/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

Happy New Year!

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“Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.” -t. Anonymous

The Library of /robowaifu/ Card Catalogue Robowaifu Technician 11/26/2020 (Thu) 07:11:30 No.7143
Robowaifus are a big topic. They need a big library index! :^) Note -This is a living document. Please contribute topical thread/post crosslinks! Thread category quick-jumps >>7150 AI / VIRTUAL_SIM / UX_ETC >>7152 HARDWARE / MISC_ENGINEERING >>7154 DESIGN-FOCUSED >>7156 SOFTWARE_DEVELOPMENT / ETC >>7159 BIO / CYBORG >>7162 EDUCATION >>7164 PERSONAL PROJECTS >>7167 SOCIETY / PHILOSOPHY / ETC >>7169 BUSINESS(-ISH) >>7172 BOARD-ORIENTED >>7174 MISCELLANEOUS >>7176 STILL_TO_SORT_SEND_HELP_PLS >>7180 The Subterranean Club™ Board index >>7182 A, >>7183 B, >>7184 C, >>7185 D, >>7186 E, >>7187 F, >>7188 G, >>7189 H, >>7190 I, >>7191 J, >>7192 K, >>7194 L, >>7195 M, >>7196 N, >>7197 O, >>7198 P, >>7199 Q, >>7200 R, >>7201 S, >>7202 T, >>7203 U, >>7204 V, >>7205 W, >>7206 X, >>7207 Y, >>7208 Z >the archive of /robowaifu/ thread JSONs is available for researchers -Latest version of /robowaifu/ JSON archives v221213 Dec 2022 https://files.catbox.moe/6rhjl8.7z >searching tool (latest version: waifusearch v0.2a >>8678) >software building instructions >>7933 >RaspberryPi building instructions >>8026 >=== -update research archive -add quick jumps -update waifusearch links -add RPi waifusearch link
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 12/20/2022 (Tue) 00:28:46.
>>7544 Some progress, good. I think at the end it needs to be something like the most common words and phrases, which aren't the most common in any random text. But the scope should probably be on the specific posting then. So we might at least get something like [>>1234, 'Windows', 'chatbot', 'AIML', 'run.py'] - Though, looking into the specific postings might be the second step instead, after having a list of keywords.
>>7548 Well, one thing that would be pretty easy to do for me now that I've done most of the basic groundwork for processing /robowaifu/ text is to produce lists of post links for all human-specified keywords. Right now there's no intelligence involved, it's just a mechanical turk to chew through all the words. But make me a list of the top 100 words you're most interested in seeing, and I can give you a list of 100 word's collection of posts containing those words. It would be a good start for now. I'll keep working on better filters and consolidation of terms, you be thinking about keywords to use. Deal?
>>7550 > But make me a list of the top 100 words you're most interested in seeing The whole idea here is, that the software should find that list. That's what I'm talking about. If you take out the most common words in English, then you should have the topic of a posting. That should work as a simple solution. The list is not the input, it's what the software should find... Also, I'm currently working on chatbot stuff and feel like I'm drowning in tasks and todo lists. Though I have to admit this task is something we need exactly for that as well. Finding the topic of a comment or conversation. Looking into it briefly, probably overkill for the current task: https://towardsdatascience.com/nlp-extracting-the-main-topics-from-your-dataset-using-lda-in-minutes-21486f5aa925 https://www.kdnuggets.com/2019/11/understanding-nlp-topic-modeling-part-1.html
>>7555 I see, thanks for helping me out clarifying that. I apologize, I was being inconsiderate of your time. Haha, you just keep doing what you're already doing and we'll take care of this little project Anon! Thank you for everything you're doing here. :^) Thanks also for the links, I'll spend time researching this idea.
>>7201 >servo motor pins >>7575
Open file (268.20 KB 1280x1024 Workspace1_196.png)
>>7555 Just a quick update. I've finished working out the data structure requirements for the JSON tool, and have a rudimentary search function working. It's typical systems-type code, but it's pretty quick: once everythings parsed (about 5 seconds on my 2-core potato box) it's currently searching the entire set of words on /robowaifu/ for a given term in ~40-50us. So it's coming along in that way to be efficient. Here's a cap of searching for thingiverse on /robowaifu/ : > I know it's not entirely what we need yet, but at least the fundamental database engineering work is together, roughly speaking.
