>So expect her to be completely pure white with all parts once completed
Excellent. What are you planning to do about her forarms/hands Emmy-Pilled?
Congratulations Anon, your thread has just about reached our autosage limit! On the one hand this is a sign of a healthy thread. OTOH, it means you now need a thread #2 soon. :^)
In an attempt to keep from using up your very last bumpable post ITT, OP, I'll try to respond here instead.
* First, nothing's going to happen to this thread r/n. It will remain safe & sound here on the board (and in the catalog) along with all the rest. It simply won't bump any longer after the autosage limit (350 posts, in /robowaifu/'s case).
* Yes, you can link to this thread in your new OP whenever you make it, Emmy-Pilled. In fact that's both traditional, and highly-recommended for a serial thread.
* We have plenty of headroom where the need for archives is unnecessary ATM. This has been by design, since we're a slow board r/n, and have many long-standing threads (such as yours will be).
BUMP and other scraping tools are already archiving your thread on anon's local machines, and will continue to do so both for it and your new thread. You can cf. the discussions going on r/n in the current /meta (
>>23415) for more information, Anon.
Hope that answers your questions. Cheers. :^)
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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/10/2023 (Sun) 20:33:58.