or a minus. By itself, its unsubstantial and not ideal for robotics. A fabric robot is possible, but it requires hard, heavy parts underneath to provide structure and as actuators, which would make it less comfy. The fabric could be a textile (cotton), a synthetic leather (resembles skin, makeup/dress-up potential), or synthetic fur for you furfags out there.

Another possibility is a hard vinyl BJD-like doll with a layer of something comfy on top. Alternately, you all can reject my comfort autism if the benefits of having a hard doll/robot are clear enough. I'd like to hear others make the case for a hard doll/robot, since I don't think I could do the argument justice.

Finally, this is a discussion, not a debate. There are multiple paths we could take, and I'm sure different robowaifuists will try different techniques to see what works and what doesn't. I'm more interested in seeing what options are on the table than shutting down any particular approach.
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I've been watching a bunch of videos lately about people making their own "geopolymers" which is just a fancy way of saying cement. By changing the recipes by adding different ingredients and changing the ratios the properties change. This might not be the right thread to ask, but I'm sure there is some way software could be used to help simplify the experimentation to reduce the amount of trial and error done testing a large number of different materials that could be added to the mix so I could create a cement that has all the physical properties I'm looking for?
>>31322 "geopolymers" Don't wish to be too annoying but cement is normally portland cement. Produced by heating limestone and clay minerals. Geopolymers are not the same thing at all, other than they both are hard and look like stone. I don't want people to confuse the two as they are very different. Geopolymers, "...They are mainly produced by a chemical reaction between a chemically reactive aluminosilicate powder (e.g. metakaolin or other clay-derived powders, natural pozzolan, or suitable glasses), and an aqueous solution (alkaline or acidic) that causes this powder to react and re-form into a solid monolith..." They are somewhat like polymers, hence the name. I wish I had a good cheap formula for making them. If you know one please link it. They are complicated and I can't think of any software that would help. I would say, according to others and common sense that a good proportion of the pyramids in Egypt are made of geopolymers. The casing and the upper levels, mostly.
>>31326 >Geopolymers are not the same thing at all, other than they both are hard and look like stone. I don't want people to confuse the two as they are very different. The two seem nearly identical to me. Not all cements are Portland cement, so as far as I'm concerned "geopolymer" is just a synonym. Supposedly the cement used by the Romans had volcanic ash and used salt water instead of fresh water, and probably some other differences, which is why it lasts so much longer. https://youtu.be/znQk_yBHre4 https://youtu.be/rUYWiVVuc_w https://youtu.be/sESzPUei3os https://youtu.be/kUBB3wNae1s The recipe in the description of the last video: 1 part salt water (1 cup tap water with 1 tablespoon of salt) 1 part Sodium Silicate (Waterglass) mixed into the above saltwater 1 part Sodium Carbonate white powder mixed in fully 1 part Calcium Carbonate white powder mixed in fully 1 part Crushed powdered limestone mixed in fully And then there's these attempts at recreating Maurice Ward's Starlite for fireproofing, which isn't "geopolymer" in any traditional sense, but an intumescent material made using borax, baking soda, cornstarch, powdered sugar, flour and water: https://youtu.be/aqR4_UoBIzY https://youtu.be/0IbWampaEcM

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>>31333 "...Not all cements are Portland cement..." Yes you are correct. I made an assumption because so much of what is called "cement" is Portland. Most people are talking about Portland when they say cement. There are magnesium cements, all sorts. The above recipe is not geopolymer. It appears to me to just be binding all this stuff with Sodium Silicate. Not the same. Geopolymers, by the definition of the guy who invented them, Joseph Davidovits, are aluminosilicates. They make chains like plastics. Plastics have normally a carbon backed chain, these are based on aluminium-silicon. Here's Joseph Davidovits site. https://www.geopolymer.org/ https://www.geopolymer.org/archaeology/roman-cement/high-performance-roman-cement-and-concrete-high-durable-buildings/
>>31338 >the guy who invented them Actually, invented the name and reinvented some of the processes to make them, They have been around thousands of years with the recopies lost in time.