>>7578 Thanks kindly Anon.
>>7201 >optical speed encoder >>973
>>7202 >Tamiya 4WD tires >>973
>>7183 >basic bots for learning electronics >>969
>>7599 >>7600 >>7601 Index entries made.
>>7188 >GPT-2 (based chatbot) >>2762
>>7189 >hair actuator (aho-hair) to express emotion >>4560
>>7198 >Product key memory layers >>6618
>>7198 >Python (programming language), NLTK toolkit for NLP >>7837 >>7196 >NLP introduction >>7837 >>7195 >Memory in Neural Networks >>6618 >>7187 >Forgetting in Neural Networks >>6618 >>7204 Value Systems in an AI >>7855
>>7852 >>7853 >>7854 >>7856 I feel that most of these should at the least be cross-linked under the AI index entry, if not proper sub-categories of it there. Opinions on this, Anon? Good idea to just consolidate the requests together btw.
>>7860 Okay, maybe, or both. If one searches for one specific topic he should find it by letter. That was the idea, or not? Also consider how long the entry under AI could get. I thought that even threads like the one on GPT2/3 should also be linked under G like GPT, but could also be mentioned in the entry for AI.
>>7862 >That was the idea, or not? Yes, multi-indexing is both commonplace in these sorts of encyclopedic indexes, and definitely necessary here. The challenge for us as editors is properly choosing the primary/cross-link distinctions. Brevity is a premium here, as you say >Also consider how long the entry under AI could get. If we do our jobs right here, this will likely become quite a comprehensive list IMO. Fortunately we can also just edit things afterwards.
waifusearch> PWM OR Pulse-width modulation THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Single board computers & micro-c >>3736 pulse width modulation Micromouse - Minimum Viable Supe >>3574 pwm " >>3589 " " >>3608 " " >>3627 " " >>3640 " " >>3641 " Robowaifu Systems Engineering >>4640 " Embedded Programming Group Learn >>367 pulse width modulation " >>3762 pwm HAPPY BIRTHDAY /ROBOWAIFU/ >>7977 " " >>7984 " Proto1 All Parts >>6729 " ' pwm | pulse width modulation ' = 13 results https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse-width_modulation >=== -edit subject -add alternate spelling search -add article link
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/19/2021 (Fri) 04:09:03.
waifusearch> RC OR radio control OR remote control ORDERED: ======== THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Single board computers & micro-c >>8366 radio control Robowaifus' unique advantages >>7816 rc Micromouse - Minimum Viable Supe >>3587 remote control " >>3589 rc Robot Wife Programming >>7828 " Robot Vision General >>9297 " Plastic Production >>8053 " Bipedal Robot Locomotion General >>4504 " " >>4505 " " >>5645 " Aoki Lapis model; Robot fairy >>1005 " Robotics sites, organizations an >>546 " Embedded Programming Group Learn >>3813 " " >>3815 " " >>3819 " " >>3837 " Actuators for waifu movement! >>4316 " " >>4773 " " >>7108 radio control " >>8212 rc " >>9198 " Prototypes and failures >>969 " " >>973 rc, (radio, control) HAPPY BIRTHDAY /ROBOWAIFU/ >>7977 rc " >>7980 " " >>7981 " Making money with AI and robowai >>1642 " What's the future of /robowaifu/ >>2743 remote control Wheelchair Waifus >>8934 " " >>8936 rc, remote control " >>8950 rc Work on my Elfdroid Sophie >>7509 " " >>8558 remote control " >>8907 rc " >>8912 " " >>8914 " Proto1 All Parts >>6886 " How to invest in Robo Waifus? >>9244 " " >>9245 " " >>9360 " " >>9415 " " >>9416 " UN-ORDERED: =========== THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Single board computers & micro-c >>3736 (remote, control) R&D General >>83 " Robot Wife Programming >>2391 (radio, control) Visual Waifus >>1124 " New machine learning AI released >>4769 (remote, control) Actuators for waifu movement! >>4319 " Why consider alternative CPU arc >>4523 " ' rc | radio control | remote control ' [42 : 7] = 49 results
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/01/2021 (Thu) 20:58:48.
