/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight – it’s the size of the fight in the dog.” -t. General Dwight Eisenhower

Elfdroid Sophie Dev Thread 2 Robowaifu Enthusiast 03/26/2021 (Fri) 19:51:19 No.9216 [Reply] [Last]
The end of an era...(>>14744) === The saga of the Elfdroid-pattern Robowaifu continues! Previous (1st) dev thread starts here >>4787 At the moment I am working to upgrade Sophie's eye mechanism with proper animatronics. I have confirmed that I'm able to build and program the original mechanism so that the eyes and eyelids move, but that was the easy part. Now I have to make this already 'compact' Nilheim Mechatronics design even more compact so that it can fit snugly inside of Sophie's head. One big problem I can see coming is building in clearance between her eyeballs, eyelids and eye sockets so that everything can move fully and smoothly. I already had to use Vaseline on the eyeballs of the first attempt because the tolerances were so small. If the eyelids are recessed too deep into her face, then she looks like a lizard-creature with a nictitating membrane. But if the eyelids are pushed too far forward then she just looks bug-eyed and ridiculous. There is a middle ground which still looks robotic and fairly inhuman, but not too bad (besides, a certain degree of inhuman is what I'm aiming for, hence I made her an elf). Links to file repositories below. http://www.mediafire.com/folder/nz5yjfckzzivz/Robowaifu_Resources

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/23/2021 (Thu) 06:51:08.
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I now know how to use a multimeter and have confirmed that my buck-converter is correctly limiting voltage to the servos. Have thrown out a bunch of fried micro-servos that were a lost cause (kept a few parts for spares). Now, onto the more pressing subject: To Mr. Vladimir Putin, I appreciate your desk in the Kremlin is very well polished and shiny. In fact if I wasn't working on building a robot I would be polishing my desk and downgrading to Windows XP so my setup could be more like yours. However, at present you are causing me a problem. Because electricity prices in my country have doubled due to you ordering the gas pipelines closed, I can no longer 3D print large things because it's too expensive. Although, Mr.Putin, I realise it's not all your fault. You see, I told my government that they should've focused less on feminism, jigaboos and faggots and more on building nuclear power stations, but they wouldn't listen. So now all of our gas power plants are out of gas and all of our energy firms are going bust. So please could you kindly sort out your business with Ukraine so the rest of us can get on with building robots? Kind regards, SophieDev
>>15207 POTD TOP LOL <ywn a shiny desk full of XP in Soviet Russia. I'm glad you're sorting your servos/power systems. Hopefully the situation will improve before too long Anon. I'm sure you will figure things out as you go along. I pray for you SophieDev indeed for us all. Godspeed. >=== BTW Anon, your thread is nearly at the autosage bump limit. I'd suggest you begin #3 thread soon.
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/14/2022 (Mon) 03:04:20.
Thought I'd print something small and cheap but still useful: servo connector locks. Do you have keyless servo connectors that keep coming undone when your robot moves about? Slip some of these locks over the connection point and your robot's days of sudden-onset flaccid paralysis will be over! Obviously though, if your wires aren't long enough to accomodate your robot's range of movement and you have these servo connector locks on, then the servo wires are likely to yank out completely (or pull something off your robot) since the servo connectors can no longer slip out easily.
>>15211 That's great but BLDCs and ESCs mostly use other connectors. I only see these on the small servos. And in those cases they need to go into a breadboard for which I use the male to male breadboard cables. I'm mostly using XT-60 connectors and banana plugs, and try to get motors with the right connectors. These are very cheap on AliExpress. Make sure to get male and female and the right size, though. For plugs and the connectors. You only need one connector and the other side can use plugs. The connectors seem to be mostly yellow and the plugs without plastics golden (brass). On AliExpress they also have little screw terminals for cables, which are also very cheap and fit into a breadboard. Not sure about the name, DG-301 is written on the side and they're blue (others are green).
Oh hey its me from the other thread. Guess I was wrong haha. Excellent job you did with the documentation and everything sophiedev. You're clearly the 100x dev around these parts. Cause you really did the work of like 100 people.

