/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

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Waifu Robotics Project Dump Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 03:45:02 No.366 [Reply] [Last]
Edited last time by rw_bumpbot on 05/25/2020 (Mon) 04:54:42.
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Another single builder who is concentrating on legs and feet. Their thingiverse page has several iterations of development, #s 4 and 5 in fusion 360 format. Some have links to videos. https://www.thingiverse.com/jacky0815/designs
>>28970 Hmm, I thought I would've posted this already. But yeah, it was in the humanoid robots video thread: >>25463
>>28979 I did search "android" and the designer's name before posting but neither showed this project, and still don't. Oh well.
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>>31550 Thanks, I re-posted it also in the thread for bi-pedal locomotion: >>31754

Modular Platform, "Assistant": Wheelchair-style robot base to jumpstart projects Lin 08/21/2023 (Mon) 01:14:26 No.24744 [Reply] [Last]
Lord knows I'm terrible at these writeups, so I'd recommend glancing at the attached CAD screenshots to get a quick idea of what this project is about-- on that note, most of this post will be copy/pasted stuff from the design docs, mainly stuff that won't change, so apologies in advance. Long story short, I've talked to a bunch of guys, both on the chans and elsewhere, who have some great ideas but aren't sure where/how to get started. My hope is that a (comparatively) simple, modular base that provides power, movement, and basic sensor data will let them get started on their own project without having to re-invent the wheel (and get nerd-sniped in the process.) # Brief The purpose of this platform is to establish a generalized "blueprint" of a (comparatively) cheap, human-scale "modular base platform" that can be built by a capable layman and maintained by a hobo, while supporting and powering any "robo payload" <= 75lbs, 5kW. Emphasis is placed on all parts being readily available or substitutable, and could conceivably be built from salvage at near zero cost (or in the face of malicious sales restriction), excepting digital controllers. Durability has also been prioritized, with over-engineered tolerances and (optional) bilateral redundancy for everything but the drive motors. Sacrifices have been made to accommodate this vision (primarily weight, though to a lesser extent, performance), and Builders with access to specialized tools or a higher budget will likely want to tweak the design (ex. using aluminum T-Slot instead of right-angle stock, welds in place of frame bolts, etc.) The design is purposefully made to resemble (and, if necessary, function as) a wheelchair (see reasoning below.) ## Project Budget Target Cost: $2,500 USD-2023 with new, mid-grade parts, excepting computer/processor. (realistically, I expect this to be closer to $3,500 in the short term, until people more clever than I improve some of the design's weaknesses/sacrifices) ## Prototype Info - Prototype Budget: $10,000 USD-2023 - (I have access to specialized equipment and labor (at a price), including a commercial 3D printer, 5-axis mill, welding, lifts, etc.) - First design revision expected by the new year (2024). Physical construction to begin Spring 2024. Basic electronic control system, motor/BMS interface to be somewhat complete between January and (Spring) 2024.