>>7256 >tags = ['sophie', This is actually a good example case of why we need better refinement of tags, for more specificity. For example, here's the current waifusearch for the term 'sophie': waifusearch> Sophie THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Robo Face Development >>5042 sophie C++ General >>7616 " R&D General >>5038 " Robot Wife Programming >>7821 " Waifus in society >>4206 " your file is too big onii-chan >>7789 " Robot skeletons and armatures >>7634 " Actuators for waifu movement! >>7086 " " >>7106 " " >>7217 " " >>7220 " Robowaifu Design Software >>5188 " " >>8076 " " >>8095 " HAPPY BIRTHDAY /ROBOWAIFU/ >>7224 " " >>7981 " My Waifu >>2496 " " >>2497 " " >>2498 " " >>2500 " " >>2578 " " >>2580 " " >>2581 " /robowaifu/ Embassy Thread >>8135 " Wheelchair Waifus >>4297 " /robowaifu/meta-2: Electric Boog >>7765 " Sophie Development Continues >>4146 " " >>4154 " " >>4166 " " >>4193 " " >>4197 " " >>4203 " " >>4204 " " >>4216 " Sophie Bot STL Files Uploaded >>4198 " " >>4202 " Hand Development >>4870 " " >>4876 " Work on my Elfdroid Sophie >>4787 " " >>4788 " " >>4858 " " >>4882 " " >>5000 " " >>5159 " " >>5302 " " >>5431 " " >>6049 " " >>6051 " " >>6319 " " >>6322 " " >>6659 " " >>6662 " " >>6713 " " >>6976 " " >>7264 " " >>7502 " " >>7512 " " >>7619 " " >>7621 " " >>7627 " " >>7698 " " >>7945 " " >>7948 " " >>7972 " " >>7993 " " >>8019 " " >>8025 " " >>8032 " " >>8086 " " >>8087 " " >>8094 " " >>8182 " " >>8268 " " >>8269 " " >>8288 " " >>8290 " " >>8308 " " >>8356 " " >>8381 " " >>8392 " " >>8410 " " >>8573 " " >>8598 " Haute Sepplesberry Cuisine TBH >>8027 " Proto1 All Parts >>6326 " " >>6329 " new user and seeing how it works >>7726 " ' sophie ' = 87 results 70 results. While that's comprehensive enough (potentially exhaustive even), it's not bringing a lot to the table for the searcher just trying to quickly find that one important bit of information on Elfdroid Sophie. Her hand designs, for example. And for the newcomer...well, I'd say that result set is rather too large TBH. ATM, I can't really think of a more effective means to manage tagging with sufficient refinement than doing so by hand. Waifusearch is a reality now, so it could help us all along in that process. But as far as doing it otherwise, we still have a ways to go yet in achieving an AI that has enough semantic and contextual awareness to do it all automatically for us. However, this is obviously the goal in the end -- and not just for this specific need either. It strikes me now that this little project of automatically tagging all of /robowaifu/ might just prove to be an effective means to finally achieving the long sought-after goal of a contextually-aware AI. At the least it's a sufficiently narrowly-defined goal to have more than just the slimmest chance of success at it (anytime Real Soon Now™). At least that's my take on the matter. I'd be interested to hear anyone else's views on this important AI topic. >=== -edit prose
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/19/2021 (Fri) 04:02:59.
>>7997 >Waifusearch is a reality now, so it could help us all along in that process Yes, we'll still need humans for the tags. But when we have more tags, the search could break down huge search results by searching again in those results and break them into sections. >contextually-aware AI Waifusearch is certainly going to be helpful and I like the result so far,. it's quite amazing. Sophie is a big and complex topic, having links to a thread with subjects like "face" or "hand development" creates more context.
Open file (445.15 KB 718x877 1609456596802.jpg)
>>8000 >But when we have more tags, the search could break down huge search results by searching again in those results and break them into sections. Yes, we can easily do just that Anon. I'll put it on the TODO: listings. >checked digits :^) Happy New Year
>>8000 Just in case you have a RaspberryPi machine Anon, we have waifusearch working there now too. >>8026
waifusearch> SolveSpace THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Robo Face Development >>4600 solvespace " >>4607 " Robot skeletons and armatures >>8093 " " >>8596 " Actuators for waifu movement! >>8170 " Robowaifu Design Software >>4390 " " >>4423 " " >>4795 " " >>5188 " " >>8076 " " >>8079 " Prototypes and failures >>8034 " " >>8372 " Work on my Elfdroid Sophie >>6342 " " >>6344 " " >>8379 " " >>8380 " ' solvespace ' = 17 results https://github.com/solvespace/solvespace https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SolveSpace >=== -add external links
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/19/2021 (Fri) 04:01:34.
