/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins- not through strength but by perseverance.” -t. H. Jackson Brown

Hodgkins huxley human neuron model Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2020 (Wed) 22:40:27 No.5061 [Reply]
Could this be implemented in logic gates/software? Might be a good way to make robowaifus ai
>>5061 it can but there is no point to it.We already have a better choice with the A.I. t . A.I. researcher

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/clang/ discord Robowaifu Technician 09/08/2020 (Tue) 20:08:33 No.5052 [Reply]
I know this has probably been done a hundred times before. I don't care if you know who I am, as I already moderate the robosexual subreddit. >nb4 you need to go back https://discord.gg/n9vdcq9 I have just made a discord server for people in the community who want to join, who don't care that much about anonymity related to this subject. Point is, I am an artificial intelligence safety researcher and want nothing more than to see a future with robowaifus. It is much easier to coordinate in realtime
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/08/2020 (Tue) 22:46:59.
For the record this is not a NSFW server. I have no idea why it was tagged /clang/.
>nb4 you need to go back I don't mind you posting this in it's own thread (instead of /meta where it rightly belongs), but you should also introduce yourself in our Embassy Thread OP >>2823. Be aware that this is a SFW board. WARNING To any other anons considering this, but naive be aware that Discord is well-known for it's many privacy issues. If you care to know what I think of this opsec-related issue regarding your participation on /robowaifu/, you can read my post here >>5035 >>5053 Could be the prostitute image you chose for the OP pic, and the fact you felt compelled to point out that you moderate r/robosexual ? Besides, it's only good manners to have a subject for your thread OP. :^)
>>5054 Forgive that I didn't lurk long enough before making a thread. This discord will be primarily a center to organize like minded people to execute the scientific work required to make a attempt at designing a commercially viable recreational android. >Discord, naivety, and operational security. Because of my openness on other platforms, I am a very easy to dox individual. I am entirely aware of that, and know the risks involved. Others may not. Allow me to clarify and reiterate. >I have just made a discord server for people in the community who want to join, who don't care that much about anonymity related to this subject. >OPSec and sharing information I will get back to you by responding to >>5035
>>5064 >I am entirely aware of that, and know the risks involved. Fair enough, it's your life. >Others may not. Bet your ass they 'may not'. For something as potentially life-ruining as being publicly this topic is at this stage in history, you owe at least the basic courtesy of a Caveat emptor for the uninitiate, friend. Discord is the exact opposite of good OPSEC.

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Sophie Development Continues Robowaifu Enthusiast 07/12/2020 (Sun) 21:41:21 No.4146 [Reply]
Her left robot arm broke at the shoulder (I don't think it was really supposed to operate for long hanging in that position). So I have redesigned and upgraded her non-robotic arms. She may not be a robot any more, but her arms are actually a lot more flexible now (even more flexible than a human's) and I am still working on her A.I. and have made a few English Vocaloid songs that she can sing :D
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>>4213 I often wish I was good at things like electronics and programming and I understood all of that incredibly complex looking neural network code. But alas, I ended up in the wrong profession (healthcare), which in the UK is mostly publicly funded. Therefore everyone takes it for granted (at least they did prior to this pandemic LOL) and I spent many years running about after a bunch of impatient, spoiled, ungrateful meatbags whose bodies all inevitably fail in the end anyway. It looks like I have a lot of work to do if I am ever to understand and properly implement more Python and C++ (as opposed to just copying and slightly altering chunks of other ppls code). But at least I have the first basic components of an undying companion now XD.
>>4215 >I often wish I was good at things like electronics and programming and I understood all of that incredibly complex looking neural network code. We have links here on /robowaifu/ to lots of valuable resources you can have a look at to help move that process along. We certainly need more Anons here who have an interest in these two crucial fields. If you don't have much time available, might I suggest you start your journey with Manga Guide books (from No Starch Press in the English-speaking world). I've been reading them for years now. They are both entertaining and educational with a lot of hand-holding for beginners. They should be (and probably are heh) freshman textbooks. https://www.ohmsha.co.jp/english/manga.htm Here's the list of English-translate books pertinent to /robowaifu/ The Manga Guide to Microprocessors The Manga Guide to Statistics The Manga Guide to Statistics: Regression Analysis The Manga Guide to Differentiation and Integral Calculus The Manga Guide to Databases The Manga Guide to Physics (Dynamics) The Manga Guide to Electricity The Manga Guide to Cryptology The Manga Guide to Linear Algebra Here my list of ones that I wish they'd hurry up and translate! :^)