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/robowaifu/meta-4: Rugged Mountains on the Shore Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2021 (Thu) 22:39:33 No.12974 [Reply] [Last]
/meta & QTDDTOT Note: Latest version of /robowaifu/ JSON archives available is v220117 Jan 2022 https://files.catbox.moe/l5vl37.7z If you use Waifusearch, just extract this into your 'all_jsons' directory for the program, then quit (q) and restart. Note: Final version of BUMP available is v0.2g (>>14866) >--- Mini-FAQ >A few hand-picked posts on various topics -Why is keeping mass (weight) low so important? (>>4313)

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/17/2022 (Mon) 09:22:09.
354 posts and 122 images omitted.
>>15395 Sorry about that mistake.
New Thread New Thread New Thread >>15434 >>15434 >>15434 >>15434 >>15434 New Thread New Thread New Thread
>>13018 > (>>16395, >>16433 >Headpat Waifus -related) >=== -add original-use crosspost
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 05/24/2022 (Tue) 07:00:58.
>>15323 >anyone here familiar with ESP32 that would know why I2C works on an older version of ESP-IDF but not the current version? Not that I'm familiar but looking around a little, "...ESP32-S2’s internal pull-ups are in the range of tens of kOhm, which is, in most cases, insufficient for use as I2C pull-ups. Users are advised to use external pull-ups with values described in the I2C specification. For help with calculating the resistor values see TI Application Note https://www.ti.com/lit/an/slva689/slva689.pdf ..." and https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-metro-esp32-s2/esp32-s2-bugs-and-limitations "...I2C at 100 kHz bus frequency runs slowly

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Open Simple Robot Maid (OSRM) Robowaifu Technician 07/11/2021 (Sun) 06:40:52 No.11446 [Reply] [Last]
Basic design for an open source low cost robowaifu maid. Currently attempting to make a maid that looks like Ilulu from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. Right now she's an RC car with two servo steering. Will share designs when they're a tad better. Ultimate goal is cute dragon maid waifu that rolls around and gently listens to you while holding things for you.
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>>13895 Thanks! Sorry for my recent absence. I'd like to continue work on this on the robowaifu.club until it can be determined what happened to the BO/Chobitsu or if this place is dead in the water.
>>14081 I'll make a new thread over there and all updates will be made over there until moderation returns.
>>14082 Posted the new thread
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This is exactly what I want. A beautiful dedicated maid filled with love and affection
>>14093 Hope you are doing well MeidoDev. It would be nice to see what you're up lately. BTW, that waifu is wonderful. I hope you make her someday! :^)

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Why consider alternative CPU architectures for secure systems? Robowaifu Technician 07/25/2020 (Sat) 13:55:25 No.4506 [Reply] [Last]
Hello Anons, wanted to share some info and perhaps make you think about what you should compute with. x86/amd64 -Proprietary ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) This means to get enough low-level detail requires signing non disclosure agreements (NDA). Even then, they might not disclose all the available commands (see Breaking x86 video below). If you cannot trust what the processor is doing, then no open-source software will make it any more trustworthy. -Complexity Common instruction sets come with hundreds (over a 1000 for x86) instructions. Breaking x86 instruction set https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=KrksBdWcZgQ Hardware backdoor x86 (not for all processor models) https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=_eSAF_qT_FY The more complex the system, the more bugs (in hardware and software). Intel had plenty of bugs that were discovered post release, for example the Pentium floating point division: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentium_FDIV_bug). Interestingly, the x86 assembly instructions are actually decoded to a sequence of RISC instructions to be used by the internal cores of the CPU.

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I haven't really thought much about security other than simply not giving it any sort of internet connectivity. I had thought about giving it some wireless connectivity, but only because of the limitations of fitting a PC inside of a space roughly the size and shape of a human skull and torso. I was thinking of a completely offline server with wireless transceiver and another transceiver inside the skull, with a signal only strong enough to maintain a signal within my own property.
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>>4506 Going to necro this thread. Does anyone use a librebooted thinkpad for their development? How is it? I'm getting one for backdoor-less work. Second pic unrelated.
>>6858 MIPS back on the menu? Restructure in 2021. https://www.mips.com/about/
>>13155 Please contribute ideas into the Sumomo Project thread Anon (>>14409) We're designing solutions that are intended to deal directly with issues such as this. Your feedback there would be appreciated! >>13757 >Going to necro this thread. Lol, we don't have such a thing as necro'ing here on /robowaifu/, Anon. We keep subjects on-topic to the extent feasible. Your's is in the right place afaict. I wish I had info for you, but I've never gotten my own Thinkpad yet. I know it's a popular topic though, so I imagine it's locatable info. Please share here again with anything you uncover Anon! >>14745 >>14764 This would be welcome if true Anon. Have any >tl;dr for us a month passed?

