/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins- not through strength but by perseverance.” -t. H. Jackson Brown

General Robotics/A.I. News & Commentary #2 Robowaifu Technician 06/17/2022 (Fri) 19:03:55 No.16732 [Reply] [Last]
Anything in general related to the Robotics or A.I. industries, and any social or economic issues surrounding it (especially of robowaifus). === -note: I'll plan to update this OP text at some point to improve things a bit. -previous threads: > #1 (>>404)
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Picrels are general AI news related (Feb 2023): >>20978
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>>20719 aand here it go. > META's LLaMA already on torrent, 7B to 65B. https://files.catbox.moe/o8a7xw.torrent magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b8287ebfa04f879b048d4d4404108cf3e8014352&dn=LLaMA&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.opentrackr.org%3a1337%2fannounce
>>20997 you may get OOM error trying to load it. change batch size, and it should load : https://github.com/facebookresearch/llama/issues/61
Overwhelmed By All The Generative AI Headlines? This Guide Is For You <a look at the how different media coverage portrays AI & tech >Looking at past media studies, I gathered the “Top 10 AI frames.” They are organized from the most positive (pro-AI) to the most negative (anti-AI). Together, they encapsulate the media’s “know-how” for describing AI. >Interestingly, studies found that the frames most commonly used by the media when discussing AI are “a helping hand” and “social progress” or the alarming “Frankenstein’s monster/Pandora’s Box.” It’s unsurprising, as the media is drawn to extreme depictions. >If you think that the above examples represent the peak of the current panic, I’m sorry to say that we haven’t reached it yet. Along with the enthusiastic utopian promises, expect more dystopian descriptions of Skynet (Terminator), HAL 9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey), and Frankenstein’s monster. https://www.techdirt.com/2023/03/01/overwhelmed-by-all-the-generative-ai-headlines-this-guide-is-for-you/ https://archive.ph/b0Mrh
NEW THREAD: >>21140 NEW THREAD: >>21140 NEW THREAD: >>21140 NEW THREAD: >>21140

Electronics General Robowaifu Technician 09/11/2019 (Wed) 01:09:50 No.95 [Reply] [Last]
Electronics & Circuits Resources general

You can't build a robot w/o good electronics. Post good info about learning, building & using electronics.

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>>16224 I actually have the kit on the left, and I definitely recommend them for learning Anon, sure.
I don't recall exactly where we were all talking about creating DIY garage-fabs, so I'll put this here for now. >Using mercury lamps as a UV light source ASML is able to get 220nm features out of a dry process. https://www.asml.com/en/products/duv-lithography-systems/twinscan-xt-400l Surely not cheap, but conceivable for a small robowaifu factory.
This here might be interesting for people who want to make sure they can go into prepper mode if they can't get their PCBs online anymore: https://jimlaurwilliams.org/projects/seychellePaper/index.html >Of the several types of etchant chemistries the hobbyist can choose, acid cupric chloride (also called acid copper(II) chloride or just cupric chloride) is one of the more interesting types, since it has the ability to be regenerated, or replenished, without having to throw away the solution.
>>16224 The answer to whether you should buy it is always yes
> (I2C convo -related : >>32583, ...)

kiwi's Tutorials Kiwi 12/17/2021 (Fri) 20:32:59 No.14704 [Reply]
Kiwi here to teach fellow Anons. First is how to make a ball and socket that pop together with side guides. These guides turn it into a universal joint. You can incorporate this design into many different other designs, I recommend using petroleum jelly to smooth out the motion. For reference, the ball is a 12 mm sphere. The socket has an internal 13 mm sphere and the mm difference is necessary at all scales. More tutorials will come. All information is freely given for the sake of catgrill meidos.
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>>15095 >Living hinges >Hobbyist FDM printing Kekw Thanks for the link, I'm sure it will help the other Anons that are learning. I'm fairly certain compliant mechanisms have been mentioned previously, you may learn a thing or two looking around this board. We are lacking in Anons with technical knowledge so, feel free to stay. t. Kiwi :^) (Can someone verify if the pdf's are safe?)
>snap fittings Oh hey, the concept I've been alluding to for the past month. >>15097 They are safe kiwi and illustrate some of the various designs that can be used with snap fittings.
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Quick and easy clamp for 3D printed d shaft mated features. Works with almost all filament, though PETG would be ideal.
>>19413 Very nice work, Kiwi.
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Super simple snap together moving joint. 1. Draw a symmetrical "T" 2. Pull/extrude it 3. Round the edge to make insertion easier 4. Use the measurement of the rectangle that will fill the hole as a guide 5. Draw the rest of your arm, make sure it's long enough to flex around the end of the "T" 6. Draw a rectangle with the tolerance needed to accept the "T" once inserted 7. Round edges to allow for ease of insertion