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>>30638 Not much to speak of, I took March “off” (from personal projects) to avoid burnout; did some minor firmware work (register-based SPI/I2C chips can be controlled with a json file specifying command/reg addresses) and ordering, though. Currently, I have all the electronics and tools (minus a few specialty bits I still need to select) needed for a build, and I’ve yanked all the non-stock part IDs out of my CAD files (material stock will have to be done manually though, ugh). To stay in budget, I’ll be splitting the pain between April and May, but things are still reasonably on schedule. I’ve got a big day-job deadline by the end of Q2, so that’s where most of my energy is going atm. Current hope is to have all physical parts+materials arriving in May, with the build starting in June (when my team’s responsibilities *should* be complete, and I can focus more on my personal stuff again.) TL;DR: Build starts in June, have to focus on IRL work until then (there’s a reason my goal was winter of ‘24 as per >>28445 ) In the mean time, it’s firmware and electrical prototyping with what free time I have.
>>30696 Good, just wanted to know that things are still moving ahead. Thanks.
>>29642 >>29694 >>30696 Outstanding news, Lin. Good luck with your other projects. Looking forward to June! Cheers. :^)
Been a while, my brothers-in-/robowaifu/. As anyone could have predicted, my team’s responsibilities didn’t end as cleanly as our calendar promised, but it’s “within epsilon” and I’ll have a decent amount of free time again starting from this weekend. Other than that, I managed to do a decent amount of physical design testing during the last couple months, which did lead to a few mechanisms being tweaked and one in the process of being redesigned (details next post) Anyway, part orders were delayed a bit-- there’s a few funny stories there, but it boils down to my being spoiled by having access to an ordering department/personnel... I have a newfound appreciation for all they do, let me tell you. Ended up automating most of what I could, which (hopefully) will make ordering less painful in the future. Hoping to get raw material stock (to which I didn’t attach part numbers during design) ordered mid-month. TL;DR: The last major part order should be placed the next week or two? I’ll have an hour or two on weekdays to work on my robot, but... I also have a lot of learning to do when it comes to machining, so I’ve ordered a decent amount of spare stock for when I inevitably screw something up. (another post coming later today or tomorrow detailing design changes) Also, going forward, my posts regarding solo projects will be a lot less detailed unless someone has specific questions/input (anyone here is free to ask, of course.) No deeper reason-- since I’m strapped for time, it’s just a lot more fun to spend my free time designing stuff than talking about it.
>>31527 Hi Lin, welcome back! >spoiled Heheh, sounds like it. :D For us lowly, inexperienced plebeians any experience/advice you've picked up from more-closely managing your own supply chain(s) would be much-appreciated! :^) >project progress Good luck with your parts orders and any further redesign efforts needed for The Assistant. Looking forward to your incoming post(s). >lower-detail post content As one of your local 'followers' here on /robowaifu/ , I personally look forward to & appreciate any details you share here with those of us planning to attempt creating our own copy of your work. There's also the 'public archive' aspect for the broader Anon community we all share & benefit from by any valuable information posted here on this public IB /robowaifu/ (as opposed to, say, Doxxcord where it's lost to everyone but the Globohomo forever). This ongoing-archive benefit also extends out into the future ofc -- even to those new Anons who haven't even arrived here yet! -- so it's a gift that 'keeps on giving'. I don't want to urge you, but just asking you to consider the issue through other "eyes". :^) --- Regardless, we've all already benefitted from your efforts which you've shared here with us. For that, a hearty thank you (same extended to every other productive Anon here)! Cheers, Anon. :^)

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 06/10/2024 (Mon) 23:41:36.

Dolls, Dollmaking Techniques, and Their Use for Robowaifu Construction Greentext anon 01/16/2024 (Tue) 05:14:05 No.28514 [Reply]
Dollmaking is an ancient art, dating back as far as recorded history. Throughout these many years, dollmakers have invented and innovated at a steady pace, making each doll just a little bit better than the last while still leaning on tried-and-true techniques. This thread is here to discuss those techniques, and other relevant aspects of the doll world (including mannequins and marionettes) which we can apply to make our own waifus. One common example most of you may have seen already is the ball-jointed doll. However, there is more than one type. Higher-end BJDs commonly use elastic string to bind limbs to sockets in a method not too dissimilar to how tendons link our bones. There are also peg linked joints. where you (usually) have two hemispheres connected to eachother and connecting two seperate limb parts with pegs. There are also double-joints which work on the same basic principle. The attached images show both principles. Simple hinges are also quite the staple. They often have varying levels of tightness, depending on the application. A marionette, for instance, will typically have very loose hinges which allow for great ease of movement via user-operated strings. A system like that is quite easy to motorize, though one would want to consider how to get the limbs to stay in position without constant motor input. On the more complex end of things, some dolls feature endoskeletons, which allow for more realistic sometimes and complex poses. However, in addition to being more complex, these are much more expensive, fragile, and difficult to repair. While some of these things could be solved here, I doubt that a perfect solution is realistic at this time. It's good to keep in mind, though. Outside of basic frame components, there are also the details, such as the eyes. Glass eyes have the interesting effect of "following" the viewer without requiring any motors or electronics. Weight and cost are both important considerations, however, especially for a full-size waifu with anime doe eyes. Resin eyes are also quite popular, as ithey're easier to make at home. Wigs, of course, are also important to consider. I assume everyone here will want their waifus to have hair, and said hair will be easier to install (and detach for cleaning) if treated as a seperate component. They're usually kept in place with simple elastic, and I imagine it'd be easy to introduce magnets into the equation for better stability. What do you guys think about these concepts, and what do you have to add? It's a vast field, with plenty of potential uses for waifu making. Concepts from doll-adjacent items, such as action figures, plushbots, puppets, etcetera are also welcome for discussion.
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>>30531 Okay, do you mean more expensive than the materials in >>30524? I have no idea. Human hair is of course the other alternative. It would be interesting to know what a pro's and con's of each material are. But it's not urgent to me. Generally the work being put into it if it's not a wig but part of the skull plate will be the biggest cost or effort.
>>30600 Yes though I havent checked prices for everything individually. Presumably at times the price difference is small between raw material and something already dyed, combed, flat ironed and fixed into pieces to attach or a weave while other times the difference could be magnitudes more. Human hair is quite expensive where top quality human hair of long length can land someone thousands of USD....unless you want to just hang out at a salon and ask for random women's hair lol Generally speaking natural materials often have antimicrobial properties. Pictured is ramie.
Glad to see the doll thread is getting some activity, Greentext anon & all. Cheers! :^)
I recently bought a BJD, and I'm really impressed with it actually. There's a lot of engineering that goes into how these dolls function. The one I have has double joints and the legs lock to differnt positions and are really stable when straight so she can stand up on her own. I'm thinking it would be really neat to put a Bluetooth speaker inside her head connect her to my phone and an AI running on it. Dolls definitely have the customization options I would eventually want to see from future robotwaifus. And having a smaller 1/4 scale doll is much easier to manage than a full size 60lb plus silicone doll. I think they make a good vessel for the current AI we have. Like a much cuter smart speaker.
>>31408 >There's a lot of engineering that goes into how these dolls function. This. Cool idea Anon, please keep us all up to date with the progress of your robowaifu speaker project, Anon. Cheers! :^)