Alright, for the time being (and until we come up with a more sophisticated solution), I think we'll just have to settle for making waifusearch posts ITT, and then we can link them into the index system above. So please get the tool working on your own systems Anons, and post important searches ITT. BTW, you might think about different spellings, etc., and add any valuable external links into your post as well. For example, PWM >>7982 , or RC >>7983 . Cheers. >software building instructions >>7933 >RaspberryPi building instructions >>8026 https://files.catbox.moe/tmu6qr.7z 3e3173220fd46b093771f98c37760da8eb0a69be3b32a4ed9b20388d81a226de waifusearch-0.1f.tar.xz >=== -add crosslinks -add D/L link & sha256sum
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/08/2021 (Fri) 20:10:23.
waifusearch> papercraft THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Micromouse - Minimum Viable Supe >>3579 papercraft Who wouldn't hug a kiwi. >>6154 " Robot skeletons and armatures >>8089 " Papercraft waifu >>271 " Tools to Create 3D Models of Hum >>4353 " ' papercraft ' = 5 results
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/19/2021 (Fri) 04:00:26.
>>8090 Heh, not much use atm. I'll redo this search here after the Papercraft waifu thread is repopulated.
waifusearch> linear algebra THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK AI Software >>5813 linear algebra Robowaifu Simulator >>1899 " " >>2017 " " >>2044 " ROBOWAIFU U >>2970 " General Robotics/A.I. news and c >>6873 " /robowaifu/meta-2: Electric Boog >>6934 " " >>6962 " " >>6964 " Sophie Development Continues >>4216 " Beginners guide to AI, ML, DL. >>6567 " " >>6570 " " >>6573 " F = ma >>7787 " ' linear algebra ' = 14 results http://immersivemath.com/ila/tableofcontents.html
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/19/2021 (Fri) 03:59:15.
waifusearch> blender THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Robo Face Development >>4493 blender " >>4494 " " >>4549 " " >>5134 " " >>5330 " " >>5407 " " >>5887 " AI, chatbots, and waifus >>3190 " " >>3199 " " >>4062 " Meta Tread >>1787 " Robowaifu Simulator >>1638 " " >>1886 " " >>4281 " " >>5412 " " >>5415 " " >>5416 " " >>5417 " " >>5446 " " >>5453 " " >>5455 " " >>5510 " Robot skeletons and armatures >>7686 " ROBOWAIFU U >>5400 " Bipedal Robot Locomotion General >>1617 " Visual Waifus >>4008 " " >>4016 " " >>4023 " " >>4037 " Aoki Lapis model; Robot fairy >>1038 " " >>1048 " Fluffytail 800 dev thread >>6212 " " >>6213 " " >>6215 " " >>6216 " Waifu Robotics Project Dump >>3435 " Homemade doll waifu thread >>372 " General Robotics/A.I. news and c >>6534 " " >>6535 " Robowaifu Design Software >>414 " " >>1178 " " >>1179 " " >>1180 " " >>1183 " " >>5188 " " >>8079 " " >>8102 " " >>8106 " Tools to Create 3D Models of Hum >>415 " " >>436 " " >>437 " " >>474 " " >>475 " " >>477 " " >>478 " " >>4565 " Roastie Fear 2: Electric Boogalo >>6465 " Feasibility and thinking about r >>1528 " " >>1530 " " >>1547 " " >>1857 " HAPPY BIRTHDAY /ROBOWAIFU/ >>1629 " " >>7226 " My Waifu >>2512 " " >>2513 " Short Stacks the Obvious Solutio >>3106 " What's the future of /robowaifu/ >>2752 " Robowaifu Propaganda and Recruit >>3162 " " >>3163 " Early Business Ideas >>3145 " " >>3148 " " >>5351 " Work on my Elfdroid Sophie >>6319 " " >>6322 " " >>6976 " " >>6988 " " >>8380 " " >>8389 " ' blender ' = 78 results
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/19/2021 (Fri) 03:58:03.