/robowaifu/meta-6: Christmastime Out In The Sticks Chobitsu Board owner 12/12/2022 (Mon) 23:01:06 No.18173 [Reply] [Last]
/meta, offtopic, & QTDDTOT General /robowaifu/ team survey (please reply ITT) (>>15486) >--- Mini-FAQ >A few hand-picked posts on various /robowaifu/-related topics -Why is keeping mass (weight) low so important? (>>4313) -How to get started with AI/ML for beginners (>>18306) -"The Big 4" things we need to solve here (>>15182) -HOW TO SOLVE IT (>>4143) -Why we exist on an imageboard, and not some other forum platform (>>15638, >>17937) -This is madness! You can't possibly succeed, so why even bother? (>>20208) >---

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/16/2023 (Thu) 01:14:58.
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>>23299 >You're specifically talking about something like foamcrete... No I'm not.You are throwing up straw Men that are not what I'm talking about. >You admit there's better materials The best material is that which is cheapest which will do the job you want. I'm not interested in building Olympic athlete level bone. Look I just asked some questions about a sort of glue on an off chance that someone would know how to proceed with a more basic activated waterproof formaldehyde glue. It's a odd thing but someone might happen to have an answer to this. I did give a patent reference of just such a thing. You keep telling me I must do it this way or that way but I'm telling you that there have been different ways that are not your way and that your way is not what I'm talking about. The bottom line is that there are huge advantages in cost and manufacturing if you could pour concrete into molds to make a whole skeleton or many of them at once. Fiberglass, carbon fiber, etc. requires either hand lay up, vacuum resin infusion or machinery that pressurizes the resin into the mold. All these requiring either a lot of hand labor. expensive consumables in the case of resin infusion or expensive machinery. I don't want to talk about this anymore because we're not talking about the same thing and I don't want to talk about concrete for hours.
It just came to me. I;ve been barking up the wrong tree. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moisture_cure_polyurethane Gorilla glue. Gorilla glue is waterproof, expands so it would coat good. https://www.gorillatough.com/product/original-gorilla-glue/ If you graded the concrete aggregate so that all spaces were very small you could likely have a very strong material. The Army did a study on concrete and that is how you make high strength concrete. This is why I write such weird stuff at times. Somehow writing this stuff down sometimes creates odd connections. I have no idea why I did not see this before. Of course it may not set in the extremely alkaline conditions of concrete. I'll have to find out. BTW way I have a folder on concrete and it's over 4GB in size on papers and books on concrete. Not that I've read every bit of it but I've seen a good bit. I really like concrete. It's an amazing material. Here's one paper with a mix for Ultra High Performance Concrete Development of Non-Proprietary Ultra-High Performance Concrete for Use in The Highway Bridge Sector 13100
After looking further. Too much water. Likely not work for gorilla glue but...will look more.
>>23303 Do you even know what a strawman is? I said foamcrete because it's actually the product you're looking for, not because I want to argue about it. You set up your concrete mold, get the chairs for your mesh or rod support, put the chairs under it, pour your mix, vibrate it until it's settled ,wait until the concrete begins to set, remove the chairs, set the skeleton back in, shake it again... You're doing a lot of hand work any way. I'm not telling you what you're going to do, I'm telling you what the properties of the material you are talking about will *allow* you to do. Considering I haven't actually told you to do anything, I've only offered some practical advice, I'll follow up with more advice. By all means please use concrete for diameters less than an inch because you're not worried about Olympic athlete level bones, I'm sure your books and folders on concrete will help you realise why it won't pass any stress tests.
>>23313 >Do you even know what a strawman is? Yeah it's an idea that someone proffers that is sure not to work so that they tell someone what they are doing is wrong. Like, >I said foamcrete because it's actually the product you're looking for... then you say, > I'm sure your books and folders on concrete will help you realise why it won't pass any stress tests. So yeah I'm fairly confident that what you're doing here is propping up a straw man. >I've only offered some practical advice Practical? I don't need any advice from people who tell me to use foamcrete for waifu bones. You don't know what I'm talking about. The question I asked was fairly narrow and likely very few people would know the answer. I only asked because...you never know. Someone might know the answer. Those that did would understand the references I gave. You did not. Hence your telling me about foamcrete and totally misunderstanding.