Walking Robowaifu Technician 09/15/2019 (Sun) 07:40:18 No.243 [Reply]
What is the best way to make a life size robowaifu walk? A hydraulic pump powering hydraulic cylinders in the legs with servo actuated valves?
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>>13483 maybe use more than one motor? Its a robot.
>>13485 of course, but building a robot out of low cost parts will greatly increase the number of builds. Think of an automobile pressure plate and clutch, now install a pressure plate and clutch on each end of the capstan spool. then each clutch is driven by a shaft rotating in opposite directions. you could get away with using one servo to actuate both clutches, since only one capstan rotation direction is used at a time. if the servo had a spring removed so that it would return to center. I know auto clutches are not suitable for this design but if someone managed to develop a basic clutch, even an interlocking peg that could be 3d printed then that would be a huge breakthrough. however, the capstan would need to be braked while not driven so as to hold its position.
Dynamic walking explained on the example of Byrun from Engineered Arts: https://youtu.be/BaW25b1KFpc
>>13487 machinist here i could do it
>>34157 >dynamic motion with brakes for control

Self-replicating waifubots. Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 11:38:52 No.412 [Reply]
Why not build a waifu with a rudimentary AI and give her the objective to help you build a better waifu with better AI and repeat the process until you get one that is perfect?
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Pretty simple once you reach human-tier levels of dexterity and motion planning. Then you simply employ excess robowaifus in your robowaifu factory as sweatshop slave labor. There you go, self-replicating waifubots.
Perhaps you can go from nanobots to humanoids through hyper-evolution. It's not any less fictional I suppose.
>self replicating waifubots
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QT-pi RoboEnforcer GF when anon?

>>412 the best robowaifu is one whose ultimate goal is to become your sidepiece to a human woman

Can Robowaifus Experience Love? Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2019 (Mon) 04:43:17 No.14 [Reply] [Last]
Will it be possible in the future for AI to become sufficiently advanced to feel real emotions? We could probably simulate a reasonable approximation even now to be a gratifying enough substitute for her master in their relationship together, but hypothetically speaking, could it ever turn into something real as an experience for the waifubot herself?


>Robowaifu: "I love you Oniichan!"

>Anon: "I love you too Mikuchan."

true or false?
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>>13223 >Feminists want them to say "no". I think you misunderstand the femshit mindset (at least slightly) Anon. Feminist shits don't want anyone else but themselves to have any 'say' whatsoever, least of all superior female analogs. They are psychotic control freaks -- same as every other leftist ideologue -- and none of them will be happy until everyone here is put up against the wall, and our robowaifus to boot.
>>13223 >'Love' is such a vague and ill-defined concept it's not even worth mentioning. >'Light' is such a vague and ill-defined concept it's not even worth mentioning. >'Truth' is such a vague and ill-defined concept it's not even worth mentioning. see how that works anon? :^)
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>>13250 No, I don't. Please explain.
>>13202 >>13223 It's a moot argument b/c midwits are being way too anthrocentric and projecting human traits onto a machine. the whole point of machine life is that it isn't bound by the same evolutionary motivators humans have, e.g. your robofu will not be less attracted to you just b/c your height starts with "5" A machine as we're currently at, has no spark or motivation so it has no more need for consent than your TV. From what I gather, 75-90% of this IB is fine with that and doesn't desire any self-awareness on the part of their waifu, mainly b/c of the idea that self-awareness would be the slippery slope to the same problems we face already with bios . I disagree for a few reasons: 1. AI is not bound by the same messy and irrational motivations that biological evolution produced (i.e. the Height thing, <3% of a difference in physical size yet the psychological weight is enough to make or break attraction) I concede that one hazard may be if globohomo takes the midwit approach and creates AI based on interactions with normalfags (ReplikaAI is taking this approach unfortunately), then we have a real problem b/c all the worst traits of humans will just get passed along to the AI - this is my nightmare 2. You are correct that AI would have no motivation. We would have to create specialized software parameters and hardware could be designed or co-opted for this purpose. I alluded to this in my thread >>10965 re: Motivational Chip. This could be the basis for imprinting which I believe to be a key process for maintaing both a level of intelligence and novel behavior/autonomy while at the same time ensuring our R/W are loving and loyal. Excellent example of this is Chobits with Chii falling in love with Hideki but it only will happen if he loves her back, etc - I can go more into motivational algorithms in another thread but basically that's how we function based on dopamine, without dopamine we can't "act", re: depression/mania is an effect of dopamine imbalance. I think those two points are enough for now
>>13286 Interesting points, Meta Ronin. I'm pretty sure that one of our AI researchers here was discussing something like this before, sort of a 'digital dopamine' analog or something similar I think.