>>7300 Actually after a month or two using what's now called waifusearch, I've come to entirely agree with you. I'm no longer including the JSON for this thread or for the old archives thread >>273 in the source files, because of redundant (and useless) results showing up. Heh, I should've taken your advice earlier Anon. :^)
waifusearch> wheelchair THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK AFFORDABLE, PRACTICAL WAIFUBOTS >>845 wheelchair Robot skeletons and armatures >>1697 " " >>1884 " Bipedal Robot Locomotion General >>1618 " " >>1621 " " >>5226 " Walking >>556 " Building the ultimate waifu. >>1130 " Waifu Robotics Project Dump >>3534 " Wheelchair Waifus >>2983 " " >>2987 " " >>3038 " " >>3043 " " >>3065 " " >>3208 " " >>8121 " " >>8125 " " >>8210 " " >>8218 " " >>8224 " " >>8303 " " >>8520 " Sophie Development Continues >>4166 " Work on my Elfdroid Sophie >>7503 " " >>8510 " " >>8558 " ' wheelchair ' = 26 results
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/19/2021 (Fri) 03:56:30.
waifusearch> Neuromorphic THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK AI, chatbots, and waifus >>4061 neuromorphic " >>4062 " AI Software >>1227 " Robot Vision General >>4786 " ROBOWAIFU U >>2526 " " >>2558 " " >>3011 " ITT: Anons derail the board into >>2081 " " >>2085 " " >>2086 " " >>2087 " Biological synthetic brains for >>2204 " /robowaifu/meta-2: Electric Boog >>3937 " " >>4045 " Why consider alternative CPU arc >>8321 " ' neuromorphic ' = 15 results https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neuromorphic_engineering
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/19/2021 (Fri) 03:55:11.
waifusearch> cheetah OR cheeta OR cheetha THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Bipedal Robot Locomotion General >>6041 cheetah Actuators for waifu movement! >>4890 cheetha " >>8307 cheeta " >>8362 cheetah " >>8363 " ' cheetah | cheeta | cheetha ' = 5 results
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/19/2021 (Fri) 03:52:38.
waifusearch> Lycra OR Elastane OR Elastan OR Spandex OR Mylar THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK R&D General >>8311 mylar " >>8314 lycra, elastane, spandex " >>8328 lycra, elastan, spandex, mylar " >>8432 lycra, elastane, spandex " >>8504 mylar " >>8523 " Waifu Materials >>4349 spandex " >>5189 lycra " >>6883 spandex Robowaifu Thermal Management >>4371 " ' lycra | elastane | elastan | spandex | mylar ' = 10 results
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/19/2021 (Fri) 03:47:53.
waifusearch> hamcat THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Robo Face Development >>7725 hamcat Robot skeletons and armatures >>7722 " " >>8156 " " >>8602 " Waifu Robotics Project Dump >>7707 " " >>7709 " " >>8603 " Prototypes and failures >>8585 " " >>8588 " " >>8601 " ' hamcat ' = 10 results
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 02/19/2021 (Fri) 03:54:00.
waifusearch> dancing OR dance OR dances THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK AI, chatbots, and waifus >>5253 dancing " >>5255 " Robowaifu fiction to promote the >>3402 " Meta Tread >>1650 " The Basement Lounge >>8198 " NLP General >>7837 dancing, dance R&D General >>9334 dance Robowaifu Systems Engineering >>4640 dancing What can we buy today? >>2534 " Robot skeletons and armatures >>5328 " " >>8641 " " >>8644 dance " >>8648 dancing ROBOWAIFU U >>3059 dance Bipedal Robot Locomotion General >>5223 dancing " >>9055 " Visual Waifus >>8377 " Walking >>4411 " Entry Level Waifu >>454 " Waifu Robotics Project Dump >>3483 dance General Robotics/A.I. news and c >>6685 " Actuators for waifu movement! >>4320 dancing " >>7108 " " >>9195 " Robot waifu desires >>5273 " Prototypes and failures >>969 " HAPPY BIRTHDAY /ROBOWAIFU/ >>7228 " Biological synthetic brains for >>2203 dance Robowaifu Propaganda and Recruit >>6446 dancing /robowaifu/ Embassy Thread >>4460 " Wheelchair Waifus >>3038 dances /robowaifu/meta-2: Electric Boog >>4180 dancing " >>7880 dance " >>7968 dancing Hand Development >>4870 " Haute Sepplesberry Cuisine TBH >>5346 dance " >>8769 " robowaifu energy systems >>5087 " F = ma >>7777 " " >>7786 dancing, dance " >>7802 dancing " >>7811 " " >>7889 dancing, dance ' dancing | dance | dances ' = 43 results
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/01/2021 (Thu) 21:06:45.