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>>4216 "The Manga Guide to Concrete"?! LOL WTF? XD The Japanese have truly found a way to turn everything into manga! Thanks, anon, I was unaware such books even existed.
>>4400 heh, yep. and concrete is actually an amazing and remarkably versatile technology going back literally thousands of years. my main reasons for the /robowaifu/ interest in concrete isn't for use in robowaifus ofc, but rather for the materials-science aspect of researching materials properties, defining admixtures methods for conglomerates (such as carbon-fiber impregnated resins for example), curing, hardening, and just general chemistry. This areas all have implications for mechanical engineering and materials science, and therefore indirectly of importance to /robowaifu/. >And also: concrete is just cool in a nerdy way! :^)

Help a N00b? Robowaifu Technician 05/05/2020 (Tue) 06:10:22 No.2643 [Reply]
How would one go about merging these two designs? I really would like a clean installation like the first one here dollforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=163&t=85274&start=15 but I really like the microphones in the ears and more accurate sound coming from the mouth instead of the top of the skull in the second one dollforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=121089&start=30 Plus I want to incorpaterate a rasperry pi 4 and this python library here github.com/Гунтhercox/ChatterBot to have her offline and to make any needed adustments easily. Maybe not the most sophisticated programming compared to what some of what I have seen here, but I gotta start somehow. And I don't mind cutting out more holes for charging cables. I also found some tutorials on how to make speaker amplifiers so I would be able to direct the speaker to her mouth better. I would have just asked on the doll forum, but you all seem to know your shit better here. Plus opensource is good. If it's not obivious, I am new to this and just trying to learn by doing.
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>>2646 Posted a little soon. Could you give me a recap on what was in that thread?
>>2652 Thanks! >>2653 In essence various mold-pouring, sculpting-then-vacuum-pressing approaches were discussed. Most of the examples debated came in one way or other from the film prop-making industries. One of our guys made some attempts at hand-crafted molds first, then went with 3D-printed molds instead along with filing/finishing by hand after extraction. My personal choice was the vacuum-forming mold approach. I've gotten as far as the heating/vacuuming chamber set up, but then I moved across the country and haven't made much progress since, focusing more on software side of things. But it's still a promising approach to creating cheap, easily-reproducible planar plastic parts and one that would be well suited to a small factory runs of robowaifu kit shell parts. I can't seem to find the exact examples we used but here are a couple of minor related ones that should get you pointed in the right direction. https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=femcb1u8PBo https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=AXaafKOQ7Uw
>>2654 Those aren't actually very good examples Anon. If I come across them again I'll post the links in the Plastics thread and relink here in yours. Real soon now™ we should have migration tools that will let me bring my board dump here to julay in an automated fashion. You can check that thread out then.
What is the molded plastic good for? Again as a mold for silicone? If not, why would you prefer plastic? It's okay if some are more into more robot-like waifus, but you're mentioned Chi, which is rather human-like.
>>4322 Basically, because it's a good, relatively inexpensive way to create large pieces for robowaifus, and much cheaper for several pieces in a small factory-run than 3D-printing them (even if you have a printer that can print big enough). And even relatively smaller pieces, for example Chii's 'ears', can be good candidates for molded plastic. Basically, it's primarily about economy.

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Not robots but... Robowaifu Enthusiast 07/13/2020 (Mon) 23:24:25 No.4163 [Reply]
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>>4220 >I can't wait until I finally build and develop my own fembot Hi Anon. Yeah we all look forward to that. It will only come about through lots of hard work on all our parts though. >How is that design here supposed to feel soft and human-like? I'll assume your question is rhetorical, but we've sort of talked about this point and the general consensus seems to be to use some variation of plastic or foam, of differing stiffnesses and thicknesses applied to specific areas as needed. Basically we'd tune the soft surface 'skin' over an underlying hard (and strong) frame & shell. Does that help any?
>>4226 Hi, I'm following this forum for a while, so I'm aware of the concepts. I was criticizing or wondering about the bots in the first picture in this thread, since they only have space for a little bit of soft material eg skin on top of the plastics.
>>4231 >Hi, I'm following this forum for a while Hello Anon, glad you're posting here it always livens the place up. I'm curious what kinds of things you're studying atm about robowaifus? Any cool insights to share here with everyone? >I was criticizing or wondering about the bots in the first picture in this thread, since they only have space for a little bit of soft material eg skin on top of the plastics. It seems like a pretty sophisticated design at first glance. And with only some minor shell modifications I think you could add thin layers of advanced rubber/foam sheets that exists today to make very soft and appealing robowaifus out of the DS Doll systems. Pure supposition at this stage ofc, but seems a likely possibility, and certainly someone will solve this issue effectively. Heh, might as well be us, right /robowaifu/?
I'm inspired by it for a while, but didn't really build something yet. I want to wait till I moved, so I'll have space for doing all kind of things in parallel. I'm looking a bit in all kinds of related topics, and learn something, but it's much and I'm getting distracted sometimes. Currently I'm primarily looking into graph databases in combo with chat.
>>4245 >graph databases in combo with chat. Perfect. Mind sharing that info with everyone?