/robowaifu/ Embassy Thread Chobitsu Board owner 05/08/2020 (Fri) 22:48:24 No.2823 [Reply] [Last]
This is the /robowaifu/ embassy thread. It's a place where Anons from all other communities can congregate and talk with us about their groups & interests, and also network with each other and with us. ITT we're all united together under the common banner of building robowaifus as we so desire. Welcome. Since this is the ambassadorial thread of /robowaifu/, we're curious what other communities who know of us are up to. So w/o doxxing yourselves, if this is your first time posting ITT please tell us about your home communities if you wouldn't mind please Anons. What do you like about them, etc? What brought you to /robowaifu/ today? The point here is to create a connection and find common-ground for outreach with each other's communities. Also, if you have any questions or concerns for us please feel free to share them here as well.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/23/2020 (Sat) 23:13:16.
341 posts and 103 images omitted.
>>30916 Do you have a link to that? >>30915 Voice synth, TTS and S2S is what I have the most experience in lol so I can sort that if its better for you
>>31089 found the podcast thread dw
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>>30783 Now it's my turn to be sorry. I've been spread a bit thin lately, but here I am. >Mind discussing that one a bit, Anon? I oppose artificial wombs for the same reasons that I oppose homosexual adoption and transgenderism. It's an affront to nature. Viable artificial wombs would be immediately followed by implanting said womb into some vile sodomite so that he could satisfy his perversions by squeezing some poor child out of his mutilated ass. It's abhorrent. I'm rather reverent of nature, and I feel that procreation is one of the areas where we shouldn't "play god" unnecessarily. If we are at a point where a companion robot would be capable of performing as a parent and caregiver, and I expect that to be the case in the future, then those who wish to be parents should adopt. This is to speak nothing of the metaphysical implications of parentage, but that's a more philosophical discussion than one about robots.
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>>31259 >It's an affront to nature. Having children matters. No matter what and how, if necessary. >implanting said womb You've got the wrong idea. This is completely outside of the scope. These artificial wombs refer to things outside of the human body. They would have to do insurmountable extra work to put it into a human body, I assume. That said, it not relevant and will be even less relevant in the future, since the people who are transgender won't have (many) children. The ideologues around this procreate through spreading their manipulative thoughts into new confused minds. Having fewer women in a society and making women less important will be very useful, and artificial wombs are important for that.
>>31259 Don't worry anon (at least for now), currently "artificial wombs" are growing sheeps in ziploc baggies.

C++ Learning Classroom Chobitsu Board owner 02/11/2023 (Sat) 02:56:07 No.19777 [Reply] [Last]
Keep your eyes on the prize edition --- Notice: I'm going to have to put a hiatus on this project until at least this Summertime 2024 (probably later). A) There seems to be only a little interest in it right now by anons. B) Right now in my life I have too much else on my plate that needs attention. C) In the meantime, whenever I'm here I'll still be happy to answer any questions anons have for the first 11 classes so far, or for anything in the textbook thread also. I hope to be back with this later, Anons. Cheers. --- • v231125 week-thirteen, lecture: semester-end catchup (N/A) - this week's reading assignments: N/A

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/05/2024 (Mon) 12:10:03.
283 posts and 538 images omitted.
>spare reserve
A NEW VERSION OF BJARNE STROUSTRUP'S FRESHMAN TEXTBOOK HAS JUST DROPPED! [1] This is really encouraging to me r/n, Anons. It was such a long delay for this update, that I had finally given in and figured that Bjarne was too tired to focus on education for the language any longer thus my own feeble attempts to take up that mantle, such as they are. :^) BUT NO. He fooled me, heh. :D PPP3 is out now (already have my ebook, and the print copy is on the way lol), and there are a couple of big changes: * The book has been cut basically in half! About a dozen PPP2 chapters were removed for this edition, and are now freely available on the book's site for download as .pdf files. * The underlying graphics library is no longer based on FLTK, but on Qt. This is a significant change for those 5 chapters, I expect (I'll let you know). Lots of ppl had trouble getting FLTK working properly on their machines -- and Qt has slick, pre-built installers for many platforms -- so this will likely be a benefit for most Anons learning this most important language to us, through this textbook. SO... Since I was basing this entire class on PPP2, I'll now have to rethink where we're going with it. Very likely I'll lock this thread and the textbook thread permanantly -- and redo the entire thing for PPP3. :^) This will also include the rentry copy of the work. So this means a LOT of additional, new work on my part that I hadn't planned for this year. So, for now, and until further notice, this class is cancelled. I imagine I may be able to pick it back up during the upcoming Winter semester with the new content, but maybe it'll have to be a year from now instead, Lord willing (I currently have a lot on my plate already). Also, I'm not sure how to manage it here on /robowaifu/ now that I myself can't even post files here any longer lol. Maybe we'll put it on Trash instead? Regardless, this is very good news for /robowaifu/ and other Anons. We're going to need probably at least a dozen Anons skilled in programming with C++ here, to pull off our good opensauce robowaifu's 'minds'. Anything that makes learning this powerful systems-programming language easier is quite helpful in this regard. Man, what a great timeline -- this is encouraging! Cheers, /robowaifu/ . :^) ---

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/28/2024 (Sun) 01:00:32.
>>31023 Maybe this will interest you, maybe not, but it sure looks interesting to me. And so you will at least think about it, "...Written in C for maximal compatibility (C++ compatible)..." Which I know makes you happy. Look at this killer GUI library. It looks great AND it even runs on microcontrollers including the ESP32(which is how I found it) LVGL - Light and Versatile Graphics Library https://github.com/lbcb/LittlevGL Look at the live demos below in a browser. They look really good. Maybe...instead of the huge library they are using in the book you could cut a great deal of effort and time out by using a nice little package. https://lvgl.io/demos

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>>31046 Really interesting stuff, Grommet. I'll certainly look into this! Cheers. :^)
>>22143 > local file -related : >>34006

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