waifusearch> alita THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Robo Face Development >>4501 alita " >>4502 " " >>4568 " " >>4737 " " >>4738 " " >>5252 " " >>5288 " " >>5329 " " >>8232 " " >>8236 " " >>8246 " " >>9260 " Meta Tread >>164 " Robowaifus in media >>6770 " " >>7008 " " >>7866 " " >>9161 " What can we buy today? >>8189 " " >>8192 " " >>8194 " " >>8195 " Robot skeletons and armatures >>8406 " " >>9352 " " >>9386 " Waifu Robotics Project Dump >>9039 " " >>9042 " Actuators for waifu movement! >>5276 " " >>5277 " Robowaifu Design Software >>9355 " HAPPY BIRTHDAY /ROBOWAIFU/ >>7228 " /robowaifu/ Embassy Thread >>4961 " Work on my Elfdroid Sophie >>5301 " " >>5302 " " >>7264 " A.I. Masters Proteomics >>7479 " /robowaifu/meta-3: Spring Blosso >>8617 " " >>9358 " ' alita ' = 37 results
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/01/2021 (Thu) 21:04:22.
waifusearch> systems engineering ORDERED: ======== THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK C++ General >>8697 systems engineering R&D General >>1632 " Robowaifu Systems Engineering >>98 " " >>99 " " >>110 " Waifus in society >>876 " Robowaifu Thermal Management >>4303 " Robot skin? Possible sensitivity >>865 " Embedded Programming Group Learn >>3817 " What's the future of /robowaifu/ >>4585 " HOW TO SOLVE IT >>8753 " " >>8754 " " >>8757 " UN-ORDERED: =========== THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK (Robo)Waifu personality thread >>468 (systems, engineering) Meta Tread >>1997 " The Basement Lounge >>7319 " R&D General >>6582 " Robot Wife Programming >>3676 " " >>6722 " Robowaifu Systems Engineering >>4639 " Selecting a Programming Language >>8608 " Robot skeletons and armatures >>8172 " Robowaifu Thermal Management >>4471 " New machine learning AI released >>4805 " Hold onto your papers >>7857 " General Robotics/A.I. news and c >>6702 " Actuators for waifu movement! >>4313 " Robowaifu Propaganda and Recruit >>3245 " /robowaifu/ Embassy Thread >>9154 " " >>9196 " Wheelchair Waifus >>2983 " /robowaifu/meta-2: Electric Boog >>5724 " " >>6759 " Work on my Elfdroid Sophie >>7993 " ' systems engineering ' [13 : 21] = 34 results
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 04/01/2021 (Thu) 21:03:35.
waifusearch> bicentennial man THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Batteries & Power >>791 bicentennial man Robowaifus in media >>8276 " " >>8280 " " >>9689 " What happens to your robowaifu w >>1536 " " >>4347 " " >>4382 " " >>4383 " ' bicentennial man ' = 8 results
Can this get stickied?
>>11384 Yes, it usually is ATM, unless an 'event' thread is ongoing. R/N that's the 'Delete' thread (the idea is for everyone to weigh in on their view of anon's request to do so). This should be restickied again after Sunday or so.