Prototypes and Failures #4 Noido Dev ##pTGTWW 01/23/2024 (Tue) 03:17:26 No.28715 [Reply]
Post your prototypes and failures. We fail until we win. Don't forget looking through the old threads here >>418, >>18800 and >>21647 to understand how we got to where we are now.
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Started working on a skull in OpenScad with the aim of making it easily configurable based on the eye size and later maybe other features, by just changing a number like the size of the eyes and the rest should adapt to that change. Not sure if this is going to work. Such attempts tend to somewhat fail, since everything has to relate to each other. Either way, I'll need a human-like waifu skull. The model I'm using for reference is a female skull from Thingyverse. I will first make it relatively similar with as few parts as possible, and then increase the size of the eye sockets. It already looks kinda interesting.
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>>31383 Working on it, one step at the time, but I wasted too much time with other stuff. Anyways, here the update: - Are we building bodies for aliens? - The nose is still to big. - Cheek bones still missing. - Chin is maybe still to big. - Generally a lot of things are necessary to do, but I can always use this as a placeholder.
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>>31414 Further optimizations.
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>>31415 Still on it.
Very cool progress, NoidoDev! Please keep up the great work. Cheers. :^)

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Nandroid Generator SoaringMoon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 13:54:14 No.30003 [Reply]
I made a generator to generate nandroid images. You can use it in browser, but a desktop version (that should easier to use), will be available. https://soaringmoon.itch.io/nandroid-generator Not very mobile friendly unfortunately, but it does run. I made a post about this already in another thread, but I wanted to make improvements and add features to the software. >If you have any suggestions or ideas other than custom color selection, which I am working on right now, let me know.
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>>31447 >>31448 pretty neat, good work SoaringMoon
Fixed an issue with the desktop transparent image export blend mode.
Commemorative Wallpaper
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You can now customize eye shadow color.
Nice work SoaringMoon, please keep it up! Cheers. :^)

Robot Vision General Robowaifu Technician 09/11/2019 (Wed) 01:13:09 No.97 [Reply] [Last]
Cameras, Lenses, Actuators, Control Systems

Unless you want to deck out you're waifubot in dark glasses and a white cane, learning about vision systems is a good idea. Please post resources here.



Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/11/2019 (Wed) 01:14:45.
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>>30879 Zoom in to the whole in the centre. Looks like there is a circuit board under there. If one were to take it out of the frame it would require adding wires and attaching back to the circuit board I imagine.
>>30879 >>30880 I expect the physical positioning of the 3 camera components is tightly registered. Could be recalibrated I'm sure, but it would need to be done.
>>30879 >Depth Perception From what I know these systems work so that it knows the distance between the two cameras and this is part of the hardware. If you want to do this yourself then your system would need to know the distance. I think Kudan Slam is a software doing that: >>29937 and >>10646 >Kudan Visual SLAM >This tutorial tells you how to run a Kudan Visual SLAM (KdVisual) system using ROS 2 bags as the input containing data of a robot exploring an area https://amrdocs.intel.com/docs/2023.1.0/dev_guide/files/kudan-slam.html >The Camera Basics for Visual SLAM >“Simultaneous Localization and Mapping usually refer to a robot or a moving rigid body, equipped with a specific sensor, that estimates its motion and builds a model of the surrounding environment, without a priori information [2]. If the sensor referred to here is mainly a camera, it is called Visual SLAM.” https://www.kudan.io/blog/camera-basics-visual-slam/ >.... ideal frame rate ... 15 fps: for applications with robots that move at a speed of 1~2m/s >The broader the camera’s field of view, the more robust and accurate SLAM performance you can expect up to some point. >...the larger the dynamic range is, the better the SLAM performance. >... global shutter cameras are highly recommended for handheld, wearables, robotics, and vehicles applications. >Baseline is the distance between the two lenses of the stereo cameras. This specification is essential for use-cases involving Stereo SLAM using stereo cameras. >We defined Visual SLAM to use the camera as the sensor, but it can additionally fuse other sensors. >Based on our experience, frame skip/drop, noise in images, and IR projection are typical pitfalls to watch out. >Color image: Greyscale images suffice for most SLAM applications

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>>30877 The kinect was cheap at 12$ and I scaled it to the full sized robot head in gimp. I can use the main camera in the middle of aperture and the two projector/IR camera lenses as the eye shines. It won't look like this in the final robot head, but it will be positioned in this manner.
Will Cogley came out with a snap fit eye mechanism (no screws needed). > By removing ALL fasteners and using a 100% snap-fit assembly, assembly time is cut down 6 fold! Hopefully this design will also be more accessible if you struggle to get the right parts for my projects. If you don’t want to use my new PCB design (which admittedly is a work in progress) refer to [my previous design](https://www.notion.so/Simple-Eye-Mechanism-983e6cad7059410d9cb958e8c1c5b700?pvs=21) for electronics/wiring instructions. > If you do want to use the PCB, note that its still a work-in-progress. The design works although there is an issue with some holes being undersized. In theory the attached file is fixed but I’ve yet to test it myself to be 100% sure! https://youtu.be/uzPisRAmo2s https://nilheim-mechatronics.notion.site/Snap-fit-Eye-Mechanism-b88ae87ceae24d1ca942adf34750bf87

Robowaifu Propaganda and Recruitment 2 Robowaifu Technician 06/06/2024 (Thu) 02:06:10 No.31438 [Reply]
Attention drawfags and writefags! Your skills will be needed. The task of building and designing a robowaifu is a herculean quest. As great as this community is, /robowaifu/ simply does not have the manpower to real our goal of DIY robowaifus. Luckily for us there are several communities on the internet that we could find new recruits or allies to help us build our waifus: MGTOW - These guys know all about the legal pitfalls of marriage and the dangers of feminism. There is already a lot of talk about sex robots in MGTOW communities. It shouldn't be a hard sell to get them to come here. Incels - Guys that can't get laid. The opportunity for love and companionship should be enough to bring some of these guys over. We need to be careful when recruiting from some of their communities. We don't want to attract negative attention. Monster girls/furry/mlp fandoms - The only way these guys are going to be able to have their harpy/elf/goblin/anthro/pony/whatever gf is with a robowaifu. They have an interest in seeing us succeed. Again we need to be careful here not to attract the wrong kind of people that will bring us the wrong kind of attention. Male STEM students - Generally these guys aren't going to get laid until after they have established themselves. A robowaifu could really help them. This may be a harder sell because many of them have been brainwashed in university, but they have skills that we could really use. Transhumanists/biohackers - Many of the technologies involved in building a robowaifu could be used in transhumanist or biohacking applications such as building an avatar. They may have some interest in helping us out. We will need to be careful which transhumanist communities we go after as many of them are full of feminism, tumblr tier sexualities and genders, and SJW's. Cyberpunks and technophiles - These guys (and they are usually guys) are all around into technology and may just enjoy working on the kinds of projects we need to do. They are often into programming and AI.
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MGTOW - These guys would rather spend all their time bitching on the internet about "MUH WOMENZ" than actually getting a hobby other than lifting heavy objects and putting them down again. MGTOW is literally Feminist Separatism for males. Incels - They often lack knowledge about female anatomy or what a girl/woman feels like thus are incapable of replicating this. There is another type that might be into these things which would be artists who work with relevant materials. After all a robowaifu is kind of a kinetic sculpture. Also anime otaku sometimes just want to bring a character to life so that's another type not mentioned. I mean there is already various Japanese robotics engineers that do this with like Miku bots and stuff. Now as for your paranoia about feminism there is a lot of very different views among people who call themselves feminists that directly contradict others. Some are misandrists and some actually care a lot about the interests of males. Some are very prudish from their Christian roots and some are into anything sexual and are pervs. Some would be against sex bots, some would be for them or at least not inherently against them.
Good reminder that I should make the new recruitment thread. I just had some problems to get me motivated to do stuff, not related to /robowaifu but more general. I don't believe much in these 4chan recruitment activities anyways. But I will try to make the new thread. I mean, it would be easy to just open it, if I don't need to make a full overview or index of the old thread. Should I just open one?
>>31459 Edit: Oh, this is the new thread. Okay. Good.
>>31462 I’m the one that made this thread. I deleted it because the image didn’t process. I don’t know why/how it’s still here haha
>>31463 Thanks Anon. Just redo it, and we can rm this thread. Cheers. :^)