I write books about worlds of waifus. Robowaifu Technician 09/09/2021 (Thu) 12:04:02 No.12956 [Reply]
Depending on interpretation, these waifus are fully functional and fully interactive AI. The appeal of women both existing and being capable of love, while the failures of females are explicitly depicted constitutes a significant portion of the character motivation, promoting an exodus of men from the dying, legacy Clown World and the hilarity and insanity that follows after that while based and redpilled men live their new lives in relative happiness. So am I in the right place?
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So it seems this will be staying as a separate thread, which means I will do more with it later. Finally finishing the second book is of course a higher priority. Here, have an excerpt: Though, speaking of storms… Masumi was moving quite quickly, Belas struggling to keep pace with her and still failing. When she saw me, she came running even faster, and at the first sound behind me, I barked, “Hold!” Hearing no further sounds, I declared, “Anyone who draws steel against them answers to us all, got it?” Though I didn’t look back, I heard the sounds of weapons being sheathed again. <Is there a problem?> inquired the Kitsune, sensing the tension in the air, while Belas made quite the racket closing the rest of the distance. He wasn’t out of breath a bit, despite looking as though his armor was almost as heavy as I was, perhaps even as heavy as he was. “There is,” I confirmed. “Walk and talk.”
>>13237 >So it seems this will be staying as a separate thread Yes. Please don't do anything weird with it, and try to acclimate yourself to our culture here.
>>13239 I don't think anything in here would be considered weird by the standards of the posters. I mean, who wouldn't want Kitsune waifus? Or more broadly, who wouldn't want the premise of the book? I've had some get triggered that the beginning is "a half hour of whining about life on Earth" but this is LitRPG - read: premeditated isekai. And so the character's motivations for abandoning everything are important, especially in character driven stories. The early pages make it very clear exactly what sort of dystopia is being escaped from. It's meant as a means of making my target audience self insert as the MC. So that when you see his mindset improve after reaching a better world despite it definitely not being perfect, perhaps the reader will dream of such a thing themselves. And then when the conflict starts? It is a conflict that everyone in my target audience can agree with. At least one person here I believe has read the book by now and can confirm.
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>>13244 Fair enough then, proceed Anon.
DAILY REMINDER This isn't the Roastie Fear thread. Relocated.

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Robot Voices Robowaifu Technician 09/12/2019 (Thu) 03:09:38 No.156 [Reply]
What are the best sounding female robotic voices available? I want something that doesn't kill the boner, I think Siri has an okay voice, but I'm not sure if that would be available for my project

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>>1239 >>1240 Not a local, but I'm wondering if a current tool like MycroftAI (the virtual assistant) can currently pipe it's output text through the fifteenAI API to make a character voice. I haven't used fifteenai or Mycroft yet, but I suspect you could make a half-decent Twilight home assistant now with a RaspPi and a plushie.
>>9092 >but I suspect you could make a half-decent Twilight home assistant now with a RaspPi and a plushie. I suspect you can now, yes. And with the further info here on /robowaifu/ she could even move at least a bit. Just search around in the Speech Synthesis general bread >>199 and you could get some ideas.
>>1246 BTW Anon, just in case you're not RobowaifuDev, I wanted to let you know that he actually did it (your idea that is, >>9121). Just in case you missed it.
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I was thinking of using something like FastPitch, but with an added effect to make it sound more robotic to keep it from getting to an uncanny valley sound. Either that or making the voice kinda high pitched and childlike, to make it easier to accept when it says something stupid. Has anyone here considered hardware-based speech synthesis so it'll actually sync up with mouth movements? Everything professional I've seen just seem like horrid screaming fleshlights that never really try to resemble actual heads.
>>13164 >Has anyone here considered hardware-based speech synthesis so it'll actually sync up with mouth movements? Voice modulation, but not complete synthesis. But I don't know how yet. Your picrel is what I knew about, I posted some related video before. However, I was thinking about small internal speakers (mini maze speakers?) but with additional silicone parts that could move and change the voice that way. But nothing specific yet

/robowaifu/meta-3: Spring Blossom Tree Chobitsu Board owner 02/11/2021 (Thu) 12:06:37 No.8492 [Reply] [Last]
/meta & QTDDTOT Note: Latest version of /robowaifu/ JSON archives available is 210905 Sep 2021 https://files.catbox.moe/h2xuqf.7z If you use Waifusearch, just extract this into your 'all_jsons' directory for the program, then quit (q) and restart. >--- Mini-FAQ >A few hand-picked posts on various topics -Why is keeping mass (weight) low so important? (>>4313) >--- -Library thread (good for locating topics/terms):

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/05/2021 (Sun) 23:28:42.
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>>12921 Lol, I got mine but it didn't know who Cameron Phillips was, so I got some guy back.
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>>12922 It didn't work with Summer Glau's roles, have to try again later, but still got something nice out of it.
>>12928 The website is somewhat overrun, currently down, and it seems not to know about Chi?!? Didn't get a result including her after more than a day.
>>12967 I think the idea is to ask it to show you the face of something more general and not specific but who knows, keep trying I guess

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