waifusearch> solenoid | solenoids THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Robo Face Development >>4493 solenoid, solenoids R&D General >>9984 solenoid " >>9995 " " >>10002 solenoid, solenoids " >>10003 solenoid " >>10004 " " >>10030 solenoid, solenoids " >>10044 solenoids " >>10046 solenoid Robowaifu Thermal Management >>4552 solenoids Actuators for waifu movement! >>4320 " " >>4343 " " >>4356 " " >>4364 solenoid, solenoids " >>4447 solenoid " >>9195 " " >>10026 solenoids " >>10150 solenoid " >>10180 solenoids ' solenoid | solenoids ' = 19 results
waifusearch> Tensegrity THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK R&D General >>5448 tensegrity Waifu Materials >>6507 " Robot skeletons and armatures >>4398 " " >>4416 " " >>8089 " " >>8158 " Building the ultimate waifu. >>7653 " Papercraft waifu >>9016 " Actuators for waifu movement! >>5108 " /robowaifu/ Embassy Thread >>4832 " " >>4833 " " >>4844 " " >>4848 " " >>4855 " Hand Development >>4877 " " >>4879 " Open Simple Robot Maid (OSRM) >>11580 " " >>11581 " " >>11583 " " >>12520 " ' tensegrity ' = 20 results
waifusearch> center mass OR central mass OR center of gravity ORDERED: ======== THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Robowaifus in media >>10873 (center, mass), central mass, center of gravity Bipedal Robot Locomotion General >>1776 center of gravity " >>1806 " " >>1873 (center, mass), center of gravity " >>9054 center of gravity " >>12562 (center, mass), center of gravity Waifu Robotics Project Dump >>8604 " Actuators for waifu movement! >>8986 (center, mass), central mass, center of gravity Prototypes and failures >>12937 (center, mass), center of gravity /robowaifu/ Embassy Thread >>4855 center of gravity F = ma >>7788 (center, mass), central mass, center of gravity /robowaifu/meta-5: It's Good To >>15533 center of gravity " >>15559 " " >>15620 (center, mass), center of gravity MaidCom Development >>16216 central mass " >>16259 " " >>16265 " Ashiel - A Robowaifu Design Proj >>16355 center of gravity " >>16405 central mass " >>16432 (center, mass), center of gravity UN-ORDERED: =========== THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Waifu Materials >>15682 (central, mass) Robowaifu Simulator >>5446 (center, mass) Bipedal Robot Locomotion General >>9053 " " >>9057 " New United Robowaifu Project >>370 " Hand Development >>11485 (central, mass) Open Simple Robot Maid (OSRM) >>12169 (center, mass) Actuators For Waifu Movement Par >>16996 " Ashiel - A Robowaifu Design Proj >>16424 " ' center mass | central mass | center of gravity ' [20 : 9] = 29 results
waifusearch> thrown weight OR unsprung mass THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Electronics General >>4736 thrown weight Waifu Robotics Project Dump >>10121 " Humanoid Robot Projects Videos >>16373 " General Robotics/A.I. news and c >>1238 " Actuators for waifu movement! >>11977 " Prototypes and failures >>12937 " " >>12952 " Hand Development >>11485 " Elfdroid Sophie Dev Thread 2 >>14916 " " >>14931 " Actuators For Waifu Movement Par >>13203 " " >>13210 unsprung mass " >>13211 thrown weight, unsprung mass /robowaifu/meta-4: Rugged Mounta >>13060 thrown weight /robowaifu/meta-5: It's Good To >>15620 " MaidCom Development >>16047 " " >>16259 " ' thrown weight | unsprung mass ' = 17 results
waifusearch> reluctance THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Actuators for waifu movement! >>12014 reluctance " >>12062 " " >>12131 " " >>12140 " " >>12482 " " >>12910 " " >>12912 " " >>12915 " Actuators For Waifu Movement Par >>12930 " " >>13229 " " >>13236 " " >>13257 " ' reluctance ' = 12 results
waifusearch> Dielectric elastomer OR Dielectric elastomers THREAD SUBJECT POST LINK Robo Face Development >>6562 dielectric elastomers R&D General >>8502 " " >>8503 " " >>8505 " " >>8519 " " >>10049 " Waifu Robotics Project Dump >>8606 " Actuators for waifu movement! >>10639 dielectric elastomer, dielectric elastomers Actuators For Waifu Movement Par >>12929 dielectric elastomers " >>12932 dielectric elastomer " >>12939 dielectric elastomers " >>13229 " " >>13231 " " >>13232 " " >>13678 " " >>16922 dielectric elastomer, dielectric elastomers /robowaifu/meta-4: Rugged Mounta >>13085 dielectric elastomers General Robotics/A.I. News & Com >>16913 dielectric elastomer ' dielectric elastomer | dielectric elastomers ' = 18 results

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