Mycroft: Open Source Alexa Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 11:18:41 No.402 [Reply]
We could install a modified version of Mycroft as the personalities of our waifus, at least until we get something better:


A Raspberry Pi and a display can be gotten for $70:

Of course the battery is another ~$50.
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>>4074 >what a let down. It's kind of a botnet if it's relying on a cloud anyway, so yea we'll need to devise our own Anon.
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>>4078 I agree, it seems to be a bit useless at its current stage and the "chatbot" if it can be called as it is even worse than the ParlAI I tested. I tried following the steps that removes this cloud feature and it doesn't seem to be working, welp.
>>4080 You might have a look at the TacoTron thread Anon. The more current version (not sure if it's linked in that thread yet) seems to be doing a breddy gud job of TTS. I think a simple patch to say TalkToWaifu to turn it's output into speech should be both doable and would be a nice addition to what we currently have going here. Good luck Anon.
>>4081 >You might have a look at the TacoTron thread Anon. The more current version (not sure if it's linked in that thread yet) seems to be doing a breddy gud job of TTS. Alright I check that one out soon. > I think a simple patch to say TalkToWaifu to turn it's output into speech should be both doable and would be a nice addition to what we currently have going here. Good luck Anon. That would be definitely great, though I'm myself just a programmer pleb and I am busy doing other project types which is more text game related not (robo-)waifu, so I cannot add those functionalities myself.
>>4082 >so I cannot add those functionalities myself. perfectly ok, we're all busy with our own interests here. don't worry about being 'pleb', it's a skill that gets better with practice. just don't quit is how you get better all the time.

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Ricky ma's book Robowaifu Technician 06/25/2020 (Thu) 17:36:30 No.4054 [Reply]
anyone here bought it and is building his robo gf?
I don't know anything about the book OP mentioned but here's a video of the man's work for those who don't know of him yet: >>374 and there's a general here on him as well: >>153

Roastie Fear General Robowaifu Technician 09/12/2019 (Thu) 03:32:01 No.160 [Reply] [Last]
>"At last, a sex robot that ‘wants’ you. How sad that anyone would want it" - Suzanne Moore
https ://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jun/27/sex-robot-future-automated-male-fantasy
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>>3700 >we are at an absolute pivot point in human history. That is the key point to know whenever dealing with those attacking us. They attack out of sheer fear of the permanent and unavoidable changes that we are bringing into existence. Bring in the change, no matter what consequences. The situation is already too bad for men, so if anything, whatever bad consequences might happen because of our actions, will at most bring down the system and the women benefiting from it down to the same level as we are now. We all have only to win from this, or at the very least, balance out everything so no one is favored anymore. But we have nothing to lose. They do. And that is another reason to keep pushing onward. They want things to keep the way they are. And they don't have any capability of controlling anything once the changes that we are bringing are set into society's normalcy. They are never attacking out of morality, safety concerns or any of that. Their only goal is to keep having control. And we are denying them that. Keep pushing. Never go back to the past. Always remember that they fear the changes because they can't control us once we change everything.
>>3701 Not much else to add. I basically agree with these points tbh. >They are never attacking out of morality, safety concerns or any of that. Their only goal is to keep having control. Pretty much says it all.
>>1858 Source on that vid?
>>3705 I'm not that Anon, but one thing I know is it was posted here since the migration, so back in December. Also, I'm pretty sure the source material in the background is from the AT&T archives, which are probably still available. The guy who dared to narrate and post such a toxic & problematic video has probably been deplatformed by now, so it will likely be difficult to find his work in normal channels. Certainly searching likely terms turns up nothing but poz about 'muh_rayciss' maymay, at least with my limited search skills. Hopefully the original poster will return and answer your question. I'd like to know myself as well.

Micromouse - Minimum Viable Supercheap "Open Source" Robowaifu Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2019 (Mon) 06:34:44 No.26 [Reply] [Last]
To keep this board just alive, I will chronicle my development of my first waifu-type bot. In the Fluffytail thread I realized I projected too far ahead with final character designs and 3D models, when I hadn't even completed a single decent robot at the thread's creation. Now that I have experience making the basic robots I feel confident enough to tackle this next challenge. Besides, before I make a catgirl I better make a mousegirl first.

If for any reason 8ch goes down, I will start a Twitter account and will follow the you-know-who's of Japanese robowaifu twitterati which have been posted before, I'm just not into a social media mood right now because of all the virtue signalling.