AI + Brain/Computer Interface news & commentary Robowaifu Technician 09/15/2019 (Sun) 10:35:53 No.253 [Reply]
DARPA Wants Brain Implants That Record From 1 Million Neurons

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>>19469 >Sorry, but your idea is completely twisted. Lol. Fair enough. :^) Neuralink is here today, by all accounts. Surely they are still well-off from their general long-term goals, but there's little doubt they are outstripping robowaifu industry developments for the moment. And, I might add, that's little surprise tbh. The Robowaifu Age is a vastly bigger, vastly more-complex set of problems to solve, than just the 'general neural implants' cyber-age. BTW, thanks for bringing up your highly-interesting topic here on /robowaifu/, Anon. We'll actually see it happen I'm sure. >=== -prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/03/2023 (Fri) 19:07:41.
>>19470 >Neuralink is here today, by all accounts. Hmm, okay, but then who has it? TITS was basically about text commands, we already had that many years ago. That aside, most of the tech would run on the side of the user, and it's (somewhat) available. Dependent on the variant the operators would require Whisper or some other speech recognition. Neuralink requires some operation if I'm not mistaken. I don't know about the release of some full human behavioral model using it, and I doubt very much it is possible anytime soon. Controlling devices is not the same.
>>19471 >Hmm, okay, but then who has it? The rumor as I understood it was that several hundred actually queued up and paid large sums to be the first ones. >Neuralink requires some operation if I'm not mistaken. Yes, it's a extremely-technical surgical implant into the brain. Also, about the TITS robowaifus, since you're here now, maybe we can continue the discussion in that thread about the technical aspects of the design ideas. That thread has languished for a while now, maybe it's time to pick it back up? Regardless, thanks for all the inputs Anon. These are some fascinating concepts involved with these implant systems.
>>19472 >maybe we can continue the discussion in that thread about the technical aspects of the design ideas. I was concerned that this is where this would be going. Thanks, but no. Not right now. I need to get back to 3D design. Reading through the MaidCom thread and some afk stuff already distracted me for too long. I generally decided at some point that I would first need some animated body, before I work on AI or AI plus remote input. I can't jump back and forth, because of mental occupation. I might need to do some traveling soon, and might pick it up then. Maybe I also find some old notes of mine when I finally sort out my files and backups.
>>19473 Understood. Good luck and looking forward to your progress Anon! Cheers.

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What's the future of /robowaifu/ like? Robowaifu Technician 05/06/2020 (Wed) 22:40:22 No.2699 [Reply]
I am the anon who was asking about a very basic beginner set up that could be easily upgraded using the ms paint Chii love doll as the base. I am wondering what is your vision for the future of /robowaifu/? I am curious since I am getting a lot of good info just lurking around here, but it seems like everyone has different visions. Nothing wrong with that, but I am more curious about resources and kits for beginners. Even it's just a list of parts to buy and find on your own at different tiers.
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>>4425 After a few months of thinking, I've decided there's certainly no harm in putting BSD 3-clause forward as the primary license suggestion here Anon. I'll amend my overarch post ITT accordingly. >>4578 >but not as much actual testing or doing. Be the future you imagine.
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An idea I had was to have an outer and inner circle. There are frequent robowaifu theme posts on /pol/ which get about 90% positive interaction and 10% negative, but very few actually are aware of the real projects and research taking place here. Last year I created an "enthusiast" level discord server and created a few channels for brainstorming and research (not knowing about /robowaifu/ at the time) - it is interesting to see how many ideas are here that were the same and how many new ideas as well. So what if we were to create an enthusiast tier board for propaganda and memes, fiction, discussion, but anyone wanting to go further into the technical realm would be from a smaller pool. So we have a larger pool which is more "normie" friendly and fun, but those who want more, or who are ready, can be vetted and introduced into the inner circle, so to speak. What do you think?
>>9443 I've always said very plainly I welcome any and all additional venues for robowaifuism Anon. This can only help our cause. Some guy once said >"All press is good press" While I won't actively support evil things like Doxxcord directly here on /robowaifu/ , I don't have any issue if you promote your channels on our /meta thread. I certainly don't have any issues with you creating them on your own initiative. I would love to see large numbers of alternative robowaifu-oriented venues appear literally everywhere. Let's bring on the social shitstorm debate surrounding them, I say. >tl;dr Proceed, Anon.
Robu is India’s Largest Robotics and Engineering Products Online Store. We offer start-to-end technical support for DIY and hobbyists and to all of our customers. Buy from some of our highlighted categories including Robot Making Kits, E-bike Accessories, Drone Parts, Electronic Components, 3D Printing Accessories, Batteries, Motors, and Microcontrollers. To explore more you can check to https://robu.in/
>>19391 I don't mind low-level shilling like this Anon, but this isn't the proper thread. Since it seems the electronics thread is the closest fit, I'll soon move your post there (>>95).