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Cognitivie Architecture : Discussion Kiwi 08/22/2023 (Tue) 05:03:37 No.24783 [Reply] [Last]
Chii Cogito Ergo Chii Chii thinks, therefore Chii is. Cognitive architecture is the study of the building blocks which lead to cognition. The structures from which thought emerges. Let's start with the three main aspects of mind; Sentience: Ability to experience sensations and feelings. Her sensors communicate states to her. She senses your hand holding hers and can react. Feelings, having emotions. Her hand being held bring her happiness. This builds on her capacity for subjective experience, related to qualia. Self-awareness: Capacity to differentiate the self from external actors and objects. When presented with a mirror, echo, or other self referential sensory input is recognized as the self. She sees herself in your eyes reflection and recognizes that is her, that she is being held by you. Sapience: Perception of knowledge. Linking concepts and meanings. Able to discern correlations congruent with having wisdom. She sees you collapse into your chair. She infers your state of exhaustion and brings you something to drink. These building blocks integrate and allow her to be. She doesn't just feel, she has qualia. She doesn't see her reflection, she sees herself reflected, she acknowledges her own existence. She doesn't just find relevant data, she works with concepts and integrates her feelings and personality when forming a response. Cognition, subjective thought reliant on a conscious separation of the self and external reality that integrates knowledge of the latter. A state beyond current AI, a true intellect. This thread is dedicated to all the steps on the long journey towards a waifu that truly thinks and feels.

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Edited last time by Chobitsu on 09/17/2023 (Sun) 20:43:41.
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I ran across this article. Apparently it's the latest new thing to do something similar to XNOR. Except they are not binary, one, zero, but one, zero and negative one. So trinary. They are calling it 1.58-bit. Supposedly they are getting either close to, the same or in some cases better responses than the larger 16 bit neural nets. If this turns out to be true, and I have seen XNOR do what appeared to be fantastic stuff with this binary, yes-no, then waifus could be along far faster and easily able to do basic stuff with a fairly powerful, off the shelf, desktop level PC power. They trained a 1.58-bit model from scratch on a dataset similar to the Llama dataset and got good results. https://medium.com/ai-insights-cobet/no-more-floating-points-the-era-of-1-58-bit-large-language-models-b9805879ac0a I wish I understood this stuff better, but I expect a good deal of it is over my head.
>https://www.anthropic.com/news/mapping-mind-language-model Anthropic makes some significant progress to demystify black box LLMs. Not any concrete irl effect yet, but big if true.
>>31396 Thanks for the link
>>31268 I wondered why this link didn't work. I think it has space in it. Try again. >>18818
>>28576 (related) >hybrid VR/mixed reality autonomous LLM agent that uses the open source Mixtral 8x7b model for text generation and CogVLM for image recognition.

AI Software Robowaifu Technician 09/10/2019 (Tue) 07:04:21 No.85 [Reply] [Last]
A large amount of this board seems dedicated to hardware, what about the software end of the design spectrum, are there any good enough AI to use?