Why Micromouse?

It is small and mechanically simple, while at the same time it has very precise movements which give the illusion of intelligence. I want to make a tabletop pet similar to Anki Cosmo or Vector. I was originally going to try to make a walking Rachnera quadruped but it's more complex with walking robots having to factor maximum weight. With a micromouse the only constraints are length and width to be able to fit into and traverse a maze.

Minimum Viable Product Robowaifu?

This is just going to be a basic pet that runs around erratically, makes beeping noises and lights up some blushing LEDs. It's going to be pretty tall, not your typically low profile micromouse, and to make it a waifu it will merely have a cardboard cutout of an anime character propped up on top of the chassis. An infrared sensor will be placed on the head to determine whether a hand is simulating a headpat. It will have multiple modes so that it can behave like a typical micromouse as well as turn into a waifu.

Supercheap Opensource?

Unlike University / Competition-grade micromice that you see from Japan/Taiwan, this is just going to barely qualify. The parts total should cost no more than US $50, with no single module costing more than $4. Many parts are from grab bags or off-the-shelf consumeables with negligible cost, assuming you have stockpiled enough electronics. The skill level required to make this will be high school electronics; you only need to know how to solder safely and make 3D prints. There's no custom PCBs or machined aluminum, but at the same time I'll try my best to not have this thing look like an amateur contraption. I intend to post everything, all the STL designs for all the parts, all the code, so that anyone reading this can make his own and most likely improve upon it. I really liked the Group Learning Thread, but this time I'll keep it in simple Windows Arduino IDE since some AVR-speak (e.g. hexadecimal fuse-setting) is a bit confusing and I don't recommend for total noobs.

Next post will be initial parts and design considerations.
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>>3639 I'm so used to painting and 3D programs that circuit design software seems counterintuitive to me, so handdrawn it is. Top portion is general format for IR sensor boards (there's more than one, this is the main one). All active low driven, both for transmit and receive. Bottom portion is essentially >>3608 but with 470 ohm resistors since I don't consume too much current. Depending on the pwm frequency that is mapped to the infrared receiver's DAC value, the LED glows from green to red. The extra transistors are for driving the infrared transmitters (or groups of them at a time). I have tested them piecemeal, but I'm not yet done with all of them, still soldering some more. I've slowed down a bit because of life issues. I'm currently sorting my way through the headpat circuits, which is basically some crazy contraption made from interrupts through AND/OR gates and transistor S-R latches. (since I exhausted the gpios of both pro minis and cannot get another MCU due to lack of space). I'm basically reusing the pins for the infrared transmitter drivers (B1 through B4 etc) to drive the interrupts when two or more of them go logic high (since in conventional operation they only cycle one at a time).
>>3640 Gotcha. I was more wondering if your resistor values and such were set in stone yet. I'm still dragging my feet on an IR sensor PCB. Going to stick with the TCRT5000 and n-channel MOSFETs for now. I've got the resistor values and such more-or-less figured out, it's just the physical arrangement giving me problems, how to make a compact board with an I2C interface, that I can arrange in a variety of positions and directions. I whipped up one board already, but it's a little over-engineered for a first prototype. It's getting binned and a simpler one made up today. Alright. I'm now facing a bit of feature-creep with my bot here. The more I work on it, the more I learn, the more ICs I come across and want to try out, the more the scope keeps expanding and, I'll never finish at this rate. I'll make a PCB, it'll have some little bug with it that I want to fix, and since I'm scrapping the traces and layout I might as well optimize the layout, and add this IC, and this feature, and two more of these… ad infinitum. So I'm going to go ahead and do something I should have done a long time ago, lay out the detailed design goals for this project. What it is: 1. Autonomous floor-dwelling "micro mouse" style robot. The goals: 1. Further my robotics education. 2. Allow me to make modules that can be reused or expanded on for other projects. What it will do: 1. Explore it's environment autonomously. 2. Be rechargeable. 3. Send telemetry back to a base station.

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>>3641 Those are pretty cool goals for a first roamer bot. In my case it's just going to be standalone, no remote communications (that's for future intermediate bots). Finally finished all the custom modules, they were tested individually so next would be testing them all together hooked up to the dual Pro Minis on a breadboard. If it goes well then I can proceed to hardwire the mainboard. I should really go for custom PCBs next time.
>>26 This is awesome. Good stuff!
>>3642 that's pretty impressive work anon.

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Robowaifu Design Document Robowaifu Technician 05/12/2020 (Tue) 03:37:22 No.3001 [Reply]
This will be the RDD thread. current ver: >>3176
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/15/2020 (Fri) 08:41:09.

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