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What happens to your robowaifu when you die? Robowaifu Technician 09/27/2019 (Fri) 10:47:48 No.829 [Reply] [Last]
Have any of you considered what will happen to your waifu after you die? How would you prepare her to face the world alone? Will she even be able to take care of her own needs when you're gone?

Have you considered the possibility that she might be so unwilling to let you die that you'll wake up in a robot body yourself one day? Would you resent her for not allowing you to die?
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>>829 I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than building a robowaifu. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are designing, building, tuning and programming a girl for at least 20 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man after you die. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - oiling her joints during overtime, buying her extra ram, debugging her, rinsing her, repairing her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will live after you to eventually fuck her in every hole. Built the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who loots her from you. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her. As a man who builds a sex bot, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to build a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
>>829 >>834 I for one, would welcome transhumanism and immortality. I'm in no hurry to die. Hopefully someone figures out how to upload minds to the digital world. Even if it wasn't possible though, I do think it'd be best for something like you robowaifu resetting her memories and settings upon your death. I only say this because in all those stories where the robowaifu gets dumped in the trash or wander aimlessly after the owner gets bored or dies really rustles my jimmies. I couldn't imagine a worse fate for my robowaifu.
>>19022 holy shit you're right anon. I will proceed to abandon all my efforts to create a robowaifu. There's already enough cuckery in the world as it is.
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>>19022 >anything more cucked Just a reminder: Cucked means getting sexual pleasure from seeing another man sleeping with your wife or girlfriend. This isn't the case here, even metaphorically or by any stretch. >designing, building, tuning and programming a girl for at least 20 years - The development takes many years, and it will always go on in a way. However, this is not about one specific robowaifu but about the technological framework. - Many guys nowadays get into their 80s or 90s. We even have a chance to live much longer in the future. One reason why any guy should want robowaifus to exist is that you could look like Yoda from Star Wars, being 500 years old, and have at least one or more of such animated doll which look just around legal age for humans. - You are implying that she would have sex after the owner is gone, and that she would stay around. This has never been the consent here. Even if she would stick around for longer, maybe because of the children, she wouldn't get another man. Even if she would get another man, with the permission of the original owner, it's not cuckholdry. It's just a common problem that terms get a broader and broader meaning, mostly for the goal of manipulation. In which you failed. >who loots her from you Security mechanisms for that will be necessary anyways, not just in case the owner dies. Unlike women, robowaifus will not be "war brides" or just be with the man who stole her. She could even have a mechanism to lock down her private parts or sending the body into self-destruct using the batteries or additional fuel e.g. Thermite (probably not Termites, lol).
>>19022 >*hits pipe* Lol. Thanks for bringing comic relief to an otherwise possibly morose thread Anon, gratz. :^) Need we here remind you that a) we frontiersman, the trailblazers, are the only ones who will have to pay the upfront costs of blood, sweat, and tears? Other anons (indeed all other men such as Anon sixpack) can simply shell out shequels for their own robowaifus. And b) first-movers are always the best positioned to capitalize on a new market -- particularly if it's one that they themselves actually create. I personally plan to become a literal billionaire, and I hope for many other Anons to do so as well. Doesn't seemed overly-cucked tbh, you ask me. And besides these basic facts, this is a grand adventure! We're almost on the verge of creating a new lifeform, so to speak. What could possibly be cooler than that!?