The only ones I know about offhand are TeaseAi and Personality Forge.
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>>12067 Is this one more of the many theoretical questions here? When building something, solutions for such problems will present themselves. Why theorize about it? And to what extend? Or short answer: Conditionals. Like "if".
>>12069 >Is this one more of the many theoretical questions here? No. Allow me to get more specific. I have an OpenCV based code that can identify stuff (acutally, I just got that OakD thing ( https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/opencv/opencv-ai-kit ) and ran through the tutorials), and I have a really rudimentary chatbot software. When I've been trying to think through how to integrate the two, I get confused. For example, I could pipe the output of the OakD identification as chat into the chatbot subroutine, but then it will respond to _every_ stimulus or respond to visual stimulus in ways that really don't make sense.
>>12067 In my experience the simplest way to think about it is like a database. You give the database a query and it gives a response. That query could be text, video, audio, pose data or anything really and the same for the response. You just need data to train it on for what responses to give given certain queries. There was a post recently on multimodal learning with an existing transformer language model: >>11731 >>12079 With this for example you could output data from your OpenCV code and create an encoder that projects that data into the embedding space of the transformer model.
>>12086 Exactly what my brain needed. Thanks anon.
This looks really interesting to me. llamafile https://github.com/Mozilla-Ocho/llamafile A standalone open source AI that can be run on may platforms including Raspberry Pi. It also can use other AI's other than the ones available for download. https://hacks.mozilla.org/2024/04/llamafiles-progress-four-months-in/ The AI software is getting better and better, smaller and smaller and more useful for local PC's. I imagine there's some way to train this. It could be a great advance to have these small AI's and then intensively train them on narrow dedicated task that we need. And no I don't know exactly how to do this yet. The tech is evolving rapidly to do so.

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Robowaifu Market Chuck 01/04/2023 (Wed) 14:07:33 No.18572 [Reply]
How would the robowaifu market theoretically function? Top of the line models would be very expensive, but the target demographic is poor with little income flow. It would be a hard and gradual process to replace supermodels that the wealthy have with robot wives, and a vast amount of anime supporters with wealth or status are seeking a conventional tradwife. Essentially, it’s a very high value commodity without a niche, so it would be hard for it to garner success as a product, and the intended audience would never receive their robowaifus. The robowaifu concept is excellent theoretically, but has no real avenue to thrive in practice. How could these issues be resolved? --- Threads related: >(Making money with AI and robowaifus, >>1642) >(Early Business Ideas, >>3119) >=== -add thread crosslinks
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/04/2023 (Wed) 23:42:21.
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>>18572 >the target demographic is poor with little income flow the venn diagram of people who spend thousands of dollars on anime merch and people who'd buy the dolls is almost a circle
crosslink to a discussion in meta: >>19623
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The potential for lawsuit from personal injury would be by far one of the biggest roadblocks to the commercialization of household robots like androids, even simple ones. I don't know why this isn't focused on more, to have an emerging technology as complex as that is a simple recipe for >Man brings Android home >Android accidentally bumps man down the stairs/cuts him with knife while turning around/trips him/has a servo malfunction/any number of other things >Man remembers all of those lawyer billboards for personal injury that he sees on the way to work every morning Maybe some won't but the opportunity will be too tempting for others, and lets not forget the malicious actors: >Woman brings Android home >Woman "accidentally" gets tripped by Android or better yet: >Woman brings Android home >Puts Android in room with priceless valuable >Android "trips" into valuable, destroying it >Sues for emotional damages There are simply too many variables to account for when robots are in a real world environment and ostensibly in close contact with people all of the time. I would love to start an android company, but the thought of this alone sends chills down my spine. Even if they are sold "As Is" I'm sure someone could spin it into a legal battle where even if you successfully defend yourself you still have to pay legal fees, and if there is a concentrated effort against a company with malicious actors they can just keep coming and poking you with lawyers until they have nickeled and dimed you to death. At least that's what I'm assuming would happen in America. You may argue that you could try to use onboard sensors like the cameras on the robot to prove its innocence but even then the purchaser can fake the accident so well that you couldn't disprove it or legitimately find a bug to exploit to make the robot genuinely make a mistake in an opportune circumstance.
>>31385 There usually is a reason the manuals for even the simplest appliance comes with a wall of text giving warnings, disclaimers, etc. I even once had a radio clock with a manual stating the warranty was void even for acts of god lmao
>>31385 Iron-clad user agreements are what you need.

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