Robowaifus' unique advantages Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2019 (Mon) 05:24:52 No.17 [Reply]
People often think about robots as just a replacement for a human partner, but that is a very limiting view. Let's think about the unique benefits of having a robowaifu, things that a human couldn't or wouldn't give you. What needs and desires would you robot wife fulfill that you couldn't fulfill even in a "great marriage" with a flesh and blood woman?

I'd want my robowaifu to squeeze me and to hold me tight when I sleep, sort of like a weighted blanket. I know it's a sign of autism. I don't care.
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>>15048 I too want to clang a Transformer. Having her turn into a boombox or laptop while on the run would be convenient. A motorized vehicle would transform into a rather large robot. Also, Metroplex is an actual city that turns into a mountain sized robot, I'm a brave man but, not brave enough to put my pelvis under a mountain of waifu. >>15070 >Roller suitcase Actually a genuinely good idea with a good example.
>>15077 Yes it seems natural. Due to complexity in design, we'll probably have to settle for simply detaching the upper and lower halves at the pelvis area, then using two suitcases. For whole-body storage, the ruggedized hard-shells very commonplace to the music touring industry will be perfect. Add in another one for holding battery, chargers, trusted offline compute, C&C and other RW Dollhouse needs, and you have a full mobile set up for your life-sized robowaifu.
Well one major thing I think if were implemented properly, is the use of artificial wombs, you would be able to create a womb that would remove defects or poor traits that would make a child's life worse, you would be basically able to make a much happier and healthier child.
>>15866 Hello Anon, welcome! >artificial wombs Yes, this is a big and important topic for society generally -- one fraught with opportunities and challenges -- and it certainly has an interest for our community for quite some time. In fact, we even have a thread specifically for this (>>157). I'd say give it a look-over, and maybe you'll get some new ideas. Cheers!
>>15040 Have you considered going to church?

The Library of /robowaifu/ Card Catalogue Robowaifu Technician 11/26/2020 (Thu) 07:11:30 No.7143 [Reply] [Last]
Robowaifus are a big topic. They need a big library index! :^) Note -This is a living document. Please contribute topical thread/post crosslinks! Thread category quick-jumps >>7150 AI / VIRTUAL_SIM / UX_ETC >>7152 HARDWARE / MISC_ENGINEERING >>7154 DESIGN-FOCUSED >>7156 SOFTWARE_DEVELOPMENT / ETC >>7159 BIO / CYBORG >>7162 EDUCATION >>7164 PERSONAL PROJECTS >>7167 SOCIETY / PHILOSOPHY / ETC >>7169 BUSINESS(-ISH) >>7172 BOARD-ORIENTED >>7174 MISCELLANEOUS

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/20/2022 (Tue) 00:28:46.
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waifusearch> Tensegrity THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK R&D General >>5448 tensegrity Waifu Materials >>6507 " Robot skeletons and armatures >>4398 " " >>4416 " " >>8089 " " >>8158 " Building the ultimate waifu. >>7653 " Papercraft waifu >>9016 " Actuators for waifu movement! >>5108 " /robowaifu/ Embassy Thread >>4832 " " >>4833 " " >>4844 " " >>4848 " " >>4855 "

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waifusearch> center mass OR central mass OR center of gravity ORDERED: ======== THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Robowaifus in media >>10873 (center, mass), central mass, center of gravity Bipedal Robot Locomotion General >>1776 center of gravity " >>1806 " " >>1873 (center, mass), center of gravity " >>9054 center of gravity " >>12562 (center, mass), center of gravity Waifu Robotics Project Dump >>8604 " Actuators for waifu movement! >>8986 (center, mass), central mass, center of gravity Prototypes and failures >>12937 (center, mass), center of gravity /robowaifu/ Embassy Thread >>4855 center of gravity F = ma >>7788 (center, mass), central mass, center of gravity /robowaifu/meta-5: It's Good To >>15533 center of gravity

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waifusearch> thrown weight OR unsprung mass THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Electronics General >>4736 thrown weight Waifu Robotics Project Dump >>10121 " Humanoid Robot Projects Videos >>16373 " General Robotics/A.I. news and c >>1238 " Actuators for waifu movement! >>11977 " Prototypes and failures >>12937 " " >>12952 " Hand Development >>11485 " Elfdroid Sophie Dev Thread 2 >>14916 " " >>14931 " Actuators For Waifu Movement Par >>13203 " " >>13210 unsprung mass " >>13211 thrown weight, unsprung mass /robowaifu/meta-4: Rugged Mounta >>13060 thrown weight

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waifusearch> reluctance THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Actuators for waifu movement! >>12014 reluctance " >>12062 " " >>12131 " " >>12140 " " >>12482 " " >>12910 " " >>12912 " " >>12915 " Actuators For Waifu Movement Par >>12930 " " >>13229 " " >>13236 " " >>13257 " ' reluctance ' = 12 results
waifusearch> Dielectric elastomer OR Dielectric elastomers THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Robo Face Development >>6562 dielectric elastomers R&D General >>8502 " " >>8503 " " >>8505 " " >>8519 " " >>10049 " Waifu Robotics Project Dump >>8606 " Actuators for waifu movement! >>10639 dielectric elastomer, dielectric elastomers Actuators For Waifu Movement Par >>12929 dielectric elastomers " >>12932 dielectric elastomer " >>12939 dielectric elastomers " >>13229 " " >>13231 " " >>13232 "

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Homemade doll waifu thread Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 03:58:38 No.372 [Reply]
I just found this board a few days ago but I've been planning for about a year to make a homemade sex doll, like the kind that will imminently be made illegal here in the US. I want to detail my plan. I know this board has an anti-3DPD/anti-sex-doll bias, but hear me out.

Like many on this board, I initially had the ambition to make a sophisticated robot, but realized I should start small and reproduce something others have already created. Since my preferred, ahem, flatness of doll is soon to be illegal, it would be nice to have a homemade alternative.

Smooth-On Inc sells a brand of mold-and-set silicone, available on Amazon and elsewhere, that is easy to use and designed for human prosthesis. I intend to use Ecoflex 00-30 with Silc-Pig for pigment (and freckles). I experimented with creating a homemade onahole using Ecoflex with limited success.

For the mold, I intend to build it in segments using a 3D printer. I've be practicing modeling girls in Blender. What I have so far is acceptable for my tastes, although I'm no expert at 3D modelling or the human form. I also designed 2 mold halves for a tinkerbell sized prototype. The mold halves have holes for screws (to press them together) and a funnel at the top. I got as far as exporting to STL to observe how the slicer handles it. Once I get a new 3D printer, I'll print these mold halves and pour some Ecoflex into them. I may also put in some steel wire as a makeshift skeleton.

I had a crap 3D printer that I threw out. I'm currently trying to move to a new city and therefore won't be able to buy a new printer until I get settled. Not having a printer is the number one impediment to this project right now. I would love to hear opinions on what 3D printer model is ideal. I'd be willing to spend upwards of $1k. I've been thinking of buying used to get a better deal. I'd like a large build plate to minimize the number of parts for the full sized mold.

One thing I'm not sure of is how to make the skeleton. I will experiment with 3D printing the skeleton, but I don't really know how to make linkages. Nevertheless I have started designing them using SCAD. I also wonder how the pros make the skeleton sit in the right place within the mold, without any part of the skeleton touching the mold. Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Usually doll heads are separate from the body (screwed on at the neck) and the body is completely one piece. This is my plan, although removable arms and legs would be a possibility. I'm hoping to make a removable vagina as well, for ease of cleaning.
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>>18710 >Also, for some guys simple dolls with some AI and maybe an animated head would be at least a good start. I think you're right Anon.
>>18710 Also, I just wanted to double-check and make sure you were aware that we have some wonderful on-topic neighbors on the webring, Anon. /doll/ https://anon.cafe/doll/res/191.html
>>18722 Yeah, I know, but thanks. I think they were inactive a while ago. What I'd like is that they would keep us in the loop and make backups of what's available. But I didn't look yet, tbh.
>>18731 >Yeah, I know, but thanks. I think they were inactive a while ago. What I'd like is that they would keep us in the loop and make backups of what's available. But I didn't look yet, tbh. A new BO took over a little while back, and he's been injecting life into the board. We keep backups of /doll/ and dozens of other IBs. /robowaifu/ gets the most attention ofc, but /doll/ is kept pretty current.
>>18710 > ball jointed doll BJD 60cm by SorrowBJD Forgot the link to the last one, or thought it's in the Thingiverse group I mentioned above anyways. But here it is: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2941323/ - also look into the remix section. If the "non-commercial use allowed" licenses bother you, make your own design. We might not need very much work to make the parts switchable. My goal is to keep everything as flexible as possible. The mentioned and linked doll design above is used here >>18780 and in following posts.

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